Maria Pogrebnyak is an amazing woman who managed to combine the qualities of an ideal mother of three children, a loving wife, a successful business woman, a stylish socialite and a popular blogger. Marriage with a football player brought fame to Maria.

Childhood and youth

Maria Shatalova (this is the maiden name of a socialite) was born on November 17, 1988. The girl's hometown is Moscow. Maria prefers not to talk about her own father, but speaks about her mother with love. It is known that Pogrebnyak has an older brother who works as a microbiologist.

The girl's parents worked hard. Maria's upbringing was mainly carried out by her grandmother. Maria herself admits that it was her grandmother who taught her kindness, tenderness and understanding, as well as the rules of good manners and behavior of a well-bred lady. Also, my grandmother took little Masha to the icon painting circle. Since then, drawing icons has become a favorite hobby for Pogrebnyak, which helps to forget about routine problems.

In 2006, the girl began to study at the Moscow Financial Academy, but she had to abandon her studies for a while: Pavel Pogrebnyak, at that time already Maria's husband, moved to Tomsk. The girl followed her lover. However, after a few years, Maria graduated from her studies, becoming a chartered accountant.


In 2012, a new page was opened in the biography of Maria Pogrebnyak: the girl and her husband moved to England. There, the bright blonde quickly became famous. The girl began to design evening dresses, and soon presented the first collection of clothes. It is noteworthy that Maria became both a designer of dresses and a model, independently demonstrating her own creations.

Designer Maria Pogrebnyak

However, the name of Maria was discussed not only because of the fashion work, but also because of her participation in the project of the English channel "Fox" called "Meet the Russians". This reality show about wealthy Russians living in London quickly gained scandalous popularity.

Pogrebnyak herself was unhappy with her own image, which turned out on the screen. The girl admitted that of all the filmed material, only shots were broadcast where she goes shopping, posing in her underwear and showing off an extensive wardrobe. Pogrebnyak complained that no one is interested in the shots in which she appears to be the ideal mother and mistress. In addition to Maria, designer Victoria Unique, fashion designer, socialite Marinika Smirnova and other Russians living in the capital of England took part in the project.

Returning to Moscow, Maria Pogrebnyak continued to work on her own clothing collections, and soon opened the Maria Shatalova brand. Maria has several sewing workshops in Moscow. The girl constantly comes up with new images, which she demonstrates on the official website of her company. Pogrebnyak also personally controls the quality of each model and chooses suitable fabrics, fittings and accessories herself.

Personal life

Maria met her husband, Pavel Pogrebnyak, while still a schoolgirl. The girl studied in the seventh grade, and Pavel finished the tenth. Despite the difference in age, young people were imbued with sympathy for each other. Soon the friendship grew into a tender feeling, Pavel and Maria began to meet and make plans for the future.

A new stage in this relationship began when Maria was 17 years old. Pogrebnyak was then already considered a promising footballer and played for the Yaroslavl team. Masha finished school. To see her beloved, the girl even skipped lessons. This did not take long to affect the grades, but the feeling was stronger - Maria continued to go to Yaroslavl on dates.

In 2006, Maria and Pavel got married. The wedding was played modestly, the young people did not have money for a luxurious celebration. The spouses arranged a chic holiday eight years later, already being the parents of three children. In 2007, Maria gave her husband their first-born son, Artyom. The boy was born in the city of Tomsk. Two years later, the Pogrebnyak family became larger again: a son, Pavel, was born. And in 2011, in Stuttgart, Germany, Maria gave birth to her third son. The boy was named Alexey.

Maria Pogrebnyak with her family

In addition to the family life of Maria Pogrebnyak, fans and ill-wishers often discuss the girl's appearance. After the first birth, Maria gained 25 kg, but she pulled herself together and managed to lose those extra pounds. However, Masha's slender figure does not give rest to haters. With a height of 170 cm, the girl weighs 44 - 45 kg. Many suspect that Pogrebnyak is sick with anorexia and even accuse the girl of taking fat burners and pain relievers that cause weight loss.

Maria herself emphasizes that she likes herself in her current image. The girl admits that being thin is not easy: she needs regular workouts in the fitness center, as well as a strict diet. Pogrebnyak refused fatty and sweet foods and carefully monitors her own diet. However, Maria stresses, the result is worth it.

Also on the Internet, there are rumors about plastic surgery, which Maria allegedly resorted to. According to the community, the girl reshaped her lips, nose, and breasts. Pogrebnyak denies these speculations, claiming that her beauty is a gift from nature, not plastic surgery.

Maria Pogrebnyak now

Now Maria Pogrebnyak continues to release new clothing collections. The girl also develops her own account on the Instagram social network, where she uploads photos of new outfits from the Maria Shatalova brand, as well as touching shots of family life. In addition, in a mini-blog, Pogrebnyak shares with fans the secrets of impeccable appearance, relations with a spouse, housekeeping and raising children.

Recently, the star blonde again managed to surprise her fans: at a party dedicated to her own 30th birthday, the girl presented her debut song called "Pain". Who knows, perhaps Pogrebnyak will soon introduce the public to his first music album. Maria's no less stellar friends and other eminent beauties of Russian show business came to congratulate the socialite.

The footballer's wife Maria Pogrebnyak, whose Instagram has almost 700 thousand followers, is known to many as a model and socialite. She perfectly manages to combine almost incompatible things: raising three young sons and a very successful modeling career. This famous blonde will celebrate her 30th birthday next year, but she will easily give odds to many younger and nulliparous girls. However, it should be noted that Maria Pogrebnyak, whose height, whose weight at the moment is 169 centimeters and 45 kilograms, was not always so fragile and graceful, and ten years ago, she, at all, could be safely called a fat woman. In our today's article we will try to understand in more detail who Maria Pgrebnyak (Shatalova) is, what she is most famous for, and what path she had to go from a modest, unknown girl to a socialite, a social media star and an object to follow ...

Maria Pgrebnyak, biography

To begin with, the biography of Maria Pogrebnyak is quite curious and eventful. The future celebrity was born in 1988 in the Russian capital, in a rather intelligent family. The maiden name of the girl is Shatalov. She was the second child in the family, the model has an older brother who received an excellent education and has been working in the scientific field as a microbiologist for many years. Mom at one time graduated from the most prestigious Moscow Aviation Institute, and therefore the woman wanted her daughter to also receive a prestigious education and a serious profession. From early childhood, Masha was a very sociable, cheerful and active child, she quickly and easily found a common language with others, and always showed friendliness. As a child, the girl was seriously engaged in sports dancing, at the suggestion of her parents and grandmother, she became interested in icon painting, and in adolescence she began to try her hand at being a model. Already at school, she was quite an interesting and attractive girl, so she did not experience a lack of male attention. She was looked after by many guys, and among them was a shy and young, promising novice footballer Pavel Pogrebnyak. Who would have thought at that time that the guys would be able to carry their teenage love through the years and build a strong large family.

Maria Pogrebnyak and Pavel Pogrebnyak met in high school. The guy was three years older than Masha. As he later recalled in his interviews, he was attracted not only by the girl's beauty, but also by her rather unusual hobby - icon painting. Pavel was a timid young man, and for this reason he took a friend with him on dates, who amused the whole company and, thus, somehow relieved the situation. At the time when Masha was in her senior class, her lover moved to Yaroslavl, because he was part of the Shinnik team. This separation was hard for the girl, and almost every other day she went to visit Pavel, but at the same time, she did not start her studies. After graduating from school, the beauty successfully passed the exams and became one of the students of the prestigious capital financial academy. However, at the same time, Pasha moved to FC Tom and moved with the team to the city of Tomsk. His chosen one, without thinking for a long time, left her studies and went after him. It was then that 19-year-old Masha gave birth to her eldest son Artyom. After the first birth, a beautiful and slender girl, who showed great promise as a model, recovered sharply and gained as much as 25 kilograms, turning into a real donkey. Maria was not going to put up with this, and therefore she thoroughly took care of herself, began to eat right, go to the gym and carefully monitor the arrow of the scales.

In the same place in Tomsk, young parents decided to get married, however, at the same time, they did not go to the registry office, and did not legalize the relationship. For a long period of time, the beauty remained in the shadow of her husband, whose career quickly took off. Soon they moved to St. Petersburg, because Pavel was invited to play for Zenit. There, in the northern capital, their second heir was born - a son, who, like his dad, was named Paul. A few years later, the whole family moved to Germany, where Pogrebnyak was already playing for Stuttgart, and his beloved at that time gave birth to his third son, Alexei. In early 2012, the famous family moved again, this time to England. There Pavel played for the Fulham and Reading teams. The children of Maria Pogrebnyak and Pavel went to one of the prestigious local schools, the head of the family disappeared at the training camp, and Maria decided to find herself knowledge in order to escape boredom. This period, one might say, became stellar for the blonde. She became interested in the design of evening dresses, and she developed both luxury models and economy versions of outfits. Presenting their collections at fashion shows,

Masha acted not only as a designer, but also took to the podium together with other models. She began to regularly exhibit her work on social networks, which attracted a lot of attention to her. In addition, the girl became the advertising face of several well-known European brands at once, so her modeling career also rapidly went uphill. Later, she also added a collection of handbags and shoes to her clothing line. Her participation in the project “Meet the Russians” brought a lot of fame to the girl. However, she was outraged by the fact that the interviews with her were severely cut and edited in such a way that she looked just like a typical silly blonde.
Maria calls herself a super mom, as well as a faithful, loving wife and a good housewife. In 2014, she nevertheless became the legal wife of the father of her three heirs, and a year later the whole family moved to live back to Moscow.

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastics

Maria Pogrebnyak. The famous blonde managed to attract attention to her person not only thanks to a successful marriage and a successful modeling career, but also because of a number of plastic surgeries that changed the girl's appearance beyond recognition. Maria Pogrebnyak before plastic surgery looked completely different, and much less impressive. Previously, Masha was a chubby young lady with a typical Slavic appearance, but after a number of cosmetic and surgical interventions, she had high large cheekbones, a sharp chin and a more accurate nose. Special attention should be paid to the lips of the model, which were previously rather thin, but after repeated injections have become unnaturally large and plump. Later, a few years later, the girl realized her mistake and tried to remove fillers from them, but her lips, apparently,

lost their naturalness forever. Also, Maria probably underwent mammoplasty, because after three pregnancies in the photographs, her breasts look just flawless with a characteristic roundness in the upper part. The beauty runs her own fashion blog, where she willingly shares the secrets of harmony with her subscribers, and also talks about diets, workouts in the gym and, of course, about the fashionable novelties of her collections. Maria Pogrebnyak almost never and nowhere appears without makeup, trying to keep the brand of a spectacular socialite. In her free time, the model travels a lot with her family, uploading photos from various popular resorts in the world.

Maria Pogrebnyak(Maria Shatalova) is a famous Russian fashion model. Became famous thanks to her husband, a football player, Pavel Pogrebnyak... The star spouses are raising three sons. Maria Pogrebnyak has become a successful businesswoman. She became a clothing designer. Initially, Pogrebnyak's wife was engaged in sewing evening dresses, later she produced economy class clothes. Today, she continues to develop her brand called Maria Shatalova. By adding her maiden name to the brand name, Maria decided to emphasize her independence and independence from her famous husband.

Maria Pogrebnyak - fashion model

There are several sewing workshops of Maria Pogrebnyak in Moscow, where various luxury clothes are created every day. The designer independently arranges the purchase of fabrics and other materials, visits warehouses, workshops and makes sure that each item is sewn perfectly. She also became a famous socialite. Maria often attends television programs and projects as an expert, guest. Leads an active social life and appears at parties.

Childhood and adolescence of Maria Pogrebnyak (Maria Shatalova)

The future socialite Maria Pogrebnyak was born November 17, 1988 in Moscow. The maiden name of this representative of show business is Shatalova. The girl was brought up in an intelligent family. The model's mother graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute. Today Maria tries to spend time regularly and shares photos with her on the social network “Instagram”. Pogrebnyak does not like to remember his father. Parents divorced when she was still very young, so unpleasant memories of her dad remained in Maria's soul.

In addition to Maria, the Shatalov family also had an older son. He dedicated his life to medicine and became a microbiologist. There is a big age difference between Maria Pogrebnyak and her older brother, since she was born when her mother was at a fairly mature age. Due to the fact that the parents of the secular diva worked almost around the clock, her grandmother was involved in the upbringing of Masha. She tried to instill in the girl a love of creativity and religion. It was at the insistence of her grandmother that young Pogrebnyak began to attend an icon painting circle. For many years, Maria painted pictures every day for hours, without leaving her easel. According to the girl, even now, in adulthood, she returns to icon painting if she has free time. Religion accompanies Pogrebnyak throughout his life and helps her in difficult situations.

Also, grandmother Pogrebnyak taught her sincerity, intelligence and good manners. From an early age, the future socialite knew all the rules of etiquette and was a real lady. In all interviews, Maria fondly recalls her grandmother, who put maximum effort into her upbringing.

Maria Pogrebnyak studied at a sports school with her future husband, Pavel.

Soon the time came to decide on a future profession. Maria Pogrebnyak decided to become an accountant and in 2006 she entered the Moscow Finance Academy. However, after a few months she had to interrupt the educational process. The reason was that Pavel Pogrebnyak left for Tomsk and began to play for the Tom team. His beloved dropped everything and went to Tomsk. A few years later, Pogrebnyak still received a higher education. She graduated from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and received a diploma in accountant.

Career of Maria Pogrebnyak (Maria Shatalova)

Despite the fact that Maria Pogrebnyak received an accountant diploma, she connected her life with a completely different field. In 2012, together with her husband, Pavel Pogrebnyak, the girl moved to England, where her creative career began. She became a successful designer. Pavel Pogrebnyak played in the Fulham and Reading teams. Initially, his wife, an aspiring designer, created beautiful collections of evening dresses. Then she made collections for different budgets. Maria began working on the creation of economy class clothes and on a line of VIP models.

Maria Pogrebnyak proved herself not only as an experienced designer, but also as a fashion model. Repeatedly, the girl starred for the filming of her collections and for other brands. Pogrebnyak leads a healthy lifestyle, monitors his diet, daily routine, goes in for sports and fitness. That is why she is often invited to shoot as a model. Note that Maria Pogrebnyak is independently engaged in the purchase of fabrics and sewing materials. Despite her busy schedule, she visits her workshops in Moscow almost every day and controls the work process. As you know, her own line of clothing was named Maria Shatalova. The maiden name characterizes the independence of Mary. Later, the designer began to produce handbags and ball gowns.

Once Maria and Pavel Pogrebnyak were offered to star in the project of the English channel "Fox" entitled Meet the Russians... This is a reality show in which famous personalities living in England talk about their success. The wife of the Russian footballer talked about family life, about children, about household and, of course, about her work as a designer. However, the girl soon regretted taking part in this program. The directors of the TV show edited this issue in such a way that Pogrebnyak appeared before the audience as an empty socialite who is not interested in anything but money and fashionable clothes. Maria herself claims that she is completely different from what she looks like on television. Other Russian celebrities also took part in this edition of the English TV show. Among them are designer Victoria Unique, fashion designer Kristina Sysoeva, socialite Marinika Smirnova and many others.

After returning from London to Moscow, Maria Pogrebnyak opened several workshops in her hometown. Today the brand called "Maria Shatalova" enjoys immense popularity. The wife of football player Pavel Pogrebnyak offers everyone a wide range of fashionable clothes. Among them are evening and ball gowns, handbags and other things. Anyone can afford Maria's clothes, as she makes both economy and luxury class items. Apart from this, London also has several workshops of a socialite. For each model, fittings and fabrics are selected very carefully under the supervision of Pogrebnyak herself.

Recently, Maria Pogrebnyak was invited as an expert to Russian television projects called Let Them Talk and The Stars Aligned. She is often invited to shoot famous projects, Maria happily agrees.

Personal life of Maria Pogrebnyak (Maria Shatalova)

The only man of Maria Pogrebnyak is her husband, the famous football player Pavel Pogrebnyak. Maria met her future husband at an early age, as a schoolgirl. When Maria was in seventh grade, she began to be friends with her future husband, Pavel Pogrebnyak. The guy was three years older than Maria, he was in the tenth grade. They were friends over the years. When Shatalova was seventeen years old, an affair began between her and Pogrebnyak. Since school years, they have not been separated and have always been together. As you know, the future socialite and fashion model studied at the capital's sports school. The socialite was one of the most popular girls in the school. A spectacular blonde has always attracted the attention of others. Pavel Pogrebnyak was the complete opposite. He was a modest and inconspicuous guy.

Even on romantic dates, young Pogrebnyak came with his friend, because he was afraid that he would not be able to make Maria laugh. When the girl entered the final class, her lover was transferred to the Yaroslavl "Shinnik". Distance was a global issue in their relationship. In this regard, almost every day Maria Shatalova went to her boyfriend in Yaroslavl, skipping lessons. The girl was not even stopped by the fact that it was necessary to prepare for the exams. She always distinguished herself from her peers in good academic performance, but due to frequent absences, she began to receive poor grades. Maria Pogrebnyak recalls that she barely finished the eleventh grade.

Soon the time came to decide on a future profession. Maria Pogrebnyak decided to become an accountant and in 2006 she entered the Moscow Finance Academy. However, after a few months she had to interrupt the educational process. The reason was that Pavel Pogrebnyak left for Tomsk and began to play for the Tom team. His beloved dropped everything and went to Tomsk. A few years later, Pogrebnyak still received a higher education. She graduated Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and received a diploma of an accountant.

In 2006, Maria and Pavel legalized their relationship by marriage. They arranged a small party for relatives and friends. A year later, their firstborn, a son named Artemy, appeared in their family. The boy was born in the city of Tomsk, where at that time the Pogrebnyak family lived in connection with Pavel's football career. In 2009, Maria gave birth to her second son, Paul. He was born in St. Petersburg. In 2011, Pogrebnyak became a mother of many children. In the German city of Stuttgart, she gave birth to her third son, Alexei.

In 2014, in Moscow, Maria and Pavel Pogrebnyak staged an enchanting holiday in honor of their wedding. Recall that they got married in 2006, but at that time they did not celebrate their wedding.

Maria recalls that after giving birth to her first son, Artemy, she recovered greatly. Pogrebnyak gained twenty-five kilograms, which shocked not only her family, but also fans. She was often condemned for being overweight, so Maria decided to pull herself together and lose weight. Today, she carefully monitors her diet, completely excluded sweet, flour, salty and fatty foods from the diet. Every day for an hour, the girl is engaged in the gym to be in shape. Its weight does not exceed forty-five kilograms. Often envious subscribers accuse Pogrebnyak of anorexia and other diseases.

Also, information about plastic surgery of Maria Pogrebnyak often appears on social networks. The secular diva has repeatedly said in her interviews that she resorted to the help of a plastic surgeon. Note that the designer changed the shape of the nose, enlarged the lips, and also changed the shape of the face. Now the girl has expressive cheekbones. She admitted that she regrets the operations performed, since at the moment her appearance looks artificial and unnatural. Moreover, Pogrebnyak tried to reduce the size of her lips, but she failed to achieve the desired result. Repeatedly in the media there were rumors that Maria Pogrebnyak had augmented her breasts. The secular diva herself does not comment on this information.

Maria Pogrebnyak (Maria Shatalova)

Today Maria Pogrebnyak continues to make clothes. She has proven herself as an experienced designer and fashion model. On the Instagram social network, the girl shares with subscribers photos of the brand's new outfits called "Maria Shatalova". She actively shares interesting fragments of her life with her fans. Pogrebnyak talks about his career and personal life. Often in her account you can see a photo with her husband and three sons.

Last year Maria Pogrebnyak celebrated her thirtieth anniversary. The holiday was attended by her star friends. Among them, and many others. At the anniversary party, the socialite surprised all the guests. She presented her debut song called "Pain Relief".

Maria Pogrebnyak tries to devote all her free time to her children. A mother with many children often travels to different countries with her family. Often this representative of Russian show business is compared to Victoria Beckham. In her personal mini-blog, Maria shares the secrets of parenting and talks about self-care.

Maria Pogrebnyak became famous not only as the wife of the popular Russian footballer Pavel Pogrebnyak. She has long been a famous clothing designer, taking Shatalov's maiden name as the basis for the name of her fashion brand. Now a few more have been added to the title of the star wife - a mother of many children, a businesswoman and a very beautiful one. But is her beauty so natural? Increasingly, Maria is accused of plastic surgery, and her excessive thinness causes controversial rumors. tells how Maria Pogrebnyak looked before plastic surgery (shows for comparison photos before and after plastic surgery), as well as how the footballer's wife lost weight after giving birth.

Maria Pogrebnyak before losing weight - what was the football player's wife before?

Today Maria Pogrebnyak is a stylish socialite with a slender figure and bright appearance. But has she always been the way fans are used to seeing her? In her youth, the girl's appearance was very different from her modern image. In the photo in her youth, it is clear that nature did not deprive the Russian beauty of chubby cheeks and a pleasant roundness of her face. This is what Maria looked like before losing weight and plastic surgery.

Now the wife of a famous football player and mother of three sons boasts an incredibly sophisticated build. She became so graceful that many followers began to suspect her of anorexia. Such accusations cannot be called unfounded. With a height of 169 cm, her weight is only 43 kilograms.

Such complaints do not bother Mary at all. She claims that her thinness is a completely natural consequence of proper nutrition and constant physical activity. Therefore, even after the second and third births, she continues to delight fans with an incredibly thin body.

How did the mother of three sons, Maria Pogrebnyak, lose weight after giving birth?

On her Instagram page, Maria often shows good shape. Many are amazed that she manages to be so thin after giving birth to three sons. It is not surprising that the fans of the wife of a famous football player were interested in how Maria lost weight, and what caused such a sharp weight loss?

The fact is that after the first birth, she gained an extra 25 kilograms. A young 19-year-old mother was not at all happy with such a sudden weight gain. And the fans of her stellar husband gave offensive nicknames to their "rival", emphasizing the fact that the footballer's wife had greatly recovered. These mockery became an incentive for further work on oneself. The girl decided to get rid of curvaceous forms at any cost and devoted herself not only to raising her son, but also to the struggle for an elegant figure.

Having worked out a diet for herself, developed a training plan, adjusted herself psychologically to constant work on her appearance, Maria worthily passed the test of two more pregnancies. Today, anti-fans and female fans alike are unanimously in awe of how beautiful the mother of three sons looks. Although it was not without complaints in this case, those who accused her of ugly corpulence now began to talk about her painful thinness.

What is the secret of Mary's slender figure?

She herself answers this question on her page in Insagram. First of all, says Maria, you need to find an incentive to lose weight. Each person has his own - to return attractiveness, get rid of diseases associated with excess weight, win the sympathy of the opposite sex. But the main basis of motivation should be the pursuit of health and beauty. An important psychological point is a positive attitude towards the process of losing weight and its results.

    The food should be varied. No fried, smoked food. Only boiled food or steamed food. The basis of the menu is foods with a lot of protein and vegetables. The slender blonde refuses sweet fruits. Especially from those in which the amount of sugar is off scale. "Danger" in this sense is represented by: grapes, bananas, pomegranates, cherries and cherries, persimmons, mangoes. Dates, figs and raisins are also taboo. So that the menu is not too meager, Maria adds to it such products as: low-fat cottage cheese, boiled white chicken meat, dry fish fillets. In addition, her diet contains low-calorie porridge cooked in water - oatmeal, dark rice, buckwheat.

But a diet without sports will not take effect, says the wife of a famous Russian athlete. For many years now, she has been constantly training to achieve ideal parameters. At the same time, she believes that hobby for strength exercises is useless. This can lead to the girl losing her femininity and turning into a muscular bodybuilder. In sports activities, Masha relies on the following types of activities:

    Jogging in the fresh air. Fitness exercises in the gym. Walking and running on a treadmill.

According to Maria, her slender figure was the result of hard work and adherence to three foundations: psychology, diet, sports.

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastics - how did the image of a pretty blonde change?

After the birth of her first son, Maria was carried away not only by her physical form. She decided to transform her face too. It was from that time that its external changes began. For the first time, fans noticed plastic surgery on her face when her lips were suddenly swollen, dramatically different from natural volumes.

Then Maria used biogel. This material was a popular lip filler at the time. But the result was not very aesthetic, the lips were deformed and reached enormous sizes. The fans of the star did not like this imbalance at all, and they advised her to remove fillers, believing that without them she looked much younger and more attractive.

Masha nevertheless listened to the opinion of her fans and removed the unsuccessful fillers. But it happened much later - after 10 years. After removing the biogel, the star claims, she did not perform any manipulations with her lips. But the photos before and after plastic surgery eloquently prove the opposite. Few people find such voluminous lips natural. Most likely, the girl simply replaced their filling with a more modern and safer option - hyaluronic acid.

But the photo led to the opposite effect - instead of believing in the magic power of make-up, followers began to put forward versions that plastic surgery helped to correct the shape of the nose. The imposing blonde reacted rather calmly to the accusations against her. She continued to insist that the proper use of cosmetics can quite noticeably correct the shape of the nose. So the achievements of aesthetic medicine are absolutely useless for her. The image in the picture was created exclusively with the help of contouring.

Metamorphoses of Maria Pogrebnyak's appearance did not go unnoticed. In the photo before and after the alleged plastic surgery, you can see how her face has changed. Sharp cheekbones appeared, lips became larger, the contour of the face was thinned, and the nose became smaller.

Maria Pogrebnyak or Malinovskaya? What are their differences?

Despite all the questions about what kind of plastic surgery the wife of the famous football player Pogrebnyak did, Maria replies that her beauty is the result of painstaking self-care, and not the consequences of plastic surgery. She often shares the secrets of how to look good, but always denies any surgery on her appearance. But every time attempts to pass off wishful thinking end in fiasco.

She was increasingly compared with such plastic lovers as Masha Malinovskaya. Both star blondes are constantly experimenting with their appearance. Aesthetic surgery has made the two stars practically twins. According to many, the fascination with beauty injections and fillers leads to a gradual loss of natural external data. You can verify how fair such accusations against the two Marias are by comparing their photos.

In many of her photographs, Maria is “fully armed”. Luxurious clothes, beautiful hairstyle and impeccable makeup. But the secular lioness also has pictures of a different plan in her piggy bank. Posts with photos without makeup appear on Instagram from time to time. By signing them, a young mother with many children emphasizes that even a star face needs a break from make-up, false eyelashes and complex styling. Many people like such "revelations", but some find them completely insincere. In most cases, the reproaches relate to the fact that cosmetics are present, but in an elegant and inconspicuous nude style.

Date of birth: 11/17/1988
Place of birth: Moscow
Maiden name: Shatalova

Biography of Maria Pogrebnyak

Maria Pogrebnyak was born on November 17, 1988 in the city of Moscow into an exemplary family. Maria and her younger brother were raised by mom, dad and grandmother. The girl's maiden name is Shatalova. Maria Pogrebnyak very often talks about her parents on Instagram. She uploads joint photos and writes posts about family values.
In one of her interviews, Pogrebnyak said that her parents were very busy with their work. Therefore, the grandmother was engaged in raising the girl. In elementary school, Maria was sent to the icon painting circle. Maria really liked to be creative. The girl could sit and paint icons almost all day long. She did this until she was 14.

Marriage with Pavel Pogrebnyak

While still at school, Maria began a relationship with Pavel. In the 8th grade, their romance began. We can say that Mary's life was subordinated to the interests of Paul. For the sake of his career, Maria sacrificed a lot. In 2006, Maria Pogrebnyak entered one of the prestigious Moscow universities, but then dropped out. Due to the fact that Pavel was offered a job in the city of Tomsk, the couple moved. Of course, a few years later, Maria still graduated from the university and received the specialty of an accountant.

In 2012, Maria and Pavel Pogrebnyak moved to England due to a football contract. There Pavel played in the Fulham team. It was there that Maria began to build her career as a designer and model. At first, Maria Pogrebnyak created collections of evening dresses, at various shows she was not only a designer, but also a model. After a couple of months of work, Maria became known as a talented fashion designer.


In England, Maria achieved great popularity. But the girl did not stop there. The main goal of Maria Pogrebnyak was to create her own brand in Russia. This she did. Now Maria is engaged in the creation of clothing design. The girl has several stores in Moscow. Maria herself controls all production. The beauty spends almost all her free time on trips to warehouses and shops, she herself checks the quality of things, monitors the condition and quality of fabrics and accessories.

Maria Pogrebnyak's fashion business is selling well. Due to the popularity of the girl, many girls want to buy themselves a thing from her collection. It is worth noting that Maria's pricing policy is not very high, so almost every girl can buy herself a thing from her brand.

Family and children of Maria Pogrebnyak

Pavel and Maria got married and got married on October 23, 2006. In the marriage, the couple had three sons. Maria's first son, Artem, was born in 2007 in the city of Tomsk. The second son was born in 2009 - Pavel, the third - Alexey was born in 2011 in Germany.

Maria Pogrebnyak is the perfect example of a modern woman. She is a great mom and wife. On the Instagram of Maria Pogrebnyak, you can often see her photographs with her family. Also on Instagram, Maria shares advice with other girls, she talks about simple and delicious recipes, about raising children and many other interesting things.
It is also worth noting that in addition to the role of a housewife, Maria copes with the role of a business woman. She successfully runs her own business and makes good money. In addition to her clothing brand, Maria maintains an Instagram account, through which Pogrebnyak also makes money.

Plastic surgery of Maria Pogrebnyak

Maria Pogrebnyak before plastic surgery looked completely different. The girl completely changed her appearance. Thanks to plastic surgery, Maria reshapes her face, nose and lips. After several lip surgeries, Maria decided to stop because she realized that she didn't want to look like a duck. The girl even had a lip reduction operation.
It is worth noting that after plastic surgery, Maria Pogrebnyak looks much more charming. Pogrebnyak admits that she owes her appearance to her talented surgeons. Maria also underwent two breast augmentation plastic surgeries, but according to Maria, she did it after giving birth, as the shape and size were very deformed.

Instagram Maria Pogrebnyak

In 2017, Maria Pogrebnyak's instagram is gaining momentum, a large number of people began to subscribe to the girl. Now more than 700 thousand people follow Pogrebnyak's life on Instagram, and this is not a chapel - the number of subscribers is growing every day. Maria Pogrebnyak's husband is very often present in her video. Together with him and the children, Maria shoots very soulful and family videos. After looking at Maria's profile, you are charged with positive emotions for the whole day.

The project "Team of the wives of football players"

In 2018, Maria Pogrebnyak took part in the TV show "The national team of football players' wives". The essence of the project was that the wives of famous Russian footballers talk about their lives. Colleagues on the project of Maria Pogrebnyak were:, and.
As Maria Pogrebnyak herself admits, filming in the project "Team of the wives of football players" brought her a lot of positive emotions. In addition to Pavel Pogrebnyak himself, the sons of Maria also starred in the TV show.

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