The main and first condition for keeping a dog on the street is the mandatory installation of a fence.

Quite often, dogs are put on a chain so that they can protect the house and area from uninvited guests without interfering with free movement around the rest of the area. This method is not only the least convenient method of protection, but also does not meet the needs of the dog. When kept in this manner, the animal’s mobility is quite limited; the dog literally lives “on the aisle.” People scurry past it, including strangers, since very rarely the leash is made in such a way as to completely block the entrance. In this case, the dog performs more of a signaling function than a guard, barking to notify about the appearance of strangers.

Being in constant tension, when there is very little time for rest or it is limited to the dark (and it is at this time that the dog is most anxious and prone to activity), contributes to the development of undesirable consequences. The dog becomes embittered, uncommunicative, easily excitable, and barks more out of habit than for a reason. Not in order to attract the attention of the owners to the danger, but simply out of boredom and in order to give vent to irritation. Animals that are initially easily excitable, especially those caught in a chain at a young age, become such “empty-faced” animals. The animal is in a state of constant chronic emotional stress, experiencing a strong hunger for information, since the volume of new (namely new) information received through various senses is limited.

Limited mobility also negatively affects the dog: it is deprived of the opportunity to run, there is only room for short runs or even for walking. The dog is lying idle, it does not develop normal muscles, and a disorder of the musculoskeletal system develops. Poor placement of the harness directly contributes to this. Animal owners mistakenly attach the chain at ground level - this is how it happened. With this fastening, and with sudden lunges of the dog, the chain hits the animal’s legs. Chain dogs can be recognized by the characteristic curvature of the hind limbs and by their tied gait.

If there is no other way of keeping it except on a chain, then a more favorable solution can be found. First of all, we will ensure the safety of others - the harness can only be metal. No matter how convenient and attractive modern and popular cables made of polymer materials are today, they have one significant drawback - sooner or later they are all chewed by dogs. In addition, the metal cable often gets twisted, interfering with the dog’s relaxed movements. Very often such cables become frayed and injure dogs. Therefore, the most convenient harness was and remains a chain, of course, provided that it is welded or riveted with high quality.

You also need to remember about the length of the chain and its safe fastening for the animal. If the chain's attachment point is at the height of your pet's withers, it will not cripple the animal's legs. Some fasten the chain with a metal bracket to the wall of the house; at first glance, this seems to be a solid structure, but nevertheless, due to a sharp jerk, the animal can tear out even a very carefully driven bracket. And dogs have enough strength. I happened to see such pictures several times. A dog weighing about two tons is tied to a machine whose body weight is about 50 kilograms. She rushes at strangers approaching the car and pulls this colossus to the side a good meter. So why shouldn’t she rip some kind of bracket out of the wall?!

More reliable solutions for fastening the chain are: riveting the chain to the continuous frame of the booth or passing a special metal stand through the hole. In the first case, the booth must be solid and firmly attached to the base, in the second, the stand must be driven into the ground a third of its height so that the dog cannot tear it out.

How to train a dog to a chain?

Under no circumstances should you put your dog on a chain right away. Firstly, the animal will receive severe stress due to the unexpected restriction of freedom, and secondly, the dog will try to break loose, constantly bark, whine and howl.

It is better to accustom an animal to a chain at the age of 4 to 8 months, when the pet has grown up, but has not yet fully felt freedom. An adult dog can also be put on a chain, but at any opportunity it will definitely run away and it will be very difficult to catch it.

Before restricting your puppy's freedom, put a collar on him and wait until the animal gets used to it. Then start using the leash before putting him on the chain. If possible, it is better to set up a checkpoint. To create this design you will need a metal cable and a chain 1.5-2 meters long. The cable is stretched along the perimeter of the protected area, and a chain is attached to it so that it can slide.

Features of raising a dog sitting on a chain

Some owners who have accustomed their pet to a chain think that this is where the process of training and raising the animal ends. But in order for a puppy to grow into a reliable guard, he needs to pay attention: engage in physical development, especially take care of the bones and muscles of the hind limbs.

A dog living on a chain needs to be able to attack. She must be dexterous, evasive, have a strong grip and be able to avoid dangerous objects (knives, bats, sticks, etc.). To do this, you need to work with the animal, teach it how to fight a person correctly, attend special courses with it and teach it to be disciplined.

Before putting your dog on a chain, take care of its maintenance. The animal must have a kennel and preferably an enclosure. An obedient pet can be put on a chain at night to protect the territory, and during the day it can be given the opportunity to rest in an enclosure.

Having decided to get a dog, you must clearly understand the responsibility that falls on your shoulders for the upbringing and maintenance of your four-legged friend. A dog is not a toy at all; it needs constant care and attention, and its health must be monitored. If you don’t have time for this, then it’s better not to torture yourself or the animal and limit yourself to aquarium fish. If you are determined, use some tips.


When purchasing a dog, find out everything about the one of which the dog is a representative. It’s even better to choose a breed that suits yours and the conditions in which you can keep it. Take into account its natural inclinations and those that appeared as a result of selection work on the breed.

It is important for everyone to have her own place where she can hide and relax, but from there she has the opportunity to observe the life of the rest of the household. If the place you have chosen for her does not suit the dog for some reason, give her the right to choose it on her own and then arrange it in accordance with the requirements. For dogs, it is better to purchase a basket or a special house where it can hide. Do not place your dog in the kitchen, bedroom or children's room.

How to chain a dog?

    Dogs from early childhood. You cannot chain an adult dog that has never seen a chain before.

    They put a dog on a chain as a puppy, and for him it will no longer be news in a month or two.

    You should not immediately put him on a chain for a long time. It is better to gradually increase the dose.

    And don’t forget to change the chain – the dog is growing!

    It is necessary to chain a dog when it is a puppy, in early childhood. This way the dog will get used to it and everything will be fine. But it is difficult to put an adult dog on a chain; the fact is that it can become excessively aggressive because of this, so it is important to understand that there is a time for everything.

    Why put her on a chain?

    Actually, the bad thing is simple. Buy a collar, a chain of the required size, attach the chain to something strong. Next, take the dog, put on the collar and lead it to the chain by the collar. Connect the chain to the collar. Naturally, you prepare and check all sorts of carbines in advance. All. It is advisable to provide the dog with water, food, and a booth in the form of a house.

    But keep in mind that a dog that has not been chained before and has grown up without this happiness will howl and try to free itself. You might hurt yourself in the process. Chaining a purebred dog is generally a rare stupidity, since in this way you spend all your money that you paid for it... On a chain, all the value of the breed is immediately lost. On the chain, everyone is equal - whether a mongrel, a shepherd, or an Alabai. There you have to grin fiercely and bark loudly. My landlady did an excellent job with this, a small shaggy dog ​​shorter than my knee. They were afraid to come into our yard.

    You need to accustom your dog to a chain from the age of adolescence, from about five months. Later, it will be very difficult to accustom her to live on a leash; she will break off the chain and howl at night. It should be taken into account that in any case, the animal cannot be kept on a short leash; it must have living space and it must move. Therefore, if you plan to keep your dog on a leash, it is better if this chain is put on a thick wire and stretched around the perimeter. This way, the dog will be able to move normally. And if possible, it is better to build an enclosure for the dog.

    Usually dogs are chained when they are still puppies. Then it will be easier for her to get used to captivity. It is better to accustom him to a chain gradually, putting him on a chain for several hours. But putting an adult dog, accustomed to freedom, on a chain can be quite problematic. She can become very aggressive.

    To the previous answers, I would like to add that when keeping a dog on a chain, it is important to ensure that the feeding bowl and water container are positioned in such a way that the dog cannot knock them over. Also, the housing area should not be located entirely in the sun, since on a hot afternoon the animal will have nowhere to hide. A dog on a chain needs attention, it is advisable to talk to it more often, play with it, and regularly let it off the leash for a walk. The chain should not be too heavy.

    this needs to be done at a young age; when the dog grows up, it will be very difficult to do this

"Hello! I live in a rural area, I have two mongrels in my yard: at different ends of the plot they sit on a chain. Lately, they are constantly tied to a chain, because if you let go, they catch chickens. Question: Is it harmful for dogs to be chained all the time? And what to do if you simply have neither the funds nor the opportunity to build an enclosure?


Is it possible to keep a dog on a chain?

This question is asked by those who, at least a little, but living in rural areas, do not have the opportunity to keep a dog at home with proper care (many do not have a bath or water in the house), and they cannot afford to build an enclosure. What to do in this case? There are many opinions on this matter. We will present the opinions of people who have kept dogs for many years. So, dog on a chain: "pros and cons".

Natalia (dog owner).

I am categorically against keeping a dog on a chain. And although I am not a dog trainer, I have sufficient experience in keeping dogs. We kept both a Doberman and a German Shepherd. They always ran freely around the area around the house, and understood perfectly well that it was forbidden to run through the beds and flower beds. You can’t just pounce on people and animals either. We just trained them in due time, spent time on training. Of course, it’s easier to put it on a chain, why waste time? Only now there will be no longer that friendship with a dog, that close connection... If you want to buy a real four-legged friend, please do not put him on a chain!

Alexander (dog handler).

Nowadays, many people consider a dog as a toy: they wash it (although the fur does not improve), dress it up in clothes (but for centuries dogs have lived without rags and were healthy), invest fabulous sums in the dog, and then show off among themselves.

There was an opinion that a dog should not be kept on a chain. But understand, there are working dogs that serve. What if the service takes place near the roadway and garages? There are also territories that cannot be protected by free guarding. Have you heard of such a thing as a checkpoint? Dogs work in such positions all their lives. But believe me: being kept on a chain and being kept poorly are not the same thing! The maintenance of working dogs is quite good: they are fed, groomed, walked, and exercised. And believe me, such a dog feels needed and loved even more than his brother in an apartment or enclosure.

The dog was created to have a job. This is important for her psychology. It is also important that she be loved. I have seen completely unhappy dogs owned by rich people, dogs with gold plated bowls, groomers, and servants. And I saw happy dogs, which the owner, passing by, would stroke, caress, and talk to.

Tatyana (dog owner).

Dogs in the private sector and rural areas are mostly kept on a chain. Nobody really cares about them. They feed them with table scraps. Nobody walks them. However, guard breeds can easily live in such conditions. About the enclosures. Our neighbor has Alabai. The dog lives in an enclosure, no one walks him. Sometimes he breaks free from the enclosure, runs around the neighbors' gardens, scares the chickens until the owner catches him and puts him back in his place.

In my opinion, it would be better to let the dog sit on a chain. I think that if a person is not a dog lover, but simply gets a dog due to circumstances, a chain is quite suitable for the dog. It’s just advisable for such people to take their dog for walks so that it doesn’t become depressed.

This does not apply, of course, to those who love dogs. For example, I have two dogs. Both live in the house and don't even know about the chain. My dogs are easy to control, even if they knock on the gate, they don’t go outside without my permission.

Sergey (dog owner).

I have a large dog, Caucasian. I regret that I didn’t teach him to use a chain when he was a puppy. But the dog grew up and it became necessary to put him on a chain. Of course, he whined for a long time. I found a way out: I stretched a 6 mm thick wire along the fence, threaded a running ring into it, and attached the chain to the collar. I increased the dog’s territory, now the dog is happy and protects the territory. Of course, once a week I walk in the nearest planting.

These are the different opinions. However, the dog handler is not against the chain, let’s listen to his advice.

How to train a dog to a chain?

Before putting your dog on a chain, think about a kennel that will protect the dog from heat and rain in the summer, and from the cold in the winter. For this purpose, you can also build a warm enclosure.

When choosing a chain, make sure that it does not interfere with the animal's movements. In addition, when attacking a stranger, a dog must have a running start, so the chain must be long enough. Be sure to pay attention to teaching your pet commands. A well-trained dog will not touch cats and chickens, but if this is the case, then walk it away from residential buildings.

Now let's figure it out how to train a dog to a chain. Accustom your puppy to the chain gradually. A young dog should have enough time to walk freely, only then will it be properly formed and grow into a healthy guard. This also applies to adult pets: they also need to be let out to run every day.

Should I plant dog on a chain, everyone decides for themselves. Let's just say: do not rush to condemn those people who support their own! And we ask owners of chain dogs: do not forget about their pets and show them maximum attention!

For many years, many rural residents have been accustomed to keeping dogs on a chain - as a guard and as a “bell.” The world of these animals is limited by the length of the chain; in it there is a place for a booth, a plate of food and an owner who is suitable not to untie them and play with them, but to lock them in the booth.

There are several reasons why people restrict dogs this way. Some believe that four-legged animals should not enter the house or trample on lawns. Others fear the dog will run away. Still others are confident that this is the only way to force a dog to guard the house.

But now, in many countries, keeping dogs on chains has either been banned completely, or tying them for long periods of time has not been recommended. After all, life on a chain is truly a “dog’s life.” This is a great mental trauma for the animal, which is why chained dogs are so angry and, when they break free from the chain, they become uncontrollable. Even a naturally friendly and cheerful dog put on a chain will become deeply unhappy and will show anxiety and aggression. A dog roaming free will not attack anyone without reason.

Another danger of a leash is that dogs can inadvertently choke themselves when they become entangled or try to jump over a fence. An animal sitting on a chain is defenseless against attacks from other animals; they can also be offended by cruel people.

What to do if you are forced to restrain your dog? Think about alternative options. For example, install a high fence around the house and let the dog move freely around the yard - this way it will be much more useful as a guard.

Another way to give your pet more freedom is to make the chain longer, thereby giving him the opportunity to run around the area. You need to get used to the chain gradually, and at the same time constantly engage with the dog - train and play with it.

At the same time, it is not worth keeping the animal on a chain all the time. Determine duty hours for her during which she will be tied up, and release her after the end of duty. The dog will quickly get used to this schedule and will know that this is its responsibility, not a punishment.

But simply putting it on a chain and forgetting it will be inhumane; moreover, from such an attitude the animal can degrade physically and will not be able to perform the functions of a guard. The dog needs strength exercises that develop its endurance.

In addition, greater freedom of movement will help the dog stop possible intruders entering the yard.

If you keep your dog on a chain only because he likes to dig under the fence, bury mesh or wire around the entire perimeter, or install special fencing near the fence, as well as around the flower bed. You can even make a separate sandbox for the dog, burying her favorite toys in it - when she understands that she needs to dig there, praise her for this to consolidate the result.
In general, all problems in a dog’s behavior are a lack of training and a lack of toys. The dog needs to be given some objects to play with. There are many special dog toys on sale.

If the dog lives in the yard, and its movement needs to be limited when children are walking around the yard, for example, then let the dog be in a spacious enclosure.

For the enclosure (as a rule, it is fenced with a construction net) you need to choose a dry place with a good view of the yard. The place itself should be in a sunny place, but at the same time have a shaded corner in which the dog will rest in the heat. You need to install a warm booth in the enclosure itself.

The size of the enclosure and kennel must be calculated based on the size of the dog. She should easily fit in it both lying down and standing.

The booth should be located on a small pedestal, and not directly on the ground, and have no gaps. The correct roof for the booth is triangular, one that will not hold snow and will not get wet from rain. But there is no need to secure the roof itself in order to be able to clean the “kennel”. The hole should be located at a height of approximately 5 centimeters.

When cold weather sets in, cover the opening of the booth with a “curtain” made of warm fabric, and lay straw (but not hay) on the floor, changing it every week. If the dog has thick hair, then instead of straw it is better to lay a mattress filled with feathers or dry grass.

Of course, a dog living in an enclosure has enough fresh air. But you still need to walk her. To feel good, an active animal needs to walk and communicate a lot, and feel its freedom. We must not forget that a dog is a living creature, whose feelings largely depend on us.

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