How ? This can be done in two ways. The first is planting seeds directly into the ground, and the second is planting seedlings. Both methods require some knowledge in order to subsequently get a good harvest.

An important point for a successful harvest is choosing a location and preparing the soil for planting. A suitable place would be where vegetables such as cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini or squash have not previously grown. This will help prevent the accumulation of various pests and diseases. But if this is not possible, then the location must be changed every 4-5 years. It is better to choose a sunny and low-wind area for planting.

Cucumbers need feeding and fertilizing with nutrients. Organic fertilizers have a particularly good effect on them.

Beds for planting plants must be prepared in advance. In the fall, the area must be dug up to 25-27 cm, then a layer of organic matter must be added - chicken manure, cow manure, humus and left for the winter. You will need 1 bucket of fertilizer per 1 square meter.

In the spring, before planting, the soil needs to be moistened abundantly.

Growing cucumbers by seeds

Growing cucumbers from seeds is not very difficult. But it is still painstaking work, so you need to know the basic rules of planting.

Seed preparation and processing

It is necessary to choose quality ones. To do this, you need to treat the seeds with a weak solution of manganese and place them in water at room temperature for 20-30 minutes. Unsuitable seeds for sowing will float to the top, while good ones will remain at the bottom. Then it is advisable to germinate selected seeds.

Place them in a wet cotton cloth for two to three days. Seeds that have hatched can be safely planted in the ground.

Healthy cucumber bushes

Planting seeds in the ground

You can plant cucumbers in open ground if the soil has warmed up to 15⁰ Celsius. The seeding depth should be 2-3 cm. Cucumbers tend to grow strongly, so they need to be planted in holes at a distance of 0.5 m × 0.5 m. If the plants are grown in rows and tied up, then the distance between the bushes should not be less than 30 cm.

You need to sow 2 seeds in each hole, but for insurance you can put more (4-5 pieces). After germination, the cucumbers need to be thinned out and the 2 strongest seedlings left in the holes.

Growing cucumber seedlings

The method of growing cucumbers with ready-made seedlings allows you to get a harvest earlier than from seeds. But this process is labor-intensive and requires a special approach.

First you need to prepare the seeds and select the best ones, as described above.

Preparing soil and containers for seedlings

Next, you need to prepare the soil and containers in which the seedlings will grow. Soil can be purchased at specialized stores. Most often, such soil consists of peat with the addition of mineral fertilizers.

You can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, you need to take 2 parts of peat, the same amount of humus and add 1 sawdust. You can add a little compost. For 10 liters of this mixture add 3 tbsp. spoons of wood ash and 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska. It is better to prepare such soil in the fall. If you plant seeds immediately in such soil, there is a chance that the seedlings will burn.

The easiest way to prepare soil at home is to take soil from the bed where garlic or onions grew. The soil must be mixed with mineral fertilizers and watered with a weak solution of manganese for disinfection purposes.

Containers for growing seedlings may be different. Any plastic jars, containers or food cups are suitable for this. To save space, you can grow seedlings in wooden boxes. But when planting plants in the ground, it will be difficult to remove them from the containers without damaging the roots. This can slow down the process of seedling establishment and reduce yield. It should be remembered that holes must be made in the bottoms of such containers to avoid moisture accumulation.

It is best to plant the seeds in special peat pots. There is no need to replant the seedlings, since they are planted in the ground along with peat pots. The walls of such containers are porous and allow plant roots to grow freely through them. In addition, they do not contain toxins or harmful substances, are quite moisture-resistant and durable.

Planting seedlings in peat pots in open ground will ensure a high percentage of plant survival. Over time, the pot decomposes in the soil and serves as additional fertilizer. This method guarantees an earlier harvest.

Another method that will be convenient for the gardener and not traumatic for cucumbers is planting them in special glasses. They are made of plastic, but denser than those used for food products. They are even more stable, dark in color, which helps retain heat, and also already have drainage holes in the bottom.

When you transplant plants into open ground, you just need to press a little on the walls of the glass and the earthen lump will easily come out of it. Since it was in the glass for quite a long time, it retains its shape well for some time, so there is absolutely no threat to the roots.

Glasses, like any other container in which you will grow cucumbers, should be placed on some kind of platform. This is necessary so that excess moisture can drain without problems without lingering at the roots of the plants.

Sowing seeds and caring for seedlings

After you have selected containers for seedlings, you need to fill them with prepared soil, but there is no need to compact it. Next, sowing should be carried out. You need to plant 2-3 pieces in each cup, no more than 2 cm deep.

The planted seeds need to be provided with an air temperature of 22 to 25 degrees Celsius and a bright room. It is better to place the plants on the windowsill and make sure that there are no cracks or drafts. It is necessary to water every day, but not too much.

The first shoots will appear in 5-7 days. For accelerated growth and development, you can install additional lighting in the form of energy-saving lamps. The backlight should be turned on during daylight hours and turned off at night. Watering is done with settled water, at room temperature, once a day.

7 days before planting in open ground, seedlings can be taken outside for 2-3 hours. This way the plants will harden and be able to quickly adapt to natural conditions.

If all the rules are followed, ready-made seedlings can be obtained within three weeks from the moment the seeds are planted.

If you germinated the seeds before planting, then you should not put two or three pieces in a glass. In each prepared hole you should place only one seed with the sprout facing up. It is better to use plastic tweezers for this, since the sprouts are very fragile and if they are damaged, nothing will grow. After the seed is planted, it must be very carefully sprinkled with soil and watered with lukewarm water. We recommend using a watering can with a diffuser.

You need to water as the soil dries, and not only the top layer. In order to understand whether watering is required, you need to feel the soil with your hands or dip a wooden stick into it. If it turns out to be wet, watering is not necessary. If you simply moisten the soil at some intervals without checking whether it is dry, then there is a high probability that the roots will begin to rot.

Seedlings must be hardened off before planting in open ground, otherwise they may not survive, or at least get sick after transplanting. It’s worth starting with a few hours, but in the last days before planting, you need to walk the seedlings longer.

We recommend preparing in advance the supports or trellises on which you will grow cucumbers. If they are installed after planting seedlings, there is a high risk of injury to both the roots and the above-ground parts of the cucumber. In addition, they need to be tied up almost immediately so that the plant does not trail along the ground.

Transplanting seedlings into open ground

Readiness can be determined by the following criteria:

  • Plant height should be about 30 cm
  • The seedling should have 2-3 leaves
  • Stems – fleshy and strong
  • The leaves are dense, dark green in color
  • Well developed roots

Planting in the ground is usually carried out in early May, and in the northern regions - at the end of May. Cucumbers are very heat-loving plants and do not tolerate sudden temperature changes and frosts.

Seedlings should be planted in holes 10-12 cm deep, depending on the size of the root system. After planting, the plants should be properly cared for.

Care, watering and fertilizing

Cucumbers, like every vegetable crop, need proper care: weeding, loosening the soil, watering and fertilizing.

Produced every 10 days. To do this, you need the following solution: add 1 liter of mullein and 30 g of saltpeter or urea to a bucket of water. For each bush, 0.5 liters of mixture is enough. After the first color appears, take the same solution with the addition of 40 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium salt. For each plant, 250 g of fertilizer is enough.

Feeding should only be done in the evening. Make sure that fertilizers do not get on the foliage, otherwise burns may appear on the plants in hot weather.

Cucumbers need watering as the soil dries out. On dry days this should be done daily. It is advisable to water them with warm water. You can place a barrel or tank of water next to the beds. During the day the water will warm up well, and in the evening it will be possible to water. Do not overfill the cucumbers.

Excessive watering promotes increased growth of canes and reduces fruiting.

If the summer is very hot, the plants may begin to wilt. Then they can take an invigorating shower from a hose with cool water. This procedure is carried out during the daytime. A refreshing shower will wash away dust, lower the temperature and help the cucumbers survive the heat.

It is necessary to maintain high soil moisture. And at the end of summer, watering should be reduced to avoid rotting of the root system and stems.

After each feeding and watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil and hill up the bushes. The soil must be carefully loosened between the rows so as not to damage the root system of the plants. Hilling will help retain nutrients in the soil and retain moisture in it.

Weed the beds regularly. Make sure that weeds do not clog not only the row spacing, but also the vines themselves. Remove weeded grass away from the beds.

At the beginning of fruiting, the crop is harvested every 3-5 days. During the period of intensive ripening, cucumbers must be picked every day. The fruits grow very quickly, so you need to make sure that they do not overripe. Harvesting is best done in the morning, after the dew has disappeared, or in the evening, so that the fruits are not sluggish. To keep cucumbers fresh, you can cover them with a tarpaulin or burlap during the daytime.

After the last harvest of fruits, it is necessary to put the beds in order. To do this, you need to carefully remove all the lashes and remaining weeds and burn them. Next comes the preparatory work of the beds for wintering.

While watching the video you will learn about the soil.

Planting cucumber seedlings in open ground is the most difficult stage in growing cucumbers. Not all novice vegetable growers are familiar with the peculiarities of planting this vegetable. Therefore, it is recommended to familiarize yourself in advance with how to properly plant seedlings.

Before transplanting cucumbers into the garden, you need to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of planting seeds for growing young seedlings. It is recommended to do this in early spring, so that you can transplant cucumber seedlings into open ground in June or May.

Seed preparation

To grow healthy seedlings, you need to prepare the seed in advance. The preparatory work consists of several successive steps that you should familiarize yourself with.


Calibration is carried out to select seeds that will germinate better. To select the highest quality seeds, a special saline solution is prepared, consisting of a liter of warm water and 100 grams of salt. To get rid of low-quality seeds, you need to pour all the seeds into the prepared solution and soak them in it for about 15 minutes. During this time, seeds will float to the surface, which are better not to plant, as they will not sprout anyway.


After selecting seeds that can be planted to grow seedlings, it is necessary to disinfect them.

To disinfect cucumbers, you can use a solution made from manganese. During disinfection, all grains are placed in a container with a weak 1% manganese solution. They should be soaked in it for at least half an hour, after which they are dried and placed in an ash solution for a day.

Heat treatment of seed material is also often used for disinfection. However, it is worth considering that when processing seeds at high temperatures, you can not only destroy all pathogens, but also damage the grains. Therefore, heat treatment must be done very carefully. To heat treat cucumbers, you need to soak them in water, the temperature of which should be at least 45 degrees. Processing time is approximately 45 minutes. If heat treatment is carried out longer, the seeds may deteriorate.

Use of biostimulants

To speed up the time of planting seedlings and speed up the germination of seeds, you can use special biostimulants. They contain special components, with the help of which the development of the root system is accelerated several times and the immunity of cucumbers is improved. Many vegetable growers use preparations such as “Sodium Humate” or “Epin”.

Soil preparation

Before planting cucumbers to grow seedlings, you need to prepare the soil. The soil mixture for cucumbers should be prepared from the following components:

  • Peat. It is recommended to plant cucumbers in soil with a sufficient amount of peat. With the help of this component, the soil is made more loose, making it better permeable to moisture. If there is little peat in the ground, the plant's roots will not receive enough moisture.
  • Humus. Cucumbers grow much better in soil with humus, with which almost any soil can be made fertile and nutritious. If you do not add humus to the soil mixture before planting, then in the future the seedlings may wither due to a lack of nutritional components.
  • Leaf soil. It is better to grow cucumber seedlings in soil mixed with leaf soil. It is recommended to collect such soil in forests with deciduous trees. Land collected near chestnuts and oaks should not be used, as it contains too many tannins.

Selection of capacity

Before planting, it is recommended to select containers for cucumbers that can be used during planting. You can use peat pots for this. The main advantage of such a cup can be considered the guaranteed survival rate of seedlings during transplantation. The fact is that the seedlings can be transplanted together with the cup and therefore it is impossible to damage the roots of the bushes during transplantation.

When choosing such a container, you need to carefully study its composition. Some manufacturers add cardboard to them, which negatively affects the growth of seedlings.

Also, planted seedlings can be grown in plastic containers. You can grow 5-10 bushes in them at once. Some vegetable growers refuse to use plastic containers, since it is quite difficult to get grown seedlings out of them.

How to plant seeds

To plant seeds in peat glasses, you need to add the previously prepared soil mixture. It should fill the containers to two-thirds of the total height. After this, the soil in the cups is watered with warm water and compacted.

Holes are made in each pot for planting seeds. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to bury cucumber grains. Seeds with buried holes germinate much more slowly. Therefore, the depth of the holes should not be more than 1-2 cm.

When all the cucumbers are planted in cups, they should be covered with plastic wrap and transferred to rooms with temperatures above 20-25 degrees. The pots are opened only after the first shoots appear.

How to plant cucumbers in open ground with seedlings

Transplanting cucumber seedlings into the ground is a rather complex process for which you should prepare in advance.

When to plant cucumber seedlings in open ground

Not everyone knows when to transplant cucumber seedlings into the ground. It is recommended to do this a month after planting the seeds in pots. If cucumbers are grown in greenhouses, then the germinated seedlings can be planted in mid-spring. When planting in the garden, it is better to wait for warm weather so that night frosts do not damage the planted seedlings.

Site selection

Having decided when you can transplant cucumber seedlings, you should start choosing the most suitable site for growing the vegetable. It is recommended to plant seedlings only in those parts of the garden that are well lit throughout the day and protected from strong north winds.

When choosing a place to plant cucumbers, you need to pay attention to the soil. The best choice would be a site dominated by loamy soil with a lot of humus. You can also reap a good harvest if you grow seedlings in black soil mixed with peat.

In addition, you need to pay attention to what kind of vegetable was grown on the site before planting the cucumbers. It is better to plant cucumber seedlings in areas where tomatoes, cabbage or perennial herbs were previously grown.

Site preparation

Before planting cucumber seedlings, you need to prepare your garden. This needs to be done in the fall, before the cold weather sets in. First, all remnants of plants that were previously grown here are removed from the entire area. If they are not removed in time, then in the spring they will become the main source of diseases that can infect seedlings.

After getting rid of plant residues, you need to start fertilizing the soil. To do this, about 20 kg of rotted manure is added to each square meter. Repeated fertilization is carried out in the spring 2-3 weeks before planting the seedlings. In this case, hot manure is added to the ground to warm the soil at least a little after winter. In just a week, the soil should warm up by 10-20 degrees.

How to plant cucumber seedlings

To figure out how to properly plant cucumber seedlings, you should study in more detail the features of planting seedlings.

Planting cucumber seedlings in open ground begins with preparing holes for planting. The distance between transplanted seedlings depends on their variety. When planting low-growing cucumbers, there should be no more than five plants per square meter of land. Tall varieties are planted at a greater distance and therefore about 3-4 bushes should grow on one square meter of garden.

After preparing the holes, you should start removing each seedling from the pots. Seedlings should be removed from the containers along with the soil to protect the roots from damage. When growing seedlings in plastic disposable cups, you can simply cut out the bottom and pull out the seedling.

Planting cucumber seedlings in the ground should be done very carefully. They must be planted in such a way that the hypocotyledon knee is not accidentally covered with soil. When all the cucumbers are planted, the holes should be filled with dry soil and moistened with heated water.


Immediately after transplanting cucumbers, you should think about proper care for them. It is proper care that contributes to the formation of good and large fruits on the bushes.


For the full growth of planted seedlings, it is necessary to regularly water the cucumbers. Also, soil moisture affects the taste of the fruit. If you water the bushes regularly, the cucumbers will not be bitter.

In normal weather, the soil should be moistened at least once a week. However, in summer, the amount of watering should be doubled, since on hot days the soil dries out faster. At least 10 liters of water should be consumed per square meter of land.


The soil must be regularly fed with nutrients. If you completely refuse to fertilize, the cucumbers will be small and bitter. Three or four feedings are carried out per season. In this case, fertilizers should be added for the first time two weeks after transplanting the seedlings. Chicken droppings, ash and mullein are added to the soil. If necessary, mineral fertilizers such as potassium sulfate, superphosphate and urea are added to the soil. During fruit formation, the amount of fertilizer applied doubles.


Transplanting cucumbers is of interest to many vegetable growers who plan to grow them. In order to properly transplant seedlings, you need to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of planting cucumbers in advance.

Planting cucumber seedlings is one of the most important stages of growing a vegetable. Seeds are planted in the spring so that the sprouts become stronger before planting. It is important to clearly determine the timing of picking seedlings. Planting too early can cause young plants to dry out or die. However, overexposure in home (“greenhouse”) conditions leads to weakening of the bushes. After planting, they quickly succumb to garden diseases and die, despite constant care.

How to prepare seedlings?

Many experienced gardeners prefer to sow cucumber seeds directly into the ground. Whether to follow their example or not depends on the climatic conditions of your region. You must also rely on previous experience. It is better to play it safe and plant the seeds in small containers with prepared soil. Before disembarking. It must be intended for planting in open ground.

Best options:

  • "Universal";
  • “Competitor” (early variety);
  • "Altaic";
  • "Cascade";
  • Varieties of the F1 family (“Leader”, “Gherkin Kai”, “Twixie”, “Novgorodets”, etc.)

You need to plant the seeds in a small container, 2-3 seeds each, not exceeding a depth of 3 cm. Disposable plastic cups, a quarter covered with soil, are suitable for this. The ideal option is a mixture of peat, humus, turf soil and mullein in a ratio of 5:3:1:1. When the sprout reaches 3-4 cm in height, it is necessary to transplant it into a larger container to activate the development of the root system. Some gardeners prefer to immediately plant long seeds so as not to disturb the fragile roots during transplantation.

Any seedling needs proper care and certain conditions. for rapid seed germination – 25 degrees. At lower temperatures, the sprouts will sprout later (about the 10th day). Seedlings can be transplanted into the ground no earlier than 3 weeks after seed germination, when at least 2 leaves appear on each bush. At the same time, the temperature outside should remain stable and not fall below 18 degrees during the day and 15 degrees at night. In warm regions, planting is possible in May. According to general recommendations, seedlings should be planted between June 5 and June 15, when temperature conditions normalize.

Before planting in open ground you need. 7 days before planting, reduce the room temperature to 16 degrees. You can take the boxes with seedlings out onto the balcony. This procedure will help the plant adapt to the upcoming transplant into the ground.

Soil preparation

It is not advisable to plant cucumber seedlings in the place where other pumpkin crops previously grew. This increases the risk of contracting viruses and infections left over from other vegetables. Cucumbers can be planted in place of tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage and peas. The root system of cucumbers is weak, but it quickly absorbs moisture with nutrients and minerals.

In the fall, the area for planting cucumbers needs to be dug up, the roots and branches of old plants removed, fertilizers applied, etc. Cow manure is applied at the rate of 1 liter per 1 square meter. 10 days before planting seedlings in open ground, you can dig up the beds again and apply fertilizer. Digging depth – 15 cm.

Planting should be done in prepared soil, reminiscent of a “layer cake”. Correctly lay out the layers in the following sequence:

  • pine sawdust or chopped pine brush;
  • compost (humus);
  • peat;
  • sawdust (straw);
  • cow manure (can be replaced with humus with the addition of ash);
  • earth (chernozem).

The last (earth) layer should be at least 20 cm thick. After laying out the layers, two days before planting, you need to water the soil with hot water (at least 60 degrees). This disinfects the soil.

It is better to plant seedlings in holes that have just been filled with hot water.

How to plant?

When the seedlings have become stronger and the ground temperature has reached 13 degrees, you can begin planting cucumbers in open ground. It is important to correctly calculate at what distance to place the beds. It depends on the variety of cucumbers and the type of planting. Planting can be horizontal or vertical.

With the horizontal method of planting seedlings, the stems of the plant spread along the ground. The beds should be located at a distance of 100 cm from each other. The holes should be at a distance of at least 60 cm. If you have installed supports along which the bushes will climb upward, you can plant the seedlings at a distance of 40 cm. It is advisable to maintain a distance between the beds so that the rows of plants do not shade each other. Cucumbers should be evenly illuminated by sunlight.

“At what depth should I plant seedlings?” - another frequent question from beginning gardeners. The depth of the holes should be from 10 to 12 cm. The deeper the hole, the colder the soil. The root system of cucumbers stops growing if the soil temperature drops to 14 degrees.


From the moment of planting until the end of fruiting, cucumbers need care in the form of fertilizing and watering. Immediately after planting in open ground, you need to fill the seedlings with warm water. Cucumbers do not need fertilizing before flowering. All care consists only of regular watering (once every 5 days with water no colder than 25 degrees). In rainy weather such frequent watering is not necessary. During drought it should be applied once every 3 days. It is important to consider in which region the summer cottage is located.

This is interesting

Few people know that cucumber is a vegetable crop belonging to the pumpkin family. The small green cucumbers that we eat are unripe fruits. Vegetables grown independently are always tastier, juicier and healthier.

The period for further fertilizing is 10-14 days. Until the end of fruiting, you need to make from 6 to 8 fertilizing. Care involves regular weeding and loosening of the soil. This contributes to better nutrition of the root system.

To ensure a rich harvest of cucumbers, you need to follow the rules for growing seedlings and replanting them in the ground. It is important to correctly determine the timing of picking and calculate at what distance to place the beds and holes. Any vegetable crop needs proper care during the period of growth, flowering and fruiting. This is a set of measures: watering, fertilizing and weeding the soil.

Cucumbers are a favorite vegetable on any table. But this fruit will be even tastier if you grow it with your own hands. Cucumbers are planted using seedlings, which are prepared at home in the spring. Before you start growing cucumbers, you need to learn more about the whole process of work in more detail, armed with advice.

When and why are seedlings planted?

Every year, gardeners are tormented by the question of choosing the right time to plant prepared seedlings. After all, on the one hand, you want to plant everything quickly in order to enjoy the harvest earlier, but on the other hand, if you plant cucumber seedlings too early, there is a risk that they will freeze during unexpected frosts and there will be no harvest.

Gardeners can be helped by various calendars with planting dates and recommendations printed directly on bags of seeds of a particular variety of cucumbers or any other vegetable. But you should always rely on your experience of previous years, focusing on natural climate changes.

Cucumber seedlings are planted in the spring. In order to enjoy them for as long as possible, it is necessary to take care of them at the inception stage. That is, you should under no circumstances rush into seedlings. After all, the root system of cucumbers is very weak and no procedure will help make it stronger. Only supports and garters can help.

It is important to remember that cucumbers are grown from seeds, which, by the way, germinate very quickly, so you should not rush to plant them, since long-term conservation at home will make cucumber seedlings even weaker.

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How to plant seedlings

Planting seedlings and growing them is not that difficult. Of course, many people sow seeds directly into the ground, and many manage to reap good harvests. But still, planting ready-made seedlings is much more reliable.

Seedlings are grown in small containers with soil, where seeds are placed in 2-3 pieces. This way you can increase the likelihood of a sprout appearing. As soon as the seedlings appear, everything unnecessary must be removed so that nothing interferes with growth.

Gardeners prefer to plant cucumbers in the ground, starting with individual small cups, followed by transplanting the grown seedlings into larger containers. Although others take the position that they can be sown initially in a large container and not disturb the sprouts by the replanting process.

It is undesirable to use clay soil for growing seedlings, but this is not a problem, because in stores you can now buy any soil with various additives, fertilizers, and so on. Many have their own excellent land, which is what they use.

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Methods of planting cucumbers, choosing seeds

Planting potted seedlings: a – formation of a hole; b – hole filled with water; c – placement of seedlings in the hole; d – sealing a pot with seedlings.

Cucumbers are grown in open ground, but the most commonly used option is the preliminary cultivation of seedlings at home. Both methods guarantee an excellent harvest. The choice of one of them depends only on the personal preferences of a particular gardener, because each method has both pros and cons.

If there is a real opportunity to prepare seedlings at home, then it is best to do this and take them outside in a germinated state.

In addition, before planting cucumbers, it is important to choose the right and good seeds. Currently, there are a huge number of different varieties and hybrids, so there will be plenty to choose from. Very often, experienced gardeners prepare their seeds rather than buy them at the store.

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Growing seedlings at home

It is believed that in order to get tasty, beautiful, ripe cucumbers and in large quantities, it is necessary not only to properly care for them, but also to grow and plant them correctly to begin with. Gardeners know that the harvest will be more generous if they prepare seedlings for planting in advance. Cucumbers can also be grown at home, so preparing seedlings will not be difficult.

You need to know not only how, but also take into account all the nuances of this process, then your cucumbers will be of excellent quality.

Growing seedlings at home will take approximately 3 weeks (minimum 20 days). Considering this fact, it is necessary to calculate the time when you can plant the seedlings, so that when they are ready, you have a real opportunity to transplant them into closed (or open) ground.

The process of growing seedlings begins with preparing the seeds, germinating them and planting them in small separate containers.

Growing seedlings at home has its own characteristics regarding the growing process and care, which must be known and taken into account so as not to ruin the seedlings and not be left without a harvest.

The process of picking seedlings.

  1. Since the root system of cucumber sprouts is very weak, the replanting process is undesirable for them. To avoid injury when transplanting seedlings into the ground, it is recommended to grow seedlings in special cardboard pots that tear easily during transplantation without damaging the root system.
  2. Of course, the cups can be different, for example, plastic, but it is important to foresee in advance how the sprouts will be removed from them with the least risk to the roots.
  3. The selected containers for seedlings are filled with substrates (the nutrient mixture needed for seedlings, which can be purchased at a gardening store). Although experienced gardeners prepare this mixture themselves from peat, humus and sawdust.
  4. Cups with planted seeds must be stored in a warm place where the temperature is at least 25°C. You need to water the seedlings once a week and only with warm water. Until the sprouts appear, the containers must be covered with film to avoid moisture evaporation.
  5. In such an environment, seedlings make themselves felt already on the 5-6th day. If the temperature is lower, the germination process will be noticeably delayed, for example, the first shoots will appear only after 10 days.
  6. In cases where two sprouts appear in one glass at once, the weakest one must be removed, but not by pulling it out, but by cutting it off (to avoid damage to the root system).
  7. Cucumbers will germinate if you provide the required amount of light, a complete absence of drafts, the required temperature and mandatory fertilizing.

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The process of planting finished seedlings in the ground

Planting seedlings under frameless film shelters: 1 – central earthen roller; 2 – side rollers; 3 – furrow; 4 – seedlings; 5 – film.

Seedlings that are ready for planting are considered to be sprouts with 2-3 green leaves and a root system that has filled the entire container. Planting of seedlings occurs both in open and closed (greenhouse) soil.

It is very important to prepare seedlings for transplanting to a new place and new conditions. After all, seedlings in the soil will be exposed to lower temperatures, so you need to adapt them and increase their level of frost resistance. This procedure begins about a week before you plant it. To begin with, the temperature is lowered to about 16°C, and then the seedlings can be moved to the open air. Under no circumstances should cucumbers (existing bushes) be left in the sun.

To grow cucumbers, you need to plant the seedlings approximately from April 15 to April 20, this is for planting in closed ground (in greenhouses). If cucumbers grow in open ground, then it is recommended to plant seedlings from May 10 to May 15. Cucumbers planted in open ground must be covered with film.

What cucumbers need - we help the plant

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​After the first shoots appear, the tray is transferred to a light windowsill. Remember that there should be no drafts;​

​Technology for planting cucumber seeds for seedlings:​ ​Required: 200 g cucumbers, 20 g smoked pork belly, 25 g onions, 50 g broth, 125 g milk sauce, 2 egg whites, 20 g cheese.​​For the development of the root system, it is necessary that the soil layer be sufficient, so along the greenhouse (in its middle) you need to make a groove, the width of which is 25-30 cm and the depth of 12-15 cm. It is necessary to pour into it a soil mixture, which consists of 2 parts of turf soil and 1 part of humus. As a result, the groove should have a total layer of at least 23-25 ​​cm. A ridge will form above the groove (on both sides), onto which fresh garden soil or old greenhouse soil should be poured.​

​Seedlings must be grown in paper cups or peat pots for 20-25 days. A mixture of 3 parts low-lying peat, 1 part sawdust and 0.5 parts mullein, diluted in half with water, should be poured into the container. For 1 m3 of this mixture you need to add nitrogen (0.08 kg), phosphorus (2.9 kg) and potassium (0.48 kg). Depending on the acidity of the peat, a certain amount of lime must be added to the mixture.​

​And do not think that ordinary cucumbers do not require feeding - this should be done regularly at the beginning of flowering (first fertilization) and every 10 days during fruiting. It is believed that there should be 6–8 root dressings in total per season.​

  • ​According to experts, the process of growing cucumbers is quite easy in itself. But without knowing the nuances, you won’t get a lot of tasty and crispy cucumbers. Beginner gardeners planning to harvest at least several kilograms of cucumbers from each plant need to know that this vegetable crop loves a warm and humid climate, as well as good lighting.​
  • ​You need to prepare an organic bed in advance. Starting in the spring, when dacha work started, we form a pile of waste.​

To plant cucumber seedlings, you need to prepare the soil in advance. You will need to take 1 part of small sawdust and 2 parts of peat and humus. Based on 10 liters of this soil mixture, add 2 tbsp. nitrophoska and wood ash. Mix this soil mixture thoroughly and distribute it into small containers - for example, plastic cups.​

What to do to make plants grow quickly?

​Of course, it's a cucumber - we all know the answer very well. What do you know about this vegetable? Besides the fact that 95% of a cucumber consists exclusively of water, which perfectly removes toxins from the body, what is valued in cosmetology for its whitening properties? I will be happy to share with you, my dear amateur gardeners, amazing facts from the life of the green and pimply king of the vegetable garden.​

​Before planting cucumber seedlings, you need to remember that crop rotation should be observed when planting them. It is not recommended to plant cucumbers in places where they already grew last year. In the place where the pumpkin grew, cucumbers can only be planted after 4 years. The optimal precursors for these plants are cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, as well as legumes and green crops.​

​In a month, your seedlings will be strong and strong enough to transplant to the ground.​

Soaking the seeds. To do this, they are wrapped in cloth and then soaked in a container of water at a temperature close to room temperature. The water should only slightly cover the seeds. Its excess will negatively affect the quality of the seedlings; Peeled fresh cucumbers need to be cut into pieces and the seeds removed. Lightly fry the onion cut into slices along with pieces of smoked brisket in a deep frying pan. You should also add chopped cucumbers and add meat broth. Then cover the pan with a lid and simmer until the cucumbers soften. When they become soft, you need to add half the milk sauce, salt and pepper. Next, you need to beat the egg whites into a thick foam, grate the cheese and add it all to the remaining milk sauce. Then pour the prepared sauce over the cucumbers and bake in the oven until golden brown. Next, in the middle of the greenhouse, you should make transverse oblong holes, the depth of which is 10-12 cm. These holes must first be watered with warm water, then the seedlings should be planted in pairs so that they in an inclined position and facing the pots towards the center. To speed up the appearance of side shoots, you need to pinch the apical bud above the 3-4th leaf. Early ripening varieties do not need to be pinched.

Seedlings, planting and growing cucumbers

​After sowing, it is necessary to maintain air humidity at 70-75%. It is better to remove late-appearing plants, as they will produce little yield in the future. As a rule, until the seedlings are planted in the ground, there is no need to water them, since the humidity in the pots is kept within 72%. If it decreases, then it is necessary to start watering. A few days before planting the seedlings, they should be accustomed to the outside air. The day before planting, you need to feed with mineral fertilizers: ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate, superphosphate at the rate of 10:30:40 g per 10 liters of water, which is enough to treat 1 m2. To avoid burns on plants after feeding, you need to wash off the fertilizers with clean water.​

​Between them there must be abundant watering, which can be easily combined with the addition of organic matter. A solution of bird droppings in water in a ratio of 1 to 25, or mullein in a ratio of 1 to 10, is ideal as an organic fertilizer. The rate of application of solutions is approximately 5 liters per 1 m².​

How to water cucumbers correctly

Brief cultivation technology

Cutting grass, unnecessary tops, culling seedlings, as well as leftover food will be used. We put all this together, and the process of rotting will slowly take place inside.​

Place the swollen seeds in containers - 1-2 grains in each, water lightly. Seedlings are planted in April. Watering is done once a week. In about a month, the cucumber seedlings will be ready to move into open ground.

​They came to the human table more than four thousand years ago, during the prehistoric Mesopotamian civilization. Among the natives of the Pacific archipelagos, wild cucumber is a real delicacy and even a measure of prosperity. They are buried in earthen pits, wrapped in banana leaves - this is such an amazing way of preservation. The more cucumbers the owner puts in his storage, the richer he is considered!​

Cucumbers should be planted in well-lit areas that are well protected from northern winds. They grow best on light, loose and fertile soils. After planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly during the first days. You can install arcs and cover the plants with film.​

Some gardeners complain that their seedlings have become very elongated. Why do cucumber seedlings stretch? Seedlings can stretch out when the plant does not have enough natural light. Therefore, to avoid this, you need to place seedlings in areas with good lighting.​

Cucumber seedlings

​pre-sowing hardening. This process involves placing the seeds, wrapped in a damp cloth, in the refrigerator for two days. Some gardeners also recommend wrapping them in film. Seeds should be periodically monitored to ensure they do not germinate. Such hardening will increase their cold resistance;

​Pickles stuffed with fish.​

​Root rot of cucumber.​

​Good cucumber seedlings should be dark green in color, have 1 true leaf, and a thick stem.​

​Another desirable procedure is weed control. Both weeding and loosening the soil are simply necessary for cucumbers. But keep in mind that the cucumber root system can be easily damaged, as it is located very close to the top layer of soil.​ ​We recommend that you familiarize yourself with​

Planting seedlings in open ground

​In the fall we dig a trench half a meter deep. We fill the bottom with sand, lay out compost, seasoning it with chalk or dry lime. On top is a layer of fertile soil and again compost, so that it rises 20 cm above the level of the bed. Then another layer of soil. In this form the ridge will winter.

​In a greenhouse you can grow fresh, crisp cucumbers almost all year round. Of course, in the cold months it is necessary to take care of special heating and watering systems. Greenhouse farming is a fairly profitable business, especially homemade products are in demand in winter.​

​The city of Suzdal annually hosts a folklore festival that brings together crunchy vegetable lovers from all over the country and even abroad. Among historical figures, the most devoted fans of the cucumber were Napoleon and Catherine II.​

​By following the technology described above, you can get good and strong plants, and subsequently a good harvest.​

Growing in a greenhouse

​But amateur gardeners encounter a similar phenomenon even when the plants already have access to light. Why do cucumber seedlings stretch out in this situation? Seedlings are capable of stretching even if the photoperiod is short. To eliminate stretching, you can install additional lighting.​

​sowing seeds. They can be planted in cups, boxes or peat tablets. Remember that the soil for seedlings of cucumbers must contain appropriate nutrient media that will ensure normal growth of vegetables. In the case when you plant in a separate container, the picking stage is skipped (when the plants are planted in individual containers), which is very important for this plant;​

​Required: cucumbers - 4 pcs., fish fillets - 2 pcs. (not large), onions - 1 pc., butter - 1 tbsp. l., broth - ½ cup, sour cream - 2 tbsp. l., flour - 1 tsp., pepper, herbs.​

In the first days after planting, watering is not necessary so as not to cool the greenhouse. In the future, as the soil dries out, the seedlings should be watered with warm water heated to 25-30°C. The temperature in the greenhouse should be 25-27°C during the day, and 16-18°C at night. On sunny days, in order to increase air humidity, it is necessary to saturate the greenhouse with water vapor. To do this, you need to water the plants before lunch (about 3 liters per frame), and then quickly close the greenhouse with frames. To prevent the leaves from overheating, you need to ventilate 1-2 hours after the poultice, that is, raise the frames. Such poultice watering must be carried out every day (from 8 to 12 days). During this time, the growth of cucumbers will increase, and they will bloom faster.

​If you are late in planting it, this can lead to pampering, stretching of the plants and poor survival after planting. It is best to start planting seedlings in the ground in the first half of June after the danger of frost has passed. In the case where it is possible to cover it with film, planting can be postponed to the first half of May.​

​Therefore, if you are afraid of harming your crop, you can simply mulch the soil.​

Technology of cucumbers in greenhouses

​Cucumber is unpretentious to the soil layer, but grows better on light sandy and loamy soils with low acidity. It is this type of soil that is distinguished by its breathability and ability to quickly absorb water. Cucumbers do not like the presence of groundwater near the root system. Just as they don’t like planting in those beds where beets and pumpkins previously grew.​

​In early spring, cover the prepared compost bed with film to retain moisture inside. At the end of April, we remove the film, level the surface and make transverse grooves.​

​But greenhouses are not only used in agribusiness. Summer residents also actively use greenhouses to grow vegetables. The undisputed leader in popularity is cucumber.​

​If you also love cucumbers in any form - fresh, lightly salted, pickled - then this article will be interesting to you. We will try to fully cover the important nuances of growing this vegetable.​

​In this video you can see how to correctly carry out the entire process of obtaining seedlings.​

Germination of seeds before sowing is carried out in order to speed up the process of germination of the seedlings themselves. The germination itself occurs in the following way:

​soil for cucumber seedlings is best prepared as follows: 2 parts soil and 1 part peat. If desired, you can add a little sand. Pour the resulting mixture into a container so that 1 cm to the top is free. This will make watering easier;

Peeled and seeded pickles need to be filled with minced meat made from fresh fish, onions, parsley and pepper. After this, the stuffed cucumbers must be placed in a deep saucepan or frying pan, pour broth and sour cream over them and simmer on low heat for 25-30 minutes. Then the cucumbers should be removed from the saucepan. Wheat flour should be fried in wheat oil and added to the remaining broth, salt, pepper and heat, stirring until boiling. The resulting sauce must be strained into a bowl and sprinkled with dill. You can serve potatoes or rice porridge as a side dish.​

Diseases and the fight against them

​Feeding should begin when the plants develop 5-6 leaves and tendrils begin to appear. Then it should be carried out after 10 or 12 days, and in the period when fruiting begins - after a week. To carry out the first fertilizing, it is necessary to dissolve ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride in 10 liters of water at the rate of 10:10:5 g. When the fruiting period begins, the doses of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers should be increased by 1.5 times, potassium - by 2 times .​

​Scheme for sowing cucumber seeds.​

​If you do everything right, you will get a good harvest. By the way, you also need to be able to collect it correctly - you need to prevent the fruits from drying out and collect them as they ripen.​

Cucumber Recipes

Planting cucumbers in the ground has its own nuances. It is better to do this when the soil has already warmed up and the temperature has reached about 15–17 degrees Celsius. It will be correct if you prepare holes at a distance of about 50 centimeters for sowing seeds, and it is better if it is 2-3 rows.​

​We plant cucumber seeds in them in the usual way. Using this method, you can grow cucumbers; planting and caring for them does not require much trouble. But at the same time, you should carefully take care of the quality of the compost. You want your garden bed to be truly organic, built according to all the rules, and not a disgusting garbage heap. Cucumbers grow actively on compost - just have time to pick!​

​The seedlings are transferred to the greenhouse in early May, when the soil under the film or glass has already warmed up well. Directly planting cucumbers in a greenhouse begins with marking furrows. The distance between the rows should be about half a meter, and between individual plants - no less than 20 cm. The planting hole must be fertilized with an organomineral mixture and watered well. Then carefully immerse the pot with seedlings (if it is a peat cup) or a plant with a root ball of earth. Carefully sprinkle with soil and mulch.

​Modern breeding science pleases gardeners with a wide range of cucumber varieties and hybrids. According to its biological characteristics, the plant is not a vegetable, but a false berry; it belongs to the pumpkin family. Interesting fact: cucumber is a unique vegetable because it is eaten unripe. And the greener it is, so to speak, the younger, the tastier it is.​

Is it possible not to love cucumber? It always stimulates the appetite: both in summer and in winter; plucked straight from the garden and crispy pickled from a jar. But in order to grow not yellow squiggles, but delicate green gherkins in sufficient quantities, you will have to work hard, because this crop has a capricious disposition.​

​cucumber seeds need to be treated with special microelements that stimulate their metabolism;​

After sowing, all that remains is to water periodically.



The best time to plant plants in open ground is the first week of June. Planting should be done in the afternoon, that is, in the 2nd half of the day. But if the weather worsens in the evening (for example, the temperature dropped sharply or a north wind blew), planting should be postponed for a day or, using newspapers, paper and other improvised means, provide reliable protection for already planted plants.​

​Cucumbers are part of the most common vegetable crops. Everyone loves them, so this vegetable can be found in any summer cottage and garden.​

​You can grow bushes using a trellis - then the required distance between holes is 20 centimeters, and between rows - 30–40. In this case, the sowing depth should be approximately 2 centimeters, and there should be 4–5 seeds per hole. And the general rule is that when using the seedless method, it is better to use pre-soaked seeds.​

How and when to plant cucumber seedlings: technology

​Probably the most important rule is the cleanliness of the garden bed. Cucumbers don't like being next to weeds.​

Planting time for seedlings

Vegetable stems need additional support. Usually a special trellis is made for this. A wire or tight cord is pulled along the direction of growth of each cucumber row at a height of one and a half to two meters. A week after planting, twine is attached to each plant. The other end is tied to the trellis. This method of growing vegetables under a film cover gives good fruiting rates.​

​Over the years, various types of cucumbers have been bred taking into account the growing areas and human tastes. They grow in different climatic zones: from sultry Central Asia to Siberia. The vegetable is quite unpretentious in the soil and produces excellent yields with proper care.​

Landing technology

​then the seeds are dried;​

Caring for seeds until they have sprouted involves following the following rules: ​Bon appetit!​​Next you need to care for the plants, watering them between fertilizing and loosening the soil until side shoots begin to form.​

​To plant seedlings, it is necessary to arrange ridges. Then, on the side of each ridge, always on the south side, you need to plant young plants to a depth almost to the very cotyledons. Then seedlings of the following vegetable crops (early cabbage, onions or root plants) should be planted on the ridges. Planting should be done simultaneously with watering. In the future, the plants should be watered after 2-3 days, using water heated in barrels. To prevent crusts from forming, after watering, humus, turf, or soil removed from the rows should be poured into the holes under the plants.​

  • ​Good cucumber seedlings should have a thick stem and a dark green color.​
  • ​And another piece of professional advice is to constantly thin out the seedlings so that weak plants do not take moisture and minerals from strong ones. It is better not to pull out weak shoots, but to trim them. This will prevent you from damaging the root system of other cucumbers. A
  • Experienced gardeners are well aware of the rules of crop rotation. Cucumber rows can be placed in the same place only once every five years. Predecessors for planting them can be peas, tomatoes, corn, early varieties of potatoes.​
  • ​Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse is a troublesome process. It is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature; daily fluctuations will not benefit the vegetable. You also need to humidify the air inside the greenhouse and irrigate the plants with rainwater.​
  • ​According to the method of use, cucumbers can be divided into three types: canned, salad, and universal.​

​3.1 Video: Planting cucumbers in open ground in the garden​

  • After drying, they begin to germinate them.
  • ​It is best to place the container with seeds in a tray or box;​
  • In order to achieve a good and abundant harvest of cucumbers, there are several agricultural techniques. One of them is the preliminary cultivation of seedlings. In this article we will look at how to plant cucumber seedlings correctly in order to get an excellent harvest in the summer.​
  • ​Table of diseases and pests of cucumbers.​
  • ​The development of cucumber plants is positively influenced by light fertilizing, which is carried out with a solution consisting of ammonium nitrate (4-5 g), superphosphate (10-11 g), potassium chloride (3-4 g) per 10 liters of water. After the fruiting process has begun, it is necessary to increase the concentration of the fertilizing solution from 25 to 50%. When caring for cucumbers, be sure to water them, loosen the soil, fertilize and lay out the vines along the grooves and ridges.​
  • ​The technology for growing cucumbers includes soil preparation, temperature control, watering and fertilizing.​
  • ​In late varieties you need to carefully pinch the apical bud - but this should be done only when 4 or 5 leaves appear
  • ​In the first month after planting, the soil near the plants needs to be loosened very carefully and shallowly. In the future, weeding and hilling is carried out at least once a week.
  • ​If the days are sunny, do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse, but avoid drafts. Give bees access to flowers - this way you will significantly increase the future harvest. Not many people know that these amazing plants require a carbon dioxide diet. This gas accelerates the ovary of female fruiting flowers. Young cucumbers in a greenhouse need organic fertilizers. The easiest way is to place mullein cakes between the beds.​
  • ​Perhaps there is no need to explain the essence of this classification - everything is already extremely clear.​

​Before planting cucumbers in the garden, you should wait for consistently warm weather. This southerner loves warm soil (at least 15°C) - this is approximately the middle of May or its end. And if in the southern regions they grow well and bear fruit abundantly when planted with seeds, then for the middle zone it is better to use the seedling method.​

​Sprouting begins by soaking the seeds in damp gauze or a napkin on a small saucer. It is covered with glass on top to prevent water evaporation. The gauze or napkin should be periodically moistened with water at room temperature. Hardening the seeds in the refrigerator for two days stimulates germination. After these manipulations, the seeds will grow in 2-3 days. Then they begin to sow them.


​there must be holes in the bottom of the container that will provide the necessary air access;​

  • ​Many people ask the question “when to sow cucumbers for seedlings?” The difficulty with timing lies in the fact that it can be very easy to miss. Otherwise, cucumber seedlings may “overstay,” which will significantly reduce its survival rate when transferred to a new place of growth. To correctly determine the time of planting cucumber seeds, you need to know a simple rule - you can transplant seedlings into the garden bed only two to three weeks after you sow the seeds.​
  • Cucumbers are susceptible to many diseases. Most often they are affected by downy mildew, anthracnose and bacteriosis. Downy mildew appears as a white powdery coating that forms on the upper side of the leaf, and then on the underside. Anthracnose can be recognized by the formation of light brown spots on the upper side of the leaf, a pinkish bloom on the underside, and pinkish-bronze sores on the fruit. With bacteriosis, oily-angular spots appear on the leaves of affected plants, and watery spots appear on the fruits.​
  • ​An earlier and higher yield of cucumbers under film coverings is obtained using the seedling method of cultivation. Seedlings should be planted in a permanent place in early May from May 5 to May 10. Cucumbers can be planted 10-12 days earlier if you combine the use of film covers with soil heating, that is, arrange manure steam beds.​

​Scheme of a drip irrigation system for cucumbers in a greenhouse.​

​. This will significantly speed up the appearance of inflorescences and ovaries.​

​Another secret in care is the whole science of how to properly pinch cucumbers. It is not at all easy to tie a stem to a stick with a string. You need to form the bushes manually.​

​Water the plants in the greenhouse in the middle of the day, using exclusively warm water. Moreover, you can’t pour at the root! It is necessary to release life-giving moisture along the root grooves. For a simplified method of watering, many summer residents use a drip irrigation system.​

Planting in the ground

Gardeners often say that growing cucumbers at home is a matter for experienced and patient owners. After all, you need to know many nuances: understand hybrids and varieties, be able to grow seedlings, take into account the rules of symbiosis.​

​The place for planting cucumbers is chosen to be windless and sunny, the soil is loose and fertile, capable of retaining moisture. Particular attention is paid to the choice of seeds. They must be zoned, that is, intended for a specific climatic zone. Do not confuse salad cucumbers with pickling cucumbers, otherwise you will deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating pickled cucumbers.​

Also, to speed up the germination process, 6-8 year old seeds are bubbling them for 18 hours. To do this, you need to lower the aquarium processor into a jar filled with water. Then the seeds are placed there, wrapped in a porous cloth diaper (gauze will also do). After this procedure, the seeds can be sown immediately. The soil must be disinfected by watering it with a solution of potassium permanganate (the solution should be bright in color);

​At the same time, you should definitely know the climate of your region, because cucumbers are heat-loving plants. Therefore, when planting cucumbers for seedlings, air and soil temperature play an important role. The soil temperature for cucumber seedlings should be no lower than +15 degrees. However, an indicator of +15 degrees is not the most optimal, quite the contrary. Seedlings at this temperature will germinate very slowly. At this soil temperature for cucumber seedlings, the seeds will grow only during the day under the influence of sunlight, and will freeze at night.​

To combat downy mildew, spray with a weak solution of copper sulfate (5 g per 10 l of water), and for adult plants use a more concentrated solution (10 g per 10 l of water). Good results in the fight against powdery mildew, anthracnose and bacteriosis of cucumbers are obtained by spraying with 0.08% carotane, morestan or 0.5% copper oxychloride solution.​

​The old soil in the greenhouse becomes compacted over time, so sawdust or chopped straw should be added to it every year from 10 to 30%, and with them, for every 10 kg of sawdust, an additional 20 g of ammonium nitrate should be added. After adding loosening agents, the soil needs to be plowed to a depth of 15-20 cm.​

Video “Growing cucumber seedlings”

​Cucumbers can be consumed fresh, in making second courses (for example, stuffing them), and in canning. Cucumber juice has also proven itself in cosmetics and folk medicine as a laxative for stomach diseases. To obtain an excellent harvest, it is necessary that the technology for growing cucumbers be fully observed.​

Planting cucumbers in open ground. When and how to do it

​These plants, as we have already said, love warmth. Cucumbers are afraid of frost and when the temperature drops to 15 degrees Celsius, they slow down their growth, and when the temperature drops to 10 degrees Celsius, they stop growing altogether. To create optimal conditions, a cucumber requires an air temperature of 25–30 degrees Celsius and an air humidity of at least 70%.

The shoot should be pinched at a height between the third and fourth full leaves. At the same time, it is necessary to break out the buds at the top of the plant. Thanks to this, the development of lateral shoots will be stimulated, which significantly increases the percentage of successful ovaries.​

  • ​The following hybrid varieties are best suited for growing in greenhouse conditions: Hercules F1, Emelya F1, Annushka F1, Dynamit F1, Moscow Greenhouse, Russian.​

Conditions necessary for planting cucumbers in open ground

​Do you want to get a harvest of crispy cucumbers faster than your neighbors in the country? Then these tips will certainly come in handy.​

​Pre-soaking the seeds helps the sprout “hatch”, and it is also a kind of test for germination. Chlorinated tap water should be allowed to settle; it is better to take rain or melt water and it must be warm. Pre-treatment of seeds with a growth stimulator gives good results. To germinate, soak a cotton cloth in water, wrap the seeds in it and place in a plastic bag or jar. “Store” in a warm place, ensuring that the fabric remains damp at all times.​

Planting with seeds

​Additional lighting will help speed up ripening. To do this, fluorescent lamps are placed above the seedlings (approximately 5 cm from the seedlings). As the seedlings grow, the lamp will need to be raised slightly.​

Only one sprouted seed is placed in one container. This will promote faster germination;

Planting cucumber seedlings

​Approximately, planting is carried out in mid or late spring (late April or early May). By correctly calculating the time of sowing cucumbers for seedlings, you will guarantee yourself an excellent harvest in the future.​

​Cucumbers stewed in sour cream.​

​Mineral nutrition scheme for cucumber.​

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse - planting and feeding, tips

​Cucumber is an annual creeping plant that, with the help of tendrils, is firmly attached to supports and grows upward. In order to get an early and good harvest when growing cucumbers in protected soil, it is necessary to pinch the main shoot of the plants above the second or 3-4th leaf. Since the homeland of these vegetables is the hot tropics, they are very demanding of heat and moisture. People even distinguish the so-called “cucumber” years. During this period in the summer the weather should be warm, drizzling rains should fall every 1-2 days, and then there will be warm evaporation from the surface of the heated earth.​

​As for watering, the most important thing in this matter is consistency.​

​Actively growing canes must be placed on both sides of the bed. And the formation of cucumbers in a greenhouse, or more precisely, a strong, fruit-bearing bush, should begin with the appearance of the sixth leaf. When using the trellis growing method, also do not forget about the need for clothespins.​

Many summer residents prefer to grow cucumbers without seedlings. But it should be borne in mind that this crop is sensitive to solar heat and soil qualities. For her, the optimal air temperature is at least 18 degrees. Cold temperatures down to 10 degrees have a detrimental effect on the formation of cucumbers in open ground. And if this regime lasts for a long time, the plants begin to get sick and may even die. Therefore, when planning the beds on the site, try to place the cucumber rows on the south side, protected from the cold wind.​

​In the cucumber bed, fruits will appear earlier if you use the seedling method.​

​You need to plant seeds very carefully, because a seed with a broken sprout will not grow. Planting method is optional. If you want, plant in long rows (the distance between them is 40 cm) or plant in round holes to a depth of 5 cm. Leave about 15-20 cm of free space between the seeds. Before planting, add humus to the holes or rows, do not forget to water and cover from possible frosts.​

Types of cucumbers

​The preliminary process of seed germination will greatly facilitate the process of obtaining seedlings and make them stronger.​

​at the end of sowing, the tray with seedlings is transferred to a warm place where the air temperature will be +23 - 25 degrees;​

​Now let's move on directly to analyzing the question of how to properly grow cucumber seedlings.​

​Required: 200 g cucumbers, 20 g sour cream, 40 g butter, 75 g broth, 10 g tomato paste, herbs.​

Plants must be placed in single rows, with a distance between rows of 120 cm, in a row - 30-35 cm. Next, holes should be made, the depth of which is 8-9 cm. When planting seedlings, you need to remember that the stem should not be covered with soil. To better illuminate the plants, the distance between the holes must be different: from the side glazing and from the central aisle (between their centers) - 30 cm, and in the center of the row - 35 cm.​

If there is not enough moisture in the air, the growth of cucumber plants stops and weakens. Cucumbers are also very picky about the moisture content of the soil. Since the root system of this vegetable develops in the surface layer of soil, a change in its moisture content can have a detrimental effect on the overall development of the plants. Cucumbers need to be watered frequently, but in small doses so that the top layer of soil, 10 to 15 cm deep, is moist all the time.​

So, before flowering, you need to water it moderately, using 3–6 liters per 1 m². We carry out this watering every 6–7 days.

Watering must be done correctly. During active growth and formation of future fruits, cucumbers require a lot of moisture. When the bed is covered with flowering, watering should be reduced to once a week. And if you are already harvesting, then water the bushes every three days. Do not water with a hose under any circumstances; it is better to use a watering can that everyone is familiar with! ​

The soil for planting needs to be fertile, preferably drained, containing nitrogen in minimal quantities. Acidic soil needs to be fed with lime before planting cucumbers, and during autumn digging, add fresh manure - a bucket for each square meter of the bed.

​According to gardeners, vegetables planted in this way will delight you with the first harvest two weeks faster.​

​When it is possible to grow cucumber seedlings at home, you should know that they should not stand on the window for more than three weeks, otherwise they will outgrow. Since the roots of a cucumber are very fragile and can be easily damaged when transplanting, it is better to immediately sow them in such pots and then transfer them entirely to the ground.​

​When the seedlings have grown well enough, you can begin planting them in open soil in fresh air. Typically, planting dates are determined by weather and climatic conditions. This process is carried out only after all spring frosts have passed. The most optimal time is considered to be the beginning of June. It is possible earlier, but only if you live in a mild and warm climate. In greenhouses, planting can be done earlier - in May. Planting begins only when the soil has warmed up to +16-18°C, and the air temperature is set at an average of +18-20°C.​

Plants need to be watered twice in 7 days;

The process of planting cucumber seedlings begins from the moment the seeds are harvested. If you buy seeds, you can immediately start growing cucumber seedlings. They are sold already disinfected and prepared, so there is no need to soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. If you prepare the seeds yourself, then you need to know how to do it correctly.​

Features of growing crops in a greenhouse

Peeled and sliced ​​cucumbers should be rolled in flour, to which salt and pepper have been added, and fried in oil. Then the fried cucumbers should be placed in a deep frying pan, poured with meat broth, add sour cream and tomato paste. After this, close the lid and simmer over low heat until the cucumbers become soft enough. The finished dish must be served by pouring sauce over it, sprinkling dill on top and covering it with white bread croutons. Wheat or rice porridge is a good side dish.​

3 days after planting, the plants should be tied up. To do this, over each ridge at a height of about 2 m, you need to pull 2 ​​rows of wire or cord so that the distance between them is 20 cm. The cucumber plants are tied in a checkerboard pattern with a loose knot. Caring for planted cucumber plants should consist of watering, which should be moderate and only on warm days, with ventilation provided during sunny hours.

​For growing cucumbers, the soil plays an important role, which must be prepared in the fall. It should be sufficiently moist, necessarily loose and free of weeds. For the harvest to be effective, it is necessary to apply manure, peat manure compost, and decomposed city garbage (6-8 kg per 1 m2). It is more advisable to apply fertilizers in layers: manure - in the fall, mineral fertilizers - for pre-sowing treatment in the spring.​

​During the flowering period and appearance of cucumbers, you need to water abundantly - approximately 6–12 liters per 1 m², and watering should be done every 2 days.​

​Water should not be poured on the plants themselves, but on the soil underneath them.​

​Vegetable seeds should be planted in holes about 4 cm deep, the distance between rows should be about 60 cm. The seed is sprinkled with earth on top and watered.​

​Before growing cucumber seedlings, it is necessary to carry out preliminary work. The seed needs to be warmed up. For a month, the seeds should be at a comfortable temperature - about 25 degrees. Convenient to use household heating appliances.​

A week before transplanting, you need to start hardening the seedlings at a temperature of 12-15°C. The holes are prepared with a depth of 30-40 cm, also adding humus to them. Mix it with soil and plant the plants.​

How to grow cucumbers in open ground

Before planting, the seedlings are hardened off by placing them in the open air. A day before planting, the sprouts are watered. Before planting directly, the soil must be fertilized with compost or manure. Holes are dug in the ground with a depth of about 15 cm. The hole must be watered generously. The landing pattern is absolutely any.​

​seeds planted in the soil are covered from above with plastic wrap and placed in a warm place;​

​The seeds should be stored in a place where the temperature does not exceed +15°C and the humidity is 50-60%; under such conditions they can be stored for up to 10 years without loss of germination quality.​


​The first foliar feeding should be given to the plants immediately after they are planted in a permanent place in the greenhouse, that is, in the phase of 5-6 leaves, at the rate of 10 g of urea per 10 liters of water. Then fertilizing should be done every time after prolonged cloudy weather. For 10 liters of water you need to add 5 g of ammonium nitrate, 5 g of double superphosphate and 5 g of potassium nitrate. The solution should be used depending on the age and development of the plants, that is, 10-20 liters per 50 m2. All foliar feeding should be carried out in the 2nd half of the day.

​Scheme of planting cucumbers in a greenhouse.​

It depends on watering whether your cucumbers will be bitter. If you dry out the soil once, bitterness will appear in all subsequent fruits. When watering, it is important to use warm water at room temperature and do it in the evening.​

At the dacha, cucumbers are fertilized once every two weeks during the fruiting phase. Moreover, it is necessary to alternately apply organic matter and mineral fertilizers. Greenhouse plants are fed 5 times throughout the entire season. Summer residents use fermented infusion of chicken manure or mullein as organic fertilizer. Among synthetic products, it is better to give preference to fertilizers that are designed specifically for pumpkin crops.​

For the seedless method, it is also necessary to pre-treat the seeds, which was described above.

​Just place the grains near the battery, convector, gas boiler. Make sure that the temperature is constant and does not exceed the specified level. Why this lengthy preparation? So that the seedlings sprout together and the number of “idle” seeds, which subsequently turn into barren flowers, decreases.

​Even if the cucumbers are planted successfully, this is only a starting operation. You will need protection from the cold, weeding, pinching, regular watering - if it is not possible to do this daily, then at least once every 3 days. The calculation of the amount of water per plant is as follows: at first 1 liter, when the cucumbers grow well - 3 liters. Warmth and moisture are the main conditions for cucumber abundance in the garden.

Rules for caring for the king of vegetable beds

​If you grew seedlings in a separate plastic cup, then everything is very simple - you just need to carefully cut the cup and lower the sprout along with the soil from the glass into the previously prepared hole. Then the seedling is sprinkled with earth and compacted a little. High-quality seedlings are planted vertically, and overgrown ones - obliquely.​

​When they grow, the film is removed;​

​Seeds that have been stored for 3-4 years are considered the most productive.​

​Cucumbers with milk sauce.​

​First, the greenhouses must be cleared of snow and ice, then filled to the lining with manure, which must be spread evenly and slightly compacted. After 4 days, the manure produces sediment, so it should be further compacted, paying special attention to areas near the piping. If a stable and favorable thermal regime has been created in the greenhouse, then in the 2nd half of March (March 15-20) you can start growing cucumbers.​

Before sowing, it is necessary to select healthy seeds. To do this, they need to be selected in a 3% saline solution by specific gravity, after which they should be dried, heated at a temperature of 50-60°C for about 3 hours, and then germinated. When to sow cucumbers depends on many reasons: for example, where the plot is located, how the plants will be protected from frost, etc.​

It is better to water the cucumbers using a watering can with a sprayer. If you start watering with a stream, you can damage the root system. By the end of summer, it is not recommended to water cucumbers abundantly, and the frequency should decrease significantly.​

​Everyone is driven crazy by the smell of the first cucumber picked from their own garden. And when fresh vegetables are already a little boring, you really want to try lightly salted crispy cucumbers as soon as possible. Then comes the conservation period. Rolling the pimply gherkins into jars, we dream of how we will feast on them in winter and remember the summer days.​