When there are no special upheavals in society, there is no need for a folk hero and idol who is able to rally the masses of people around him. When the country is literally in a fever and there is no confidence in the future, it seems as if out of nowhere a person appears who is able to lead.

Have you seen psychic sessions?


Great hopes are placed on him, he temporarily becomes the leader of the nation, his image is sometimes idealized - until the time when another people's leader appears. Now he, the new one, gets all the glory and attention, and the previous one is safely forgotten. Such is the nature of human glory.

A similar change in public consciousness occurred in relation to the unique phenomenon of Anatoly Kashpirovsky, who was the idol and idol of millions in the 90s of the last century.

As usual, great people often have inconsistencies in their biographies - deliberately distorted or deliberately supplemented. This makes the image of a person even more mysterious and contradictory. Kashpirovsky, without a doubt, is a great man and there are many controversial moments in his life story.

Let's start with his birth: according to one version, he was born in the village of Stavitsa in the Khmelnytsky region; other sources name Khmelnitsky himself as the birthplace; the third version is the village of Medzhibozh in the same Khmelnitsky region. The date of birth is the same: August 11, 1939.

Beginning of psychiatric practice

In 1962 he graduated from the Vinnitsa Medical Institute. A psychiatrist by profession, he spent 25 years in medical practice in a Vinnitsa psychiatric hospital. For a long time, while working on his Ph.D. dissertation, he studied new progressive techniques in psychiatry, and was especially interested in the impact of the subconscious on human health.

Since 1970, he worked as a lecturer for the Knowledge Society. At that time, there was an educational society in the Soviet Union, whose lecturers spoke to workers of various organizations with a series of various lectures on political and general issues.

In 1987, he became a psychotherapist with the USSR national weightlifting team (he was very actively involved in this sport from his youth).

An appointment soon followed to head the Republican Center for Psychotherapy in Kyiv.

TV star's beginnings of psychotherapy

1989 became a special year in the life of A. Kashpirovsky. This year, two important events occurred: he began to head the International Center for Psychotherapy and, most importantly, he first appeared on Ukrainian television screens with his sessions with “health mindset,” as he himself called them.

Many researchers and critics of his activities call Kashpirovsky’s triumphant appearance on television screens, first in Ukraine, and then on the screens of Central Television, as the fulfillment of a kind of social order. The 90s became a kind of shock for the population of the collapsing USSR: mass unemployment, the fall of all existing ideals, confusion in politics and a sharp drop in living standards (instead of the promised communism, in which the majority firmly believed). The authorities needed a diversionary maneuver that could temporarily distract people angry at the country’s leadership from their needs and problems, thus reducing the degree of popular discontent. What was needed was a leader who could lead.

Kashpirovsky, like no one else, met all these requirements: he literally burst onto television screens out of nowhere and instantly captured the minds of millions. The topic of recovery without the use of medications, which is very relevant for the population, found a warm response in the hearts of impoverished people. Against the backdrop of general chaos and confusion, he gave many people hope for an improvement in the situation in the country and personal healing from illnesses.

The scale of his medical activity at that time was impressive: sessions were held weekly on Sundays, at the most convenient time. People, having abandoned everything, sat down in front of the TV in the hope of being cured of their ailments. His experiments were a stunning success.

Expert opinion

Fedor Andreevich Bryansky

Russian historian and source scholar, private associate professor at many universities, writer, candidate of historical sciences.

His healing methods were very similar to the effects of mass hypnosis. It is Kashpirovsky’s supernatural abilities that are credited with his successful examples of healing.

It is interesting that he himself categorically denied the presence of such a gift. He called his experiments practical philosophy. According to his theory, every person has a mechanism for curing any disease, and it is he, Kashpirovsky, who manages to launch his self-regulation system in a sick person, which eliminates the problem.

It is not surprising that opinions about the methods of treating it were diametrically opposed. Some considered him an idol, a genius, the Messiah and firmly believed in the success of the cure. There really were positive results: thousands were cured of psoriasis, enuresis, stuttering, and angina. In many of his patients, tumors, osteochondrosis, arthritis and other chronic diseases disappeared.

There were also negative examples of its impact, when people became worse. Such patients and others who did not trust this technique considered Kashpirovsky a deceiver and a charlatan.

What Kashpirovsky did from the stage or from the TV screen is called psychosomatics by official medicine. Although there is an official direction in medical research, medical science does not use these developments in its practical activities, because the results of such effects on the body are not predictable.

Results of long-distance treatments and wild popularity

For all of Kashpirovsky’s active therapeutic activities using this technique, his sessions were watched or personally visited by more than 300,000,000 people over 30 years.

Despite the presence of criticism, he has recognition of his merits both in the post-Soviet space and abroad. Many famous artists, athletes, and politicians resorted to the services of Kashpirovsky. Various international organizations were interested in his research, and he repeatedly made presentations at important scientific conferences, which is an undoubted recognition of his merits.

After stopping his appearances on television, Kashpirovsky began traveling around the country with his sessions, where he also had enormous success with the population. Often the halls could not accommodate everyone; sessions were held in stadiums filled to capacity. According to eyewitnesses of these events, no one remained indifferent to what was happening: undoubtedly, Kashpirovsky possessed an unknown amazing power that cannot be denied. During his performances, it was possible to purchase photographs of him (they were believed to heal), tape recordings of his sessions, and other products.

There are two known teleconferences where he performed anesthesia for major surgery while being in another city during the operation. The opinions of critics were divided: some considered what was happening to be a miracle, others – a performance.

I planned to conduct a scientific experiment in order to prove to doubters the correctness of my technique - to conduct operations from space, but did not undergo pre-flight health training.

He has published several scientific works on psychosomatics and published books on this topic.

Not much is known about his personal life: in 1995 he left for the USA. Currently lives in Brighton and has American citizenship. He has an extremely biased attitude towards journalists and practically does not give interviews.

As AiF learned, Anatoly Kashpirovsky, who gathered an audience of millions at his television appearances, did not disappear anywhere. He still conducts his sessions in Russia and abroad, including in the USA. Only now he calls these events differently: “creative evenings” and “conferences.” “I have a Russian passport and a residence permit in Ukraine,” the psychotherapist told an AiF correspondent. — In the USA, where I have the opportunity to perform, both immigrants, my longtime fans, and native Americans come to me. In addition, I tour around the world: in Israel, Germany, Canada, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Bulgaria. But I live in Russia. I have an apartment in Moscow.”

Now Kashpirovsky is in Novosibirsk. Then he has tours planned in Irkutsk and Moscow. He explains his absence from TV this way: “They just cut off my oxygen there, that’s all. But people still believe me."

"Rebirth of the Flesh"

Not long ago, Kashpirovsky held a series of performances under catchy posters “I came to resurrect the living,” and then wrote a book with the same name. “This phrase is my old aphorism, emphasizing the main focus of my work: the revival of a dying or already dead one or another part of the physical flesh, anatomy,” he tried to explain to me. - For example, dead teeth, hair, dead tissue of the heart, esophagus, stomach, liver, kidneys, mammary gland. The resurrection of individual particles and parts occurs within the same living organism, which was threatened with death due to various violations. Hence this seemingly paradoxical, I would say, poetic name, which has nothing to do with religious resurrection. I'm not in the business of raising the dead. Let others do this. But if something in a person has partially died and can be recreated, that’s for me.”

Fighter against snoring On June 29, Kashpirovsky held an action, which he called just as loudly - “Worldwide remote nose correction.” It was intended for those who have long-term problems with nasal breathing and snoring. Its essence, as Kashpirovsky explains, is not only an instant correction of the nose, but also the absolute absence of visual, audio and video contacts with the psychotherapist himself. Participants in the action at this time could be located in any corner of the globe. There was only one condition: during the action you had to concentrate for 3 minutes, and then not touch your nose for 6 hours.

The once legendary telemagician’s immediate plans include conducting a similar campaign to tighten the skin of the face and neck. He is officially divorced, but if he ever finds someone for whom he himself will be a “god,” he promises to immediately legitimize the relationship.

Kashpirovsky, who is already 78 years old, is in excellent physical shape for his age and maintains it with daily exercise. “Six years ago I was back squatting 255kg,” he says. “Now I’m training my abs—there are a thousand presses a day, or even more.” Even today he does 1,200 squats: 600 in the morning and 600 in the evening. “I have cured 10 million people of illness,” says Kashpirovsky. — The figure was established not by me, but by independent experts. But even if it’s a million or 100 thousand, what of it? Name me a doctor who has so many cures, and remotely, without surgeries or medications! But no one gives me honors. For example, some clown’s anniversary happens, and they congratulate him on TV all day long. And if I have silence. Why? I do a lot for the health of society. But they don't see it. Therefore, I act like a boxer who fights in the ring with handcuffs behind his back: I box with my chin, chest, shoulders. They don't let me turn around. But I'm making my way."

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Biography, life story of Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky

Kashpirovsky Anatoly Mikhailovich - Soviet psychotherapist, hypnotist, TV presenter.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly was born on August 11, 1939 in the village of Stavnitsa (Medzhibozh district, Kamenets-Podolsk region, Ukraine) into a military family. I met the war when I was little. His father went to the front, and he and his mother Yadviga Nikolaevna, brother and two sisters were evacuated to the Kazakh SSR, to the Chu River area.

In 1962, Kashpirovsky graduated from the Vinnitsa Medical Institute.

Labor activity

After university, Anatoly worked for a year as a physical therapy doctor at the Railway Hospital in Vinnitsa. Then, for 25 years, Kashpirovsky worked in a psychiatric hospital named after academician Alexander Yushchenko. At the same time, he worked at third-party enterprises and was engaged in other activities. So, in 1987, he was a psychotherapist for the USSR national weightlifting team. In 1988-1989 he headed the Republican Center for Psychotherapy in Kyiv. In 1989-1993, Kashirovsky was the head of the Kyiv International Center for Psychotherapy.

In 1989, Anatoly Mikhailovich’s career began on central television. The screening of the author's programs “Health sessions of psychotherapist Anatoly Kashpirovsky” has started. During the programs, Anatoly Mikhailovich treated the audience for all ailments with the help of his healing energy. There is a known case when Kashpirovsky performed a live anesthesia procedure for two patients who were contraindicated for anesthesia for medical reasons before surgery. The patients, or more precisely, the patients - Lesya Yurshova and Olga Ignatova - underwent operations to remove hernias. This was the only time in history that a professional surgical procedure was performed under hypnosis. Since then, no hypnotist has been able to repeat this trick.

In 1990, Anatoly Kashpirovsky was very popular in Vietnam and Poland. Polish television even awarded him the Victory Award for the program “Television Clinic of A. Kashpirovsky.” In 1991, the psychotherapist offered his services to the UN to combat AIDS and the effects of radiation exposure.


In 1993, Kashpirovsky published the monograph “Nonspecific Group Therapy”, the books “Believe in Yourself”, “Awakening” and “Thoughts on the Way to You”. In the same year, Anatoly Mikhailovich was elected deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation from the Liberal Democratic Party. He was involved in politics until 1995.

In 1995, Kashpirovsky participated in negotiations with terrorists during the tragic events in Buddenovsk. Anatoly Mikhailovich was confident that he would hypnotize everyone and resolve the conflict, however, when he arrived at the scene and saw all the horror happening there, he could not cope with his emotions. Kashpirovsky felt bad. Nevertheless, he found the resources within himself to gather his strength, went to the hospital where the hostages were kept, and talked for several hours in a row with the head of the terrorist group, Shamil Basayev. After the conversation, most of the hostages were released.

In 2006, Kashpirovsky conducted sessions in Chelyabinsk. The local branch of Rospotrebnadzor, after a traditional inspection, identified several packages of charged salt that were not marked. Law enforcement agencies were forced to interrupt one of the hypnotist's performances. The police seized 160 packets of salt from the psychotherapist and wanted to initiate an administrative case against Kashpirovsky for illegally practicing medicine. But for a number of reasons this did not happen. The investigation department of the Chelyabinsk police department considered that there was no corpus delicti.

In 2017, Anatoly Mikhailovich spoke on the talk show “Let Them Talk.” During the program, the healer was accused of charlatanism and deception. Kashpirovsky was extremely outraged and even wanted to leave the set. But he still stayed and defended his good name with arguments, stating that many of his patients were cured of serious illnesses during the sessions.

Interesting Facts

Anatoly Mikhailovich - Master of Sports of the USSR in weightlifting.

In 2014, Kashpirovsky became an honorary doctor of psychological sciences at the G. S. Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.

Personal life

Anatoly Mikhailovich’s first wife’s name was Valentina. This marriage produced children - daughter Elena and son Sergei, both of whom became athletes. Elena is a karateka, three-time American champion in karate-do. Sergey is a professional boxer. Anatoly and Valentina divorced when Kashpirovsky was at the peak of his popularity. Due to constant travel, the couple practically did not see each other. Because of this, the relationship gradually faded away.

In December 1992, Kashpirovsky married Irina, a young girl from the Czech Republic, his ardent fan. But the family boat quickly began to crack. In 2005, husband and wife were already living separately. In 2011, the couple filed for divorce. The process dragged on and the last documents were signed only in 2014.

Many people still remember Kashpirovsky’s therapeutic television sessions. Millions of people gathered in front of blue screens to get rid of warts, ulcers, alcoholism and many other diseases forever. Broadcasts of the sessions were watched by everyone - from housewives to ministers. Among the spectators there were many who were truly helped by these sessions. People believed that the doctor charged them with positive energy and transmitted healing fluids through the screens, although Kashpirovsky himself never claimed this. He built his work as a high-class psychotherapist and helped people activate the internal reserves of their body.

1. Anatoly Kashpirovsky worked for 25 years in the psychiatric hospital named after academician A.I. Yushchenko in Vinnitsa.

2. Anatoly Mikhailovich is skeptical about the Hippocratic Oath.“Even in my 6th year of medical school, I did not agree with his phrase “The doctor, heal yourself.” No one, including a doctor, can heal himself when it comes to a somatic illness. Hippocrates was not my idol. Pavlov and our other domestic scientists are incomparably higher than him,” the psychotherapist said in an interview.

3. Anatoly Kashpirovsky claims that more than ten million people were cured thanks to his sessions.“In every city where I perform, there are always my healed people. Wherever I go, from Moscow to Kamchatka, the first thing I do is call people from the audience who have recovered from their illnesses after my TV appearances. Never in 23 years has there been a case where there were not a couple of dozen such people in any hall,” says the healer. Kashpirovsky tours not only throughout Russia with his sessions. He has performed more than once in Israel, Germany, Canada, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria and the USA.

4. In 1990, Kashpirovsky, the only foreigner, was awarded the prestigious Wiktory Prize by Polish television.

He received the award for the greatest popularity of the series of programs “Television Clinic of A. Kashpirovsky.” Polish President Lech Walesa expressed gratitude to him for the improvement of the Polish nation. 5. In 1991, Kashpirovsky met with boxer Mohammed Ali.

“I have always longed to meet people whose personality, life and destiny, as well as the scope of their intellectual and physical differences, went beyond the generally accepted. Mohammed Ali was precisely an unusual and rare person with all the complexity of his unique personality, which aroused great interest,” writes Kashpirovsky on his official website. 6. Contrary to popular belief, Kashpirovsky never charged water.

Allan Chumak, who called himself, did this. Kashpirovsky had an extremely negative attitude towards Chumak. “I know where he came from. It was created by my director. We parted ways, and he put Chumak in the frame instead of me. But he couldn’t do anything, he just moved his hands, lied that he was charging water and objects. He stole my idea of ​​television treatment and terribly caricatured it,” the psychotherapist said in an interview. 7. Kashpirovsky, by the way, is very offended when he is called a psychic.

He basically doesn't believe in their existence. “None of the “psychics” are any psychics,” the psychotherapist writes on his official website. – We are all the same in terms of physiology and anatomy, but not the same. And in this regard, nature does not allow exceptions from the constants and standards it has developed and firmly fixed over millions of years in human physiology!”

8. Anatoly Kashpirovsky took part in negotiations between federal forces and terrorists led by Shamil Basayev during the terrorist attack in Budennovsk in 1995. Russian politician Alexei Mitrofanov recalls in his blog: “He went inside the hospital and talked for a long time with the invaders. There will probably still be a great director who will make a film about this conversation. After all, this is the rarest case in history. Who could then guarantee the life and health of a world famous person?! What was the chance to influence militants who believe only in weapons and force?” After Kashpirovsky’s negotiations with Basayev, not a single shot was fired from the terrorists, and all the hostages remained alive.

9. There are many legends and tales about Kashpirovsky. For example, they say that he was once invited to give a closed lecture for MGIMO employees. There were no healings. Kashpirovsky simply talked about his method and somehow casually mentioned that he treats, among other things, obesity. Hearing this, the ambassador's wives and ladies from the teaching staff made their way behind the stage after the lecture. Kashpirovsky looked carefully at the suffering women crowded around him and said: “I give instructions - you need to eat less.” The healer himself claims that this has never happened in his practice: “I don’t treat people like that. This is not my technique and certainly not science.”

10. Anatoly Kashpirovsky’s daughter Elena is a three-time American champion in karate-do.

The name of Anatoly Kashpirovsky was known to millions of residents of the Soviet Union. The hypnotherapist gathered in front of television screens those suffering to get rid of their illnesses with the help of his healing sessions. There is still no consensus on what it was - a miracle or quackery.

Childhood and youth

At the very beginning, Kashpirovsky’s biography did not imply all-Union, or whatever - world popularity. There is widespread information about the place of birth of Anatoly Mikhailovich - either it is the village of Stavnitsa, or the city of Proskurov (present-day Khmelnytsky) in Ukraine. On the official website, the village of Medzhibozh is indicated as the place of birth. Anatoly was born in August 1939; his nationality, as the media suggests, is Jewish. Another brother and two sisters grew up in the family.

Kashpirovsky called the principle of influence, practiced by himself, programming the internal reserves of the human body for self-healing, and working with the audience as a practical philosophy. The necessary medications are already contained in the body in microdoses, and special external influence activates their action, which ultimately leads to recovery, he assured. However, the results of the work were truly striking in the regeneration of connective tissue: the disappearance of scars, burns, and traces of frostbite.

In 1996, Anatoly, by his own admission, had a surge of pride: he proposed an unheard-of action - to carry out 10 operations under anesthesia from space. Oddly enough, the head of Star City, cosmonaut Pyotr Klimuk, agreed. The psychotherapist did not pass flight tests on simulators, but considered that the path to heaven was blocked by people who were not interested in the success of his treatment methods. If the idea had been successful, then even the church would have agreed that he had the gift of healing.

Personal life

Anatoly's first wife, Valentina, gave birth to his son Sergei and daughter Elena. The son does not bear his father's surname. The daughter, her husband and child left for Canada, and after the divorce she moved to America. There is a grandson, Sean, and a granddaughter, Inga, a three-time US karate champion.