The purpose of our life is to evolve towards Perfection and to express Divine Wisdom in our behavior. To achieve this, we must gradually awaken those qualities of our soul that correspond to the virtues that Socrates loved to talk about.
I bring to your attention one of the virtues - patience.

Like all the advantages inherent human soul, patience promotes our well-being and facilitates relationships with other people. Therefore, patient people are good company both for themselves and for others. Understanding full well that life contains many unexpected things that delay the occurrence of expected events or create obstacles beyond our control, people with patience know how to wait and adapt to circumstances, and this is a form of self-control. Conversely, people who lack patience become irritated when events do not unfold as expected or when they are forced to wait, thus disrupting their inner harmony and putting themselves in a negative mental and emotional state.

Obviously, patience is related to the meaning each of us attaches to the category of time. If you consider time to be the main element of your life, a disagreement with it can only cause irritation, lead to stress, and often to tense relationships with the environment. Impatience manifests itself when a person feels, justifiably or unreasonably, that he is “losing time.” Of course, it is never pleasant to put off until tomorrow what can be done today, but isn’t it wiser to “face the obstacles of fate with a good heart”?

Since patience is a virtue, impatience is a weakness born of the ego, which, however, lies at the root of all the shortcomings of human nature. That is, impatience is the inability to experience the present, especially when it is unpleasant. To be patient means to be able to distract ourselves from thinking about the future when the very thought of it makes us regret or have a negative state of mind regarding the present. That is, it is the ability to transmute expectation into a state of consciousness in which there is no feeling of melancholy or “loss of time.” How to achieve this? To do this, we need to forget all the reasons that could justify our impatience, and be able to concentrate on positive, creative thoughts. Showing impatience does not bring a solution; it cannot shorten the waiting time. It testifies, on the contrary, to our inability to control time or, more precisely, our objective understanding of it.

Patience is not limited to the ability to wait when circumstances require it. It also consists of being persistent in what we do. In this sense, not finishing a task is a form of impatience. The same applies to haste, which consists of unjustifiably accelerating the flow of things or doing work too quickly that requires a certain time rhythm. To be patient means not only to be able to adapt to circumstances in the form of expectation, but also to be able to make plans and bring them to completion, observing the deadlines necessary for their implementation. In other words, to be consistent and persistent in what we undertake.

If bringing a task to the end is proof of patience, then it is all the more true that a difficult task requires effort of will. In this sense, for the development of patience, it is more valuable to do what we are not attracted to than what we like. Patience also includes the concept of effort, since it is an active quality that has nothing to do with passivity. What is easily given is often of little value, both in human and divine terms, in particular in the karmic aspect. And vice versa, any action that requires courage carries with it a certain internal strength that “elevates the one who shows it.

Patience is a virtue we must exercise in Everyday life, but it should also be an integral part of any spiritual search. Indeed, if we admit that the goal of man is gradual improvement and through this the expression of his divine nature in his behavior, then we must understand that this path takes time to complete. Obviously, you cannot become humble, tolerant and detached overnight, but this is where you have to be patient and not get discouraged. It is better to think not about the rest of the road, but about the path that we have already traveled, and about what we have achieved, how much better we have become internally.

Perfection of the heart is acquired not so much by distance from people as by the virtue of patience. If patience is firmly strengthened, it can keep us at peace even with those who hate peace; if it is not acquired, then we will constantly be in disagreement with those who are perfect and better than us.

Everyone knows that patience consists in enduring suffering, and only the one who endures all the insults inflicted on him without a murmur should be called patient.
St. John Cassian

He who is long-suffering is not quickly inflamed with anger and does not resort to insults, nor is he easily moved by empty speech.
He who is long-suffering, if offended, is not upset, does not oppose those who resist, and is firm in every matter.
He who is long-suffering is always in joy, in gladness, in admiration, because he trusts in the Lord.
The long-suffering one is far from angry because he endures everything.
A patient person does not quickly fall into deception, is not prone to irritation, rejoices in sorrows, gets used to everything. good deed, people who are not satisfied with anything, pleases them in everything.

There is no measure of patience if it is dissolved in humility.

Those who have patience are saved from many sorrows.

Be patient with the Lord in the day of trouble, so that he may cover you in the day of wrath.

Everyone must, as much as necessary, endure the shortcomings of his neighbor, out of trust in God. But woe to him who is tolerated, and he does not understand this.

Be patient, so that you may become strong and prudent. Long-suffering is a wonderful gift because it drives out hot temper, anger and contempt, and brings the soul to a peaceful state.

We do not tolerate even the slightest suffering. Because of our unbelief, patience is removed from us.
St. Ephraim Sirin

If you are offended by something, resort to patience, and the harm will pass on to those who offended.

With patience, we will find consolation where we did not expect it.

Endure sorrows, because in them, like roses among thorns, virtues arise and ripen.
St. Neil of Sinai

God not only delivers from sorrow those who try to generously endure the temptations sent to them, but even in the very sorrows He provides such consolation that we completely forget them and receive a great many benefits.

To be worthy to endure anything for the sake of Christ is the greatest grace, a perfect crown and a reward no less than future reward. Those who know how to sincerely and ardently love Christ know this.

For me it is more valiant to endure evil for Christ than to accept honor from him. This is a great honor, this is glory, beyond which there is nothing.

If you have no patience with your neighbor, then how will God tolerate you!

Nothing can serve as such evidence of perfect rationality as long-suffering.
St. John Chrysostom

The depth of long-suffering is shown in a person when he remains equally calm in the presence and absence of slanderers.

Where the fear of Gehenna appears, there is the patience of all labors and sorrows.
St. John Climacus

He who can joyfully endure an insult, even having in his hands the means to repel it, has received consolation from God through faith in Him.

He who with humility endures the accusations brought against him has achieved perfection and the holy Angels are amazed at him.

The power of patience is stronger than the sweet thoughts that take possession of the heart.
St. Isaac the Syrian

Patiently endure the blows of heartbreaking accidents, for God’s providence wants to cleanse you with such.
Abba Thalassius

When someone endures everything that befalls him with joy, then no matter what happens to him, everything calms him down.

If someone thinks that he is involved in all the virtues, but does not endure to the end, then he will not escape the snares of the devil and will not be guided to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven. For even those who have already received the betrothal of eternal life here need patience in order to receive the perfect reward for their exploits in the future.

Patience tends to kill the despair that kills the soul. It teaches the soul to console itself and not to lose heart from many battles and sorrows.

IN mental life It is impossible to find a place where there is no abuse. There is no place without trials, therefore, without patience it is impossible to find peace.

It is better to endure what befalls us, to resort to God, than to suffer a falling away out of fear of danger, falling into the hands of the devil and into eternal falling away.
St. Peter Damascene

St. Theodore the Studite

St. Simeon the New Theologian

In relation to the omnipotent and all-holy will of God, there can be no other corresponding feelings in man other than unlimited reverence and equally unlimited submission. Patience is made from these feelings.

Patient bearing of one's cross is true vision and consciousness of one's sin. There is no self-delusion in this consciousness.
St. Ignatiy Brianchaninov

The first subject of patience is patience with oneself, although no one pays almost any attention to it.

The spirit of true patience is surrendering oneself to the will of God, completely, with readiness to accept everything as from the hand of the Lord.

Patience in life is a gift from God and is given to those who seek and, even if they strain through force, to resist embarrassment, troubles and problems.

By allowing grief and self-pity in patience, you diminish the value of what the Lord gives you.

If the fortress of patience breaks, quickly correct it by restoring the strength of the mind.
St. Theodore the Studite

If a Christian forgets about grace and thinks that he himself bore the burden of trial and patience by his own strength, and not by the power of God’s grace, then he will lose grace and remain naked from it, and the devil, finding him naked, pushes him around wherever he wants and how he wants.
St. Simeon the New Theologian

Patience- this is very important human quality, necessary in life. Without it we make many mistakes life path. It’s not for nothing that people have a saying: “If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh.” This is true.

We are always in a hurry and in a hurry somewhere, as if we are afraid of not being able to do something in this life. What's so scary? We won’t make it in this life, we’ll finish it in another. Can we change our lives in constant haste, haste and bustle? Let us remember another saying: “Haste is the enemy of pleasure.” Where is our peace of mind, with the help of which we can achieve success and advance our business much faster, and most importantly, better.

When we rush without thinking through our actions first, we hurt ourselves and, in some cases, others. We may embarrass ourselves or let down a colleague, for example at work, if we are both responsible for the work we do together.

The psychological dictionary defines patience as follows:

Patience– this is a social and psychological trait of a person, an indicator of courage, inner strength, a condition for tact in communication. Impatience as an opposite personality trait - a sign of imbalance. Inability to control oneself, often – painful pride.

Patience and impatience.

Patience endowed with optimistic natures that come out of any situation with dignity difficult situations and who know how to set goals for themselves, achieve them, and solve many problems. They do it slowly, thinking about every step. With patience and inner peace, but energetically and playfully. Pessimists are prone to constant sadness, they do not believe themselves and go with the flow. They live according to the principle “like everyone else.” Due to the fact that they look for the negative in everything, they panic, they become impatient and can commit rash actions that can lead them to an unpleasant situation that the pessimist will regret in the future.

People with a Nordic character type have great success in all areas of life. The Nordic character type is characterized by people who have willpower and are able to control themselves in any critical situation. To have such a quality in yourself, you need to make a lot of effort to strengthen it, for spiritual growth.

Patience gives us success in studies. If we listen carefully to the material, then we understand everything, everything is interesting to us and we can ourselves reproduce what we have learned and show creativity. I don't mean studying at school, I'm talking about any type of learning throughout a person's life. We are constantly and continuously learning something. This is the process of life, not existence, this is the path to personal growth. And if not patience and attention (which is a consequence impatience), we miss the material being studied. And along with it many useful details for our advancement in our own affairs.

By using patience we forgive other people's mistakes. But this relates more to such a quality as tolerance. Tolerance is a trait of people who are kind and respectful of other people's views and beliefs. They do not argue and do not have the habit of imposing their opinions. They accept people as they are, without prejudice. Therefore, the mistakes of others (and their own too) do not seem like mistakes to them. Mistakes are one of the ways to get it right. a certain person result. How many people there are, so many ways to achieve the desired result. A person with patience understands this better than anyone else.

What does patience give us?

Possessing patience, we can develop in ourselves such a quality as endurance under any circumstances.

Patience gives we have more strength and opportunity to overcome the complexities of the internal and external world.

Thanks to patience, we overcome destructive feelings - and.

We stop fussing and rushing and can calmly and intelligibly explain to ourselves and others what is happening. We can, in a state of calm and balance, resolve the current situation or think through a plan for an upcoming important matter.

We can patiently, in a calm family atmosphere, explain anything to our fidgety children, and they will understand, rather than us giving our explanations with irritation, putting on shoes and a raincoat while running, grabbing a bag and “as always,” running away. We are constantly in a hurry and in a hurry.

Patience gives us a lot of free time. This is actually true. Developing in oneself patience, we come to balance, regulation of ourselves, our inner self. People have come up with an illusion for themselves - we need to do everything quickly, many things at the same time, then we will have time to do everything. But notice that when we are in a hurry, even more things accumulate, ten times more. And we have absolutely no time to do anything. Pay attention to this and you will easily see for yourself.

How to develop patience in yourself?

● My favorite topic: everything comes to us. I'll continue. Patience finds its roots in the family. Parents, as wise teachers for their child, are simply obliged to patiently explain, tell and show him everything that is new for the child, especially what causes him anxiety. Calmly answer all his questions, thereby teaching patience. Of course, the parents themselves set an example to follow. If they themselves do not have patience and are in a hurry all the time, are in a state of irritation, what to expect from children?

● Make every effort to own growth, continuously learning in different fields. This could be reading books, various studies, trainings, seminars. These are physical, promoting internal growth. By constantly learning, a person develops a habit of knowledge, developing patience.

●, your strengths and capabilities. A person can do anything if he wants. Build patience everyone can. But this is not easy work, and many people do not want to work.

● Learn to finish what you start, no matter what difficulties you have to overcome. Many give in to difficulties and leave what they started, starting to do something else and again encountering the same problems. This is a sign of impatience. Set a clear goal for yourself and find ways to achieve it.

Patience and good luck!

Marina Nikitina

Patience is such a useful human ability, characterized by the ability to remain calm under unforeseen, changing circumstances. This quality also helps you to tolerate normally what you don’t agree with or to “cheer up” in the face of negativity that is beyond your control. this moment state of affairs. Wise people, taught by life, come to patience when they have to accept external or internal factors as such. How to learn to endure? You need to be able to show emotional and spiritual maturity.

The benefits of patience or why you need it

In an unpredictable life, it doesn’t hurt anyone to have patience, because so often it’s not enough to worry about things that unsettle you. And when there is nowhere to draw strength, internal, previously hidden reserves in the form of patience rise from somewhere deep and help to become stronger.

How to develop patience - good question, but let’s first see what it’s for. So, the benefits of patience:

The ability to “jump over your head.”
Extra strength.
bustle and worries.
With patience comes hope for a brighter future.
You and anger.

Patience is well developed by the practice of communicating with different people. Due to the imperfection of the world in which we live, it is extremely useful to develop patience towards other people. You can stop lecturing them; anyway, empty criticism only leads to anger and resentment, and not to constructive changes. Together with an adequate attitude towards others, you increase tolerance towards yourself and do not “give up” at the slightest difficulties.

How to develop patience and endurance

In order to learn to wait and endure, you need to learn a few simple rules:

If the moment comes when your endurance is about to fail you, do not rush to “explode”. Count to ten (twenty in particularly difficult cases), and then react. Discontent and anger will remain, but will no longer be as “seething.”

The energy of denial or rejection overwhelms you, but “pouring” these emotions out is unacceptable? Then get busy exercise. This will allow you to channel some of the “explosive wave” of your impatience into a more useful direction.
Make it a habit to do the “” exercise at every opportunity.

The essence of the exercise: imagine what happened before the event that bothers you, think about what led to it. Answer the question: how many billions of people lived before you and will live on earth after you? Understand that they probably experienced difficulties too. Although they were different from your specific incontinence problems, inner meaning the same: we all function, perform actions that become momentarily important for us, but mean nothing after a short period of time and looking at the problem “from the height of our years.”

Notice how you are burdened by unfulfilled tasks abandoned halfway. Try not to let this happen.

Try to practice breathing exercises. There are several methods for performing such gymnastics: with a special apparatus, belly breathing without apparatus, with a stopwatch or music.

How to develop patience with training like this? It’s very simple: gradually and calmly follow all the recommendations indicated in the description of the breathing technique. Within a week or two you will feel changes. In addition, improve your health, because breathing techniques trigger healing mechanisms by increasing carbon dioxide in the body and stopping the so-called overoxidation of cells (oxygen poisoning).

Every day, if possible, monitor your intermediate results of working on yourself. If you succeed, praise yourself, because you deserve it.
Do something you love at least a couple of hours a week if you are too busy. A satisfied person will not lose.
Don't forget to keep track of your physical health and support him in every possible way: healthy and happy man will not lose his temper over trifles.

Patience is good for developing a militant attitude towards working on oneself. Perceive intolerance as a defeat, then every time the prerequisites for losing patience arise, say to yourself: “No, I won’t give up!”, “You won’t take me that easily!”, “I will overcome everything,” “I can do everything.” Feel like a warrior, overcoming difficulties and strengthening your spirit and endurance in battle with yourself. You will be surprised at the pleasant sensations that arise the moment you win your first small victory over incontinence. You will immediately want to win again and again.

It’s hard to just start, to believe in yourself, that you can handle this. Never say “I can’t.” When you make such a statement, you really can't. Let the thought fly ahead of the matter: yes, you really can’t learn to be patient right away, but you need to make an attitude: “I can stop being nervous!”, “I can do more!”, “I can handle anger,” and so on. Then the rest of the body, together with the consciousness and subconscious, will not be able to resist such pressure.

The subconscious guides us, but only while we are hiding from awareness of the present state of affairs, from the truth, and lying to ourselves. When you look reality in the eye and know for sure (but without judgment) your shortcomings or what you still need to work on, the agreement of all internal and external processes will come, but impatience will go. After all, impatience is associated with misunderstanding and rejection, which you will no longer have.

How to develop patience: alternative options

Additional tips and ideas for practicing patience:

After all, for classes you need huge quantities calmness and patience, which Westerners lack so much.
Go to a long opera in three or four acts if you are not a fan of this art form.
and a way to feel like a changing part of a huge, seemingly fussy world. Try practicing on your own or sign up for appropriate meditation courses.

Remember what the postman Pechkin said: “Why was I angry? Because I didn’t have a bicycle”? So you definitely need to find this “bike” of yours, that is, a business, hobby, passion that you like to do. It’s not scary if you need to spend time and energy on this activity, which you don’t have left after a hard day. working day. remember, that best vacation- This is a change of activity. There will be much more benefit from spending effort on playing sports or modeling airplanes, for example, than from “relaxing” on the sofa, which does not bring real relief from the oppression of problems.

Grief during failures pushes self-development back, so instead of wasting internal energy to self-flagellation, analyze what happened. Until the cause of the failure is found and eliminated, do not expect progress. The error that caused the failure will occur again. Show yourself respect and calmly analyze your behavior according to the following scheme: “cause and effect”. Think about and remember the link where the mistake was made. Now you will prevent the same mistake in the future, and this is another small step towards the goal.

To the question “How to develop patience and endurance?” There is no one answer for everyone, because the problems are diverse, which means the solutions are also different. If something constantly puts you out of balance, then the first thing you need to do is figure out what exactly and why. After all, if you hold back by force of will, this is not patience, but violence against yourself. It is much easier and more correct to eliminate the cause than to constantly fight its manifestations.

29 March 2014, 15:26

Patience is the ability to wait without unnecessary fuss; patience is a huge endurance.

There are very few patient people. How many nerves people exhaust both themselves and others simply by standing in line at a bank cash desk to pay some kind of payment. If a person is not able to patiently wait his turn even here, then what can we say about success in life.

After all, it is the most patient people who achieve success in life, those who know that everything works out all at once in fairy tales, but in reality everything happens gradually, a little at a time, and for success to come into your life, you need to continue to act and know, that you need to be patient, to go through a period of life when success has not yet come, and this period sometimes takes years of life.

Patience is endurance

People with endurance have good patience. They know that everything has its time. Therefore, these people do not rush things, they just know that sooner or later they will wait, but for now they will simply switch their attention to other things.

The ability to switch your attention to other things and not think about what you are waiting for is endurance. Not every person is capable of this. People for the most part rush things and thereby create problems for themselves, instead of not disturbing the world. The world itself knows what should happen and when, just don’t disturb it with your haste and escalating the situation, it’s best to forget what you’re waiting for and switch your attention to something else, then you yourself won’t notice how fast time goes
will run, and yours will end.

Patience is the absence of expectations

The wise wait without waiting at all. They seem to know that they are waiting for something. But at the same time, they enjoy every moment now and are not focused on their expectations. Everything in life comes easily to such people, because they do not hold people by the throat with their expectations, but allow them to flow freely.

Wise people live in the moment. Living in expectations means living in the future. That's the whole difference.

Patience is balance

Only a balanced and calm, collected person can calmly expect something in his life. Emotionally unstable, capricious people are not able to wait patiently for anything. They get nervous, stamp their feet, and want everything at once, and quickly.

People who are not able to wait patiently for something are psychologically immature people; in body they may be adults, but psychologically they are still children.

That's why there's so little in life successful people. Successful people have a goal and patiently work towards it every day, relentlessly taking action over and over again for years. A a common person he will try to do something a couple of times and abandon it, simply because he does not have a single drop of patience.

Summary of the article:

  • patience is endurance, without endurance a person is not able to wait patiently;
  • patience is the absence of expectations, it is the skill of waiting without expecting, living in the moment, while remembering that you are waiting for something;
  • patience is balance, only a psychologically adult person is able to wait patiently;
  • only patient people are able to achieve success in life;
  • Considering that there are few successful people, that means there are also few patient ones.

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