In ancient times, at the dawn of civilization, people who were able to foresee the future were equated with divine creatures. And much later they did not lose their power and power. They are always called differently: prophets, soothsayers, seers. They have the ability, unusual for most, to see the future, distant or near.

Forecasters foresee the fate of entire states or individuals. Some consider this a unique gift, others consider it an excellent ability to compare their knowledge of the past and, based on it, make predictions about the future. However, the most prominent of the prophets were respected by their contemporaries and also became famous throughout the world.

Foretellers of antiquity

Epimenides is an ancient Greek soothsayer. According to legend, he was a simple shepherd who accidentally discovered his miraculous abilities. Epimenides was able to predict to his compatriots the Persian attack on Crete, saving them from the plague. For this, the people of Athens erected a monument to him.

Jeremiah is a major politician of his era. The fortune teller was considered an outcast in his society. He tried to open the eyes of his fellow tribesmen to the real state of affairs in Jerusalem, to the poverty of the people, and rapid changes for the worse. But the ruling elite did not hear him, firmly believing in the exclusivity of their nation.

Elijah is the most famous prophet of antiquity. He actively persuaded his people to renounce paganism and accept the true faith.

Daniel is a biblical prophet who predicted doom.

Bukid is an ancient Greek soothsayer who was one of the first to describe his visions in a book. It is worth noting that this name eventually became a household name - in some countries the prophets began to be called Bakids.

Cassandra is the daughter of King Priam of Troy. According to legend, the god Apollo gave her the gift of providence. The girl made her predictions in a state of trance, so many considered her crazy.

Edgar Cayce is an American visionary known for prophecies about the Great Depression and the invention of the laser, about two World Wars and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Although many of his predictions did not come true, for example, the unification of European countries by Hitler into a democratic union, the revival of Atlantis in the mid-20th century.

Polish psychic. Hitler considered Messing an enemy because he foresaw the fall of the Reich. Stalin did not like him either. Despite the help during the Great Patriotic War, the “leader of the peoples” could not forgive the seer for knowing the exact date of his death.

Blind peasant woman from Bulgaria. She knew how to diagnose a patient, although she did not treat it herself. “I saw” the fate of the person who turned to her. She foresaw the beginning of World War II, the death of the submarine "Kursk" and left prophecies until 3797.

Sheikh Sharif is an African boy. His prophecies are mainly related to Muslims. He knew how to heal with the touch of his hand, knew several languages, although he had not studied anywhere, and was quoting the Koran at the age of four months.

Russian seers

Procopius of Ustyug was one of the first to be canonized by the Orthodox Church. He predicted the death of Ustyug and thereby saved the city and healed the city squad. According to legend, if this holy fool carried three pokers with the curve upward, then this is to, with the handle upward - to a shortage in everything.

St. Basil the Blessed is the Moscow holy fool. He knew how to predict people's future. He predicted to Elena Glinskaya the birth of her son Ivan the Terrible, not forgetting to mention his cruelty and despotism. He prophesied the death of Tsarevich Fyodor and Ivan Vasilyevich himself, and foresaw his own death.

He is believed to have predicted the 1917 Revolution and the death of the royal family, described in his letter to Nicholas II.

Monk Abel. Russian clairvoyant who predicted the time of death of Catherine II, Paul I, the attack of Napoleon and the destruction of Moscow.

Vasily Nemchin. A Russian predictor who told about the reign of three empresses: Anna Ioannovna, Elizabeth and Catherine II, about the bloody reign of Ivan the Terrible, and about the attack of the French. Although some skeptics call Nemchin an invention of Pavel Globa.

He played a significant role in the life of the last imperial Romanov family. He prophesied the blockade of Leningrad, the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan, Gagarin's flight, the American landing on the moon, the communist regime.

Nina Kulagina. She had the ability to telekinesis. It could expose photographic film, affect magnetic fields, and cause a burn on the skin with the touch of a palm. During one of the experiments, Ninel Kulagina was able to stop the frog’s heart through an effort of will.

Juna (Evgenia) Davitashvili, a Russian seer, our contemporary, was L.I.’s personal healer. Brezhnev. She left behind prophecies about the economic crisis and sanctions.

“Everything that really exists exists within the framework of the present” - these words belonged to Boris Pasternak. However, history knows people endowed with a special gift who can see future events that are tens or even hundreds of years away from the date of prediction.


There are legends that the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which occurred on April 26, 1986 and became the largest man-made disaster in the history of mankind, was predicted by many clairvoyants. But the earliest prediction probably dates back to biblical times. In "Revelation of St. John the Theologian” there are these words: “The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a lamp, and fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of this star is Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many of the people died from the waters, because they became bitter.” Wormwood has popular names - Chernobyl, Chernobyl.


German philosopher and theologian of the 13th century. Albertus Magnus von Bolstedt predicted that "Germany will be on the verge of victory three times in a period of 700 years; she will almost master the world three times." For the first time, Germany tried to fight for world domination back in the 16th century. Then Charles V of Habsburg took the throne of the Holy Roman Empire, at the same time he was the Spanish king. The second futile attempt was made by the Hohenzollern dynasty at the beginning of the 20th century, the third by the Nazis at the end of the first half of the 20th century. Thus, Germany was indeed one step away from the coveted victory three times in 700 years.


In 1558, the first part of Nostradamus’s book “Predictions”, dedicated to King Henry II, was published. It was written: “The young lion will defeat the old one on the battlefield in a single duel, he will gouge out his eyes in a golden cage.” On April 13, 1559, at a celebration dedicated to the signing of peace between France and Spain, Henry II was seriously wounded in a knightly duel with the captain of the Scottish Guard, Earl Gabriel of Montgomery. A sharp piece of Montgomery's wooden spear hit the king's helmet and pierced his eye, causing Henry II to fall from his horse. Ten days later he died.


In 1794, Josephine de Beauharnais and her friend looked into the salon of the young but already very popular fortune teller Marie Lenormand. Josephine laughed at the news that she would become empress. Lenormand's next visitor was a short man in military uniform. The soothsayer predicted for him six high positions and the title of emperor, telling him that fate would be favorable to him only until he was 40 years old, until he left his life partner sent by providence. Two years later, Napoleon and Josephine got married, in 1804 Bonaparte proclaimed himself emperor, and five years later he divorced her... The 1812 campaign ended in the fiasco of Napoleon's previously invincible army.


An old German fortune teller who lived in St. Petersburg, in front of witnesses, predicted to young Alexander Pushkin “a quick receipt of money, an unexpected offer, fame and veneration of his compatriots, two exiles” and that “he will live a long time if something happens to him in the 37th year of his life.” There is no harm in them from a white horse, or from a white head, or from a white man.” Upon returning home, Alexander found a letter with money (an old debt from a lyceum friend). A few days later he received an offer from General Orlov regarding promotion. Almost two decades later, when Pushkin was 37 years old, he was mortally wounded in a duel with Georges Dantes, who had a white horse.


The St. Petersburg archives contain a recording dated 1913, made by a certain Anna Vrubova, a student of the clairvoyant and miracle worker Grigory Rasputin: “Once the teacher became angry with the Germans, shouted in the face of one of them that their insides were rotten, tripe-like. . And then he turned to me and said: “I know, I know, they will surround St. Petersburg and starve them to death! Lord, how many people will die, and all because of this nonsense! But they won’t see St. Petersburg! We'll die hungry if we don't let him in!” After which he calmed down and asked for tea, and when asked when everything would happen, he answered: “It’s been the 25th year since my death.”
Rasputin died in 1916, and a quarter of a century later, fascist Germany invaded the USSR and put Leningrad under siege.


In 1838, Edgar Allan Poe wrote The Narrative of the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym. In it, three sailors adrift on a lifeboat in the South Seas, mad with hunger, eat their friend, the cabin boy Richard Parker. 46 years later, the tragedy described by Poe was repeated in life. After the schooner Lace was wrecked and all options for satisfying hunger were exhausted, several hungry sailors ate a cabin boy named Richard Parker. The parents who named their child Richard Parker were apparently not familiar with Poe’s work, otherwise they would have thought twice before giving such a name to their newborn son.


Another prophecy related to the Second World War was made by Wolf Messing, a brilliant telepath and clairvoyant whose fame thundered throughout the world. In 1937, at a speech in one of the theaters in Warsaw, he said: “If Hitler goes to war in the East, he will die.” And in the winter of 1940, in the hall of the NKVD club, when asked what he thought about the Soviet-German Pact, he answered: “I see tanks with red stars on the streets of Berlin.” A year and a half before the invasion of the USSR by German troops, Messing foresaw the victory of the Soviet people in the bloodiest war in human history.


In 1898, London journalist Morgan Robertson published a small edition of the novel Futility, which tells about the tragic voyage of the huge transatlantic liner Titan. On a cold April night, the ship collided with an iceberg and sank, taking with it more than a thousand lives. Robertson's wild imagination turned out to be a nightmarish prophecy: on the night of April 14, 1912, the Titanic, the largest and most luxurious liner of that time, sank in the Atlantic under similar circumstances. Moreover, Titanic and its literary predecessor had almost identical specifications.


The blind clairvoyant Vanga amazed her contemporaries with her gift. In 1989, she predicted: “The American brothers will fall, pecked to death by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will flow like a river.” On September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center skyscrapers, called the Twins, collapsed after a terrorist air attack in New York. The President of the United States at that time was George Bush (from the English bush - bush), and the military campaign launched by his administration in the Middle East, according to various estimates, claimed up to a million lives.

Larisa Budarina.

The art of divination is associated with the capabilities of the human mind, which are called clairvoyance in science, and people who can penetrate into the past and predict the future are clairvoyants, or, in the terminology used recently, psychics. They see through barriers, read thoughts at a distance, heal with words and glances. They bring divine revelations to us. These are the people J.M. Keynes said:

Each seer makes his own predictions differently. The Delphic Pythia inhaled the vapors of the intoxicating spring, after which they fell into a trance. The Great Merlin, according to legend, knew how to turn time in the direction he needed, predicting the past and future. Michel Nostradamus said that he sees pictures of the future if he looks at the fire for a long time or even simply into the darkness. The machine that showed these pictures is attributed to him. He showed this invention to the Queen of France, Catherine de Medici, and she saw the future death of her sons on the machine’s screen. After such an event, he destroyed his invention.

An angel appeared to Saint Odile, telling her about the future. Willim Bruce drew up horoscopes and read his famous secret Black Book. Elisha Bomelius looked at the sky and into his huge magic crystal. Alexander Pushkin’s sister Olga simply looked at the open palm and read the person’s fate from it. And the most famous doctor of the 19th century, Muscovite Alexander Over, saw his and his patients’ future in a dream. Some seers wrote down prophecies in a trance (this is how Nostradamus began), others used maps, runes, magic boards, balls, stones, etc. Well, the profession of an astrologer, who uses horoscopes compiled according to the movements of stars and other celestial bodies for predictions, In general, right up to modern times, history was one of the most widespread in the world.

Seers are strong in one way of predicting

As a rule, seers are strong in any one method of prediction. But the great one could do almost anything. She told fortunes using her famous cards, saw fate in a crystal ball, could predict by numbers (that is, she studied numerology), read fortunes by hand (mastered palmistry), she learned to make horoscopes - she became an astrologer. Her talents were innumerable - Lenormand predicted the future, even looking at the grass, tree leaves, flying clouds, or simply looking into the darkness. This multiplicity of abilities only emphasized the inexhaustibility of her gift.

However, most often, soothsayers turn out to be clairvoyants: that is, certain visions arise in their consciousness. This was the case with the great disgraced Russian prophet monk Abel, who accurately predicted the fates of not only the sovereigns during whose times he lived - Catherine II, Paul I, Alexander I and Nicholas I, but future sovereigns - Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicholas II . This was the case with the cult Moscow prophet Ivan Yakovlevich Koreysha, who was sent to a dungeon by the authorities, and then to an insane asylum at the Preobrazhenskaya outpost. But Muscovites of the mid-19th century went there too, unquestioningly believing the strange, but “prophetic old man.”

20th century predictors

The twentieth century gave new impetus to the development of the art of prediction. Firstly, the world was swept by a passion for spiritualism, and it became fashionable to find out fate through mediums who communicate with spirits. Even the most seemingly sober heads could not resist such a hobby: King Edward VI of Great Britain and the creator of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle. Even some of the most prudent merchants of Russia found themselves captive of mediumistic sessions. Secondly, wars and revolutions, rampant crimes and large-scale disasters, such as the sinking of the Titanic, aroused fear of life and hence the desire to know the future in order to gain at least some hope.

Almost all public people of the twentieth century at least once turned to the services of fortunetellers. American presidents - Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower - listened to prophecies. The Reagan couple used the horoscopes of Joan Quigley, and Hilary Clinton used the advice of her personal parapsychologist Jean Houston.

However, fortune tellers, clairvoyants and astrologers played a special role during the Second World War. And their contribution was recognized by materialist historians. The fact is that everyone knew how Adolf Hitler treated mysticism. The Fuhrer used the services of many predictors. However, after their prophecies ceased to satisfy him or simply did not please him, Hitler, with enviable methodicality, mercilessly sent the “failed” or “at fault” would-be prophets to concentration camps, or even simply ordered their elimination. However, for a long time, Hitler trusted his personal astrologer Karl Kraft. He compiled detailed horoscopes for Hitler, which the Fuhrer, proud of his special mission, gave to Himmler and Goering to read, so that they too could compare their lives with the fate of Hitler. In a word, any significant event at the Fuhrer’s headquarters and in the upper echelons of Nazi Germany was first “reviewed” by German predictors and astrologers, and then carried out according to the recommendations they gave.

Having learned about this, British intelligence assembled its own group of clairvoyants. By personal order of Prime Minister Winston Churchill, it was headed by astrologer Louis de Volle. He was personally acquainted with Karl Kraft. Before the war, he studied at one of the German institutes, where they practiced the study of astrology and other ancient magical sciences. So Woll was well acquainted with the rules and techniques that were used by the esotericists of the German school. The wise Woll decided to use them in his own calculations in order to be able to look at events from the German point of view. And the “duel of the prophets” began, as military historians later called this operation.

The cunning Englishmen, under the leadership of Woll, predicted events, drawing up horoscopes as their German colleague Karl Kraft would have made them. From such horoscopes, the British could well guess the essence of the recommendations that Kraft gave to Hitler. And then the British recommended their military command to do exactly the opposite. So when the German bombers rushed towards the city, where, judging by the prediction of the “Fuhrer’s astrologers,” there was no cover, the full power of the British anti-aircraft installations fell on them. The same thing happened with the maneuvers of fascist submarines, which, completely unexpectedly for them, encountered carefully placed mines.

By the way, it was precisely a group of English “prophets” who proposed opening a second front in Normandy, and not in the Balkans, as was initially assumed. The fact is that the British predicted: German clairvoyants would predict to the Fuhrer the opening of a second front precisely in the Balkans. This means we need to do things differently. So Normandy was chosen. Of course, the landing there turned out to be much more difficult and dangerous, but in this place the fascist troops did not expect the enemy to land. And Prime Minister Churchill approved the plan to open a second front in Normandy. So representatives of such a non-scientific field as prophecies and predictions also contributed to the victory over fascism.

The most famous predictors of the 20th century

But two became the most legendary predictors of the 20th century: in the first half of the century, an American fortuneteller, and in the second, a Bulgarian clairvoyant. Over their long lives, hundreds of thousands of predictions were made. Casey predicted in a dream, into which he introduced himself, he was asked questions, he answered, often after and did not remember what. No wonder Cayce was called the sleeping prophet. He himself believed that during sleep his mind could connect to the brain of any person who knew the answer, or to the universal mind. Blind Vanga took a piece of sugar in her hand, which the person who came to see her had to bring with him first. Sugar crystals conveyed to Vanga all the information about a person, his environment and the future. The capabilities of Casey and Vanga were enormous: they could heal, look for losses, talk about the secrets of the past, and the events of the future.

Prudent Americans created an entire scientific institute to work with Cayce’s legacy. The prophecies themselves are recorded in a huge number of volumes and numbered. With Vanga’s prophecies, the situation is much more mysterious. She told fortunes to ordinary people who came to her from all over the world. Although scientists also worked with Vanga, they did not write down private predictions, and Vanga did not like to give global prophecies. So the currently published prophecies about the third world war or global catastrophes are legends, the so-called apocrypha of Vanga.

Real clairvoyants always emphasize that they are no exception. The prediction gene exists in all people. Of course, it is more developed among clairvoyants. But an ordinary person can also predict, even if he does not recognize any extrasensory abilities. After all, the simple girl Merna was able to find her beloved, looking for him on the basis of her prophetic dream. And writers, poets, actors, who did not have any clairvoyant abilities, could also often predict future events.

The American fortuneteller of the 20th century Jean Dixon became famous for her gift of foresight during her lifetime.

Already at the age of 5, she frightened her mother with her visions, because, as a rule, she saw the death of friends or relatives in her dreams. Jean Dixon accurately predicted everything that happened on the fronts of World War II. Moreover, American politicians began to turn to the fortuneteller for help and advice.

Thus, Jean Dixon predicted in 1948 that Harry Truman would become President of the United States, although at that time the favorite in the race was New York Governor Thomas Dewey.

Even President Roosevelt himself turned to the fortuneteller Jean Dixon for advice. Self-fulfilling prophecies allowed her to become Reagan’s personal astrologer. What exactly the famous fortuneteller advised the top officials of America is not clear, but it is known for sure that despite the strained relations between the USSR and the USA, she constantly insisted: Russia will become a source of freedom and strength. She argued that Russia would bring to the world a completely new world order system that would help unleash the creative potential of humanity.

"The hope of the world, its revival will come from Russia. It is in Russia that the most genuine and great source of freedom will arise. Then every person will live for the sake of his ideas... and these ideas will save humanity", she said.

Monk Abel is a famous soothsayer who also made many predictions about Russia. Catherine the Second herself was afraid of him, because he predicted her death to the minute. As if fleeing from an evil prophecy, the Empress put him in prison, but she could not escape her fate; on November 17, 1796, Catherine died, and Paul the First ascended the throne.

Having served in prison for more than 20 years, just before his death the monk wrote a letter that all Russian emperors dreamed of seeing. There were legends that it was in it that Abel described in detail what awaited Russia and each of its rulers in the coming centuries. But no one could read the letter - according to the will of the author himself, it was kept classified as “secret” in the secret rooms of the Holy Synod. And the king himself could not gain access there. Abel bequeathed to open the letter exactly 100 years after his death. As it turns out later, the secret letter contained the following lines:

"Moscow will be taken by the French in the fall of 1812 and will be burned".

Under Soviet rule, practically nothing was known not only about Abel’s revelations, but also about the monk himself. They say that Mikhail Gorbachev was the first to see his prophecies in many decades after the revolution. Unlike the 20th century, the 21st soothsayer paid little attention. But everything about this time begins with another terrible mystery. Russia must understand and accept its savior. Abel explained how to recognize it.

"His name is destined three times over in Russian history. There have already been two, the heroes served one, the second will be born on one day, and they will honor him on another. On the third is the mark of fate. In it lies the salvation and happiness of the state", the prediction said.

What name do the records refer to? Many names of Russian monarchs were repeated twice. Alexander, Nikolai. But only one name fits the description of Abel - Vladimir. The first one whom the heroes served was Vladimir Red Sun.

The second is Vladimir Ulyanov - Lenin. He was born on April 10 according to the old style, and when switching to the new calendar, the whole country celebrated his birthday not on the 23rd, as it should have been, but on the 22nd.

The famous fortune teller Vanga also spoke about the fateful name Vladimir for Russia.

She predicted the greatness of Russia several times. She even claimed that in the future Bulgaria would become part of the revived Union. And her most famous forecast was recorded back in 1979.

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. No one can stop Russia. She will sweep everything out of her way and not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world,” she said she.

Any mention of this prediction was then prohibited - they were afraid that the word Russia instead of “Soviet Union” would prophesy the collapse of the Union. And one more mysterious phrase - Glory to Vladimir...

Some researchers are sure that both monk Abel and Vanga, speaking about Vladimir, had in mind the current president of Russia. Today, despite all the political games and propaganda, he is respected all over the world. His rating is growing, and not only in Russia, today he is one of the most influential people on the planet.

Some researchers believe that Putin's popularity is exactly what is described in the predictions about Vladimir, and about the greatness of Russia. And indeed, Russia today is an important player in the international arena, without which almost nothing can be decided today... Moreover, it is Russia today that really saves, if not all of humanity, then very many people from military conflicts: from Syria to Donbass.

Therefore, many people look at Russia as a savior and as a power capable of giving humanity some kind of new, more just world order... After all, the West, in the opinion of many, has exhausted itself, we live in the era of the decline of Western civilization..

Experts even believe that European civilization is under threat of destruction, because a long time ago in the European Union everything was turned upside down, and very often, under the slogans of the struggle for human rights and democracy, wild things happen there.

This is a fragment of the German documentary "The Man Who Loves a Dog". In the footage, zoophiles openly talk about their feelings for their four-legged pets.

And this was filmed in Berlin, in February of this year. A crowd with posters and banners in the central square of the city. True, these people are not protesting for the sake of raising wages or other social benefits. It's hard to believe, but they all came to fight for the rights of zoophiles. Activists are protesting against a law passed in Germany last year that classifies bestiality as animal cruelty. Another thing is terrifying: in some European countries there are even brothels for zoophiles.

Researchers claim that the great prophets were not mistaken when they predicted a great future for Russia. It is coming today. Throughout its history, our state has had to endure more than one test of strength. And despite everything, we managed to survive. Today Russia is one of the world leaders, and, as some scientists point out, perhaps this already happened, only thousands of years ago.

The American predictor Edgar Cayce, the medieval alchemist Paracelsus, and even Nostradamus himself spoke about this - everyone said that it was Russia that would become the salvation of all mankind.

At the same time, Michel Nostradamus, according to experts, in one of his predictions was able to even foresee the war in Ukraine.

The predictions of Michel Nostradamus are very difficult to understand - he did this on purpose: he carefully encrypted his prophecies in order to protect himself from the Inquisition.

During his life he wrote more than a thousand predictions. As a child, walking around the city, Michel fell on his knees in front of a monk and called him Pope. It later turned out that the monk's name was Felici Peretti. Several decades passed, and he really became the Pope. This is how Nostradamus’s first prediction came true. In the book “Centuries”, published in 1555, the prophet described the Great French Revolution, the escape attempt of Louis XVI and the execution of the king and Marie Antoinette, World War II and even the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

Some experts note that the French soothsayer dedicated most of his predictions to Russia. Especially in the 21st century. Nostradamus, in one of the quatrains, encrypted the information that the most important year will be 2025. After him, the country will be the strongest. But at the beginning of the 21st century, according to the deciphered quatrains, an open confrontation between Russia and two brother countries is possible.

"Of the three brothers there will be differences, then union and harmony. And the greatest peace will be established between the warring and divided children", says the prophecy.

Experts are confident that we are talking about the very war that is now taking place on the territory of Ukraine and its disagreements with Russia on this issue. Who the second “brother” will turn out to be, with whom he will soon have to seek agreement, remains to be seen.

No one knows yet how these confrontations will turn out for us; the ancient texts have not been fully deciphered. The only reassuring thing is that, according to the great prophet, peace will be concluded between the countries, and this will be done thanks to Russia.

Edgar Cayce made 26 thousand predictions throughout his life, but the most amazing thing is that a significant part of them are also about Russia. True, unlike Nostradamus, he saw his heyday precisely in Western Siberia, and the mission of the Russian people in changing the world.

"The mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and gross material passions, and restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom. Hope will come from Russia to the world", Casey said.

The American-Danish astrologer and predictor Max Handel argued that in the era of Aquarius the Russian people will achieve a high degree of spiritual development. According to astrologers, the beginning of the era of Aquarius is December 30, 2003, the day when Neptune crossed the Aquarius-Pisces border. And it will finally come on December 21, 2020, when Saturn and Jupiter will be in conjunction in the first degree of Aquarius. Some already call Russia the Power of Aquarius.

"People who thought about space exploration, for example, Tsiolkovsky, Academician Vernadsky, are prophets of the Age of Aquarius. The ancients believed that the zodiac constellation Aquarius was projected precisely into this hyperbalian country from the point of view of the Greeks, that is, into a country whose territory is now associated specifically with our state", says astrologer, rector of the Astrological Institute Pavel Globa.

According to the predictions of Max Handel, the New Era and the dawn of humanity will begin in Russia. He was confident that the Russian world, which, according to him, although it would endure terrible suffering, would eventually become the center of the world order.

"Throughout their existence, the Russian people and the Slavic race will be great and joyful, for they will be reborn from deep grief and unspeakable suffering, and the law of compensation will in due time lead to the opposite", he asserted.

Not a single predictor or astrologer doubts that Russia has a great future. Vanga, even before her death, seriously ill, made her last prophecy - and it was specifically about Russia. Drawing a large circle with her hands, she said:

"Russia will again become a great empire, first of all an empire of the spirit".

27.05.2014 - 12:23

The rapidly developing events of this year: the magnificent Winter Olympics, the unconditional victory of Russian athletes at it, the return of Crimea to Russia, the victory of our hockey players at the World Championship, forced many people both in our country and abroad to take a different look at one sixth of the landmass. It’s interesting that famous predictors of the past have long spoken about the future of Russia, which will change the whole world - and their forecasts are simply amazing...

Great Hyperboreans

Even the Roman physician and astrologer Paracelsus said in his “Oracles”: “There is one people that Herodotus called the Hyperboreans - the ancestors of all peoples and all earthly civilizations. The current name of the ancestral land of this ancient people is Muscovy.

The Hyperboreans will experience a lot in their turbulent future history - both a terrible decline with a great variety of all kinds of disasters and a powerful great prosperity with a great variety of all kinds of benefits, which will come at the beginning of the 21st century.”

The famous American clairvoyant of the 20th century, Jane Dixon, said: “The natural disasters of the early 21st century and all the global disasters they caused will least affect Russia, and they will affect Russian Siberia even less. Russia will have the opportunity for rapid and powerful development. The hopes of the world and its revival will come precisely from Russia.”

At the end of the 20th century, the Italian witch Mavis claimed:

“Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects from Russia. It is the Russians who will begin the rebirth of the whole world. And no one can imagine how profound these changes will be throughout the vast world, caused specifically by Russia. In Russia, even the deepest province will come to life, many new cities will appear and grow on the very periphery...

Russia will reach such a uniquely high level of development that not even the most developed state in the world has now and even by that time will not have. Then all other countries will follow Russia. The former current Western path of development of earthly civilization will very soon be replaced by a new and precisely Russian path.”

This is such a rare unanimity among predictors from different countries and times... And this is only a part of such predictions!

Russia is the savior of the world

We have already written about the forecasts of the famous American predictor Edgar Cayce in the article “”. But let's briefly recall some of them:

Casey argued that the United States and Europe were facing major changes:

“The earth will be split in the western part of America. Most of Japan is about to sink into the sea. The top of Europe will be changed in the blink of an eye. There will be changes in the Arctic and in the Antarctic, which will lead to volcanic eruptions in hot areas, and there will be a pole shift such that cold or subtropical climates will become more tropical, and moss and ferns will grow there."

In addition to natural disasters, Cayce also predicted spiritual catastrophes and the destruction of the old world order.

However, according to Casey’s forecasts, it is Russia that is destined to be the savior of the new world: “The mission of the Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and coarse material passions, and restore them on a new basis - on love, trust and wisdom.”

“From Russia will come hope for the world; but not from communism or Bolshevism, no, but from free Russia. Each person will then live for his fellow man."

Casey argued that it would be Russia that would lead a new civilization, the center of which would be Siberia and the Far East. Note that he was not the only one who said that the center of the new world would be Siberia and the East.

It is interesting that, indeed, the development of these Russian regions is now proceeding at great speed, and significant funds are being invested there. In the Amur region, construction has even begun on a new grandiose Vostochny cosmodrome, from which it is planned to carry out launches into near and deep space.

Vanga about Russia

The most famous fortuneteller Vanga, naturally, also did not ignore the future of Russia. In 1979, the Soviet writer Valentin Sidorov visited Bulgaria, where he communicated a lot with Vanga, about which he later wrote the book “Lyudmila and Vangelia.” Lyudmila is Lyudmila Zhivkova, the daughter of Todor Zhivkov, who translated Vanga’s words for the Soviet writer and was herself fond of unusual and mystical practices.

In this book, Sidorov cited many of Vanga’s statements. This is what the soothsayer said, for example, about our astronauts. She claimed that they were on a mission of exceptional importance. The missiles piloted by them clear the space above Russia and sanctify it. Baba Vanga considered Yuri Gagarin a saint. “After he suffered a fiery death, he became an initiate,” she said. - He is now in his celestial body. His soul is alive and shines like a star over Russia.”

Vanga, according to Sidorov, claimed that the main defender and patron of Russia is Saint Sergei (of Radonezh). “He is a great prophet and not a simple saint, but the main Russian saint.” The Bulgarian clairvoyant said that she “hears” his words.

Thus, Saint Sergei once told her: “There is no force that could break Russia. Russia will develop, grow, and become stronger.”

Lord of the whole world

Once Vanga described in great detail the future events that await our country. “Everything will melt like ice; only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia.”

Two points are interesting here - the surprisingly mild and snowless winter of this year in many regions, which is a consequence of global warming confirmed by scientists - “everything will melt.”

And the fact that in 1979 Valentin Sidorov argued in his book that by Vladimir Vanga means Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus'. It was only after Vladimir Putin became President of Russia that this prediction took on a new meaning.

Vanga developed her thought: “Too many sacrifices have been made. Nobody can stop Russia anymore. He will sweep everything out of his way and not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the whole world.”

Vanga put into the word “sir” not a political, but a spiritual meaning. She claimed that “old Russia will return.” However, by the word “old” Vanga did not mean a return to pre-revolutionary orders. For example, she spoke unflatteringly about Nicholas II:

"Bad person. He destroyed people, and because of him, a great many people were destroyed.”

The concept of “old Russia” meant for her a return to spiritual principles. “Now you are called the Union, and then you will be called, as under Saint Sergei, Rus'.” This Rus', which is destined to undergo a baptism of fire, must become, in Vanga’s words, “the master of the whole world.”

“Like an eagle, Russia will soar above the earth and cover the whole earth with its wings. Its spiritual primacy is recognized by everyone, including America.”

But this will not happen immediately - in sixty years (from 1979). This, according to Vanga, will be preceded by a rapprochement between the three countries. At one point, she said, China, India and Moscow will converge.

Interestingly, just the other day a landmark contract was signed between China and Russia, which implies long-term cooperation in various industries between our countries.

Less known is the fact that Russia and India are also negotiating close cooperation - for example, Russia intends to take part in the construction of a gas pipeline to India and other major projects, in addition, the visa regime between our countries is being simplified. So, perhaps, the prosperity of Russia, which various predictors spoke about, is just around the corner.