Hello. In this article, I will share with you my experiences and tricks when submitting advertisements for the sale of apartments, namely, how to do it for sale. Here is a summary of the article:

1. What is a “customer profile” and why do we need it?
2. How to make for sale?

5. What should not be the description of the apartment in the advertisement for sale?

1.What is a “customer profile” and why do we need it?

It seems like a simple task to make something beautiful. But some people have real problems with this. Of course, the ad needs to emphasize the advantages of the apartment, but the ad is not “rubber”, and there is no need to write a whole poem when describing it - this scares people away. The main thing is to know who we are going to sell it to.

More precisely, for whom it might be suitable. For this we need a portrait of the buyer. Before you describe the apartment in the ad, you need to introduce the person (or family) who is looking for such an apartment.

You and I do not take exceptions, we take the total mass of potential buyers. Because both older and younger people are different. It is not necessary to “cut” everyone with the same brush. But now we are interested in the MAIN portrait of the client.
Mentally or in writing answer several questions to understand what is important to this person (family):

- How old is the person (married couple)?

If these are young people, then the floor or the condition of the apartment where the windows face is not always important to them. More important to them may be the energy of the apartment, its cost, proximity to entertainment centers, etc.

- Is he a family man or single?

If a person is single, then perhaps he will be interested in nearby cafes (canteens) with good cuisine, since he has no time to cook. If a person has a family, he will be interested in a park nearby and a good playground.

- Where does the person work?

If he works in silence, then he may be interested in an apartment near busy streets (invigorates, so to speak). Or vice versa, if a person works at a Tractor Plant with noise of N decibels, then after work he will want to take a break from the noise in a quiet apartment. Although it happens quite the opposite: noise attracts noise and silence attracts silence.

- What is the person’s salary?

If it’s low, then he won’t be able to pay for utilities in large apartments, and if it’s high, then he won’t be interested in birdhouse apartments. He needs space. And so on…

Therefore, the ad must be written based on what people want to hear.
a potential buyer about his apartment (what to see in it or next to it).

If you created an ad and it didn’t work, remake it to fit a different buyer persona. Perhaps you just didn't guess right. Test it.

You will learn more about the step-by-step real estate sales system in my course.

2. How to write a description of an apartment for sale?

More lies... Just kidding, of course. No. You can’t lie, the lie will still be revealed during the show. Here you can only leave it unsaid. You need to do it in such a way that a person (potential client) wants to watch it. And everything else is already on display.

The purpose of a beautiful apartment description is for the client to call you. You need to remember this. The purpose of describing an apartment in an ad is not to sell it. The purpose of the apartment description is
selling a call to you. So that the client wants to call you and find out the details.

This way you (at least) will still have the client’s phone number and you will be able to offer him something else if you don’t sell him a showing of this apartment.

Therefore, describe the advantages of the apartment taking into account the buyer’s portrait. There is a subtle point here. There should also be a minus in the description. Small, but still. Since a very “sugary” description of an object may arouse suspicion.

Do not describe all the advantages so that the call is a logical continuation of reading the ad. You can test calls to action: “Call”, “Call right now”, etc.

Here are examples of how to make a good description of an apartment and a not so good one:

Bad description... Who needs “Primary privatization”, “adult owners” and “all documents collected”??? The client buys what? “Primary privatization” or “adult owners”??? He is buying an APARTMENT! At least, all this is not put at the beginning of the ad, because... the client (like all of us) reads the ad from top to bottom, and not vice versa. There is a lot of text: you want to quickly move on to the next ad. You need to show with every type of ad that you SAVE THE CLIENT’S TIME (in extreme cases, you simply show mini-trust to the client, or better yet, both)

Good description of the apartment... Minimum text, maximum advantages and benefits. People want benefits and advantages. They need to save their time and energy. Then they will, at a minimum, have a positive attitude towards the ad = a positive attitude towards the person who submitted this ad. This ad makes you want to call and find out more details: this is the main purpose of the ad.

3. What photos are best to post?

Oh. This is generally a sore subject for many non-professionals. They take such pictures of the apartment that you don’t even want to go into it. But a photo increases the effectiveness of an ad by 2 (if not 3) times.

Firstly, the photo must be taken with a high-quality camera (or a phone camera with flash). If the photos are of poor quality, it is repulsive.

Secondly, the photos should be light (not dark). To do this, take pictures with a flash and (if there is a window in the frame from which light shines) try to keep the window away from
focus. For example, here is a dark photo and a light photo. Do you see the difference?

Thirdly, the apartment should not be a mess (at least in the photo). Ask the owner to clean up (tactfully, of course). Mess = unkempt = price reduction or “not calling” you.

Fourthly, there should be no people in the photo (if possible). It’s as if the property is waiting for him (the client). And then you look at some photos - you don’t want to somehow disturb people in the apartment. Well, etc. Everyone has their own cockroaches in their head (in their subconscious).

Fifthly, you need a favorable angle when taking photos. So that the plus that you want to convey with these photos is revealed to the maximum. This comes with experience, of course. For example, if you take a photo of a room without a ceiling, then visually the ceiling (in the client’s mind) seems to be higher (or lower, depending on the photo).

Or a photo in contrast (comparison) with something. If you take houses, this contrast can be made by capturing in the photo a nearby house in worse condition, etc.

For example, here is a photo:

The house for sale (with the blue shutters) seems much larger than the others behind it.

The house for sale (with the blue fence) is losing out to the house behind it.

4. What else should I consider in the apartment description when submitting an ad?

Keep in mind that the title of the ad is what a potential client pays attention to immediately, and then to the rest of the text. The purpose of the headline is to hook the client and motivate him to read the entire ad. The title contains only the advantages of the apartment (several of the most important for the buyer).

Consider the buyer persona. It's like a reprise: once twice and it's funny. Same here: once or twice and clicked on the title (to read the entire ad).

Try to gain mini-trust from the client by doing. How can you achieve confidence in yourself? Trust yourself first. Thus, knowing that you show him mini-trust, the client (in his thoughts) is obliged to show mini-trust in you. For example, you can indicate some disadvantage of the apartment (among the advantages) and describe it “honestly” using the “but” technique. “Yes, there is a minus, but there is + + +”

For example: 3 rooms for sale. apartment …. “+”…. “+”…. “+”... Of course, “-” is located in it (or next to it), but this “-” (we convert it into “+”) ... “+”. In general, we'll come to an agreement. Call! - An exclamation mark (in thoughts) is read more assertively.

How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment? Perhaps this question interests many realtors, as well as individuals who want to get rid of their real estate. A competent ad attracts clients and buyers. Moreover, it is precisely thanks to this feature that you can quickly resolve the issue of buying and selling property. Moreover, a correctly and beautifully written advertisement inspires confidence. Especially when it comes to online publishing. There is already enough variety of deception here. And I don’t really want to come across “fake” offers for selling apartments. We have to constantly think about whether we are facing a deception or not. And think about how to create an offer for the sale of property that will awaken the interest and trust of buyers. So how to beautifully write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment? What will help in this matter?


The first thing you have to do is describe the apartment. Moreover, the information should reflect reality as much as possible. Your task is to interest people in your offer.

The description is usually understood primarily as the interior, condition and furnishings that will be in the apartment. The more detailed and high-quality you make this point, the better. You can’t lie, otherwise the lie will soon be revealed. As a result, citizens will consider you a fraud. And it’s good if they simply refuse to purchase housing. Most often, an untruthful description leads to you being blacklisted by sellers. And even the most correct announcement will no longer inspire confidence.


That is, you will have to write the area in which the apartment is located, as well as the exact address: street, house, apartment. The last point may not be specified, but its presence will still encourage buyers to trust. Don't forget to also write the city in which the sale takes place.

In principle, there is nothing difficult about this. Usually both the seller and the realtor fully know the address where the property is being sold. As practice shows, buyers do not trust offers that contain only a description of the property, without an exact address. It's like buying a pig in a poke. Maybe the area itself is not suitable, but a person will go to look at the offer.


How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment? The next point worth paying attention to is the characteristics of the housing. Or rather, the building in which this or that apartment is located.

When buying a home, many people pay attention to both the year the house was built and its number of floors. Moreover, some people prefer higher apartments, while others prefer lower ones. That is, all this will have to be indicated without fail. Otherwise you will be tormented with questions. This is the best case scenario. At worst, no one will pay attention to your proposal.

Remember, the more complete information you provide, the better. After all, this indicator will play a huge role for buyers. I would like to find out as much information as possible about the housing from the advertisement in order to know for sure whether it is suitable for you or not. These kinds of proposals inspire confidence. Especially if they were posted on virtual platforms.


What else is worth paying attention to? Need to write a beautiful ad? The sale of an apartment is preceded by studying a detailed description of the home. And it must be fully provided by the seller. The more complete information he writes, the better.

As a matter of fact, for many, the so-called “environment” plays a huge role. This includes neighbors and infrastructure. Try to describe all this in as much detail as possible. You shouldn’t rant, but you should take the time to publish general features in your ad. In any case, such a technique will only attract attention.

If things are not going well with the neighbors, yard and infrastructure nearby, it is advisable to immediately warn about it. Otherwise, you will be accused of hiding important information. Please take this fact into account. Try not to lie, not to embellish, but to give only real information about housing.

Housing problem

How can you write an advertisement correctly? The sale of an apartment, as we have already said, is preceded by a preliminary study of the offer. And your task is to interest the buyer. But at the same time, do not lie to him and do not give false information. The lie will be revealed sooner or later anyway. Then you will have to look for an excuse. This is an extra negative point that is best avoided.

Remember - a good ad offers a detailed description of the item being sold. And you will have to indicate all the information that you have. In particular, regarding the basic characteristics of housing. This includes: room sizes, total residential/non-residential area, presence/absence of a balcony (loggia), description of the bathroom. The presence of this information will only attract attention. But the absence of it, on the contrary, will scare off the buyer. After all, he will not be exactly sure which offer he is signing up for. The main thing is don’t lie about the footage. You may be asked for an apartment plan at any time. On it all information will be reflected in real sizes.

About the owners

How to write the text of an advertisement for the sale of apartments? What features should you pay attention to? The fact is that the question of the number of owners worries many. And in general, how much of the real estate in question is in personal possession.

That is, you must publish information about this directly in your proposal. It is usually written after a detailed description of the housing. As a rule, it is advisable to also clarify the question regarding registration - whether minor children were registered in the apartment.

Citizens are most interested in proposals without this feature. And with one and only owner. In this case, it is desirable that the property be in the personal possession of the seller for more than 3 years. This will save you from additional expenses in the form of paying taxes. Therefore, always indicate:

  • how many owners are in the apartment;
  • how long the property has been owned;
  • presence of registered minors.


Do you want to write an advertisement correctly? The sale of an apartment is usually facilitated by the price corresponding to the characteristics. This means that it should also be written. Some people do without this item, but it is better not to neglect it. In particular, when it comes to placing an offer for sale on online platforms.

Please note that too high a price will be off-putting. Exactly the same as understated. If you are working on behalf of an agency, it is worth indicating the cost of housing, taking into account your markup for providing the relevant service to support the transaction. The main thing is to remember that all the characteristics and the price tag of the housing match.

By the way, if you do not specify this item, most likely there will be significantly fewer calls from buyers. All this is because for many, the price category of housing plays a huge, sometimes decisive role. A real estate transaction is a significant expense. I always want to know exactly what to expect in a given case.


How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment beautifully? Examples of the most successful offers necessarily include so-called contacts for feedback with the seller. Without them, it will definitely not be possible to complete the transaction. In any case, no one will be able to contact you in order to make an appointment and assess the condition of the property “live”.

Contact information is written at the very end of your proposal. Here a lot depends on who the seller is: the owner or an intermediary (real estate company). In the first case, it is enough to indicate only your personal number. It is also preferable to write down the time at which you can call without problems regarding purchase and sale issues. E-mail, Skype and other “messengers” for communication with the owner are welcome.

If we are talking about support from a real estate company, then in addition to the above points, you should also indicate contacts for communication with the relevant company. This way you will definitely not miss a single call. Moreover, potential buyers will know exactly how the transaction will take place (with or without assistance). It is very important. Some people prefer to turn only to offers from private owners, while others, on the contrary, trust only real estate agencies more. This is everyone's personal choice. But the more real contacts you write for feedback, the better.


How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment? To be honest, words alone are usually not enough for buyers to contact you. And even more so to quickly carry out a real estate purchase and sale transaction.

What else is needed? As practice shows, the presence of photographs of the object of sale plays a huge role in the ad. Photos must be high quality and detailed. It is advisable to record everything that you described: each room, non-residential premises, bathroom, kitchen, hallway, as well as the entrance, view from the yard, balcony (if any), yard. If you additionally (this is no longer necessary, an extremely rare occurrence) attach photographs of the area, it will be simply wonderful.

The main thing is that the images are new, fresh and reflect reality. Then buyers will be able to immediately assess how the price corresponds to the quality of the offer. If everything matches, then they will definitely call you. Especially if there is a detailed description of the housing.

By the way, if possible, attach to the photographs a snapshot of the apartment plan with detailed footage and location of the premises. A very interesting technique that is used by many. Now it’s clear how you can write a good ad. All of the above techniques will only contribute to the sale of an apartment.

A good example

Now it’s worth paying attention to a specific example of a successful ad. In fact, it is not so difficult to bring your idea to life. The main thing is to have detailed information about housing. And publishing it in the correct form is not so difficult.

How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment? Example of a successful proposal:

"A 4-room apartment for sale in the city of Kaliningrad at the address: Telmana Street, building 11, building B, apartment 3. German building built in 1946, brick. There is a basement and a garage on the territory, land of 7 acres (owned). Total living area apartments - 50 meters, non-residential - 20. Rooms: 11, 9, 20, 10 meters. Kitchen - 10 meters, built-in panels. Bathroom - 6 meters, combined, tiled. Central heating, meters installed for everything. Does not require repairs. Glazed loggia, 6 meters, turnkey, suitable for expanding the room. Developed infrastructure: near a kindergarten, 2 schools, park, parking, shopping center, supermarkets. 10 minutes walk to the center. Neighbors are quiet, adequate: a married couple with a child and young family without children. One owner. The apartment has been owned for more than 3 years, Estimated cost 8,000,000 rubles, negotiable. Call daily from 9:00 to 20:00, ask Alexander: XXXXXXX (where XXXXXXX is the subscriber number).

Let's sum it up

As you can see, this offer will attract buyers. It will be enough to attach photographs of the property to it - and you can put the property on public display. From now on it’s clear how to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment. If you follow the above rules, you can easily attract attention.

Try not to use short, formulaic phrases without specifics. For example, “developed infrastructure”. If you write this, be sure to indicate what exactly is located near the home. Remember: there is no exact ad template. Just some tips, rules and recommendations. By following them, you will quickly complete the transaction.

How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment? In general, in order to conduct a transaction with residential real estate, it is better to use the services of a real estate company that has a good reputation coupled with many years of experience. The specialists of this company will advertise your offer, and will also check the transaction for legal purity: they will establish the presence or absence of claims of third parties on the property being sold and will find a responsible and solvent buyer.

When contacting a real estate agency, it is important to know that an agency employee may be present during the settlement of the contract, he assists the client in selecting buyers and advertising the apartment, advises on all kinds of legal issues, that is, he acts as an intermediary, but is not a party.

But you can also submit your own advertisements. It is important to compose them correctly from the point of view of attracting potential buyers, especially if your offer is not the most profitable in comparison with others. Let's consider the features of composing “sales” advertisements, taking into account the psychology of the buyer and his needs.

How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment: a sample of a successful and unsuccessful advertisement

First, let's look at two examples of ads.

  1. “I’m selling a 2-room apartment with a separate room, a bathroom section, and a balcony.”
  2. “I’m selling a clean, bright apartment in a green area. After cosmetic repairs, new pipes, new plumbing, view of the river from the window, spacious glazed loggia, separate rooms and bathroom, quiet area, good neighbors, close to a bus stop, shops, school and kindergarten. Clean sale, all documents are in order, bargaining is possible.”

Both apartments are approximately the same in cost and characteristics. But which ad do you think will attract more attention from a potential buyer? The answer is obvious.

Hence the conclusions:

  • give the most complete description of the apartment in the description (later we will look in detail at what must be included in the ad);
  • try to attract the buyer with the advantages of your apartment (they must correspond to reality) - a good view from the window, recently completed renovations, developed infrastructure and other advantages;
  • indicate the possibility of bargaining or try to attract with some kind of bonus: for example, promise to leave a built-in kitchen (it usually always remains and is included in the price of the apartment, but the buyer does not need to know about this) - in general, promise additional benefits.

In general, show all your imagination, find all sorts of benefits from buying your apartment and offer them to the buyer.

How to write an advertisement for the sale of an apartment for posting?

One of the advertising options used to sell apartments is posting advertisements. It makes no sense if your apartment already stands out favorably among other offers: the price is reasonable, the condition is not bad, the documents are in order and there are no encumbrances or bureaucratic obstacles.

Today the situation in the real estate market is difficult - it is “standing”. And you need to sell your apartment as soon as possible.

A well-written advertisement for sale is not a magic wand, but it can increase your chances.

Informativeness, originality, creativity - these are the components of success. All this applies to an advertisement for the sale of an apartment.

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Information content

Create an ad with as much useful information as possible.

Parameters such as the size of the apartment, floor, availability of an elevator, Internet and concierge are now included in the electronic form of the advertisement, so we will not talk about them unless you are submitting an advertisement to a website on the Internet.

If you submit an ad in a newspaper, you must indicate them.

How to describe the property for sale? Start with the advantages of your apartment.

For example, “it’s warm in winter and cool in summer,” say two words about good neighbors, cleanliness of the entrance, a cozy courtyard with a playground, etc. For many, this is important information.

Indicate specific facts - the presence of repairs, improvements, redevelopment. If it exists, is it legalized?

For many, the infrastructure of the area where the apartment is located is important.. You can write about the proximity of shops, pharmacies, a kindergarten or school, a clinic, a public transport stop, or the presence of a parking lot and a barrier at the entrance to the yard.