The contract for the removal of construction waste specifies the responsibilities assumed by the parties.

A waste removal agreement is an official document that is concluded between the direct customer (person or organization) and the contractor (the company that will collect and remove waste from the customer’s territory). As a rule, a standard contract for the removal of construction waste contains standard provisions that spell out the responsibilities assumed by the parties.

First, it is indicated by whom and when the contract was concluded. This is necessary in order to, if necessary, calculate the timing of the provision of services and hold the parties accountable if the need arises. Further, the contract for garbage removal contains conditions, which spell out point by point who, to whom and what undertakes to provide and do. For example: the contractor undertakes to remove waste within the specified time frame to special authorized landfills specified in the coupons for cargo disposal, and the customer, in turn, guarantees uninterrupted access for the contractor to the serviced area. It also spells out the special characteristics of the garbage and the conditions under which they will be transported, such as: the waste does not contain hazardous substances or, on the contrary, contains them, and transportation will be carried out in sealed garbage containers.

The next section of the agreement is calculations. Any contract for the removal of construction waste, both the original and the sample, contains data on financial settlements in relation to the parties. As a rule, it is indicated during what time and exactly what amount the customer must pay to the contractor, as well as the conditions under which recalculation can be carried out (in case of changes in tariffs for the disposal of construction waste at the landfill, as well as prices for waste removal directly by the contractor).

The responsibility of the parties is also indicated in a separate position when drawing up a contract for waste removal. This is necessary for each of the parties (both the customer and the contractor) in order to protect themselves and guarantee compliance with all provisions specified in the contract. Each party bears responsibility for waste removal:

  • the customer, if changes occur in the composition or condition of the waste due to his fault;
  • executor if agreements are violated due to the condition of special equipment or in other cases specified in this paragraph.

A contract for the removal of construction waste protects the rights of those who sign it, and thereby resolves disputes that could potentially arise between the parties.

If necessary, the customer and the company that will remove the waste can specify additional conditions, for example, the possibility of terminating the contract or changing any clauses.

A contract for the removal of construction waste is the key to an honest relationship between the customer and the contractor. Our company also offers its clients the conclusion of an agreement for the removal of non-standard and large-sized waste in Moscow and the Moscow region (Pushkino and other cities). Please contact us to clarify the details of garbage removal in your individual case and agree on the date for concluding the contract.

Download a sample contract for the removal of construction waste (84 KB)

Sample contract

AGREEMENT No.____-17

for the provision of waste removal services

Moscow "____"__________20199 G.

MSK LLC, hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, represented by General Director D.A. Remigailo, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and ____________________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, represented by ____________________________________________________________, acting on the basis of ____________, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this Agreement as follows:


1.1. The Customer instructs, and the Contractor undertakes, the obligations to organize the collection and removal of waste related to non-hazardous and hazard class IV, including solid waste, KGM, construction waste, soil, snow, industrial waste (with the exception of roofing felt and rubber*), permitted for placement at landfills and special processing enterprises with appropriate permits and licenses from the Customer’s territory at the address: ____________________________.

1.2. The volume, nature of the work and other necessary information are determined in the application by the Customer.

1.3. Applications are accepted by the Contractor by means of communication (telephone, fax, e-mail), or according to the service delivery schedule approved by the Parties.

1.4. To provide services under the Agreement, the Contractor has the right to involve third parties, while remaining responsible to the Customer. The Contractor determines the technology for providing services independently.

1.5. Removal of specific waste (rolled roofing materials, tires, tree roots, etc.) is determined by a separate appendix to the Agreement.


2.1. The performer is obliged:

        provide services using technically sound vehicles and service personnel in accordance with applications accepted for execution;

        independently carry out work in accordance with safety regulations and provide the Customer, if necessary, with unhindered access to check the quality of services;

        promptly inform the Customer about the possible failure to provide services at the specified time due to circumstances beyond the Contractor’s control (road accidents, traffic jams, accidents at landfills, etc.).

2.2. The customer is obliged:

        To not allow:

Mechanical damage to the Contractor's container during loading operations;

Reloading of the Contractor's container in excess of the tonnage specified in the protocol for agreeing on the cost of services;

*- drawn up as a separate appendix to the Agreement

Do not allow freezing or pressing of waste in containers, as well as loading of liquid, concrete or adhesive masses, and if it is impossible to unload waste from the container due to the fault of the Customer, additional costs for unloading are paid by the Customer;

Fires of garbage in a container on the Customer’s territory;

During the period of validity of this agreement, do not use independently (including for loading by cranes, moving without agreement with the Contractor) and do not involve other persons in the use of storage bins owned by the Contractor;

        ensure free access to the container site;

        provide lighting and cleaning of approaches to the site;

        make timely payments for the Contractor's services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;

        When collecting, removing and disposing of waste, the Parties are obliged to:

Comply with environmental, sanitary and other requirements in the field of waste management;

Take necessary measures to protect the environment and human health;

        do not load the container with waste that may pose an immediate or potential danger to the environment and human health independently or when it comes into contact with other substances;

        in case of filling the bunker with waste not specified in the received application or belonging to hazard classes 1-3, the Customer is obliged to reimburse all additional expenses of the Contractor for their transportation and placement at a landfill that has permission to place or use these types of waste, and if it is impossible to transport to recycling - take the waste back, reimbursing the cost of idling the vehicle;

        make a mark on the Contractor’s driver’s waybill (route) confirming the removal of the waste container. The absence of a mark on the waybill does not exempt the Customer from paying for the work actually performed by the Contractor.


3.1. The cost of services is determined based on the fact of work performed on the basis of the Protocol for agreeing on the contract price, drawn up as Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement;

3.2. Tariffs can be increased by the Contractor unilaterally in the event of an increase in prices for fuels and lubricants, waste disposal, the costs of which amount to 45% of the cost of services by the Contractor; as well as on inflation indicators, according to calculations by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation once a year (quarter, half-year);

3.3. The Contractor is obliged to notify the Customer of changes in tariffs at least 15 banking days in advance, orally or in writing, indicating the new prices;

3.4. If the Customer has not reported disagreement with the change in tariffs before the provision of work (services), the Contractor continues to work, issuing invoices based on new prices;

3.5. If the Customer disagrees with the new prices, the Parties agree on the possibility of further cooperation;


4.1. The Customer pays the Contractor, based on the invoice, an advance in the amount of 100% of the cost of services for organizing waste removal. The advance is counted towards payment for services rendered.

4.2. Calculations are made by transferring funds to the current account specified in the Contractor's details in the currency of the Russian Federation.

4.3. Upon completion of the work (services), the Contractor provides the Customer with a Certificate of Completion of Work (Services) in 2 copies and an invoice. The customer signs certificates of completed work within 5 days from the date of receipt. One copy of the signed act is returned to the Contractor. The absence of a signed act by the Customer does not relieve the Customer from paying for the work actually performed by the Contractor.

4.4. The Contractor quarterly sends to the Customer by mail or delivers to the Customer's representative a statement of reconciliation of mutual settlements. The Customer is obliged to sign it and send it to the Contractor. In case of disagreement regarding the reconciliation report, the Customer is obliged to submit reasoned objections to the Contractor. If the Contractor does not receive a signed act of reconciliation of mutual settlements or a reasoned (with evidence attached) objection within 30 days from the date of sending the reconciliation act to the Customer, this act of reconciliation of mutual settlements is considered agreed upon by the Customer as amended by the Contractor and legally confirms the actual state of settlements between the parties.

4.5. If it is impossible to carry out the work:

Due to the fault of the Customer (overloading of the container, free access to the container parking area is not provided), the latter makes a payment in the amount of 50% of the cost of one trip for idle mileage of the vehicle;

4.6. Each day a container is idle at the site, starting from the second day, is 27m3 - 350 (three hundred fifty) rubles, including VAT 18%, 8m3 - 150 (one hundred fifty) rubles, incl. VAT 18%.

4.7. The cost of waste removal services includes all disposal costs.


5.1. In the event of loss or damage to the container, the Customer eliminates the damage caused on his own, or pays the Contractor the costs associated with eliminating the consequences of damage to the container or purchases a new container;

5.2. If the Customer is unable to fulfill the terms of this Agreement due to the Contractor’s fault (lack of invoice, change of details, etc.), payment for services is made in full after the Customer receives the relevant information from the Contractor (invoice, invoice, etc.);

5.3. The parties are not responsible for failure to fulfill the terms of the Agreement due to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances.


6.1. Any dispute arising from this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations.

6.2. In case of failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, the Party that considers its rights to be violated is obliged to send a written claim to the other Party indicating its requirements. The party receiving such a claim is obliged to satisfy the requirements stated in it within 5 (five) days, or send a reasoned written refusal.

6.3. If the dispute that arises is not resolved in the manner specified in clause 6.2 of the Agreement, it is subject to resolution in the Moscow Arbitration Court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


7.1. The party that has not fulfilled or improperly fulfilled its obligations under the Agreement shall be released from liability if it proves that proper fulfillment was impossible due to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances (force majeure).

7.2. The Parties consider force majeure to be external extraordinary circumstances that did not exist during the signing of the Agreement, arose against their will, the occurrence of which they could not prevent with the help of measures and means, the use of which in a specific situation is rightly required from the party subjected to force majeure.

7.3. Proper evidence of the existence of the above circumstances and their duration will be documents from government agencies.

7.4. Force majeure circumstances do not include, in particular, violation of obligations on the part of the Party’s counterparties or the Party’s lack of necessary funds.

7.5. Upon termination of force majeure circumstances, the Party is obliged to immediately notify the other Party of their occurrence in writing. The notice shall indicate the period within which the obligations under this Agreement are expected to be fulfilled.

7.6. From the moment of occurrence of force majeure circumstances, the terms of obligations under the Agreement are proportionately postponed for the duration of such circumstances and their consequences.

7.7. If these circumstances continue for more than 2 (two) months, each Party has the right to terminate the Agreement. In this case, the Parties shall make settlements under this Agreement. Calculations are made as of the moment of occurrence of the circumstances specified in clause 7.1.


8.1. The parties are obliged to inform each other in writing within two days about changes in their location, legal address, bank details, as well as about all other changes that have occurred that are essential for the full and timely fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement.

8.2. The parties will send notices to each other at the agreed addresses, telephone and fax numbers, as well as via email.


9.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by both Parties and is valid until December 31, 2017. The Agreement is automatically extended for each subsequent year unless either Party declares its termination 1 (one) calendar month before the end of the Agreement.

9.2. Each party has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement early, subject to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement.


10.1. All terms of the Agreement, as well as financial and commercial information related to this Agreement, are confidential and are not subject to disclosure by the Parties.

10.2. The parties will take all reasonable measures within their control to prevent disclosure of such information to third parties.

10.3. Disclosure of financial and commercial information related to this Agreement may take place only in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


11.1. The Agreement is personal for the Customer. The Customer cannot transfer its rights and obligations under the Agreement to third parties without the prior written consent of the Contractor.

11.2. Changes and additions to the Agreement can only be made with the consent of both Parties. Such changes and additions will be valid only if they are drawn up in the form of Additional Agreements, signed by authorized representatives of the Parties and attached to the Agreement as an integral part thereof.

11.3. In all other respects that are not specified in this Agreement, the parties will be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

on the paid provision of services for the removal and disposal of solid household waste

___________ "___" ______ 20___

Hereinafter referred to as the “CONTRACTOR”, represented by __________________________________________, acting on the basis of ______________, on the one hand, and _____________________________________________ , hereinafter referred to as the “CUSTOMER”, represented by ___________________________________, acting on the basis of ________________, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:


1.1. Under this agreement, the CONTRACTOR undertakes, on the instructions of the CUSTOMER, to provide services (perform actions) for the removal and disposal of solid household waste at the landfill.

1.2. The “CUSTOMER” undertakes to pay for these services on time.


2.1. Responsibilities of the “CONTRACTOR”:

2.1.1. "CONTRACTOR" undertakes to organize the removal of solid household waste and its subsequent placement for disposal at a landfill under an agreement with specialized organizations.

Address of the “CUSTOMER” facility from which waste is removed:

- ________________________________________________________;

- ________________________________________________________.

2.1.2. The removal of solid household waste is carried out regularly in accordance with schedules approved and agreed upon by the parties based on the data provided by the “CUSTOMER” in a written application, as well as calculations of the volume of waste to be removed.

2.1.3. The "CONTRACTOR" is obliged to warn the "CUSTOMER" about all cases of impossibility of fulfilling the essential terms of the contract in writing or in the form of a telephone message within three days from the moment obstacles to performance arise.

2.1.4. The CONTRACTOR is obliged to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation when carrying out its activities. Including the requirements of the Law of the Moscow Region “On State Administrative and Technical Supervision and Administrative Liability for Offenses in the Field of Improvement, Maintenance of Facilities and Work on the Territory of the Moscow Region” dated October 27, 2004 No. 2/114-P, the Law of the Moscow Region “ On ensuring cleanliness and order in the territory of the Moscow region" dated November 16, 2005, No. 5/158-P.

2.2. Rights of the “CONTRACTOR”:

2.2.1. "CONTRACTOR" has the right to suspend or refuse the removal and placement for disposal of:

a) frozen solid waste from the CUSTOMER’s facility;

b) in case of repeated failure to pay for services within the terms established by this agreement;

c) tree branches, foliage;

d) subject to force majeure

2.2.2. “CONTRACTOR” has the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill obligations under this agreement, subject to full compensation to “CUSTOMER” for losses caused by such refusal.

2.2.3. “CONTRACTOR” has the right to report violations of legislation in the field of provision of services to authorized government bodies in order to bring the violator (legal entity, individual or official) to liability as provided by law.

2.3. Responsibilities of the “CUSTOMER”:

2.3.1. To formalize the contract, provide the “CONTRACTOR” with the statutory documents and details. During the term of the contract, the CUSTOMER is responsible for the objectivity and timely provision of information about changes that have occurred and undertakes to notify the CONTRACTOR about them in writing.

2.3.2. The “CUSTOMER” is obliged to pay for the services provided under this agreement in accordance with the procedure and terms specified in clause 3 of the agreement.

2.3.3. The “CUSTOMER” is obliged to promptly notify the “CONTRACTOR” in writing about changes in bank and payment details, legal and actual addresses.

2.3.4. The “CUSTOMER” is obliged to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.3.5. The “CUSTOMER” is obliged to notify the “CONTRACTOR” about all cases of impossibility of fulfilling the essential terms of the contract in writing or in the form of a telephone message within three days from the moment of occurrence of obstacles to execution.

2.3.6 Timely provide the CONTRACTOR with all necessary information upon his written request regarding this agreement.

2.4. Rights of the “CUSTOMER”:

2.4.1. The “CUSTOMER” has the right to demand from the “CONTRACTOR” to fulfill the terms of the contract.

2.4.2. The “CUSTOMER” has the right to control at all times, without interfering with the work of the “CONTRACTOR,” the waste removal activities.

2.4.3. The “CUSTOMER” has the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill the contract for the provision of services for a fee, subject to payment to the “CONTRACTOR” for the expenses actually incurred by him.


3.1. The “CUSTOMER” pays the “Contractor” a fee for the services provided at the following rates:

solid waste removal - ________ rubles (including VAT 18% - ________ rubles);

disposal of solid household waste - _______ rubles (including VAT 18% - ______ rubles).

3.2. If the current tariffs change, the CONTRACTOR has the right to unilaterally change the tariffs for services provided under this agreement by notifying the CUSTOMER in writing.

If, after 30 calendar days from the date of written notification to the CUSTOMER about the change in tariffs, the CUSTOMER continues to use the services provided by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with this agreement, then the new tariff is automatically considered accepted by the CUSTOMER.

3.3. Acceptance of services provided is carried out on the basis of a certificate of services provided (work performed), signed by authorized representatives of both parties for each billing period (month).

3.4. Payment is made by the “CUSTOMER” by transferring funds to the settlement account of the “CONTRACTOR” before the 5th day of the month following the billing period, based on invoices and certificates of services rendered (work performed), signed by authorized representatives of both parties.

3.5. The CUSTOMER's obligations to pay for the services rendered to him are considered fulfilled from the moment funds are received into the CONTRACTOR's bank account in full in accordance with the terms of the contract.

3.6. Acceptance of completed work is carried out on the basis of a work completion certificate signed by both parties. The Contractor, by the 30th of each month, sends the Customer a certificate of completion of work and an invoice. The customer is obliged to accept the completed work within 5 banking days, or send a reasoned refusal to accept the work; if the Contractor does not receive a properly executed certificate of work completion, or a reasoned refusal to accept it, the work is considered completed in full and of proper quality.


4.1. The volume of garbage to be removed in 20__ year - ___________ m3,

4.2. The contract amount is approximately for 20__ year - _______________________(________________________) rubles __________ kopecks. (including VAT 18%).

4.3. Payments for additional services provided by the “CONTRACTOR” that are not included in the price of this agreement are paid by the “Customer” separately.


5.1. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of the terms of the agreement, the parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. If payment for services provided under this agreement is not made within the time limits established by the parties, the CONTRACTOR has the right to collect from the CUSTOMER a penalty in the amount of __% of the amount owed for each day of delay in payment.

5.3. If payment for services is not made for more than two months in a row, the contract is terminated by the CONTRACTOR unilaterally.

5.4. If it is impossible to provide services due to the fault of the CUSTOMER, services are subject to payment in full for the corresponding period.

5.5. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill their obligations under this agreement if their fulfillment is prevented by an extraordinary and unavoidable circumstance under the given conditions (force majeure).


6.1. Contract time from ________________ 20____ to ________________ 20____

6.2. If one month before the expiration of this agreement, neither party requests its termination, the agreement is considered automatically extended on the same terms and for the same period. Further extension of this agreement is carried out in the same manner and on the same conditions.

6.3. All changes and additions to the agreement are formalized by additional agreements.

6.4. This agreement can be terminated before the end of its validity period unilaterally by written notification to the other party 10 days before the expected date of termination of the agreement, subject to reconciliation and settlement of all mutual settlements.

6.5. "CONTRACTOR" terminates the contract unilaterally with notification to "CUSTOMER" immediately, in the event of:

  • repeated violation of the terms of payment by the “CUSTOMER” for services under this agreement;
  • in case of refusal of the “CUSTOMER” to enter into an agreement to change the amount of the contract

6.6. All disputes and disagreements are resolved directly through negotiations between the parties. If no agreement is reached, the disputed issues are referred by the interested party to the Arbitration Court for resolution.

6.7. The agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each of the parties.






Legal address: ____________________________

Mailing address: _______________________

Tel./fax: ____________________________

R/S ___________________________________

V ______________________________________

C/S ___________________________________

BIC ___________________________________

Taxpayer Identification Number _____________ Checkpoint _______________

OGRN __________________________________

All manipulations with the transportation, storage and destruction of solid household waste are carried out only after concluding an agreement for the removal of solid waste with certain companies licensed for these types of work. This is a critical aspect for environmental and human health.

Any organization cannot transport and dispose of waste. This must be a company or individual entrepreneur licensed by government agencies.

The agreement is concluded in full compliance with the existing laws of the Russian Federation. If any clause does not comply with the letter of the law, the contract is considered invalid and canceled.

In order for the contract to take into account all the nuances of the solid waste removal work in 2018, it must reflect many aspects of the work, its payment, timing, etc.

Contract for removal of solid waste with individual entrepreneurs: Sample 2018

Carefully read all the details of the contract. Knowing the nuances of the document will make your work easier.

Click on the pictures to enlarge them. After reading the standard contract, save it to your computer or phone.

To enlarge the picture, click on it

To enlarge the picture, click on it

Read and download another newest sample contract 2018 (compare with the previous one):

To enlarge the picture, click on it

To enlarge the picture, click on it

The parties to the contract are the client, who can be an individual, a company, or a contractor.

The contractor is a special organization that confirms its authority with an acquired license for the removal of solid waste from 1 to 4 hazard classes.

Both contracting parties sign the contract. And since there is no firm approved form of the contract, the parties to the transaction have the right to choose the clauses of the contract they need.

Is solid waste removal a public service? Not everyone knows the answer to this question. Find out from the article:
Do I need a license to remove solid waste? This is the main document that an organization involved in the transportation of solid waste receives. detailed information
The main indicator when calculating the volume of work for the collection, transportation, processing and disposal of solid waste is density. See material:

The main stages of the agreement, as a rule, are the following points:

  • obligations and rights of both parties. At the same time, the organization’s responsibilities for performing specific types of work must be described in detail: loading, unloading, removal of waste to a landfill and subsequent disposal or disposal;
  • description of specific types of services. For example, garbage removal indicating the hazard class;
  • description of the calculation procedure. Payment for work depends on the frequency of work. They can occur regularly or one-time;
  • as in any contract, the responsibilities of the parties are determined and described. In addition, here you can describe other points not taken into account in the law. For example, the situation with possible losses is discussed;
  • other points.

The clause on the parties' responsibilities takes into account the following types:

  • criminal . Such liability is provided for in case of violation of environmental legislation due to violation of the rules for transportation, use, burial and disposal of solid waste;
  • civil . Regulates the liability of the parties to compensate for losses and damage incurred. Here, at the stage of concluding a contract, other civil liability is stipulated, not reflected in the law;
  • disciplinary . This liability arises for an employee who has violated labor obligations. This could be a warning, reprimand or dismissal;
  • administrative . In case of violation of articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the organization bears administrative liability. This occurs when the rules for maintaining the sanitary safety of forests, the safety of water bodies, working with solid waste, waste disposal, etc. are not followed.

Watch the video: Ecolis: Calculation of payments for negative impact (Multi-branch company)

");" align="center">

An individual entrepreneur, as a result of whose activities household waste is generated, is obliged to make a choice - whether to remove its garbage independently or enter into an agreement with a special organization.

Any legal entity must legally enter into an agreement for the removal of solid waste. An individual entrepreneur is not considered such, so he has some freedom in his choice.

However, if an individual entrepreneur is engaged in the removal of waste on his own, then he risks receiving administrative punishment for the removal of solid waste to illegal landfills, for violation of environmental legislation and improper waste disposal.

When using containers and waste collection sites belonging to an organization engaged in work with solid waste, an individual entrepreneur must enter into a contract with this company in order to avoid fines.

Thus, an individual entrepreneur is not legally obligated to sign an agreement for garbage removal, but in the absence of one, he risks earning fines and other penalties; he simply has nowhere to put the garbage.

That is, all conditions have been created to force entrepreneurs to enter into such agreements.

Laws allow individual entrepreneurs to acquire a license and engage in the removal and disposal of solid waste on their own.

The permit document gives the right to an individual entrepreneur to carry out work with solid waste if he has his own containers. The license in this case is issued for a period of five years.

You can work without turning to third-party companies involved in waste removal. That is, the entrepreneur himself decides whether to remove the waste himself or turn to a specialized company.

Watch the video: Ecolis. How to fill out the cover sheet Calculation of fees for negative environmental impact

");" align="center">

The individual entrepreneur draws up an agreement on the following points:

  1. The address where the garbage needs to be removed from.
  2. Details of the parties.
  3. Planned volume of exported waste.
  4. Rights and obligations of the parties.
  5. Frequency of garbage collection.
  6. Payment procedure (this item is required).

The same clauses are stipulated when concluding agreements with legal entities. The individual entrepreneur has the right to choose the contractor independently.

When the management company is located in the same or adjacent territory, it is most convenient to conclude a contract for the removal of solid waste with it.

Additional agreement to the contract for solid waste removal: Sample

To enlarge the picture, click on it

To enlarge the picture, click on it

An additional agreement to the contract for the removal of solid waste is drawn up when there is a change in terminology, deadlines, or if it is necessary to terminate the contract.

When terminating the contract, the reasons for such a decision are clearly defined.

They study the main contract for improper performance or non-fulfillment of the terms by the second party. Clearly formulate the claim for which the business relationship is terminated.

Prepare a written notice listing the points due to which the relationship is terminated. Each argument must have documentary evidence.


Individual entrepreneur

_____________________ Stolyarov A.V.

Appendix No. 1

We, the undersigned, Individual Entrepreneur Alexander Vyacheslavovich Stolyarov, hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”, and ______________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, certify that the Parties have reached an agreement on the cost of removing one bunker:

Hopper volume, m³

Load capacity, tons

Price for 1 unit, rub.

0 ,17

Appendix No. 2

to Agreement No. __ dated “__” ________ 2017

sample form of a unilateral Certificate of completion of work:

Act No. ____ dated “__” ________ 2017

Executor: IP Stolyarov A.V.

Customer: name of the Customer's organization

Name of works and services




Total services provided amounted to RUR

(Suma in cuirsive)

Services are considered provided by Individual Entrepreneur Alexander Vyacheslavovich Stolyarov properly and accepted by (name of the Customer's organization) to the extent specified in this act, if within twenty days from the date of drawing up this act no motivated written objections are received from (name of the Customer's organization). After the expiration of the period specified above, claims regarding defects in services, including quantity (volume) and quality, will not be accepted

Individual entrepreneur _________________________ Stolyarov A.V.

This application is valid from "__" _____________ 2017.

This application is drawn up on 1 sheet in two copies having equal legal force - one for each of the parties.

AGREEMENT No. " _ _ _ " For the provision of waste removal services in Moscow "_ _ _" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2014 LLC "CASCADE", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by the General Director, Atayan Karen Yurikovich, acting on the basis of the charter on the one hand, and ________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, represented by ______________________________, acting on the basis of __________________ on the other hand, have concluded this Agreement as follows: 1. Subject of the Agreement 1.1. The “Customer” instructs, and the “Contractor” assumes obligations to perform work (services) for the removal of construction waste from the site at the address:____________________________________, and the “Customer” undertakes to pay for these works (services). 2. Cost of work under the Contract 2.1. The cost of removal of construction waste with recycling: (8 m3 container (up to 5 tons); (20 m3, 27 m3, 30 m3 container (up to 18 tons); (dump truck with a carrying capacity of up to 30 tons (25 m3)) is ________________________ rub., including VAT 18% __________. for each removal. 2.2. The "Contractor" has the right to unilaterally change the cost of providing services in the event of an increase in the cost of transportation on the market, of which he notifies the "Customer" 10 days in advance. 3. The procedure and terms of settlements under the Contract 3.1. Removal of construction materials garbage is carried out on a 100% prepayment basis. 3.3. The “Customer” makes an advance payment for garbage removal by non-cash transfer. 3.4. The certificate of delivery and acceptance of services is drawn up by the parties no later than 5 (five) working days after the end of the calendar month. 4. Responsibilities of the parties 4.1. " The “Customer” undertakes: 4.1.1. By the beginning of this Agreement, the “Customer” is obliged to have: access roads to the places of work; equipment of sites that ensures work in the dark; - ensure free access to the places of work (services). 4.1.2. Provide your representatives to promptly resolve issues that arise during the implementation of waste removal works (services). 4.1.3. All violations by the parties of obligations related to the removal of waste under this Agreement are recorded in a bilateral act drawn up by authorized representatives of the “Customer” and the “Contractor”. 4.2. The "Contractor" undertakes: 4.2.1. The “Contractor” undertakes to perform the work (service) at the request of the “Customer” within 48 hours after receipt of payment to the account of the “Contractor”. 4.2.2. The “Contractor” undertakes, in accordance with the “Customer’s” application, to ensure high-quality performance of the assigned work (services) in accordance with the current standards and terms of this Agreement. 4.2.3. Participate in efforts to identify the causes of poor quality services. 4.2.4. The “Contractor” has the right to independently determine the method of performing the work assigned to him. 4.2.5. The “Contractor” has the right to attract other persons (contractors) at its discretion to perform certain types of work, provide services and other actions. 5. Responsibility of the Parties 5.1. The parties bear financial responsibility for failure to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement, in accordance with its terms and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. The “Customer” bears responsibility for maintaining the territory in a sanitary condition, maintaining cleanliness and order, and for washing the wheelbase of dump trucks. 5.3. In case of idle driving of vehicles due to the fault of the “Customer” (violation of the dimensions and tonnage of the load, obstruction of the entrance), the “Contractor” recovers from the “Customer” the cost of expenses associated with the dispatch of vehicles in the amount of 50% of the cost of removal). 5.5. If any of the parties changes their legal and/or postal address, name, or bank details, they are obliged to notify the other party in writing within 10 (ten) days from the date of the change. 5.6. The expiration of the Agreement, including its early termination, does not relieve the parties from fulfilling obligations arising during its validity. 5.7. The parties are not liable for their obligations if: - during the period of validity of this Agreement, changes occurred in the current legislation that make their implementation impossible; - if the failure to comply was a consequence of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of this Agreement as a result of extraordinary events, including declared or actual war, civil epidemics, blockades, embargoes, earthquakes, floods, fires and other natural disasters. The party for which conditions have arisen that it is impossible to fulfill obligations under this Agreement is obliged to immediately notify the other party of the occurrence and termination of the above circumstances. Proper confirmation of the existence of the above circumstances and their duration will be officially certified certificates from the relevant government bodies. 5.8. If force majeure continues for three consecutive months and shows no signs of termination, this contract may be terminated by the parties by giving notice to the other parties ten (10) days before the expected date of termination by the party affected by the force majeure. . 6. Duration of the Agreement 6.1. This Agreement comes into force from the date of its signing by the parties and is valid until _ _ _ _ _. 6.2. The validity of this Agreement may be extended by the parties for a new period on the same or different conditions. 6.3. This Agreement shall automatically terminate in the event of liquidation of one of the parties and in the absence of a successor. 7. Procedure for amending and terminating the Agreement 7.1. Any changes and additions to this Agreement are made by concluding an additional agreement, which is an integral part of this Agreement. 7.2. Early termination or amendment of the Agreement may take place by agreement of the parties, or on the grounds provided for by the current civil legislation of the Russian Federation, with compensation for losses incurred. 7.3. The parties have the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally, in the event of failure of one of the parties to fulfill its obligations, by notifying the other party in writing 1 (one) month before the expected date of termination of this Agreement. 8. Other terms of the Agreement 8.1. Relations between the parties not regulated by this Agreement are regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 8.2. This agreement has been drawn up in two copies of equal legal force, one for each of the parties. 9. Procedure for resolving disputes under the Agreement 9.1. If disputes arise in connection with the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, it shall be carried out through negotiations. 9.2. If agreement is not reached, the dispute is referred to the arbitration court in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 9.3. All claims regarding the fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement must be submitted by the Parties in writing and sent to the counterparty by registered mail or delivered in person against receipt. 10. Special conditions 10.1. It is prohibited to load the following types of waste: radioactive waste, chemical waste, tires, batteries, containers with used oils and coolants, oily rags, fluorescent lamps, electrode cinders, roofing from the roofs of houses, etc., related to industrial waste and subject to removal to the appropriate landfills. 10.2. Loading of burnt, smoldering and hazardous waste is strictly prohibited. 11. LEGAL ADDRESSES AND DETAILS OF THE PARTIES: CUSTOMER: CONTRACTOR: KASCADE LLC Address: 127055, Moscow, Perunovsky per. d 4/10 quarter 59 INN 7707791906 KPP 770701001 OKPO 11697079 OKATO 45286585000 OGRN 1127747220138 Current account 40702810900370100072 in OJSC "BINBANK" Moscow Corr. account No. 30101810200000000205 BIC 044525205 Gen. Director Gen. Director of LLC "CASCADE" __________________ _________________ Atayan K.Yu. Accounting for the supply of dump trucks No. Date Signature of the person in charge Note