For a woman, bearing and giving birth to a child is a great happiness. Moreover, this is the most important purpose of a woman. True, these days this purpose has been relegated to the background by many women. Emancipation did its job. Now business, work and career come first. It hasn't always been this way, and it won't always be this way. Nature still takes its toll. And sooner or later, every woman wants to become a mother. It happens that a woman wants to give birth to a child, but cannot. Either she doesn’t have enough strength to carry her to birth, or she can’t get pregnant at all. In this case it will help you pregnancy ritual or ritual for conceiving a child, depending on what you're having a problem with.

The last case is the most difficult. You need to pray, wait and hope. Not just hope, but believe with all your heart that the time will come and you will definitely become a mother. Of course, if you have this problem not due to surgery.

Folk rituals for conceiving a child

If a woman cannot get pregnant, then in addition to constant prayers, you can also use the power of a magical ritual. This pregnancy ritual will help you increase your chances of getting pregnant. To carry out the ritual You need to take with you three white candles and a beautiful cup or glass for water. In addition, you will need a small skein of multi-colored threads. Now such threads can be bought from any yarn seller. And these threads are called - melange.

Now go to the bank of a river or lake, the main thing is that it is a beautiful and clean body of water. Sit on the shore, do not rush to start the ritual, admire the beauty of nature, tune in to what you will do. Such contemplation may take you fifteen minutes or several hours. The main thing is to feel complete unity with nature. For this reason conception ritual It's better to do it on a day off. It should be noted that you should go to the pond completely alone; any company will nullify all your efforts.

So, after you are completely tuned in to the upcoming ritual, pick up the first candle, scratch your name on it and light it. When the candle lights up, say your name out loud and loud. Place it in front of you. Now take the second candle, write on it the name of your husband with whom you want to have a child. Now light a candle and say your husband's name out loud. Place the candle on the left side of your candle.

Now let's move on to the third candle. You probably already guessed who will be associated third candle. Of course, your unborn child. Write the word "heritage" , light a candle and place it between your candles and your husband’s candles. This time there is no need to say anything out loud.

The pregnancy ritual should be completed

Now take a glass in your hands, stand up and go to the pond. Stand in front of the water, look at it and say: “Just as you, mother water, are the mother of everything that is alive on earth, so help me, the servant of God (state your name with which you were baptized), to become a kind, caring and loving mother. Amen" After you say this spell, scoop up some water with a glass. Now look at the water in the glass, bring the glass to your lips so close that your breath moves the surface of the water in the glass, and say: “As you, mother water, make the earth fertile, so make me, God’s servant (name), fertile. Let it be so".

Now you need to drink this water. You understand that the local swamp is not suitable for this. So, you may need to travel somewhere far away just to find a clean body of water. But this is a mandatory condition of the ritual, drinking this water. The water you bring with you will not have such power.

After you drink water from a glass, bow to the water in the pond and return to the candles. Sit in front of them and extinguish them in the reverse order, not the way you lit them. First, extinguish the middle candle, then your husband’s candle, and then yours. If you were not in a hurry during the ritual, then by this moment the candles should have burned down at least a third. And this is good. You need to extinguish candles only with the fingers of your right hand; under no circumstances should you blow them out.

Now take all three candles, put them together and slowly wind colored threads around them. The brighter the colors, the better. While you are winding, imagine that you have a child, how he grows. Imagine that his life is developing as beautifully and joyfully as the colors of this thread now delight you. At the moment you are weaving your destiny. They say that children up there choose their own parents, so show him with your thoughts how good it will be with you. You need to rewind all the threads that you bring with you onto the candles.

And also, if at least one candle was extinguished by the wind, then this will be a sign. Either you and your husband will not be able to have a child, or this is your fate. If your husband’s candle goes out, it means he can’t have children; if it’s yours, then the reason is you. And if the candle that stood in the middle goes out, then the inability to have children in this life is your karma, the payment of past debts. And you just need to get over it.

After you are done with the threads, take the resulting magical ball and glass, and go home. Hide these things at home so that no one can use them. When you find out that you are pregnant, take out a glass and a skein. Place the glass where it stood before the ritual. Carefully wind the threads into a ball, and light the candles and let them burn out until the end. As soon as the baby is born, knit any item for him from these threads, at least booties.

Another pregnancy ritual

But if getting pregnant is not a problem for you, but you just can’t bear it, then do the following. As soon as you find out that you are pregnant, buy a padlock on the market, preferably one that has already been used, that is, not new. There is plenty of such goodness on the market. Don’t haggle about the price, at least a little, but you will overpay. Under no circumstances should you take change. Therefore, prepare a bill close to the cost of the lock.

As soon as you get home, go into a room where you won't be disturbed. Open the lock, bring it very close to your stomach, and now, while closing the lock, say the following words: “What I closed myself will not go anywhere until I open it myself. Let it be so". Hide the lock so that no one can pick it up and open it. When the time comes to give birth, carry the lock with you at all times and don’t forget it. After all, contractions can start at any moment. As soon as you realize that the time has come to give birth, take the lock in your hands, bring it to your stomach and, opening it, say: “What you closed, you opened. It's time to see the light, live and love. Amen".

Don't dismiss the last action, remember it. Of course, when contractions begin, you don’t think about such trifles. But if you don’t open the lock, you will have a long and very difficult labor. And if you do everything correctly, they will pass easily. What made you unable to bear a child before will help you to give birth easily and quickly.

Motherhood- this is not only great joy, this is the truest female happiness. If you are ready to spend a lot of money on doctors, artificial insemination and expensive treatment, and this does not bring any results, then it is better to try spending your free time on yourself. Perform a magical ritual for pregnancy. Who knows, maybe this will help much better than all of the above. And children's laughter will definitely sound in your home.

Who is a happy modern woman? This is a successful young lady who is making a career, owns her own business, and drives a car. And of course she is a wonderful mother. But this is ideal. As a rule, modern life, filled with stress, makes its own adjustments to our desires and possibilities. It seemed that everything had already been achieved: a loving husband, their own home and a stable financial situation, but the finishing touch on the easel of family life was missing - the married couple could not get pregnant.

And then, having gone through the seven circles of earthly hell, in the form of modern reproductive centers, the spouses begin to look for alternative ways to resolve their current situation. A conspiracy to conceive is one of the most ancient home methods of our ancestors, which women resort to in the hope of becoming pregnant. The main and most effective method is the Holy Orthodox prayer, which is resorted to in difficult life situations.

Orthodox prayers for conceiving a child

Holy Orthodox prayer is an appeal to Heavenly powers in everyday life and in difficult everyday situations. This is a conversation with the Lord about pressing problems and your deepest desires. And as a rule, the appeal is associated with specific life requests. One of these requests is a prayer for conceiving a child. In the event that the appeal to higher powers comes from the bottom of the heart and the desire to conceive a child is the most intimate. Heaven always listens to the requests of those who apply for the sending of children because this is laid down in the commandments. For the conception and birth of a child they pray to the Almighty, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Matrona of Moscow, Anna and Elizabeth. But no matter what Saint you turn to, the main thing is with what heart you do it.

Rules for reading prayer

  • The prayer for conception must be read by heart in order to read it without hesitation.
  • While saying a prayer, it is not recommended to think about extraneous things.
  • Meditate, focus on your deepest desire.
  • The main thing is to truly believe in what you are doing.

Types of prayers

In the modern world, more and more young couples are turning to the Orthodox religion to give birth to a child. And what is noteworthy is that the Lord hears the requests of the righteous and grants fatherhood and motherhood to everyone who wants to prolong their family line. The most important thing is to realize that the power of the prayer service depends on the faith of the person praying, his true commitment to the Orthodox faith. And then all the requests of those asking will be fulfilled.

A strong prayer for conceiving a child to the Almighty

“Lord, your unworthy servant turns to you with heartfelt grief. Look with the All-Seeing Eye, let me bear fruit and become a mother. To enjoy your child now and in old age. Merciful Lord God, forgive me all my sins, listen to my requests and send me the happiness of motherhood. And if you have mercy, let me carry him to full term. Heed my prayers, grant to the child, for the joy of my soul. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for conceiving a child

“Most Holy Mary, Queen of the heavenly Angels and Immaculate Virgin, mother of our Lord in heaven and on earth. Hear from the height of your heavenly gaze my earthly words and illuminate my sinful soul with your Divine Holiness. Cleanse the thoughts of my heart from vain thoughts and earthly suffering. Grant my child, on this earth, the fruit of my womb for joy and hope. Hear my repentance, heed my prayers, for you are in the world, above all women. I praise and thank the Most Pure Virgin Mary. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

Divine Prayer for Spouses

“Almighty and Merciful Lord, we turn to you with prayer for the sending of our child. Hear our appeal and be merciful to our requests. We appeal to your protection for the fertility of our family and its extension for many years. Grant health and happiness to our descendants, for your great mercy is forever and ever. Amen."

Rituals and rituals for pregnancy

Ancient rituals for pregnancy are quite widely used in cases where all the methods and methods of modern traditional medicine are used. When all the examinations and courses of treatment prescribed by doctors have been completed, but the desired conception still does not occur. A desperate search for alternative methods of treating infertility begins and, as a rule, household magic comes into force.

In order to use these methods, you must study them carefully and follow the instructions carefully. That's when you can hope for a positive result. Conception rituals do not require special preparation; sometimes you need to place your hand on your stomach for the greatest concentration of feminine energy.

It should be noted that most rituals for conceiving a child are performed on the new moon, on the waxing moon, after the full moon, on major holidays - Easter, Trinity and Christmas. On the Holy Easter holiday, it is necessary to defend the service and when the priest says the words: “Christ is Risen,” make your deepest wish. Also, for this, on the eve of the holiday, it is necessary to paint an egg with wax: For a boy - blue, and for a girl - red, and be sure to consecrate it in the church. And when it's time to get hot, eat it first. It is believed that on the Holy holiday of Easter, any request is fulfilled, including the conception and birth of a child.

Examples of conspiracies

Spells on a rope

For the next ritual, you need to purchase a rope for the new moon, and tie knots on it for forty days - forty in total. Every day one knot is used, thus the entire cycle of the moon is used. In addition, these words help ease childbirth. When tying, you need to read a strong, effective conspiracy to conceive a child:

“I tie the fetus to the uterus,
I punish you to conceive,
Tie it up, never untie it,
Come, gain weight,
Please me.

For the new month

This ritual is performed on the new month. Calculate this day and prepare for execution. Go out on the new month to the crossroads of three roads, face the month and pronounce the strongest conspiracy for conception:

"Heavenly powers, earthly powers,
Without your command,
Nothing happens on this earth
And day is not day, and night is not night,
It doesn't rain, it doesn't snow,
The bird does not sing, the fish does not swim,
And little children are not born.
Help to conceive a child,
Make me happy with the birth of my child.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."

After this, bow three times at the feet of the new moon and go home without looking back.

On a round mirror

This is an ancient ritual that our grandmothers performed. His condition includes the use of a round mirror, which is brought to the window in such a way that the new moon is reflected in it. It is on him that it is necessary to read conspiracies to conceive a healthy child:

“The new moon is shining in the sky,
And my tummy is showing off in the mirror,
The month comes, and the baby grows.”

After this, you need to cover the mirror with your clothes and put them on yourself, exactly one day later.

Pump up the baby

There is one popular belief. In order to get pregnant, you need to pump up your baby. That is, to rock a baby stroller in which more than one generation of children has grown up, which is passed on from one relative to another. While rocking, try to imagine how you will rock your own baby, his face, who he will look like and how he will smile. This ritual is akin to those signs that advise drinking from a cup from which a pregnant woman drank or sitting on a chair on which a pregnant woman sat. The effect of such rituals is aimed at self-hypnosis and meditation.

For seven candles

This is one of the most powerful rituals carried out with the help of conspiracies for pregnancy and rapid conception. On the Great Church Holiday, buy exactly seven wax candles from the church and place them in a certain order. First to Jesus Christ, then to the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. After placing the candles, do not forget to read the prayers and wait until the candles burn out completely.

You take the remaining four candles home and light them in the four corners of your house. Wait until they burn out completely and bury the cinders deep into the ground. This ritual launches a wish fulfillment program, and if pregnancy is your goal at this moment in life, then soon it will come true.

To maintain pregnancy

Premature births, miscarriages, self-abortions and missed pregnancies are another side of the coin of problematic motherhood. For those who are faced with the problem of premature birth, the following rituals are suitable.

To Holy Water

If you have had miscarriages or premature births in the past, there is a ritual with Holy water, which is recommended both when planning a pregnancy and when there are possible signs of a threat. You need to collect Holy water from the church and bring it home, pour it into a small container. Then place the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God next to it and lower your hands into the water, while pronouncing the words of an effective conspiracy:

"Mother of God, Most Holy Theotokos,
You are the Queen of everything Earthly and Heavenly,
Cover me with the veil of your intercession,
And grant the servant of God /name/ strong strength,
And the strength of the womb for my child.
In the name of father and son and the Holy Spirit."

Amulet for pregnant women

The text of this conspiracy must be memorized and read for each phase of the new month. It helps for the onset of pregnancy and for its normal course, against danger and toxicosis. You can write the desired text on a piece of paper and store it in your wallet or bag:

“Virgin Mother of God, bless me for the act of God,
I rely on you every minute of my life,
I pray to you for the salvation of my soul,
Mother of our Lord God,
You are always with me, the Lord is ahead,
Angels are intercessors behind.
I hope and trust in your help.
To quickly conceive children,
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Married couples, in an attempt to have children, try countless methods: prayer for conceiving a child, conspiracies for conception, the strongest conspiracy for pregnancy and easy childbirth. But no matter what methods you choose for this purpose, the main thing is unshakable faith in what you are doing. There is one effective popular belief that says that those who do not have children should adopt, not necessarily a healthy child.

Many couples do this, and subsequently raise not only an adopted child, but also their own. In such cases, couples can choose the boy or girl they want to adopt, and there are some white magic rituals to conceive the gender of the child. After using which, a child of the required gender is born, for the joy and happiness of his parents.

How often in women’s conversations do we hear the question: “Why does God give children to some people, even those who do not need children, but deprives others?”

Indeed, according to world statistics, about 5% of the planet’s reproductive population is unable to conceive a child.

When faced with the problem of conception and miscarriage, many first hope that the time has not yet come, then they begin to think about the reasons, and when the critical age approaches, they begin to look for ways to achieve motherhood.

But reproductive medicine is still so undeveloped (although test-tube babies will no longer surprise anyone) that it is not capable of identifying the reasons for the impossibility of conception in many cases. Hence, the number of couples wishing to become parents, asking for children from higher powers, is increasing. A pregnancy plot helps with this.

You can hear about the effectiveness and efficiency of the conception conspiracy from the stories of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. One has only to ask, and they will give out so many life legends that even the most doubtful will believe in the magic of folk readings.

Ritual design of conspiracies for “heaviness” - rules

When planning to resort to the magic of slander, a woman who wants to become a mother must strictly observe the customs and rules of the rituals.

Rule of faith. To get pregnant, it is not enough to read the magic text. It is important to understand the importance of ritual actions and to believe unconditionally that the conspiracy will work. The second rule is strength. To bring the moment of childbirth closer, it is important to strengthen the recitation with prayers, trips to temples, trips to living springs, i.e. approach the resolution of such a sensitive problem comprehensively, from different (traditional and not so traditional) angles.

Rule of love. More than one woman should desire the birth of a child, even though it is more important for her. Her betrothed must also believe and actively participate in the search for a solution to such a difficult problem. Love and faith, multiplied by two, are the key to a successful result.

Rule of growth. Popular whispers and slander about “belliness” directly depend on the lunar cycle: as the young month grows, so does the child develop in a woman’s womb. It is better to read the plot on the new moon (month).

The main types of conspiracies related to childbirth

Although there are not too many conspiracies for pregnancy, the existing ones are usually divided into: conspiracies for conception, conspiracies for maintaining pregnancy, conspiracies for easy childbirth.

In order for the conspiracy to conceive a child to take effect, you must adhere to the plan for the magical ritual and understand the meaning of the text being read.

To enhance the magical properties of whispers and incantations, it is recommended to place special paraphernalia in the house: cards of visualized desires, portraits with children, painting rooms in cheerful colors and more indoor plants that help establish unity with nature.

The most famous is the conspiracy to conceive the Siberian folk healer and healer Stepanova, popularly called “40 knots.” On the third day of the new moon, you should take a rope and, reading a special text above it, tie a knot. This ritual is performed for 40 days in a row, as a result, 40 knots are formed on the rope. Conception should occur upon completion of the ritual.

Conspiracy “To conceive a child”

“I’m getting myself an assistant. So that your arms get fat, so that your body becomes vigorous, so that your legs pound, so that you can conceive a child. Just as the month grows and waxes in the sky, so the fruit of the slave (give her full name) begins and grows. In the name of Christ the Savior. Amen."

The knot in folk rituals has the ability to absorb the energy of a person, his desires and is able to multiply this energy to fulfill his plans.

The place for another, no less powerful ritual should be a bathhouse. The recitation is performed by a friend of a girl who wants to get pregnant or a relative on her husband’s side (the girl’s mother or sister cannot perform the ritual). At dawn, a woman dreaming of a child comes to the bathhouse and takes off her clothes (leaving only her nightgown). Jewelry and hair clips should also be removed.

A basin is placed on the floor of the bathhouse, into which the participant in the ritual places her right leg. The left one remains on the floor. Standing behind her, a trusted person reads the plot. When the reading of the text is finished, the expectant mother places the second leg in the basin and, closing her eyes, says: “I believe, I am full of hope, I am expecting a child.” Then he wipes his face, chest and stomach three times with the hem of his shirt.

Miscarriages and missed pregnancies are another side of the problem of motherhood. For those for whom conception is not a problem, but who cannot bear a child, spells to maintain pregnancy are suitable.

A simple ritual done early in the morning after waking up will help you survive the entire period from conception to easy childbirth. The woman holds a bowl of clean fresh water in front of her and reads magic words. During the ritual day, all the water from the bowl is drunk one sip at a time.

Conspiracy “To Preserve Pregnancy”

“The servant of God (say her full name) will stand early in the morning under the dawn with one foot in the bell. She will call the slave (say her full name) to the power of light, for good. A bright, intelligent child will give her strength. So that it screams loudly in forty quick weeks and in nine fleeting ones months. So that small, sweet lips can be attached to the young breast. So that the little one is not harmed, and the slave (say her full name) avoids the burden of childbirth. And let the husband accept the child and give him a worldly name. Just as the foot of a slave (say her full name) now stands strong, stands firm, so my word will be firm, will be strong. What is planned will be fulfilled. What is said will come true.”

But when the term of birth is just around the corner, and the fear of the upcoming birth is increasing, the use of spells for an easy birth will come in handy. When leaving the house somewhere, a pregnant woman pronounces the words of the conspiracy. Then he walks around the house three times against the direction of the clock, while reading “Our Father” and crossing himself.

Conspiracy “For an easy birth”

“Just as doors open and windows dissolve, so through the desire of my husband I, the servant of God (to be called), break through, so may my birth be resolved soon. Amen."

Returning home, having crossed yourself three times, you need to read another conspiracy on a lit red candle.

Spell “For an easy birth” on a candle

“Mountain meets mountain, boat meets boat. Jesus Christ walked across the field, carrying golden keys in the field, opening the gates for the baby and taking him in his arms. It's time the grass grew, he gave it time, like his ancestor. Amen!"

The consequences of magical spells on pregnancy

All conspiracies for conception, pregnancy, preservation and childbirth are filled with positive, righteous meaning. The texts use Christian prayers. In addition to conspiracies, the expectant mother must attend church services, pray at icons, and ask the Mother of God to perform a miracle - to give her a child.

Therefore, fears that such rituals could somehow harm the health of the woman and the unborn baby are completely unfounded.

The main thing for a married couple is to be prepared for the period of pregnancy and the birth of a new human life. Then happiness in the form of a smiling child will definitely appear in their home.

Video: Pregnancy plot

Conception with the help of effective conspiracies

In this article:

Every woman dreams of becoming a mother. This is a natural and correct desire. When pregnancy does not occur for a long time, and doctors just shrug their shoulders, try conception spells.

Effective conspiracies help everyone, but you will need to not only prepare, but also perform a small ritual. This magic does not contradict your faith, because it does not carry negativity. These are kind words of power. They will help you become happy. There are many conspiracies. Some of them can only be done by an experienced practitioner. You better start with simple ones - any woman can carry out such a ritual on her own.

Conspiracies to conceive a child

When you have already tried everything from medications to acupuncture, but pregnancy still does not occur, try conspiracies. This is very strong white magic. It is practiced by women all over the world, because no one is immune from problems with conception. It is not necessary to tell your husband that you are performing a ritual.

If he does not believe in this method, then he can only hinder you with his doubts.

Your choice is the right one.

Why doesn't pregnancy occur?

Very often it is energetic reasons that lead to infertility:

  • evil eyes;
  • damage;
  • curse of the family;
  • past abortions.

Someone could envy your happiness, jinx it, or send damage. Someone may laugh at this, but damage, the evil eye, and a curse have been and remain an energetic danger. A beautiful, successful woman with a good husband always causes envy. Some just sigh kindly, but others want her to lose it all out of envy. Such people destroy themselves, but they can do a lot of harm.

If you have a long-standing evil eye, then pregnancy may not occur.

The doctors say everything is fine, you just have to wait. The woman waits for years. Strong conspiracies for pregnancy will allow you to free yourself from the influence of negative energy. They cleanse you, literally reboot the women's program.

If you have health problems, do not neglect the prescribed treatment. In combination with a spell, the treatment will work faster and more effectively. Abortion carries a strong negative agenda. If you had to have an abortion, be sure to go to church and ask for forgiveness. Situations can be very different, but abortion leaves a very strong negative imprint on you. Pray, light candles. Begging for forgiveness is difficult, but possible. You will succeed, because now the conspiracies of white magic are on your side.

The ritual will get rid of the evil eye

If traditional methods and easy spells do not help you, then damage or the evil eye is upon you. This conspiracy helps to get rid of the negative program. On the new moon, go out into the forest or park in the evening. Break off 7 branches from any tree. You can’t cut or saw off, you just have to break it with your hands. Approach the wooden fence. Now you need to repeat the spell and whip the fence with branches. It symbolizes a dead tree that will no longer produce shoots, leaves, or flowers.

“I beat you for infertility! Help him get rid of him! To give fruit to a blooming garden, and to me, God’s servant (name), to give birth to children. It will be as she said!”

In some cases, serious cleansing of negative influences may be required.

You can whip as many times as you want. Repeat this ritual for 4 days in a row. If on the 5th day you find out that one of your relatives or friends suddenly fell ill, it was this person who cast the spell. Now all the negative things are gone, and you will be able to get pregnant in the next 6 months.

Candle spell

It only helps those who have not had abortions. If a woman bears this sin, then try another way. Buy 7 candles at church and give all the change to the poor. Candles should be placed near the icon of the Mother of God, Panteleimon the Healer. Place the rest next to any other icons. Say 7 times:

“Lord, you created the earth in seven days. The Bible talks about seven sins. Seven days in one week, And seven letters in the word child. I ask you (name of the saint), grant me pregnancy.”

You need to stay in the church until all the candles burn out.

Slavic ritual for early conception

The Slavic conspiracy for conception is done on the day of the goddess Mokosh. She patronizes women and helps in performing good rituals. This ritual is performed from June 21 to June 24 or on any Friday. During this period, your feminine energy is especially strong. Near the river, find the most beautiful willow that has already given green leaves. Tear off a few branches and weave a hoop. You will need to lower it onto yourself - lower it onto your head, pass it over your entire body and place it on the ground. While lowering the hoop, say:

“Mother came into the world, brought her children, and gave me (her name) her belly. I became pregnant. I went through a circle and found happiness in motherhood.”

Weaving a hoop from willow branches is not a difficult task

After this, you can plant the branches in the ground close to the water or let them go with the flow. Willow has healing powers. It would be useful to make or buy a real talisman - a piece of willow. Wear it around your neck.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the conspiracy can work very quickly. The more you desire a child, the higher the effectiveness of the conspiracy to conceive. If one doesn't work, be sure to try another. The right way will be found.

This can't be done

This is white magic, which is aimed at making a woman or an entire family happier. There are restrictions:

  • You can't make a conspiracy out of revenge. Some women want to get pregnant as soon as possible in order to receive alimony, attach a man to themselves, and get successfully married. Your selfish goals are not spoken out loud, but the Universe sees and knows everything. A child is happiness, not a tool for making profit;
  • Trying to get pregnant from someone else's husband in this way is also a sin. Your happiness should not make anyone else unhappy;
  • If you are not sure that you want a child, under no circumstances do a conspiracy or ritual. Getting pregnant through a white conspiracy, and then killing the child and giving it to others is an unforgivable mistake.

In all other cases, you can do any of these conspiracies. They bring happiness, love, and make the family truly complete.

The most complete description in all details is a love spell to conceive a child with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

It happens that couples who passionately desire to have a child, for some reason, cannot do this. Infertility, health problems, pregnancy may not occur and generally for unknown reasons. This could be an evil eye or damage lying on you. A proven conception plot will help you get the long-awaited baby.

There are many rituals you can perform, choose the one that suits you. Your family can grow bigger without difficulties. Doctors cannot always help, but folk magic and white conspiracies will summon the necessary energy that will allow you to conceive a child. In case of infertility or when you want to get pregnant faster, use these methods. Miracle or correct ritual? You have the power to get what you want.

Medical and energetic causes of infertility

The female body develops with one goal - to conceive and give birth to a child. It is so natural and beautiful that all deviations from the norm cause deep dissonance in a woman’s mind. A diagnosis of infertility can be a very serious blow to a young family. Prayers and proven conspiracies that help women around the world will help you. Medical causes of infertility:

  • Congenital dysfunctions of the uterus and ovaries.
  • Problems after injuries.
  • Consequences of alcoholism or drug addiction.
  • Abortion.

There are many more subtle reasons working against you on an energetic level:

  • The consequence of an unsuccessful love spell on a man.
  • Someone in your family, not necessarily you, has had abortions.
  • Damage, evil eye, curse are on you.
  • Someone is very jealous of you, your home, your happiness.
  • There is a lot of anger, hatred, negativity in your life that prevents you from letting something beautiful into the world.

The conspiracy will help in the fight against all problems, but first you need to rethink your life, understand what is stopping you from becoming a mother. If there is a lot of anger and revenge in your heart, then you will not get the child you want - you can be treated for years. The important thing here is to heal the soul, not the body.

Conspiracy to treat infertility

When doctors give up or offer very expensive treatment, try to help yourself. There is an effective old conspiracy that helps a woman with these problems. You will need to buy:

  • Three church candles.
  • Ripe red apple.
  • Baby diaper.
  • New knife with wooden handle.

Learn the text by heart, you will need to repeat it in a chant the text of the plot to conceive a child:

“Oh, blessed mother Matrona, we resort to your intercession and tearfully pray to you. As you who have great boldness in the Lord, pour out a warm prayer for your servants, who are in deep spiritual sorrow and asking for help from you. Truly is the word of the Lord: ask, and it will be given to you, and again: even if two of you take counsel upon the earth, whatever you ask, it will be given to you from My Father who is in Heaven. Hear our groanings and convey them to the throne of the Master, and where you stand before God, the prayer of a righteous man can do much before God. May the Lord not completely forget us, but look down from the heights of heaven on the sorrow of His servants and bestow the fruit of the womb for something useful. Truly, God wants the child, so do the Lord to Abraham and Sarah, Zechariah and Elizabeth, Joachim and Anna, pray with him. May the Lord God do this to us, out of His mercy and ineffable love for mankind. Blessed be the name of the Lord from now on and forever. Amen".

  1. On Saturday night, when the Moon is waxing in the sky, light candles and say prayers to the Saints.
  2. Place a diaper on the table.
  3. Take an apple and carve your name on it.
  4. Hold the apple in your hands and read the plot three times.
  5. You will need to wrap the apple in a diaper and place it next to the church when the baby is baptized.

In less than three months you will find out that the situation has changed. This could be healing, a sudden pregnancy, or an offer from doctors that you can accept.

A rustic way to spell an early pregnancy

This method is still known in villages. You and your husband need to go to the bathhouse together. It’s great if you have your own, but any good Russian bathhouse will do.

  1. Both need to strip naked.
  2. Take a steam bath, drink hot tea.
  3. Lie down and give your husband a birch broom, he will lightly hit you on the back, and you say:

“A horse has foals, a cow has calves, a sheep has lambs, I don’t have a child. As the month grows and grows, so let the seed become a baby for me. Bless, Lord. Amen".

You should feel warm, pleasant, and no painful sensations. After the bath, wash yourself thoroughly. Water and a birch broom will take away your sorrows and cleanse not only your body, but also your spirit. Pregnancy will come.

This method can be repeated once every two months, not more often. There is one limitation: you cannot use it if you have confirmed diseases of the female organs, polycystic disease. Then hot water and the heat of the bath can only aggravate the situation, not help.

Ritual and conspiracy for early conception

This ritual is suitable for those who want to have a child as soon as possible, but for some reason cannot. The case may be classified as an energy problem. You can be examined together with your husband, but no problems will be identified. An egg will help determine the evil eye or damage.

  • Buy eggs at the market without haggling.
  • Choose one, you and your husband take turns taking it.
  • Place the egg in the water, and move a church candle over it, saying:

“The hero, rich in strength, walked through the holy land! The soul is kind, the heart is generous, the offended people have a place to warm themselves! The hero saw the black snake! He took out his silver sword and slashed! A terrible fate sent the snake! Bogatyr will illuminate the whole earth with sunshine! Greetings to those who have been dashingly twisted! Live the people in goodness and kindness! The strength of a hero is in the heart and in silver! A sharp sword, just power! A dark grave awaits the black serpent!”

All the negative energy went into the egg through the water. The egg will need to be broken: if it turns out to be spoiled, then you have been damaged, preventing you from getting pregnant. If not, continue the ritual.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. I call upon the servant of God (name) to come to me as an economic, house-loving assistant; arms to grow fat, bodies to grow wider, legs to beat, children to bear. Just as a clear month, a new month grows and arrives every day, so let the fruit of the servant of God (name) begin, grow, and fill. In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Savior, amen, amen, amen. In the name of the Lord God, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Most Holy Mother of God, I call on You as my helper, I put away all sorrows and pain. Amen, amen, amen."

Conspiracy for the birth of a son

There are other problems - there are several children in the family, but all are girls, and one really wants to get an heir. To do this, let your relative or friend bring her little boy to the house. Don’t tell her why she needs it, just invite her to tea. Treat him to the most delicious food, give him a gift. While mom isn't looking, cut off one of his hairs. There will be no harm to the child, this is a kind but strong conspiracy that will only attract male energy.

  • Light 2 church candles at dawn.
  • One should have your name written on it, and the other should have your husband's name on it.
  • Say prayers to the Patron Saints.
  • Drip a hair's breadth of wax from both candles, saying:

“A drop from me, a drop from my husband - it turns out our child. We already have (a number of) girls, now we want a boy. Hear us, power of Fate, accept us, Power of Love, help us, Mother Intercessor.”

  • A hair covered in wax should be kept under the marriage bed.

This is a proven option. To be sure, you can also cast a spell for the birth of a boy:

“It’s not the knots that are tied, but the fetus is set in the uterus. Get tied up, don’t get untied, get stronger every day, get fuller, grow. I’m starting, I’m getting started, I’m conceiving a child. Lord Jesus, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, give me a child! Amen".

This will be your little secret. When you give birth to a son, be sure to call him the same way as the boy whose hair was taken. They will definitely become good friends in the future.

What else can help you?

You have a strong desire - you need to fulfill it. This is a good wish, full of love.

  • Light blue candles at home - they attract success and fulfill our wishes.
  • A powerful way to stimulate pregnancy is to use natural forces. Let the house have aromatic oils of cloves, calendula, roses, and lavender. Take a bath with them, massage your stomach.
  • Go to church more often, pray, repent of your sins.
  • If you are in a long-standing quarrel with your mother, then you have a strong block on feminine energy. Make peace, ask for forgiveness if you are guilty.
  • Buy images of babies - these can be calendars, refrigerator magnets, pictures.
  • Visualize the result more often - you are holding your baby in your arms.
  • Buy an indoor rose, grow it, tell it your sorrows. When a plant grows and you help it - take care of it, water it, nature sees your care.
  • Invite people you know with children to your house more often, let them run, play, laugh. This will attract a lot of children's clean energy into the apartment.

And remember, in that house where there are a lot of smiles, laughter, joy, friends, a child will definitely appear, and not just one. Smile at the world, open your heart, it will give you everything you ask for.

How to carry out a pregnancy conspiracy for conception

A pregnancy conspiracy is one of the most difficult in family magic. Conceiving a child, the birth of a new life, is such a great and complex sacrament that it is not so easy to influence it with one simple spell. However, over thousands of years of using magic, conspiracies have been found that, if executed correctly, as well as if you have sufficient magical abilities and absolute confidence in your actions, can bring the desired result.

How to read a plot correctly?

It is very important to choose the ritual that suits you best. To do this, you need to carefully read the plot and think about its meaning. As a rule, the correct choice of ritual will be prompted by a woman’s subconscious.

It is important to remember that if the ritual specifies, in addition to the conspiracy, any ritual actions, then they must be performed. They will allow you to concentrate on performing a magical act, which means they will allow you to achieve your goal with the help of magic words.

Most rituals that use pregnancy spells are recommended to be performed barefoot on the ground, which, according to professional magicians, allows you to establish a stable connection with the cosmos.

You need to read pregnancy conspiracies in complete solitude, so as not to allow foreign energies into the magical process. It is for this reason that plans to carry out the ritual should also be kept secret from other people. At the same time, you need to achieve peace in your soul. Only a positive attitude when reading the plot will make the ritual successful. During the ritual, nothing should distract you, so you need to turn off any communication equipment in advance and remove pets from the premises.

If the ceremony is carried out indoors, then you need to collect the maximum number of living indoor plants. This will fill the space with positive energy. In addition, the symbol of the earth is the goddess of fertility, and, therefore, the earth in flower pots will bring you closer to the earth.

You need to pronounce the magic words quietly, but very clearly, being aware of each spoken phrase. You cannot read pregnancy conspiracies from a page, the words must come from the soul, but you cannot stammer. It is allowed to strengthen the meaning of the conspiracy in your own words, but the phrases should be short but succinct. When reading spells, you need to focus only on the desire to get pregnant and at the same time, preferably, visualize the expected result.

Conspiracies have a strong influence on a person’s consciousness and give confidence in one’s own abilities. Some of the time-tested spells are given below.

The most effective rituals are carried out during the initial period of the moon’s growth, but it is also possible to read conspiracies in other lunar phases.

Ritual for the new month

One of the most powerful pregnancy conspiracies is a conspiracy for the new month, that is, on the night from the first lunar day to the second lunar day.

On the new moon, look at the new moon and repeat these words three times:

Fertilize my womb with healing seed!

It will take a month to grow at night, and my belly will grow during the day.

It will be a month to gain weight, I will get rounder.

Like the full moon, I will be full of a child.

My child will be as clear as the moon, as beautiful as the moon.

Just as the new month will certainly be born, so will my baby be born.”

That same night, with maximum tenderness and passion, make love to your husband or lover, trying not to think about your unborn child.

On the marital bed

Another pregnancy conspiracy is pronounced on the marital bed. In the absence of your husband, take off all your clothes and go to bed.

Close your eyes and, stroking your stomach, say:

The sheep has lambs, the cat has kittens, and I have guys.

Bless me, holy bed, so that I don’t walk around empty,

so that I have someone to look after, so that I have someone to warm up,

so that you have someone to have fun about, someone to lean against in your old age.”

Repeat this ritual on all days when you hope for successful conception.

With wheat grain

A pregnancy spell with a wheat grain is good for those who have their own garden or summer cottage. In spring, take a large and beautiful grain of wheat.

Just as the wheat starts to sprout in the fall, so will I have a baby.”

Plant the enchanted seed in the ground and provide it with maximum care and the best conditions for growth. The better the ear grows, the more hope you have of giving birth quickly and safely.

Appeal to water

Another ancient pregnancy conspiracy involves turning to water, the parent of all life. On the days of the summer solstice, come to the bank of a river or lake with the clearest water possible. Undress completely and enter chest-deep water.

While standing in the water, say the following spell:

They gave me fertility,

Give me a beautiful and healthy baby!”

After this, quickly lower your head into the water. Having emerged, repeat the spell and ablution again. There should be seven repetitions in total.

Reasons why the ritual may not work

Unfortunately, even the most powerful magical spells do not always guarantee successful conception. And this can be due to a variety of reasons. First of all, it is important to follow the recommendations of a particular ritual; without this, any ritual will not be effective.

In addition, before performing a magical act aimed at conception, you need to be examined by a doctor. Moreover, both spouses must undergo the examination. And if the doctor discovers any abnormalities, then you must first get rid of them. Although sometimes obvious problems with reproductive function are often associated with problems at the energy level. For example, problems with childbirth may be associated with damage or a generational curse. In this case, the problem will need to be solved by other magical means that only a professional magician can offer.

You should also know that a pregnancy conspiracy will only work if the desire to conceive a child is mutual among the spouses. A woman's desire to become pregnant should be especially strong.

For the success of a magical ritual, faith in magic and in a positive result is very important. If you have the slightest doubt in your soul, you should refuse the magical act; there will be no meaning in it. A pregnancy conspiracy will be effective only against the backdrop of mutual and sincere love between partners.

In addition, as strange as it may sound, the reason for the ineffectiveness of a magical ritual aimed at conception can be everyday dissatisfaction. If you are one of the people who believe that you need to give birth to a child only after improving your living conditions and increasing your income level, then no magic spell will help you get pregnant. It is important to realize that the baby cannot be a burden under any circumstances.

When a woman who wants to give birth to a child reads a pregnancy plot, the magic words attract special healing energy to her. Such a favorable atmosphere will persist for some time and will contribute to the healing of problem areas of the body. In addition, magical words will attract desired events into life, which in this case are associated with the birth of a child.

You should be patient after the ceremony and wait a little, because a pregnancy plot never works with lightning speed. And, of course, after the ritual, you need to actively make love in order to provide an opportunity for the birth of a new life.

Conspiracy to conceive a child

Pregnancy conspiracies

Nowadays, full of negativity and constant stress, married couples often face the problem of physical or psychological infertility. Even despite a great desire to become full-fledged responsible parents and support from medicine, it is not always possible to achieve your goal and conceive children. In this case, the familiar and effective simple plot to conceive a child comes to the rescue.

What is the meaning of the ritual?

When performing a ritual, you can ask for a boy or a girl

There are a huge number of active magical rituals aimed at one goal or another, but the ritual for conceiving a child is particularly pure and is a product of white magic.

In order for simple conspiracies and prayers for conceiving a child to be endowed with meaning and the main goal to be achieved, the person who reads the text must attract certain forces that take his side and help him achieve what he wants.

This ritual is used by many couples, those who want to conceive children at a certain time so that he will be born under a certain zodiac sign, and those who have repeatedly turned to reproductive clinics for help and have reproduced the long-awaited offspring. And also those who want to influence the sex of the child even before pregnancy, so that the birth is sure to be a boy or only a girl.

To conceive a healthy child

Every woman wants to be a mother

True happiness for a woman is to be a mother and have healthy children, only then can she say with confidence that she has achieved it. There is one magical ritual that takes its roots from the Middle Ages, which women successfully use in our time. To perform the ritual you will need:

  • A small leather pouch, which you can later wear as a pendant - an amulet
  • Amethyst stone
  • Rock crystal (another name for quartz)
  • Aventurine (multi-colored quartzite)
  • cat's eye

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Children are true happiness! And I hope that this arr.

Simoron technique. Rituals for pregnancy.

Pregnancy plot to help those who want reality

All these pebbles need to be crushed if they are too large and placed in a bag. Your amulet for conceiving children is ready. Try not to part with it until the test shows two cherished stripes, and if possible, continue to wear it until the newborn is 28 days old, it is at this time that it is recommended to destroy the magical connection created with the help of stones. There are many reviews that this ritual not only helps to get pregnant, but also reduces pain during labor.

But don’t rush to throw away the bag; perhaps one of your friends will need it soon, or you might want to become a mother again.

Amulet during pregnancy and childbirth

Use amulets when carrying a child

After the long-awaited pregnancy occurs, a woman begins to be haunted by other fears - will I be able to bear a healthy fetus, will the pregnancy be frozen, will I have a miscarriage? In order to drive away bad thoughts and prevent a bad outcome, the following conception plot is used. To complete it you only need one apple. The fruit is cut into two halves. One part will be needed for rubbing the abdomen, and during the procedure your thoughts should be positive, you should imagine the moment of birth, your joy and, of course, a healthy baby. Then the used half must be buried in the ground, preferably as far from the house as possible. Apple juice should be washed off your stomach.

The remaining half of the apple is needed for internal consumption, as a symbol of the future health of the mother and future children. If you suffer from an allergic reaction to this fruit, of course you do not need to eat it.

Correct pronunciation is the key to results

The words of the spell must be recited by heart.

The words spoken during a spell for quick conception and easy pregnancy are a message to higher magical powers, so you need to pronounce them especially slowly, with placement, constantly imagining a cloudless future in which all goals will be achieved. In the case of a conspiracy for successful conception, a woman should imagine herself as a mother, imagine walking together with her child, how she will hug and kiss him. There is a small peculiarity regarding the reading of such spells: you cannot use several variants of spells at once, you should give preference to a maximum of two or three and work only with them. Also, do not forget about the sequence and use of special magic items; changing or adding them is strictly prohibited.

The words are read only in private, without strangers, preferably in complete silence with a lit candle. Many women note greater results if reading a plot to speed up conception takes place while standing with bare feet on the ground. Why does this make sense? The earth is a symbol of fertility, interaction with it increases your chances of pregnancy.

Do not read spells and prayers from a piece of paper, they need to be learned by heart so that the thought does not go astray, the pronunciation is simple, even, without hesitation.

Ritual for the waxing moon

For this ritual, you need to choose a special time so that the moon is in the waxing stage. This condition will have a positive effect on women's health. Closer to 00.00 you need to go outside; if it’s cold, you can go out onto the balcony. While gently stroking your growing belly, say the following words addressed to God:

“Creator, my God! I am grateful for the gift that you have given me, I wear it with pride, giving my unborn child my flesh and blood. Give him health, make him strong like the wind, give him the power of the moon.”

Ritual for quick pregnancy

Rituals with holy water

To ensure pregnancy occurs as quickly as possible, use blessed water in rituals. You can use the water that you consecrated yourself on one of the religious holidays, or you can purchase it in the church, having first read a prayer before the purchase in front of the icon of the Holy Mother of God and Jesus Christ.

Closer to night, fill a bucket or basin with holy water and stand in it with both feet. It is advisable that you wear loose clothing that does not restrict your movements. To get pregnant as quickly as possible, you need to read the following lines:

“The water flows, the holy water flows, and thoughts flow on the water. I want my happiness to float to me like a boat. Let all the misfortunes sink into the water and never return to me, let the little blood in the womb be born new for me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After such ablution, you need to wipe your feet with a white new towel, cross yourself, and worship the Lord God three times, reading the “Our Father” prayer. The water is considered already waste, since you have exhausted all the strength from it, so immediately after reading the words of the conspiracy, it needs to be poured onto the ground.

Ritual with knots

We knit knots during a conspiracy

This ritual for speedy conception is considered one of the most powerful and successful. Its meaning is as follows: a girl who dreams of becoming a mother knits knots for forty days (they do one a day), while each time she reads a prayer, asking God to give her a long-awaited baby. For such a magical effect, you will need a rope made of natural fabrics, preferably linen, preferably scarlet. Start tying knots for the waxing moon so that your desire is also fueled by the energy of the heavenly body. The words are pronounced as follows:

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