Many people are faced with the fact that the debtor does not want to give back the borrowed funds. You can return the money that rightfully belongs to you using money magic.

It is known that money has energy that can be both attracted and repelled. In order for finances to always come back, you need to be able to lend them correctly and supply them with positive energy. By providing financial assistance, you charge cash flows in such a way that you can ultimately improve your own financial condition. But sometimes people respond to such support with disdain and are in no hurry to repay the borrowed amount.

To push the debtor to fulfill financial obligations, you should use strong conspiracies to repay the debt. Such rituals require compliance with all rules. You should resort to them if you are sure that your debtor is purposefully trying to keep the money for himself.

How does money magic work?

With the help of money magic, you can influence the subconscious of an unreliable person and force him to return your property as soon as possible. Such conspiracies will cause the debtor to feel shame, mental anxiety and fear. The person will unconsciously want to return your money, he will be visited by obsessive thoughts about a bad deed and will be haunted even in his sleep.

Conspiracies have such powerful power that even the body of a person who loves to live at the expense of others will begin to suffer. The first signs will appear the next day after reading the plot. Your hands will itch and your skin will become irritated, especially on the skin where the person took your money. The body will begin to burn, as if with a fever, and the cheeks will turn red. And touching money will cause nausea and pain, like a burn.

If it happens that the money does not return to you in a month, then the debtor may be faced with serious financial problems. He may lose much more than he previously borrowed from you. But such cases are very rare; usually after a month the debtor cannot stand it and completely gives back everything borrowed from you. After you receive the property back, the conspiracy will lose its power and the person’s torment will end.

Strong spell for matches

To perform the ritual you will need a whole box of matches, a church candle and a small shallow plate of water. The conspiracy has the greatest power: at this time the chance of receiving money increases several times. It is necessary to carry out the ritual in the evening and alone, so that no one can disturb you. You should hold a burning candle in your right hand, and with your left hand, take out one match at a time from the box and set them on fire from the candle flame. You have to light each match one by one, throwing them into a saucer of water. While you are performing these actions, you should read the magic words. The power of this ritual is based on repetition. The more times you say the plot until all the matches run out, the faster the debt will be returned to you. Conspiracy text:

“The flame of fire will help me (name) to envelop the soul of a dishonest person and force him to return what is rightfully mine! By the power of the Lord, I pray that (the name of your debtor) experience the torment of torment and lose peace until he gives back every penny that he took with his cunning and selfishness. Give it back! Return it and burn with shame! Mind me."

Spell on a coin to repay the debt

This ritual is suitable for those who want to force a loved one or relative to return money. Such magic is not capable of harming the health and material well-being of the debtor. You will have to get a coin of medium denomination, preferably silver. It should be spoken early in the morning, and then buried under any coniferous tree. Be sure to remember where you buried the coin, because after returning the money you will have to take it out and give it to the person you plotted against. Magic words:

“A buried coin will help direct (name of your debtor) to return the money. He will give me everything he took. As soon as the money falls into my hands, I will immediately dig up the coin and forget all the insults.”

Candle spell

For the ritual to go smoothly, you will need a green candle. You can purchase a ritual attribute in a specialized store, or you can use a decorative candle. The text should be read once at night every day until the debtor returns the entire amount to you. After the ritual, the candle should be hidden in a secluded place so that no one can violate the energy spoken to repay the debt. Words to read:

“My money, find your way to your master. Get away from someone else's hands, from someone else's house back into my hands. Element of Fire, do not let (the name of the debtor) sleep peacefully, let him be overcome by thoughts of me and the fear of retribution. This will happen until the money comes back to me. Amen".

Such rituals will help you if you borrowed money voluntarily. They will make the debtor feel pangs of conscience and push him to quickly repay the debt. And to make your money multiply, you can read the bay leaf spell, which will attract good luck and prosperity into your life. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

There is a popular saying: “If you don’t want to quarrel with a friend, don’t lend him money.” However, if the loan of money was nevertheless carried out, and the borrower is not going to return what was borrowed for some reason, you will have to act decisively and comprehensively, resorting to simple but effective methods, such as a conspiracy to repay the debt. If you don’t believe in magic, then we recommend you these simple tips on how to pay back debts and legally increase money.

  1. The first of them is a technique for attracting money to a specific person. To implement it, you first need to find a good photo of the individual who owes you. A “good photo” is a picture where a person smiles, looks happy and satisfied with life. You should also stock up on several large bills of money (preferably dollars or other stable foreign currency). It is recommended to perform the ritual on the waxing moon in such a way that its light illuminates the room where the plot is being read. The actual magical conspiracy to get rid of debts will consist of the following passes: place the photo on the table, image up (try to let the moon illuminate it too), then take a stack of banknotes and, slowly passing them over the photo, read: “How the glorious one rushes across the seas.” a boat, all luxuriously sewn, dressed in gold, with a hundred treasures in it. So a good fellow (say the name of the debtor) would become rich and generous so that money would start in his family. Gold, silver and chervonets, a hundred treasures from ships. I lure money with money. Amen!"
  2. The second ritual consolidates the first and is designed to appeal directly to a person’s conscience, so that after he has acquired “a hundred treasures,” he would share from the heart with his family and friends, and simply pay off his debts. As part of this event, you need to go to church, light a candle for this person and sincerely pray for his health and well-being, and upon returning home, read out loud or mentally on his photo: “Faithful friend, I trust in you, I pray for you, I wish you well . Don’t forget about me, help me in a moment. Amen". In addition to prayers and rituals, it is also worth additionally recommending books to such a person on how to get rid of debts, or suggesting options for solving his financial problem: from part-time jobs to obtaining loans from specialized organizations.

About energy debt recovery, watch this video:

If you cannot verbally persuade the debtor to repay the borrowed money, then you can resort to white magic and read strong conspiracies to repay the debt. There are many simple and effective rites and rituals so that a person quickly pays back the borrowed amount and at the same time feels remorse for his behavior. With the help of bread and salt, a candle and a broom and other improvised means, you can influence the debtor’s subconscious and achieve quick results.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

    Conspiracies to return money

    A simple ritual with red threads, a small stone and a scarf of the person who borrowed the money:

  1. 1. Go to the shore of any body of water at 12 noon and tie a scarf to a stone.
  2. 2. Then one should throw this stone into the water and pronounce such magic words four times to force the person to return the money taken;
  3. 3. “The pebble is pulling to the bottom, so my debtor (name) will have a soul that ache and suffer until he wants to give me the money. Until then, he will have neither sleep nor peace, the food will be tasteless to him, and the water will be too fresh . Be as I said."

    Ritual with a coin

    With the help of magic, which is called white, you can get your money back, and the consequences of such magical influence will not be disastrous and the person will be able to maintain good relations with the debtor.

    To perform a ritual with a coin you need:

  1. 1. Take a silver coin from your wallet.
  2. 2. Go to the nearest spruce or pine tree and dig a small hole.
  3. 3. Put a coin there and cast the following magic spell: “I will bury the silver coin, and my debt will return, because God’s servant (name) will give me everything in the near future. As the money returns to me in full, I will also dig up the coin, Yes, I’ll forget about my grievances against (debtor’s name).”

A person should wish his friend who borrowed money that he would quickly have the finances to return the borrowed money. You must remember the place and dig up the coin when the debtor returns the money.

Ritual with matches

To perform this magical ritual you will need:

  • white wax candle;
  • a new box of matches;
  • white scarf;
  • white saucer.

The debt repayment ceremony must be performed in complete solitude, when the sun sets below the horizon. You need to sit down at the table and light a wax candle. Then you should open the matchbox and light one match at a time, throwing them to burn out on a white saucer. While the matches are burning, you need to read the following plot: “Powerful fire, help force the debtor to return everything to me. So that (name)’s thoughts are black and he falls into deep melancholy and hopeless despondency. Conscience will torment (name) if he does not give me the money he lent. So be it. Amen."

The candle should burn to the ground, just like all the matches. The ashes need to be collected in a handkerchief and tied tightly, placing it in your wallet. The ash should be stored until the borrowed funds are returned to the person. After returning the money, you need to bury the scarf with ashes under a coniferous tree or scatter it in the wind, and throw away the white scarf.

Conspiracy with a broom

To carry out this ritual, you need to take two brooms: one is new, the second is a battered, old one. You need to go to the debtor’s doorstep and carefully sweep him with a new broom, saying: “I sweep with a new broom, I sweep the money for myself.”

Then you should take a shabby broom and sweep the threshold again, tear out a few rods and leave them at the front door, saying the following words: “I leave the old broom near your threshold (name of the debtor). It won’t let you sleep, you won’t find a place for yourself, You will feel strong guilt towards me and you will suffer until you give everything in full.”

Powerful rituals

A strong conspiracy that will help awaken the debtor’s pangs of conscience. This spell can be cast on the growing moon at home: “With fiery power and the power of unbearable melancholy, I conjure you (name): return my money to me quickly, otherwise you will have no peace anywhere, you will pay your debt in full and will be obsessed with it. If you spend my money, you will be seized with a strong trembling. You will soon pay back what you borrowed, and you will never borrow money from me again."

After reading, you need to wait about two weeks; if there is no result and the debtor is in no hurry to return the borrowed amount, you need to repeat the plot again.

Ritual with a personal icon

This ritual is very powerful and can lead to negative consequences for the debtor, so it is recommended to carry it out only as a last resort, when other conspiracies have proven useless.

You need to purchase a personal icon of the debtor in the temple and take a black scarf and a small mirror. You should spread a scarf on the table and put a mirror on top so that the reflective surface is below. The icon must be placed on the mirror and your palms placed over these objects. Read the magic spell forty times in a row: “Let God’s servant (name) return my money. And if he does not want to repay his debt, he will lose a hundred times more, become sick and weak, poor and unhappy. So be it. Forever and ever.” . Amen."

A debtor who has taken someone else's money is in no hurry to quickly repay the debt - this is a common problem. How to force a borrower to repay debts to strangers in a timely manner? Vanga and Siberian healers advise using a spell to repay a debt - household magic will come in handy in trouble. The right spell will help punish the debtor or force him to repay the debt.

You will have to influence the careless borrower with the help of black magic rituals. Here we have collected the most powerful conspiracies and rituals for paying off debts. We have Vanga's prayers, spells for the waning moon, and the dark rituals of Natalia Stepanova. All these things can be done at home.

You will have to influence a negligent borrower using black magic rituals

If you are not tempted by the endless search for money return conspiracies, borrow funds without negative consequences. Let's say a person borrowed 7,000 rubles from you, and you want to return it as quickly as possible. Obey the following rules:

  • they don’t take money in the evening;
  • counting on prompt redemption, give the bills with your right hand;
  • on Tuesdays and Mondays, refrain from borrowing;
  • borrow in the morning.

By following these rules, you will quickly recover the required amount from the debtor. Many people are interested in which moon is worth lending money to. Only on a decreasing basis - this encourages your friend to repay the debt.

The magic of an old chair

To read a plot to repay a debt, you will need a dilapidated chair from which the leg breaks off. No tools should be used, only bare hands. To force the draft dodger to return the money, place a three-legged chair on the landing. Tear out a few chips from the fourth leg (you can use wire cutters) and read the strongest money plot:

“The devil brings to me the one who asks for someone else’s. I gave him specie and ordered him to repay his debts. If the period expires, you return everything to me. If you don’t return it, you won’t see the white light, you’ll go to hell. He will clean you up and bring me the coins he gave me. Whoever borrows from me knows no peace. Amen".

Sorcerers say that you can force a person to repay a debt by reading this spell twice. The second time the words must be read in reverse order. After the prayer, the chair is thrown away, and the wood chips are scattered at the crossroads of three roads.

Powerful ancient rituals

Salt spells are considered the most powerful in black magic - they can pin down any defaulter. This is strong witchcraft, so bite your tongue and don't tell anyone about it. Take for the ritual:

  • coarse table salt (three tablespoons is enough);
  • gypsy needles (three pieces);
  • bird feathers (also three pieces, they need to be collected on the road);
  • wool shreds from different cats (3 pieces);
  • dog hair (also three tufts);
  • black fabric square.

The fabric is placed on the altar (or table), and all the prepared ingredients are placed on top. You will also need soap - you will use it to draw the name of the defaulter on the square. Using the tip of a ritual knife (black handle), the components are mixed. This must be done counterclockwise, whispering the text:

“Dark lord, hear me, tell me how to punish someone who has not returned the goods. Gnaw him and stab him, hiss at him and roar, burn him with flame, freeze him with ice. For days and nights, don’t let go until you give up what you took. Let the demons force the debtor (name) to come to me, poison his life every day. He will suffer until the end of the world. As I say, so it will be.”

"Fish pie"

A very strong conspiracy to repay a debt involves baking a fish pie followed by a ritual. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin and use a knife to represent the amount owed. When laying out the fish, whisper: “Fish-fish, help, return the old favor.” Further procedure:

  1. Prepare a charmed pie.
  2. Feed it to the defaulter.
  3. Fill your mind with positive thoughts.

If you were unable to get the debtor to try the dish, wait until the new moon. Lay out the “debt figure” with red wool thread. After carrying out the return plot, burn the thread and pour the ashes into an envelope. Carry this talisman in your wallet. Text to read:

“The red thread, the red and the debt in payment. The person who gave it has plenty of money, return to your wallet as soon as possible. I’ll draw a number, bite a thread, and God’s servant (name of the debtor) will immediately come running to me. He took kindly, and gave back kindly. Amen".

Icon against defaulter

If ordinary conspiracies to repay the debt do not help, let’s try using an icon. Take out an icon with a saint whose name matches the name of your object. Cover the tabletop with a black scarf, place the mirror on the fabric with the reflective surface down. Place the icon on the back of the mirror, then your own hands.

Imagine that your hands are lying on a warm fire, you are warming them and getting a boost of energy. We speak to the icon 40 times, holding this image. Spell text:

“What you borrow from me, you will return, and if you don’t return, you will be lost. You will lose everything, you will lose it a hundred times more. The moon is waning, your health is melting. You will be poor and unhappy, all your work will be in vain. As I say, so it will happen. Amen".

Wax candle and thirteen spells

Borrowers, no matter how much you give them, are in no hurry to return what belongs to them. A conspiracy against a debtor that whispers while a candle is burning can help here. Get matches, a wax church candle and a photograph of the careless payer. Procedure:

  1. Light a candle at sunset.
  2. Place a photo of the object in front of you.
  3. Think about money, whisper the conspiracy 13 times.
  4. Put out the candle and save the stub.
  5. At noon the next day, go to church.
  6. Place the rest of the candle in the temple, say a prayer, wishing health to your defaulter.

Text of the spell: “The candle is melting, burning out, God’s servant (name of the target) wants to return the favor to me. If they took the money, he must bring it. Burn, candle, the hour of reckoning is approaching. Amen".

Another powerful ritual

A candle spell to pay off a debt has good potential, but there is an even stronger spell. Go to an esoteric supplies store and buy a green candle there. For nine evenings in a row, light a candle and whisper a spell. A cinder is a hand-made talisman that must be kept away from prying eyes. Text of the prayer:

“The coins and bills are mine, I call you back. Return from a distant land to your usual place, leave God’s servant (name of the borrower), come to me. God's servant (name) will stop living peacefully until I have a debt. I speak firmly and seal the lock with the key. Amen".

Ritual with bath brooms

According to reviews, ordinary bath brooms help force a debtor to repay a large sum. The ritual will only help in one case - if your bad friend lives nearby. You will need two brooms - a new one and an old one. Procedure:

  1. Wake up late at night.
  2. Take a walk to your abuser's home.
  3. Make sure there is a full moon in the sky.
  4. Sweep the debtor's threshold with a new broom.
  5. Say the first part of the spell (“The broom sweeps well, sweeps the money back”).
  6. Pick up an old broom.
  7. First sweep the threshold, then break out three twigs.
  8. Throw the twigs on the threshold.

Now is the time to read the main prayer. Avoid bad thoughts, don't curse the person, and be patient. In a month the debt will be eliminated. Text of the prayer:

“The broom is bad at the doorstep, give me a lot of money. Return everything you took; don’t sleep until you return it. Toss and turn in a cold sweat, burn in hell. Conscience will whisper in the night that it’s time to give away what belongs to others. Let it be so".

Two candles

This ritual is for the most hopeless cases. Get a completely new white candle (cracks and stains should be completely absent). After that, do this:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Cut it in half (carefully so that the top part does not go out).
  3. Light the bottom half too.
  4. Allow the resulting two candles to melt a little.
  5. Bring the cinders together so that the flames merge together.
  6. Blend the halves again into one candle.
  7. Read the spell.
  8. Hide the cinders near the defaulter's home.

Text of the prayer: “The wax halves separated, and then returned to the whole. The same will happen with money. No matter how much you run, you have to give back. My word is strong, my thoughts are pure. Amen".

Very often, friends or relatives contact us to borrow some money. Of course, a well-mannered person will always come to the aid of someone in need. But the return of the sum of money may take an indefinite amount of time, which significantly adjusts human plans. In order for the debtor to return the required amount, it is necessary to use a money return conspiracy. White magic contains a very large number of different prayers that help the borrower to return his own finances. Moreover, they do not in any way affect the victim or the perpetrator. No one will have to suffer any unpleasant consequences.

Actions before the ritual

It is important to note that the spell to return money is used only in household magic. It began many centuries ago. Over all this time, she has developed a large number of features that are simply necessary for a positive result. If you decide to use money return spells, you should remember some important features.

  1. The ritual should be performed only on the waxing moon. It is this that helps increase capital and helps achieve the desired goal.
  2. Never make hasty decisions. First you need to find out why a person does not repay a debt. It is quite possible that he simply does not have money.
  3. Any conspiracy to return money must be related to white magic. After all, black magic can bring negative consequences and incorrectly affect each side of the ritual.
  4. As soon as you receive your finances back, express gratitude to the debtor for the return in your thoughts. This way you can attract other money and significantly improve your situation.

Every powerful spell to return money does not require special effort or knowledge in the field of magic. The performer will be able to perform the ritual independently at home. You won't have to read any rare attributes or spells. You just need to carefully follow the instructions and the result will not be long in coming.

How to get your money back without performing a ritual

There is a special conspiracy that allows you to repay the debt without much effort. To carry it out, you only need to read special words. Despite its simplicity, it is quite effective and always brings positive results. Please note that you need to read it at those moments when your anger over the debt is at its most extreme stage.

“The magical power that comes from my lips will force you, servant of God (name), to return to everyone my money that you owe me. If they are not returned to the rightful owner, you will not find peace. Your whole life will begin to collapse, because heavenly powers will not come to the rescue in difficult situations. As soon as I, the servant of God (name), speak the cherished words, thoughts about returning will immediately come to your mind. You can never hide from me or ignore me. I am sure that you are a good person and will respond to my kindness. Amen".

Conspiracy using an ordinary coin

This method is considered the simplest and safest. It is easy to do it yourself at home. This is an ideal option when the debtor is a fairly close person to you and you do not want to spoil your relationship with him. To carry out the ceremony, you must take a coin from your wallet and bury it on the street. It is important to note the fact that it is best to do this under a coniferous tree.

“I, servant of God (name), give this coin to the earth so that the debtor will return my money to everyone. This conspiracy to quickly return money was advised to me by a very highly qualified sorcerer and I trust him completely. As soon as my words are heard by the heavenly forces, they will immediately be fulfilled. I don’t want my relationship with the debtor to deteriorate, so I’m reading a very simple and safe conspiracy. May the Lord hear my request and fulfill it in a short time. He is my last hope. Amen".

While reading the hex, you need to mentally send your best wishes to the debtor. Ask higher powers to send him financial well-being so that he will quickly return all your debts. As soon as the person returns the entire amount to you, immediately go to the place where the coin was buried and take it out. After that, put it in your wallet and don’t touch it again.

Ritual for matches

This ritual is aimed at influencing the conscience of the person who borrowed money from you. This is an ideal option for those cases when an ordinary acquaintance whom you have not known for long borrowed money from you. For the ceremony you need to prepare a church candle, a handkerchief, dishes and matches.

First of all, place a candle on the dish and light it with a match. Take out the matches from the matchbox and light them one by one from the burning candle. After that, put them on a vessel so that they burn out on it.

How to force a debtor to repay a debt. Effective technique from the Medium

Ritual for repayment of debt. Ritual How to get your money back.

The magic of money No. 3. Debt repayment ritual

The magic of money A powerful ritual for repaying DEBT


Conspiracies to return stolen money.


At those moments when the matches are burning, you should read the following conspiracy for the debtor to return the money:

“Light a fire so that it influences the servant of God (name). Let him return the money he lent me a long time ago. I really need them now and I can’t find the debtor. Let this person have a conscience and she herself remembers her duty. As soon as white magic affects her, money will immediately appear in my wallet. Basically, I don't feel sorry. But you need to have at least a little conscience. After all, I am also a human being and I need finance for ordinary human needs. May higher powers come to my aid and immediately my life will improve significantly. Lord, hear my words of prayer and put them into action. Amen".

The remains of a burnt-out candle and matches should be placed in a handkerchief and stored in a place where money is kept. Let them stay like this until you get your money back.

Conspiracy on an icon

The plot can be read at home. Or you can seek help from a specialist. It all depends on your decision. To plot to return borrowed money, you must buy an icon that bears the name of the debtor. You will also need black fabric and a mirror surface. Place a piece of fabric on the table and place a mirror on it.

Place the icon on the mirror and read the following words of prayer:

“I, the servant of God (name), read the words of the conspiracy to return the borrowed money, since the debtor is not going to return it to me. I ask higher powers to help me and improve my financial situation. Getting the money back is so important to me. I appeal to the conscience of the fraudster. The stolen item is in my home. As soon as my words reach heaven, my situation will immediately improve. I really need money to improve my property. No proven method can delay the return. Amen".

The conspiracy to quickly return money from the debtor must be read at least forty times. While reading, it is important to mentally imagine the moment when the person returns the required amount of money to you. Your thoughts should include those moments when your financial situation improves. It is important to thank not only heaven for the help, but also the debtor for the return.