Aiza Vitalievna Anokhina (nee Vagapova; after her first husband - Dolmatova). Born on December 10, 1984 in Grozny. Russian media person, designer, fashion designer, presenter, blogger.

Aiza Vagapova, who later became known under the names of Dolmatova and Anokhin, was born on December 10, 1984 in Grozny.

Father - Vitaly Vagapov, retired FSB general.

She told me about her father: “I could, of course, scream before when I was stopped driving for violations, “My dad is a general!”, but that was a very long time ago. And he himself is such a person that when he was deprived of his license for violation , didn’t bother getting any ksiv, just gave up the license. They’ll return it later with cognac anyway. Previously, I asked him to make some documents so that they would be allowed everywhere, but he said that his daughter wouldn’t engage in such posturing... Although he born in Grozny, not a Caucasian despot at all."

Regarding nationality, Isa herself said that she was “not entirely Russian,” without specifying details. According to some sources, she is a Tatar, according to others, she is a Chechen.

Soon after her birth, the family moved to Moscow. She grew up in the capital and graduated from high school in 2000.

However, she did not work by profession - she became interested in fashion design, creating jewelry and accessories. She also became an active party girl.

According to her, since childhood she dreamed of becoming a designer and began drawing her first sketches in the 6th grade. Her dream became a reality when, together with a friend, she opened a showroom, where they began creating handmade jewelry. Isa also started producing her own clothing line.

She gained wide fame after meeting the rap artist Guf (Alexey Dolmatov).

In Guf’s second solo album “At Home,” Isa was mentioned many times, and the song Ice Baby dedicated to her became one of the main hip-hop hits of 2010.

In November 2013, she became the host of the music “Neformat Chart” on the MUZ-TV channel.

In the summer of 2016, she took part in a television project on the Friday channel called “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman.” As part of the program, she exchanged lives with a simple girl Karina and went to a small village near Orenburg.

Isa Anokhina. Star Love Story on MUZ-TV

Aiza Anokhina's height: 162 centimeters.

Personal life of Aiza Anokhina:

Isa herself noted that she sympathizes with Victoria Beckham: “I adore her! And her goals in life. She is cool. But I care about her like I care about Everest.”

The ex-wife of performer Guf (Alexey Dolmatov), ​​entrepreneur and rapper Aiza Anokhina, made a video called Supreme (Guf R.I.P.), in which she responded to his attacks against her new husband. She promised to deprive the rapper of communication with her son and threatened that her husband, Dmitry Anokhin, would knock out his teeth. Guf laughed, and fans advise the former spouses to stop acting like participants in the show “Dom-2”.

Isa and Guf divorced in 2015, after living together for several years (they were married from 2008 to 2013), after separations and reunions. Isa began to live with surfer Dmitry Anokhin, and Guf’s five-year-old son named Sam stayed with her. Since then, the relationship between the rapper and his ex-wife has left much to be desired.

In early October, Guf recorded a diss track against Isa’s new husband. The reason was their personal conflict over Guf’s desire to communicate with his ex-wife and son. In, during which the rapper dissed, it seems, everyone, he talked about it like this:

My friendship with this Aizin guy didn’t work out, excuse the expression, who writes to me: “*** [woodpecker], don’t write to my wife.” Fuck you too! This is my child's mother, idiot. I only write to her about Sam, I don’t fucking need her after you, *** [nonentity].

As a result, a diss track called Line Up was posted on VK. In it, Guf threatened Anokhin with violence, demanded not to interfere with his communication with his son and boasted of “the two highest ones,” and described the family conflict with the words “my relatives are in your captivity.” Now Isa has written down the answer.

Alexey Dolmatov with his son

On the first day, October 25, the video for the Supreme diss track (Guf R.I.P.) came out on top in Russian YouTube trends. The chorus goes like this:

I don't need beef, I don't need a hit, I don't need a new Supreme/Louis Vuitton collab
I don't need to make peace with you, no one needs you like your new album.

Isa further explains that Guf “touched mine and crossed the line, you won’t get away with this dirty song.” She threatens him with reprisals from her husband, promises to deprive him of communication with his son, has a low opinion of Guf’s personal qualities, calls him a coward and finally wishes him to “give him a golden injection with a rusty needle.”

Do you remember, in a dangerous mess on Kuz, you hid behind my back?
The wife gets punched in the face, and the husband hides behind her like a beast.
Get away from us, get off your son! I won't have anything in common with you.
Get drunk and go back to heroin, give yourself a golden injection with a rusty needle.

This is what it looks like:

Guf reacted to his ex-wife's diss with irony.

Some even decided that he wrote this seriously. But the rapper dispelled doubts.

Most viewers did not like Aiza’s position.

Others remembered that Guf sang Aiza in the popular track Ice Baby.

The top comments under the clip on YouTube are also not in Anokhina’s favor.

And on The Flow the comments are also unflattering for her.

But there are also those who support the former Gufa.

Who no one likes is her new husband.

But most fans believe that Aiza and Guf “arranged Dom-2” in vain, as stated in Aiza’s diss track. And they urge the former couple to come to their senses.

The trend for battles in Russian rap reached new heights when Oxy. But the question arose - why is someone there fighting with Oxy when he became Purulent? Maybe it's because?

In a candid interview with SUPER, the 29-year-old businesswoman spoke about her family vacation in Bali and her relationship with her ex-husband.

The ex-wife of rapper Guf Aiza Dolmatova spent almost a month on the Indonesian island of Bali in the company of her 4-year-old son Sami. Not long ago, a 29-year-old businesswoman shocked fans with joint photographs with her ex-husband Alexei Dolmatov in one of the island’s villas. As it turned out, the rapper missed his son and ex-wife so much that he traveled a huge distance and came to Bali to be with his family. This development of events caused even more excitement around the scandalous couple, because until recently Guf and Isa practically did not communicate. In an exclusive interview with SUPER, Aiza Dolmatova spoke about vacation, divorce, as well as quarrels and reconciliations with her ex-husband.

Tell us about your vacation. Why did you decide to go so far?

In fact, I only took a vacation for the sake of my son. When you spend all your time one-on-one with your child, you devote yourself completely to him. It was a family vacation. Lekha's arrival was a real surprise for us. He missed me and Sami. Now he remains there and is going to travel.

So you didn’t even know that Guf was coming?

Well, he said, “I’ll come, I’ll come.” But, as always, everything that Lesha says can be immediately divided by 150. However, he still came to us and said that he missed him very much! I’m glad that we managed to straighten out our relationship, even though we already had a fight there. Now we really communicate like good friends, although I agree that we still need a lot of time to even out everything completely and stop being jealous of each other. Too little time has passed, so we are still jealous, then he, then I - this cannot be removed.

Why did you fight?

Lesha asked me to install What's App on his phone. I never got into his business and never read his correspondence. But as soon as I clicked “OK”, a bunch of messages immediately poured in, where Christina C writes how bad I am ". In fact, Lesha himself went nuts. Yes, I quarrel with Christina from time to time, but I have something to blame her for. She and I were very close friends, and when she left for Black Star, everyone spread rot on her, but I supported her, spoke wow, what a great job she is. Now I have clearly decided for myself that I will never work with Black Star again, although we collaborated with them, they invite me to their events. I will no longer support them in any way, because Christina is there Si. What she did was wrong in relation to a woman towards a woman. When I read it, I simply had no words. This is very vile! I will never call Vodonaeva’s ex-husband and stir up all sorts of women for him. She wants to set Guf up with one of my friends with a dubious reputation. In general, we fought because of this, but Lesha also went nuts. He didn’t like it at all that Christina was writing such things to him.

How did you spend your time? Where did you manage to go?

Sam was very happy about dad's arrival, but we couldn't go anywhere. Lesha still needed to recover physically; he wasn’t feeling very well, so most of the time we let him rest and recover. Unfortunately, I couldn’t travel either, because I was with my son, and he can’t stand these trips through traffic jams in such heat. We mostly went to restaurants and relaxed on the beach. Lesha stayed there now, although he wanted to leave with us. I left the car with him. I want him to have time to see the island, recover, and gather his strength. Another country, especially Asia, Bali - all this brings you to life. I wished him to get to know himself, to understand what he really wants.

So what's between you two now? There are a lot of rumors about you getting divorced and then getting back together.

From now on we are officially divorced, but no one knew about it. But we were scammed almost without our knowledge. We did not attend any meetings. In fact, we are not happy with this at all, but it is a fact: we are divorced. But we try to be friends, we correspond. Lesha often asks how we are doing, is interested in our life and wants to participate in it. When we left the island, he took us to the airport. We are one family, it is always easy for us to meet, and we will always be part of each other, but, unfortunately, we will not be together.

Our singer-rappers are not very well known to the general public. They are known and loved among connoisseurs of rap and hip-hop. Perhaps someone has heard of such a performer as Guf. If earlier the public was interested exclusively in his work, then recently everyone has heard only details about how the former married couple - Guf and Isa - are once again sorting things out.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from mistakes in their personal life. Whether you are a famous person, or only friends and relatives know you, breaking up with a once loved one can happen to anyone. Aiza Dolmatova and Guf also believed that their love would be long and happy. Everything turned out completely wrong.

Guf - biography and creativity

Guf - stage performance by Sergeevich Dolmatov. He is quite a famous personality in the world of hip-hop and rap music. The main themes of the creative direction are personal life, stories about oneself and the problem of narcotic substances.

Like many musicians who came to rap culture, Guf went through a phase. He lived in China with his parents for several years and even managed to study a little at one of the local universities. According to unverified information, Alexey suddenly left China precisely because of drug problems. In this country, their use and distribution are very strictly punished. According to another version, Gufu simply got bored with living in China and returned to Moscow. Then he lived with his grandmother, with whom Dolmatov had the best relationship until the end of her life.

In Moscow, Guf entered the Moscow State Pedagogical University. Lenin and there for the first time, at the age of 19, together with his friend from study, he wrote the song “The Wall of China”. The track turned out to be so good that it was played on the radio. However, then problems with drug use began again, and Guf dropped out of musical life for two years. All this time his grandmother helped him.

In 2000, he became a member of the Rolex-X group. In 2004, Dolmatov became one of the founders of the CENTR group. In 2009 he leaves her.

2006 - Guf's career took off. By this time, he takes a pseudonym after the famous Disney cartoon character - Guf. The singer’s track “Gossip” literally explodes on the radio and becomes super popular.

Alexey Dolmatov is a rather self-ironic person. In his songs, he often calls himself “Kagtavy Guf” because of his slight burr and barely noticeable stutter.

Grandma rapper

Being extraordinary is a tradition in the Guf family. The rapper dedicated one of his tracks, “Gossip,” to the person closest to him - his grandmother, Tamara Konstantinovna. In it, he talked about her life and hobbies. The grandmother turned out to be a bright and talented person, and together with her grandson she recorded the track “Original Ba”. After that, in the world of hip-hop they began to call her that.

Tamara Konstantinovna died from the consequences of a stroke on October 28, 2013. After her first stroke, in 2012, she was in very serious condition and was connected to a ventilator.

Aiza Dolmatova - biography and creativity

Aiza Vitalievna Vagapova is a native of the city of Grozny. As a child, she moved to Moscow with her parents, where she received a higher education in economics. According to her zodiac sign, Aiza is Sagittarius, outwardly she is a fragile girl, she has an iron character and determination. She speaks excellent English and enjoys snowboarding. Twice she was chosen as “Best Snowboarder of the Year.” “Nightlife with Isa” - this was the column the girl wrote in the magazine. Hip-hop and rap were infinitely far away for her until she met Guf.

After Isa became the rapper’s wife, she completely immersed herself in family life. Guf had certain concerns about the birth of his child. He believed that he was not ready to become a father. However, Isa, like a loving wife, fenced him off from all the problems associated with a small child. But she didn’t want to be completely dependent on her husband. In addition, the girl dreamed of somehow realizing herself. Isa started creating jewelry that is popular.

The story of how Guf and Aiza met

Guf and Isa met at the very beginning of the rise of the rap musician’s career, in 2005. They were hanging out with friends at the same club and caught a glimpse of each other. After that, Guf and Isa crossed paths several times at different parties, but met later, at a snowboarders’ party. The rapper didn’t know how to skate, and Isa agreed to become his instructor. After the party, Guf could not forget the charming girl and wrote a song for her. And then he called and offered to meet. From that moment on, Guf and Isa, whose photos immediately appeared in the media, became a couple. Guf introduced the girl to his grandmother, and Isa introduced her chosen one to her father.

Couple's wedding and life together

A few months later, Guf made an official proposal to his girlfriend. They had been living with the rapper for three months, and at that time he could not imagine his life without his beloved girl. The wedding of Guf and Aiza took place in 2008. Two years later, the couple had a son, Sami.

Guf never called his family relationships easy and smooth. Intensity, passion - this was always present between him and Isa. Several times they even decided to live separately, but usually after a few hours the rapper took his wife home.

When there was talk that Guf and Isa were getting a divorce, fans first of all began to blame the rapper’s unhealthy passion for drugs. Before meeting his future wife, he had already tried to be treated for his addiction, but did not last long. At the time they met, Isa had no idea what terrible problems existed in the life of her young man. The rapper's friends opened her eyes to what was happening. And Isa, a determined girl, took extreme measures - she locked Guf in the apartment for a week and helped him survive the period of drug withdrawal. As Guf himself said more than once, if not for his wife, drugs would have completely consumed him.

Why Guf and Isa broke up - different reasons for the breakup

For five years, the couple’s relationship was not all rosy, but they were quite happy. In 2013, talk began that Guf and Isa were getting a divorce. What caused the problems in the most famous rap family? Friends and fans of the couple cited three reasons for the discord: Guf’s passion for model and singer Leroy Kondra, Aiza’s fledgling romance with snowboarder Sergei Sterin, and the rapper’s resurfacing problems with drugs.

Each spouse blames the other for all problems. Guf talks about his wife's betrayal. Isa denies everything and explains the reason for the divorce by saying that she is tired of being her husband’s personal drug therapist and no longer wants to endure parties until the morning.

If in August Guf and Isa had not yet brought their family quarrels to the public, then the appearance of the rapper in the life of the rapper overflowed the patience of the already extremely temperamental girl. The couple began to quarrel publicly on social networks, furiously blaming each other.

Guf and Isa are together again - is this true?

In August, Isa packed her things and left her husband with her son. However, she was never able to file divorce papers. It’s not so easy to erase 9 years together. Isa admitted that she still loves her husband very much and hopes that they can overcome the difficult time for their family and be together again.

In winter, Isa attended Guf’s concert in Luzhniki. They spent a lot of time behind the scenes, and the paparazzi even filmed how the rapper, in a fit of emotion, kissed Aiza. Immediately everyone started talking about reconciling the couple. Isa herself said that she intends to fight for her husband. And Guf seems to be completely confused in his relationships with his two women. He already lived with Lera Kondra, but at the same time hoped to restore his relationship with his wife.

Final separation

At the beginning of March 2014, Isa gave several interviews in which she said that she had filed for divorce. The couple was given three months to make a final decision. But since Guf does not take steps towards reconciliation, and Aiza has a new boyfriend, whom she does not hide. It can be said with a high degree of probability that Isa and Guf broke up completely.

However, Isa, even after breaking up with her husband, remained the person who would always come to his aid. In April, Guf broke his arm while at a concert. An emergency operation was required. Isa spent all her time in the hospital, supporting her ex-husband and caring for him.

Couple relationship after divorce

Isa is a girl with a very explosive character. She often acts according to her mood, and this is not always good. She gave several of her scandalous interviews while in a state of rage at Guf, so many unpleasant words were said about her ex-husband. Guf himself, knowing the explosive nature of his wife, does not take words spoken under the influence of resentment to heart. He says that he and Isa now do not understand what is happening in their lives. He maintains a relationship with and constantly sees his little son. She and Isa have not yet decided who the child will stay with, but Guf himself reacts extremely negatively to this question if journalists ask it.

Isa is now taking care of her son and plans to start producing a clothing line under her own brand. Her parents gave the girl a three-room apartment, and she and her son Sami dream of a quiet life together. Will she get married a second time? Isa does not deny this. She always dreamed that she and Guf would have another child - a girl. Perhaps her dream will come true, but with another loved one. Now she has flown out of the country for a month to relax with her son in Bali.

As for Guf, he and Lera broke up in the spring. The rapper is currently busy preparing his new solo album.