In Russia, active quail breeding among private owners has been flourishing for 20 years, and during this time there have been changes in breed preferences. If initially Japanese laying hens were considered the standard, now poultry farmers focus not only on eggs, but also on meat.

The consumer has gradually become accustomed to eating the meat of tiny birds, and plump broiler carcasses look more attractive on the table. The triumphal procession of the Texas quail (an alternative name is the Texas Pharoah) is connected with this: in addition to the larger egg, which is usually the case, it grows up to 800 grams. in live weight!

The breed was developed in the USA by crossing Japanese with English Whites and selecting sires with a primary focus on meat production. The result was a unique breed, unlike its ancestors.

The best representatives reach truly impressive sizes!


In color, Texans resemble English ones, but it is preferable for them to have no black spots on the body; no more than 3 are allowed. Every bird must have a spot on its head.

Texas quail laying hens should have pink bills - this is not only a sign of the breed, but also of health.

Anything that does not fit these characteristics is excluded from breeding.

The body shape is round, almost spherical. The legs stand out noticeably, the breast is well muscled and wide. These are the largest representatives of quails, they stand out when kept in mixed conditions, being almost 1.5 times larger and.


These are very calm, slow birds. Even day-old young animals jump and move around in the cage a little. Adults, even experienced farmers, often amaze with moderate activity; they make much less noise, which makes them more convenient to keep in an apartment.

Thanks to its excellent character, you can add its miniature relatives to the Texas quail without fear.


Texas quail very quickly enters the stage of sexual maturity, due to which the hens begin to lay eggs quickly. According to farmers, the first egg from them is obtained at the age of 45-55 days. The eggs are larger than usual, weight 15-16 grams. (there is information about a record 25 grams, but this is rare). Egg production is 220-260 eggs per year (4-6 eggs per week).

Peak productivity in laying hens occurs at 5-6 months, after which it is rational to replace them with new ones to improve their performance.

The photo shows a 22-gram egg from the farm of Marina M, Kemerovo region.

The live weight of the female is 420-450 g; with targeted selection for size characteristics, experienced poultry farmers achieve an average weight in the flock of 550-700 g. Males are somewhat smaller.

When fattening Texas whites for meat, it is advisable to slaughter them at 4-5 months: both in terms of feed conversion and in terms of product tenderness.

Content Features

According to the description of the breed, Texas quail is much larger; this fact must be taken into account. In standard quail cages with a height of 15-20 cm, he is not only cramped: due to his growth, it becomes uncomfortable for the male to cover the female, as a result, the number of unfertilized eggs increases.

The optimal cage dimensions for keeping a white Texan family based on 15 laying hens and 5 cockerels are (width/depth/height of the back wall): 1000x40x30 cm.

For the front, 27 cm is enough. Under such conditions, the percentage of fertilization will be 60-70%, which is a good indicator for broilers.

Families are formed in such a way that there are no more than 2-3 females per male, since cockerels, due to their calm nature, do not trample so actively.


  • for an adult flock - not lower than 18°C, so that egg production does not suffer;
  • from 1 to 4 days - about 36°C;
  • until 10 days - 32-33°C;
  • then, up to 15 days, gradually lower the temperature to 25°C.

The main indicator of a comfortable temperature for white broiler quail is their behavior: if it is too low, they begin to gather in a group and become restless; if it is too high, they begin to open their beaks and breathe rapidly.

The air humidity in a room with quails is always humid, and this is normal: the optimal indicator here is 55-65%.

Texan carcass at the age of 6 months: 674 grams on the scales! (photo sent by Vitaly from Stavropol).


It is common knowledge that quail have lost their brooding instinct. This is 100% true when kept in cages, but even when raised in cages, no more than 1-3% of laying hens become brood hens. Therefore, the only real way to reproduce is to use an incubator.

There are a number of nuances about how to properly incubate chicken eggs and meat quails.

Incubation Features

  1. The withdrawal period is not 21 days, but 16-18 (Texans appear, as a rule, on the 17th day).
  2. Flipping the eggs is not necessary! According to professionals, there is no difference in the percentage of successful hatching and in the health of the livestock when incubated without turning the eggs several times a day.

When the chicks are born, they are left in the incubator for a couple of hours to dry - this is a must!

If they are transplanted into the brooder wet, the feathers may dry out too quickly in dry air and stick to the body as a dense crust. They are then transplanted into a brooder, which is set at a temperature appropriate for their age (see above).

The photo shows newly hatched babies in a brooder box.


Unlike chickens, quail are ready to eat from the first day. Texas chickens are fed chicken starter feed, which should preferably be ground into flour. They are smaller so the pieces are too big for them. In addition, finely ground feed is less likely to be scattered. Food (and, of course, water) should be in the brooder 24 hours a day.

Under no circumstances should you add eggs, cottage cheese, etc. to the food of quails up to 60 days old. supplements! This can cause the death of the entire brood. Use only industrial feed formulations of good quality.

From day 21 they switch to three feedings a day, and the food is no longer crushed. From the 30th day, either regular feed for adult laying hens or special PK-1(P) is used according to the scheme 3 times a day. Sexually mature Texas quails, after they begin to lay eggs (i.e. from 45-50 days), are fed 2 times a day.

An adult Texas white quail eats 30-35 grams per day. PC-2 or PC-5.

Texas Quail Weight Chart

To illustrate the rate of growth, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the average weight without division by gender.

Age, day Live weight, gr.
7 30
14 140-150
30 240-260
45 360-390
60 from 400

40-day-old white Texans laid the first egg (photo from the farm of Ruslan Naumenko, Novosibirsk).


The immunity and vitality of Texans is lower than that of egg and meat-egg breeds, so it makes sense to feed them with vitamin preparations such as “Chiktonik” from the 3rd day according to the instructions.

However, compared to animals, they have significantly less waste in the early stages of life.

Determination of gender

Unlike non-broiler quail, it is impossible to determine the sex of Texas quail until 50-55 days. Upon reaching this age, it is enough to examine the genitals of birds. The photo below clearly shows how to do this.

In laying hens, by the age of 50 days, the cloaca becomes elongated, in the shape of a pink slit.

The cockerel's genitals are more round in shape, and when light pressure is applied to the sides, a white discharge appears.

Texans fledge a little later than usual, molting begins at 3.5-4 weeks and ends completely by 60 days.

Light mode

Immediately after hatching and transplanting into the brooder, 24-hour lighting should be provided.

To prevent pecking and increased nervousness, brightness for adult Texas quail is limited. Twilight will be enough, and light is needed only for the feeding and drinking area. Direct sunlight is contraindicated.

Slaughter and culling

In order to have healthy and productive quail on the farm, the poultry farmer needs to monitor the quality of the stock and promptly cull small individuals that are lagging behind in development. All young animals with defects in paws, beaks, etc. It is recommended to place them in a separate cage and not allow them to be bred.

With targeted selection, the largest, not the fattest ones are selected.

By 5 months, Texas quail reaches its maximum weight, and by 6 months, egg production begins to decline. The fertility of eggs also decreases.

A distinctive feature of quails on farms is the bird’s rapid growth and sexual maturation. Already a month after birth, the young animals switch to food for adults. And at the age of 60 days, with proper care and feeding, females lay their first eggs.

Due to the accelerated growth rate of poultry, it is important to start feeding quail properly in the first days of life. Chicks should be fed strictly according to their age by week. The diet of day-old quail differs significantly even compared to the diet of week-old birds.

When calculating the amount of food for quails, you can focus on the following data:

  • a chick aged 7-13 days needs 3.7 g of industrial feed;
  • upon reaching 14-20 days - about 6.8 g;
  • at the age of 21-27 days – 13.3 g;
  • after 28 days – 14-18 g.

In this case, the homemade feed mixture should contain:

  • cereals - from 5 to 50 g per day, depending on age;
  • wheat bran – from 4 to 10 g;
  • chopped greens – from 3 to 30 g;
  • cottage cheese and eggs - in the first weeks of life up to 2-3 g per day.

The minimum values ​​indicated in the list are suitable for day-old quails, the maximum values ​​are suitable for birds aged 1 month and older. Intermediate amounts are introduced into the quail’s diet gradually as they grow.

The nutrition of quails from the first days of life involves several aspects:

  1. During the first time after birth, quails need protein. A hard-boiled egg can provide everything necessary for up to 10 chicks.
  2. Chopped greens are gradually added to the food. If it is nettle, it must first be doused with boiling water.
  3. By the end of the second week, the quails are fed vegetables, such as grated carrots, milk and cottage cheese.
  4. Fish oil or feed yeast will serve as a source of vitamins and nutrients; they can be replaced with grated dry bread.

What not to feed

Despite the fact that the quail diet is quite extensive, there are a number of foods that are strictly prohibited to be given to quails. Birds should not be given sprouted potatoes, the sprouts of which contain a large concentrate of a toxic substance, or the water in which the vegetable was boiled. The health of quails will be adversely affected by the consumption of leftover human food, gastronomic products - sausages, bread, etc. Birds can be fed only peeled barley and oat grains.

Weight standards for quail

The average weight of a hatched quail varies between 6-10 grams. Intensive growth and weight gain of quails occurs in the first three weeks of life, so adequate feeding during this period is extremely important.

At the end of the week, the weight of a healthy chick doubles and can already reach 20 g. After 14 days, the weight of the chick increases to 40 g. By one month, the quails weigh approximately 90-100 g. Body weight depends on the breed and orientation of the bird - meat, egg or meat-eating egg. Thus, during the first 30 days of life, the weight of quails increases almost 15 times. The average weight of an adult is about 300 g.

In addition to the correct diet and established feeding regime, acceptable conditions for keeping poultry are important when raising quails. The water in drinking bowls is changed at least twice a day. Make sure that no spoiled food remains in the feeders. Feeders for chicks are sized so that they are 2/3 filled with food. Otherwise, the young animals will spill most of the feed on the floor.

The feeder must be kept clean. Quails do not tolerate cold and drafts. The room should be warm; the temperature in the brooder in the first days of the chicks’ life reaches 35 degrees. For the first two weeks, birds live with 24-hour lighting. Then the daylight hours are gradually reduced to the prescribed 17 hours.

Do you know that there are more than four dozen quail species in the world? Breeders have specially bred egg and meat quail breeds, and if you are thinking about breeding them, you will have a large choice. We will give a detailed description of the most popular options and tell you how the varieties of quail differ from each other.

For those who want to start breeding this bird, there is a large selection of breeds.

After human domestication of quails, many new breeds appeared in the world with increased body weight and egg production. In the wild, the common quail is not at all shocking with its “productivity” indicators, but individuals raised at home can please the most demanding poultry farmer.

They are not as diverse as egg-laying breeds; nature has endowed these birds with small body sizes. Another factor that reduces the interest of breeders in meat breeds is special diets that must be maintained in order to obtain good results.

Nevertheless, the costs invested in breeding meat quails pay for themselves - quail meat is valued on the market. It contains few calories and virtually no cholesterol.

  • to heal;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • reduce weight.

This explains why meat quails are so in demand among breeders, despite the small size of the quail family and difficulties with feeding. Beginning poultry farmers need to keep this in mind.

Some breeders raise quails only for their tasty dietary meat.

Let's move on to analyzing specific breeds.


It was not in vain that we started with this breed - today it is one of the most popular. You can’t expect a large number of eggs from laying hens; one hen will lay no more than 200 eggs per year, but the body size of the pharaohs inspires respect:

  • about 270 g in adult males;
  • more than 300 g in laying hens.

If these values ​​seem small to you, then just compare: wild quail weighs from 80 to 140 g. It is clear that the breeders worked hard, the Pharaoh breed has become a success.

It is used in Russia and other countries. It is worth mentioning that quails of this species have inherited the color of the feathers of their wild counterparts, and as a result, the carcasses do not look very presentable.

Texas white

Sometimes the breed is also called the white Texas giant or the American albino broiler. There is also a more exotic name - white (sometimes snowy) pharaoh. Representatives of the breed look really beautiful – you can admire their snow-white plumage for a long time.

The breed, as you might guess from the name, was bred in the American state of Texas. To obtain it, several breeds had to be crossed at once, among them was the English species - it was from this that the breed received the snow-white color of its feathers. However, there are also small dark spots on the feathers, and the heads of some birds are often colored yellowish.

Most poultry farmers consider this species to be the best for breeding birds for meat. Judge for yourself, Texas white quail are famous for the following indicators:

  • males can be fattened up to 500 g, although the average livestock figure is 370 - 450 g;
  • laying hens - up to 400 g and even more.

This breed is great for beginning breeders. Birds are easy to keep; they do not have high demands on conditions. They gain weight quickly, but you will have to spend money on food if you want stable weight gain.

Other names for this breed are white Texas giant, American albino broiler, or white (sometimes snowy) pharaoh.

You can add to the breed description that:

  • The egg of birds of the Texas breed is large, somewhat oblong in shape. The optimal temperature in a sparrowhawk is 22 degrees; if it is warmer, the females lay eggs worse;
  • meat breast is valued as a delicacy;
  • males are not particularly active with females; for one “boy” there are usually two “girls”. Keep this in mind if you are thinking about breeding.

Let's summarize. If you started breeding quails for meat, this is the best of the different breeds.

On a note. Until birds of this breed begin to lay eggs, it is impossible to understand where the males are and where the females are.

Advice. When purchasing, it is better to choose individuals with fewer dark spots. In this case, a carcass with snow-white plumage has an attractive appearance, and therefore sells better.

Moscow black breed

It is unlikely that representatives of the species can be considered a full-fledged breed. Experts are inclined to conclude that this is just a cross between one breed and another - presumably a mixture of black and white English and Hungarian Pharaoh, and he took a little from each type of quail.

It turned out well, in any case, the breeders who took the risk of acquiring eggs from the Moscow black breed were satisfied.

A brief description of:

  • Moscow black broiler is a meat bird;
  • during fattening, individuals reach: females from 350 to 500 g of live weight, males: from 300 to 400 g;
  • egg weight from 12 to 15 g;
  • “families” can be composed of one male for three girls;
  • egg fertilization – 95%;
  • egg production – 75%.

Representatives of this species are the largest individuals in the quail family. In appearance they resemble tuxedo quails, the color of the feathers is beautiful, and therefore the carcass looks quite marketable.

Egg varieties

Most often, quails are bred for the sake of tasty and healing quail eggs, for which egg breeds are more suitable.

Quail breeding for the purpose of selling eggs is more common than meat production. Quail eggs not only have an excellent taste, they are also credited with healing properties. For example, unlike chicken eggs, quail eggs can be safely consumed raw. This is explained by the fact that when incubating, the hen maintains a temperature in the nest of 42 degrees. And the main infectious bacteria die already at 40.

Another significant difference from domestic chickens is the earlier laying of eggs. Chickens begin to lay eggs in the ninth month, and quail birds - on the 35th - 40th day, by this time its weight reaches 100 g. This explains the high popularity of quail egg breeds among farmers.

Let's look at the breeds common in Russia.

Japanese breed

If egg production is what is most important to you, feel free to choose this breed and you won’t go wrong. Japanese quail (aka silent quail) is the most popular variety, which is not surprising, because it was specially bred for increased egg production. The breed got its name from the country where it originated - these birds were brought to us from Japan. Wild Japanese quails are still found not only in Japan, but also in China, the Trans-Baikal Territory and Primorye.

The characteristics of the breed are as follows:

  • the body is elongated;
  • short tail and wings;
  • feathers on the chest of males are brown, females are gray;
  • The weight gained is small: in males up to 130 g, in laying hens - 135 g.

The female quail begins to lay eggs on the 40th - 55th day of life. Its “productivity” per year is about 300 pieces, weighing up to 11 g. However, in order to achieve such a result, something had to be sacrificed: having begun to intensively lay eggs, laying quails, alas, lost their instinct to hatch. To solve the problem, breeders have to use incubators.

The breed is unpretentious and is kept in the most ordinary conditions. Japanese quails rarely get sick; they have high immunity. In short, if you are wondering which breed of quail is best to choose for breeding eggs today, then the “Japanese” are the best solution.

Japanese quail, also known as silent quail, were specially bred for increased egg production.

Marbled quail

This species is a kind of mutation bred on the basis of the Japanese species. There was no crossbreeding familiar to breeders; the males of the Japanese breed were simply irradiated with x-rays. As a result, a new marbled subspecies was obtained, with plumage similar to the color structure of marble.

Representatives of this quail family have light gray feather coloring. Being derivatives from the “Japanese”, marbled quails are in many ways similar to them; in any case, the characteristics of egg production and live weight are the same. But thanks to the unusual coloring of the feathers, the presentation of this species is much better.

There have been attempts to cross the marbled quail with a female English black breed. As a result, the offspring gained a pronounced increase in live weight.

Estonian breed

The appearance of this bird, obtained by Estonian breeders, is inconspicuous, which does not prevent it from enjoying success with domestic and foreign farmers. The breed's characteristics are as follows:

  • The female lays her first clutch on the 40th – 50th day;
  • per year, Estonian quails lay from 240 to 270 eggs (with a total weight of three kilos!).

To obtain this breed, several types of quail were crossed: English white, Japanese and Pharaoh. It was assumed that the newcomer would inherit from his “parents”:

  • long periods of egg production;
  • large carcass sizes;
  • ease of care;
  • disease resistance;
  • long life.

The results turned out to be quite good; the Estonian breed can be successfully classified as both egg and meat-egg breeding, although the first property prevails. Birds of this species are also recommended to be used for breeding - useful for those who would like to have their own flock of queens.

The Estonian breed is classified as both an egg breeder and a meat-egg breeder; one female produces up to 270 eggs per year.

Advantages of Estonian quail breed:

  • egg fertilization is within 90%;
  • the incubation period is 17 days, and the hatchability of chickens in the incubator is 80%. This makes the breed in demand in industrial production;
  • survival rate of young animals - 95% or more;
  • By the age of one month, the birds already weigh 170 g, and the weight of an adult carcass is within 200.

Quails of other egg-bearing breeds cannot boast of such indicators.

In appearance, representatives of the breed also differ from their counterparts.

  1. Their characteristic feature is a low hump, formed when the bird raises the front of its back.
  2. The color of the feathers is ocher-brown, with running dark brown stripes.

Since the birds of this breed are calm and not capricious, they are best bred by novice or amateur poultry farmers.

Hungarian breed

This species, as the name implies, was bred in Hungary. The breed belongs to the egg-laying types, although the maximum carcass weight reaches 350 g (in this regard, they can compete with pharaohs).

The characteristics of the breed are as follows.

  1. The color of the feathers of individuals of the Hungarian breed is white.
  2. Quails begin to lay eggs at 35–40 days. Egg production is 300 eggs per year.
  3. Individuals fatten well, the average carcass weight can be increased to 200 - 210 g.

By the way, unlike the Estonian breed, with visible differences between male and female, individuals of the Hungarian breed can be “identified” only after the hens begin to lay eggs.

English black

The English black breed was bred from the Japanese and in all respects is practically not inferior to it.

When breeding this species, individuals of the Japanese breed were taken as a basis, crossed with different representatives of the quail family. English blacks have the following features:

  • the mass of the “Englishman’s” body is slightly greater than the mass of its ancestor: in females – 300 g, in males – 260 g;
  • Egg production is a little short - only 290 eggs per year.

English white

The English white quail differs from its fellow quail only in the coloring of its feathers. The remaining characteristics of individuals of both breeds are identical. Some breeders like English black quail, others white - a matter of taste.

The breed is often confused with the Texan, which is not surprising, because its representatives were “involved” during breeding. Although, first of all, the “English” is considered as an egg breed, if the birds are well fed, then the weight of the individuals is increased to half a kilogram.

English quail are more unpretentious than the same “Texans”; laying hens are not so afraid of temperature changes, and they lay eggs well.

Manchurian gold breed

Many breeders call this same species the golden phoenix. It is especially valued for its beauty and high productivity; in Europe, the phoenix has become the most common type of domestic quail.

In terms of egg production, representatives of this egg breed can be considered strong “average”. A female brings about 220 eggs per year, although experienced breeders manage to increase the number to 260, for which they have to select properly balanced feed and properly care for the birds.

The peculiarity of the Manchurians, or golden phoenixes, is their amazing beauty, high productivity and tasty meat.

But quails of this species have several advantages over their Japanese counterparts.

  1. Eggs of the Manchurian gold breed are of greater mass. The weight of one varies between 13 - 16 g.
  2. The birds are very beautiful - the feathers are painted in a pleasant golden hue.
  3. The chicks quickly gain weight and are easy to care for.
  4. When breeding, keep in mind that there will be no more than three females per male.
  5. Although the main characteristic of the Manchurian breed is egg production, their meat is also valued for its pleasant taste. The cut carcass of a male weighs 300 g, and that of a female weighs 400.
  6. The color of the plumage of phoenix quail is lightish, and therefore the carcasses are in greater demand among buyers than domestic quails with black colored feathers (their carcasses acquire a bluish tint, and uninformed buyers are wary of such a product).

Special living conditions for representatives of the breed are not required; the most common food is also suitable. One individual eats 40 g of food per day.

Birds rarely get sick, and therefore will not cause trouble to their owners in the household.

Important. Carcasses of Manchurian quail (or golden pheasant) are suitable not only for preparing nutritious broth, they are suitable for grilling or smoking.

Meat and egg varieties

Quail breeds that successfully belong to both meat and egg-laying species are unique hybrids. Breeders spent a lot of time and effort trying to develop something in common, but it cannot be said that the efforts were crowned with serious success. Nevertheless, such breeds exist and are in considerable demand on the market, and therefore it would be useful to analyze their positive and negative sides.


The breed was named so because of its coloring - white chest and black back with tail. Outwardly, it really seems like the birds are wearing dark tuxedos.

The tuxedo quail is so named because of its coloring, reminiscent of a formal suit, and is suitable for breeding for personal purposes.

Breed characteristics:

  • egg production: 260 eggs per year;
  • the weight of an adult is 200 grams.

It is unlikely that this hybrid will be suitable for those who would like to organize a serious business producing quail eggs and meat. But for household purposes, for breeding quails for personal purposes, the tuxedo quail is suitable. For one family, this amount of eggs and healthy meat is quite enough.

"Little Red Riding Hood"

This is how these quails are called in our country by analogy with the German name, where the breed came to us from. In Ukraine they were nicknamed “golden phoenix”, in Italy – “Italians”. The line is a breeding one; breeders from different countries have worked on it, but each time they took the Manchurian Golden breed as the basis. The breed has been bred for many years, and they have achieved that the offspring inherit the parameters of their parents, which means that it can already be considered selective.


  1. The weight of females is from 360 to 450 g, although champions with proper nutrition gain 550 g.
  2. Laying hens have good egg production. The eggs are even.
  3. The carcass has a marketable appearance.

The body color resembles the Manchurian breed, but the males have a red head, which is why the breed got its name. The individuals have a calm character and a neat appearance. Egg fertilization is 95%.

We provide a comparative table showing the main breeds of quail and their characteristics.

Comparison of breeds in many respects

Comparative tables of the main quail breeds and their characteristics.


Whether you choose Texas quail or tuxedo quail, you have a lot of choices. The main requirement is that the chosen species must correspond to the purpose of breeding: a meat breed, an egg-laying breed, or a mixed type.

Be sure to pay attention to the appearance of your charges - the prettier they are, the more desirable such a product will become on the shelves.

In the Russian Federation, many farmers are engaged in breeding representatives of the pheasant family. Thanks to the breeding of birds in captivity, their population has increased significantly. Currently, there are about 40 domesticated varieties of this bird. Compared to wild relatives, they have better productivity indicators. Quail carcasses are valued for their excellent taste and are a dietary product. This article is devoted to the peculiarities of the quail business.

The history of quail breeding goes back just over 100 years. Among domestic farmers, the most popular breed is considered to be the Pharaoh, bred in the USA. Representatives of this variety are involved in the creation of new lines. The weight of females reaches 300 g, males - 200 g. Egg production rates are small - only 220 eggs per year. Quails are considered the smallest relatives of the chicken. The excellent taste of meat and its availability determined its popularity in cooking.


In their natural habitat, birds are found in Europe, Africa and Western Asia. The dimensions of wild quail are quite modest - body length reaches 20 cm, and weight ranges from 80 to 145 g. The sizes of domesticated quails differ. For example, the body weight of a female Pharaoh is 300 g. A characteristic feature of these birds is a small tail and long wings in relation to the body.

Color Features:

  • plumage - buffy;
  • eyes - brown;
  • beak - brown or light;
  • the upper area of ​​the head and tail are brown with transverse stripes;
  • cheeks - dark red;
  • throat is black.

Regardless of gender, there is a brown stripe in the back of the head. In males, the crop is colored bright red.

Short legs set wide apart. They give the bird the opportunity to move quickly on the ground and not fly when danger approaches. The flight height of quails is up to 2,750 m. Among birds with small body mass, they are distinguished by their fast speed of movement.

Nutritional value of quail

Quail meat belongs to the dietary category. Due to its excellent nutritional properties, the ancient Slavs called it “royal food.”

Nutritional value of the product per 100 g:

  • carbohydrates - 0%;
  • proteins - 83%;
  • fats - 17%.

Quail meat is a unique product with a high concentration of zinc, phosphorus, iron, Vitamins C and B6. Calorie content is 134 kcal. It is successfully used in therapeutic diets.

Helpful information

The nutritional and dietary properties of this meat outshine even rabbit meat. For many centuries in a row, it has been used to treat heart diseases, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system and kidney disorders.

Table 1. Main benefits of quail meat

Item nameFeatures of therapeutic effects
PotassiumImproves brain function and stabilizes blood pressure. Helps prevent hypotension and arrhythmia.
B vitaminsThey normalize the activity of the central nervous system and have a mild sedative effect. In addition, they help improve the health of the respiratory tract.
IronIncreases hemoglobin content and prevents anemia.
CalciumStrengthens bones and has a positive effect on the development of mental abilities.
Vitamin PPStimulates blood circulation, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prevents the formation of malignant tumors, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Helps prevent gout.
Sulfur and phosphorusHelps improve metabolic processes and the functioning of the digestive system. Helps get rid of excess weight.
Vitamins D and AStrengthens vision, lifts mood and improves immunity.

Eating quail meat has a positive effect on the functioning of the body.

Due to its low energy value, quail meat is used in weight loss diets. Any product with a high concentration of protein improves metabolism. Nutritionists have noticed that eating quail meat speeds up the weight loss process 3 times. Regular consumption of these dietary products is beneficial for expectant mothers, older people and children with weakened immune systems.

Quail meat is especially useful for men. The high proportion of protein promotes muscle mass gain, and beneficial microelements improve potency.

Quail eggs are no less useful. They are a natural vitamin cocktail with unique properties.

A quail egg contains 2.5 times more vitamins than a chicken egg. There is 4.5 times more iron, potassium and phosphorus. A high concentration of lecithin helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Benefits of eating quail eggs:

  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • relief of headaches;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • treatment of central nervous system disorders, asthma and diabetes;
  • stimulation of potency.

Slaughter results

The average body weight of meat birds varies from 130 to 150 g, egg - from 110 to 130 g. Well-fed birds are distinguished by a visible layer of subcutaneous fat.

The highest carcass yield is observed in birds aged 5 to 6 weeks. As quails grow older, this figure gradually decreases.

Table 2. Average weight of quail carcasses depending on the variety

BreedDirectionEgg weight, gEgg production, pieces per yearCarcass weight, g
eggfrom 10 to 12from 300 to 320from 90 to 100
English whiteeggfrom 11 to 13from 290 to 310from 40 to 170
meat and eggfrom 13 to 16from 220 to 250from 170 to 190
meatfrom 12 to 17from 250 to 300from 200 to 220
Tuxedomeat and eggfrom 11 to 12from 260 to 280from 130 to 150
Estonianmeat and eggfrom 12 to 14from 280 to 310from 180 to 200
meatfrom 15 to 18from 220 to 260from 250 to 350

Broilers are not very popular among Russian farmers. Restaurant chefs don't like to use them for culinary purposes. This is due to the large carcass size. It is too big for one dish, and if divided into several parts it loses its aesthetic value.

Table 3. Meat characteristics

Carcass cost

Market offers from Russian farmers in 2018 start from 75 rubles per carcass weighing about 100 g. The wholesale price per 1 kg is 320, retail - from 500 rubles. The approximate cost of 1 store-bought package of quail for frying weighing 150 g is 370 rubles, for preparing broth - 160 rubles.

Quail breeding

The method of growing these birds is simple, even beginners can do it. It only takes a few people to maintain a small quail farm. In most cases, quail breeding is carried out by small businesses.

With an established sales market, a farm of 500 birds pays for itself within 2 months. The demand for this product from an economic point of view is explained by both good productivity and long shelf life. For example, compared to chicken eggs, this figure is 3 times greater.

Advantages of the quail business:

  1. High turnover. The female reaches sexual maturity within 30 days. One quail produces more than 280 eggs per year. Starting a business of 500 heads, within 12 months you can increase this number 10 times.
  2. Low cost of setting up a farm. The cost is about $2,000 per year.
  3. Compact production. The birds are kept in boxes consisting of several cages. This allows you to keep up to 100 birds per 0.5 m². A battery of 6 cages, occupying only 1 m², can accommodate about 280 individuals.
  4. Easy to care for. Quails are unpretentious in maintenance, so this type of business is not considered labor-intensive.

Successful rearing of birds is determined by 2 factors: maintaining a constant temperature of 18°C ​​and a balanced diet.

Learn all about how to start a quail farming business. Writing a correct business plan, commercial prospects of the enterprise, income and expenses. In a separate article you will learn how to choose a breed, what to look for when buying, what conditions quail need and how to feed them.

Room characteristics

Housing technology involves placing birds in cages. To make birds feel comfortable, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Room. In summer - 5 m³/h per 1 kg of live weight, in winter - 1.5 m³/h. The cells should be warm and dry.
  2. Ventilation. Mandatory condition for keeping birds. During ventilation, drafts should not be allowed. Strong air currents directed at birds cause feathers to fall out.
  3. Lighting. Both natural and artificial options are suitable. The required daylight hours are 18 hours. Intermittent illumination is possible - 18 hours of light, and then alternating with an interval of 2 hours of light and darkness. With short daylight, egg production decreases. Interval light stimulates egg laying. It is necessary to adjust its intensity. Excessively bright colors provoke aggression in birds. This negatively affects meat and egg productivity.

Drinkers for quails are an important element of poultry house arrangement, almost equal in importance to feeders.

From the inventory you should purchase drinking bowls and feeders. If there is a lack of financial resources, they are made independently.

Step-by-step instructions for making a drinker and feeder from a sewer pipe

Step 1. Purchase a plastic PVC pipe with a diameter of 15 cm, 1 tee and 2 plugs.

Step 2. Cut 2 pieces from the pipe, 10 and 20 cm long.

Step 3. Using a tee, connect a 20 cm piece and install plugs at the ends.

Step 4. Attach a 10 cm long section of pipe to the tee branch. It is a feed tray.

Step 5. Fix the structure on the wall of the poultry house by attaching a vertical section to the top.

This device can be used both for feeding and as a drinking bowl.

When breeding birds at home, it is important to insulate the loggia and organize a ventilation system. In multi-storey buildings, there is a high probability that the specific smell of birds and their waste products will spread to neighboring apartments. The most unpleasant miasma comes from wet droppings. To prevent such problems, cages should be cleaned daily.

A more preferable option is to keep birds in the country. Among the main advantages of this type of breeding are the following:

  • long daylight hours;
  • natural ventilation;
  • availability of fresh grass during the warm season.

The ideal option for cages would be a barn. Its insulated version is suitable for winter use.

Maintenance of the parent flock

The average ratio of males to females in one group is 1:3-4. Deviations from this rule are possible.

  1. Until birds reach 3 weeks of age, cage placement is not based on gender separation.
  2. The optimal age of females for breeding is from 3 to 8 months, males - from 3 to 6 months.
  3. Inbreeding is not recommended.
  4. The survival rate of chicks can be increased by reducing the number of female matings.
  5. During the period of sexual activity, the protein and vitamin components in the feed are increased.
  6. The parent flock is housed in separate cages and kept until the production level is reduced to 50%.
  7. The planting density is 80 pcs/m².
  8. Due to a decrease in egg production, males are changed when females reach 6 months.

Some farmers adhere to a different technology for housing the parent stock. As part of this technique, females and males live separately. The latter are allowed near quails only for a short time for mating. For 10 females, 1 active sexually mature quail is needed. With this placement, more efficient feed consumption is observed.

According to experienced poultry farmers, a quail family should consist of 8 heads: 2 males and 6 females.

Video - Slaughtering quails and processing carcasses at home

Many farmers believe that keeping quail is profitable in any economic situation, even despite fluctuating purchasing power. There will always be a consumer for this product. Domesticated birds produce not only eggs, but also meat. Therefore, many novice farmers are interested in: how much does a quail weigh and how to properly raise it for slaughter?

There are several types of quail, the weight of the bird depends on the species. It should be noted that in some lines of birds both sexes weigh almost the same, while in others the females are larger.

Table No. 1. Lots of quails.

Type (breed) of quailWeight (g)Egg weight (g)
Ordinary80–145 8–14
Japanese (mute)Male - 115–120, female - 138–1509–11
PharaohMale - 160–265,
Female - 160–310
EnglishMale 140–160
Female 160–180
Manchurian Golden (Phoenix)Male - 220–220
Female - 250–300
Estonian170–190 10
Pharaoh of Texas400–450 18
MarbleMale - 150–170
Female 180–200
Tuxedo150–160 10–11

Like chickens, quails are classified according to product qualities:

  • meat;
  • meat and eggs;
  • egg;
  • decorative.

Meat breeds include English, Manchurian, Japanese (broiler) quail, and Pharaoh. The most common in private backyards is Japanese quail. The pharaohs are considered the most productive. The tuxedo variety has an attractive color and is suitable for obtaining meat and eggs on a private farmstead. But it is not profitable to grow it on large farms.

California, Chinese painted quail are raised only to satisfy aesthetic needs. Their main value is their bright appearance.

Quail house

Quails are suitable for any household premises - for example, a garage, a barn. However, professionals say that a special structure that is not occupied by anything else is most suitable for this.

The dimensions of the building are planned according to the number of livestock. It is considered normal when no more than 70 individuals are accommodated per 1 m2.

The room is protected from drafts. If the poultry house is planned to be used in autumn and winter, heaters and lamps are installed.

Reference. Sometimes quails are placed with chickens. The idea is not always successful. The neighborhood is fraught with certain problems. Chickens can transmit infections, show aggression towards smaller neighbors, peck their eggs, etc.

Quail houses are built from brick, aerated concrete, and wood. Requirements for conditions of detention:

  • air temperature 20…22 °C;
  • good ventilation, since birds have an increased body temperature, but without drafts.

If the house is cold, the quality of the feathers deteriorates and bald patches form. Quails get scared and excited easily. Therefore, the room should be quiet and calm. It is recommended to place the building away from the road, in a quiet corner of the yard.

Quail care

The duration of fattening is 14-28 days. For meat we select:

  • individuals of one month of age subject to culling;
  • laying hens after use for egg production;
  • chickens of the first culling - weakened young animals with various defects;
  • healthy, productive individuals if it turns out that the herd has grown too large.

Adults are transferred to fattening at the age of about 9 months, and laying hens when their productivity decreases to 50%. The entire herd is divided into females and males, and then placed in different cages.


One of the main conditions for a good result is the correct light mode. The lighting intensity should be 11 lux, or 3 W per m2 of floor. To do this, the windows are painted over or darkened. 40 W incandescent lamps or their equivalents are used as a light source. The room is darkened so that the bird remains calm and eats better.

Attention! Excessive indoor lighting leads to pecking, restless behavior, and cannibalism in quails.

For the first three weeks, all quail are kept in low light 24 hours a day. For the last seven days, an intermittent regimen is used for females:

  • low light - 1 hour;
  • darkness - 2 hours.

For males, daylight hours should last up to 8 hours, and during daylight hours the lighting is also dimmed.

Cages for fattening poultry

The birds selected for fattening are placed in cage batteries - for example, like models KBE-1, KBE-2, Victoria, etc. Electric furnaces are first dismantled from them. One such cage can accommodate up to 50 individuals.

For fattening, they make their own cages. The dimensions of the cage for 40 quails are 76x37x18 cm. Cells are designed on the front wall through which the birds can receive food and drink.

Prices for quail cages

Quail cage

Step-by-step instructions for making a cage from plastic boxes

This design is suitable for the first time. Assembly time is only 30 minutes.

To make a cage, take three boxes with the same bottom size, but two low and one high (17 cm). The tools you will need are a hacksaw and a sharp knife.

Make a cell like this:

Step 1.

Cut off the upper part of the side walls so that the height along the entire perimeter of the box is the same.

Step 2.

A tall one is placed on a small box (performs the function of a pallet), and a small one is placed on top again.

Step 3.

A lid is cut into the top drawer.

Step 4.

Diamond-shaped windows are cut into the side wall of the box so that the birds can drink and eat.

This space is enough to keep 8–12 birds.

Features of the quail diet

Quails are fed up to 4 times a day, giving plenty of food. In the morning and evening, they offer a mixture of cereals and fat, the share of which is 3-5% of the total feed.

According to the observations of breeders, a good result of weight gain is achieved by feeding a mixture consisting of broiler feed (80%) with peas (20%). Pre-boil the peas for 20 minutes. In Japan, a scheme is used in which, after oviposition, young animals are given only grain feed for 14–20 days. This method is considered simple and effective.

Attention! You cannot change food right away. This will cause a mass death of the herd. New products are introduced gradually over 3–4 days. The first day the diet is updated by only 50%.

Fattening continues for 28 days. The average portion per head is about 30 g per day. In the last week it is increased by 8%.

Attention! If the diet is not composed correctly, then the birds develop a tendency towards cannibalism.

Homemade feed recipe

It is profitable to buy ready-made feed when you have several birds on your farmstead. If the count runs into hundreds, then farmers consider it more profitable to produce food for their children with their own hands. You will also need special equipment - a grain crusher, which you can buy or make yourself.

Prices for popular models of grain crushers, feed cutters and grass cutters

Grain crusher-feed cutter-grass cutter

Table No. 2. Composition of grain feed for quails.

The product's nameContent, per 1 kg of mixture (g)
1–4 weeks5–6 weeksAfter 7 weeks
Corn400 430 410
Wheat86 250 160
Soybean meal350 100 200
Wheat bran50 50
Fish meal50
Meat and bone meal30 30 40
Herbal flour10 35 25
Dry return30
Yeast20 30 40
Seashells, chalk10 10 10
Table salt4 5 6
Premix10 (P5–1)10 (P6–1)10 (P1–1)
Nutritional value of 100 g of feed
Exchange energy, kJ1216 1156 1197
Protein, %28 17.3 20.94
Cellulose, %4 5.1 5.2
Calcium,%1.01 1.12 2.84
Phosphorus, %0.91 0.87 0.913

Breeders have somewhat different opinions regarding the composition of the feed. So, some farmers advise including carrots in your diet. The root vegetable gives the meat a beautiful golden hue. At the same time, they recommend removing fish products so as not to spoil the taste of dietary meat.

Video - How to make a grain crusher yourself

Fattening of rejected young animals

Young animals rejected due to defects are also fattened for meat. The product turns out very tasty and tender.

At the beginning of fattening, the legs of young quails are tied with threads, which are removed after 5 days. If the threads are not removed, they will cut into and then grow into the skin, causing pain. This will affect the appetite of the patients and the rate of weight gain.

For the first few days, weak chicks are fed by hand until they become stronger and begin to eat on their own. The main products in the diet are hard-boiled and ground eggs, sifted feed, yogurt, and cottage cheese.

After 7 days, the quails are transferred to darkened cages with individual compartments to limit mobility. Fattening lasts 22–25 days. During this time, the carcass gains weight up to 100 g.

Quail diseases

A breeder may encounter the following poultry diseases:

  • salmonellosis;
  • colibacillosis;
  • pullorosis;
  • aspergillosis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • pseudoplague;
  • smallpox

Most of these diseases are infectious and are transmitted to birds through poor-quality food and drink. The reason for the rapid spread of infection is the excessive crowding of birds in cages. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the quality of food, clean the cages on time, and prevent other animals and wild birds from entering the poultry houses. Individuals from other farms should first be kept under quarantine conditions.

Another problem that farmers may encounter is vitamin deficiency. To prevent this from happening, the diet should contain enough green feed, legumes, and feed yeast. If necessary, quails are given veterinary vitamin supplements.

Healthy birds have beautiful, smooth plumage. They are active and eat well. Symptoms that should alert you:

  • disturbances in the behavior of the bird - agitation or lethargy, depression;
  • digestive disorders, diarrhea;
  • exhaustion;
  • discharge from the eyes, nose;
  • increase in body temperature.

In such cases, sick individuals are separated from the herd and the cause of the disease is determined and appropriate treatment is provided. In some cases, it is not possible to save the livestock.

Quail slaughter

Quail for meat has well-developed muscles on the thighs and chest, an expressive keel of the chest, and the ends of the pubic bones are easily palpable. A layer of fat on the chest indicates that the bird is well-fed. The average weight of quails at the age of 2 months depends on the orientation of the breed:

  • egg - 110–130 g;
  • meat - 160–200 g.

In broiler breeds, the weight can exceed 200 g, and reach 400 g at the age of 40 days.

Typically, the average meat yield for beef breeds reaches 70%. Experienced breeders recommend slaughtering before puberty - no later than the 40th day. The younger the bird, the tastier it is.

Price for kitchen electronic scales

Kitchen electronic scales with bowl

5–6 hours before slaughter, the birds stop feeding, but are given unlimited water. This is done to clear the intestines and crop of contents. If there is food inside, the walls of the organs may burst during cutting. Then the meat will get dirty and will be stored less.

Before slaughter, quails are divided into adults and young (less than 2 months old). If the slaughter is not carried out on the farmstead itself, then the birds are delivered to the required place in boxes made of metal or wood. Immediately before the procedure, the bird is fixed upside down. The head is cut off with pruners or scissors. After this, the carcass is left in this position for about 40 seconds, allowing the blood to drain.

The quail is scalded, plucked, singed - for example, with a torch. After removing the limbs, remove the internal organs and wash the carcasses in water heated to 30 °C. The meat is then cooled, placed in plastic bags and placed in the refrigerator or freezer.

Quail provides tasty dietary meat for the family. A few dozen individuals are enough for this. If poultry is raised for commercial purposes, then experts recommend forming a flock of at least 500–600 birds. Quails are prolific, and in just a year their numbers can increase 10 times. Therefore, such a business will quickly pay off.

Video - How much does a quail eat per day?