Game based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Crocodile” for primary schoolchildren with presentation

Bagrova Elena Viktorovna, primary school teacher of the 1st category, teacher of the primary education class of the 1st category, class teacher of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1”, Kashira, Moscow Region.
Purpose of the material: I bring to your attention an interactive educational game based on the fairy tale “Crocodile” by Korney Chukovsky. The game will help in organizing and conducting children's leisure time in a summer health camp or in an after-school group. This material will be useful to primary school teachers; teacher-organizers, librarians, additional education teachers, parents; for children 7 - 10 years old.
Target: organization of children's creative leisure; broadening the horizons of children.
- expand children's horizons;
- instill an interest in reading;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards books;
- develop the ability to solve riddles and solve crosswords;
- develop children's vocabulary;
- develop the creative potential of children;
- develop attention, thinking, memory;

Page for the curious
The most popular fairy tale “Crocodile” by Korney Chukovsky celebrates its centenary this year. A children's fairy tale in verse (poem) is the author's first children's work. The fairy tale was written in 1916-1917. First published in 1917 under the title “Vanya and the Crocodile” in the supplement to the magazine “Niva” * “For Children”.
"Niva"*- a popular Russian weekly magazine of the mid-19th - early 20th centuries with supplements.
It was published for 48 years, from the end of 1869 to September 1918 at the publishing house of A. F. Marx in St. Petersburg.
Policeman*- in Tsarist Russia: lower rank of city police.
Gorilla*- a genus of monkeys, including the largest modern representatives of the order of primates.

Crocodile- this is a shift, change, revolution, a real event, a new phenomenon, a path for further...
Vanya Vasilchikov- this is the ruler of thoughts, the hero of modern urban children.
The history of the fairy tale shown in the cartoon "Vanya and the Crocodile".
I suggest you watch it in order to successfully complete all stages of the game.

Crocodile is the name of the characters in many of Korney Chukovsky’s literary works, starting with his very first work for children - the fairy tale “Vanya and the Crocodile” (1915). In general, there are plenty of crocodiles in Chukovsky’s work: either he walks along the alley in “Moidodyr”, then he asks the author for new galoshes in “Telephone”, or sometimes he helps Aibolit in the fairy tale “Barmaley”. He also swallows the sun in "The Stolen Sun".
I offer to all lovers of K.I. Chukovsky to remember his works and go on an exciting journey through the pages of his children's books.

Interactive game "Crocodileade"

1st round Game "Life Safety"

Read excerpts from the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Crocodile” and name something that poses a danger to children in modern life. Give a name to their actions, and, if you can, tell them what to do correctly to avoid danger in such situations. For each correct answer, the child receives 1 point.

2 round Game "Solve the crossword"
You are invited to answer the questions in the Crocodile crossword puzzle.
If the answer is correct, then the question will “disappear.” For each correct answer, the child receives 1 point.

Crossword Questions
1. The name of the girl walking along Tavricheskaya Street. (Lyalechka)
2. What a nasty stuffed monster grabbed the poor girl. (Gorilla)
3. The profession of the person who made the remark to the Crocodile. (policeman)
4. Last name of a brave boy. (Vasilchikov)
5. What did the Crocodile bring as a gift to his children? (Christmas tree)
6. What recognition did Vanya receive for his exploits? (Reward)
7. Homeland of the Crocodile. (Africa)
8. The river is the nurse of the crocodile family. (Nile)

3 round Game “Name the Fairy Tale”

The guys must read the passage and determine which fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky was taken. For each correct answer, the child receives 2 points.

4th round Game "Correct the mistakes"

The children were given illustrations from the works of K.I. Chukovsky with mixed up titles. They have to match the illustration with the title of the work. For each correct answer, the child receives 1 point.

5th round Game "Words from words"

The guys need to make new words from the word CROCODILE. To make it easier to complete the task, hints are provided. For each correct answer, the child receives 1 point.

Round 6 Game "Who's the odd one out"

Based on the illustrations presented, the child must determine the title and author of the work. Then name the “extra” and explain your choice. For each correct solution, the child receives 2 points.

Reflection Musical gift
The kids can move to the music and sing along.
You can also play a pre-prepared outdoor game.

Here comes the holidays! Joyful holiday
A green prank was played on all of us.
There are many kind, cheerful guests here.
Children, hurry here quickly!

(Bagrova E.V.)
Thank you for your attention!

Presentation on the topic: Game based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Crocodile"

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Slide captions: “Warm-up”

3. salary

4. general

6. melody

"Rapid Shot"

fantasy fireman sculptor starfish allegory chameleon lumberjack air conditioning Pampers sunflower

basket parkour rope Coat of arms fence gun apple den classmate briefcase

burdock walkie-talkie stairs web Terminator fireworks coin bike hiccups scales

DJ Transport toothpick gloves housewife honey Cheburashka with headphones alarm clock kangaroo

"On topic"

Phrases from songs

Sayings and proverbs

TV shows



Game "Crocodile" and rulesThey vary slightly, so you need to read the current rules and take them into account so that there are no disputes during the game.

1. The player shows the word using only facial expressions, gestures, and movements.

2. It is forbidden to pronounce words (any words, even “yes”, “no”, etc.) and sounds, especially those by which it is easy to guess the word (for example: by “mu” you can easily guess that the word is a cow).

4. It is advisable (at the discretion of the players) not to point to objects around you that influence the hidden word.

5. A certain time is allotted for displaying a word or group of words (depending on the competition). If the correct answer is not given before the end of this period, then the word is considered not guessed.

6. Attention! A word is considered solved when the team pronounces this word exactly as it was guessed (with the same prefixes, suffixes, etc.)

7. It is forbidden to show the hidden word letter by letter, i.e., show the words the first letters that will form the hidden word!

8. Depending on the competition and your success in the game, your score will be formed. At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins.

9. During the display of the word (using JollyGame as an organizer), the role of the judge is played by any player from the opposing team, who sits next to the computer and as soon as he hears the correct answer, he immediately clicks on the hidden word, which is perceived as a correctly guessed word. It also informs you about the amount of time remaining.

10. Each competition has small nuances in the scoring method and the structure of displaying words. They will be described before each competition.

Game "Crocodile" (rulesteam version) provides for various competitions.


This competition has the simplest and most standard structure. The player tries to show the word given to him within the allotted time. He is then replaced by a player from the opposing team. This way, all players will try their hand. Depending on how many people you have on your team, it is possible that some players will show multiple words. Despite the warm-up status, the team score is already replenished with points for guessed words

"Rapid Shooter"

The player's task in this competition is to show 8 words in a row as quickly as possible. A total time is given for all words. Speed ​​is important in this competition. It is possible to skip a word, but you cannot return to its display.

"Unity of command"

This competition is a descendant of the “Rapid Shoot” competition. The player must also show 8 words in a row as quickly as possible. An important difference: all words begin with the same letter, which is chosen by the team before the start of the competition.

"On topic"

Thematic competition. All hidden words relate to a specific topic. Topics are selected before the start of the competition. Time is given for all words in the topic. But each word is shown by a different player. It is also possible to skip a word.

In addition, you can add interesting words for the game “Crocodile” to our project. To do this, you need to use the “+1 word” form. Thanks in advance for your interesting word.

Keywords: crocodile online, crocodile game, crocodile game words for the game, crocodile game online, crocodile play online, crocodile game rules, crocodile rules

"Crocodile" - game , which is adored by everyone. The JollyGame project allows you to play"Crocodile" online .

Simple Words for Warm-Up (Easy Level)

Coat of arms, gun, den, bun, classmate, rope, fence, apple, briefcase, basket, walkie-talkie, web, fireworks, bicycle, scales, stairs, Terminator, coin, hiccup, burdock, DJ, Cheburashka, Transport, toothpick, gloves, housewife, birthday girl, Honey, barbecue, Pinocchio, shrimp, Headphones, alarm clock, kangaroo, alarm clock, traffic light, zoo, fire, matches, cabbage, stone, sneakers, berry, electricity, aspirin, tank, firecracker, printer, firewood, nettle, Trousers, explosion, chain mail, concrete mixer, pyramid, Nuclear physicist, pear, Special Forces, Inspiration, Chukchi.

Complex and cool words.

Easy level

  • Window;
  • Fantastic;
  • Hat
  • Tulle
  • Antivirus;
  • General;
  • Spray;
  • Melody;
  • Salary;
  • Horse;
  • Ground meat.

Average level

  • Funny Icarus;
  • Pink hippo;
  • Two-handlebar bicycle;
  • Sad Piglet;
  • Harpsichord;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Disinfection;
  • Hello
  • Frontier;
  • Logics;
  • Factor;
  • Halogen;
  • Womanizer;
  • Valenok;
  • Human;
  • Lollipop.

Difficult level

  • Ahh, in Africa the rivers are this wide;
  • I asked the ash tree where my beloved was;
  • And I had never been to Malinki, until this day...
  • Ay em sexy and ay know it
  • Dance Russia and cry Europe...
  • My uncle has the most honest rules
  • Lukomorye has a green oak tree, a golden chain on that oak tree...
  • A flight attendant named Zhanna;
  • One morning for two.
  • No need, beloved, to ask me to marry you
  • Look how the funny and holy children are running around.
  • No hands, no ax
  • Both winter and summer in the same color
  • The bull goes and swings
  • Tanya dropped the ball

These are the words you can use in the game. The Game and Words are very funny and add fun moments to a holiday or theme evening.

A few simple words to warm up

snow, stick, cloud, chair, dog, candle, Santa Claus, globe, laptop, etc.

Phrases from songs

  1. There is no point in bending to the changing world; it would be better if it bends to us...
  2. We choose, we are chosen, How often this does not coincide...
  3. Share your smile, and it will come back to you more than once...
  4. We are not stokers, we are not carpenters...
  5. A million million million red roses...
  6. The girls are standing on the sidelines...
  7. Hope is my earthly compass...
  8. Five minutes, five minutes, is it a lot or a little...
  9. etc

Sayings and proverbs

  1. For a beaten person they give two unbeaten ones
  2. Tears of sorrow will not help
  3. The well-fed are no friend to the hungry
  4. If you like to ride, you also like to carry sleds
  5. There is safety in numbers
  6. Fight fire with fire
  7. The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out and you won’t catch it
  8. The quieter you go, the further you'll get
  9. Whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float
  10. Teach your grandmother to suck eggs
  11. Beats means loves
  12. No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest
  13. The eyes are afraid, but the hands do
  14. He aimed at the heel and hit him on the nose.
  15. If you love to talk, love to listen too
  16. etc.

Funny and unusual phrases

  1. Broken tooth
  2. Dove eyes
  3. Screen for the monster
  4. Elder miracle worker
  5. Nurse hunter
  6. The worm is thirsty
  7. Philip the Cat
  8. Daisies on a birch
  9. Right turn of the chandelier
  10. Friendly company of deer
  11. Smoked salmon accuracy
  12. Tambov paradise
  13. Nasty weirdo
  14. Orange crumb
  15. Three mos theory
  16. Day after tomorrow soup
  17. Children's wallpaper with dinosaur
  18. Phone photographer
  19. Puzzle before bed
  20. Scary goose name
  21. Dreamer chicken

Words for the game Crocodile


stripper, plumber, sign language interpreter, croupier, truck driver, psychiatrist, elevator operator, prosecutor, midwife, director, dog handler, cosmonaut, collector, diplomat, crane operator, chemist, flight attendant, merchandiser, miner, gynecologist, beekeeper, designer, electrician, trainer, promoter, archaeologist, veterinarian,

Living things

Rottweiler, crab, dung beetle, muskrat, boa constrictor, skunk, locust, ostrich, sloth, chihuahua, flea, raccoon, shrimp, ladybug, anteater, platypus, hummingbird, beaver, pelican, peacock, caterpillar, spider, dinosaur , jellyfish, snail, turkey, porcupine, chinchilla


to put a pig down the drain like water off a duck's back, a disservice, to kill a worm when the crab whistles on the mountain, to the chickens' laughter, a wolf in sheep's clothing, to step on the same rake, a pig in a poke, not at ease, good riddance , God's dandelion, beauty requires sacrifice, don't spill the water, wash dirty linen in public, a bear stepped on your ear

Difficult words

a priori, paradigm, mentality, conjuncture, civilization, perspective, resonance, empire, eclecticism, concept, constancy, resource, entourage, latency, industrialization, credo, pluralism, fate, context, configuration, infrastructure, assimilation, protégé, communism, deja vu, conservatism, voluntarism

TV shows

While everyone is at home, Guess the melody, Fort Boyard, In the world of animals, The last hero, Field of miracles, House-2, Man and the law, His own director, Fashionable verdict, Comedy Club, Stars on Ice, Let's get married, Minute of fame, You're not believe me, Let them say, Malakhov +, Full house, Our Russia, Big difference, Smart guys and smart girls, What? Where? When?

Famous personalities

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Marilyn Manson, Nikita Mikhalkov, Stas Mikhailov, Lady Gaga, Elton John, Yuri Kuklachev, Michael Jackson, Yuri Gagarin, Isaac Newton, Ksenia Sobchak, Jackie Chan, Andrei Malakhov, Albert Einstein, Alina Kabaeva, Ivan the Terrible, Pavel Volya , Maxim Galkin, Verka Serduchka

World brands

McDonald's, Apple, Google, Barbie, Windows, LEGO, Ferrari, Durex, Bounty, Twitter, Gallina Blanca, M&M's, Whiskas, Playboy, Chanel No. 5, VKontakte, Oriflame, Ikea, Duracell, Jack Daniel's, Burn, Sprite, Pedigree, Nokia, Raffaello, Love Is, Harley-Davidson, Chupa Chups, YouTube


ichthyander, Chukchi, Chuck Norris, centaur, geisha, Terminator, Old Man Hottabych, gopnik, transvestite, Mukha-Tsokotukha, Catdog, Batman, homeless man, Baba Yaga, Shrek, alien, Superman, Homer Simpson, macho, hobbit, Dr. House, socialite, Jack Sparrow, mermaid, call girl, Winnie the Pooh, Freddy Krueger, dwarf, Kolobok, brownie


twister, diving, bookcrossing, body painting, shopping, paintball, surfing, table hockey, zorbing, hiking, break dancing, origami, crossword puzzle, poker, belly dancing, excursion, graffiti, floriculture, boomerang, treasure hunting, rope jumping, KVN, theater, hitchhiking, rock climbing, Mafia, billiards, opera, Photoshop

Russian songs

A million scarlet roses, Love me in French, They won’t catch up with us, A Christmas tree was born in the forest, The wind was blowing from the sea, Mom Lyuba, Oh, this wedding, The earth in the porthole, Katyusha, I got drunk and drunk, I’m already 18, May there always be sunshine , Watchmen, White Dragonfly of Love, Howling at the Moon, Naked, Nobody Writes to the Colonel, Dolphin and the Mermaid

Films and cartoons

Avatar, Spider-Man, American Pie, What Men Talk About, Interns, Home Alone, The Simpsons, Prisoner of the Caucasus, Hipsters, Sex and the City, Madagascar, Kin-dza-dza, Hachiko, My Fair Nanny, Scary Movie, Masha and the bear, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, The Matrix, Friendly sex, Well, just wait!

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Gymnasium No. 6 of the city of Arkhangelskas in 2008 is a participant in the All-Russian project “Successful Reading”. The goal of this project is to introduce children and adolescents to reading by creating a new image of it. The project is being implemented by the Education Support Fund, St. Petersburg State University and the A. I. Herzen State Pedagogical University. As part of this project, children read books from the list given to them and complete various tasks on the content of the works in the “Reader's Portfolio”.

Teachers organize and supervise the work of children, develop and conduct extracurricular activities based on read works and various travel lessons using ICT, which arouse great interest among children. The most popular among students are games and quizzes prepared using computer presentations. We are presenting the development of one of them at the festival.

Lesson scenario

Goal: To promote the formation of reading interest and the disclosure of the creative potential of younger schoolchildren.

  • Increase the motivation of younger schoolchildren to read;
  • Promote the development of speech, linguistic flair, logical thinking, creative abilities;
  • Develop communication skills in a group;
  • Expand students' vocabulary and horizons;

Participants of the game: first grade students (7-8 years old);

Form of implementation: game session;

Technical means and equipment: screen, media projector, computer, microphone, board, drawings-posters depicting a fairytale train, multi-colored signal cards, sheets of white A-3 paper, markers, balloons.

Game plan:

  1. Organizational moment (mobilizing stage) - 5 minutes
  2. Traveling through “stations”:
  3. “Uspenskograd” - 5 minutes;
  4. “Guess Grad” - 5 minutes;
  5. “Pesnegrad” - 5 minutes;
  6. “City of Experts” - 5 minutes;
  7. “City of Artists” - 8 minutes;
  8. “Shapoklyakgrad” - 5 minutes;
  9. Summing up and awarding teams – 7 minutes.

(Total – 45 minutes)

Organizational moment (mobilizing stage ) (slides 1-2)

On the screen there is a fragment from the cartoon “Gena the Crocodile’s Vacation”, the melody of the song “Blue Car” sounds.

Host: Today we have an unusual trip ahead of us. Can you guess where? (Children's answers). Today we will go on a journey on a literary train to visit the heroes of Eduard Uspensky’s book “Crocodile Gena and His Friends” and check which of you was the most attentive reader of the book.

The presenter hands the participants of the game (6 teams of 6 people each) tickets with numbers, the participants take their places at the tables, according to the number on the “ticket”.

The gaming tables are in a row (one after another), decorated with posters depicting fairy-tale trailers.

Presenter: The departure signal sounds - the journey has begun!

During the game, children “travel” from “station” to “station”, participating as a team in various intellectual and creative competitions.

Traveling through “stations”:

Uspenskograd (slides 3-16)

In this city, the game participants get to know the wonderful children's writer Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky.

The slides illustrate the biography and creative path of Uspensky.

Little Edik had a favorite toy.

The ears are large, the tail is a button, you can’t tell whether it’s a hare or a dog.

In a word, an animal unknown to science, later named Cheburashka.

Edik grew up as a mischievous boy and received bad grades. But he didn’t want to be a loser, deep down he wanted to become an academician or a minister.

He worked so hard that he was able to enter the aviation institute and become an engineer. I worked in my specialty for three years, but realized that it was not my job.

Engineer Uspensky decided to become an adult comedian. And then he quickly retrained and became a children's writer!

One summer he worked at a pioneer camp, reading interesting books to the children. When the interesting books ran out, Uspensky began to tell his tale...

“In one city there lived a crocodile named Gena, and he worked in the zoo as a crocodile.” So in 1966 the book “Crocodile Gena and His Friends” appeared, which made the writer famous.

Based on his books, he wrote scripts for cartoons :

“Red-haired, red-haired, freckled”, “Plasticine crow”, “Crocodile Gena and his friends”, “Three from Prostokvashino”, “Koloboks are investigating”

Eduard Nikolaevich also tried to write poetry. The result exceeded expectations - a wonderful collection “Colorful Family”

Eduard Nikolaevich hosted various programs on radio and television:

“Baby Monitor”, “ABVGDeyka”, “Ships came into our harbor”

To print good books for children, Uspensky created the SAMOVAR publishing house.

Now Eduard Nikolaevich dreams of becoming a television director, president of the concern and chief minister (at the same time, of course)!

At the end of the presenter’s story, the children frontally answer the question: who is E.N. Uspensky? (Writer, screenwriter, TV presenter, publisher, poet, etc.)

Guess the city. (Slides 18-35)

Host: Guys, you know very well the main characters of this wonderful book: Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, Old Woman Shapoklyak. Now each team has to guess the descriptions of the other characters in the book.

“A very modest and well-mannered girl, an excellent student. She also had no friends, because she was too quiet and inconspicuous.” (Marusya)

“One evening a tall red-haired citizen came into the light with a notepad in his hands.” (Correspondent)

There lived a very angry and stupid animal in the zoo. Shapoklyak fed him on Sundays, trying to tame him. (Rhino Chick)

A dirty, useless animal that sat on the pavement and cried quietly. (Dog Tobik)

A fat crocodile who worked the second shift at the zoo and loved to read books. What's his name? (Crocodile Valera)

“A big, big lion wearing pince-nez and a hat entered the room.” What was his name? (Lev Chandra)

A small, very serious girl who works in a children's theater. (Galya)

“A strange head with short horns and long movable ears poked its head into the room. She smelled the flowers standing on the window.” (Giraffe Anyuta)

“A boy appeared on the threshold. He would have been completely ordinary, this boy, if he had not been unusually disheveled and grimy.” (D student Dima)

Pesnegrad (slides 36-39)

One representative from each team participates in the competition. The melody of the Cheburashka song sounds. The guys sing in chorus a song from the cartoon “Cheburashka”, the presenter passes the microphone from one participant to the next.

Task: continue the verse of the song without missing a beat.

City of Experts (slides 40-52)

Each participant has red, yellow, and green signal cards. A quiz question and three answer options appear on the screen. Participants, at the leader’s signal, raise the card corresponding to the chosen answer (in order: 1-red, 2-yellow, 3-green). The presenter marks the teams that answered the questions correctly and unanimously.

1. What was Cheburashka doing near the large orchard on the boxes of oranges?

(had breakfast, lunch, dinner)

2. Where did Cheburashka work? (in a toy store, in a discount store, in a clothing store)

3. How old is Gena the crocodile? (40, 50, 60)

4. What did the crocodile Gena like to play with himself? (chess, sea battle, tic-tac-toe)

5. What did Gena use to make coffee when visiting Cheburashka? (on the stove, on the fire, in the microwave)

6. What role did the crocodile Gena play in the children's play? (wolf, grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood)

7. The old woman’s favorite animal is Shapoklyak (mouse, rat, hamster)

8. The name of the famous doctor to whom Shapoklyak ran? (Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov)

9. Whom did Dima, a poor student, ask to be his friend? (excellent student, C student, poor student)

10. What did Gena do so that he would not be recognized at the construction site? (put on a wig, put on a mask, put on a new suit)

11. How many seconds did it take Shapoklyak to climb to the top of the tree, running away from the rhinoceros? (5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds)

12. How long did old woman Shapoklyak hang on the tree? (2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours)

City of Artists (slides 53-55)

Host: At the end of the fairy tale, the friends built the House of Friendship. What might he look like? Each reader has his own ideas. Let's try to draw such a house in this city.

Teams receive sheets and a set of markers. Children complete the task to cheerful music. Sheets with the resulting drawings are placed on the board.

There is a discussion of the teams' work. The results are summed up.

Shapoklyakgrad (slides 56-57)

A song from a cartoon plays and appears to the music old woman Shapoklyak(high school student). She runs up to the guys and asks them the most insidious questions:

Why didn’t a famous doctor named Ivanov see me?

(He decided that I was a foreigner, and he does not serve foreigners).

You all collect something: balls, candy wrappers, coins. What am I collecting?(I collect evils).
What evil things am I doing?

I shoot pigeons with a slingshot.

I pour water on passers-by from the window.

I always, always cross the street in the wrong place.

What evil deed did I propose to the crocodile Gena?

(Throw the wallet on a string onto the pavement and pull it out from under your nose).

One day I was running away from the rhinoceros Chick. Where did I get to while running away from him?(To the top of the tree) Who gave me the balloons on which I flew away?

(Gena, Cheburashka, Galya)

Shapoklyak: I really, really want to return to the city. Guys, help me, please! Tell me what kind of person I should become in order to be friends with me.

(Children's answers)

3. Summing up and rewarding teams (slide 58)

Presenter: all participants showed themselves on the journey: they were friendly, active, attentive readers, knew how to work in a team and helped the old woman Shapoklyak with advice. The main thing is to always be friendly!

All participants in the journey sing the song “Blue Car” and receive prizes from the old woman Shapoklyak - balloons.

Methodological literature and Internet resources.

1. E.N. Uspensky “General Meeting of Heroes” // St. Petersburg, “Comet”, 1993