Makar Kasatkin, the son of the famous actress Maria Shukshina, disappeared without a trace, leaving his pregnant darling.

The heroine of the program "Live" was Freya Zilber, the pregnant lover of the son of the famous actress. The girl turned to the program in order to draw public attention to her story. Freya claims that she was left without any material support and housing while being in a position.

Freya Zilber made an ultrasound and found out that she was expecting a boy. The girl also wants to do a DNA test, but the son of a famous actress is against it.

Freya is outraged that the father of their child did not try to get in touch with her. Now the pregnant daughter-in-law Shukshina lives with a friend, since the girl does not dare to leave for her hometown of Barnaul. According to ex-lover Makara Kasatkina, he does not answer calls and does not open the door for her. Zilber's winter things remained with Shukshina's son, and she has no money for new clothes and shoes. Neighbors say that Makar moved out of the apartment.

Freya Zilber - the chosen one of the son of Maria Shukshina

“I tried to call Kasatkin, but his phone is switched off. In the apartment where we lived, my winter things remained. I don't need to buy new ones. This situation worries me. I want to do a DNA test to prove his paternity. I still hope that Makar and his family will help me and our unborn child,” Zilber said.

Relatives claim that they do not know where the young man is.

“He disappeared somewhere. I called him, he doesn't answer. It cannot be found. I think he will show up. He disappears somewhere, and appears from somewhere ... Then it turns out that this is not his child. So what is this girl? I feel sorry for him. I think he was deceived. This is a very sad and unfortunate story. Maria Vasilievna seemed to say to her: “Give birth,” Zoya Kasatkina told reporters.

Freya Zilber and Makar Kasatkin - the son of Maria Shukshina

According to grandfather Makar Kasatkin Mikhail, the young man became independent early. “He has been living alone since the age of 14. What do you want at this age? He was walking somewhere, he and his friends were taken to the police,” he said.

It is worth noting that Makar's relatives are sure that he is doing the right thing by avoiding contact with his former lover. The young man's father believes that Freya was sent to Makar by a bandit group.

“It seems to me, a girl, if she becomes pregnant, she wants to give birth, register a child in an apartment and that’s it. Probably, there is a company behind her that says: "Let's take this fool into circulation, now you will give birth, you will register everything there, and there is an apartment on Taganka." It was planted by Barnaul together with Moscow. I’m trying to figure it out… Fortunately, the apartment belongs to my mother, and he can’t register it,” says Makar’s father.

Freya's mother worries about her daughter. She asks the girl to bring the baby home to Barnaul. “You still won’t take it out: sleepless nights, worries about the child, duties. (…) You don't know how to take care of anyone, even yourself,” said the woman.

Recall that earlier Freya Zilber, who was already on the live talk show, accused the chosen one of beating and distributing illegal substances. It was after this that the young man went missing.

The pregnant daughter-in-law of Maria Shukshina was kicked out into the street - Live

19 year old son Maria Shukshina from her ex-husband, businessman Alexei Kasatkin, Makar Kasatkin turned out to be a participant in a criminal case. He is accused of beating his pregnant lover Freya and distributing drugs. As it turned out, it was the girl of the heir to the acting dynasty who called the police with complaints of assault from Makar. Freya also spoke about the drugs that the young man often keeps in his house.

“At first, when we started living together, for 7-8 months, everything was fine with his work. Then the problems started. Then he went to work through Tor, bitcoins, all the garbage. He didn’t really let me in, but sometimes he took my phone with a navigator and went for substances. He kept it all at home. He ran there, threw out. He himself worked as a pawnbroker, alone. I banched something to my friends there, ”the girl said in an interview with REN TV.

Freya admitted that that evening when she called the police, Makar lost his temper and behaved aggressively. “It began: yelling, swearing, assault. I tapped on his TV, and he went berserk. I gave up and called the police. I thought it was unlikely that someone would take him away, who cares that he beats me. I took a hammer, locked myself in a room and waited for the police, ”— said the girl. As it turned out, after Freya's complaint, a search was conducted in the apartment of Shukshina's son, and he was detained by police officers and spent the night in the police station. “A man and a woman turned to the Tagansky regional department about a family conflict, wrote statements against each other and left. Inspection is underway"- told in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow.

Young people met on social networks. Makar actively showed the girl signs of attention, liking her photos. After some time, they began to walk together, and then moved in together. According to Freya, she did not know that her lover was the heir to a famous family. Zilber was not familiar with the work of Vasily Shukshin.

“It didn’t evoke any emotion in me. I never met his mother because I had no interest. Now I live with a friend ... At first, we had an ideal relationship. He was against my work, I was constantly sitting at home, my social circle narrowed sharply, ”Zilber shared.

According to Freya, Makar suggested that she try banned substances seven or eight months ago. At first, Zilber agreed, but quickly realized that it was not hers. “I asked him to stop,” the girl claims.

Bari Alibasov sided with the son of Maria Shukshina and said that he knew him almost from birth. The producer noted that he knew the biography of Zilber, who became a mother for the first time as a teenager. “I have a daughter who is like a sister to me. She is five years old,” she said.

Ex-girlfriend Makara Kasatkina Sabina appeared in the studio of the program. Young people met for three years. The ex-lover of the son of Maria Shukshina noted that they constantly spent time with his relatives, who would immediately suspect something was wrong with his behavior. Sabina refused to talk about why she broke up with Makar. “So it happened, it happens that people break up,” she said.

The girl's friend Anastasia Starostina added that Makar made a positive impression on her. “Drugs, beatings – it’s all wild. When Sabina met Makar, he didn’t even want to drink, ”shared a friend of ex-lover Kasatkina.

Makar and Sabina maintained a good relationship after parting. According to the girl, Maria Shukshina herself was in no hurry to get acquainted with her son's chosen one. "She wasn't ready," the girl said. Freya's friend Alena Mashkova is sure that Makar's mother is aware of his problems. However, Bari Alibasov, who is well acquainted with the Shukshin family, hastened to refute this statement.

“Masha is generally shocked, she didn’t know anything about it,” he said.

The ex-husband of the famous actress Boris Vishnyakov, who is the father of her children Foma and Foka, got in touch with reporters by phone. The man does not believe in the accusations made against Makar.

“You understand correctly, from what to protect him? And if it's a slander, you don't know that, do you? I need it? If he needed my help, he has my phone number. But it means nothing, so I think it could very well be a slander. That's all. Well, they'll figure it out, we have the police for this. In general, to be honest, it doesn’t look like Makar at all. Now he is 19, he is a grown man. I don’t believe that Makar could beat the girl,” Vishnyakov believes.

The mother of Maria Shukshina has not yet commented on the scandal that erupted around her loved ones. “Lydia Nikolaevna is not completely healthy, she is constantly in hospitals for treatment. And to load her with the problems that children create is not to love the mother who gave birth to and raised them, ”explained Bari Alibasov.

Makara's ex-girlfriend noted that his mother has nothing against the child. Apparently, relatives of the young man are ready to accept him into their family.

“Today I talked with Maria Vasilievna. No one refuses her [Freya's] child, everyone is ready to help. I don't know why she doesn't talk about it. And Makar, I also talked to him,” said Sabina.

According to the girl, at first Freya and Makar did not have any problems. “They were really good for the first two months. Then Freya left for Barnaul, from where she told the news of her pregnancy. After she arrived, they began to have conflicts with Makar. They had no money due to the fact that Makar had problems with work. She started talking about taking money from his mother. He said that they want to set him up. She wanted to marry him… When she wrote the application, she was drunk, and it’s proven,” shared Sabina.

The chosen one of the son of Maria Shukshina, Makar Kasatkina, claims that he abandoned her. Freya Zilber, who previously accused the chosen one of beating and distributing prohibited substances, again turned to the Andrey Malakhov. Live” to draw public attention to their story.

More than a month has passed since the previous release of the program with the participation of Zilber. According to the girl, Makar did not try to get in touch with her. Now Freya lives with a friend. According to ex-lover Makara Kasatkina, he does not answer calls and does not open the door for her. Zilber's winter things remained with Shukshina's son, and she has no money for new clothes and shoes. Neighbors say that Makar moved out of the apartment.

During the ultrasound, Zilber found out that she was expecting a boy. Freya wants to do a DNA test, but, according to the girl, the son of a famous actress opposes this idea. In search of Makar, the correspondents of the program reached his grandmother Zoya Kasatkina.

“He disappeared somewhere. I called him, he doesn't answer. It cannot be found. I think he will show up. He disappears somewhere, and appears from somewhere ... Then it turns out that this is not his child. So what is this girl? I feel sorry for him. I think he was deceived. This is a very sad and unfortunate story. Maria Vasilievna seemed to say to her: “Give birth,” said the elderly woman.

According to grandfather Makar Kasatkin Mikhail, the young man became independent early. “He has been living alone since the age of 14. What do you want at this age? He was walking somewhere, he and his friends were taken to the police,” he said.

Journalists contacted Makar's father Alexei Kasatkin. He doubts the sincerity of Freya's intentions. According to the man, she could deliberately adjust the situation.

“It seems to me, a girl, if she becomes pregnant, she wants to give birth, register a child in an apartment and that’s it. Probably, there is a company behind her that says: "Let's take this fool into circulation, now you will give birth, you will register everything there, and there is an apartment on Taganka." It was planted by Barnaul together with Moscow. I’m trying to figure it out… Fortunately, the apartment is for the mother, and he can’t register it,” says Alexei Kasatkin.

Freya's mother worries about her daughter. She asks the girl to bring the baby home to Barnaul. “You still can’t stand it: sleepless nights, worries about the child, duties. (...) You don’t know how to take care of anyone, even yourself, ”the women quoted the message in the program.

The friend of the son of Maria Shukshina became the heroine of the show, where the dirty details of her past were revealed.

In September, the whole country recognized the name of Freya Zilber. A pregnant young woman turned to law enforcement agencies, saying that the son of Maria Shukshina, Makar Kasatkin, had beaten her. Freya and the grandson of the famous writer Vasily Shukshin were in a relationship. According to Zilber, Makar not only engaged in assault on her, but also the 19-year-old boy traded in the sale of illegal drugs. The young man's lover came to the studio of the talk show "Actually" with Dmitry Shepelev, where experts and her acquaintances told the truth about Freya's past.

The host of the program at the beginning of filming warned that since Zilber was pregnant, she would not be able to pass a lie detector test. In an interesting position, a polygraph is contraindicated for women.

Freya's acquaintances, Polina and Elina, were invited to the talk show studio. Polina told the experts that Freya complained to her friend that Makar Kasatkin beat her. However, the girl refused to talk about the past of her pregnant friend and defended her in every possible way.

Elina, another friend, came to the talk show from Barnaul, where Zilber lived, the girls went to school together. According to her, Freya was engaged in prostitution and led an asocial lifestyle. Experts confirmed the words of the girl.

Also on the program it turned out that Freya's passport is Anastasia. She already has a daughter, whom Zilber gave birth to at the age of 14, the girl is raised by her parents. Beloved Makara Kasatkina did not deny that she lived at the expense of men.

“I decided to leave the child, my mother is raising her. I realized that at this stage I could not give her anything, I love my daughter very much. People blame that a woman lives at the expense of a man. For me, if a man gives money, this is normal, ”Zilber said in a talk show studio.

After the release of the “Actually” program with Dmitry Shepelev, Freya published a post on the Web. A pregnant talk show heroine tried to make excuses for her past.

“I came there to prove that I am not lying, that everything I said is not falsification and not fiction, in order to denigrate someone there. And the experts, analyzing the situation, drew conclusions in favor of the veracity of my words. The beatings are not fiction, drugs were distributed. Pregnancy is not a cunning plan, and the relationship is not a scam. But still, let's not forget that one way or another this is television, and the program is without pepper and paying attention to my person. That would be a boring confirmation of the facts, wouldn't it? For some, relationships before marriage seem like prostitution. Someone considers it prostitution to accept expensive gifts and refuses them. So is the girl who came to the program the night before, from Barnaul on the next flight. I haven’t been in close contact with her for quite a long time, I decided to say that if you have a wealthy young man who gives you money, provides for everything else, then you will certainly be a prostitute. Elina saw several of my relationships before the last. She has every right to say so, because indeed my men completely took over my comfort. This is not prostitution, as I think, the opinion of others may be different, ”Zilber wrote on Instagram.

Talk show experts noted that Freya needed psychiatric help. After all, the girl not only knew early motherhood, but also used drugs long before she met Kasatkin.