The head of one of the data centers estimates the cost of CloudDC at about $ 70 million.

Rosneft and Sibintek declined to comment, CloudDC and Nikolai Katorzhnov did not respond to requests from RBC.

Special center

CloudDC is a relatively young player in the data center market, it has a site in Zelenograd, the design of which is certified by the Uptime Institute for Tier III compliance, says Dmitry Fokin, managing director of IXcellerate. Tier III is one of the highest data center reliability indicators with a fault tolerance level of 99.98%. “The actual capabilities of the provider are limited by the infrastructure with 150 racks. This is a small size by the classic standards of data center construction, ”says Dmitry Fokin.

“According to my information, Rosneft had plans to acquire its own data center. However, building from scratch will require significant investments in engineering systems and related equipment, the prices of which have increased over the past three years due to the fall of the ruble. In addition, construction and certification will take at least two years, ”says General Director of I-Teco Shamil Shakirov.

In addition, owners of a data center located in a SEZ can count on certain tax benefits. So, SEZ residents are exempt from customs duties on the import of equipment and property tax, insurance premiums for them have been reduced from 34 to 14%, income tax - from 20 to 13.5%, according to the website of the Neudorf data center located in the SEZ St. Petersburg.

“The main advantage in this case can be considered the optimization of operating costs due to the favorable tax status, as well as benefits in obtaining access to energy resources. In addition, the location of the site in the immediate vicinity of the science city provides good conditions for the formation of human resources, ”adds Elena Ershova, analyst at iKS-Consulting.

Photo: Nikitin Nikolay / TASS

Sibintek intends in the near future to strengthen its competencies in the field of the industrial Internet and optimize the management of information assets of enterprises belonging to Rosneft, says Ershova. For example, about a month ago, the company announced the creation of a joint venture with General Electric, which will focus on optimizing the system for collecting, processing and analyzing industrial data obtained from remote fields and processing plants. “CloudDC modular datacenter is very well suited to meet these challenges. Firstly, it has already been tested in the operating mode. Secondly, it is initially focused on the placement of racks with high-density equipment, which allows it to be used for any task. Thirdly, and this is a very important point, the site's design documentation is certified by the Uptime Institute for compliance with the Tier III fault tolerance requirements, ”says Ershova.

“In a world where information is becoming an increasingly valuable asset, it will be difficult to compete without advanced IT technologies,” Igor Sechin, Chief Executive Officer of Rosneft, wrote in his column “Rosneft-2022: Strategy for the Future”. “The future belongs to technologies of remote monitoring, diagnostics and production management based on processing big data arrays (big data) ... We must move to a new,“ digital ”model of the company's work”.

Laws don't help

“The data center market is now oversaturated, as investors' expectations for an increase in demand for data storage in connection with the latest legislative initiatives have not been fully justified. In these conditions, the buyer of a data center can get an attractive price offer, ”says Shakirov. According to analysts of TAdviser, the Russian market of commercial data centers shows positive dynamics, but it is not too high. At the end of 2015, the market grew by 15% and reached 13 billion rubles, and by the end of 2016 it should have reached 14.5 billion rubles, experts predicted.

Market participants really expected a more explosive growth in demand for data center services in connection with the law passed in September 2015, which prescribes the storage of personal data of Russians on the territory of the country. Then, in July 2016, the so-called Yarovaya law came into force, which, from July 1, 2018, obliges all telecommunications companies to store conversations and correspondence of subscribers for up to six months, which will also require significant computing power from telecom operators. “The transfer of personal data to Russia did not have a strong impact on the market, especially since many large companies still comply with this law in a peculiar way. And there are still too many unknowns with the Yarovaya law, ”says the head of one large data center.

But the growth of the data center market can be facilitated by the Digital Economy program, the draft of which was sent to President Vladimir Putin on June 30. According to the document, in 2018 it is proposed to develop a general layout of data centers, taking into account plans for the development of energy and telecommunications infrastructures, as well as to create a consortium of data centers. In addition, officials plan to create a distributed data center system in the country, consisting of eight facilities in each federal district. At the same time, data center operators can receive certain benefits, including a simplified procedure for access to the energy infrastructure and access to the wholesale electricity market.

According to Dmitry Fokin, in the Russian data center market, there is now a tendency towards a clear enlargement of facilities and an increase in the capacity of existing players from the top 15. “In the medium term, a data center is a facility for 2-3 thousand racks, with even higher electricity consumption, with a high level of connectivity, with a high-quality infrastructure corresponding to the Tier III level of reliability,” says Fokin.

LLC IC SIBINTEK (a company of the PJSC NK Rosneft Group) and General Electric signed a Shareholders Agreement to establish a joint venture (JV) for the development of the industrial Internet in Russia and the implementation of advanced digital solutions at Rosneft facilities and in the Russian oil and gas industry.

The joint venture will focus on developing the use of digital technologies in Rosneft's production activities, primarily in such capital-intensive industries as oil refining and petrochemicals. By implementing the latest digital solutions, it is planned to optimize the systems for collecting, processing and analyzing industrial data obtained from remote fields and processing plants of the Company. Within the framework of the joint venture, the companies plan to create about 150 jobs for highly qualified specialists.

At the first stage, the key task of the joint venture will be the implementation at a number of the Company's refineries with a total capacity of more than 110 million tons of the program "Management of the efficiency of production assets and equipment reliability" using the APM Meridium digital solution. The implementation of this program will make it possible to predict the technical condition of the equipment of enterprises, prevent emergency situations due to early detection of malfunctions and reduce the risks of unplanned downtime of production facilities.

In the future, within the framework of the joint venture, the parties plan to create and implement a number of functional technological solutions using the digital platform Predix developed by General Electric and other solutions. It is assumed that the enterprise will work with cloud technologies for local data processing and storage, using the infrastructure on the territory of the Russian Federation. The joint venture also plans to implement a number of projects on integrated resource management, including expanded exploration production management (“digital field”) and visualization of the refining process.

Following the signing of the agreement, Igor Sechin said: “The introduction of the latest digital solutions at the production and oil refining facilities of Rosneft will help to increase the efficiency of our work. I am confident that a joint venture with the global technology leader - GE - will allow us to significantly expand our competencies in the field of modern information technologies. An important practical effect of the project will be a fundamental improvement in the quality of control of material flows and a decrease in the loss of oil and oil products. "

Commenting on the signing, Ron Pollett, GE Vice President, President and CEO of GE Russia / CIS, said: “GE is leading the global industry transformation, driven by the emergence of new digital capabilities that drive process efficiencies, equipment life and support. industrial safety. We are proud that today our strategic partnership with Rosneft is reaching a new level - from projects for the supply of industrial equipment to the joint development of advanced digital solutions aimed at further developing the Russian oil and gas industry. "

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Since the beginning of 2016, Rosneft's IT projects have been managed by the integrator Sibintek, partly owned but not fully controlled by the state oil company.

Under the contract signed for 2016-2018, Sibintek is also responsible for the development and control of changes in the IT architecture in Rosneft, preparation of procurement documentation, and support for the activities of the expert council on information technologies.

For three-year outsourcing services of the project office, Rosneft will pay Sibintek 542.8 million rubles. The integrator, in turn, will have to send a team of 43 people to work for the customer for the entire duration of the contract.

Project management

As part of the work on the management of IT projects, Sibintek will coordinate a portfolio of projects, TOR, SLA, contracts for the provision of services / works, contracts for the supply of equipment and licenses, coordination of project charters, network and resource schedules, development and approval acceptance quality criteria, control of the actual expenditure of resources by suppliers, control of terms, etc.

Also in the area of ​​responsibility of Sibintek is organizing the formation of a library of best practices for IT solutions of Rosneft Oil Company, quality control and completeness of the development of design and operational documentation.

During 2016-2018, it is assumed that the integrator will have to provide services for up to 600 IT projects and IT initiatives.

At least 16 full-time specialists of Sibintek should work on these tasks - project managers, specialists in IT infrastructure, information security, software SAP, Microsoft, 1C, etc.

Moreover, these specialists "must be in full-time work throughout the entire time of work on the project at the customer's site," says the terms of reference.

IT architecture management

As part of the work on IT architecture management for business applications, Sibintek will review the choice of IT platforms, the choice of architectural solutions, options for IT infrastructure and infrastructure decision-making, options for integrating IT systems.

Also in the integrator's area of ​​responsibility will be control and placement of the description of the IT architecture in the general repository, administration of the task for architectural support, interaction with manufacturers, reviewing the need for the acquisition of IT equipment, development of a contracting strategy. Sibintek will be responsible for equipment testing and license management.

The terms of reference prescribes that 17 Sibintek employees will be engaged in these tasks full-time - one certified IT architect, two infrastructure specialists, two in information security, two in SAP, two in 1C, etc.

One of the functions of Sibintek will be to prepare materials for holding an IT expert council at Rosneft. 72 meetings are planned over three years. At the expert council, based on materials prepared by Sibintek, it is planned to select IT platforms and architectural solutions, agree on a portfolio of IT projects, etc.

The Expert Council will form applications for IT services, IT projects and IT initiatives, and the integrator will have to process them. In 2016-2018, it is planned to send up to 3,600 applications to Sibintek. Six employees of Sibintek should be sent to serve the expert council on a full-time basis.

Another task of the integrator is to organize the process of preparing procurement documentation in the field of IT. For this, Sibintek will provide Rosneft with four employees.

Finally, the functions of a technical customer, which Sibintek will also undertake, include identifying business needs, setting goals, preparing project feasibility studies, generating project scopes and making calculations of economic efficiency, planning resources and budget, and monitoring work performance.


Project and architecture management outsourcing is a rather rarely used type of outsourcing. Most often, project offices operate within the customer companies, and outsourced, for example, technical support, where all tasks are easily standardized.

We participated in several similar competitions, - says TAdviser Alexander Fainboim, head of IT outsourcing at the Krok company. “In addition, several of our customers had external project management. In particular, in one large financial institution. However, after six months, the customer and the external contractor with the functions of a project manager came to a complete misunderstanding. One wanted live functionality corresponding to dynamically changing business processes, and the second called for doing everything in strict accordance with the established schedule and rules from the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge).

As a result, the top management of the customer company, as far as Fineboim knows, considered this experience not very successful, and henceforth it was decided to look for resources within the company. Most often, in order to correctly form business requirements for an ongoing project, it is important to be inside the corporate culture, the expert adds.

But maybe it will work specifically in Rosneft, he believes: “This is not a bank, business processes do not change so dynamically, and you can adhere to standard practices and clearly defined rules for project implementation. Another important point is that the management of its own assets was transferred to a company, which the customer partially owns. "

Fineboim sees several risks of outsourcing IT project management:

First, you need to realize that it is illogical to prescribe the number of people in the terms of reference, otherwise it is easier to recruit external people or a whole project office by contacting an outstaffing agency.

The second nuance of outsourcing a project office is to link the implementation of projects to the terms of the IT outsourcing contract. If the three-year contract expires in the middle of the project, and another company wins the next competition, then the entire management team will have to change, which may be fundamentally disagreeing with the methods of work of its competitors, or adhere to a different strategy. The risks of being in such a situation are quite high.

Another thing is a competition to support projects for the implementation of specific systems. In this case, it is much easier to link the timing of the project to the duration of the contract. Therefore, it is much more efficient to outsource either the management of specific projects, or conclude a long-term contract, for example, for 10 years. In this case, the risk of changing the management team can be reduced.

The third moment, which may confuse the customer, is that the contractor has the opportunity to keep abreast of all the projects that are being carried out in the company. Unscrupulous contractors can try to use this to their advantage up to writing a technical assignment for a planned project "for themselves" or a "related" company.

In general, project management is a rather specific process, and taking on the function of complete management of all IT projects without being part of the company is a rather responsible task, the expert concludes.

Source -

In order for Russia to be able to pursue an independent foreign and domestic policy, to be able to defend its national interests, so that there is no return to the 90s of the twentieth century, in order to preserve the integrity of the country, Russia must be strong. The basis of the power of any state is the real economy.

One of the most important economic sectors in Russia that provides the state with the ability to fulfill its social obligations, maintain stability in the country, and restore defense capability is the fuel and energy complex and the oil company Rosneft, which is part of it.

The ability of any company to solve the tasks it faces, to fulfill its plans is largely determined by the corporate governance system. The management system of such fuel and energy companies as Rosneft must maintain continuity, efficiency and stability in everyday conditions, emergencies and special periods. If these requirements are met in some key companies, the stability of the state system of economic management as a whole is maintained.

The material basis for the management system of any geographically distributed companies, such as Gazprom, Transneft, Rosneft, is corporate communication, automation and information security systems. It is these subsystems that ensure not only the creation of a single corporate information space, but also allow to combine disparate tangible assets into a single whole.

In such companies as Gazprom, Transneft, Lukoil and others, 100% internal subsidiaries deal with issues of automation of management and communications. This is the most economically profitable, since it ensures the achievement of the minimum level of costs and the maximum level of information and economic security.

Rosneft was unlucky (in contrast to the listed large state and private fuel companies).

Over the past sixteen years of the oil giant's history, the top management of Rosneft has viewed the material basis of the corporate management system as a non-core activity. From which it is necessary to get rid of, taking it out of the controlled perimeter of the company's management, and at the same time making good money on this by becoming the beneficiary of the withdrawn asset.

In 2000-2003, S. Bogdanchikov and N. Borisenko carried out the withdrawal of assets, employees and contracts of RN-Teleport (100% of a subsidiary of Rosneft) to Roilkom (owned by N. Borisenko).

In 2008, Rosneft established a new 100% multiservice IT subsidiary, RN-Inform, and an attempt was made to return IT assets under its control.

In 2012-2015, under I. Sechin, the new IT manager A. Strokovich made an attempt to outsource the assets. Such a "focus" with a group of like-minded people was implemented by him at OJSC "TNK-BP" together with the companies "Optima" and "Teskom". At the same time, the structure of Rosneft's IT service has degraded even more.

A new attempt to withdraw IT resources and IT cash flow to LLC IC Sibintek was made by CFO P. Lazarev after A.Strokovich's dismissal in the second half of 2015.

The press service of Rosneft told Interfax that the company considers IT assets to be non-core, so it organized an auction to manage them, in which IK Sibintek won.

Rosneft is taking IT assets out of its sole control, transferring it to a company not controlled by it and offshore owners.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Sibintek IK is only 49% owned by Rosneft subsidiaries, while 51% of the company belongs to Biznesconcept, which belongs to Region Trust, IK Region, WHPA Limited, Cyprus ".

In the auction for the management of RN-Inform and Rosneft assets in the field of process control systems, metrology, information security and communications, the winner is a company that does not have the necessary competencies. The annual revenue of IK Sibintek in 2014 amounted to about 391 million rubles, obtained through the lease of office space. There are about 80-100 employees in the staff.

For comparison. RN-Inform employs almost 10 (ten) thousand people !!! Annual revenue in 2014 amounted to about 16.5 billion rubles. The market budgetary valuation of assets under the management of RN-Inform, including real estate and qualified personnel, may amount to 200 billion rubles. In US dollars at the current exchange rate, this is more than 3 billion.

Just think, assets are transferred to IK Sibintek (free of charge and with an additional bonus of 600 million rubles) in an amount commensurate with what the state plans to receive from the privatization of 19% of Rosneft shares ... !!!

Top managers of Rosneft are silent about the fact that such actions will lead to increased costs, loss of control over a strategically important element of the corporate management system and a decrease in its stability, impossibility of timely modernization, and increased risks of loss of management in crisis situations.

In addition to economic damage, such actions by Rosneft top management deal a severe blow to the reputation of the state and the President of the Russian Federation.

The feeling is that the 90s of the twentieth century are back again. Under the guise of distracting talk about increasing efficiency, there is a seizure of assets on the eve of the public privatization of 19% of Rosneft. Many questions arise. First of all, to the Management Board and the Board of Directors.

For reference. The Rosneft Management Board consists of 13 people, the cost of its maintenance in 2015 compared to 2014 increased from 2.8 billion rubles. up to 3.6 billion rubles. (for 800 million rubles)