"Minecraft" is a world-famous computer game in the sandbox genre, that is, here you can do whatever you want, and you are not faced with any specific tasks. If you want, you can go hunting or fishing without any problems, you can simply travel around the world, contact other players if you have chosen multiplayer mode. That is, no one limits you in anything - you are your own boss. And for many beginning players, this development of events simply takes their breath away: they are lost, don’t know where to go and what to do. Therefore, they should not waste materials that are not so easy to obtain on various useless things, but consciously and with understanding engage in construction. Naturally, in Minecraft you can do whatever you want. You can only build one or two buildings in the entire game - this is your choice, just make sure that in this case you can survive. It is still recommended to take up construction, as it is not only incredibly useful, but also very exciting. It can also lead to excellent results. But what can you build in Minecraft?

Construction in Minecraft

If you decide to start construction, then you first need to understand this process in more detail. Then you can think about what you can build in Minecraft. But first of all, you need to find out exactly how to do this. The construction process in this game is quite simple. The whole world consists of blocks, and it is from them that you will need to construct your structures. Some blocks can be obtained easily, others will have to be searched for, some of them will have to be mined in the form of materials. For example, if you need a cobblestone, you won't be able to simply pick up the stone from the road. You will have to work on it with a pickaxe to get the coveted materials. Well, then the process will be quite simple: you simply stack the blocks on top of each other, line them up in rows, creating the shape of the future building. The blocks each have their own characteristics, as well as different appearances, which will allow you to take this activity seriously. As a result, you will not notice how this process will captivate you, and you will not be able to tear yourself away from construction. And now is the time to consider what can be built in Minecraft.

Basic Construction

Of course, in the game you can build decorative sculptures of unprecedented beauty, but first of all you need to construct functional buildings. And when you start the game, you are unlikely to think about what you can build in Minecraft, because you will only need a roof over your head. And this problem can be solved quite quickly, because a basic house will not require an abundance of rare resources or great skill from you, and it will take very little time. You can build the simplest walls, put a door and windows in them, don’t forget to build a floor and a roof - and the house is ready. It will look ugly and scanty, but it will protect you from the invasion of hostile creatures at night. After all, the main function of a house is protection, and appearance is a secondary issue. But you can think about it over time, when the situation is not so critical and you have enough resources and free time.

Creating a more comfortable home

In Minecraft there are no time limits, speed missions, and so on. You are not required to rush anywhere, so you can go about your business at any pace that suits you. This means that you can start building your new home immediately after you've built your basic shelter. To do this, you will need brighter and more colorful materials, as well as a little imagination. If the first house was intended solely for spending the night in safety, then the new home will be completely different. Here you can paint the glass in different colors, make a sloping roof with a chimney, and create a full-fledged porch. You will even be able to decorate your home from the inside to make it a pleasant place to live. This way, you get the opportunity to express yourself as a designer. Naturally, the house must still perform protective functions, but a much more important aspect is its beauty.

Construction of the portal

In fact, a house is the only mandatory building you will need in this game. Therefore, after creating it and putting it in order, you are faced with a large choice. After all, if you liked building, then Minecraft has a huge number of structures that you still have to master. For example, you can create means to instantly travel to certain locations. If you are interested in how to build a portal in Minecraft that will transport a character from a specific point in the world directly to the city or to your home, then you will need a special Industrial Craft mod. Do not think that this is some kind of fan development that is not supported by most servers. In fact, this is an official mod that is recognized absolutely everywhere. It may not be included where it does not fit the theme of the game, but in other cases it perfectly expands the already impressive capabilities of Minecraft. It is with the help of this mod that you can create special teleportation blocks, which can then be connected to each other using wires. And if you activate one of the blocks, you will immediately move to the location where the second one is located. Here is a simple answer to the question of how to build a portal in Minecraft. But this is not the only means of teleportation available in the game.

Portal to hell

Some gamers don't know that Minecraft has several worlds. Others are wondering how to build Hell in Minecraft. In fact, there are several worlds. But none of them can be built. You can only establish a connection between two worlds through a portal, using which you will then move from one to another. The first and main one is the aforementioned Hell. The portal there can be made quite simply: you just need to find deposits of obsidian to use it to create a frame. As soon as it is laid out, you will need to light the space in the frame with a lighter, and it will be filled with haze, through which you will have to go. It is then that you will go straight to Hell, where many useful and even irreplaceable resources are located, and there are also new mobs that are really worth destroying in order to obtain various unique things and rare resources.

Portal to paradise

Just like with Hell, many gamers are trying to find out how to build Heaven in Minecraft. Again, this is a misnomer. Since the construction of an entire world by the player is not possible. It is generated by itself, like the main world, and Hell, and all the others. Again, only one thing is required of you - to establish a connection between them. And again, there is nothing particularly difficult: this time you just need to find a rarer stone, which is called a moonstone. As strange as it may sound, in order to open a portal to Heaven, you need to get resources from Hell. Once you have enough resources to create a frame for the portal, use a bucket of water instead of a lighter to create a shroud. Go through it and start exploring a new fascinating world.

How to build a village (city)?

Many players mistakenly believe that in Minecraft, in a single-player game, there are no more human beings except themselves. In fact, there are cities that are called that way in Russian translation, although it would be more correct to say “villages,” since in English these settlements are called villages. And there you can always find villagers who will shape their attitude towards you over time. The better it is, the more profitable you can trade with them. And vice versa: the worse it is, the more unfavorable the situation is for you. Trade will not be so profitable, and if the indicator is completely negative, the defender of the village golem may start hunting you. A settlement can be found, or it can be created. How to build This is done quite simply. You need as many special seeds as possible. If you want to learn how to build a village in Minecraft, you will need to plant these seeds, from which those same villagers will grow. The more there are, the greater the final result will be. But these are just residents. How to build it The whole secret is that you don’t need to build it, the residents themselves will do it. Leave them overnight and in the morning you will see that a new village has appeared in the world, which is very beneficial for you.

Creating Traps

Now you know how to build a city in Minecraft. But this is not enough - you need to protect it from ill-wishers. Moreover, you will have to protect your home, as well as many other points that are important to you. But you can’t clone yourself, so you won’t be able to end up in several places at once. Here you will have to learn how to build a trap in Minecraft. It's actually not very difficult. All you need is a mechanism, red dust for the wire and a switch of any type. And, of course, connected fantasy. Create and install a mechanism that will shoot, explode, set off an alarm, and so on. Then make a switch that activates the trap mechanism. It could be a pressure plate, a lever, a button, a stretcher. The final step in solving the problem “how to build a trap in Minecraft” is connecting the two indicated elements together with red dust. Now, when someone activates the switch, the mechanism will work, and the ill-wisher will be in trouble.

Farm construction

Food and some resources can be obtained on your own in nature. Hunting in Minecraft is very widespread. But at the same time, there is an alternative that will please many - farming. “How to build a farm in Minecraft?” - a question that interests many fans. But it cannot be said that there is a universal answer. There are only some recommendations for the placement of certain objects on specific farms. You can raise grains, vegetables and fruits, as well as various animals. All this will provide you with food in the first place, and also with additional resources. For example, you can shear wool from sheep.

Organizing your own castle

Naturally, everyone will want to know how to build a castle in Minecraft. If houses, farms, traps and other structures seem rather mundane, then the castle is something fabulous, sublime. Of course, you should only take on such a massive structure if you are fully aware that this project will take you an incredibly long time and require an unprecedented amount of various resources. But the result is really worth it, so everyone should learn how to build a castle in Minecraft.

Defense tower

If you have a castle, then there should be a defensive tower, preferably more than one. How to build a tower in Minecraft? The principle remains the same, only now you will need even more dexterity, since you will need to create a tall, vertical, narrow structure, which is not very easy. But from the top point you will have an excellent overview and the ability to shoot at the enemy. With a bow with infinite charges, this solution is simply ideal, and several towers will come in handy if you have a mod for friendly non-playable characters that can be turned into sentinels.

Other defensive structures

Naturally, to defend a castle, house and other structures you may need more than just a tower. First of all, you need to build a wall. Moreover, it is worth remembering that not a single creature will be able to climb over a wall two blocks high, but you will not be able to do this either, so do not forget about the gate.

Decorative structures

Pay attention to some priority things: trees,
stones, ores, animals and
high grass . Destroy the tall grass on your way to get
wheat seeds - they will be useful to you in the future. At the very least, collect any necessary things while traveling - then there will be no need to look for them for any recipe.


Biomes differ from each other.

Use a high value for the Render button in the Graphics Settings tab in the preferences in order to improve the rendering distance. If FPS has become significantly lower, you can return to the default value.

  • sand, then most likely this biome is a desert. It is very likely that you will meet
    cactus and
    reeds that will be needed in the future - collect these resources at the first opportunity. If there is no forest biome nearby, then you will have to head in the other direction, occasionally going out onto a hill to inspect the area.
  • If you are on an island surrounded by
    water, then most likely this biome is an ocean. It will cause particular trouble for beginners, since it will not be so easy to swim across it. They live in the oceans
    octopuses, the killing of which will bring you as a drop
    ink bags and
    spheres of experience. If you are lucky enough to have trees on the island, you can build
    boat for further evacuation;
  • If in your visible range the area is surrounded
    mycelium, then this biome is a mushroom island. It is quite rare, so your presence here only means great luck, since hostile mobs will not spawn in it. However, they can come from other biomes, but if you are located in the middle of a mushroom island, you can rely on a safe time of day in the open air. Having met
    mushroom cows, build
    bowl By right-clicking on the mushroom cow, the bowl will become
    stewed mushrooms. You can eat it. You can also kill a mushroom cow by receiving it as a drop
    raw beef and areas of experience.
  • If there are houses in your visible range, then this collection of dwellings is the village in which they live
    villagers. This is a good spawn for the player, since in this village you can live, have access to many agricultural crops, and also trade with the villagers, using
    emeralds. Can be found in the forge
    a chest with good things for the initial stages of the game. They will arrive at night
    zombies who will attack villagers. Helps you avoid this fate
    bed, but if there is a desire to fight hostile mobs, barricade
    wooden doors in houses.
    • If there is no
      sheep for harvest
      white wool, then break the lamp posts, which contain
      black wool.
    • If there is not enough wool to create a bed, then one option is to move 150 blocks away from the village before dark and build a pillar 40-65 blocks high.
  • If there are tall trees in your visible range, then most likely the biome is a jungle. Great amount
    wood will be a good start to the gameplay, but it is easy to get lost among the trees. In addition, it is inconvenient to build a home in these surroundings. The jungle is the only biome in which spawn
    ocelots and grow
    cocoa beans. To tame ocelots you will need
    fish that can be caught in a pond using
    fishing rods This biome can also cause performance degradation on weak and old PCs.
  • If there are thick trees in your visible range, then most likely this biome is a dark forest. It is recommended to avoid this biome in the first minutes of the gameplay, since hostile mobs spawn in it at any time of the day. Just like in the mushroom biome, huge mushrooms grow in it, the extraction of which will bring
    brown mushrooms and
    red mushrooms, necessary for making stewed mushrooms.

When traveling, try not to get lost.

Wood extraction

This recipe will most likely be the very first - crafting is an integral part of Minecraft. Each item is unique and stacks accordingly, but items of the same origin and different types can be combined with each other.

Creating a workbench

Very few items are created using the 2x2 crafting grid located directly in the inventory. To create weapons, tools and other advanced items you will need
workbench - a workbench with a 3x3 crafting grid.

The stick in this case is used as a handle for weapons and tools.

Ingredients Crafting recipes

A wooden pickaxe is designed for mining blocks such as stone, cobblestone, granite, etc.


Under the ground cover there is stone in abundance. Mine it using a wooden pickaxe to create
stone pickaxe,
stone sword
stone axe,
stone shovel and
stone hoe.

The stone ax is better than the previous one in terms of wood extraction speed.

A stone hoe allows you to plow the ground for further planting of seeds.


In addition to crafting items, there is smelting in Minecraft.

Ingredients Crafting recipes

The oven is necessary for cooking raw meat and smelting ore.

Ore mining

Required ores for the first time:

  • Coal ore is mined using a wooden pickaxe or higher.

When destroyed, it leaves behind coal, which is used to make torches and as fuel.

  • Iron ore is mined using a stone pickaxe or higher.
Ingredients Process

The iron ingot obtained by smelting iron ore is used to create most items.


Initially, choose a location for building a house and further improvement.

Search for food

After creating the necessary items and the first home, your next task will be to obtain food to satisfy your hunger. Get raw meat as a drop by killing:
, pigs ,
rabbits and sheep. You can also get wheat seeds obtained by destroying tall grass. When the wheat grows, it is produced
collection to create
of bread .

Ingredients Crafting recipes
Ingredients Process

The satiety scale decreases over a certain time: if it is less than 18 (

Crafting is the main engine of the cubic world. Without crafting, you can't do anything. Crafting recipes will help you a lot when you start the game, and will be with you throughout the entire gameplay. But you still have to look at this page, as the game is updated, and accordingly new items and their crafts are added. The main crafting window has a size of 2x2 cells. Here you can make all the most basic items: Craft boards from wood, make a stick, and the like. But for more complex tools you will need a Workbench; it has a crafting field measuring 3x3 cells.

What is craft? This is the creation of certain objects from materials obtained in nature, or previously “crafted”. To craft this or that item, you need to know the crafting recipe, which is unique for each item.

Item Durability:

  • Wood - 60 uses
  • Stone - 132 uses
  • Iron - 251 uses
  • Gold - 33 uses
  • Diamond - 1562 uses

Also, every tool and piece of armor has durability. Each material has its own strength, some materials have more, and some have less. Accordingly, the strength and time of use of an item or attribute of armor are different. But if you use an item for other purposes, say you are extracting a stone with a shovel, then the damage to the item will be counted as two units, rather than using the item for its intended purpose and spending only one unit. Therefore, be careful when choosing a tool.

What will happen How to craft What you need to have Description
Wood Construction material. Needed for crafting many things
Boards (4 pcs.) Needed for crafting in a 3x3 grid
Boards (2 pcs.) Used for crafting tools, etc.
Coal + stick Needed for lighting
Cobblestone (8 pcs.) You can cook food and smelt resources in it
Planks or iron ingots (6 pcs.) The wooden one opens by clicking, and the iron one only when activated by redstone
Boards (6 pcs.) Opens (vertically) by clicking or when activated by redstone
Box Boards (8 pcs.) You can store your resources in it without fear of losing them. If you put two side by side, you get one big one.
Trap Chest Chest + tension sensor Like a regular chest, but it gives a signal when opened
Ender Chest Obsidian (8 pcs.) + Eye of the End Like a regular chest, but all the End chests will contain the same things. What you put in one will appear in the other.
Wool (any) (3 pcs.) + boards (3 pcs.) Used for sleeping. It is also your respawn point after death.
Enchanting table Diamonds (2 pcs.) + obsidian (4 pcs.) + book Used to upgrade tools and armor
Obsidian (3 pcs.) + glass (5 pcs.) + Nether star Gives players within a small radius various effects
Iron blocks (3 pcs.) + iron ingots (4 pcs.) Used to repair tools using experience
Sticks or hell brick (6 pcs.)
Cobblestone walls Cobblestone (6 pcs.) or mossy cobblestone (6 pcs.) Fencing. Counts as one and a half blocks for the player and mobs
Gate Boards (4 pcs.) + sticks (2 pcs.) Special "door" for the fence. Opens with a right click and counts as one and a half blocks
Sticks (7 pcs.) Used to move vertically
Tablet Boards (6 pcs.) + stick Sign with text written by the player
Sticks (8 pcs.) + wool (any) Decoration. Hangs randomly on the wall. To hang another one, remove this one and hang it again
Sticks (8 pcs.) + leather A thing that can show a block or item contained in it
Pot Bricks (3 pcs.) Decorative block in which you can plant a seedling, mushroom, flower, cactus or bush
Iron/gold ingots, diamonds, lapis lazuli, redstone or emeralds (9 pcs.) More compact storage
Return Receipt Iron, gold, lapis lazuli, diamond or emerald block Unpacking resources from blocks
Glass panels Glass (6 pcs.) Analogous to glass. To obtain glass, melt sand in a furnace
Iron grate Iron ingots (6 pcs.) Used as a fence or decoration
Glowstone Light dust (4 pcs.) For illuminating the area, as well as the space under water
Glowstone + redstone (4 pcs.) A lamp that illuminates houses and the area. Can be turned on and off.
Threads (4 pcs.) Decorative building material. Also obtained from sheep
Dynamite (TNT) Sand (4 pcs.) + gunpowder (5 pcs.) Explodes when activated by redstone and deals damage
Plates Planks, cobblestone, stone, sandstone, bricks, stone bricks, hell bricks or quartz blocks (3 pieces) Used as steps, roofs and decorations. If you put one on top of the other, you get a full-fledged block
Planks, cobblestones, bricks (regular, hellish or stone) or quartz blocks (6 pcs.) Full size steps
Snowballs (4 pcs.) Both building material and compact storage of snowballs
Clay (4 pcs.) Compact clay storage
Bricks (4 pcs.) Beautiful and durable building material
Stones (4 pcs.)
Hell bricks (4 pcs.) Beautiful and durable building material
Sheets of paper Reed (3 pcs.) For crafting books and maps
Sheets of paper (3 pcs.) + leather For crafting bookcases and enchanting tables
Book + pen + ink bag To record any text
Boards (6 pcs.) and books (3 pcs.) Used as decoration or to enhance the effect of enchantments
Quartz (4 pcs.) Decorative block
Quartz blocks (2 pcs.) Decorative block. Used to build columns
Quartz slabs (2 pcs.) Decorative building material
Sand (4 pcs.)
Sandstone (4 pcs.) Decorative building material
Sand slabs (2 pcs.) Decorative building material
Jack-o'-lantern Pumpkin + torch Area illuminator
Carrot + fishing rod Allows you to control saddled pigs
Sticks (2 pcs.) + boards, cobblestones, iron\gold bars or diamonds (3 pcs.) For the extraction of stone and ores
Sticks (2 pcs.) + boards, cobblestones, iron\gold ingot or diamond For the extraction of earth, grass, sand, gravel, snow, clay and mycelium
Sticks (2 pcs.) + boards, cobblestones, iron\gold bars or diamonds (3 pcs.) For quick extraction of wood and anything wooden
Sticks (2 pcs.) + boards, cobblestones, iron\gold bars or diamonds (2 pcs.) To loosen the soil/grass (right click)
Stick + boards, cobblestones, iron\gold bars or diamonds (2 pcs.) Deals more damage to mobs and players than a fist
Sticks (3 pcs.) + threads (3 pcs.) To attack mobs and other players with arrows from a long distance
Flint + stick + feather Bow Ammo (also dropped from dead skeletons)
Leather, iron\gold bars, diamonds or fire Leather helmet gives 0.5 protection Iron - 3 Gold - 2.5 Diamond - 1.5 Chain mail - 1
See helmet Leather breastplate gives 1.5 protection Iron - 1 Gold - 1 Diamond - 4 Mail - 2.5
Trousers See helmet Leather pants give 1 unit of protection Iron - 2.5 Gold - 1.5 Diamond - 3 Chain mail - 2
See helmet Leather boots give 0.5 protection Iron - 1 Gold - 0.5 Diamond - 1.5 Chain mail - 0.5
Flint + iron ingot Lights a fire
Fireballs Gunpowder + fire powder + coal Lights a fire like a lighter. When released from the dispenser, it becomes a fire projectile (like the Ifrits)
Dye + gunpowder A fireworks component responsible for the color, shape and character of the fireworks. The dye can be any
Rocket Star + sheet of paper + gunpowder Launches a small rocket upward, which after a certain time explodes like a firework
Iron ingots (2 pcs.) To extract leaves (left click) and wool from sheep (right click)
Sticks (3 pcs.) + threads (2 pcs.) For fishing in water
Iron ingots (3 pcs.) For scooping water and lava, as well as obtaining milk from cows
Gold bars (4 pcs.) + redstone Show time of day
Iron ingots (4 pcs.) + redstone Indicates your spawn point
Compass + paper (8 pcs.) Shows an image of the surface of the world
Eye of the End Fire Powder + Enderman Pearl Used as a means of detecting fortresses. Also needed to activate the portal to the Edge
Boards (3 pcs.) For storing mushroom soup. After eating the soup, the bowl remains
Mushroom soup Red and brown mushroom + bowl Restores 4 hunger
Bread Wheat (3 pcs.) Restores 2.5 hunger
Sugar Cane For making cake and brewing some potions
Cake Buckets of milk (3 pcs.) + sugar (2 pcs.) + egg + wheat (3 pcs.) Restores 1 hunger. You can eat 6 times. After crafting, the buckets remain
Pumpkin + egg + sugar Restores 4 hunger units
Cookie Wheat (2 pcs.) + cocoa beans Restores 1 hunger unit
Carrots + gold nuggets (8 pcs.) Restores 3 hunger
Apple + gold nuggets (8 pcs.) Restores 2 hunger. Regenerates health four seconds after eating
Apple + gold blocks (8 pcs.) The old recipe (was before version 1.1), returned in an enhanced version in version 12w21a (1.3). Unlike a regular apple, it gives the effect of Regeneration IV (restores health very quickly) for 30 seconds, as well as Resistance and Fire Resistance for 5 minutes. This apple in the inventory has a purple signature and shimmers, whereas the regular golden apple's signature is turquoise and does not shimmer.
Watermelon slices (9 pcs.) For compact storage of watermelon slices, which restore 0.5 (half) of hunger. When destroyed, 3-7 watermelon slices fall out
Watermelon seeds Watermelon slice For growing watermelons. Can only be planted on loosened soil (bed)
pumpkin seeds Pumpkin For growing pumpkins. Can only be planted on loosened soil (bed)
Bone flour Bone Used to dye wool white. Can also be used as fertilizer for seedlings and wheat, which leads to their instant ripening
Iron ingots (5 pcs.) Transports players and mobs along rails
Self-propelled trolley Furnace + trolley Pushes (not pulls) other trolleys using coal
Freight trolley Chest + trolley Used to transport things on rails
Demolition Trolley Dynamite + trolley Activated by activated activating rails and explodes 4 seconds after activation
Loading funnel + trolley Absorbs objects lying on rails and in containers above itself
Stick + iron ingots (6 pcs.) Trolley tracks
Stick + gold bars (6 pcs.) + redstone When activated, they speed up the trolley, when disabled, they stop.
Pressure rails Pressure plate + iron ingots (6 pcs.) + redstone Analogous to a pressure plate. However, it is not activated by the player, but by the trolley
Activating rails Red torch + iron ingots (6 pcs.) + sticks (2 pcs.) Activate dynamite trolleys that pass over them
Boat Boards (5 pcs.) Needed for quick movement through the water and convenient fishing
Stone or boards Used to activate items when pressed. It turns off after a second. The wooden button can be activated with an arrow, but the stone button cannot. Before version 1.4.2 it was crafted from 2 stones/planks
Stick + cobblestone Activates and deactivates objects
Pressure plate Boards (2 pcs.) or stone (2 pcs.) Activates items when a player or mob steps on it. Wooden plates can also be activated by an object falling on them, but stone ones only if the player steps on them
Weighted pressure plate Iron (2 pcs.) or gold bars (2 pcs.) Only activated by dropped items
Tension sensors Iron ingot + stick + planks New type of switches. They can be placed opposite each other and connected by a thread
Red torch Redstone + stick Used as a power source for wires and circuit elements
Red torches (2 pcs.) + redstone + stone (3 pcs.) Repeats and also delays the signal. Used when creating redstone circuits
Red torches (3 pcs.) + quartz + stone (3 pcs.) Allows you to compare two redstone signals with each other, subtract one signal from the other and check the fullness of containers located behind it
Music block Boards (8 pcs.) + redstone Allows you to create your own tracks directly in the game. When left clicked or activated, it plays the note it is tuned to. You can right-click to change the note
Boards (8 pcs.) + diamond Plays music from records that drop when skeletons kill creepers. Music depends on the inserted record
Glass (3 pcs.) + quartz (3 pcs.) + wood plate (3 pcs.) Emits a redstone signal in the presence of daylight and does not respond to artificial lighting
Cobblestone (7 pcs.) + bow + redstone Designed for issuing or throwing things away
Cobblestone (7 pcs.) + redstone Unlike the distributor, it does not use things for their intended purpose, but simply throws them away as if the player had thrown them away
Hopper Iron ingots (5 pcs.) + chest Can move items from containers above her to the container she is attached to
Planks (3 pcs.) + cobblestones (4 pcs.) + redstone + iron ingot A block that can push other blocks in any direction
Slime + piston An improved piston that can also return the block it pushed into place
Wool + dye Wool dyeing
Ink bag + bone meal (2 pcs.), or gray dye + bone meal For dyeing wool light gray
Ink bag + bone meal For dyeing wool gray
Rose For dyeing wool red
Red dye + yellow dye For dyeing wool orange
Dandelion For dyeing wool yellow
Cactus Greens + Bone Meal For dyeing wool lime color
Lapis lazuli + bone meal For dyeing wool blue
Lapis lazuli + cactus greens For dyeing wool turquoise
Lapis lazuli + red dye For dyeing wool purple
Purple dye + pink dye For dyeing wool lilac
Red dye + bone meal For dyeing wool pink
Flasks Glass (3 pcs.) Used in brewing potions
Cooking stand Fire rod + cobblestone (3 pcs.) Used for brewing potions
Iron ingots (7 pcs.) For filling flasks with water or just for decoration. Water is poured into it from a bucket
Fire Powder Fire Rod It is an ingredient in potions and is also used in crafting Eye of the Edge and Lava Cream
Lava cream Slime + fire powder For brewing a potion of fire resistance
Split Spider Eye Mushroom + spider eye + sugar Used in brewing potions. Adds negative effects to them
Sparkling watermelon slice Watermelon slice + gold nugget Ingredient for healing potions
Used to craft Glittering Watermelon Slice and Golden Apple
Gold nuggets (9 pcs.) No comments

The Minecraft 1.9 update was released at the end of February and is available for download. A number of new blocks and items have appeared in it, but in this article we will not talk about them, but will show all the new crafting recipes.

New craftable items and blocks in 1.9:

To create shields you need any wooden board + iron ingot.

Spiked shield(Damaged shield)

Durability of two shields + plus another 5%. The restored shields have no drawings.

Drawing on shields

To paint a flag on a shield, simply place the shield and flag in the crafting grid.

The flag is consumed during the process, and the shield should not have any drawings before the start of the process. Applying the flag will fully restore the shield's durability.

Enchanting Shields

Shields cannot be enchanted using an enchanting table, but an anvil can apply Mending and Unbreaking to shields.

Crafting purple blocks

Purple blocks and purple pillars are decorative blocks that are generated in the End dungeons. Purple blocks and pillars can be mined using any pickaxe; they cannot be obtained without a pickaxe.

Purple block

Ingredients: Cooked Chorus Fruit.

Cooked Chorus Fruit can be obtained by melting Chorus Fruit.

Purple Columns

Components: purple plate

Purple steps

Components: purple blocks

Purple Slab

Components: purple blocks

Craft Rod Edge

The Edge Rod is a decorative light source that emits white particles. You can get it using any tool or block. It is destroyed by water, just like torches.

Ingredients: Fire Rod + Cooked Chorus Fruit.

These crystals appear in the Land on top of obsidian pillars. Their main task is to restore health when it flies up to them. End Crystals can also be placed on bedrock and obsidian as long as the two blocks above them are air or replaceable blocks and other objects in the area do not interfere with them.

If a crystal is placed on each of the four sides of an End Portal, they will revive the health and dragon crystals before exploding.

Components: glass + Eye of End + Ghast tear

Crafting Edge Stone Bricks

Components: Ender Stone

Craft beet soup

Beets can be used to fatten pigs. Pigs can follow the player if he is holding beets. You can also eat beets to restore 1 hunger point and 1.2 saturation points.

Beet soup

Beet soup restores 6 hunger points and 7.2 saturation points.

Ingredients: plate + beets.

Red dye

Ingredients: beets.

Crafting ghost arrows

Spectral arrows provide a glow effect for 10 seconds. It creates an outline of the target that is visible through blocks and has different colors depending on the targets (default is white). If the bow is enchanted with an infinity spell, phantom arrows are still consumed.

Phantom Arrow

Components: glowing dust + arrow.

Crafting arrows with tips

Arrows with tips have different effects on mobs or players. The duration of the effect is 1/8 of the corresponding potion and does not depend on the strength of the arrow. The effect is the same as from . If the bow is enchanted with the Infinity spell, tipped arrows are still consumed.

Types of tipped arrows:

  1. Fire Resistance Arrows;
  2. Arrows of harm;
  3. Healing Arrows;
  4. Invisibility Arrows;
  5. Jumping Arrows;
  6. Arrows of Fortune;
  7. Night vision arrows;
  8. Poison Arrows;
  9. Recovery Arrows;
  10. Slow Arrows;
  11. Arrows of Power;
  12. Agility Arrows;
  13. Underwater breath arrows;
  14. Arrows of weakness.

Arrows with a tip

Components: any potion + arrows.

These are all the crafting recipes for the new version of Minecraft 1.9. This article does not describe the items and blocks that appeared in 1.9, but only the new crafting recipes.

Do you dream of creating impressive buildings that will be remembered by Minecraft players, but don't know where to start? Below you will find a lot of ideas and a ton of inspiration to implement your plans, find the necessary resources and develop your creativity. Just get started from the first step!


Part 1

Buildings and structures

    Build a labyrinth. You can build an underground labyrinth for yourself or people on the server. If you want to make it scarier, run the Herobrine mod and activate it in the maze. We are not responsible for the result of your fright!

    Build a Temple named after Yourself. Make a temple to worship yourself! Sure, you can build a temple or church to worship anyone or anything, but it's also fun to build them to perform rituals for yourself.

    Build a highway. Clever Minecraft players have figured out how to use the minecart system to build a highway. Experiment with creating your own scenic highway or look for plans like this in a search engine.

    Build a castle. Of course, the first thing you build in Minecraft is a shelter... so what better proof of your mastery of the game than building an epic castle? Its construction in hard-to-reach places, for example, on a mountain, will be considered especially chic.

    Build a farm. Killing mobs to get resources is useful, but boring. A more interesting way is to breed mobs. On the Internet you will find many instructions for such breeding, so you can choose the option that is right for you.

    Build a sky fortress. Start taking off and building your grand sky home! It can be not just a house, but a whole castle. You don't need tutorials to build this great building, just creativity and some skills!

    Build a museum. Building museums is fun and easy. Find suitable pictures or official plans of real museums on the Internet!

    Make miniature games. For example, you can create your own version of Five Nights at Freddy's or Clash of Clans!

    Get into pixel art. Pixel art will help you create your own character or even a video game hero.

    Part 2

    Worlds and Environments
    1. Adventure Time! Once upon a time, Bilbo Baggins went on a journey, and now it’s your turn. Build a complex world with all the trappings of fantasy, be it a forest infested with ghosts or mountains full of dangers. When you're done, you can go on your epic hike and write about your adventures.

      Build a pirate ship and an island. Build a large island with a tavern, a pirate port and a ship sailing the open sea! You can also erect interesting structures on it, for example the Temple of Doom.

      Build a spaceship and create the Universe itself. Use obsidian blocks in Creative mode to create a huge black space, then use plugins or codes to generate huge planet-like spheres. Then you can create a habitable spacecraft that travels between planets.

      • Fill a glass ball with lava to create a sun!
    2. Build a volcano. Make a huge volcano filled with lava. Bonus if you can build yourself a villainous lair inside a volcano. Glass can be used to contain lava and keep your shelter light.

      Create large trees with buildings inside. Build the trees, like in Avatar or on Luna Sacred, a moon of the planet Endor in Star Wars, to the largest possible scale, then fill in the roots, trunk and branches with houses and passages. Then invite your friends over for an Ewok-themed party!

    Part 3

    Utility models and inventions

      Build a train system. You can use the tracks, carts, red stone system and in-game physics to build a fully automated train system. You can do this in a mine, or even build an actual train and train station for the people visiting your world.

      Build an elevator. You can use red stone and command blocks to build elevators in your buildings. It's surprisingly easy to do, and you'll find lots of different instructions online.

      Build a sorter. Using hoppers, you can create systems that sort your items quickly and efficiently. This is useful not only in the mines, but also in your shelter. Information on the construction of various types of such systems can be found on the Internet.

      Build street lights. By using daylight switches with a converter, you can build photosensitive street lights that turn on when it gets dark. Use this to protect players and important paths from aggressive mobs at night.

      Build a mob trap. Mob traps are often large, cunning devices that catch and automatically kill mobs, usually by drowning them. There are many different designs to suit any budget, so you will definitely have plenty to choose from. Many master classes can be found on YouTube.

      Build a trap for griefers. Have you been harmed by griefers yet? Let's start building a trap for them! Look for instructions - there are many ways to do this!

    Part 4

    Real World Inspiration

      Build replicas of national monuments. Create intricate, detailed replicas of famous landmarks, monuments, and other structures. Set them up so that your players or friends can travel around the world in just a few minutes if they wish.

      Recreate the setting from your favorite TV series. Take inspiration from your favorite TV series and create your own version of the setting. You can, for example, build a school, like in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Finn's tree house from the cartoon Adventure Time.

      Recreate your city or area. Recreate the neighborhood where you grew up. Build your school, local parks, your home and other places where you spent time.

      Recreate the setting from your favorite book. Use your imagination to the fullest and recreate the setting of your favorite books - for example, the Lonely Mountain from The Hobbit or Moominvalley. Let your imagination know no bounds!

      Recreate your room. Take one room and recreate it on a large scale. Make one block equal to 5–10 centimeters. As a result, the doors will be as tall as a skyscraper. If you want, you can build yourself a house within these walls and live like Gulliver in the land of giants!

    Part 5

    Crazy stuff

      Make cannons for mobs. On the Internet you can find many plans for building such a cannon. Explosive objects using redstone and TNT launch sheep straight into the world of Aether! Why shouldn't cows fly?

      Build a TARDIS. You can use command blocks to create the famous device from Doctor Who, the blue police box, which is much larger on the inside than on the outside. You can find helpful tutorials on YouTube and all over the internet.

      Build the Titanic. Build yourself a replica of the Titanic and then have fun on board with your friends. Of course, you can also make a regular cruise ship. It might even be safer!

      Get into pixel art. You can transport yourself back to the world of 8-bit characters like Mario or Zelda and use Minecraft to create huge pixel art objects! Get creative and create an environment that you and your friends will enjoy. 8-bit music (chiptune) will add a special twist: welcome to the nineties!

      Make a working game or computer. If you are truly unique and willing to spend a decent amount of time, figure out how to make working computers and other complex mechanical devices. On the Internet you can find examples of 3D printers, working computers and even the game Pac-Man!