Children's dentistry

William Shakespeare

Slides: 28 Words: 880 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

"William Shakespeare - the man, the playwright, the poet." Renaissance (Renaissance) is an era in the cultural history of Europe in the 14th–16th centuries. Renaissance. Renaissance, or Renaissance (French Renaissance, Italian. The chronological framework of the era is the XIV-XVI centuries. Italian painter, architect and writer. Also known as the author of biographies of Italian artists. It was Giorgio Vasari who first introduced the term “Renaissance.” Giorgio Vasari (1511- 1574). GAME "Attack on one" Where did the Renaissance culture originate? (show on the map). What is the chronological framework of the era? Who is the most prominent representative of the Italian Renaissance?

William Shakespeare

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George Byron: The incomprehensible word “man”! And how to comprehend such a strange phenomenon? Renaissance era of the 15th – 16th centuries. Hamlet: “What a great creature is man! How noble in mind! How endless the abilities! How expressive and wonderful in appearance and movement! The beauty of the universe! The crown of all living things! Thomas More William Shakespeare 1478 – 1535 1564 -1616. The ideas of the Renaissance were established in the struggle. England fought with Spain, which protected the power of Catholicism throughout Europe. Elizabeth restored the reformed church. Under Elizabeth, English absolutism reached the height of its power. Queen Elizabeth I of England - William Shakespeare.ppt

Lesson on Shakespeare

Lesson topic: “The Mystery of William Shakespeare.” Purpose of the lesson: Generalize students' knowledge about the life and work of William Shakespeare. D. Joyce. England of the Renaissance. Entrance to the Bodleian Library. Oxford. 1. The Renaissance is the heyday of science, art, and literature. Information about Shakespeare's childhood and upbringing is scant and not always reliable. Shakespeare's sonnets. The other two foundations of the universe - Fire and air - are lighter. I send the breath of thought and the fire of desire to you, in spite of space. Translation of sonnet 45. V. Shakespeare - playwright. Shakespeare's plays are a great phenomenon of world literature. Ballet performances based on the plays of W. Shakespeare. - Lesson on Shakespeare.ppt

Playwright Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare is a great English playwright and poet, one of the most famous playwrights in the world, the author of 10 tragedies, 16 comedies, 6 historical chronicles - including those consisting of several parts, 4 poems and a cycle of 154 sonnets. William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, in 1564, the son of a craftsman and merchant. The surname "Shakespeare" can be translated from English as "spear-shaking". Shakespeare's mother, born Mary Arden, belonged to one of the oldest Saxon families. He studied at the “grammar school”, where the main subject was Latin and the basics of Greek. - Playwright Shakespeare.ppt

Shakespeare literature

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“Through the centuries, to unknown peoples and dialects...”. W. Shakespeare. The brilliant playwright changed the public's understanding of the theater. During his lifetime, Shakespeare's fame began to spread beyond England. Goethe and Schiller based their early works on Shakespeare's dramas. Shakespeare's plays are distinguished by their unusually rich and figurative language. The works of the great playwright in circulation compete with the most widely read book - the Bible. Over time, Shakespeare's fame and popularity only grew. The Globus Theater became the prototype of modern giants of the film industry. Shakespeare's creative and commercial activities contributed to the development of new theatrical professions. - Shakespeare literature.ppt

Revival of Shakespeare

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The works of William Shakespeare during the Renaissance. Renaissance. The Renaissance or Renaissance (French Renaissance, Italian. The Renaissance era in Italy. The Italian Renaissance enters a new stage of development at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries. The High Renaissance is very characterized by inspiration from classical antiquity. Rome became the most favorable for this hobby. A certain impact on The Renaissance in France also had a French culture. The ideas of the Renaissance were strengthened in the struggle with Spain, which protected the power of Catholicism throughout Europe - Shakespeare.ppt.

Shakespeare biography

Slides: 20 Words: 842 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Periods of William Shakespeare's creativity. Problematic question. The relevance of research. Objectives: To get acquainted with the works of W. Shakespeare. Give a historical description of England in the 16th century. Hypothesis. Object of study: works of W. Shakespeare. Subject of research: periods of the poet’s creativity. Research methods: heuristic and exploratory. Progress of the study. Study the biography of W. Shakespeare. Identify historical signs in the works of W. Shakespeare. Conduct a survey among students of the Bondar Secondary School about W. Shakespeare. Draw conclusions. Biography of W. Shakespeare. . Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) is a brilliant English poet and greatest playwright. - Shakespeare biography.ppt

The Life and Work of Shakespeare

Slides: 19 Words: 1948 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

William Shakespeare. Presentation on literature. William Shakespeare is an English playwright and poet. Born into the family of a craftsman and merchant, John Shakespeare. He studied at a grammar school, where he learned Latin and the basics of ancient Greek. Around 1612 he returned to Stratford. Attempts to establish the chronology of Shakespeare's work have been carried out since the 2nd half of the 18th century. First period (1590-1594). Early comedies: The Comedy of Errors (1592), The Taming of the Shrew (1593). Early tragedy: Titus Andronicus (1594). Second period (1595-1600). Chronicles close to the tragedy: "Richard II" (1595); "King John" (1596). - Life of Shakespeare.ppt

Shakespeare's works

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Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet

Slides: 27 Words: 978 Sounds: 1 Effects: 48

Shakespeare. (1564-1616). Shakespeare's house in Stratford. About the author The house in which William Shakespeare was born. View of London with the Globe Theater. Watercolor by I. Viskher. 1616. Performance at the Globe Theatre, London. About the author. The creative takeoff is associated with the Globus Theater. About the author Architectural monuments of Stratford-upon-Avon. The Age of Shakespeare's Heroes. Romeo and Juliet was written in 1595, the main theme is love and enmity. Creation of a work. The theme of internecine rivalry was relevant in Italy at that time. The development of high arts often coexisted in society with medieval cruelty of morals. - Shakespeare works.ppt

Shakespeare's sonnets in Russian

Slides: 20 Words: 1199 Sounds: 2 Effects: 2

The mysterious power of Shakespeare's sonnets. Problematic question. Why are William Shakespeare's sonnets so popular? The relevance of research. Many young people find it difficult to define a sonnet. We will try to attract the attention of young people to sonnets. Hypothesis. Object of study: sonnets by W. Shakespeare. Subject of research: the structure of sonnets, the main theme and innovation of Shakespeare. Research methods: heuristic, exploratory. Progress of the study. Find W. Shakespeare's sonnets in the library or on the Internet. Read W. Shakespeare's sonnets in English and Russian. Define a sonnet. - Shakespeare sonnets.ppt

Play Hamlet

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Romeo and Juliet

Slides: 38 Words: 652 Sounds: 1 Effects: 88

William Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet". Journey to Juliet's house. Italy, Verona. House of the Capulet in Verona. Letters to Juliet. The awards ceremony is traditionally held at Juliet's House. The winners arrive at the celebration as guests of the hometown of Romeo and Juliet. More. For the umpteenth time. Vyacheslav Kreida. On September 16, Juliet's birthday is celebrated, and the Juliet Club was created. "Romeo and Juliet" in the music of "Romeo" by Shakespeare! God! What a plot! A scene from the Bolshoi Theater play. There are several films, cartoons and many theatrical versions of "Romeo and Juliet." - Romeo and Juliet.ppt

Romeo and Juliet lesson

Slides: 15 Words: 459 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

Lesson topic: Lesson goal: Love is genius and the salvation of the heart. B. Akhmadulina. Shake speare – (English) “Shaker of the spear.” The emblem of the modern Globus Theater. Exterior view of the Globus Theater building. How many theaters were there in London in the 16th century? What did the flag over the theater mean? What did the Globus Theater emblem mean? How does Shakespeare's theater differ from modern theater? Theater competition. Problematic question of the lesson: Attentive reader competition. Why does Shakespeare think lovers can see in the dark? Who does Juliet think should be love's messenger? Answer: The messenger of love must be thoughts. - Romeo and Juliet lesson.ppt

Images of Romeo and Juliet

Slides: 23 Words: 522 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Images of Romeo and Juliet in art. Images of Romeo and Juliet. Epigraph. Material about types of art. Images of two lovers. Brief chronicle. Novelist. Adrian Sevin. Thomas Otway. Gottfried Keller. Grigory Gorin. Painting. Heinrich Susli. Music. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Sculpture. Movie. -

William Shakespeare: life and work

“He was a man for all seasons.”

Ben Jonson

William Shakespeare

English playwright, poet, actor of the Renaissance. In world history, he is undoubtedly the most famous and significant playwright, who had a huge influence on the development of all theatrical art. Shakespeare's stage works are still performed on theater stages all over the world today.


Renaissance, or Renaissance(French Renaissance, Italian Rinascimento) - an era in the history of European culture that replaced the culture of the Middle Ages and preceded the culture of modern times.

Chronological framework of the era: XIV-XVI centuries.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

William Shakespeare is born April 23, 1564 year in the English town of Stratford-upon-Avan.

The surname "Shakespeare" can be translated from English as "spear-shaking".

William Shakespeare's father, John, was a craftsman, merchant (wool trader), and in 1568 became mayor of Stratford.

William's mother, Mary Ardenne, was the daughter of a farmer from Wilmcote.

From some sources it is known that William Shakespeare studied at a grammar school.

Shakespeare House

The architecture of the house is typical of that time. On the ground floor there is a living room with a fireplace, a large hall with an open fireplace and further along the corridor - the workshop of the owner of the house. On the second floor of the house there are three bedrooms. A small cottage and the room that now houses the kitchen were added to the house later.

In 1582, William Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway.

In the mid-1580s, Shakespeare and his family moved to London.

Shakespeare made money by guarding horses at the theater. This position was followed by behind-the-scenes work at the theatre.

Only a few years later, William Shakespeare received his first small role.

Before working in the theater, Shakespeare also had to master the profession of a school teacher.

The Globe Theater where Shakespeare worked

The GLOBE is a public theater in London.

It operated from 1599 to 1644.

At the entrance it was written: “The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors.”

The name was borrowed from Greek mythology and refers to Hercules, who held the globe on his shoulders.

Under King James I, the theater received the status of "Royal" .

In 1612, Shakespeare left the theater and returned to Stratford, where he lived until his death. The last plays written by Shakespeare for his troupe date back to 1612-1613. After this, the playwright fell silent. Researchers suggest that Shakespeare was ill for the last four years of his life.

The great playwright died at the age of 52 and was buried under the altar of the Church of the Holy Trinity in his hometown.

"Oh, good friend, in the name of God,

Don’t touch the ashes under this stone,

Do not disturb the sleep of my bones;

Damn be the one who touches them!

"Shakespearean Question"

  • Could a person from an illiterate family be a genius?
  • If Shakespeare is the author, where is the evidence: there is not a single manuscript of his plays.
  • This is easy to explain: the Globus Theater burned many times, during the fires the scenery, costumes, and manuscripts were burned.
  • As for illiteracy, we can recall Russian self-taught writers: Maxim Gorky, Sergei Yesenin.

Shakespeare's works

Shakespeare's legacy is

154 sonnets,

several small poems, poetic cycles,

37 plays (comedies, tragedies).

Literary theory

  • Comedy((Greek) - song of a cheerful crowd) - a type of drama in which the action and characters are interpreted in funny forms or imbued with the comic (Molière, Beaumarchais, Griboyedov, Gogol).
  • Sonnet- a poem of 14 lines with a special rhyme.
  • Tragedy((Greek) - song of the goat) - a type of drama based on a particularly intense, irreconcilable conflict that ends in the death of the hero.

Tragedy "Romeo and Juliet"

Shakespeare sharply condemns feudal foundations, the tyranny of parents, who became an obstacle to the happiness of their children and led them to death.

The main thing for Shakespeare is the man himself, and not his origin and condition.

  • Shakespeare had a gigantic vocabulary - from 20 to 25 thousand words, but a modern Englishman with a higher education uses no more than 4 thousand words.
  • Shakespeare introduced about 3,200 new words into the English language - more than his literary contemporaries combined.
  • Not a single manuscript of Shakespeare has survived. Only six signatures on official documents made by his hand have survived.
  • According to Ben Jonson, Shakespeare “knew a little Latin and even less Greek,” although, as his plays show, he was fluent in foreign languages ​​- French, Italian, Greek and Latin.
  • Shakespeare's entire family - father, mother, wife, children - were illiterate. At the moment there is no information that Shakespeare himself was literate.
  • Shakespeare's direct line was interrupted in 1670 with the death of his granddaughter Elizabeth.

Shakespeare in theater and cinema

Ballet "Romeo and Juliet"

Shakespeare in theater and cinema


"King Lear"

Shakespeare in theater and cinema

Film "Hamlet"

Shakespeare monuments

In our hearts you yourself built

An imperishable and dazzling temple...

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The presentation on the topic “Biography of William Shakespeare” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Subject of the project: Literature. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 7 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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"William Shakespeare - the man, the playwright, the poet." Renaissance (Renaissance) is an era in the cultural history of Europe in the 14th–16th centuries. Renaissance. Renaissance, or Renaissance (French Renaissance, Italian. The chronological framework of the era is the XIV-XVI centuries. Italian painter, architect and writer. Also known as the author of biographies of Italian artists. It was Giorgio Vasari who first introduced the term “Renaissance.” Giorgio Vasari (1511- 1574). GAME "Attack on one" Where did the Renaissance culture originate? (show on the map). What is the chronological framework of the era? Who is the most prominent representative of the Italian Renaissance?

William was born in Stratford-upon-Avon (Warwickshire) in 1564, baptized on April 26, the exact date of birth is unknown. Tradition places his birth on April 23: this date coincides with the precisely known day of his death. In addition, April 23 marks the day of St. George, the patron saint of England, and legend could specially coincide with this day the birth of the greatest national poet.

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His father, John Shakespeare (1530-1601), was a wealthy artisan (glover) who was often elected to various public positions. He did not attend church services, for which he paid large fines (it is possible that he was a secret Catholic). Shakespeare's mother, born Mary Arden (1537-1608), belonged to one of the oldest Saxon families.

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It is believed that Shakespeare studied at the Stratford “grammar school”, where he received a serious education: the Stratford teacher of Latin language and literature wrote poetry in Latin. Some scholars claim that Shakespeare attended King Edward VI's school at Strath Ford-on-Avon, where he studied the works of poets such as Ovid and Plautus, but the school's journals have not survived.

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In 1582, he married Anne Hathaway, the daughter of a local landowner, who was 8 years his senior and already pregnant at the time of the marriage; in 1583 they had a daughter, Susan, and in 1585, twins: a son, Hamnet, who died in childhood (1596), and a daughter, Judith. There are only assumptions about the further (over seven years) events of his life.

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In 1592, the diary of entrepreneur Philip Hensloe mentions Shakespeare's historical chronicle Henry VI, which was shown at Hensloe's Rose Theater. In the same year, a pamphlet by playwright and prose writer Robert Greene was published posthumously, where the latter angrily attacked Shakespeare, without naming his last name, but ironically playing with it - “shake-scene,” paraphrasing a line from the third part of “Henry VI” “ Oh, the heart of a tiger in this woman’s skin!” like “the heart of a tiger in the skin of a performer.” When the Globe Theater was built in 1599, Shakespeare received one tenth of the total income. At the same time, Shakespeare formalized the nobility for his father and became a nobleman himself. Under James I, the company of Shakespeare and Burbage became the King's Men (1603). In 1597, Shakespeare bought the second largest house in Strath Ford. In 1605, he bought the right to receive tithes from the lands closest to the city. In 1612, Shakespeare, for unknown reasons, left the theater and returned to his native Strath Ford, where his wife and daughters lived.

  • Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts; you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  • There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.
  • Slide 1

    "William Shakespeare - the man, the playwright, the poet." Renaissance (Renaissance) is an era in the cultural history of Europe in the 14th–16th centuries. Renaissance. Renaissance, or Renaissance (French Renaissance, Italian. The chronological framework of the era is the XIV-XVI centuries. Italian painter, architect and writer. Also known as the author of biographies of Italian artists. It was Giorgio Vasari who first introduced the term “Renaissance.” Giorgio Vasari (1511- 1574). GAME "Attack on one" Where did the Renaissance culture originate? (show on the map). What is the chronological framework of the era? Who is the most prominent representative of the Italian Renaissance?

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    His father, John Shakespeare, was a wealthy artisan (glover) and moneylender and was often elected to various public positions, and was once even elected mayor of the city. He did not attend church services, for which he paid large fines. His mother, née Arden, belonged to one of the oldest English families. The house, built in the 16th century, is located on Henley Street in the city centre. To our contemporary eyes, the house seems simple and very small, but in those days only a very wealthy person could afford such a home. It is known that Shakespeare's father, John Shakespeare, was a glove maker and a wool trader.

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    Shakespeare House

    The architecture of the house is typical of that time. On the ground floor there is a living room with a fireplace, a large hall with an open fireplace and further along the corridor - the workshop of the owner of the house. On the second floor of the house there are three bedrooms. A small cottage and the room that now houses the kitchen were added to the house later.

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    London. The beginning of creativity.

    It is believed that Shakespeare studied at the Stratford “grammar school”, where he received a serious education: the Stratford teacher of Latin language and literature wrote poetry in Latin. In 1582, he married Anne Hathaway, the daughter of a local landowner, who was 8 years his senior; in 1583 daughter Suzanne was born, in 1585 twins were born: son Khemnet, who died in childhood (1596), and daughter Judith. Around 1587 Shakespeare left Stratford and moved to London. The Globe Theater, where Shakespeare's troupe worked.

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    The actual dimensions of the Globe are unknown, but its plan can be reconstructed almost exactly based on scientific research conducted over the past two centuries. These data indicate that it was a three-tiered, open, high-walled amphitheater with a diameter of 97 to 102 feet (29.6-31.1 m), which could accommodate up to 3,000 spectators. The sketch by Wenceslas Hollar shows the Globe as a round building. Later, in the same form, the no longer existing theater was included in its engraved so-called. "Long Landscape" of London (1647). However, in 1997-1998. the discovery of a small part of the Globe's foundation showed that it was a polygon with 20 (or possibly 18) sides.

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    Along the inner side of the theater wall there were boxes for the aristocracy. Above them there were galleries for wealthy citizens. There were three levels of seating in total. Some privileged spectators were right on the stage. At the base of the stage there was an area called the stalls (or, in the back of old inns, the yard), where, for 1p, people (groundlings) had to stand to see the performance. Groundlings ate hazelnuts during the performance - during the excavations of the Globe, many nut husks were found preserved in the mud - or oranges.

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    Globus theatre"

    Sometimes a tent was pulled over part of the stage - blue if they were playing a comedy, and black with gold stars if they were playing a tragedy. Streams of blood spilled onto the stage from bull bladders hidden under clothes. If a villain died, the blood was black.

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    In 1592, Shakespeare became a member of the London acting troupe of Burbage, and from 1599, also one of the shareholders of the enterprise. Under James I, Shakespeare's troupe received royal status. For many years, Shakespeare was engaged in usury, and in 1605 he became a tax farmer of church tithes.

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    The Shakespearean canon includes 37 plays; 18 appeared during Shakespeare's lifetime, 36 were published in the first collected works of Shakespeare (1623, "Pericles" was not included). Attempts to establish the chronology of Shakespeare's work have been carried out since the 2nd half of the 18th century. Below is a list of Shakespeare's plays with the dates of their writing, the periodization of creativity and the genre definitions accepted in Shakespearean criticism.

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    First period (1590-1594). Early chronicles: "Henry VI", part 2 (1590); "Henry VI", part 3 (1591); "Henry VI", part 1 (1592); "Richard III" (1593). Early comedies: The Comedy of Errors (1592), The Taming of the Shrew (1593). Early tragedy: Titus Andronicus (1594). Second period (1595-1600). Chronicles close to the tragedy: "Richard II" (1595); "King John" (1596). Romantic comedies: "The Two Gentlemen of Verona" (1594); "Love's Labour's Lost" (1594); "A Midsummer Night's Dream" (1596); "The Merchant of Venice" (1596). The first mature tragedy: "Romeo and Juliet" (1595). Chronicles close to comedy: "Henry IV", part 1 (1597); "Henry IV", part 2 (1598); "Henry V" (1598). The pinnacle creations of Shakespeare as a comedian: “Much Ado About Nothing” (1598); "The Merry Wives of Windsor" (1598); "As You Like It" (1599); "Twelfth Night" (1600).

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    Third period (1600-1608). Tragedies that marked a turning point in Shakespeare’s work: “Julius Caesar” (1599); "Hamlet" (1601). "Dark Comedies" (or "problem plays"): "Troilus and Cressida" (1602); “The end is the crown of the matter” (1603); "Measure for Measure" (1604). The pinnacle of Shakespeare's tragedy: Othello (1604); "King Lear" (1605); "Macbeth" (1606). Ancient tragedies: "Antony and Cleopatra" (1607); "Coriolanus" (1607); "Timon of Athens" (1608). Fourth period (1609-1613). Romantic tragicomedies: "Pericles" (1609); "Cymbeline" (1610); "The Winter's Tale" (1611); "The Tempest" (1612). Late chronicle: "Henry VIII" (1613; possibly with the participation of J. Fletcher). Outside the canon: "Edward III" (1594-1595; authorship doubtful); "Thomas More" (1594-1595; one scene); "Two Noble Kinsmen" (1613, together with Fletcher). Some Shakespeare scholars (including Soviet ones - A. A. Smirnov) divide Shakespeare's work into three periods, combining the 1st and 2nd (1590-1600) into one.

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    Shakespeare's work absorbed all the most important radiations of the Renaissance - aesthetic (synthesizing the traditions and motifs of popular romantic genres, Renaissance poetry and prose, folklore, humanistic and folk dramas) and ideological (demonstrating the entire ideological complex of the time: traditional ideas about the world order, the views of feudal defenders -patriarchal structure and political centralization, motives of Christian ethics, Renaissance neoplatonism and stoicism, ideas of sensationalism and Machiavellianism, etc.).

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    Last years of life…

    In 1612, Shakespeare retired for unknown reasons and returned to his native Stratford, where his wife and daughters lived. Shakespeare's will, dated March 15, 1616, was signed in illegible handwriting, leading some researchers to believe that he was seriously ill at the time. Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616.

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    Burial place

    Three days later, Shakespeare's body was buried under the altar of Stratford Church. On his tombstone is written the epitaph: Friend, for God's sake, not a swarm of Remains taken by this earth; He who is untouched is blessed throughout the ages, And cursed is he who touches my ashes.

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    The last years of his life he retired from literary activity and lived quietly and unnoticed with his family. This was probably due to a serious illness - this is indicated by Shakespeare's surviving will, clearly drawn up hastily on March 15, 1616 and signed in a changed handwriting. On April 23, 1616, the most famous playwright of all times died in Stratford-upon-Avon.

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    Memory …

    A special niche was made in the church, where a sculpture of the poet was placed with a pen and a sheet of paper; the pen is changed every year.

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    Interesting facts about the writer

    Shakespeare had a gigantic vocabulary - from 20 to 25 thousand words, but a modern Englishman with a higher education uses no more than 4 thousand words. Shakespeare introduced about 3,200 new words into the English language - more than his literary contemporaries combined. Not a single manuscript of Shakespeare has survived. Only six signatures on official documents made by his hand have survived. According to Ben Jonson, Shakespeare “knew a little Latin and even less Greek,” although, as his plays show, he was fluent in foreign languages ​​- French, Italian, Greek and Latin. Shakespeare's entire family - father, mother, wife, children - were illiterate. At the moment there is no information that Shakespeare himself was literate. Shakespeare's direct line was interrupted in 1670 with the death of his granddaughter Elizabeth.

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    Shakespeare's works are unusually multifaceted. At one time, doubts were expressed that they could come from the pen of one person - especially such a relatively poorly educated one as the far from brilliant actor from Stratford. The celebrated plays, with their intricate plots and unforgettable characters, amaze with the depth and breadth of human feelings and reflect the author's knowledge of history, literature, philosophy, law and even court etiquette. How did this provincial, who belonged to the lower strata of society, know how aristocrats behave and lawyers speak? Perhaps the actor allowed his name to be used by an educated person who occupied a high position and wanted to keep his authorship secret?

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    Despite intriguing hypotheses about a mysterious author hiding under the name of a country actor, most scholars today recognize William Shakespeare of Stratford-upon-Avon as the author of great works. Shakespeare was recognized as a genius during his lifetime, and his contemporaries did not have the slightest doubt about his authorship. It is useless to try to explain where he got the experience and talent necessary to create his masterpieces. Wouldn't it be better to be grateful to that young man who 400 years ago went to London, leaving his humble past behind him? His action made the world a much richer place.

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    “He was not a man of an era, but of all times.” -Ben Jonson

    If you stop loving - so now, Now that the whole world is at odds with me. Be the most bitter of my losses, But not the last drop of grief! And if it is given to me to overcome grief, do not strike from an ambush. Let the stormy night not be resolved A rainy morning is a morning without joy. Leave me, but not at the last moment, When I become weak from minor troubles. Leave it now, so that I can immediately comprehend that this grief is more painful than all adversities, that there are no adversities, but only one misfortune - to lose your love forever.

    William Shakespeare WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE is an English playwright, poet, and actor of the Renaissance. In world history, he is undoubtedly the most famous and significant playwright, who had a huge influence on the development of all theatrical art. Shakespeare's stage works are still performed on theater stages all over the world today.

    William Shakespeare () William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in the English town of Stratford-upon-Aven. The surname "Shakespeare" can be translated from English as "spear-shaking". William Shakespeare's father, John, was a craftsman, merchant (wool trader), and in 1568 became mayor of Stratford. William's mother, Mary Ardenne, was the daughter of a farmer from Wilmcote. From some sources it is known that William Shakespeare studied at a grammar school.

    The architecture of the house is typical of that time. On the ground floor there is a living room with a fireplace, a large hall with an open fireplace and further along the corridor - the workshop of the owner of the house. On the second floor of the house there are three bedrooms. A small cottage and the room that now houses the kitchen were added to the house later. SHAKESPEARE'S HOUSE

    In 1582, William Shakespeare marries Anne Hathaway. In the mid-1580s, Shakespeare and his family moved to London. Shakespeare made money by guarding horses at the theater. This position was followed by behind-the-scenes work at the theatre. Only a few years later, William Shakespeare received his first small role. Before working in the theater, Shakespeare also had to master the profession of a school teacher.

    The Globe Theater, where Shakespeare worked. The GLOBE is a public theater in London. It operated from 1599 to 1644. The name was borrowed from Greek mythology and refers to Hercules, who held the globe on his shoulders. Under King James I, the theater received the status of "Royal".

    The works of William Shakespeare. Periods of creativity: “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “The Taming of the Shrew”, “Much Ado About Nothing”; “Romeo and Juliet”; first period (1590 – 1594) – comedies “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “The Taming of the Shrew”, “Much Ado About Nothing”; chronicle plays; tragedy "Romeo and Juliet"; “King Lear”, “Hamlet”, “Othello”; second period (1594 – 1607) – tragedies “King Lear”, “Hamlet”, “Othello”; sonnets; “Cymbeline”, “The Storm”, “Winter Night”. Third period (1608 – 1612) – fairy tale plays “Cymbeline”, “The Storm”, “Winter Night”.

    Literary theory Comedy (Greek)Comedy (Greek) - the song of a cheerful crowd - a type of drama in which the action and characters are interpreted in the forms of the funny or imbued with the comic (Molière, Beaumarchais, Griboedov, Gogol). Sonnet – A sonnet is a poem of 14 lines with a special rhyme pattern. Tragedy (Greek) Tragedy (Greek) - the song of the goat - is a type of drama based on a particularly intense, irreconcilable conflict that ends in the death of the hero.

    Last years of his life 1612 - Shakespeare is already rich enough to acquire a title of nobility. He buys a house in his home town of Stratford-upon-Aven and moves there. Shakespeare lived in Stratford until his death. April 23, 1616 - William Shakespeare dies at Stratford-upon-Aven on his birthday. He was buried in the church of his hometown.

    Shakespeare had a gigantic vocabulary - from 20 to 25 thousand words, but a modern Englishman with a higher education uses no more than 4 thousand words. Shakespeare introduced about 3,200 new words into the English language - more than his literary contemporaries combined. Not a single manuscript of Shakespeare has survived. Only six signatures on official documents made by his hand have survived. According to Ben Jonson, Shakespeare “knew a little Latin and even less Greek,” although, as his plays show, he was fluent in foreign languages ​​- French, Italian, Greek and Latin. Shakespeare's entire family - father, mother, wife, children - were illiterate. At the moment there is no information that Shakespeare himself was literate. Shakespeare's direct line was interrupted in 1670 with the death of his granddaughter Elizabeth.