Called Vajrasattva.
Vajrasattva grants the siddhi of clairvoyance to the hidden inner reality, reflected, as in a mirror, in all phenomenal or visible objects. Therefore, Vajrasattva is the personification of Mirror-like Wisdom, or the Ornament of the Dharmakaya. This transcendental wisdom, dwelling beyond the realm of ordinary mind, cognizes samsara and nirvana as a reflection in a mirror.
Literally, the word "Vajrasattva" is translated as "Diamond Soul" or "Soul of Lightning." In a tantric context, the meaning indicates the possessor of an indestructible state of consciousness, in other words, the vajra is a symbol of Buddha nature.
Kalu Rinpoche described the meditation of Vajrasattva as follows in his book “The Jewel Ornament of Various Oral Instructions”: “The meditation of Dorje Sampa or Vajrasattva is the most effective and most wonderful practice of purification, which belongs to both sutra and tantra. The purpose of this meditation is to to cleanse us of all levels of confusion and confusion in the mind, all negativity, and the negative karmic structures that manifest as a result of this confusion and confusion."
Vajrasattva is depicted in two forms: single and in the Yab-Yum union (Vajratopa, Nyemma).

The white single form has one face and two arms, the right hand holds a golden vajra (Tib. dorje) at the heart, and the left hand holds a silver bell with the hollow part of the bell facing up at the hip. The form of the deity sits cross-legged in a meditative pose (padmasana, lotus pose) on a blossoming lotus, on top of which lies a flat moon disk, forming the throne of Vajrasattva. Vajrasattva has precious ornaments and Sambhogakaya silk robes. In meditation, this form is imagined as insubstantial, like a rainbow, as a union of form and pure appearance.
There are images of Vajrasattva in both white and blue colors. In the Yab-Yum union, his wife holds a curved knife (Sanskrit: kartari; Tib: digug) in her right hand and a skull cup (drip) in her left.

And it is also said that if you are diligent in the practice of this contemplation and reading the mantra, then you will be completely cleansed of your small and medium-sized atrocities. Your great evils will not increase, but will fade away and gradually be completely washed away.
Generally speaking, if you truly believe in the doctrine of action and result, then you will inevitably renounce all your harmful actions. And then your repentance will become completely sincere and genuine. Insight will inevitably follow purification. But those who simply mutter prayers and violate the practices of monastic life, who have not cultivated true faith and repentance, will have no more Insight than the hair of a turtle.

  • Images of the single form of Vajrasattva Buddha. On the people.
  • Practice of unity between Vajrasattva and the Consort (pdf 297 Kb.) . On the people.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche



The benefits of chanting the Compassion Buddha mantra are endless, like the limitless sky.

Even if you do not have a deep intellectual understanding of the Dharma, even if you only know Om Mani Padme Hum but you live with an attitude free from the eight worldly concerns , your life will be filled to the brim with happiness. If you live with a pure attitude, free from attachment and clinging to this life, and just spend time reading Om Mani Padme Hum- this six-syllable mantra, which is the essence of Dharma - this is the purest Dharma.

Everything looks very simple, repeating the mantra is easy. But the benefits of this are by no means so simple. Here I will give only the essence of her endless blessings.

Repeating the Compassion Buddha mantra just once completely purifies the four defeats arising from violating the four root vows of personal liberation and the negative karma of five actions with immediate retribution . The Padmatrava Tantra says that all other negative karma, without exception, is also purified.

It is also mentioned in the tantras that by repeating this mantra, you achieve 4 qualities: rebirth in the pure land of Buddha Amitabha and other pure lands; at the time of death you will see Buddha and light in the sky; the deities will make offerings to you; you will never be reborn in hell, the world of hungry ghosts or animals. You will be reborn in the pure land of Buddha or a happy samsaric being .

The tantric text Padma Chopengyi Gyud says:

Sons and daughters of the noble ones, whoever repeats my mantra OM MANI PADME HUM even once, or even simply remembers or stores (the mantra) on his body, will purify the negative karma of the five actions with immediate retribution and the five actions close to them and all other negative actions and will leave (the possibility of being born in) eight states where there is no opportunity to practice the Dharma: in hell, as a hungry ghost, as an animal, and so on .

He will not experience suffering (related to) body, speech or mind. He will be free from fear of evil animals, cannibals, non-human beings and diseases. He actualizes the meaning of the Dharmakaya; he will see the holy form of the Great Compassion, Rupakai.

When a person who recites 10 mala (mala - 108 beads) a day bathes in a river, ocean, or any other body of water, the water touching his body acquires a blessing.

It is said that seven generations of his descendants will not be reborn in the lower worlds. The reason is that through the power of the mantra, the body is blessed by the person who recites the mantra and imagines his body as the holy body of Chenrezig (Avalokiteshvara). Thus, his body becomes so powerful, so blessed, so that it affects his descendants up to the 7th generation and has such an effect that even if a person has an immoral thought at the time of death, he is not reborn in the lower world.

In the same way, when a person who recites 10 mala mantras Om Mani Padme Hum per day, enters a river or ocean, the water that touches that person's body becomes blessed, and this blessed water then purifies all the billions and billions of sentient beings in the water. So it is incredibly useful, this man saves animals in the water from the most incredible suffering of the lower worlds.

When such a person walks along the road and the wind touches his body and then touches the insects, their negative karma is purified and they achieve a good rebirth. Likewise, when such a person massages or otherwise touches other people, the negative karma of those people is also purified.

It makes sense to stick with such a person; just being seen and touched is a means of liberating other sentient beings. This means that even the breath of that person, when it touches the body of other sentient beings, purifies their negative karma (and therefore purifies their suffering, since negative karma is the cause of suffering). Anyone who drinks the water in which such a person swam achieves purification.

In the sutra "Samato Gope Do" it is written:

If this six-syllable mantra is written by someone's hand on rocks or stone walls, and men, women or children or any other sentient being touches it with their hand or simply looks at it, by just looking at it they become bodhisattvas of the end of samsara.

Because of the great power of the mantra, when a person is under threat of attack from an evil animal or a poisonous snake, he will not be harmed if he repeats this mantra. Repeating the mantra stops the danger of attack during military operations or from enemies, as well as the danger of robbery. By relying on the mantra of the Buddha of Compassion, you are freed from the danger of being punished by government authorities or due to legal proceedings. Poisons also do not harm you. A pregnant woman who does the Compassion Buddha practice or simply repeats the Compassion Buddha mantra will be able to give birth comfortably, without severe pain. Moreover, the person (who repeats this mantra) will be protected from the harm caused by black magic and evil mantras.

We are incredibly fortunate to have encountered the Dharma and have the opportunity to chant and meditate on the Buddha of Compassion. This is a simple way to clear any negative karma that we have accumulated not only in this life but also in many previous lives.

Since we have encountered the Buddhadharma and especially this method - the practice of the Buddha of Compassion and the repetition of his mantra - it is easy for us to purify negative karma and collect extensive merit and thus achieve Enlightenment. We are incredibly lucky.

Therefore, it would be foolish not to take advantage of this great opportunity. Usually, we are constantly distracted and waste our lives. Not only this, but all actions done with (clinging to) the ego and with the three poisonous tendencies - anger, attachment and ignorance - create negative karma, the cause of suffering. There is nothing more foolish in the entire realm of existence than to use this perfect human body to create nothing but suffering.

In places like Tibet, Nepal, India and Ladakh there is an established tradition of doing a retreat dedicated to the Buddha of Compassion and reciting 100 million mantras Om Mani Padme Hum.

If you have guilt in your life, you can overcome it through purification by participating in such a retreat.

The retreat is not just chanting mantras with sadhanas, it also includes taking the Eight Mahayana Vows , if not every day, then at least often. Whatever merit you accumulate on this day is increased 100,000 times. This is a very easy and quick path to purification, accumulating vast merit, achieving Enlightenment, liberating sentient beings from incredible suffering and quickly bringing them to Enlightenment.

To everyone participating in the chanting retreat Om Mani, incredibly lucky. Even if you can't take part in the entire retreat, you can stay for 2 months, 1 month or at least a few weeks. You can join even just for 1 week. I especially hope that this retreat will also become a tradition in Mongolia, since their main food is meat, which is why so many animals are killed there every day. This practice helps clear it.

The retreat also blesses the country where it takes place and brings a lot of peace, happiness and prosperity.

Even if you know the teachings on how to meditate on bodhicitta, you still need to receive the special blessings of the deity, the Buddha of Compassion. You get them when you do the meditation and mantra repetition that we practice at the retreat. So repetition Om Mani Padme Hum- this is the only way to actualize bodhichitta - to transform your mind into bodhichitta and make your meditation on bodhichitta effective.

Where I live, in Solu Khumbu in the Himalayas of Nepal, there are people who live their whole lives reciting Om Mani Padme Hum, and have no idea about the three fundamental aspects of the path - renunciation, bodhichitta and the true view of emptiness - they do not even know such words. Although they cannot read and do not even know the alphabet, they have great faith in compassion and bodhicitta and live by reciting Om Mani Padme Hum. Such people have a warm heart, they are very kind, very compassionate. This is proof from my own experience that this mantra has the effect of transforming the mind and making a person kind-hearted and compassionate.

Without bodhichitta, you cannot become the cause of happiness for all sentient beings. You cannot do perfect work for all sentient beings, and you cannot achieve the full qualities of realizations and cessation even for yourself.

Therefore, I invite everyone to join the 100 million mantra retreat Om Mani Padme Hum.


Before we begin chanting the mantra, I would like to point out that it is very important to make your bodhichitta motivation very strong again. There are many different methods to effectively transform our thinking into bodhichitta motivation, and one of them is to think the following:

The countless beings in hell from whom I have received, am receiving and will receive all my past, present and future happiness, all realizations and enlightenment are the most precious and kindest beings in my life - I must free them from all their suffering and their causes, and lead them to the enlightenment of the Buddha of Compassion only through my powers.

The countless hungry ghosts from whom I received, receive and will receive all my past, present and future happiness, all realizations and enlightenment are the most precious and kindest beings in my life - I must free them from all their suffering and their causes and lead them to the enlightenment of the Buddha of Compassion only through my powers.

The countless animals from whom I have received, receive and will receive all my past, present and future happiness, all realizations and enlightenment are the most precious and kindest beings in my life - I must free them from all their suffering and their causes and to lead them to the enlightenment of the Buddha of Compassion only through my powers.

The countless people from whom I have received, receive and will receive all my past, present and future happiness, all realizations and enlightenment are the most precious and kindest beings in my life - I must free them from all their suffering and their causes and to lead them to the enlightenment of the Buddha of Compassion only through my powers.

The countless asuras from whom I have received, am receiving and will receive all my past, present and future happiness, all realizations and enlightenment are the most precious and kindest beings in my life - I must free them from all their suffering and their causes and to lead them to the enlightenment of the Buddha of Compassion only through my powers.

The countless celestial beings from whom I have received, am receiving and will receive all my past, present and future happiness, all realizations and enlightenment are the most precious and kindest beings in my life - I must free them from all their suffering and their causes and to lead them to the enlightenment of the Buddha of Compassion only through my powers.

The countless bardo beings from whom I have received, am receiving and will receive all my past, present and future happiness, all realizations and enlightenment are the most precious and kindest beings in my life - I must free them from all their suffering and their causes and lead them to the enlightenment of the Buddha of Compassion only through my powers.

To do this, I need to achieve the enlightenment (equal to the enlightenment) of the Buddha of Compassion; therefore I will do the meditation-repetition (mantra) of the Buddha of Compassion.

You can also think like this:

Each individual mantra OM MANI PADME HUM that I repeat is (aimed at completely eliminating all suffering and giving happiness) to every being in hell, every hungry ghost, every animal, every person, every asura, every celestial, every being bardo. Every mantra OM MANI PADME HUM that I repeat is aimed at making each of my precious, kindest mother living beings happy.

You can also dedicate each mantra OM MANI PADME HUM to the fulfillment of the holy desires of your moral friend. You can dedicate each mantra to the immediate fulfillment of the holy wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, especially His Holiness's important wish that the Tibetan people gain complete freedom in their own country as quickly as possible. You can dedicate mantras to encourage the Chinese government to invite His Holiness the Dalai Lama to teach to millions of Chinese people and to bring complete religious freedom to China.

Moreover, by generating loving kindness and compassion, a kind heart, may all wars, killings, famines, diseases and all other undesirable things that are happening in this world stop right now.

If among your relatives or friends there are those who have died of cancer, AIDS, etc., remember them and dedicate mantras to them with the thought that they can achieve ultimate happiness and complete enlightenment as quickly as possible.


By repeating the mantra, you can do the visualizations described this morning. Those who have received great initiation have many meditations that they can practice. You can first focus on divine pride, then on pure manifestation, and then combine the two by single-pointingly focusing on the pure manifestation of yourself as a deity, the Buddha of Compassion, with the holy body of the deity. In the lower tantras the term is used for this transcendental wisdom of nondual depth and purity, while in the highest yoga tantra it is the transcendental wisdom of non-dual bliss and emptiness. Here the transcendental wisdom of non-dual depth and purity means that the mind focuses on the holy body of the deity, but at the same time understands that there is no inherent existence in it. You have the awareness that what appears to have an inherent existence is not true. When the mind is single-pointedly focused on the holy body of the deity, at the same time this understanding is present in it.

You can do this meditation by repeating OM MANI PADME HUM. Additionally, you can meditate on bodhicitta using either equalization or exchange of self with others, or the seven Mahayana techniques of cause and effect. By repeating OM MANI PADME HUM, you can reflect on the vast suffering of other beings, following the outline of the lam-rim, and visualize their purification from this suffering. You can also meditate on equalizing and exchanging yourself with others and then practice tong-len- take upon yourself the suffering of another sentient being (or beings) and give them your own body, happiness and merit.

New people, those who have not previously attended lam-rim teachings, can visualize rays of nectar emanating from the Buddha of Compassion, the embodiment of universal compassion, whom you imagine before you. The compassion of all Buddhas, which embraces and never abandons you and every other living being, manifests in this form of the thousand-armed, thousand-eyed Buddha of Compassion to guide you to all different levels of happiness up to Enlightenment. Like the rays of the sun, rays of nectar - or simply light - emanate from the Buddha of Compassion and completely illuminate you, just as light illuminates a dark room. Just as the darkness dissipates when you turn on the light, all your problems and all the causes of your problems - your negative emotional thoughts and negative imprints - are completely dispelled, completely purified. While doing this visualization, recite OM MANI PADME HUM.

If you have cancer, AIDS or any other disease or any other problem, it suddenly clears up. Mental and physical problems are symptoms, manifestations of your negative karma - and you have cleared their causes, your negative emotional thoughts and the negative imprints they left on your mental continuum. While visualizing this, at the same time recite OM MANI PADME HUM. Do one circle or more purifying yourself, one circle purifying family members, then your friends, strangers, and especially your enemies.

Even if you do not know the lam-rim teachings, even if you do not have deep knowledge of the different levels of suffering that sentient beings experience, you can see that the world is full of problems. Those who have not studied lam-rim can think of all the problems that exist in the world. You can think of all the different diseases, serious diseases like cancer, AIDS and multiple sclerosis that are incurable or difficult to treat. You may be thinking about famines, wars and all the other problems that are happening right now. For example, some people experience such severe, suffocating relationship problems that they are living in mental hell.

The rays come from the Buddha of Compassion to purify and free all these beings from all the diseases, hunger, relationship problems and many other problems that they experience. There are so many different problems you can think of. All these sentient beings are purified and freed from all these problems and the causes of these problems: negative emotional thoughts (arising from) anger, attachment and selfishness and the negative imprints that these thoughts left on the mind. They are all completely cleaned.

Think extensively about these problems and then chant OM MANI PADME HUM to those sentient beings who experience them.

During the next part of the mantra repetition, visualize that you are receiving all the qualities of the Buddha of Compassion, especially the boundless compassion that embraces all sentient beings. You also gain an all-knowing mind that can directly see the minds of all sentient beings and all the methods of leading them from happiness to happiness and to Enlightenment, and the perfect ability to reveal all these methods to them. All the blessings of the infinite qualities of the holy body, holy speech and holy mind of the Buddha of Compassion enter into you. After this, repeat a number of more rounds, visualizing others also receiving the blessings of the boundless qualities of the Buddha of Compassion.

When you recite the mantra, check your motivation from time to time to see if it remains on the right path. If not, if you have lost your moral motivation and are reciting mantras with the motivation of self-love, attachment, and so on, transform it into the thought of benefiting sentient beings. Remind yourself, “What I am doing is for sentient beings,” and transform your motivation into bodhichitta motivation.

is one of the most powerful mantras known to mankind. Having a direct connection with Buddhism, this chant addresses directly the deity, powerful and magnanimous. The Buddha perceives the six sounds contained in the mantra as a personal conversation aimed at asking for what he wants. Prayer is especially effective if the entire lifestyle includes elements of Mahayana Buddhism, which involves renunciation of earthly weaknesses and vices.

The combination of six simple sounds creates vibrations that completely change a person’s biofield, renew internal spiritual forces and refresh the mind. In addition, Om mani subme hum is one of the few mantras that can solve several problems at once in a complex.

The very sounds contained in the chant include all possible human vices. In fact, when prayer is performed, mortal sins are voiced, but vibrations and vibrations drive them away from the person. The mind is tuned into a positive mood, and the biofield is brightened.

Listen to the mantra Om mani subme hum online:

The meaning of each syllable

As mentioned above, each sound in Om mani podme hum symbolizes a certain passion of the human spirit. If we generalize the meaning of the mantra, then an unpleasant type with a jealous and deceitful character will appear before our eyes. But Buddha enlightens this scoundrel, driving out evil and darkness from him.

  • Ohm symbolizes pride and unjustifiably inflated self-esteem. Many destinies were ruined because of these traits of human character, but the vibrational complex of the mantra expels them from the biofield and mind.
  • Ma combines jealousy and envy. The connection between these vices is obvious - when a person is jealous, he is unsure of himself and his strengths, envies a potential opponent, considering him stronger and smarter. The mantra adds confidence to people, driving away vices.
  • Neither allows you to get rid of selfishness and excessive attachments. You're probably wondering how these qualities could be related. Everything is very simple - when a person is attached to something, the time spent on the object of “adoration” is taken away from good deeds and communication with loved ones. Isn't this true selfishness?
  • Pad brings light into the darkness of ignorance. If you are confused about something in life, then the mantra will bring clarity to the current situation. No, this will not eliminate the problem, but the way out of it will become obvious.
  • Meh fights stinginess. At the same time, it helps to establish relationships with people. Generosity opens up many paths; new useful acquaintances may appear, and maybe a soul mate. But do not confuse generosity with wastefulness, which in itself is a sin and vice.
  • Hum removes hatred and bitterness from the heart. This is probably the main part of the mantra, because evil is the source of many other sins.

Remember that these sounds do not work individually; to achieve the desired effect, you need to read the mantra in its entirety, following all the prescribed rules.

How to correctly recite Om mani subme hum

This mantra is not just royal, it is also “with character.” She does not like fuss and large crowds of people - only peace and regularity. If you have taken up Om mani padme hum, then calm down your crazy rhythm of life. The brains must be collected in a heap, and the soul must be in complete order.

First, clear your mind of bad thoughts. I'm not talking about outright anger; even a slight feeling of envy and irritation should be eliminated. Listen to pleasant music without words, take a walk in nature. All this gives the harmony that is necessary to address the Buddha at such a high level.

Rosary beads should be a mandatory attribute. They help you focus on the words of the mantra. In addition, the attribute allows you to count “entries”, of which there should be 108 for each cycle. Words should be pronounced clearly, absorbing every sound. Direct your thoughts in a positive way, imagining complete well-being.

Versatile help from above

If you experience mental discomfort generated by your own vices, then you are not far from physical illness. First of all, the nervous system suffers, and further down the chain there is constant depression, heart and stomach diseases. This all affects the overall quality of life.

A powerful mantra saves people from vices, which means their health is maintained. So, what is the benefit of Om mani padme hum:

  • The peace of mind bestowed by chanting, like a magnet, attracts positively minded people. The circle of communication is not just expanding, it is filled with people who bring light.
  • If the person praying is a man, then his relationship with the weaker sex will reach a new level. The charge of energy received thanks to the mantra is so powerful that sexual power will remain until old age.
  • Education and the discovery of simple ways to solve any problems makes life easier. Hence, career success, elimination of any social conflicts, and at the same time self-esteem will return to normal.

Om mani padme hum is the main mantra. It can completely change your life. But just follow all the instructions, then the effect will be noticeable after the first reading.

In Buddhism, as in many other religions, there are words and phrases that are considered important for believers and adherents, because they contain the main sacred meaning. This, for example, is the Indian mantra “Om mani padme hum”, the meaning of which we will consider below. It is fundamental in the so-called “Great Vehicle” or Mahayana Buddhism. This phrase, despite its Indian origin, is predominantly used in Tibet and Mongolia.

Mantra “Om mani padme hum”: meaning and translation

If we turn to these ritual words, then it is quite simple. “O pearl (or, in other versions, “jewel”) that shines in the lotus flower!” She is credited with being one of the most famous figures in Mahayana Buddhism, the Bodhisattva of Compassion. He has several names and hypostases - Avalokiteshvara and Kuan-Yin, male and female. This bodhisattva is one of the incarnations of Buddha. He refuses to achieve nirvana until all sentient beings are saved. His birth is shrouded in legends. Unlike Buddha Gautama, who is spoken of as a real person who achieved enlightenment, Avalokiteshvara appeared to his father at the age of sixteen in a huge lotus flower. Therefore, the original meaning of the mantra “Om mani padme hum” is this: it symbolizes the birth of a Bodhisattva. It would seem that everything is simple. But at the same time, Buddhists, as a rule, very rarely interpret these words in the literal sense.

Symbolism of the mantra

Many authorities of Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism) revealed in their works the meaning and significance of these words. Firstly, the word “mani”, that is, pearl, personifies the main moral categories of this religion - the desire for enlightenment (awakening from the illusions of this world), as well as love and compassion for living beings. "Padme", or lotus, traditionally symbolizes wisdom and purity. And the word “hum,” or heart, means Buddhist orthopraxy, that is, behavior that makes it possible to achieve salvation. Colloquially, Tibetans and Mongolians simply call this phrase "mani". In this way they briefly summarize its meaning. The mantra “Om mani padme hum” also symbolizes Avalokiteshvara itself, the perfection of his celestial body, words and mind.

Interpretations of the mantra

They are associated with hidden phrases. One of them, the most popular among the people, means that one who accepts the Buddha with all his heart will have wealth and jewelry flourish like lotuses in a pond. But this, of course, is not the only and not entirely theological meaning. The mantra “Om mani padme hum” (the very reading and sounds of these words) helps, according to Mahayana adherents, to awaken the Buddha nature dormant in every person. All the jewels of the universe shine in the heart like a snow-white lotus, but only the enlightened can see this. In addition, it is believed that this mantra should be recited not for one’s personal well-being, but for the benefit of all living beings - only then will it work.

The meaning of a ritual phrase for self-improvement

Many Buddhist teachers also consider it useful to recite this mantra because, in their opinion, it can have a beneficial effect on the psyche and consciousness of the person who repeats it. The word “om” can cope with vanity and pride. “Mani” suppresses jealousy, envy, and selfishness. “Padme” is said against ignorance, stupidity and greed. And “hum” calms anger and hatred. Buddhists say that words have the power to change a person precisely because of their hidden meaning. Since the mantra symbolizes the Bodhisattva, then by repeating it, a person thereby at least a little takes into himself some of the manifestations of his nature. Indeed, for Buddhists, sounds are inseparable from essence, which is of great importance. The mantra “Om mani padme hum”, from the point of view of believers, purifies a person, removing a kind of veil of habits and emotions that prevent his body and mind from opening up, and also gives knowledge of the truth.

Positive meaning

This “queen of mantras” in Buddhism serves not only as a tool for self-improvement and the fight against vices. It is also capable of attracting positive qualities to a person, turning what hinders enlightenment into something that promotes it. And here it’s not just words that play a huge role. The mantra “Om mani padme hum”, the meaning of which we are considering, is also called “Six-syllable”. And this is not without reason. Each syllable that makes up this phrase also has a sacred meaning. Thus, “om” endows a person with generosity, “ma” - gives him the opportunity to lead a correct and worthy life, “ni” - brings patience, “pad” - causes the ability not only to apply effort, but also to enjoy it, “me” - helps meditation, and hum develops wisdom. In addition, the six syllables of the mantra symbolize the number of arms of Avalokiteshvara, as he is often depicted in Buddhist iconography.

Mantra “Om mani padme hum”: meaning and its influence in the other world

The sacred meaning of this ritual phrase, of course, is not limited to symbolism and help in self-improvement. According to Buddhist beliefs, it provides direct practical benefits in obtaining salvation. Their religious texts claim that reciting this mantra eliminates rebirth in the so-called lower worlds. That is, such a practice can break the “circle of samsara” and take a person away from this “vale of sorrows.”

  • The syllable “om” closes the path to the so-called world of the gods. This place is like an earthly paradise, where residents experience various pleasures. But they are not immortal, and when their good karma ends, they can again find themselves in the circle of rebirths. But while they feel good, they don’t think about salvation.
  • The syllable “ma” closes the door to the world of demigods. These creatures really want to go to heaven, and because of this they constantly squabble with each other. But their karma from such conflicts only worsens.
  • The syllable “neither” prevents us from being reborn again in our world where people live.
  • “Pad” - saves you from moving into the bodies of animals, where you can get stuck for a very long time - for thousands of years.
  • The syllable “me” prevents you from becoming one of the hungry ghosts after death, who are always looking for someone to eat and have no rest.
  • And “hum” delivers from hell. From the Buddhist point of view, this is an illusory world, but it causes real suffering. The people who are there imagine that they are being tortured, and it seems to them that this is happening endlessly.

Om bazaar sada hum pada One who chooses to repeat the hundred-syllable mantra as his daily practice and carries it out, during his lifetime he becomes a son for and receives their protection, and after death he will undoubtedly become the best of them. And it is also said that if you are diligent in the practice of this contemplation and reading the mantra, then you will be completely cleansed of om bazaar sada hum pada of small and medium-sized atrocities. And now I will tell you about something that I have never told anyone before. There is a medical mantra in the Feng Shui tradition that has helped two women I know. In one Indian work, all this is summarized as follows: Although the Creations of dharani, mantras, mudras, stupas and mandala contain the Five Wisdoms, the benefits of these practices are inferior to the single recitation of the Mantra of One Hundred Syllables. I am already receiving letters with stories about the happy changes that have occurred in the destinies of people after they chanted mantras to the accompaniment of music. In the Vajrayana school, Vajrasattva is the secret form. That was the first time I heard real Tibetan mantras chanted. Symbols also heal both body and soul. Although before meeting me they had no idea what mantras were, they liked singing them so much that they constantly asked when we would record the next disc. You may have add-ons installed in your browser that can make automatic search requests. If this highest expression of repentance is repeated one hundred and eight times in a row, then all weakened and broken vows can be restored and saved from falling into the lower worlds. And now, on the eve of my other birthday, I have a strong desire, or, if you like, information comes that I need to record CDs with mantras. Plus, her practice bestows success in all areas. When Tibetan monks collect medicinal herbs, they recite this mantra. Om Mane Padme Hum. When everything is standing still and there is no movement, this mantra sows the seeds of prosperity. The power of these mantras is great and time-tested. Om Bazaar Vani Hum Pad. Vajrasattva holds a bell in his right hand and in his left. This mantra consists of a main mantra, which can include the name of any buddha, yidam or other awakened being. My friends, singers and actors, with whom I chanted mantras, also spoke about the extraordinary rise of joyful energy during recording. This was already a very good sign. It is also possible that your computer is infected with a virus program that is using it to collect information. This transcendental wisdom, dwelling beyond the realm of ordinary mind, cognizes samsara and nirvana as a reflection in a mirror. Om bazaar sada hum pad Only the Enlightened One can wield these symbols. All great commanders wore amulets and believed in his power. I am already receiving letters with stories about the happy changes that have occurred in the destinies of people after they chanted mantras to the accompaniment of music. She bestows purity of intentions, good luck in business and removes obstacles from the path. Thus, the Vajrasattva Practice is one of the most important among the practices of Tibetan Buddhism. Make sure that all my actions are good. All symbols are associated with the life of Buddha.