Intellectual game for students in grades 10, 11, 12

“Your own game in General Biology”

Target: Continue the development of logical thinking, application of theoretical knowledge acquired during the lessons; increasing students' cognitive interest in the subject.

Educational: implementation of intersubject connections between biology and other disciplines.

Developmental: continue the formation of a scientific worldview; positive attitude towards knowledge;

Educational: fostering curiosity, observation, ingenuity, and attentiveness. Open the mind.


« I wish you, my friend,
And relax and have fun,
Comprehend the boundaries of all sciences
And achieve a lot in life,

Be able to overcome yourself
(Sometimes it’s necessary)
So that the spirit and flesh rejoice,
And become happy and loved! »

Game scenario

Teacher: Today we will test our knowledge and skills in chemistry in the form of a game, answering questions about chemical processes.

Teams from grades 10, 11, and 12 are playing today. So, let's start the first round of our game.

(the jury evaluates the task on a 10-point scale).

Tour warm-up: teams need to answer theoretical questions using cards. A correct answer is counted in the case of a complete, error-free answer to all questions on the card.

Card No. 1

1) What creatures can live in an environment that does not contain oxygen?
2) How many legs do insects have and how many do spiders have?

Card No. 2

Teacher: Let's move on to the game: teams take turns choosing questions from four categories and earn from 10 to 50 points. Questions vary in difficulty.

1) Two teams take part in the game.

2) The right to make the first move is played by lot, then the team names the question they want to answer.

3) If the question is answered correctly, the team’s account receives the number of points corresponding to the price of the question; if incorrect, the team is fined the appropriate number of points, and the right to answer this question passes to the opponents.

4) The following sectors are found in the game:

- “Pig in a poke.” The team transfers the right to answer the question to one of the opposing teams.

- "my own game". The team has the right to increase or decrease the number of points for a given question.

- “Question-auction”. The team names any price for the question, but not lower than the nominal price and not lower than the amount of points available on the team’s account. Rival teams can outbid the issue by setting a higher price. If a team is all-in, other teams can outbid the issue with their all-in. In cases of an all-in game, if the answer is incorrect, you will have 0 points left on your account; if the answer is correct, the amount of points on your account will double.

5) The sum of points of the selected question is removed from the table.

Second round.


The emergence of life

Oh those animals

Entertaining anatomy

Mysteries of nature

Theme "Evolution". Questions:

10 points Who is in charge of artificial selection?

20 points. Not the strongest or most beautiful will survive. And the one who adapts better. Whose words are these?

30 points "Pig in a poke" 100 points. What did Charles Darwin never say?

40 points. "My own game". What is the point of excess offspring numbers?

50 points What are genotype and phenotype?

Theme: “The Emergence of Life.” Questions:

10 points. What impact did volcanoes have on the origin of life?

20 points What are coacervate drops?

30 points. How did water appear on earth?

40 points What are the main theories of the origin of life?

50 points "Pig in a poke." How long ago did life appear on earth?

Theme: "Oh, these animals." Questions:

10 points. "My own game". What color is the blood of an octopus? (Blue blood).

20 points Which beetle was revered as a sacred insect in ancient Egypt? (scarab).

30 points does this feline only live in Africa? (a lion).

40 points. "Question-auction". Why does the dolphin never sleep?

50 points Where do crayfish spend the winter?

Theme: "Entertaining Anatomy". Questions:

10 points Which bone is the longest in the skeleton? (Femur).

20 points What are we exhaling? (carbon dioxide).

30 points What gland is located under the stomach? (pancreas).

40 points Where are the smallest human bones located? (In the ear).

50 points "Pig in a poke." What kind of blood cells are there? ( Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets).

Theme: “Mysteries of Nature”. Questions:

10 points What is surface tension? (manifestation of hydrogen bonding in liquid).

20 points Are mushrooms plants or animals?

30 points "Question-auction" Where does the secretary bird live? (in the shrouds of Africa).

40 points Why do domestic chickens swallow pebbles? (they grind the grains in the stomach).

50 points "My own game". Why do moose eat fly agarics before winter?

(Animals eat them before winter to drive out parasites and make it easier to survive a hungry winter).

Teacher: "Who's Faster Tour (Children's Riddles)"

Tour questions:

In calm weather, we are nowhere to be found,
And the wind blows - we run on the water . (Waves ).

Shakes a little in the breeze
Ribbon in the open.
The narrow tip is in the spring,
And wide - into the sea . (River ).

On trees, on bushes
Flowers are falling from the sky.
white, fluffy,
Just not the scented ones. (Snow ).

In the blue sky
Like along the river,
White sheep are swimming.
They keep their way from afar
What are their names? ... (Clouds ).

The wind blew and frost
Brought snow to us from the north.
Only since then
On my glass... (Pattern ).

The jury sums up the results

Winner's reward ceremony …..

The use of didactic games as one of the methods for increasing the cognitive activity of students in biology, chemistry lessons and during extracurricular hours.”

The experience is relevant because it is closely related to solving the school problem “Humanization of the educational process.” This experience allows students to increase self-esteem, self-esteem, and respect for others. It allows us to solve the main problem facing modern schools - the reluctance of children to learn and large information overload. During the game, even the most passive student is included in the lesson; children are able to complete a volume of tasks several times greater than a regular lesson.

The difficult economic situation and new market relations have set a task for our school: in a relatively short time, to educate and equip students with such knowledge so that they can take their rightful place in society and bring maximum benefit to it. One of the most important directions for solving this problem is the intensification of the educational process, i.e. development and implementation of such forms and methods of teaching and educational materials that would provide for the targeted development of students’ thinking abilities, the development of their interest in learning, independence and creativity.

Fostering independence, initiative, and activity among our graduates is a requirement of our days. As a result, there is a need to constantly improve the structure of the educational process, its methods and organizational forms, to introduce elements of novelty into the methods and progress of completing educational tasks and solving problems. In the educational process, without receiving all the knowledge in a ready-made form, students must, based on the fundamental guidelines of the teacher, acquire a significant part of it independently during search tasks, problem situations and other means that activate cognitive activity.

Increasing student activity is achieved by a set of methods for organizing and managing educational and cognitive activities, which are commonly called active.

Active forms and methods of teaching contribute to the formation of students' information base, creative thinking, and practical skills. Active learning methods are divided into non-imitation and simulation. Imitation methods are divided into non-game and game methods. I will talk in more detail about gaming methods. Game is one of the types of active activity. It equally contributes to both the acquisition of knowledge, activating this process, and the development of many personality qualities.

Unfortunately, in our pedagogical activities, play is not always used as an equal form of learning and development for children. Although even the classics of Russian pedagogy (Ushinsky, Sukhomlinsky, Makarenko, Rubinstein) in their theoretical works and practical experience devoted a special place to the game, noting its beneficial educational, training and developmental capabilities, and pointed to the need to study the methodological development of games for schoolchildren. “We attach such importance to children’s games that if we were organizing a teachers’ seminary, we would make the theoretical and practical study of children’s games one of the main subjects,” wrote K. D. Ushinsky.

This statement has a relevant meaning for today's pedagogy. After all, the main function of a teacher is not so much to be a source of knowledge, but to organize the process of cognition, to create an atmosphere in the classroom in which it is impossible not to learn.

School practice indicates that educational game activity as a form of education fully meets the current task of methodology, didactics, psychology and pedagogy, which strive to intensify the educational process.

An educational game has the same structure as any educational activity, i.e. it includes the goal, the means, the process of the game and the result. In addition to educational, the game simultaneously pursues two goals: gaming and educational. On the one hand, it is a means of modeling the surrounding reality, and on the other, it is a methodological teaching method. The creative atmosphere and freedom from patterns that arise during the game contribute to the liberation of the creative reserves of the human psyche, neutralize feelings of anxiety, create a feeling of calm, and facilitate communication.

Play has a huge positive impact on the educational activities of intellectually passive children, of whom the majority are in our school. Special studies were carried out, as a result of which it turned out that during the game such a child is able to complete a volume of educational work that is completely inaccessible to him in a normal educational situation.

When is the game needed? Research by psychologists shows that if schoolchildren have developed a stable and deep interest in a subject, then they can give up the game (high school). If there is no such interest and the teacher strives to create it, then the game can become a good assistant to the teacher. It is also necessary to take into account the age of schoolchildren: the younger they are, the more important the game is for them. And here there is no need to be afraid that the interest that arises during the game is an interest in the game, and not in the learning process itself. The development of interest has a pattern: interest in the external side of phenomena develops into interest in their inner essence. Psychologist Davydov notes: “A properly staged game can teach a child a lot. Organizing children’s play activities requires no less profound special scientific knowledge, psychological and pedagogical research than the development of medical and genetic standards for ensuring the life of a child.” “And the opportunities that play opens up for an observant teacher in terms of assessing the creative inclinations of children, their resourcefulness, and ingenuity cannot be provided by any lesson, even the best one in methodological terms,” says V.F. Shatalov. During the game, the world of childhood connects with the world of science. In games, the student receives various information and knowledge freely. Therefore, often what seemed difficult during the lesson, even inaccessible to the student, is easily learned during the game. Interest and pleasure are important psychological effects of play. The famous French scientist Louis de Broglie argued that all games, even the simplest ones, have many elements in common with the work of a scientist. In both cases, what attracts you first is the task at hand, the difficulty that needs to be overcome, then the joy of discovery, the feeling of an obstacle overcome. This is why all people, regardless of age, are attracted to the game. The purpose of didactic games is the development of cognitive processes in schoolchildren (perception, attention, memory, observation, intelligence, and others) and consolidation of knowledge acquired in the lesson. Characteristic of each didactic game is, on the one hand, the solution of various didactic tasks: clarifying ideas about the subject as a whole and its essential features, etc. In this sense, the game is educational in nature. On the other hand, an integral element of every game is game action. The student’s attention is directed specifically to him, and already during the game he, unnoticed by himself, performs the general task. Therefore, didactic games are presented to students not just as fun, but as an interesting, unusual activity.

Game requirements.

  1. The game should be based on the free creativity and initiative of students.
  2. The game should be accessible, the goal of the game should be achievable, the design should be colorful and varied.
  3. A mandatory element of every game is its emotionality. The game should evoke pleasure, a cheerful mood, and satisfaction from a successful answer.
  4. In games, there must be a moment of competition between teams or individual participants in the game.

I have been working on this problem for two years. I tried to use a large variety of didactic games in my practice. I have developed not only lessons where game moments are fragmentarily used, but also lessons where play is the leading method (lessons - role-playing games, lessons - competitions, lessons - knowledge reviews, lessons - quizzes, lesson - investigation, lesson - examination and others) .

I'll start with lessons - games.

1. Lesson - role play"In the animal world. Phylum Arthropods." I teach this lesson in 7th grade as a lesson - a generalization of the material covered. I distribute roles in advance (this depends on the number of students in the class) so that as many children as possible are involved in the lesson. I choose two presenters who should know well the characteristics of the type of Arthropods and the classes included in this type. The following roles are the roles of correspondents who talk about different representatives of the Arthropod type. We choose as representatives animals that live in different parts of our planet, and do not forget about our local species. When selecting material, I try to make the information interesting and unusual. So, in this lesson, correspondents talk about the following Arthropods: lobsters and lobsters, the black widow spider, the tsetse fly, gadflies and horseflies, stray ants, fleas, and Colorado potato beetles. When talking about an animal, the correspondent shows its habitat on a map. In preparation for the lesson, the children themselves make drawings of the animals they talk about. A professor from the University of Massachusetts joins the discussion about the Colorado potato beetle and talks about the beneficial properties of the Colorado potato beetle. At the end of the lesson, 2 zoologist students tell interesting facts from the life of Arthropods and conduct a quiz about Arthropods to consolidate knowledge.

In preparation for this lesson, children learn to work with additional literature - select a source, select the main, interesting information. Students develop speech because they do not read their reports, but tell them in their own words. Every child wants to prove to himself and his classmates that he is capable of preparing and telling something interesting, and accordingly, self-esteem and self-esteem increase. Since there is a quiz at the end of the lesson, their attention is focused on the information provided. During a regular lesson, the kids are very reluctant to prepare reports, but here everyone wants to participate. Listening to classmates, children learn a culture of communication and behavior; They develop a sense of respect for others.

2. Lesson - review of knowledge"Blood. Circulatory system". I teach this lesson in 8th grade as a lesson - control of knowledge. This lesson allows you to test the knowledge and skills of students acquired while studying the topic “Blood. Circulatory system". The entire survey and knowledge control is carried out in the form of several competitions; for this, the class is divided into two teams. The first competition “Terms” or oral biological dictation, the teacher reads the definitions, students must give names. Second competition “Find the mistake”. The teacher reads out a story in which 8 mistakes were made. The team must find and correct these errors. Both teams are attentive, as you can complement your opponents’ answer and earn extra points. Third competition “Reception at the emergency room”. The teams are offered a description of the situation, they must determine the nature of the injury and provide first aid. The fourth competition “Accurate to...”. Students are given numbers and their task is to determine what these numbers mean. Fifth competition “Solving biological problems”. Students are given two biological problems to answer. Sixth competition “Names”. Teams take turns calling the name of a scientist who has made some kind of discovery in the field of studying blood or the circulatory system; the team’s task is to determine what kind of discovery this scientist made. Seventh competition “Messages”. This is homework - the teams draw a topic for their report by lot, and speak on their topic for 2 - 3 minutes. The eighth competition “Rebuses” is held as an additional one (if time permits) - each team must solve four puzzles to see who is faster. Then the lesson is summarized.

This form of lesson allows you to interview a large number of students and monitor the assimilation of a large amount of material. Discipline and attention are very important in this lesson to be able to answer.

3. Lesson - travel"The cell is the unit of life." I teach this lesson in 11th grade as a re-summarizing lesson. All repeated material is divided into several stations, while at which students perform certain tasks.

1. Station "Istoricheskaya". On the table are business cards of scientists who contributed to the development of cytology. Students pull out business cards and talk about the scientist whose name is written on the card. 2. Station “Blitz on knowledge of biological terms.” Students name terms according to their definitions. 3. Station “Comparative anatomical”. Some characteristic structural features of the cells of a particular organism are written on the cards. The students' task is to determine which organism we are talking about. 4. Station “Cell structure”. Students have signs on their desks with the names of cell organelles. The teacher reads out the functions performed by this organoid. Students must pick up the card with the correct organelle. 5. Station. "Physiological". The cards contain the names of the substances that make up the cell. What functions do these substances perform? 6. Station. "Genetic." Protein biosynthesis task. Two nucleotide sequences of DNA are given, write the process of transcription and translation from this sequence.

4. Lesson - competition"Angiosperms". I teach this lesson as a lesson in testing and monitoring knowledge. The class is divided into two teams. 1st competition - “Riddles from the garden”, teams guess riddles about plants of the studied families. Competition 2 - “Identify the plant.” Teams are given sets of plants (herbariums) with identification cards. Teams identify plants, who is faster and more correct, then tell how the determination was made. Competition 3 - “Listen, don’t yawn.” The teams have signs with the names of the families of plants studied. The teacher names the signs - the students raise a sign with the name of the family (or families). 4th competition - “Guess the intended plant.” There are several herbarium exhibits on the board. Each team guesses a plant, and then, asking leading questions, must guess the plant conceived by their opponents. The team that guesses the plant faster wins. 5th competition - “Do you know the taxonomy of plants.” Teams have signs with taxonomic units. The teacher reads out various biological names and students must hold up the card with the correct taxon. 6th competition - “The fifth odd one”. Teams are given herbariums of plants from one family; choose an extra plant that does not belong to this family. 7th competition - “Name a relative.” In 1 minute you need to write as many plants from the Asteraceae family as possible. Then the teams read out the plants (one at a time), and the last team to name the plant wins. 8th competition - “The story is a tall tale.” This is homework. Each team writes a story about a plant, making 5 mistakes. The opponents' task is to find and correct mistakes. The results are summed up and grades are given. During this lesson, children are very active; here they are required to know not only theory, but also the ability to apply their knowledge in practice. To win this lesson, you need to unite students into a team, cohesion, attentiveness and discipline.

5. Lesson - role-playing game."Disorders of the nervous system and their prevention." When conducting this lesson, roles are distributed among students (geneticist, infectious disease specialist, narcologist, sociologist, ecologist, neurologist, laboratory assistant). Children prepare performances that depict the harmful effects of alcohol, nicotine, drugs, and stress on the nervous system. Students deepen the concept of a healthy lifestyle, the causes of diseases of the nervous system, and their prevention. An illustration of the issues being studied is a demonstration of laboratory experiments; testing of school students; tables and graphs.

6. Lesson “Skin hygiene. Nail and hair care." A lesson in learning new material. In this lesson I will hold an exhibition of cosmetics for skin, nails and hair care. Students act as cosmetologists, talking about the types of cosmetics. Rules for its use. Students - “traditional healers” talk about traditional medicine recipes used to treat acne, skin whitening, etc.

7. Lesson “Global problems of air pollution” It is carried out in a chemistry lesson in the 11th grade as one of the final ones. Students are divided into sections, each section preparing information on a specific pollution problem. Students in the section themselves distribute the tasks: who will prepare a message, solve a problem or conduct an experiment. This helps strengthen collectivism and mutual assistance in the group.

8. Lesson - game “Weak Link” on the topic “Hydrocarbons”. I teach this lesson in 10th grade as a knowledge control lesson. This form allows you to check the quality of assimilation of a fairly large topic in a relatively short time. Students have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of topics such as: chemists who contributed to the study of hydrocarbons; structural features of hydrocarbon molecules; physical and chemical properties; qualitative reactions; Areas of use. In addition to lessons - games, I use the game as a fragment of the lesson. Very often I use game "Biological fishing". The fish are ready for the game, with tasks written on the underside. Two students - “fishermen”, from each team go out and catch fish with fishing rods with magnets attached. Then for 2 - 3 minutes. teams prepare for answers, then answer. The game is multifunctional, because allows you to replace tasks and use it in different lessons. In addition, in this game form you can ask weak students who, when completing this task, feel more confident. The game is “Biological Lotto”. Different groups of animals are written on the tablets, the teacher names the types of animals, and the students distribute these animals on their tablets. This game allows you to systematize and classify the studied animals into groups. Memory and attention of students develop. I play the game using the same principle. "Chemical Lotto", where students must distribute the formulas of the proposed substances into classes of inorganic (organic) compounds. Game - "Zoo". Students in 1 min. must write as many animals as possible. Then they take turns reading out their answers, and the child who names the last animal wins. When completing this task, children analyze the available information about animals in general. Learn to generalize the concept of “animal”. The game is "The Third Wheel". Of the three words, choose one extra one. For example, drupes, achenes, apples (grade 6). On the one hand, the excess is the achene, because this is a dry fruit, on the other hand it is an apple, because it is a multi-seeded fruit.

Game - “Make pairs”. 7th grade Pisces class.

1) Salmonids; Coelacanth. 2) Sturgeon. Asp. 3) Carp-like. Ruff. 4) Spiny-finned. Beluga. 5) Locofin. Pink salmon.

In addition to such games, I use a variety of crosswords and puzzles. Children themselves make up crossword puzzles, fairy tales, creative tasks and reports, drawings of fantastic animals, etc.

Make up the name of the fish by rearranging the letters.



To complicate this task, you can ask students to come up with questions for the resulting fish names.

A wide field of activity for using games exists in extracurricular work in biology and chemistry. Children are happy to take part in activities such as: games “Lucky Chance” - “Winter in Nature”; “Finest Hour” - “Birds”, “Primroses”, “A Dog Happens...”, “Brain Ring” - “My Health”, etc.

And the most important thing, in my opinion, is the fact that children do not consider my subject to be secondary or unnecessary. They study biology with enthusiasm, pass exams, listen with bated breath to stories about living things. Apply the knowledge gained in class in everyday life.

I believe that as a teacher, I have come closer to realizing my goal in teaching and the comprehensive development of the student’s personality, so that he can use the knowledge and skills acquired in my lessons in real adult life, and live in harmony with the surrounding nature, people and himself.


(I. Ageeva)

IN first resting,

They drink beer.

The branch is thick - second,

It may be completely dry.

Everything together- he is a forest animal,

Wakes up in the spring

He lives in his hole,

He eats everything he can find.

He deftly digs the ground,

And, tired, he falls asleep.

Sleep without rest all day

This beast is not lazy.

(Bar + Bitch = Badger)

Firstyou can search in the sea,

But you can't swim for him.

A on the second they used to plow the land -

In the old days people didn’t even know about tractors.

Whole- this is an animal too,

It's very on second Seems like.

(Buoy + Ox = Buffalo)

That's what we call the little house,

There's all sorts of rubbish and firewood.

Change the place of the letters -

There will be a fish swimming in the sea.

(Barn - saury)

Firstfits easily into the bottle

Carefully washes the walls.

A behind the second let's go fishing

When he bites the hook, we wait.


Firstdraws figures on the ice,

And here second I'm taking you to the stables.

Thirdon the roof two slopes are held together,

In the sea fourth lives and lives.

Fifthwaves its wings welcomingly,

The sky above the meadow is his blue home.


First- large bird of prey,

What is circling over the dead animal.

The long part of the guitar is second,

He squeezes tightly with his left hand.

There are secret documents third.

What kind of word is that? Think about it, children.


WITH " B" - he raises a soldier to attack,

In distant Australia with " IN" lives.

(Combat - wombat)

With the letter " R» - automatic assistant,

He is happy to make any work easier for you.

With the letter " X" - the elephant has it,

It is famous for its length.

(R both - trunk)

From the first " WITH"I am a huge bird,

That he cannot learn to fly.

From the first " Sh"Everyone should know me:

I managed to write a lot of waltzes.

(Ostrich - Sh trous)

C« G" - I am a striped predator,

Your cats are a brother, guys.

A without « G" - I am an institution,

Everything is in the target room.

(Tiger- shooting gallery)

WITH " L" - lives in the north,

He pulls the sled quickly.

WITH " WITH"- happens after summer,

It's the time of year, kids.

(Deer- autumn)



Use the hints to guess for yourself. words and the names of those animals which of them “ran away”.

GI _ _ _ _ _(health rules)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ IUM(plant of the ranunculaceae family)

_ _ _ _ OST(submissiveness, humility)

PA _ _ _ _ DNIK(fenced garden in front of the house)

TWO _ _ _ _ A(shotgun)

P _ _ _ _ OK(small town)

_ _ _ _ _ KA(tasty nickname for a car steering wheel)

G_ _ _ _ _(part of the leg from the knee to the foot)

BRA _ _ _ _ ER(outlaw hunter)

FOR _ _ _ _ KA(furnace door)

_ _ _ _ MANIA(cognition, comprehension)

_ _ _ _ _ CHA(fire observation tower)

GLU _ _ _ _ (grape sugar in fruits, honey)

PO _ _ _ _ _ (painting surfaces with chalk or lime)

D _ _ _ _ (hand, palm in the old days)

(Runaway animals: hyena, dolphin, mole, fox, wolf, donkey,

ram, deer, horse, elephant, pony, sea otter, goat, squirrel, fallow deer.)



Use the clues provided to guess names of biological objects or biological terms, which are ambiguous words.

Not only a string or queue, but also a herbaceous medicinal plant of the Asteraceae family.


Not only a falconry accessory, but also part of the root.


Not only a unit of speed for sea vessels, but also a section of the stem.


Not only the initial section of the cow’s stomach, but also the mark of a leaf on a plant shoot.


Not only the black velvet ribbon that women wore around their necks, but also the yellow-orange lawn flower.


Not only a wrestling athlete, but also a poisonous herb of the buttercup family, also known as aconite.


Not only women's jewelry for the face and body, but also annoying two-winged flying insects.


Not only a device for carrying two buckets on the shoulder, but also a large predatory dragonfly.


Not only a large bird of prey that feeds on carrion, but also a breed of hunting dog.


Not only an underwater specialist, but also a large rescue dog.


Not only the waltz circle or the competition stage, but also the Caucasian mountain goat.


Not only a mystery, but also a substance produced and secreted by glandular cells.


Not only an astronomical instrument, but also a breed of gold aquarium fish.


Not only the home of animals in captivity, but also an elementary living system, the basis of the structure and life activity of all animals and plants.


Not only residents of Germany, but also tropical stinging insects.


Not only duty, shift work, but also marsh perennial grass.


Not only a wind-up spinning children's toy, but also a wood lark.


Not only a wind-up rotating children's toy, but also a small bittern.


Not only a sharp thorn, but also a large migratory sturgeon fish.


Not only a change of medical bandage, but also a predatory mammal of the marten family.


Not only a chopping kitchen tool, but also a bird of the auk family.


Not only a specialist in tailoring, but also a bird who “sews” a nest from leaves.


Not only a small restaurant, a cabaret, but also a vegetable plant.


Not only chocolates, but also mushrooms.


Not a series of equal-sized, even objects superimposed on one another, but also part of a leg.


Not only a utility container, but also part of the skeleton.


Not only a child's tool, but also a bone in the upper back.


Not only the side of the polyhedron face, but also the rib cage bone.


Who has tongue (tongue), but no mouth?

(At the bell, at the shoe, at the flame)

Who has neck, but no cervix?

(At the bottle, at the decanter)

Who has teeth, but no tongue and mouth?

(At the saw, at the comb, at the gear)

Who has eyelet, but no heads?

(At the needle)

Who has brushes, but no hands?

(At the grapes, at the rowan)

Who has back, but no tummy?

(At the chair, at the sofa)

Who has legs, but no handles and heads?

(At the table, at the stools, at the sofa)

Who has pens, but no legs?

(At doors, at windows, at cups and mugs)

Who has nose (spout), but no faces?

(By the ship, by the kettle)

Who has face, but no heads?

(For fabric, for clothes)

Who has ribs, but no spine?

(At the cube, at the prism, at the pyramid)

Who has head, but no hair, arms and legs?

(At the match, at the pin, at the onion)

Who has kidneys, but no stomach and liver?

(By the tree)

Who has bones, but no skeleton?

(Apricots, cherries, plums, etc.)

Which marigold don't scratch and don't know how to manicure?

(Marigold flowers, otherwise known as calendula)

Whose eyes colorful and never blink?

(Pansy flowers)

Who voice yes, but heads And body No?

(At the echo)

No one has any kulaks, neither biceps, and will knock any strong man off his feet?

(Near sleep)

From what calyxes impossible to drink?

(From the kneecap)

Who without language speaks and sings?

(Radio, tape recorder)

Who runs without legs?

(River, stream, time)

Without hands, without legs, and opens doors and windows, breaks trees, rips off hats?


Who flies without wings, without legs running, swimming without a tail or fins?


Who without eye, A tears crying?

(Cloud, cloud, icicle, candle.)

Who has neither lungs, no gills, but breathes and sighs?


Who has mustache, but no faces?

(Strawberries, cucumbers, zucchini)


How to correct: p I muddy p I tone or p And muddy p And tone?

(Correct writing p I muddy p And tone.)

Which punctuation mark is everyone inseparable from? swallows?

(With a dot - las dot)

What kind of poultry asks everyone one of the genitive questions all the time?

(Chicken - Where?)

What type of kohlrabi?

(From a grammatical point of view - feminine; from a biological point of view - cabbage, a vegetable.)

Name a vegetable that has common roots with “hood”, “capital” and “captain”.

(Cabbage, all these words come from the Latin “kaput” - head.)

What snake's name can be an adverb?


The name of which bird can also be an imperative verb?


Which animal family name can also be an imperative verb?

(Flying insects - a swarm.)

What is the profession of a person who claims that the words “narwhal”, “deer”, “wildebeest” and “swarm” are not verbs, but nouns?

(A biologist, since he knows that the narwhal is a marine mammal of the dolphin family, the deer is an artiodactyl animal of the deer family, the wildebeest is an antelope, the swarm is a bee family.)

Who writes the phrase “hold the tree” together in one word?

(Botanists, derzhiderevo is a branched shrub of the buckthorn family.)

How to write correctly: “beaver” or “beaver”?

(If you want to write the name rodent animal, then write “beaver”, and if you are talking about him fur or collar from it, then write “beaver”. The letter “Y” turns a living beaver into a collar!)

Did the student write correctly that “a killer whale is a barn swallow”?

(No, killer whale is a large predatory dolphin, and a barn swallow is killer whale. Just one letter can cause a swallow to end up in the ocean! What will happen if in a letter to your beloved girl you affectionately call her “orca”?!)

Is the word "tel" spelled correctly? And background"?

(Yes, if we are talking about a tropical arachnid predator.)

Is the word "caret" spelled correctly? tt A"?

(Yes, if we are talking about a sea turtle from tropical seas.)



Biology teacher at school No. 142

Turksib district of Almaty

Kulinskaya Leila Rahamzhanovna

Using game moments in biology lessons.
Every person is always surrounded by various animals and plants, no matter where he is. Biology is a rather complex subject, where not only the species composition of flora and fauna is studied, but also a large number of concepts and definitions, laws and patterns. Making such work interesting and exciting, at the same time scientific and educational, increasing students’ activity and interest in the subject is the main task of a modern teacher.

Currently, the main problem of the school is the large information load and the reluctance of children to learn. But during the game, even the most passive student is included in the lesson; students are able to complete a volume of tasks several times greater than a regular lesson.

Game is one of the types of active activity. It equally contributes to both the acquisition of knowledge, activating this process, and the development of many personality qualities, develops students’ mental activity, communication skills, and instills a love for the subject. The game situation contributes to a faster and more accessible acquisition of knowledge and skills. This is necessary because modern conditions are characterized by the humanization of the educational process and appeal to the student’s personality. The implementation of this task objectively requires a new approach to learning, to the organization of the entire cognitive process. In addition, a modern school requires teaching each student to study independently.

It is in the game that a person experiences the joy of victory and the delight of discovery; in the game he dreams and fantasizes, strives to “take” the heights and measure his strength and intelligence with his opponent.

An educational game is introduced into the educational process as a creative educational task and provides real conditions for active mental activity, contributes to the formation and development of students’ intellectual skills.

In my work, I use several options for game moments, which act as both components of the lesson and game lessons dedicated to consolidating the learned material. Here are some examples of game moments:

Every teacher, regardless of the subject he teaches, uses gaming activities in his lessons. And I consider the use of various games in lessons to be very relevant, and even necessary. Because, don’t forget that we work with children, and children, regardless of their age, are always willing to play. Whether they are 10 or 17 years old, the game always piques their interest. And this interest is visible when you say the words: “Oh, let’s play!” When the conditions of the game are indicated, the whole class comes to life. During the game, there is 100% class activity, excitement, interest, not only in the game itself, but also in the topic being studied in this lesson, and, naturally, in the subject of biology as a whole.

At the end of the lesson, the children very often ask to use the same game in the next lesson. You can include a game in the next lesson, just change the type of game activity, since the same game quickly gets boring for the children. Students, knowing that they have to solve a crossword puzzle or puzzles, listen to the topic of the lesson very carefully, because each of them, even low-performing students, wants to take part in the game and answer correctly, and as they themselves say: “not to lose face in front of their own people.” classmates."

In my lessons, I often use games that take 5-10 minutes of class time.

An example of games in biology lessons.

1. Find the “extra” word and explain why it is “extra”:

amoebas, green euglena, bacteria, slipper ciliates.
shellfish, amphibians, birds, mammals.

2. From the proposed symbols, by selecting Russian letters, you will receive a word that needs to be defined.



3. Charades

C “G” – accessory for bolts,
With “L” - drives away foxes and wolves by barking,
With “M” – has no sleeves,
With “H” – fast-winged fisherman.
(Nut, Laika, Mike, Seagull.)

Animal is my first syllable
The second, final one, is a preposition.
And the total value is
Creation of water and wind.


With "R" - the name of the flower,
With "K" - the creator of milk,
With "L" - from grape bushes,
With “P” we will do without words.

(Rose, Goat, Vine, Pose.)

Find a continuous broken line that goes around all the cells without intersecting anywhere and without going anywhere twice, so that following the line you can read about the meaning of click beetles.

5. Plant anagrams.

Rearrange the letters in the given words to form the names of the plants.

Antifreeze = lotus; Taras = aster.

6. Letter board

On the desks in front of the students there are cards with definitions. A slide with many letters appears on the board. Students need to find terms for their definitions on this board. Movement can only be done horizontally and vertically.

7. “Guess what.”

Anyone who knows what classes the animals indicated in the line headings belong to will be able to compose a keyword from the letters located at the “correct” intersections.

8. Crosswords

This amphibian is easily distinguished from a frog
on rough skin covered with tubercles (toad), etc.

9. Confusion

Having studied the topic “Prevention of heart and vascular diseases,” let the words of the famous doctor Amosov, who treated people’s hearts all his life, become the motto of your life. (Unravel this motto, write it down and remember!)

10. “Who will decide first”

The game involves two teams. In front of the teams, samples of herbarium specimens are placed on the table according to the number of players. Herbarium specimens must be well known to the teams, so only plants from studied families are offered. At the teacher’s signal, students run to the table, one player from each team, each selects any herbarium specimen from their pile, writes the name on a separate piece of paper and places it in the herbarium. The following players run after him. The team that completes the task first and without errors wins.

11. “Yes-no”, or a universal game for everyone.

The essence of the game is that the presenter (teacher or student) thinks of something (a number, an object, a character, a phenomenon:). Students try to find the answer by asking questions. The presenter can answer these questions only with the words “yes”, “no”, “both yes and no”.

It happens that the question is asked incorrectly or the teacher does not want to give an answer for didactic reasons, and then he refuses the answer with a predetermined gesture.

I will give an example of using this game in a biology lesson in 6th grade.

Question: A plant has been conceived. Which?
- Is this a herbaceous plant? - Yes.
- Is this chamomile? - no answer (a negative gesture is shown).

Growing in the garden? - Yes and no.
- Is the plant dicotyledonous? - Yes.
- Is this a cultivated plant? - No.
- Plant of the cruciferous family? - Yes.
- Are the flowers white? - Yes.
- Is the fruit a pod? - No.
- Pod? - Yes.
- Is this plant a shepherd's purse? - YES! The answer has been found.
After the game, a brief discussion is required: which questions were correct, correct? Which and why are unfaithful and weak? This is necessary in order to develop a search strategy for the children, and not reduce the game to randomly asking questions and simple guessing.

13. What? Where? When?
A game for a generalization lesson in the class “Birds”.

Students form groups or teams (each group has its own name related to the topic of the lesson). The game consists of 3 rounds, 4 teams with their own names and emblems participate, each with 4 people. Using a draw, the order in which teams approach the playing field is determined. A team member spins the top, the arrow shows a sector with the number of points for the correct answer. The teacher reads out the question and is given 30 seconds to think about it.

In case of an inaccurate answer, members of other teams complete the answer and receive additional points. If a team does not give the correct answer, the question is passed on to the students of the other team. Sector “B” is bankrupt, the issue is also transferred to another team. Sector “+” – this means that the number of points indicated in the sector is summed up. The teacher records the number of points on the checklist. At the end of the game, the results are summed up and scores are given.

Questions for Team No. 1
1) What parts does the bird’s body consist of?
2) What is the importance of a bird’s body shape for flight?
3) What types of feathers are there on a bird’s body?
4) How do birds take care of their feathers?

Questions for team No. 2
1) What is the structure of a bird’s contour feather?
2) What is the significance of a bird’s feather cover?
3) What is the difference between the molt of birds and snakes?
4) What are the features of adaptation to flight in the structure of the bird’s skull?

Questions for team #3
1) What is the structure and significance of down feathers?
2) What are the features of adaptation to flight in the structure of the bird’s spine?
3) What is the significance of the keel of the sternum?
4) What is the structure of the skeleton of the lower limb of a bird?

Questions for team #4
1) What bones does the skeleton of a bird’s wing consist of?
2) Why can reptiles go hungry for many days, but birds eat very often?
3) Why doesn’t the bird suffocate during flight?
4) How does the structure of the circulatory system of birds and reptiles differ?

Games - trainings.

These games come to the rescue in difficult times - to dissolve the boredom of monotony:

14. Game "Assemble the picture." Students are given drawings of plants on cards. Plant families are offered on a tablet divided into fields. The student must correctly match the plant and family. Turning the cards over to the reverse side, an image is drawn up.

15. Game "Competence"

Before the game: the theme of the game is known in advance, and students prepare for it 1-2 weeks in advance. It is advisable for the teacher to look at the prepared assignments first.
During the game: teams exchange packages with tasks and solve them simultaneously within the allotted time. After that, each question of the opposing team is answered by the student whom the opponents choose!
This work scheme is good because each team is interested in the knowledge of each of its members. This means that the strong pull up the weak.

16. Test simulator – This is a good warm-up before the start of the lesson, and this test is good for consolidating knowledge at the end of the lesson.

17. Puzzles

18. Game “Accurate to...”

This game is appropriate when students have studied the human circulatory system. The children need to remember what the numbers in the first column mean and compare them with the answer options given in the second column. Students can work independently in a notebook, or one student can complete the task at the board. But in any case, upon completion of this work, we check that the task was completed correctly.

For example, in 7th grade when studying orders of mammals.

The teacher invites one student from the group to the board and invites them to play the game “Flower of Seven Flowers” ​​(a flower is pasted on the board made of colored paper, students pick off the petals, on which the names of the orders of Mammal animals are written on the other side). Each group characterizes the detachment they selected according to the plan.

a) representatives;
b) environment and habitat;
c) characteristic features, adaptation to the environment;
d) significance in nature and human life;
e) interesting facts from the life of representatives of this detachment

(Students are given 10 minutes to complete this task).

After time has passed, each group characterizes the squad they have chosen.
Having examined the characteristics and representatives of each of the groups, the teacher invites students to play:

Game No. 1 "Who is it?"
A) Made a hole, dug a hole,

The sun is shining, he doesn't even know it.
Answer: Mole

Which order does this animal belong to?
Answer: Insectivores

What adaptations does a mole have for living in the soil?

Answer: The body is dense, cylindrical in shape, the head is devoid of ears, the neck is almost invisible. Strong forelimbs - short, but with a wide hand, armed with powerful claws. Due to life in a dark hole, the mole's eyes are underdeveloped, about the size of a pinhead.

Does anyone know an interesting fact from the life of a mole?
Answer: A mole can dig a tunnel 70 meters long in one night.

Game No. 2 “Find the animal”

The orders of animals of the class Mammals are written on the board; students must use magnets from the proposed drawings to select and place representatives of these orders on the board. (Insectivores, bats, rodents, lagomorphs, carnivores).

Game No. 3 “Try and find me!”

The teacher distributes to each group of students a picture printed on A4 depicting a huge number of animals hidden in thickets, standing in clearings, etc. Students need to find representatives of the units that were studied in this lesson.

Each group takes turns finding and naming the animals. If students from a group cannot find the animal, then this group drops out of the game, and so on until one group remains, it will be the winner.

Game No. 4 “You for me, I for you.”

In the previous lesson, students were given homework to come up with several questions about the topic so that they would be different from the questions in the paragraph.

To play you need a small soft (foam) ball.

The teacher starts the game, throws the ball to one of the students and asks a question.

The student answers the question and throws the ball to any other student in the class, asking his question. He, having caught the ball, answers the question and throws the ball to the next student.

If one of the students finds it difficult to answer a question, a neighbor at his desk (or a student sitting in front of him or behind him) helps him.


Who flies the fastest?
flashes like black lightning,
mouth open on the fly
deftly catches midges?

(Black swift.)

Even though they are not birds, they fly,
Ultrasounds are produced
People are scared in the dark
They go into winter hibernation,
Insects are exterminated
They live in hollows during the day.
(The bats)

Danger is near - he is in a ball
And puts out the needles,
And at night with an appetite he
Eats larvae.
And with the onset of winter,
When there is a lack of food
Hibernates until spring -
Nobody is looking for him. (Hedgehog).

Body yellowish, round in cross-section,
Sharp ends stay in the intestines,
They have three lips and are dioecious. Who are they? Call me.

2. "Seven troubles - one answer"

The teacher offers a word, and the students offer 7 explanations (explanations) of this term (you can name only individual words)

The game is a means of intellectual development, since various mental processes are activated during the game. To understand the concept, learn the game actions and rules, you need to actively listen and comprehend the teacher’s explanation.

How to increase and develop students' interest in studying biology? This question worries many teachers, including me. I clearly understand that the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in biology must meet the requirements of modern society. It is important for me that the information received in the lesson interests the students, because then the students will have a desire to study biology outside the lesson, learning more and more. I believe that a varied and interesting lesson helps to enrich children’s knowledge, show their initiative and independence, contributes to the development of individual qualities, the discovery of talents, and even influence the choice of profession in the future. Carrying out various game moments in the lesson (practical work, game lessons, excursions, conferences, discussions, seminars, lectures, tests, KVN) contribute to the formation of a creative, independent personality of students. Collaborative work brings students and teachers closer together and contributes to the formation of a real team of like-minded people. In addition, students acquire ample opportunities to develop practical skills in working with various sources of knowledge: books, the Internet, which will help them in the future while studying at universities or other educational institutions.

summary of presentations


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Games lessons

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Game teaching methods in biology lessons. Lessons are competitions. Lessons - press conferences. Lessons like KVN. Theater lessons. Lessons with group forms of work. Peer learning lessons. Lessons taught by students. Lessons - tests. Binary lessons. Lessons are generalizations. Lessons - lectures. Lessons - conferences. Lessons - seminars. Lessons - excursions. Lessons - games. I will give several examples of the use of gaming techniques in lessons and at extracurricular activities. LOTTO: option 1. LOTTO: option 2. 1. Rebus “Coniferous plants” What is the significance of coniferous plants in nature? - Games lessons.ppt

Biology game

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“SUCH DIFFERENT BIOLOGY” (game for students in grades 9-11). Rules of the game. Three teams play. The rules are similar to the rules of the TV show “Own Game”. The right to move first is drawn by lot. The correct answer is assessed by the amount of points assigned to the question. If the answer is incorrect, the right to move is transferred to the opponents. Additions to the game. “All-in” - the question is interrupted only by all-in. Final round. The team bets on a certain number of points. The question is read out, and the team members write down the answer on sheets of paper. At the end of the time (1 minute), the answers are read aloud. The team with the most points wins. - Biology game.ppt

Biology game

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Games and game situations in biology lessons. About the game in general and educational games in particular. The word “game” is interpreted in different ways: Features of an educational game. Didactic possibilities of educational games. Orientation. Preparation for the event. Carrying out the game. Summarizing. Discussion of the progress and results of the game. Classification of educational games (according to T. P. Voitenko). Role-playing games. Competition games. Simulation and modeling games. The game is a guided discussion. The game is a creative discussion. 6th grade. "The Trial of Chlorophyll." The class is divided into three teams (rows). The board offers rubrics and points for correct answers. - Biology game.ppt

"Own game" in biology

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My own game. The structure of the kidneys. What two layers are distinguished in each kidney? Blood purification. Vessels. Microscopic capsule. Ringworm disease. How can a person become infected with scabies? Which of these diseases is skin? A man invented a vaccine against rabies. What layers of skin are distinguished? Outside surface. What types of leather are there? Outer layer. Nerve endings. Binary Latin name of the species. List the main functions of the skin. Plaster casts. Functions of the spinal cord. Brain. Explain the structure and functions of the cerebral cortex. Hypovitaminosis. Products containing vitamin C. - “Own game” in biology.pptm

Biology lesson game

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In the world. Plants. The wood of which plant is used in shipbuilding. Flowerbed. Cellulose. Bamboo. Needles. Mammoth. Whale. Chameleon. Flounder. Antelope. Bones. Scoliosis. Blood. Where is the organ of taste located in humans? Hormones. "Water horse" is a hippopotamus. China is the only country where blue roses grow. Pheasant is the same chicken. Centipedes and tarantulas are poisonous insects. Penguins can't jump, they just waddle. Cell. Karyotype. Biotechnology. Photosynthesis. What crossbreeding is used to determine the genotype of individuals. - Biology lesson-game.ppt

“Biology game” 6th grade

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Interactive biology games

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Biological game. Cultivate children's curiosity. Qualifying round. Arrange the planets in order of distance from the Sun. Mercury. A game. 16,000. 100 points. The celestial body closest to Earth. Moon. 200 points. Redwoods. Giant trees. 300 points. The structure of plants. Ecology. 500 points. Galileo. Schleiden. 1000 points. Name of the plant. Double name of the plant. 2000 points. Beluga. Shark. 4000 points. Grasshoppers. Grasshoppers belong to the order. 8000 points. What birds saved Rome. Swans. 16,000 points. What class of animals do turtles belong to? Fish. 32,000 points. Frogs. - Interactive games on biology.ppt

Biology riddles

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Fun biology. Quiz about our little brothers. "Erudite tour". "Poems of Znayka and Dunno." A thick-skinned hippopotamus takes hay with its trunk. "Confusion". - Biology riddles.ppt

Biology questions

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Biology competition

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Biology Quiz

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Good afternoon, young biology experts! The most famous student of our school, “Pochemuchkin,” welcomes you. Today, two teams are participating in the biological shootout: “Roots” and “Tops”. An hour of entertaining biology. Team presentation. Each team shows a “business card” - the name of the team, the emblem - for 2 minutes. Defense in the form of a song, poetry, skit of your choice. Warm up. Warm-up for “Tops” 1. The branch in clusters is dressed in purple. “Secrets of the Black Box” Hint No. 1. Unpretentious. In the heat they dry out and seem lifeless. They live up to 50-100 years. Hint #2 Symbiosis. Lichen + Mushroom. - Biology Quiz.ppt

Nature Quiz

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The earth is our common home. Human impact. Guess the riddle. Earth's birthday. Dear home. In the animal world. Rare and endangered species. Steller's cow. Green friends. Medicinal plants. Birds. Friends of the garden and vegetable garden. Cheerful boy. Night-bird. Herbs and clays. Flycatcher. Tit. Water. Forest mysteries. Excellent vision. Sedentary animal. Panda. Apple. - Quiz about nature.ppt

Biology Quiz Questions

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Bioworld. The questions are divided into three groups. Biology. Anatomy. Zoology. Botany. Topics of questions. Alien bodies. Arteries. Hypertension. Alveoli. Trap. Two questions. Scientist. Outer layer of skin. Division of the brain. Pupil. Central braking. Outgrowth of a nerve cell. 2. Bird. A collection of animals. Trap. Question. Animal behavior. Pallas. Chloroplasts. Organism. Properties of organisms. Parts of the body. Formozov. Warm-blooded animals. 3. Cytology. Rudimentary shoot. Tree. Plants. Sunflower. Symbionts. Bark of tree. Juicy single-seeded fruit. Trap. -