After 1985, the popularity of the Kino group grew by leaps and bounds. The 23-year-old was snapped up. Sometimes, stopping in for a visit, the taxi would not let go, dropping in for just a minute. Much more often than live, we saw him on TV. I remember how it happened for the first time, at the very beginning of the eighties, Vitya was not even twenty. An excited one called: “Father, turn on the St. Petersburg channel. They are showing us! "

The "performance" lasted literally half a minute: the son and his friends were shouting something and making faces. That's the whole "concert". Then they began to show him more and more often, to invite him to the popular youth program "Vzglyad". Vitka's fame, which had already gained momentum by the mid-eighties, was absolutely unexpected for us. We got used to thinking of him as a future artist. The success of my son in the circle of informal youth did not tell us anything, and this environment looked rather dubious. Now I am proud that such a master as Boris Grebenshchikov took my son under his wing. And in those years I did not even hear his name. My mother and I were never considered “ours” in the company of our son, and this is impossible. He had his own life, his own interests. We stayed away from them.

However, this did not prevent the emergence of conflicts. So, when Vitya received a summons to the army, Valentina and I were sure that the son should fulfill his civic duty. They could not agree with Maryana's decision to put him in a psychiatric hospital. So it was possible to "roll away" from the service. Nobody listened to us, of course. Vitka was in bed for the allotted time, what the doctors did to him there - I don't know, but he got an exemption from the army.

At some point, the son finally got a permanent job - as a fireman in a boiler room at the hostel of a construction trust. At that time, no one had any idea that this boiler house would become well-known "Kamchatka" and a museum would be arranged in it. Vitka and Maryasha already had a son, Sasha, and sometimes I could not stand it:

How long can you toil with the foolishness? Your child is growing! You can always make money as an artist!

He brushed it off:

But here I feel completely free!

Vitya and Maryana lived for five years. In 1987, on the set of Sergei Solovyov's film Assa, the son met another woman, Natalia Razlogova, who worked as an assistant to the second director. Vitka fell in love and left the family. Perhaps my bad example played a role here. I have not witnessed this break. But as far as I understand, everything went peacefully, without scandals. Officially, the marriage with Maryana was never dissolved. Valentina was terribly worried, believed that Vitka behaved not like human beings, lived neither married nor single, and yet he had a son. In response, Vitya freaked out: "It's none of your business!" - and left, slamming the door. They quarreled for a long time.

The main rock musician of Russia in the late eighties was not at all sophisticated in relationships with women. When the Kino musicians gave their first concerts at home, Viktor Tsoi was only 19 - and music occupied all his thoughts.

Acquaintance at home

At one of these apartment houses, he met Marianna Rodovanskaya. March 5, 1981 was her birthday - the girl was 23 years old, but she felt much older than this rock party. Marianna managed to get married and divorced, worked in a relatively normal job (she was in charge of the production departments in the circus) and that evening she was not going to go to the apartment house - but for some reason she did. She liked Choi. He also differed from others, and not only in appearance. Compared to other musicians, he drank less, spoke less and seemed older than his 19 years. Affected by the Korean origin: the reticence of men is their distinctive feature, which Vitya adopted from his father. Leaving the party, Marianna wrote her phone number with lipstick (no pen was found) on a piece of paper and handed it to Tsoi. He called. Their first dates were completely innocent: they just walked around Leningrad and talked a lot. Marianne was waiting with horror for the moment when Victor would start playing her songs to her - she was afraid to be disappointed. The impression turned out to be exactly the opposite: she not only liked Tsoi's music, but also seemed very promising for making money.

With this, "Kino" had big problems. The maximum that Tsoi received at the beginning of his career was 15 rubles after each apartment owner. “When I started doing rock music, the last thing I thought about was money,” he later said. - Then it was clear that, apart from serious troubles, you will receive nothing for this. We were much poorer than we could have been working in some kind of work ... " But Marianne managed to fix it. From the circus, she brought unthinkable costumes written off for rockers, came up with their image and began to actively administer concerts. The popularity of "Kino" grew, and their relationship with Vitya grew stronger. One day he introduced the girl to his parents, confronting the fact: they are going to live together, and then get married. “Maryana was impulsive, assertive, and also unusually active,” recalled Tsoi's father, Robert. - Valya (the musician’s mother) believed that Maryana Vitka had turned on, she married herself. The daughter-in-law knew about this, and our relationship was very strained. "

In 1985, a year after the wedding, Marianna fulfilled Tsoi's dream of a son. The birth of Sasha coincided with the peak popularity of the "Kino" group: they toured the USSR, Europe and the USA, Tsoi began to be invited to shoot in a movie. In 1987 he went to Moscow to act in the film Assa with Vladimir Solovyov. And there he met Natalia.

Three inseparable years

Natalya Razlogova worked on the film as an assistant director, but in general she was a rather intelligent girl. The daughter of a diplomat, she spent her childhood in France, graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow State University, studied linguistics. At first glance, she had nothing in common with Viktor Tsoi, a rock musician who graduated from vocational school. But it was with this girl, according to the recollections of loved ones, that he really stopped feeling lonely. He immediately confessed everything to Marianne, declaring with his usual frankness that he fell in love with another. But there was no divorce. According to one version, Choi did not want this himself because of his son. On the other hand, Marianne was pulling with a final break, and Victor wanted to formalize his relationship with Natalia.

At some point, Choi decided to introduce both of his women - and threw a banquet on this occasion in a restaurant. “He did not understand how much it hurt me at that moment. The amazing thing is that this lady and I are completely different. I could not even imagine that Vitya could like such a girl. As far as I am not in control of myself, so much she was in control of herself. I am a barrel of gunpowder. She is an absolute rock, ”recalled Marianne. Nevertheless, she did not roll up scandals. Tsoi and Natalia settled in Moscow and spent the last three years of the musician's life, practically without parting. In the summer, the couple had a tradition - to have a rest in Jurmala with Natalia's friends. They went there in August 1990. Tsoi took his son Sasha with him - on the day he came for him, Marianna saw him for the last time.

After Tsoi

On August 15, 1990, Viktor Tsoi died after falling asleep at the wheel of his Moskvich. At the funeral at the beginning of the funeral procession, both of his women stood: silent Natalia and Marianna, hugging her son.

They remained true to themselves even after his death: the official widow devoted herself to publishing memorable discs and books, erecting monuments to Tsoi and preserving his heritage. Marianna survived her husband by only 15 years: in 2005 she died of cancer. Natalia was silent for 20 years. She got married, emigrated to America and only on the fiftieth birthday of Viktor Tsoi again reminded of herself. It turned out that all these years she was preparing a documentary film "Choi -" Kino ", which was released in 2012.

Practically without communicating with the press, Natalya makes an exception for the fans of the "Kino" group. She sometimes meets with them and answers questions, trying to become a link between fans and their dead idol.

Natalia Naumenko is the ex-wife of the band's musician. She was a direct witness to the heyday of Russian rock and roll and rock. In their communal apartment on Borovaya, musicians gathered, who later became legends: Alexei Rybin and others. In 2018, the movie "Summer" is released, which tells about little-known facts from the life of Viktor Tsoi, Mike Naumenko and Natalia.

Childhood and youth

Natalya Vasilievna Naumenko was born on January 21, 1960 in Leningrad. Her maiden name is Rossovskaya.

Natalia is a non-public person, there are a lot of gaps in her biography. All her interviews are dedicated to the famous ex-husband, and she prefers to remain silent about her life before Mike. Nothing is known about her childhood, parents and education.


When Natasha met Mike and they decided to get married, she had to go to Teploenergo, since the organization's employees were given rooms. Everything was new to the petite girl. Unknown mechanisms of unimaginable size in the boiler room instilled fear, which she had to overcome. She worked as a gas boiler operator, simply a fireman.

In 1997, Alexey Rybin published the book "The Right to Rock", which included Natalia's memories of life with Mike. Part of it received the title "Hotel Called" Marriage "".

Personal life

The girl met her future husband, musician and leader of the Zoo group Mikhail Naumenko, when she was 19 years old. For the first time she saw him in a communal apartment on Vasilievsky Island; Natalya was introduced to him by her cousin Vyacheslav. A month later, they met again at Slava's wedding, Mike joked a lot, and then invited the girl to rehearsals at the Bolshoi Puppet Theater, where at that time he worked.

Natalia Naumenko and Mike Naumenko in their youth

Soon the young man proposed to the girl, but they decided to postpone the wedding, since the first thing to do was to solve the housing problem. Natalya became pregnant and had to go to the hospital. And as soon as she was discharged, Mike immediately took the girl to the registry office. He wanted to legitimize their relationship. Therefore, they did not prepare for the wedding, everything went quickly and chaotically.

In July, Natalya had a son. They originally planned to name the boy Mark, after Mark Bolan. But as soon as the baby was born, everyone immediately began to dissuade the newly-made parents on this behalf. Therefore, they delayed and determined for a long time, and in the end they gave their son the name Eugene.

They lived extremely poorly, but, like everyone else in their youth, they did not realize their poverty. Moreover, then everyone in the country lived about the same. There were always guests in their communal apartment, among them was the leader Viktor Tsoi.

Unlike Mike, who found it difficult to find a common language with the baby, Victor often helped Natalia. He handled little Zhenya with such ease, as if he had already raised at least three children.

There is a version that there was an affair between Natalia and Victor. In 2007, a woman, at the request of Alexander Zhitinsky, who was writing a book about Tsoi, provided the writer with her diary entries. But initially Natasha agreed with Zhitinsky that her memoirs would help him, and not for publication.

Later, he assured her that everything looks noble and that everything should be left in the book as she wrote. The woman agreed. In an interview with "Arguments and Facts", which Natalya gave in 2018, she said that it would be much easier for her to live if she had not succumbed to Zhitinsky's persuasions, and "now she is loosening up."

At that time, Tsoi constantly disappeared in the house of Naumenko, friendly and trusting relations developed between Natasha and Vitya. They talked a lot, although in the company of Choi he was known as an eternal silent. Once, before the girl's 22nd birthday, she asked Mike to give her a gift - to let him kiss Tsoi. And although the husband was surprised at such a question, he allowed it.

On her birthday, Mike was at work: he left for a day and was absent from the celebration. Then their first kiss happened, but not the last. True, the woman describes their relationship as "kindergarten", even kissed like classmates at a school evening. According to Natalia Naumenko, for a short period they had a tender friendship, but no more. Although Mike believed that such friendships were much more dangerous than anything else.

Natalia lived with Mike for 10 years. The couple divorced on August 15, 1991. We did it without scandals and unnecessary clarification of the relationship. Together with her son, the woman moved to Moscow. August 27, 1991 - 12 days after the official divorce - Mike passed away. The cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage. But the circumstances under which it happened still remain unclear.

Natalia Naumenko now

In 2018, director Kirill Serebrennikov will present the film Summer at the Cannes Film Festival. The events of the picture unfold in the summer of 1981 in Leningrad. The plot revolves around the life of Viktor Tsoi, Mike Naumenko and Natalia. The woman was played, known to the viewer from the blockbuster "Attraction". The roles of musicians went to and.

However, even before the show, a scandal erupted around the picture. - the founder, after reading the script, said that it was all a lie from start to finish. According to him, the heroes of Serebrennikov's painting have nothing to do with the people he knew personally.

The documentary filmmaker Alexander Lipnitsky was also skeptical about the film. He believes that the plot is "sucked from the finger." At one time he made a documentary tape about the "Kino" group, talked with Alexander Zhitinsky.

From their conversation, he understood that between Natasha Naumenko and Viktor Tsoi there was an easy romantic relationship, at the level of flirting. Lipnitsky noted that he does not really believe in this whole story with the novel, and even if it is true, then it clearly does not pull on the plot of the picture.

Natalia, on the other hand, answered the question about the current situation around the film ambiguously. She liked what she saw on the set, she believed the director Kirill Serebrennikov. But he does not consider it correct to express his opinion about the picture without seeing it.

On August 15, 1990, Viktor Tsoi passed away. 25 years have passed since then, but the songs of "Kino" are still popular. How the greatest hits were created, what is the name of the girl from the song "Eighth-grader", who was the first listener of "Stars named the Sun" and to whom Choi sang: "Baby, you excite me," Friends of the deceased musician and real women - the heroines of his songs - told Woman's Day.

"Eighth grader", 1982

“On a deserted street together

We are going somewhere with you.

And I smoke, and you eat candy ... "

Even Tsoi's close friends did not know her name. And they considered the beautiful image to be the fantasy of a rock musician. But a real eighth-grader still exists and still lives in the city on the Neva. Famous Petersburg designer Jenny Yasnets told our journalist about her acquaintance with Viktor Tsoi.

“He made an impression: tall, stylish, all in black,” recalls her first meeting with Tsoi Jenny Yasnets, at that time a student at the Leningrad Art School. Serov. - We were introduced by a mutual friend - artist Andrei Medvedev, he prepared me for admission. I was already in my first year, I entered after the eighth grade, and Medvedev said: "Here is my student, an eighth-grader." We met and chatted. Choi invited us to a concert. My friend Ulyana Tseitlina (now a well-known socialite. - Approx. Woman’s Day) and I went to the Leningrad rock club, although it was not welcomed, it was almost banned. And people were often taken from there to the police.

I was 15 years old, Viktor - 20. And, probably, at the first moment I seemed like a child to Tsoi, I was wearing children's sandals painted with tempera. And then the "Eighth-grader" appeared. I really liked the song, and only after many years I found out that it was about me. Andrei Medvedev told how Tsoi brought him a cassette with a recording and said that the song was dedicated to Jenny.

Of course, I didn't complain to Tsoi about the "triple in geography", as in the text of the song, and I didn't invite him to the movies. Although then Victor and I were friends. I remember that Choi and his wife Maryana came to my birthday party and gave me glass earrings. I think that when I was 15, I had only one coincidence with the heroine of the song: at that time my parents demanded that I show up at home at exactly ten. And I was always late. So we got such a poetic image: an eighth-grader girl who is waiting for her mother, ”says Jenny Yasnets.

"My friends march through life", 1981

“My house was empty

Now there are a lot of people there.

How many times

My friends drink wine there ... "

This was the first song that Viktor Tsoi, then still very young, far from fame and overcrowded stadiums, sang for his friends and acquaintances.

“At that time we lived merrily, there was also enough beer and port, - recalls the early eighties, the St. Petersburg musician and close friend of Tsoi, Maxim Pashkov. - We could get together in a company and sunbathe naked in Victory Park, this is in the south of Petersburg, Tsoi's parents had an apartment there next door. The police were after us. They could be taken to the department simply for the appearance, we were all punks: protruding hair, green lips. Although Vitya stood out among us: he called himself a hippie punk and always wore long hair and a pin in his tie. The militiamen did not like it. We were constantly running from them. Once they took us all, and Tsoi escaped: he jumped into the underground passage on Nevsky Prospekt - from the very top, broke his leg, but got home. Then he walked with a stick. "

Maxim Pashkov knew Viktor Tsoi from childhood - together they studied at the same art school in the center of St. Petersburg, then Leningrad, on the corner of Lomonosov Street and the Griboyedov Canal.

“We were 12 years old when we met,” Maxim recalls. - Actually, I taught Vitya to play the guitar. Father Robert Maksimovich showed him the first chords, but Tsoi did not succeed. At first we thought we would become artists, but then we fell head over heels into rock and roll. I created a group "Chamber number 6", invited Tsoi to it. And since the bass guitar has only four strings, we thought it would be easier for Vita to master it. We bought a tool at a thrift store for 40 rubles. And so it began. Although at first it was only me who composed and sang. He sometimes offered his rhymes and some guitar passages.

And, of course, I remember how Vitya, worried, sang his first song to me. He blushed very quickly, just instantly put burgundy. And then once - and a song! I liked her immediately. "

In the video, Maxim Pashkov sings Tsoi's song "My friends march through life" at a concert in the "Kamchatka Boiler House" club, 2008.

"When Your Girlfriend Is Sick", 1987

"A day is like a day,

Only you are sad for some reason.

And everyone around is singing

Only you alone are silent ... "

The film by Rashid Nugmanov was released in 1989, and people went to the Igloo to look at Tsoi. His popularity just went through the roof. No one was even surprised when Viktor Tsoi was recognized as the best actor in the USSR at the Golden Duke film festival in Odessa. And who, if not he! And few people know that the birth of another great hit by Viktor Tsoi - "When your girlfriend is sick" is connected with "Needle".

He dedicated this song to Marina Smirnova, a non-professional actress who played the second main role in "Needle" - drug addict Dina, Moro's beloved (that was the name of the hero of Viktor Tsoi. - Approx. Woman's Day).

When "Needle" was released on screens, the audience decided that in real life Viktor Tsoi and Marina have love. But it was a sincere friendship. Moreover, Smirnova had an affair with another member of the Kino group - guitarist Yuri Kasparyan.

“I was often sick, and Yuri ran around me with medicines. Vitya couldn't get him anywhere because of me. Then the song "When your girlfriend is sick" was born, which became a hit of that time. This song and the role in the film “Needle” is the only thing left of Viti for me, ”says Marina Smirnova.

Probably, then on the set, she, young and beautiful, could have an affair with Tsoi, but she chose another. And the rock musician was married at that time, although his marriage was rather conditional.

"Kid", 1987

“When I see you dancing

Honey you are making me worry.

When you look so serious

Baby, I love you ... "

This song was not included in any of the official albums of the "Kino" group, and fans for a long time believed that it was dedicated to the only child of a rock musician - his son Sasha.

But Sasha Tsoi was born on July 26, 1985, and the song was recorded either at the end of 1987 or in 1988 - there is no exact data on this score. And close friends of Viktor Tsoi associate her not with the birth of a son, but with the last and, perhaps, the most important love of Viktor Tsoi - Natalya Razlogova, a Moscow journalist, sister of the famous film critic Kirill Razlogov.

Viktor Tsoi met Natalya in 1987, it happened on the set of the film "Assa", where Razlogova was an assistant to the second director. In the film, Tsoi had a very bright, albeit episodic role: he appeared in the finale as a musician named Victor, actually playing himself.

Feelings for Natalya Razlogova turned out to be so strong that Tsoi left the family, having lived with his famous wife Maryana for less than four years. The couple met for quite a long time, but Victor and Maryana did not immediately reach the registry office, so the marriage turned out to be short.

“In 1989, Choi officially introduced me to this girl,” Maryana later recalled. - I threw a banquet in a restaurant on such an important occasion. He did not understand how much it hurt me at that moment. Surprisingly, Natasha and I turned out to be different. As far as I am not in control of myself, so much she was in control of herself. I am a barrel of gunpowder. She is a rock. But even after parting, we continued to communicate with Tsoi. And one day he said to me: “We have a son, so we will still remain a family. When we are gone, let's make a decision to be buried next to us as dear people. "

And so it happened. Viktor Tsoi died in August 1990, and on June 27, 2005, 15 years later, Maryana passed away. She was buried in the same Theological cemetery where Viktor Tsoi was. Friends made sure that the graves of the former spouses were located very close to each other.

Natalia Razlogova left to live in the United States back in the 90s and soon married her colleague, journalist Yevgeny Dodolev. And the song remained. In 2000, a tribute to it was recorded by Ilya Lagutenko, after which "Malysh" gained all-Russian popularity, incredible even for many of Tsoi's hits. Although with the greatest hits "Kino", "Blood Type" and "A Star Called the Sun", it still did not compare. They are out of competition even now.