Greetings my dear reader. I hope my articles will help you become strong and resilient. The two-arm pull-up on the horizontal bar is quite a difficult exercise for a beginner; not even all those who know how to do pull-ups can do it. It's all about execution technique and explosive muscle power. In this article I will tell you what you need to know before trying to perform a power-up on the bar and some tips that will help you master this exercise faster.

What muscles work during a muscle-up?

When performing the muscle-up exercise on the horizontal bar, the following muscles are involved:

  • Target muscles – Latissimus major and pectoral muscles
  • Accessory – Biceps, triceps and abdominal muscles

What you need to learn before performing a muscle-up on the bar

Firstly, you won’t be able to pull yourself out by force today if you don’t know how to do pull-ups at least 6-7 times, and preferably 10.

Before you try the muscle-up exercise and you are a beginner, you will need to learn:

  • Pull-ups in the gravitron;
  • Pull-ups with elastic band;
  • Reverse grip pull-ups;

Classic pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar are the best exercise for those who want to have a classic V-shaped torso and a powerful back muscle corset. Pull-ups are the main exercise for the back muscles. You can pull yourself up to your chest, behind your back, with one hand, etc. everything is limited by your imagination and flexibility.

Pull-ups in the gravitron

The Gravitron will help you reduce your body weight by providing an adjustable lifting platform and increase your chances of getting more repetitions while performing the exercise. Using this simulator, a person of almost any size will be able to do pull-ups several times, even if he has never done pull-ups before.

Pull-ups with elastic band

Pull-ups with an elastic band or tourniquet do not make pull-ups much easier and this exercise is not suitable for beginners; it is suitable for those who already know how to do pull-ups and want to increase the number of repetitions by slightly reducing their weight.

Reverse grip pull-ups

Reverse grip pull-ups will make the exercise a little easier, but still, if you can’t do a pull-up at all, then this option won’t suit you either. Reverse grip pull-ups allow you to increase the load on the biceps and decrease the load on the back muscles. Due to the fact that with regular pull-ups, the back muscles work to a greater extent, and with a reverse grip, both the back muscles and biceps, it becomes easier.

Raising legs to the bar

Raising your legs to the bar perfectly develops the abdominal muscles, one of the most powerful exercises for the abdominal muscles.

How to learn to do a power-up on the bar

In order to perform the two-arm strength exercise on the horizontal bar, you need to:

  • Be able to do pull-ups at least 7-10 times
  • You need to have a small layer of fat (with a large beer belly, this exercise will be practically impossible)

After you learn how to perform the above exercises and lose some extra pounds, you can begin performing the exercise on the horizontal bar.

  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar
  • Using inertia, you need to dive onto the horizontal bar and rest your chest
  • Place your elbows so that they look at the ceiling or sky
  • Push off the horizontal bar and straighten your arms

What other exercises can you do on the bar?

  • Head pull-ups
  • One arm pull-ups
  • Officer's chair exercise
  • Plank

Head pull-ups

Pull-ups work the trapezius muscles and lower back muscles.

One arm pull-ups

When pulling up with one arm, the muscles of the biceps and back are mainly worked, as well as the abdominal muscles if you keep your legs at an angle. One-arm pull-ups are one of the most difficult types of pull-ups; not every athlete knows how to perform them.

What is workout

Workout is training on outdoor sports grounds using your own weight, as well as weights. Training mainly takes place in the fresh air on the horizontal bar and uneven bars, as well as various specialized structures on sports grounds.

Pros of these workouts:

  • Fresh air promotes better muscle function;
  • Less chance of injury;
  • More natural movements for the body muscles;
  • Opportunity to train daily.

Disadvantages of such training:

  • There is no way to gain impressive muscle mass;
  • Few exercises for leg muscles;
  • Exercising in bad weather or cold can discourage you from exercising;
  • Overweight people will not be able to do exercises on the horizontal bar until they lose weight, and on the street it is only running to lose weight.

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Exercises on horizontal bars and parallel bars can be not only useful, but also quite effective for maintaining physical fitness. It is worth noting that you will need to learn how to perform exercises on the horizontal bar correctly. If you do them incorrectly, it can lead to injury.

How to do exits on the horizontal bar
  • If you want to do an exit on the horizontal bar, then you will need to work hard for a long time. can give you the strength you need.

Sometimes people do not understand that the effectiveness of anyone directly depends on the correct technique and execution. require patience and smooth movement. If you exit incorrectly, this can lead to a hematoma or pain in the chest area.

First of all, it is worth mastering the jerk technique. You should also understand that the mechanics of the snatch are an important aspect when performing exercises on the horizontal bar. - This is a great way to keep yourself in excellent physical shape. There are several ways to perform a snatch. You can dash in what is called an explosive blast.

There are several ways to perform a snatch immediately after a pull-up. We recommend that you perform a clean exit. In order to perform a snatch correctly, you must have the correct muscle preparation. You will learn how to do an exit on the horizontal bar correctly right now. In order to practice correctly on the horizontal bar, you must follow a number of actions and tips described on.

How to exercise on the horizontal bar correctly

It is worth doing at least 20 pull-ups and 20 push-ups on the bar. If you want to perform pull-ups correctly, you need to rotate your hands forward. If we talk about the grip, then it should be deep. The first step is an explosive pull-up. Explosive pull-ups develop muscle strength. The legs should also be involved. They should help you push off the ground. The second step will be an easier exit. You should slowly lower your body until it stops. If you do not have the proper experience, then it is better to practice on the lower horizontal bar. To develop the necessary muscles.

How to learn to exit

The horizontal bar exit for two hands is performed slowly. You also need to master the technique of doing the bench press. There is also a special technique for getting out of the swing. It is better to perform an exit on two. You need to grab the bar with both hands and swing forward strongly. Once your body starts moving, you should perform an explosive pull-up. Your chest should be over the bar. After this, you should fixate yourself and straighten your arms correctly.

How to learn to exit - video

The release of strength on the horizontal bar should be performed under the supervision of an experienced trainer. You need to constantly practice exiting on the horizontal bar; this is the only way you can master this technique. We recommend that you use less so-called kicking. Horizontal bars are different. You can purchase a hanging version. It is compact and practical to use.

  • Not every athlete can learn to do the exit correctly. We suggest you practice and only then perform strength exercises. At first it will be difficult for you to give up rocking, but gradually you will learn to do the exit without swinging. It should be noted that a little wobble is allowed, but you should strive to get rid of it.

How to learn to exit

Usually the exit is performed with two hands, but if you realize that your physical preparation is not good enough, it is better to use the leg push. It is quite difficult to make an officer exit on the horizontal bar. You must understand that today the easiest way is to watch a video. There you can consider even the slightest nuances.

It is worth noting that it is better to exercise on the horizontal bar on an empty stomach. If you have just eaten, then you should not start exercising. If you still want to master strength training, then it is better to do this after you have done a warm-up. We always remind you that it is better to warm up your muscles well before a thorough workout. This can be arm swings or light arm raises with weights. If we talk about weights, they are often used to complicate a workout. You must understand that training should be structured in such a way that the load is distributed evenly.

Some features of executing an exit

It is necessary to take food distribution very seriously. Review your diet; there should not be too many carbohydrates. The video of the exits on the horizontal bar, which you can view, includes all the nuances that may interest you. It's better to exercise outdoors. you can also purchase special gloves and save yourself from unpleasant calluses. If you want to exit as correctly as possible, you need to use the following instructions.

  • You will be required to make a sharp jerk and then hold yourself with your hand. If we talk about the elbow of the second hand, then it should be thrown onto the surface of the crossbar. Then you need to fix the position of your body. We do not recommend that you rush, especially if this is your first time doing a forceful exit.

We must strive to ensure that all movements are smooth. You should understand that today there are many training videos that you can watch.

Power output

You already know how to make an exit on the horizontal bar; it remains to clarify a few more nuances. In some cases, trainers recommend supplementing with push-ups. This is a very successful combination that allows you to evenly load all muscle groups. A jump rope also works well. Strength training should always be supplemented with cardio exercises. You must understand that in order to learn how to perform an exit, you need to be well prepared. Your body must respond adequately to physical activity.

Power output

There are many strength circuits that complement each other, but we recommend that you choose a ready-made program. This way you can start studying right away. It is very difficult to make an angel exit on the horizontal bar, so you need to pump up the shoulder girdle and chest line well. You will find out what you need to exit correctly right now. To begin with, I would like to note that you must learn to pull yourself up slowly. It's really very difficult. Some people can't even do a quick pull-up. When you pull up slowly, you feel tension in all muscle groups. If we talk about strengthening muscles, then this is the best option.

Hi everybody. In this article I decided to write about exits on the horizontal bar. I already wrote about two-handed play, but I decided to tell you everything in more detail. Perhaps something will be repeated here, but I think I will tell you a lot of new things. You will learn how to do a muscle-up on the horizontal bar. This is not a difficult exercise, but, nevertheless, it looks beautiful and spectacular. I want to clarify - it looks like this if you do everything correctly and have thoroughly prepared before demonstrating. The two-arm strength exercise is one of the first elements that beginning yard athletes learn, and if you have recently started training, then these are the exercises for you.

Exit on the horizontal bar

First, you need to be good at performing basic exercises. Basic exercises include pull-ups and dips. You need to be able to do pull-ups 15 times and do push-ups 20 times, and only then can you move on to studying some specific elements.

A two-arm strength lift requires the athlete not just to do pull-ups, but to do high-quality, high pull-ups. If you pulled yourself up to your neck, then you will have to relearn, since this version of pull-ups is not entirely suitable. Pull-ups to the neck and to the bottom of the chest, or abs, are different, and if during pull-ups to the neck some muscles work, then in pull-ups to the chest, additional muscles come into play. To perform a power-out, we need those muscles that come into play when the bar passes the line of the neck.

As you already understand, you need to learn to pull yourself up as high as possible. Some say that you need to learn to pull yourself up to the navel, others say that to the bottom of your chest. Both options are quite suitable, but the quality of the first outputs and the time of further grinding depend on the choice of option. You need to come out beautifully... If you choose pull-ups to the bottom of your chest, then your first steps may not be very high quality, and in the future, you will need more time to perfect the exercise. If you learn how to pull yourself up to your navel, your first moves can be perfect and require minimal time to perfect. In general, it is obvious that the second option is better, but it can take a lot of time to learn to pull yourself up to your belly button - much longer than to learn to pull yourself up to the bottom of your chest. That is, if you learn to pull yourself up only from the bottom of your chest, then you will learn to come out faster. You must choose the option yourself and start training.

Before you do a muscle-up on the horizontal bar, you need to learn how to pull yourself up 15 times to the bottom of your chest, or to your navel. The first outputs may turn out to be crooked, but not necessarily. To make an exit, you need to swing forward a little, pull yourself up in an explosive manner, throw your elbows up, and, if necessary, do push-ups from the horizontal bar. Of course, it will be good if you don’t have to do push-ups from the horizontal bar at all, but just need to straighten your arms, but it depends on your luck.

As soon as you come out, you need to lower yourself along the same trajectory, while moving your body a little forward. This slight movement of the body forward helps us gain acceleration, which will help us go through all the phases of the exit, and place ourselves on the crossbar in the front support. At first it may look like an awkward sway, but over time you will get rid of it, and the movement of the body will simply be part of the trajectory of the movement.

As I already said, if you want to quickly learn how to perform exercises on the horizontal bar, then you just need to learn how to pull yourself up to the bottom of your chest, but don’t rush. When you learn to do a clean 15 times, then you can move on to exits, and if you don’t endure it, you will harm yourself, since this will lead to the fact that it will take much longer to polish the exit with force using two hands.

You can learn to do pull-ups with either a narrow or medium grip. I used to do pull-ups with a close grip, but I learned to do the release by accident. I wasn't planning on doing a pull-up, but I liked doing close-grip pull-ups. I did pull-ups from the horizontal bar, that is, as high as possible, but at the same time as far as possible, using a slight swing. Although, this cannot be called a swing, since such a movement of the body was related to the trajectory, and the body moved slightly diagonally. Over time, I began to reach the crossbar with my belt without any problems, and my body went into the horizon. With the help of such pull-ups, I killed two birds with one stone. Firstly, I discovered that I could lift my body into a horizontal front hang, and somehow, just by trying to get to two, I succeeded with both a narrow, medium and wide grip.

You can use the first option, which many people use and which is quite good, or the second option. If you wish, you can combine exercises, and the return will be greater. You can learn to pull yourself up as high as possible, for example, to the bottom of your chest, and at the same time practice pull-ups from the bar.

Now you know how to do an exit on the horizontal bar.

Many beginners believe that in order to learn how to do a two-arm strength lift on a horizontal bar, some kind of special long-term training program is necessary. No, that's not true at all! You just need to know the necessary techniques for strengthening the muscles and gradually preparing them for going on the horizontal bar.

I will start this article for those who are generally weak, but those who already have some training and at least do a one-arm pull-up on the horizontal bar can find a lot of useful information for themselves a little lower in this article.

First of all, if you have weak muscles and you don’t know how to do pull-ups at all, you should start with push-ups, as this is much easier. Do at least 3 sets a day, doing maximum push-ups in each of them. Don’t rest much between sets, about 2 minutes – and off you go. But, of course, watch your breathing, if it has not yet recovered, rest a little more.

Also, strengthen your hands with resistance bands; strengthen your shoulder and back muscles through various exercises with dumbbells - at first, any exercise will be useful for you.

After it has become much easier for you to do push-ups, the time comes to approach the horizontal bar again, raise your hands to it, grab it and, this time, you will not have the right not to pull yourself up to it. But that shouldn't happen because you've trained hard to prepare for this moment, right?

Do pull-ups on the horizontal bar every 2 days in sets and in each of them you must squeeze the maximum out of yourself until you almost have a cry from your soul breaking out: “I can’t! Enough!". For particularly persistent people, this should not be the limit. Personally, I pulled myself up until my fingers slipped off the horizontal bar from complete lack of strength.

Don't forget to rest! Training is good, but if you do it every day (although it’s unlikely that you will succeed at first due to strong soreness), then you will simply exhaust your body and it will not lead to anything good. The body must rest! Eat right so that your muscles recover faster (I don’t mean ), and I also recommend running lightly on your rest day to flush out lactic acid - the next day your muscles won’t hurt as much.

Now you can already do 10 pull-ups in one approach - it’s time to look at your training ground from a height “above the horizontal bar”, having made your first time on the horizontal bar, only with one arm for now.

How to do. Pull yourself up to the horizontal bar up to your chin, then throw one arm (whichever is more comfortable) onto the horizontal bar at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the ground, and try to straighten it at all costs. At first, you can “lie down” slightly on the horizontal bar when throwing your arm in order to reduce the load on it, although I think this is already understandable. When you learn how to do a one-hand exit, it is natural to train this element alternately on the left and right hands. You will strengthen your muscles and be somewhat prepared for a two-arm push. It is also necessary to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar to your chest and do push-ups on top of the horizontal bar from your chest - in the second exercise it is very important to go as low as possible, and also try not to rest your chest on the horizontal bar.

So, you are already close to realizing your goal, which requires doing a power lift with two arms on the horizontal bar. If you can already do 15, or even 20, pull-ups on the horizontal bar without any problems, and you can easily do both the right and left arm pull-ups, do good chest push-ups on the horizontal bar, but still can’t do the pull-up, don’t despair (you I had the same problem), because I have another very valuable piece of advice for you, an effective method that will definitely help, especially since your body is ready for it.

An additional load in the form of a vest, a weight plate suspended from a belt, or (as I did, since I had no other equipment) a backpack filled with dumbbells, which naturally needs to be put on your back (who didn’t guess), will help you. Do pull-ups with a load 3-5 sets a day 3-5 times - it all depends on you how long the strength will last.

This method will help you in that you will train the maximum strength of your body when lifting your torso, since the strength output for two arms on the horizontal bar is not affected by the endurance of the body - you can pull yourself up even 100 times. That's why it's called power output.

You may even feel the effectiveness of this method! Do pull-ups several times with a load, then remove it and do pull-ups on the horizontal bar without it - you will feel lightness in pull-ups, as if you are being thrown up, since the weight is less, and the muscles are involved in the “heavier weight” mode, so to speak - this is what there is the development of maximum strength when pulling up. In addition, thanks to this method you can increase the number of your pull-ups.

So you have prepared your body for the two-handed exercise, and then everything depends on you. First, you can try to make an exit on the horizontal bar with a light roll.

After you learn how to do a two-handed exit, you can try variations of it that will develop your body - narrow grip, wide, reverse.

You don’t want to choose the wrong training method and waste a lot of time and effort, do you? I think no! So if you want to do a two-arm power lift on the horizontal bar as quickly as possible, follow everything that was written here, don’t shirk, and the result will certainly come. I myself used this method and I assure you that this is truly the fastest way!

The two-arm exercise on the horizontal bar is an effective, beautiful and spectacular exercise. It can be performed in several ways - by force and with the help of swinging, in the final stage by fixating on the horizontal bar with straight arms.

Exit to two on the horizontal bar by force

The two-strength lift is considered basic in Workout. Exercise is effective for maintaining physical fitness. At the same time, without minimal physical training it is quite difficult to do this exercise.
The muscle-up is a universal exercise that includes the snatch, clean and press. First you need to pull yourself up high, then throw your arms over the horizontal bar and do push-ups, raising your torso. Learning to combine all three of these components into one exercise requires strength, coordination and practical skills.

Exit by force in 5 minutes

Perhaps such a period of training will seem fantastic to some, but just watch the video below. Not everyone will be able to master the element in 5 minutes, but you can significantly reduce the learning time by mastering the principle of its execution. Learning to perform the exercise is divided into three stages.

Execution technique

  • Make a slight rocking motion forward, pushing your chest forward as much as possible, forming a slight arch in your back.
  • When moving backwards, raise your legs and throw yourself onto the horizontal bar along the arc path.
  • Lower your legs, squeezing over the bar.

The higher your legs are raised, the easier it is to exit

Technique without swinging

  • Hanging on the bar, you need to bend your back, moving your legs and shoulders back, and your stomach forward, forming an arc with your body.
  • The second step is to make a sharp (explosive) pull up to the level of the chest or abdomen.
  • At the same time, you need to bring both elbows together over the bar.
  • Straighten your arms with a push-up.

You can try to do the exercise by pulling your chin above the level of the horizontal bar, swinging and while moving your body back, throw your elbows above the bar.

Video training for two-arm strength training:

Assistive exercises

In most cases, you won't be able to exit the first time. Any method of execution requires strength in the hands. To strengthen, and at the same time pump up your hands, read the articles: and.

To perform the element with force, you must be able to pull yourself up. You can read how to learn this in the article:.

The following exercises are very effective before mastering the two-handed approach:

High pull-ups. Regular pull-ups will not help to master the element. Even if you do more than 20 pull-ups in one approach, you may not succeed. You need to learn to pull yourself up as high as possible - to the bottom of your chest or stomach.

Explosive pull-ups. You need to learn how to pull yourself up with a jerk, using the energy of movement of the whole body.

Exit with one hand (flag). You should learn to raise each hand over the horizontal bar and try to stay in this position for as long as possible. This will help strengthen the muscles in your shoulders and arms. After mastering throwing your elbow over the bar with one hand, you need to throw the elbow of your other hand over the bar and push up.

Push-ups from the horizontal bar. Sometimes the difficulty of performing an exercise arises at the final stage due to the inability to do push-ups from the bar due to weak triceps. This exercise will help strengthen the triceps muscle.

Push-ups on parallel bars. Like push-ups on the horizontal bar, the exercise develops the triceps and chest muscles involved in the two-arm push-up.

Exercises for the hand. Even with good physical fitness, but with weak hands, you will not be able to do not only the two-step exercise, but also most other exercises on the horizontal bar. To strengthen them, you can use dumbbells, alternately bending your arms in and out 10-15 times for 4-5 approaches. Frequent exercises on the horizontal bar also strengthen your hands and forearms.

The press plays an important role in training. Therefore, check out the article:

What muscles work when performing a two-arm exercise?

The exercise is useful because when it is performed, almost all the muscles of the upper body are involved, worked out and strengthened.

Most involved: triceps, chest muscles, latissimus dorsi, deltoid and brachialis muscles.
The abdominal muscles and biceps receive a little less load. The muscles of the hips and lower back are also worked out when performed with the help of legs and swinging.

Benefits of exercise

In addition to strengthening muscles, two-arm exercise on the horizontal bar perfectly trains the vestibular apparatus and improves coordination of movement. Unlike regular exercises in gyms, this element can be useful in some extreme life situations. It’s not for nothing that military personnel, firefighters, and police officers have a mandatory exercise in overcoming low obstacles during physical training. It is the power output that forms the basis of its implementation.

Required before training.

It is better to learn the exercises on the middle horizontal bar, when you can touch the ground with your feet. On such a horizontal bar you can train the element by pushing off with your feet. This will help you quickly master the principle of performing an exit on two.

Train consistently, but take breaks between training days to allow muscle recovery.

Don't give up if the exercise doesn't work out. Determination and constant practice will definitely bring results. You will learn not only how to perform this beautiful exercise, but also significantly strengthen your muscles and health.