On approval of the list of diseases giving disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space

Lost force on January 1, 2018 on the basis
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2017 N 859

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation" the Government of the Russian Federation


1. Approve a list of diseases that give disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space.

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 28, 1996 N 214 “On approval of the list of diseases giving disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space in the form of a separate room” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 10, Art. .954).

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation
M. Fradkov

List of diseases that give disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space

Government resolution
Russian Federation
dated December 21, 2004 N 817

1. Active forms of tuberculosis of all organs and systems.

2. Mental illnesses requiring mandatory medical supervision.

3. Tracheostomy, fecal, urinary and vaginal fistulas, lifelong nephrostomy, bladder stoma, uncorrectable urinary incontinence, unnatural anus, malformations of the face and skull with impaired breathing, chewing, and swallowing functions.

4. Multiple skin lesions with copious discharge.

5. Leprosy.

6. HIV infection in children.

7. Absence of lower limbs or diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including those of hereditary origin, with persistent dysfunction of the lower limbs, requiring the use of wheelchairs.

8. Organic diseases of the central nervous system with persistent dysfunction of the lower extremities, requiring the use of wheelchairs, and (or) dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

9. Condition after transplantation of internal organs and bone marrow.

10. Severe organic kidney damage, complicated by renal failure of II-III degree.

“On the Federal Executive Bodies authorized to determine the procedure for registration and issuance of certificates to certain categories of Citizens from among those exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, and Citizens from special risk units"

In accordance with Articles 15 and 24 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant" and paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 N 2123-1 "On the extension of the Law of the RSFSR" On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant "for citizens from special risk units" the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Establish that:

A) The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation are the bodies authorized to determine the procedure for registration and issuance of certificates to citizens from among those exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster NPPs specified in paragraphs 1 - 4, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12 (except for citizens who served in military service in the area of ​​residence with a preferential socio-economic status) of part one of Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On social protection of citizens exposed to radiation due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant";

b) The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is the body authorized to determine the procedure for registration and issuance of certificates to citizens from special risk units, specified in the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 N 2123-1 "On the extension of the RSFSR Law "On the social protection of citizens subjected to the effects of radiation due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant" on citizens from special risk units."

2. The Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation shall jointly develop and approve, before February 1, 2005, the procedure for registration and issuance of certificates specified in subparagraph " a" paragraph 1 of this Resolution.

3. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation shall develop and approve, before March 1, 2005, the procedure for registration and issuance of certificates specified in subparagraph “b” of paragraph 1 of this Resolution.






In accordance with the Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve a list of diseases that give disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space.

2. Recognize as invalid the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 28, 1996 N 214 “On approval of the list of diseases giving disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space in the form of a separate room” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 10, Article 954).

Chairman of the Government

Russian Federation



Government Decree

Russian Federation




1. Active forms of tuberculosis of all organs and systems.

2. Mental illnesses requiring mandatory medical supervision.

3. Tracheostomy, fecal, urinary and vaginal fistulas, lifelong nephrostomy, bladder stoma, uncorrectable urinary incontinence, unnatural anus, malformations of the face and skull with impaired breathing, chewing, and swallowing functions.

4. Multiple skin lesions with copious discharge.

5. Leprosy.

6. HIV infection in children.

7. Absence of lower limbs or diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including those of hereditary origin, with persistent dysfunction of the lower limbs, requiring the use of wheelchairs.

8. Organic diseases of the central nervous system with persistent dysfunction of the lower extremities, requiring the use of wheelchairs, and (or) dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

9. Condition after transplantation of internal organs and bone marrow.

10. Severe organic kidney damage, complicated by renal failure of II - III degree.

  1. The Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 848 of December 5, 2001 on the federal target program


    ... Governments RF from21 .10.2004 N 1355-r, from21 .04.2006 N 553-r, ResolutionsGovernments RF from21 .12.2009 N 1035, from... With approvedlist investment..., approvedResolutionGovernmentsRussianFederationfrom 29 December 2007 ...

  2. Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 740 of December 8, 2005 on the federal target program (2)


    ... , approved hereby Resolution. (edited) RegulationsGovernments RF from 01/14/2009 N 23) Chairman GovernmentsRussianFederation M.FRADKOV Approved ResolutionGovernmentsRussianFederationfrom 8 December ...

  3. Government of the Komi Republic Resolution No. 468 of December 24, 2010 on approval of the state guarantee program


    TO List, approvedresolutionGovernments Komi Republic from 23 December 2009 N 395 " Aboutapproval RussianFederation ...

  4. Government of the Komi Republic Resolution No. 621 of December 23, 2011 on approval of the territorial program of state


    TO List, approvedresolutionGovernments Komi Republic from 23 December 2010 N 468 " Aboutapproval State guarantee programs for citizens RussianFederation ...

  5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 21, 2004 N 818 (as amended on March 25, 2013) “On federal executive authorities authorized to determine the procedure and conditions for registration and issuance of certificates to certain categories of citizens from among those exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and citizens from special risk units"

    Judicial practice and legislation - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2004 N 818 (as amended on March 25, 2013) “On federal executive authorities authorized to determine the procedure and conditions for registration and issuance of certificates to certain categories of citizens from among those exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and citizens from special risk units"

    4) the main document confirming that the convicted person took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster or suffered from exposure to radiation as a result of this disaster (subparagraph 6 of paragraph 1 of the Amnesty Resolution) is a certificate issued on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 N 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant” and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2004 N 818 “On the federal executive authorities authorized to determine the procedure and conditions for the registration and issuance of certificates to certain categories of citizens from among persons exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and citizens from special risk units";

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 21, 2004 N 818 (as amended on June 20, 2005 N 386) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of Russia Order of December 8, 2006 N 727/831/165n approved the Procedure and conditions for registration and issuance citizens' certificates of participation in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 5, 2007, registration number 8898).

    dated December 21, 2004 N 817
    In accordance with the Federal Law "On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:
    1. Approve a list of diseases that give disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space.
    2. Recognize as invalid the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 28, 1996 N 214 “On approval of the list of diseases giving disabled people suffering from them the right to additional living space in the form of a separate room” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 10, Article 954).
    3. This Resolution comes into force on January 1, 2005.
    Chairman of the Government
    Russian Federation

    Government Decree
    Russian Federation
    dated December 21, 2004 N 817
    1. Active forms of tuberculosis of all organs and systems.
    2. Mental illnesses requiring mandatory medical supervision.
    3. Tracheostomy, fecal, urinary and vaginal fistulas, lifelong nephrostomy, bladder stoma, uncorrectable urinary incontinence, unnatural anus, malformations of the face and skull with impaired breathing, chewing, and swallowing functions.
    4. Multiple skin lesions with copious discharge.
    5. Leprosy.
    6. HIV infection in children.
    7. Absence of lower limbs or diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including those of hereditary origin, with persistent dysfunction of the lower limbs, requiring the use of wheelchairs.
    8. Organic diseases of the central nervous system with persistent dysfunction of the lower extremities, requiring the use of wheelchairs, and (or) dysfunction of the pelvic organs.
    9. Condition after transplantation of internal organs and bone marrow.
    10. Severe organic kidney damage, complicated by renal failure of II - III degree.