Lenten dishes: what are they? Is it necessary to stock up on recipes for delicious Lenten dishes if fasting is a time to limit yourself in bodily pleasures in order to grow spiritually?

There is a time of the church year when Orthodox Christians are allowed to cook and eat only Lenten food. Of course, fasting imposes certain restrictions. But the Church does not forbid trying to diversify the Lenten menu with the help of simple recipes for delicious Lenten dishes. Many fasting people (for example, children) may not be able to fast unless they create a delicious Lenten menu. It is important not to forget that the main thing in fasting is prayer, dialogue with God and an attempt to get closer to Him. Lenten dishes are usually very light and easy to prepare; this helps during Lent to think less about the physical and more about the spiritual.

Many secular establishments, cafes and restaurants, offer a special menu of Lenten dishes during the Lent period, but vegetable cutlets, dishes from a variety of vegetables and Lenten borscht can be prepared at home. In addition, Lenten food, as a rule, is considered to be a dietary dish. And for many, these recipes may be useful outside of Lent. After all, they are made from available ingredients and will be an excellent side dish and diversify your usual menu.

Do not forget that God does not require us to harm ourselves, and if for health reasons you cannot observe strict fasting, then before switching to lenten dishes, it is better to consult with your doctor and confessor. In such cases, a relaxation of fasting is allowed.

The Orthodoxy and Peace portal has prepared for you an extensive list of recipes and information on cooking during Lent.

In our rational and scientific age, with its abundance of information, shocking shocks of catastrophes and misfortunes, there is such a lack of a good miracle that brings quiet joy and peace of mind. And we forget that this miracle is always near us, even within us, it is given by God through our repentance and the desire for an internal change in our life, to coordinate it with God’s will for us. This is a miracle - human transformation. Isn’t it a miracle when a person, accustomed to living according to the flesh, strives for the spiritual, who has never known prayer, finds sweetness in church hymns, comprehends the joy of doing good, the consolation of repentance for sins. Lent encourages us to do all this with its entire structure: long biblical readings, penitential prayers and chants, regulations on food. During the Holy Week of Great Lent, strict fasting is observed.

Great Lent. How do we fast?

Let us fast a pleasant fast, pleasing to the Lord. true fasting is alienation of evil, abstinence of the tongue, putting aside rage, excommunication of lusts, speaking, lying and perjury. In this impoverishment, fasting is true and favorable. (from the Great Lent service)

People say: “ a good start is half done“. Apparently, this is why many Christians fast more strictly during the first week of Lent. Lent implies the exclusion of meat, dairy, fish and eggs from the diet, but the extent of your fast must be agreed upon with your confessor, not forgetting to remind you of your state of health.

And the Orthodox housewife has the responsibility: how to make the Lenten meal varied enough so that those fasting do not become discouraged, and at the same time not awaken the passion for gluttony. Therefore, it is not bad if the food is prepared in a familiar way and at the same time does not contain non-lenten components.

Lenten porridge

If you regularly cooked porridge for your family, then you can cook it during Lent, just not with milk, but with water, and do not season it with oil, but serve it with sauce, or sweet: based on jam or jelly, berries, steamed and chopped dried fruits, nuts, honey, cocoa, vegetable corn cream, or unsweetened: vegetable, mushroom; in both cases the variations using spices are very interesting. Don’t forget about the variety of the main component - cereals: rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, semolina... whole, crushed, flakes. Play with the consistency of the porridge: from a spread close to puree soup to crumbly “grain to grain”. Additional components can not only be served as a sauce, but also added during the preparation of porridge.

It’s great if soups are common in your family diet. Most of them have very nice Lenten options or are easy to adapt to Lent. The main point of the technology of lean soup: timely laying of the components, so that by the end of cooking they are all ready at the same time, first harder, then more tender, for example, for borscht, beets and carrots are laid before potatoes and cabbage. Lightly frying the vegetables pleasantly improves the taste of the soup. Most lean vegetable soups gain better flavor and aroma when a clove of chopped garlic is added at the very end. Don't forget about other spices, herbs, and bay leaves. You can also use ready-made mixtures or cubes for broth, you just have to monitor their composition: whether non-lenten components have been added. It is also possible to prepare vegetables separately, grind all or part of the components into a soup puree, serve with croutons or crackers, or even, in the Oriental style, with unleavened rice (here it makes sense to cook soup with a very pronounced taste, spicy or salty).

Thematic excerpt from the Prologue of Prot. V. Guryeva:

Spiritual fasting

(A word about fasting, and about slander, and about condemnation)

Some of the simple Christians think that fasting should consist of abstaining from food and drink, and nothing more. Not to eat fish during Lent or not to eat oil and wine - this, in their opinion, exhausts the entire commandment about fasting. But is it true? No. True, one must fast physically, but spiritual fasting must certainly be combined with bodily abstinence. This is what the Holy Church teaches. “When we fast,” she says, brothers, “we fast physically and spiritually.”

What kind of spiritual fasting is this, and why is it necessary?

The Holy Fathers define it this way. “If you fast, show me what you have done. Which ones? Seeing a beggar, have mercy; make peace with the enemy; do not envy a person who is in happiness; Don’t look at your wife, shining with beauty. Fast without hypocrisy; fast with your eyes, and your heart, and your ears, and your hands, and all your members... Refrain your hands from appropriating what does not belong to you, your feet from going to games; keep your ears from hearing slander and lies, and let your lips also fast, refraining from condemnation” (Prol., Apr. 9).

This, brethren, is spiritual fasting. We need it, because without it, physical fasting loses all meaning. “What is the use, he says, of thinning the body with abstinence, when the spirit flares with pride? What praise will we receive for being pale from fasting, when we turn pale with envy? What virtue is there not to drink wine, but to revel in anger and hatred?” (Episode 14, vol. 2). - “There is nothing more,” says the Prologue, “than to eat meat or fish, but to consume the flesh of the brethren with slander” (Prol., Apr. 9). So, while we fast physically, we also fast spiritually, i.e. The external actions of fasting are consistent with the internal ones. By cleansing the body through abstinence, let us cleanse the mind from vain thoughts and the heart from evil desires. By mortifying the body with fasting, we will also mortify the passions: anger, evil lust, greed for profit and other similar evils. By decorating the body with physical fasting, let us also decorate the soul with virtues: mercy, meekness, humility, reconciliation with enemies, almsgiving. This will be true fasting, pleasing to God and, therefore, saving for us. Amen. (Prototype V. Guryev, Prologue, April 9)

Lenten dishes - the best recipes

Mushroom cutlets. Boil mushrooms in water and chop finely. Boil rice in water with salt and parsley, mix with mushrooms and add nutmeg. It is advisable to grind the mass (for example, in a blender). Form cutlets, sprinkle them lightly with flour or dip each one in batter and fry in oil. When serving, pour the sauce over it well.

Finely chop the cabbage, put it in a saucepan, add water, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and simmer until half cooked. Pour semolina into the boiling mass in a thin stream, cook, stirring continuously, for 10-15 minutes

2-2.5 liters of water, 1/2 cup buckwheat, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. spoons of oil, 3 salted/slightly salted cucumbers, 2-3 potatoes, 1 glass of cucumber pickle, bay leaf, pepper, salt and herbs to taste.

2 tbsp. flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 2/3 tbsp. sugar, 120 g margarine for baking (on non-fast days you can use butter).

Pour sugar into a bowl, add water and vegetable oil, heat a little, add honey. Stir until the sugar and honey dissolve. Mix soda, cocoa or coffee, spices in a separate bowl, then add it to the mixture of oil, water and honey and knead thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

The season of holy Lent is coming to an end, and Easter is already approaching. We live in anticipation of special days preparing us for this Great Holiday. And behind this expectation, it is important not to become fussy, not to lose the repentant attitude, not to forget to turn your thoughts inside your heart and check its structure with the commandment of God.

Sift flour with salt. Add sugar. Gradually pour in water and knead the dough to the same consistency as sour cream. Cover the bowl with the dough with film and leave in a warm place for 40 minutes. Heat the frying pan. Add a little vegetable oil. Pour in 1 ladle of dough.

We are all so used to them that we don’t even think that a hundred years ago they were not in the diet of our compatriots. Many of the Korean salads are quite suitable for a Lenten meal, but we must remember that, firstly, these are appetizers that increase appetite, which is not always good, because... During fasting, you should strive to limit the amount of food you eat; secondly, this is spicy food

Finely chop the green part of the leek into rings and fry in margarine with garlic and thyme. Add the white part of the stems. Pour white wine...

The very first thing that comes to mind is ordinary yeast dough, with water (you can add vegetable cream), bake sweet buns, pies or pies with a wide variety of fillings. Gingerbread dough can be considered no less traditional during Lent...

What is characteristic of the time allocated by the Orthodox Church for fasting? This is a time of abstinence and restrictions, a time when a person languishes his body so that the soul can be “nourished.”

The basic rule (without going into subtleties) is the absence of animal products in food. What does this include:

  1. meat,
  2. bird,
  3. butter,
  4. milk and fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream...),
  5. eggs,
  6. fish (allowed on some days).

If you limit your diet this way, you will be fasting. A real pastor of souls will tell you that even without delving into the subtleties and daily prohibitions and permissions, you follow the path of abstinence and humility of your flesh.

In fact, if you analyze “lenten” cuisine, it is 99% identical to vegetarian cuisine.

In this collection, we have collected for you recipes for lenten (or otherwise vegetarian) dishes that you can cook during fasting. And believe me - it's delicious!

At the beginning of each recipe there is an exact list of ingredients from which this dish is prepared. But you can find the detailed cooking process with step-by-step instructions and nuances by following the link by clicking on the word “HERE”. All recipes are tried and tested. The final photo of the actually prepared dish is what you will get.

Lenten menu: delicious recipes during fasting

Recipes for Lenten dishes (main dish)

Sauteed vegetables


  1. 4-5 pcs. small eggplants;
  2. 4-5 pcs. small tomatoes;
  3. 5-6 pcs. bell pepper;
  4. 2 pcs. large carrots;
  5. ½ teaspoon ground black pepper;
  6. ½ teaspoon allspice;
  7. 1 teaspoon chopped dried basil;
  8. 100 ml vegetable oil;
  9. salt to taste.

In this cooking option, the main ingredients are eggplants. Vegetable sauté is easy to prepare and takes a short time, but the end result is a rich, aromatic, and most importantly, tasty dish. It will be both a good side dish and an excellent independent dish. For details about the process of preparing sautéed vegetables and photo instructions, see.



  1. 2 eggplants;
  2. spinach (can be replaced with arugula);
  3. 4 red sweet peppers;
  4. 1 clove of garlic;
  5. 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  6. parsley;
  7. ground black pepper;
  8. salt.

This dish comes from Catalonia (Spain). Escalivada is not difficult to prepare, but the dish turns out wonderful! It is preferable for him to cook vegetables on the grill - then they will acquire an irreplaceable aroma, and not just bake, and your “Escalivada” will turn out really wonderful! For details about the process of preparing this dish with photo instructions, see.

Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms

Would need:

  1. 1 tbsp. buckwheat;
  2. 300 grams of mushrooms;
  3. vegetable oil;
  4. salt.

Simple and tasty - that’s the motto of this dish! The combination of these products has already been loved by many, and how could it be otherwise? It takes little time to prepare, but the end result is a delicious and aromatic meal. In addition, it is very nutritious, because buckwheat contains many useful substances. You can find out in detail how to prepare buckwheat porridge with mushrooms.

Vegetable stew with zucchini

Would need:

  1. 300 g cabbage;
  2. 1 PC. medium sized zucchini;
  3. 1 PC. medium sized carrots;
  4. 2 onions;
  5. 500 g potatoes;
  6. 1 PC. bell pepper;
  7. vegetable oil;
  8. salt.

Typically, stews are made with meat and all the ingredients are simmered in a rich sauce or fried. This version of the stew is vegetable, without meat, and all the vegetables will be stewed in their own juice, so it is suitable for people who fast and vegetarians. You will find a detailed recipe with photos step by step

Pearl barley porridge with vegetables

To prepare you will need:

  1. 1 tbsp. pearl barley;
  2. 1 PC. carrots;
  3. 1 onion;
  4. 300 grams of cabbage;
  5. 150 grams of mushrooms;
  6. 2 tablespoons of Krasnodar sauce;
  7. 100 grams of refined oil.

Pearl barley porridge, like buckwheat, is a Russian national food. Together with vegetables, this porridge acquires a pleasant taste; moreover, it is good for absorption by the body and is generally very beneficial for it. And the carrots and sauce give the dish a beautiful color. To find out a step-by-step recipe for pearl barley porridge with vegetables, click.

Lenten rice dishes

Rice with frozen vegetables


  1. 1 tbsp. rice;
  2. 100 g corn;
  3. 100 g asparagus;
  4. 100 g sweet pepper (preferably red);
  5. garlic;
  6. vegetable oil;
  7. spices to taste.

Because of the frozen ingredients, this dish is good to prepare in winter, when the choice of fresh vegetables is rather scarce. But our body needs vitamins even more in winter, so lunch will turn out to be healthy. This rice will captivate you with its fragrant aroma and excellent taste! Click to learn the recipe step by step.

Vegetarian pilaf (with mushrooms)

You will need:

  1. 600 g long grain rice;
  2. 400 g mushrooms;
  3. 1 piece of large carrot;
  4. 200 g raisins;
  5. 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce;
  6. 2 onions;
  7. vegetable oil (that is, vegetable oil).

This recipe is just for those people who are different from the majority of people who fast and for vegetarians. The pilaf turns out crumbly and has a pleasant aroma. Raisins add an unusual but pleasant sweetness and are loaded with nutrients. This dish will not leave anyone indifferent. For details about the process of preparing this dish with photo instructions, see.

Sweet pilaf

You will need:

  1. 1 tbsp. long grain rice;
  2. 70 g dried apricots;
  3. 70 g raisins;
  4. 70 g prunes;
  5. ½ tbsp. refined oil.

Most often, pilaf is prepared salty, and sweet pilaf is not typical on our tables. Kids will love this recipe variation and won't need to be coaxed into eating their lunch. In addition to this, it is healthy and nutritious. See how to cook sweet pilaf step by step.

Lent salads for every day

Salad – vegetable noodles

You will need:

  1. daikon;
  2. cucumber;
  3. carrot;
  4. Bell pepper;
  5. lemon;
  6. parsley;
  7. sesame;
  8. olive oil.

This salad looks bright and elegant, so it will also have a place on the holiday table. This dish is suitable for raw foodists because all salad ingredients are used raw. You will learn how to prepare this wonderful salad step by step with photos by clicking.

salads in the post recipes with photos

Classic vinaigrette


  1. 200 grams of salad beets;
  2. ½ cup beans;
  3. 100 grams of sauerkraut;
  4. 2 medium sized carrots;
  5. 2 pieces of small potatoes;
  6. 1 piece pickled cucumber;
  7. 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  8. salt;
  9. greenery.

Ordinary products that are always available in the house are wonderfully combined in a salad that can be prepared for a celebration or for a regular family dinner. A classic vinaigrette is not difficult to prepare, but it turns out to be a beautiful and satisfying salad. You will learn step-by-step preparation of this salad.

Salted cabbage in Petrovsky style


  1. 2 kg cabbage;
  2. 2 pieces of large onions;
  3. 2 cloves of garlic;
  4. 2 pieces of large carrots;
  5. 1 glass of vegetable oil;
  6. 100 grams of vinegar;
  7. sugar;
  8. salt.

According to this recipe, the cabbage comes out delicious and crispy. Although, the shelf life of salted cabbage in Petrovsky style is somewhat shorter than ordinary sauerkraut, but, as a rule, it is eaten very quickly - it is very tasty. For details about the process of preparing this dish with photo instructions, see.

Korean carrots

What products will you need:

  1. 1 kg carrots;
  2. 6-7 large cloves of garlic;
  3. 2 level teaspoons ground coriander;
  4. ½ cup vegetable oil;
  5. 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar (9%);
  6. salt, sugar, pepper - 1 teaspoon each.

This is a recipe for simply delicious-tasting Korean carrots! Bright carrots will decorate your table, your family will be delighted, and your guests will ask for the recipe! The dish is not very spicy and aromatic. You will learn how to prepare this salad step by step.

Korean beets

What is needed for the recipe:

  1. 1 kg of dark burgundy beets (table);
  2. take 6 cloves of garlic;
  3. 1 piece of white onion (medium);
  4. ½ teaspoon ground black pepper;
  5. ¾ teaspoon ground red pepper;
  6. ½ teaspoon cinnamon;
  7. 1/3 teaspoon coriander;
  8. 5 pieces of cloves;
  9. 2 tablespoons vinegar;
  10. salt;
  11. vegetable oil.

A bright, spicy and aromatic salad that many people love. It can often be seen on our tables, although it was brought from distant Korea. According to this recipe, beets go well with any side dish, having a spicy and special taste. This vegetable is rich in iron - this is another reason to prepare such a salad. For details about the process of preparing this dish with photo instructions, see.

Raw food salad “Vitamin bomb”

You will need:

  1. 400 g Jerusalem artichoke;
  2. 400 g carrots;
  3. 400 g turnips;
  4. 200 g beets;
  5. greenery;
  6. olive oil for salad dressing.

In this salad, the products perfectly complement each other in taste and color. The dish turns out beautiful, in addition to this, all the ingredients have a beneficial effect on the body. The salad acquired this name due to its richness of vitamins - their amount in one serving completely replenishes the required volume for the day. You will learn how to prepare the “Vitamin Bomb” salad step by step by clicking.

Lenten recipes for an appetizer or snack

Fried pies with cabbage (very thin dough)

For lean pie dough we take:

  1. 4 tbsp. flour (with a slide);
  2. 2 standard glasses of water;
  3. 1 tablespoon sugar;
  4. 50 grams of fresh yeast;
  5. 3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  6. 1 teaspoon salt;
  7. vegetable oil for frying.

The filling is prepared from the following products:

  1. 500 grams of fresh or sauerkraut (to your taste);
  2. 1 onion (larger);
  3. 1 piece of carrot (medium size);
  4. vegetable oil for frying;
  5. allspice.

Well, a very good recipe! The pies turn out delicate and very tasty because the dough is thin and tender. Cooking does not take much time and the process is absolutely simple. And, of course, this dish is suitable for those who are fasting, since the recipe contains no animal products. You will learn how to prepare these wonderful pies step by step by clicking.

Oriental snack – hummus

You will need:

  1. 200 g chickpeas;
  2. 5 tablespoons of sesame seeds;
  3. 1 teaspoon ground coriander;
  4. 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds;
  5. 2 cloves of garlic;
  6. 2 tablespoons sesame oil;
  7. 5 tablespoons olive oil.

This snack was invented in the East. Peas are used as the base product of hummus, so the dish turns out to be quite satisfying. One sandwich with this snack will ensure you feel full for a long time. For details about the process of preparing this oriental snack with photo instructions, see.

Stewed cabbage with turmeric


  1. 500 grams of cabbage;
  2. 200 grams of carrots;
  3. 3-4 onions (take medium ones);
  4. 1/3 teaspoon turmeric;
  5. Mediterranean seasoning;
  6. vegetable oil.

Such a common and uncomplicated recipe, in fact, loved by many. Only in traditional cooking methods, due to long stewing, does the cabbage become extremely soft and lose all its vitamins. According to the recipe we offer, the cabbage comes out juicy, fragrant, with a beautiful golden color, and the preparation itself will take about 30-40 minutes. Serve this dish with potatoes for a good combination. In addition, this cabbage is suitable as a filling for dumplings. For details about the process of preparing this dish with photo instructions, see.

Stewed cabbage with oyster mushrooms

You will need:

  1. 200 grams of oyster mushrooms;
  2. ¼ head of cabbage;
  3. 1 small carrot;
  4. 3-4 medium-sized onions;
  5. ground pepper;
  6. Bay leaf;
  7. 50 grams of tomato paste;
  8. vegetable oil for frying;
  9. salt.

It will take a little time to prepare, and besides, cooking will not be difficult at all. Stewed cabbage with oyster mushrooms is quite filling and tasty, and the unique aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. For details about the process of preparing this dish with photo instructions, see.

Sweets and desserts during Lent

Banana ice cream (raw)


  1. 2 bananas.

Yes, that’s all – 2 bananas. Despite the small list of ingredients, ice cream can actually be made even at home. And it turns out very tasty! Once you try it, you will want to cook it again and again. You can learn how to make banana ice cream step by step by clicking.

Dried fruit energy bar

You will need:

  1. 1 cup nuts;
  2. 1 cup dates;
  3. 1 cup cherries.

These dried fruit bars charge you with energy, tone the body and saturate you well. These delicious bars also have a positive effect on the body, because these dried fruits contain a large amount of vitamins. For details about the process of preparing this dish with photo instructions, see.

Apples baked in the oven with cinnamon and lemon

What we cook from:

  1. 6 apples of the optimal size for baking;
  2. 1 lemon;
  3. honey 2-3 spoons;
  4. cinnamon to your taste.

Apples according to this recipe turn out very juicy and tasty. The combination of these products is incomparably beneficial for the body. And the aroma that spreads leaves a lasting impression. For details about the process of preparing this dish with photo instructions, see.

Oatmeal with dried fruits

To prepare 100 grams of oatmeal you need to take:

  1. 100 g prunes;
  2. 100 g dried apricots;
  3. 100 g raisins;
  4. sugar;
  5. salt.

One of the healthiest breakfasts is oatmeal combined with dried fruits. And, of course, in winter, when our body needs nutrients more than usual, such a meal will come in handy. You can prepare such porridge without wasting extra time and effort. Oatmeal makes porridge more tender and cooks faster, so it is preferable to use them for cooking. How to cook oatmeal with dried fruits step by step

Caramel Lenten charlotte with apples
  1. flour (1.5 cups);
  2. sugar (4 tbsp for caramel and 0.5 cup for dough);
  3. oil (0.5 cup);
  4. large apples (2 pcs.);
  5. baking powder (1 teaspoon);
  6. crushed cinnamon (0.5 teaspoon);
  7. water (1 tablespoon).

You won't believe it, but you can even bake an apple pie using lean ingredients. This is delicious. Detailed recipe and photos of stages. And here is the miracle Lenten pie in the photo.

Lenten apple pancakes on water

This recipe is very, very suitable for Lent, it does not contain milk, and is soft due to a small amount of applesauce.


  1. wheat and whole grain flour – 3 tablespoons + 3 tablespoons;
  2. medium sized apple;
  3. plain water – 1 glass;
  4. vegetable oil – 1 tbsp;
  5. refined sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  6. a little soda.

The recipe is incredibly simple. You probably already understood everything from the list of products, but it’s still worth looking at the detailed instructions. Here is a link to step-by-step photos and description -.

Lent is a very important time for Orthodox people. This is not only a time of spiritual cleansing and prayer, but this period also involves serious food restrictions.

Most people who decide to fast simply refuse foods containing animal fats, primarily meat, poultry, butter, milk and eggs. And on some days there is also fish. Of course, if you fast according to all the rules, then in this case there are more strict restrictions, but they will be discussed in one of the following articles.

And today we’ll talk about recipes in which we will not use animal fats. And there are actually quite a lot of such recipes. You can cook a lot of delicious dishes without using meat, and at the same time eat well and, most importantly, not feel hungry.

At the same time, we must try to ensure that each dish contains many useful substances, microelements, and vitamins. Lent lasts a long time, we all work, study, and it is important that we have enough strength and energy for all this.

That’s why today’s menu includes such recipes—nourishing, healthy, and most importantly, delicious.

Now Maslenitsa is in full swing, and every day we prepare pancakes for every taste. But we cook them mainly with milk, kefir, and of course with eggs. Although there are But it’s one thing without eggs, but how to cook them without milk.

It turns out that it is possible, and very tasty, using soy or almond milk. Let's see how to do this.

We will need:

  • wheat flour - 1 cup
  • flaxseed - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • soy or almond milk - 250 ml.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • soda - 0.25 teaspoons
  • salt - 0.25 teaspoons
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vegetable oil - for frying


1. Grind flaxseed into flour in a coffee grinder. Then pour it with 2.5 tbsp. spoons of flour and let stand for 15 minutes. You will get a thick jelly-like mass that will replace eggs.

2. Sift the flour into a deep bowl along with baking powder.

3. Add salt, sugar and soda and mix.

4. Mix soy or almond milk with vinegar. We will have a fermented milk product that replaces kefir.

5. Pour the milk into the flour mixture. Mix thoroughly until all lumps are dissolved. Then add vegetable oil and then flaxseed flour infusion. Stir again until smooth.

If the dough turns out to be thick, you can add a little warm water. If you want the pancakes to be thin, make the dough thinner.

6. Heat the frying pan over high heat, then grease it with oil and let it warm up too. Pour a portion of the dough and bake first on one side, then on the other, until golden brown.

7. You can serve it with honey. Enjoy eating!

Roasted pumpkin and olive salad

This is a hearty and healthy salad, filled with vitamins, and also delicious.

We will need:

  • pumpkin pulp - 300 g
  • arugula or leaf lettuce - 100 g
  • black olives, pitted – 50 g
  • green onion - 2 pcs
  • dried oregano - a pinch
  • olive marinade - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • olive oil - 1 - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • pepper - to taste


1. Put the oven on preheat, we will need a temperature of 180 degrees. Meanwhile, peel the pumpkin and cut into 2 x 2 cm cubes. Sprinkle it with a little freshly ground pepper for flavor and drizzle with olive oil.

2. Bake for 20 - 30 minutes until the pumpkin is soft. Then take it out and let it cool completely.

3. Rinse the arugula or lettuce, drain and dry with a paper towel. Then place on a large flat plate.

4. Add pumpkin, olives cut into rings, finely chopped onion, and sprinkle with oregano.

5. For the dressing, mix the remaining olive oil with the olive marinade and pour it over the salad. Mix carefully and enjoy eating!

Pickled beet appetizer

We will need:

  • beets - 1 kg
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • table vinegar 9% - 200 ml
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • pepper - a pinch


1. Rinse the beets thoroughly with a brush. Then wrap it in foil and bake in the oven for about 1 hour. The temperature should be 210 degrees.

2. Cool the finished beets and cut into thin strips.

3. Cut the onion into very thin half rings.

4. Prepare a pan, add beets mixed with onions into it. Season with salt and pepper, add vinegar. Stir gently so as not to damage the beets.

5. Sterilize glass jars; to do this, just scald them with boiling water. And fill them tightly with beets. Leave some space at the top for oil. Pour it into the jars; it should cover the beets by about 2 cm.

6. Cover with plastic lids and store in the refrigerator.

These beets can be eaten as an appetizer, as an addition to side dishes, or used as a dressing for lean borscht. Or you can simply spread it on bread and eat it as a small snack.

Soup - green pea puree

We will need:

  • frozen green peas - 450 gr
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • celery - 2 stalks
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • dried mint - 1 teaspoon
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil
  • croutons for serving


1. Wash and peel potatoes, onions and carrots. Cut the potatoes into small pieces, the onion into small cubes, grate the carrots.

2. Finely chop the celery. Thaw green peas.

3. Pour two liters of water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Add the chopped potatoes and cook for 10 minutes, then add the green peas and celery. Cook for another 10 minutes.

4. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion until golden brown, then add the carrots and simmer all together for another 5 minutes.

5. Then put the contents into the pan with the vegetables, add mint, salt and pepper to taste. Cook everything together for 5 - 7 minutes.

6. Grind the vegetables in the soup using an immersion blender until pureed. Serve with croutons, which you can make yourself.

Soups - purees are very tasty and nutritious. In addition to this soup, you can prepare it, and you can use it both fresh and frozen.

You can also cook. If you have frozen wild mushrooms in your freezer, then you are guaranteed a healthy lunch. And if you haven’t prepared any supplies, or there’s nothing left, then this soup will turn out very tasty using champignons. Fortunately, they are now sold both fresh and frozen all year round.

In addition to pureed soups, you can also prepare regular soups. And almost any - and , and , and . We cook everything as usual, but without meat.

But I’d like to talk separately about soups with legumes - this is both a soup and as delicious as lentil soup. Such soups are tasty and nutritious, both with and without the use of meat products. And this is no coincidence, legumes are rich in protein, they are simply a storehouse of useful vitamins and microelements.

Lentil soup

Unfortunately, few people now cook with lentils. But in vain, these are not only the most delicious dishes, but also the healthiest. Today we will also have a potato casserole with minced lentils on our menu, and now for soup.

You can cook this soup with meat, it’s delicious, or you can cook it during Lent. Moreover, this will not affect the taste in any way.

We will need:

  • green lentils - 1 cup
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • celery root - 100 gr
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs
  • tomato - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • spices - to taste
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • greens for serving


1. Sort the lentils and rinse thoroughly. It is necessary to sort it out, as there may be small stones in it.

Fill it with two liters of cold water and put on fire. Let the water boil, reduce the heat and skim off the foam if necessary. Cook for 15 minutes.

2. Cut the potatoes into small cubes. Carrots and celery into thin strips, onions into small cubes or thin half rings. Chop the garlic. Cut half a lemon into thin slices.

3. Heat 1.5 - 2 tablespoons of oil in a frying pan and fry the potatoes in it over medium heat. Frying time should be about 10 minutes. At the same time, it must be stirred periodically.

4. Then place the potatoes in the pan with the lentils.

5. Pour the remaining oil into the same frying pan and fry the onion first, then the carrots and celery. The sauteing time will be 5 - 7 minutes. 2 minutes before readiness, add spices. Ground cumin and coriander are good for mung bean. You can also add paprika, it will give a good color and add flavor.

6. Add the tomato and fry everything together for a couple more minutes. If you add store-bought tomato paste, add a little water as it is thick and will burn in the pan. If you add grated tomato, or, then water will not be needed.

7. Place the stewed vegetables with tomatoes in a saucepan with soup. Pour in soy sauce and add chopped lemon. Let it boil and cook everything together for 15 - 20 minutes.

8. 5 - 7 minutes before readiness, add salt. After turning off the heat, let stand and brew for 10 - 15 minutes.

9. When serving, remove the lemon slices; they have given up their juice and have become ugly, so they will spoil the appearance. Pour the soup into cups. Sprinkle with fresh herbs.

In Turkey, lentil soup - chorba - is pureed. Therefore, if you wish, you can also make puree soup from it by grinding the contents with an immersion blender.

I must say that this kind of soup is prepared thick, it really takes a spoon. They simultaneously replace both the first and the second. They give you a wonderful feeling of fullness and after them you don’t want to eat for a very long time. And it’s even better not to talk about the taste, since it’s impossible to describe it in words. Just cook it once and you will understand everything yourself.


Granola is homemade muesli made from oatmeal, nuts, dried fruits and honey. This tasty and healthy breakfast is often prepared in America, and recently it has become very popular here. And it is no coincidence that granola is simply a storehouse of various vitamins, microelements and beneficial substances that have a great effect on metabolism. And such a product will definitely not be superfluous during Lent.

We will need:

  • oat flakes – 300 gr
  • mixed nuts - whatever you have - 200 gr
  • pumpkin seeds - 70 gr
  • sunflower seeds - 70 gr
  • almond petals - 50 g
  • honey - 150 gr
  • large orange - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
  • raisins – 100 gr
  • flaxseed - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt - 0.5 teaspoons


1. Prepare a mixture of nuts, here you can use any nuts - hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, cashews, etc. They need to be chopped, but left in fairly large pieces; you can use a blender for this.

2. Squeeze the juice out of the orange, you should get 150 ml and mix it in a saucepan with honey and butter.

3. Put the mixture on the lowest heat, add salt and cinnamon. Stir and heat until the honey is completely dissolved and the mass becomes homogeneous.

4. Pour oatmeal into a large bowl, add sunflower and pumpkin seeds, as well as almonds and chopped nuts.

5. Pour the honey mixture into the bowl and stir until all the dry ingredients are evenly coated.

6. Cover a baking tray with baking paper and place the entire mixture on it in an even layer.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet in it. Bake for 40 - 50 minutes. Remove and stir every 10 minutes. It is necessary that all ingredients are baked evenly.

Muesli bars are prepared in the same way. If you want to cook them, you only need to stir the contents once. When the mass is ready, let it cool slightly and cut into squares or rectangles in the form of bars.

8. When a dark crust appears on the surface, the granola is ready and can be taken out.

9. Let cool, add raisins and flaxseed. Mix and pour into a jar for storage. Store for no more than two weeks.

10. Eat for breakfast, served with milk.

And below is another recipe that may also be useful to you.

This is a simpler recipe with fewer ingredients, and you can choose which one you like best. Or cook them in two versions at once. The fast lasts a long time, so granola will not be superfluous.

Millet porridge with fruits

We will need:

  • millet cereal - 0.5 cups
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons
  • salt - a pinch
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch
  • pear (any dried fruit can be used) - 1 pc (200 g)
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • parsley or mint


1. Rinse the millet thoroughly in plenty of cold water. Then pour it into a saucepan and add cold water so that it completely covers the cereal. Boil. Then drain the water and rinse the millet under running water.

2. Pour water over the millet again, this time we will need 1.5 cups. Bring to a boil, add salt to taste, then reduce heat and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. During this time, the porridge should be completely ready.

3. Grind the porridge in a blender bowl until smooth.

4. If you use fresh fruits, then they must be peeled and cut into slices. If you use dried fruits, you must first boil them in a small amount of water so that they steam.

You can also use any canned fruit.

5. Place chopped fruits or steamed dried fruits on a plate. Place millet porridge on top. Sprinkle with cinnamon, pour over honey.

6. Serve garnished with a sprig of mint or parsley.

The recipe is very simple and easy to prepare. You can skip the step of grinding the porridge with a blender, this will turn out even faster.

You can also cook rice without millet. It turns out very tasty with vegetables, onions and carrots. So tasty, aromatic and very filling. My son is a vegetarian, and I very often cook this pilaf for him.

And in addition to rice and millet, delicious porridge can be prepared from pearl barley.

Barley with baked pumpkin and thyme

We will need:

  • pearl barley - 1 cup
  • pumpkin - 1 kg
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • fresh or dried thyme - 1 teaspoon


1. Rinse the pearl barley thoroughly and soak in 1 liter of cold water for several hours, or overnight.

2. Wash the pumpkin and remove the peel and seeds. Then cut into 2 x 2 cm cubes.

3. Place the pumpkin prepared in this way in a baking dish, sprinkle with vegetable oil and sprinkle with half of the prepared thyme.

4. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees and bake the pumpkin in it for 30 minutes. Place the finished pumpkin on a plate.

5. Cut the onion into small cubes. Fry it in a small amount of oil in a thick pan for about 4 minutes.

6. Add pearl barley to the onion, from which all the water has previously been drained and rinsed under running water. Add chopped garlic and 1 liter of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes until all the liquid has completely evaporated.

7. At the end of cooking, add salt and pepper to taste. And immediately close the pan with a lid.

8. Then remove from heat and cover with a towel, leave to infuse for another 15 - 20 minutes.

9. Add baked pumpkin and mix gently. Place on plates and sprinkle with remaining thyme.

If you don’t have thyme, then it’s okay, you can use basil or parsley. Or just use dry herbs, such as Provençal. By the way, they also contain thyme.

Pumpkin with champignons and celery, stewed in a frying pan

  • pumpkin pulp - 300 gr
  • champignon mushrooms – 300 gr
  • celery root - 250 gr
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • soy sauce - 1.5 tbsp
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Peel and rinse the celery root. Then cut the onion and celery into small cubes.

2. Also cut the pumpkin into cubes measuring 2 by 2 cm.

3. Heat the oil in a large frying pan and fry the onion for 3 - 4 minutes. Then add the pumpkin and fry everything together for another 5 minutes.

4. Add celery and simmer the contents for 5 - 7 minutes, stirring occasionally.

5. Fry the chopped mushrooms in a separate frying pan. I use mushrooms, but you can use any fresh or frozen mushrooms.

If frozen mushrooms are used, it is not necessary to defrost them. You can put it in the pan straight from the freezer.

6. After the mushrooms are fried, add them to the frying pan, mix everything, salt and pepper to taste and add soy sauce. Simmer everything together for another 5 minutes.

7. Serve hot; if there are pumpkin seeds, you can sprinkle them on the dish.

The same dish can be prepared without celery. And if you want to make it more nutritious and satisfying, you can use potatoes instead.

Potato and Lentil Casserole - Shepherd's Pie

Everyone loves it, no matter how they cook it. We prepared it too, and even in several different versions. But they were all prepared with minced meat. And today we have a Lenten menu, so I have an excellent recipe for you, tested. When you eat such a prepared casserole right away and don’t realize that it is vegetarian, the appearance and, most importantly, the taste will be similar to the usual one.

When I first cooked it for my son, he couldn’t believe for a long time that it didn’t contain a single gram of meat, and he spent a long time picking at it with a fork, looking for what was wrong with it. But I didn’t pick anything up, since everything in it is as it should be.

We will need:

  • potatoes - 10 pcs (large)
  • white cabbage – 300 gr
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • green lentils - 1 cup
  • tomato - 1 piece (large) or tomato
  • vegetable broth
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • spices - to taste and desire


1. Peel the potatoes and boil until tender in salted water. Pour the broth into a separate pan.

2. Rinse the lentils in running water, add water, add salt and cook until tender for about 30 minutes. It is best to use green lentils.

3. Peel the onion and cut into cubes. Cut the cabbage into strips.

4. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion in it until golden brown. Then add the cabbage, fry briefly and pour in the broth. Cover with a lid and simmer until done.

5. At the end of the stew, add the tomato to the pan and simmer everything together for another 5 minutes.

6. Then add the lentils and simmer everything together.

7. Mash the potatoes. During fasting, you can add a little butter, milk or hard cheese. But we are cooking during Lent, so we don’t add any of the above.

8. I will bake the casserole in a springform pan, which will make it easier to take it out of later. Grease the bottom and sides of the pan with vegetable oil and add half of the mashed potatoes.

9. Grind the lentils and cabbage through a meat grinder, thereby obtaining lentil mince. Place it on the potato layer and smooth it over the entire surface.

10. Place the remaining mashed potatoes on top.

11. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, then place the pan in it and bake for 25-30 minutes, until the surface of the casserole is slightly browned. To make the crust even browner, you can grease the top with vegetable oil.

12. Take out the finished form and let it cool slightly. Then open it and cut it into segments, eat with pleasure!

In order not to spoil the mold with a knife, its bottom can be pre-lined with a piece of parchment paper cut to size.

Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms

Well, what about without dumplings? This is a favorite dish that is used not only during Lent. And we have already cooked, very tasty and appetizing. By the way, the recipe also gives an option for preparing an excellent dough.

Today we’ll make the filling more complicated and also prepare dumplings with mushrooms. Mushrooms are known to be pure protein. And during Lent, in the absence of meat, it will come in handy.

By the way, in order not to overlap with the previous recipe, today we will prepare everything differently.

We will need:

  • potatoes - 500 gr
  • fresh or marinated mushrooms (any) - 200 gr
  • dill - 50 gr
  • flour - 700 gr
  • salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons


1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes or small slices. Pour in a small amount of water; it should only slightly cover the potatoes. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. There is no need to salt the water.

2. Drain the potato broth into a separate pan and salt it to taste. It should be approximately 500 ml. decoction

3. If you use salted or pickled mushrooms, then place them in a colander to drain excess liquid. Then cut them into small pieces

If you use fresh mushrooms, then you must first cut them into pieces and fry them in a small amount of oil.

4. Crush the potatoes into puree; you can use a blender for this. Then add mushrooms and chopped dill. You also need to add salt and pepper. If the mushrooms are salted, then this may not be necessary. In any case, rely on your taste.

Mix the filling.

5. Now let's start preparing the dough. To do this, add vegetable oil to the warm potato broth and add sifted flour in parts. Each time it must be mixed thoroughly.

When all the flour has been added, the dough should be placed on a table sprinkled with flour and the dough should be thoroughly kneaded, kneading it for at least 5 - 7 minutes. It should turn out sticky, but don’t let this scare you. Cover the dough with film or a bowl and let it stand at room temperature for 15 - 20 minutes.

6. Pour flour onto the table, knead the remaining dough again, then cut off a piece and roll it into a rope 2 - 3 cm thick. Then cut it into small pieces 2 - 3 cm long, depending on whether the dumplings are large or small You will cook.

7. Using your hands, form each piece into a small cake, flattening it with your hand. Then roll out thin small cakes.

8. Lay out the filling and connect the edges, you can roll them into a pigtail or simply connect the edges with cloves.

9. Pour water into a large saucepan and bring it to a boil, add salt. Carefully place the dumplings in it, one at a time, and carefully mix with a slotted spoon so that they do not stick to the bottom.

After the water boils again, you need to wait until all the dumplings float to the surface. Now you need to reduce the heat and cook them for another 2 minutes.

10. Place on a plate with a slotted spoon and serve.

You can use fried onions in oil as a dressing. It turns out just super delicious!

Potato gnocchi with pumpkin

Gnocchi are Italian dumplings that use flour, semolina, and potatoes as ingredients. And they fit perfectly into the Lenten menu.

We will need:

  • potatoes - 200 gr
  • pumpkin pulp - 200 g
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • flour - 2 - 2.5 cups
  • olive oil - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • nutmeg - a pinch
  • fresh greens
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Peel the potatoes and pumpkin and cut into 2 by 2 cm cubes. Pour in cold water so that it just covers all the vegetables. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

2. Pour the vegetable broth into a bowl, and puree the vegetables using a blender. Let them cool a little.

3. Wash the greens, dry them and divide them into two parts. Peel and chop the garlic.

4. Add nutmeg, salt, pepper and half the herbs to the puree. Stir, then add vegetable oil and stir again.

5. Add flour in small portions, stirring with a spoon each time. Knead the dough until it becomes sticky. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with film and let rest for 10 minutes.

6. Separate part of the dough from the overall piece and roll it into a thin sausage 2 cm wide. Cut the sausages into circles, make a dent with your finger. Work on a floured table.

7. Place the gnocchi on a floured tray and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

8. Heat water in a large saucepan, salt it and place the gnocchi in it. Stir with a slotted spoon so that they do not stick to the bottom. Once they float to the surface, cook for another three minutes.

9. When serving, drizzle the gnocchi with oil, sprinkle with garlic and remaining fresh herbs.

Chickpea hummus

We will need:

  • chickpeas - 500 gr
  • sesame - 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • olive oil – 70 ml
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • salt, red pepper - to taste
  • paprika ground cilantro or parsley for garnish


1. Grind sesame seeds into flour in a coffee grinder, add a spoonful of olive oil and mix. We will get tahini paste, it is the main ingredient for hummus. Sometimes you can buy it in a store, but it is sold extremely rarely here.

2. Soak chickpeas overnight in cold water. Then rinse it in running water and put it in a saucepan. Fill with water to the top, bring to a boil, then drain.

3. Fill with water again, bring to a boil and drain. And then do the same thing again.

4. Then fill it with water again and bring to a boil. Add the whole garlic clove and cook for 1.5 - 2 hours. Then pour the broth into a separate bowl.

5. Pour boiled chickpeas with cold water, set aside three full tablespoons, and put the rest in a blender bowl and puree, adding sesame paste and a little pea broth.

6. Add the two remaining and chopped garlic cloves, squeeze out the lemon juice and pour in the remaining oil. Beat the mixture until it becomes a light puree.

7. Place the hummus on a plate, sprinkle with fresh herbs, pour over the oil and garnish with the remaining whole peas. Sprinkle red pepper and paprika on top.

8. Serve with fresh vegetables and pita bread or bread.

Lenten buckwheat cutlets

It happens that sometimes boiled buckwheat remains. You cook porridge, don’t eat it right away, and it sits in the refrigerator. It’s a shame to throw it away, but I don’t want to eat it anymore. And then I started cooking with it. And if it’s not during Lent, then with the addition of a small amount of minced meat.

The cutlets taste as if they were entirely meat.

I started cooking the same cutlets with minced fish, and they also turn out very tasty. By the way, on some days during Lent you can eat fish, in which case you can cook buckwheat cutlets with fish.

But since my son does not eat meat, I prepared cutlets for us with the addition of minced meat, and for him with the addition of potatoes. Since he loves both, he always eats them with great pleasure.

When I started preparing today’s article, I started watching the video and saw a familiar recipe. And I decided not to describe it, but to include this video in the article.

And for Lent, this is just the right recipe. So take it to your piggy bank and cook with pleasure!

Lenten apple muffins

We will need:

  • large apples - 3 pcs.
  • banana - 1 piece
  • flour - 200 gr
  • sugar - 5 - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
  • raisins or nuts - optional


1. Wash the apples, dry them and cut them into halves. Remove the core, do not peel the peel. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 - 20 minutes. You can also bake it in the microwave. The apples should become soft.

2. Let cool slightly, then use a spoon to scoop out all the pulp. Slice the banana and mash everything with a fork until smooth.

3. Add vegetable oil and mix.

4. In a separate bowl, mix sifted flour, sugar, salt, baking powder and cinnamon. The muffins will turn out very tasty if you add dried fruits with nuts or seeds, or just one thing, to the dough.

5. Add puree to the dry mixture and mix. If it was not enough to obtain an elastic dough, you can add a little apple juice. Mix the whole mass until smooth.

6. Grease the prepared muffin tins with vegetable oil and fill them 2/3 full. Bake for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

7. Remove from the molds and serve.

Vitamin smoothie

Using the same principle as this recipe, you can prepare smoothies from different fruits and berries, as well as their combinations.

We will need:

  • large oranges - 4 pcs.
  • bananas - 3 pcs.
  • red grapefruit – 1 pc.
  • mango - 1 piece


1. Wash all fruits. Squeeze juice from oranges and grapefruit. Peel bananas and mangoes and cut the pulp into smaller pieces.

2. Place the pulp in a blender bowl, add juice there and beat until smooth.

3. Serve in glasses with a straw. You can decorate with a sprig of mint or slices of orange or banana.

You can use apples, pears, kiwis, tangerines and all commercially available fruits for smoothies. You can also make smoothies with the addition of vegetables.

This is the menu we have for today.

Along with such simple and everyday dishes as dumplings and pancakes, I tried to give lesser-known recipes such as hummus, gnocchi and granola. So your Lenten breakfasts, lunches and dinners will be even more varied and tasty with them.

I hope that you liked today’s recipes, and that by cooking them you won’t go hungry. All the recipes turned out just right - satisfying, nutritious and very tasty.

Bon appetit! And fast for HEALTH!

Not everyone and not always can eat everything that is tasty. For example, on days of fasting, believers cannot eat certain foods, but they still especially want something tasty. As for vegetarians, they also have their own prohibitions on certain foods. Therefore, here you will find recipes for lean and vegetarian simple dishes, you can get to know them better and take action. Bon appetit!

This simple Lenten dough makes wonderful pampushki with garlic for borscht, you can make wonderful buns for tea from them - the dough is excellent, simple and always works! Look at the recipe and even an inept housewife can do it!

From oatmeal, which many people don’t like and therefore refuse to eat, you can make very simple and satisfying cutlets during Lent. They are easy to prepare, the taste is excellent, you can feed your family with a vegetable salad at least once a week.

If you don’t know what to come up with for your household during Lent, our two excellent recipes are hearty, tasty, and won’t take much time to prepare. Feed your family plenty, in addition, it’s also healthy, so we recommend taking note,

During Lent, and not only, you can greatly diversify the menu and feed your household if you have thin Armenian lavash on hand. It can be used to make wonderful crispy and tender rolls - pancakes can be prepared with completely different fillings. Your family will definitely appreciate such recipes - today we have mushrooms and cabbage. Recipe here:

Do you know about the existence of such an interesting root vegetable as Jerusalem artichoke? And how is it incredibly useful? And you haven't tried it even once yet? We urgently need to eliminate this misunderstanding - be sure to include it in your menu, especially on fasting days, it will come in handy for you and will diversify the menu. :

An excellent recipe for a popular vegetable dish - just in time for the summer season. Easy to cook, healthy, tasty - your family will be absolutely delighted! Try making ratatouille - it is revered in many countries, and this vegetable stew will become your favorite, both during Lent, and for vegetarian meals, and even for every day.

A simple, healthy and tasty beetroot salad is what you need for fasting, or just on an ordinary day when you want to relieve your body of fatty, heavy meat foods. Nourishing, simple, easy - we prepare a vinaigrette for the household.

If you are tired of buckwheat (and it is very healthy!), then you can easily prepare these lean cutlets from it and thereby diversify your Lenten menu. They turn out to be satisfying, prepare simply and quickly, prepare a simple vegetable salad for them and an excellent Lenten dinner is ready!

How delicious this onion pie turned out - I didn’t even expect it! Soft, slightly crumbly, tender - my household dared, before I even noticed, I’ll be baking again today. The dough is excellent, you can make it with any filling, it’s very easy and quick to prepare, the ingredients cost is minimal, it’s just a miracle! I advise you to prepare such a delight for your household - you can vary the fillings as you like, any will do.

You will like these tender and delicious fried pumpkin pies during Lent, or if you are a vegetarian, and just anyone will like them, as they turn out delicious, the price of their output is pennies, satisfying and appetizing! They are prepared simply and without any hassles, I recommend trying this recipe and see for yourself.

An excellent option for lean stuffed peppers with rice and vegetables. Also perfect for those who follow a vegetarian diet. Despite the lack of meat, such peppers are tasty and satisfying; you can add soy, beans or chickpeas to the minced meat to increase the satiety and deliciousness of the dish.

Anyone who loves pilaf, but on fasting days you can’t eat meat, will enjoy its lean brother with mushrooms and vegetables. Vegetarians will also like the recipe - the dish is simple, but tasty, satisfying and nutritious. My husband even said that it was almost like real pilaf with meat. We cook, we please our households,

When you don’t have money for sausage, mayonnaise and eggs, or it’s fasting in the yard, but you want to eat, you can prepare a Lenten salad like “Olivier” - simple, satisfying and tasty! You can vary the ingredients by adding mushrooms or other fish, green peas or canned corn to your taste.

These rolls are so delicious, they are so tender and crispy that your family will definitely appreciate them! They can be prepared for breakfast, lunch, fasting and a regular day. You can have any filling and they will always be delicious. They are prepared simply, quickly, and are very economical.

This recipe for a wonderful lean and simple chocolate cake will delight you on fasting days, when you really crave something tasty. And you can prepare it on any ordinary day, using the simplest and healthiest ingredients.

If you want to make a quick breakfast in a hurry, then you won’t find a better recipe. Just prepare any filling the night before and buy lavash. Spend just 5-10 minutes in the morning and you’ll have a delicious, hearty breakfast ready! This is an excellent dish for Lent, filling and tasty.

Neither the body will be cleansed without fasting and prayer, nor the soul without mercy and truth. (Philokalia)

You will find festive recipes for Lenten dishes in this article. Lenten pies, main courses, soups and salads - we have selected only the best recipes for you.

Lenten recipes

Lenten salads

Salad of cabbage, carrots, apples and sweet peppers

The washed white cabbage is cut into strips, ground with a small amount of salt, the juice is drained, mixed with peeled chopped apples, carrots, sweet peppers, seasoned with sugar and vegetable oil. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

300 g cabbage, 2 apples, 1 carrot, 100 g sweet pepper, 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, herbs.

Beet caviar

Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry everything in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then add grated fresh beets. Five minutes before cooking, add salt to taste and tomato paste.

1 onion, 1 carrot, 3-4 medium beets, 100 g vegetable oil, 1/2 cup tomato paste diluted with water, salt.

Radish salad with butter

Peel and rinse the radish well, put it in cold water for 15-20 minutes, then let the water drain, chop the radish on a grater, season with vegetable oil, salt and vinegar, put in a salad bowl, garnish with herbs. You can add chopped onions sautéed in vegetable oil to the grated radish.

Radish 120 g, vegetable oil 10 g, vinegar 3 g, onions 15 g, greens.

Vitamin salad

Finely chop the fresh cabbage and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Mix everything and add salt. Add green peas (canned). Pour vinegar, vegetable oil, sprinkle with ground black pepper and herbs. You can add fresh cucumbers and green onions.

300 g of fresh cabbage, 1 large carrot, 5 tablespoons of peas, salt, 1 tablespoon of vinegar. 10 g vegetable oil, 2 g black pepper.

Tomatoes stuffed with vegetable mixture

Wash the tomatoes, cut off the top with a sharp knife, and remove the core with a spoon. Finely chop the boiled carrots, finely chop the apple, grate the cucumbers on a coarse grater. Place all vegetables in a bowl, add peas, salt, vegetable oil and stir. Stuff the tomatoes with this minced meat. Sprinkle dill on top.

5 small tomatoes, 1 carrot, 1 apple, 2 pickled cucumbers, 100 g canned green peas, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1/3 teaspoon salt, dill.

Rice salad

Boil rice in salted water. Chop the vegetables, mix with cooled rice, salt and pepper, add sugar and vinegar to taste.

100 g rice, 2 sweet peppers, 1 tomato, 1 carrot, 1 pickled cucumber, 1 onion.

Lenten first courses

Vegetable soup

Fry chopped onion, parsley and celery in vegetable oil, add water, add chopped carrots, rutabaga and shredded cabbage and cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes. About halfway through cooking, add crushed garlic and seasonings; add applesauce or grated apple at the very end. When serving, sprinkle the soup with chopped herbs.

2 onions, 1 parsley root, celery, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 liter of water, 2 carrots, 1 slice of rutabaga, 1 cup of finely shredded cabbage (150 g), clove of garlic, 1 bay leaf, 1/2 teaspoon of cumin , 1 apple or 2 tablespoons of applesauce, salt, herbs.

Lenten pea soup

In the evening, pour cold water over the peas and leave to swell, prepare the noodles.

For noodles, mix half a glass of flour well with three tablespoons of vegetable oil, add a spoonful of cold water, add salt, and leave the dough for an hour to swell. Cut the thinly rolled out and dried dough into strips and dry in the oven.

Cook the swollen peas without draining until half cooked, add the fried onions, diced potatoes, noodles, pepper, salt and cook until the potatoes and noodles are ready.

Peas - 50 g, potatoes - 100 g, onions - 20 g, water - 300 g, oil for frying onions - 10 g, parsley, salt, pepper to taste.

Russian Lenten soup

Boil pearl barley, add fresh cabbage, cut into small squares, potatoes and roots, cut into cubes, into the broth and cook until tender. In the summer, you can add fresh tomatoes, cut into slices, which are added at the same time as the potatoes.

When serving, sprinkle with parsley or dill.

Potatoes, cabbage - 100 g each, onions - 20 g, carrots - 20 g, pearl barley - 20 g, dill, salt to taste.

Borscht with mushrooms

Prepared mushrooms are stewed in oil along with chopped roots. Boiled beets are grated or cut into cubes. Potatoes, cut into oblong pieces, are boiled in broth until soft, other products are added (flour is mixed with a small amount of cold liquid) and the whole thing is boiled for 10 minutes. Greens are added to the soup before serving. If tomato puree is added, it is stewed together with mushrooms.

200 g fresh or 30 g dried porcini mushrooms, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, 1 onion, a little celery or parsley, 2 small beets (400 g), 4 potatoes, salt, 1-2 liters of water, 1 teaspoon flour, 2 -3 tbsp. spoons of greens, 1 tbsp. spoon of tomato puree, vinegar.

Peppers, eggplants, stuffed zucchini

Peel peppers, eggplants, young zucchini from stalks and seeds (cut off the peel from zucchini) and stuff with minced vegetables, which includes finely chopped onions, carrots, cabbage, taken in equal parts, and 1/10 of the total volume of parsley and celery. All vegetables used for minced meat must first be fried in vegetable oil. Also fry stuffed eggplants, peppers and zucchini. Then place in a deep metal bowl, pour in 2 cups of tomato juice and place in the oven for 30-45 minutes. for baking.

Tikhvin porridge

Wash the peas, boil in water without adding salt, and when the water has boiled down by 1/3 and the peas are almost ready, add the mixture and cook until tender. Then season with finely chopped onion, fried in oil, and salt.

1/2 cup peas, 1.5 liters of water, 1 cup buckwheat, 2 onions, 4 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil.

Simple stew

Cut raw potatoes into large cubes and in a wide frying pan, in vegetable oil, as quickly as possible (over high heat) and fry evenly on all sides until golden brown. As soon as the crust has formed, place the still half-baked potatoes in a clay pot, cover with finely chopped herbs, onions, salt, add boiling water, cover with a lid and place in the oven for 1 minute. The finished stew is eaten with cucumbers (fresh or salted) and sauerkraut.

1 kg potatoes, 1/2 cup vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of dill, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of parsley, 1 onion, 1/2 cup water, salt.

Braised cabbage

Finely chop the onion, put it in a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry until golden brown. Then add finely shredded cabbage and fry until half cooked. In 10 min. until finished, add salt, tomato paste, ground red or black pepper, sweet peas and bay leaf. Close the pan with a lid. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

2 medium onions, 1 small head of cabbage, 1/2 cup vegetable oil, salt, pepper, 2-3 allspice peas, 1 bay leaf, 1/2 cup tomato paste diluted with water.

Potatoes in garlic sauce

Wash the peeled potatoes and dry with a towel. Cut each potato in half. Heat more than half of the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the potatoes until golden brown. Then prepare the garlic sauce. To do this, grind the garlic with salt, add 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil and stir. Pour garlic sauce over fried potatoes.

10 small potatoes, half a glass of sunflower oil, 6 cloves of garlic, 2 teaspoons of salt.

Friable rice-oat porridge

Rinse the rice and oats, mix and pour the mixture into boiling water. Keep on high heat for 12 minutes, then reduce the heat to medium and keep for another 5-8 minutes, then remove from heat, wrap warm and only after 15-20 minutes. open the lid. Season the finished porridge with onions fried in oil and finely chopped garlic and dill. Heat in a frying pan over low heat for 3-4 minutes.

1.5 cups of rice, 0.75 cups of oats, 0.7 liters of water, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 onion, 4-5 cloves of garlic, 4-5 tablespoons of sunflower oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of dill.

Potato cutlets with prunes

Make a puree from 400 grams of boiled potatoes, add salt, add half a glass of vegetable oil, half a glass of warm water and enough flour to make a soft dough.

Let it sit for about twenty minutes so that the flour swells, at this time prepare the prunes - peel them from the pits, pour boiling water over them.

Roll out the dough, cut into circles with a glass, put prunes in the middle of each, form cutlets by pinching the dough into patties, roll each cutlet in breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan in a large amount of vegetable oil.

Potato fritters

Grate some of the potatoes, boil some, drain the water, add salt and add finely chopped onion and fried in vegetable oil. Mix the entire potato mixture, add flour and soda and bake pancakes from the resulting dough in vegetable oil.

750 g grated raw potatoes, 500 g boiled potatoes (mashed), 3 tablespoons flour, 0.5 teaspoon soda.

Rice with vegetables

Heat oil in a frying pan, fry onions, carrots, and bell peppers. Then add lightly boiled rice, salt, pepper, a little water and simmer for another 15 minutes. Bring until cooked, the rice should absorb all the liquid. Then add green peas, parsley and dill.

2 full glasses of rice, 100 g of vegetable oil, 3 onions, 1 carrot, salt, pepper, 3 sweet peppers, 0.5 liters of water, 5 tablespoons of green peas.

Lenten mushrooms

Mushroom vinaigrette

Mushrooms and onions are chopped, boiled carrots, beets, potatoes and cucumber are cut into cubes and mixed. The oil is seasoned with vinegar and seasonings and poured over the salad. Sprinkle with herbs on top.

150 g pickled or salted mushrooms, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 small beet, 2-3 potatoes, 1 pickled cucumber, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar, salt, sugar, mustard, pepper, dill and parsley.

Mushroom caviar

Fresh mushrooms are stewed in their own juice until the juice evaporates. Salted mushrooms are soaked to remove excess salt, dried mushrooms are soaked, boiled and allowed to drain in a colander. Then the mushrooms are finely chopped and mixed with chopped onions, lightly fried in vegetable oil. The mixture is seasoned and finely chopped green onions are sprinkled on top.

400 g fresh, 200 g salted or 500 g dried mushrooms, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, salt, pepper, vinegar or lemon juice, green onions.

Stewed mushrooms

Heat the oil, add thinly sliced ​​mushrooms and chopped onions. Broth is added to the boiled mushrooms; fresh mushrooms are stewed in their own juice for 15-20 minutes. Towards the end of the stewing, add salt and herbs. Boiled potatoes and raw vegetable salad are served as a side dish.

500 g fresh or 300 g boiled (salted) mushrooms, 2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 onion, salt, 1/2 cup mushroom broth, parsley and dill.

Lenten pies

Lenten pie dough

Knead the dough from half a kilogram of flour, two glasses of water and 25-30 g of yeast.

When the dough rises, add salt, sugar, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, another half a kilogram of flour and beat the dough until it stops sticking to your hands.

Then put the dough in the same pan where you prepared the dough and let it rise again.

After this, the dough is ready for further work.

Pea pancakes

Boil the peas until soft and, without draining the remaining water, grind, adding 0.5 cups of wheat flour per 750 g of pea puree. Form pancakes from the resulting dough, roll in flour and bake in a frying pan in vegetable oil.

Pies with pea filling

Boil the peas until tender, mash, add onion fried in vegetable oil, pepper and salt to taste.

Prepare a simple yeast dough. Divide the dough into balls the size of a walnut and roll into flat cakes 1 mm thick. Add the filling. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

Using materials from “Orthodox Cuisine Recipes.” – St. Petersburg: “Svetoslov” 1997