Hotels, hair salons and pet clothing stores are considered high-end. Such services are provided to wealthy consumers who can afford significant expenses. Drawing up for animals will help you decide where to start and calculate all the costs and risks.



Hotel services are in the table below.

If the client uses a luxury room, then all other services are provided to him free of charge.

List of animals served:

  • small dogs - Yorkshire terrier, bichon, chihuahua, pug, dachshund, etc.;
  • medium and large dogs - all varieties of shepherd dogs, huskies, greyhounds, as well as bull terriers, setters, etc.;
  • cats - Siamese, Redgall, Siberian, Scottish and others;
  • birds - parrots, lovebirds, canaries, canaries and rosellas;
  • rodents - guinea pigs, rats, chinchillas and degus.

The cost of services in a pet hotel does not depend on the type of pet. Everyone has the same conditions.

Ordinary number Room for two Luxury room


Business is relevant for a number of reasons:

  • most pet owners do not know where to leave their animals during vacation, departure or long-term absence;
  • 60% of people going abroad must leave their animals either with friends or give them to a pet store;
  • In summer, hotels gain momentum several times, which allows them to increase profits;
  • the entrepreneur creates comfortable living conditions for animals.

Market description and analysis

The first registered hotel for animals in Russia appeared in 1997. It was a cozy shelter for all dogs. In 2019, an idea appeared - to create an elite business with long-term accommodation for animals.

In total, about 200 hotels are registered in 15 large cities of Russia. Of these, 45% are in the capital region.

The main guests of pet hotels are cats, dogs and birds.

Market analysis:

  1. Of the Moscow pet hotels, 98% of the owners open as a separate point. The rest are chain hotels scattered around the city.
  2. According to GfK research, 55% of entrepreneurs rent premises to open a hotel. However, working in the hotel business is easier when you have your own property, as it reduces the initial investment.
  3. As a rule, all profitable hotels have an average area of ​​250-300 square meters. m. The room consists of several zones to distribute animals depending on the type and size. Chain hotels have about 40-50 rooms, while individual businesses can provide up to 35 beds.
  4. Location of modern pet hotels according to marketing research: houses with adjacent territory, public gardens or public parks.

The target audience

Potential client profiles:

  • women aged 30-35 years;
  • families with above average income.

Competitive advantages

The distinctive features of this hotel enterprise from its competitors may be the following:

  1. A themed image of nature where animals will feel at home. You can decorate areas with certain colors and add music from nature.
  2. For regular customers, half of the services will be free, and the cost of living will be reduced to 50%.
  3. Installation of a spa area and a separate park with a river for walking dogs.
  4. Installation of video cameras so that owners can monitor their pets.

Advertising campaign

  • distribution of leaflets and business cards;
  • take advantage of the help of bloggers who will talk about the pet hotel;
  • advertising through social networks;
  • contacting famous trainers;
  • cooperation with kennel clubs;
  • advertising through hairdressing salons for animals;
  • Place banner ads on popular websites.

Step-by-step opening instructions

You can draw up a business plan for a hotel for animals in a competent business organization yourself or buy a ready-made one.

You can open pet hotels much faster if you follow the instructions:

  1. Collect the necessary documents.
  2. Find a room and make repairs in it.
  3. Purchase the necessary equipment.
  4. Select staff.


The hotel business does not require certification, so you can register as an individual entrepreneur. However, it is recommended because in this type of activity contracts are often concluded with cooperating companies.

To open a partnership, you need to contact the tax office at your place of residence.

The requirements for opening an LLC are presented below.

You also need to select OKVED codes.

As a result, you should get:

  • application form P11001;
  • a documented decision to create an LLC (if there is only one founder);
  • company charter in 2 copies;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • documents confirming the registration of the company's legal address.

Video material instructions for opening an LLC from the author of “Contour. Accounting."

Room and design

The main guideline when choosing a premises depends on the target audience and the animals being served.

Main characteristics of the room:

  • recommended area - 300 sq. m;
  • separate building;
  • dormitory area;
  • the size of a regular room is 1.7x1.5x2.3 m;
  • luxury room size - 2x3x2.3 m;
  • telephone communications;
  • total number of rooms - 50;
  • installed water supply, sewerage and electricity;
  • division into zones for different types of animals;
  • separate kitchen and spa area;
  • The surrounding area must be fenced.

Design requirements:

  • tile floor;
  • the walls of the rooms are made of durable glass.

The average cost of renting premises for a hotel for animals is 350,000 rubles/month.

Approximate view of the hotel lobby Hotel kitchen for animals Adjacent territory

Equipment and inventory

Kitchen components:

  • cabinets for storing feed;
  • kitchen sink and stove;
  • fridge;
  • set of cooking tools.

Bathroom equipment:

  • shower cabins;
  • towel racks;
  • a set of gels and oils;
  • grooming tools.

Equipment for rooms.

Hall equipment:

  • reception desk;
  • sofas;
  • coffee tables;
  • shelves.


The working hours of the pet hotel staff are 24 hours a day.


Job titleResponsibilitiesRequirementsSalary (in rub./month)Number of persons)
Dog handler
  • animal training;
  • creating an optimal diet;
  • progress reports;
  • assistance to a veterinarian
  • availability of education as a dog handler;
  • Experience from 1 year;
  • love to the animals;
  • impeccable employee health.
30,000 1
  • animal treatment;
  • collection and transportation of materials for analysis;
  • carrying out preventive procedures;
  • providing consultation;
  • filling out documentation
  • higher medical education;
  • experience;
  • knowledge of drugs and treatment methods;
  • computer skills.
50,000 2
  • consultation of visitors;
  • keeping records of receiving and processing calls;
  • compliance with the labor organization of employees;
  • ensuring cleanliness of the premises;
  • supervising the work of the cleaner;
  • carrying out official assignments;
  • filling out documentation
  • higher education;
  • knowledge of the laws of the Russian Federation;
  • high responsibility for business;
  • knowledge of document management;
  • psychology of visitors;
  • basics of conflictology;
  • experience;
  • knowledge of 1C.
50,000 1
  • preparing homemade meals for animals;
  • purchasing and checking the quality of products;
  • washing dishes
  • secondary specialized education;
  • experience;
  • knowledge of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
45,000 1
Cleaning woman
  • cleaning of premises;
  • monitoring the cleanliness of the hotel
  • secondary complete education.
  • knowledge of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
15,000 1
Security guard
  • ensuring personal and public safety;
  • execution of orders;
  • territory protection;
  • report at the end of the working day;
  • screening of visitors and employees (if necessary)
  • secondary or higher education;
  • knowledge of the laws of performing security services at an object;
  • ability to identify emergency situations.
25,000 1

The position of director of the animal hotel remains with the head of this business project.

Financial plan

Initial data:

  • taxation system - OSNO (basic);
  • submitted calculations for a period of 2 years;
  • income tax - 20%;
  • VAT - 17%.

Starting investments

Estimate of basic expenses for the first year.

Article titleValue (in rubles)
Renting premises4,200,000
Payroll fund3,180,000
Housing and communal services300,000
Repair and redevelopment2,000,000
Ventilation, fire systems and air conditioning150,000
Kitchen installation95,000
SPA area installation150,000
Hall equipment39,112
Bathroom equipment85,200
Kitchen equipment59,070
Animal Toolkit65,000
Buying a PC22,000
Advertising and promotion100,000
Expenses to cover risks300,000

Regular expenses

Monthly costs.


Revenue items in the first year at 55% occupancy.

Revenues for the second year with hotel occupancy of 85%.

Risks and payback

Possible risks.

The approximate payback period for a pet hotel business project is 2.5 years.

In large cities, the demand for hotels for animals is growing. This is due to the fact that more than 70% of Russians have favorite pets (according to VTsIOM), which sometimes need to be adopted. That is why the business idea of ​​a pet hotel is relevant and quite profitable. How to draw up a high-quality business plan for a hotel for animals, what it consists of and what estimated investments are needed, we will tell you in this article.

Project Summary

The opening of a hotel for animals is planned in a large city with a million population, where the target audience is as active as possible, its volume is extensive, and its income is higher. Accordingly, people more often have to travel and at the same time place their pets somewhere.

There are very few direct competitors, since this area in Russia is at the starting stage. For this reason, there are enough free niches; all that remains is to develop the right strategy in accordance with the requests, requirements and criteria of potential clients and taking into account the existing legislation. We will give an example of such a hotel in this article.

Marketing analysis

To understand the potential return on investment and possible business profits, you need to draw up a business plan for a pet hotel with calculations, and it will be based on an analysis of the niche and target audience.

According to statistics from VTsIOM, the most popular pets in the Russian Federation are cats and dogs. More details can be seen in the figure:

It is the owners of dogs and cats who are frequent clients of pet clinics, pet boutiques and, accordingly, pet hotels. The volume of animal establishments in the largest cities of Russia can be seen in the figure:

Consider opening a pet hotel in St. Petersburg.

To formulate a pricing policy, you should familiarize yourself with the data of the NAFI Analytical Center, which says that Russians spent 1 trillion rubles on their pets in 2015, often saving on themselves rather than on their pets. The figure shows the average monthly cost of keeping a pet (RUB):

Based on these data, you can see that pet hotels are quite a popular business, especially in large cities of Russia.

Business registration

Before searching for premises and purchasing equipment and materials for a hotel, you must undergo legal registration. To open a pet hotel, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. Next, you can choose a room for the hotel, prepare it for inspections, since it is officially prohibited to conduct veterinary activities without the permission of the SES, fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor. This can lead to hefty fines. On average, you will have to spend about 30 thousand rubles on registration and obtaining permission from authorities.

Deciding on the hotel format

There are no clear legal requirements for hotels for animals, so they are shaped by business strategy. The most popular formats are:

  • Mini-hotel in a private apartment.
  • Vacation home.
  • Rent of a separate building in a residential or central area of ​​the city.

Our hotel will be located outside the city in the form of a small house with separate rooms for pets. In addition, there will be enclosures for street dogs on the territory of the zoo hotel with space for walking and playing.

Hotel activities

It is important to make the right offer to your potential clients. The pet hotel will provide temporary housing and care services for animals. First of all, we decide on the types of animals for which we will provide a comfortable stay.

  • Dogs.
  • Cats.
  • Guinea pigs.
  • Chinchillas.

Main services:

  • Keeping and walking animals.
  • Veterinary examination daily.
  • Feed on a schedule and change water as needed.
  • Bathing the animal.
  • Cleaning the nose, ears, teeth, eyes.
  • Daily cleaning of the premises.
  • Walk the dog 3 times a day.

Animal training:

  • On a site with barriers and obstacles.
  • At the site for conducting OKD.
  • At the site for the ZKS.

VIP rooms for cats and dogs.

Selection of premises

We choose premises for the hotel in the form of renting a small house in the suburbs of St. Petersburg with a living area of ​​200 sq. m. m with a small adjacent territory, with a rent of 200 thousand rubles per month. Utility payments will amount to 20 thousand rubles per month.

The premises need to be redecorated and have separate small rooms for pets (500,000). In addition, it is necessary to improve the water supply and install plumbing for bathing animals (at least 10 baths). The hotel will have 5 VIP rooms for dogs and cats, 5 rooms for enclosures for dogs and cats and 2 rooms for rodents, 1 medical room, hairdresser, 5 bathrooms (2 baths in each). In addition, to obtain permission from authorities, the ventilation system in the room should be improved. It is necessary to treat the walls with non-toxic materials.

In the area adjacent to the building, it is necessary to build both summer and winter enclosures with reliable fencing. After all, clients have every right to “sue” the owner of a pet hotel for the escape of an animal.

Technical support

To create an appropriate environment and operate a hotel, you will need equipment, furniture, living quarters for pets, as well as plumbing, electronics and much more. Equipment costs in the table:

Name Price Qty Amount (rub.)
Indoor dog enclosures 5000 5 25 000
Outdoor dog enclosures 7 000 5 35 000
Rodent cages 1 000 20 20 000
Houses for cats 2 000 20 40 000
Tables 2000 5 20 000
Tools 30 000 30 000
Furniture for VIP rooms (small sofa, cabinet with things, pet house) 20 000 10 200 000
Medicines for the veterinary hospital 50 000 50 000
Play equipment for animals 30 000 30 000
Detergents 10 000 10 000
Disinfectants 5 000 5 000
Dishes for animals 5 000 5 000
Indoor flowers 10 000 10 000
Strong fence 50 000 50 000
Additional expenses 100 000 100 000
Kitchen appliances 100 000
Furniture for workers and administration 200 000
Video equipment and electronics 50 000 50 000
Total 980 000


Appropriate specialists will be needed to ensure the care and comfort of animals. The number of employees depends on the number and size of pets. Minimum staff:

Employee Salary (rub.) Number of units Sum
Administrator 25 000 2 50 000
Vet 30 000 2 60 000
Trainer 30 000 2 60 000
Hotel worker (watches pets) 20 000 4 80 000
Cleaner 15 000 2 30 000
Client acquisition manager 30 000 1 30 000
Hairdresser 30 000 1 30 000
Total 340 000

This is the minimum number of animal hotel employees that will allow the institution to function. The business owner himself can perform the duties of an accountant and supplier.

Risks and opportunities

Before investing in a project, it is necessary to assess all possible risks when creating and developing a hotel for animals. The most common risks:

  • High competition.
  • Error in calculating audience size.
  • A decrease in the solvent population due to the difficult economic situation in the country.
  • Incorrect formation of pricing policy.
  • Unqualified personnel.
  • Inappropriate investment in additional services and VIP specialists.
  • The emergence of viral diseases in pets.
  • Escape or infection of a healthy animal in a hotel.
  • Injury to the animal.
  • Conflict situations between dogs.
  • Long payback period.


  • Make a pet hotel one of the most popular in the region.
  • Expand the surrounding area and increase the number of clients.
  • Enter the federal level by selling franchises.
  • Increase the number of VIP clients thanks to high service.

Promotion and advertising

To attract the first customers, as well as for the dynamic development of the business, additional investments will be needed in the promotion and advertising of the hotel. First of all, it is necessary to create an Internet resource that will work for the entire region, launch radio advertising and printing. In addition, do not forget about lucrative offers for regular customers (free additional training services or video surveillance for your pet as a gift).

Main promotion tools:

To maintain brand development monthly, you need to spend at least 30,000 rubles on printing and radio advertising.

Prices for services

Name of service Animal price, rub. per day
Keeping and walking animals Dog (puppy up to 4 months) 600
Medium sized dog 700
Large size dog 800
Decorative dog breeds 800
Giant dogs 1000
Cats 400
Rodents 300
Animal training Dogs From 600/1
Delivery of an animal out of town Small dogs/cats/rodents 500/1 side
Medium and large dogs 800/1 side
Giant dogs 1000/1 side
VIP rooms Rooms for dogs with online video surveillance and apartment interior Additional 1500
Separate room for cats with European layout Additional 1000
Beauty services For dogs 1000
For cats 800
For rodents 400

Profitability calculation

Start-up costs

It is planned to allocate 2,060,000 rubles to start the business.

Monthly expenses

The general table of monthly expenses from the 3rd month looks like this:


Since it will take some time to increase the number of hotel clients, profitability for the first year will be calculated based on 30-40 pets per month in the first 3-5 months. You should take into account seasonality and start launching the project in the spring, before the hot holiday and travel seasons. The hotel for animals is expected to be fully equipped by mid-summer. There are plans to increase attendance in the future. When fully equipped, approximately pets will be: 10 large dogs, 10 small ornamental dogs and puppies, 20 cats and 20 rodents and chinchillas. Based on the prices, the average potential income can be calculated as follows:

Pet Amount per day Number of seats Amount per month
Dog (puppy up to 4 months) 600 5 90 000
Medium sized dog 700 5 105 000
Large size dog 800 5 120 000
Decorative dog breeds 800 15 360 000
Giant dogs 1000 5 150 000
Cats 400 20 240 000
Rodents 300 20 180 000
Dog training 600 10 180 000
Pet delivery (500 rub.) 2500 5 75 000
VIP rooms for dogs with online video surveillance and apartment interior 7500 5 225 000
For cats, a separate room with a European layout (5 cats) Additional 1000 5 000 150 000
Cosmetic (2 dogs, 4 cats, 5 rodents) 7200 216 000
Additional income from the sale of goods (clothing for animals, toys, food) 800 000
Total per month 2 888 000

The relationship between profit and costs: 2,088,000 – 2,060,000 = 828,000 – 15% tax = 703,800 (net profit).

If, in addition to standard daily care, training and hairdressing services, you add veterinary services and additional services to the price, the amount of the final profit will increase by at least 50%, which will cover the investment during the year the project is launched.

About every third Russian (76%, according to VTsIOM) has a pet. In total, there are about 20 million dogs and 35 million cats in the country - and there are also turtles, parrots, aquarium fish, guinea pigs and other living creatures. Against the backdrop of people’s stable attachment to their “little brothers,” the pet market is also rapidly developing. In large cities, new pet boutiques, veterinary clinics, grooming salons, as well as foster centers and hotels for animals are regularly opened.

In Russia, pet hotels arose at the beginning of the 21st century and quickly became popular. A pet owner planning a trip for several days or more can leave the pet in a facility where it will be provided with care, food, and leisure.

Currently, more than 200 hotels for animals are registered in the database, most of which are in big cities. High demand during the holiday period - from May to September - and during the New Year holidays. The annual turnover of a 25-bed animal hotel with an average daily price of 300 rubles is about one and a half million rubles; maintaining the hotel costs approximately 600,000 rubles. The experience of “pet hoteliers” shows that business is most profitable in large cities, where wages are high, the pace of life is intense, and there are many travel enthusiasts.

What services are provided at the pet hotel?

The standard package of services is presented in the table.

Table No. 1. Popular services and average market prices.

Service name

average price

Cat foster care

400 rubles/day

Overexposure of dogs weighing 1-10 kg

650 rubles/day

Overexposure of dogs weighing 10-25 kg

750 rubles/day

Overexposure of dogs weighing more than 25 kg

850 rubles/day

Overexposure of hamsters and guinea pigs

150 rubles/day

Fostering ferrets and rabbits

300 rubles/day

Bird care

250 rubles/day

50-250 rubles

Price depends on the problem


700-1500 rubles

Delivery of the animal from home to the hotel and back

Price depends on distance

The cost of overexposure includes the following services:

  1. Regular veterinary examination.
  2. Providing food and access to water.
  3. Bathing the pet. Usually carried out on the 7th day of your stay at the hotel.
  4. Ear cleaning.
  5. Eye treatment.
  6. Regular brushing.
  7. Walking according to schedule.
  8. Sanitary and hygienic procedures.
  9. Informing the owner about the condition of the animal.

Many hotels arrange rooms or boxes for pets and create a feeding and walking schedule according to the client’s preferences. Additional services may include haircuts and dietary menu planning.

Pet hotel formats

There are no clear requirements for a pet hotel from regulatory authorities, so when choosing a format you need to be guided by a business development strategy.

The most common types of hotels for animals:

  1. Mini-hotel in a private apartment. A great option for an apartment owner who wants to make money. In conditions of limited space, keeping large dogs will cause certain difficulties, and small animals create noise, which annoys neighbors. The apartment is suitable for keeping cats, decorative dogs, parrots, and hamsters. To avoid conflicts with the residents of the house, sound insulation and ventilation will be required.
  2. A private house. You can keep any animals in the house and create the best conditions for them to stay without their owners. From a profit point of view, it is good if it is located within the city or not far from it. It would be ideal if there was a fenced area for enclosures and walking.
  3. A separate building in a residential or central area. Convenient format (neighbors will have no complaints), but you will have to spend money on rent.

The hotel can be regular, VIP-class or combined - combining standard and luxury rooms.

A regular pet hotel means a room with cages for cats and dogs. This format is popular in sparsely populated cities. The average daily price is 300 rubles (price does not include meals).

VIP rooms are cost-effective in megacities, where you can attract an audience with above-average income. Here, as in a hotel for people, they offer deluxe and junior suite rooms. Deluxe rooms have more space (from 7 to 10 m² for cats and from 15 to 20 m² for dogs) and more comfortable conditions (houses for animals, exercise equipment, comfortable sleeping areas). Some establishments install video surveillance, allowing customers to monitor their pets remotely. The average price of a day in a junior suite is from 700 rubles, in a suite - from 1,500 rubles.

Let's look at how to open a hotel for animals and what is needed for this.

Documentation and permission

To legally register a business, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Next, you need to find a room and prepare it for inspections by the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor.

The client of the pet hotel is provided with an agreement with mutual rights and obligations. There are holding centers that operate without a contract. But they do not give the client guarantees that his pet will be provided with decent conditions during the entire period of foster care.

Registration and obtaining permits will cost about 20,000 rubles.


You will need not only a room of considerable size, but also an adjacent area for walking animals and setting up enclosures.

About 500,000 rubles are needed for repair work and arrangement of rooms. It is also necessary to organize water supply and baths for bathing animals. Walls should be decorated with environmentally friendly materials.

This project of a hotel for animals involves conducting activities in a 2-story building with a yard. It is located in a city with a population of more than 500 thousand inhabitants. The hotel has 45 places for cats and dogs, and there are also places for small animals. Cats, rodents, birds, and other small pets are located on the second floor, on the first floor and in the courtyard there are rooms for dogs. The rent will be 200,000 rubles per month. Utility costs - 20,000 rubles.

The business plan for the pet hotel assumes the following rooms:

  • five VIP rooms for dogs and cats;
  • five rooms for setting up enclosures;
  • two rooms for rodents;
  • medical office;
  • five bathrooms (2 baths each).

It is necessary to build enclosures with stable fences in the yard. Remember: if the animal escapes, the owner has the right to sue.

Table No. 2. The area of ​​enclosures depending on the size of the dogs


The minimum staff with salary calculations is described in the table below.

Table No. 3. Pet hotel staff


Number (persons)





Animal Control Officer

Customer Relations Manager/Marketing Manager

Grooming master

You can entrust accounting to an outsourcing company and handle deliveries yourself.

Animal hotel equipment

Table No. 4. Necessary equipment



Aviaries (indoor, indoor)

Houses for cats

Beds for cats

Feed cabinet

Scratching posts for cats

Accessories (dishes, toys, muzzles, collars, etc.)

Rodent cages

Bird cages

Carriers for cats

Marketing and advertising

To attract customers and ensure a good reputation, it is important to approach the advertising campaign as responsibly as possible. You will need a high-quality website with photographs of rooms and enclosures, a detailed description of the services and advantages of your pet hotel, and customer reviews. Also groups on social networks, announcements on forums, in thematic communities, on advertising and news portals, in print media.

Install a bright, beautiful sign that attracts the attention of passersby. You can order advertising on a billboard in the area where the hotel is located.

An effective and free marketing tool is barter advertising. You post your flyers in pet stores, veterinary clinics, and other places that pet owners frequent. The owners of the listed establishments leave their advertisements in your hotel.

You can develop a reward system (promotions, special offers, discount cards), which will increase the loyalty of the target audience.

Financial plan: calculations of profitability and payback

First, let's determine the amount of the initial investment.

20,000 (collection of documents) + 200,000 (rent) + 500,000 (improvement of the house and territory) + 395,000 (equipment) + 20,000 (feed) + 60,000 (advertising) + 20,000 (transport and other expenses) = 1 215,000 rubles

Now let's calculate monthly expenses.

20,000 (utility payments) + 340,000 (salaries) + 20,000 (taxes) + 20,000 (food, medications, etc.) + 10,000 (advertising) = 410,000 rubles

The planned average check per day from one client is 600 rubles. When fully loaded (45 seats), the daily income is 27,000 rubles. It’s easy to calculate your monthly income:

27,000 * 30 days = 810,000 rubles

Net profit per month (minus fixed expenses) will be 400,000 rubles.

Table No. 5. Financial calculations

This is the “ideal” payback period. In fact, it may take more time to promote your business, “gain” a reliable reputation and occupy a stable position in the niche.

If the demand for services is high, you can safely raise prices by 10% during the season.

Pet hotel franchise: is it worth buying?

Since the business requires significant start-up capital and taking into account many details, the help of a competent franchisor will come in handy. Thanks to his practical experience and knowledge of the market, he will help you pass inspections, select and prepare premises, purchase equipment and feed from reliable suppliers at adequate prices, as well as select and train personnel, and develop a marketing policy. If the franchise brand is well promoted, it will be easier for you to attract customers.

If you are a beginner and do not have strong confidence in your abilities, use a franchise when opening a pet hotel.


Draw up a detailed business plan for a pet hotel and conduct careful market monitoring - then you will cover all possible services that are of interest to pet owners.

Here's what can become an obstacle in business:

  • bad location;
  • low quality of service;
  • negligence in drawing up the contract and assumed obligations;
  • lack of marketing strategy.
If you own your own home, costs will be significantly reduced. In this case, your position in the market will be more stable.
  • Marketing plan
  • Financial plan
  • Business technology
        • Similar business ideas:

We present to your attention a brief business plan for organizing a small hotel for pets.

Marketing plan

The market for hotel services for pets is very promising. In Moscow alone there are about 1.5 million domestic cats and dogs. Most of them need supervision when their owners go on vacation, plan renovations or move. Business trips, anniversaries, arrivals of guests and other occasions also often occur. Almost every third owner has a real need for temporary care for his pet (dog or cat) at least once a year. Not everyone has good acquaintances, friends or relatives who are ready to temporarily take in a dog or cat while their owner is vacationing at a resort. Some dog breeds are generally dangerous to give to anyone, only to specialized organizations, which are animal hotels. However, when opening a hotel or hotel for animals, you should take into account the population of the city. In small cities with a population of up to 300 thousand people. It makes no sense to open, since there will be very few clients. What is important here is not only the population size, but also its solvency, which is traditionally higher in large cities. You should immediately decide on options for promoting the project. Still, the service is quite new for the Russian consumer and needs to be promoted to the masses. Otherwise, you may never get a return on the money invested in the project. You should not miss the opportunity to collaborate with veterinary clinics and pet stores (exchange business cards, posters and banners). Advertising is required at cat and dog shows and in animal clubs. The Internet is also something that should not be overlooked. The number of inhabitants of the World Wide Web is comparable to TV viewers, but advertising on television costs tens of times more. Creating your own group and website, communicating on specialized forums will allow you to develop an extensive customer base.

How much money is needed to start this business?

The project can be organized in two main ways. The first option is to rent a plot of land with premises and carry out appropriate redevelopment. The second is to build a turnkey hotel on an “open field.” That is, buy a plot of land, build premises and enclosures, and install communications. It is logical that the costs in the second case will be several times higher than the first option. However, own premises will allow you to avoid such a significant cost item as rent. And depending on the region, it can range from 300 to 1,500 rubles per square meter. However, there is a third option for organizing a business - to build a small hotel in a personal household (private home). Create something like a small family business. In this case, you already have a plot of land, all that remains is to spend money on the construction of the premises and its arrangement. Also, some of the funds will have to be allocated to transfer the premises and site to the appropriate category of permitted use (for running a business). But there is also a significant drawback here - problems with legislation. The legal requirements are such that hotels for animals can be located at a distance of at least 150 meters from the nearest residential complexes. Agree that private houses are rarely built at such a distance from other residential buildings. Estimated costs for organizing a pet hotel with a capacity of 100 pets include:

  • Deposit for renting premises and land (for 1 month) - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Repair and reconstruction of the premises - 1000 thousand rubles
  • Purchase of equipment (cages, feeders, drinking bowls, etc.) - 300 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising (including website creation) - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 100 thousand rubles.

Total - 1.75 million rubles But investments can be slightly higher if you add to the list of services not only the temporary keeping of animals, but also services for training and grooming animals. In general, according to experts, it is difficult for animal hotels to survive without additional income. Therefore, hotel services can be combined with the sale of accessories for animals, the sale of purebred puppies and kittens, and the sale of food and vitamins. You can raise ornamental animals such as guinea pigs or dwarf rabbits.

Financial plan

Fixed expenses The main fixed cost of a hotel is wages. Even a small hotel needs two dog handlers (salary 18 thousand rubles), a veterinarian (20 thousand rubles), a receptionist (20 thousand rubles) and a visiting caretaker and an accountant (10 thousand rubles each). ). Other recurring monthly expenses include:

  • rental payments - 50 thousand rubles.
  • insurance contributions for employees - 30 thousand rubles.
  • utility costs - 20 thousand rubles.
  • other expenses (veterinary drugs, taxes) - 30 thousand rubles.
  • advertising - 20 thousand rubles.

total monthly expenses - 246 thousand rubles. Variable expenses Expenses that depend on the number of “shaggy guests” are the cost of feeding the animals. Animals eat differently. Some people prefer only dry food, others feed raw meat, others - pasta or porridge. Depending on the size of the animal, from 40 to 100 rubles per day can be spent on one pet.

How much can you earn by opening a hotel for animals?

Now the best part - we calculate how much an average hotel for animals can earn. Daily keeping of a pet in a standard room (two-level enclosure) will cost the customer 400 rubles. The price also depends on the season. During the high season (December - January, June - September) prices are traditionally 20% higher. If we assume that a hotel for 100 pets will be filled on average by 30% per day (30 pets), then you can count on revenue of 360 thousand rubles per month. Some income can come from animal training services (~ 15 thousand rubles), veterinary services (~ 20 thousand rubles), sale of ornamental animals (~ 30 thousand rubles) and animal grooming (~ 20 thousand rubles) . Thus, you can count on average revenue of 445 thousand rubles. per month. We subtract fixed (54 thousand rubles) and variable expenses (246 thousand rubles) from the resulting amount and obtain a net profit equal to 145 thousand rubles. per month. With such indicators, the project pays for itself (taking into account several months of promotion) in 16 - 18 months of work.

Step-by-step plan for opening a hotel for animals

  1. Defining the company's concept.
  2. Analysis of the consumer base.
  3. Buying or renting premises.
  4. Arranging an area for walking animals.
  5. Purchase of cages, equipment, feed, inventory.
  6. Business registration.
  7. Launch of a hotel for animals.

How to choose equipment for business

The choice of equipment depends on the services provided. To accommodate cats and dogs, you will need cages, beds, scratching posts, and bowls. It is also necessary to create enclosures. They can be located both indoors and outdoors. You can also purchase special toys for four-legged animals to attract customers.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering?

  • 0 - veterinary activities.

What documents are needed to open a hotel for animals?

When opening a business, a veterinary permit will be required. It is best to enter into a contract for animal care with a veterinarian or hire a permanent employee. To legalize your activity, you must register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC and register with the tax office. In the future, after the opening of the hotel, it is necessary to conclude an agreement between the administration of the establishment and the client, which will spell out all the terms of cooperation.

Which tax system to choose when registering?

To open a hotel for animals, a simplified taxation system is best suited.

Do I need permission to open a hotel for animals?

It is very difficult to open a hotel for animals within the boundaries of large cities and small towns. The requirements put forward by the SES are very difficult to fulfill. But for hotels outside the city, obtaining this permit will not be difficult. The business does not require licensing or certification.

Business technology

The main objectives of the hotel for animals are:

  • Safe and comfortable living for pets;
  • Constant monitoring of the health of guests;
  • Organization of timely, nutritious meals;
  • Walking animals, training;
  • Timely cleaning of enclosures;
  • Providing truthful information to the animal owner about the condition of the pet.

By fulfilling all these tasks and providing high-quality animal care, a hotel for four-legged friends will be popular and prosper. The technology of a hotel for animals consists of pre-booking a room, concluding a contract for servicing a pet, checking into a hotel, providing maintenance services, transferring the animal to its rightful owner, and cleaning the enclosure.

Many people look forward to their holidays so they can go to a resort and bask in the sun. When a planned vacation is approaching, pet owners are faced with the difficult question of where to temporarily place their youngest family member, because it is impossible to leave him at home alone. This spoils the mood for most, because not everyone has friends or acquaintances who are ready to look after the animal all this time. And not everyone knows how to properly care for them. Some, even against the backdrop of the existing problem, are thinking about how to open a hotel for animals.

Statistics have shown that almost every second urban family has a pet. Therefore, in large cities, as a result of the development of tourism, opening either a hotel, a mini-hotel, or an animal shelter center has become more relevant than ever. This kind of business will have more than enough clients, and if everything is done correctly and the organization of the business is taken seriously, then the entrepreneur will always have a stable income, because such a problem is a frequent occurrence, and there is no competition at all. Guided by these two factors, you can set up a fairly profitable business.

People will use this service not only in the summer during vacations, since business trips and other urgent trips have not yet been cancelled. By the way, permission to import an animal into another country is very difficult to obtain, so this also benefits the owners of such businesses. Of course, to do this, you need to love animals yourself. From everything it follows that such establishments are simply necessary for owners of four-legged friends.

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First of all, the entrepreneur must think carefully about everything and decide for which animals the proposed hotel will be opened. You can create a shelter for amphibians, and some would prefer to create a hotel for cats and dogs. Each of these options has its own nuances. For example, cats and dogs will need a much larger area than reptiles. Any such hotel must meet all the standards prescribed by law. In this business, the problem with regulatory authorities mainly arises precisely because of the incorrectly chosen territory.

The best option would be to buy or rent one near the city, since there are more opportunities to equip the establishment in such a way that it meets all the requirements, and also so that it is easy for animal owners to get there. Long-term lease of territory is the least expensive alternative to purchasing. Within the city limits in large metropolitan areas, obtaining permission to open is almost impossible at the moment, since the requirements of the SES cannot be fully met in urban conditions.

At the first stage, it will be necessary for the animals to clearly and adequately assess their capabilities, since this matter requires quite a lot of expenses.

It should be taken into account that on the territory of the hotel, both winter and summer enclosures must be built for dogs. Such a shelter should have the opportunity to walk animals. If it is intended to open a shelter for amphibians, then the premises must be equipped in accordance with the rules that are necessary for their maintenance. In both cases, all necessary communications must be established in the room, including air conditioning. The area must be fenced to prevent animals from leaving.

It will be important to take care of the availability of accessories: leashes, toys, bowls, brushes, collars and so on. It is also important to have a special room on the hotel premises for storing and preparing food, since not all animals eat ready-made food. They, just like people, tend to get sick, so you will need to either enter into an agreement with a local veterinary service to care for your pets, or hire your own veterinarian. The second option is the best, since a business such as a pet hotel implies full responsibility for the life of each pet located there, and there are cases when emergency assistance is needed and there may simply not be time to wait for a specialist to arrive.

Dogs and cats are much more attached to their owners than, for example, other pets. Every separation is a big stress for them. If the answer to the question for animals has already been clearly formed, and the person has finally decided to engage in this type of activity, then it will be necessary to ensure that there is a specialist on staff who knows how to handle animals in such situations. Otherwise, they may get sick from stress, and the returning owner will never use the service of this establishment again. And the loss of a client is not only a loss of money, but also a lost reputation, which will then be difficult to restore.

The choice of service that will be present in a pet hotel depends, first of all, on the ambitions of the business owner - only he can decide what services he can provide to his clients and which he cannot provide. By the way, the business plan of a hotel for animals will also depend on this. For example, it would be relevant to be able to book rooms for a certain period of time or offer dog training, haircuts, trimming, mating, and so on for an additional fee. Some owners of expensive breeds will be able to afford luxury rooms, and this can also make good money.

Owners often miss their pets, and a service such as communicating with them online can bring the hotel owner an additional 30-40% of income. In other words, there is no limit to your imagination and development of such a business. Starting with a mini animal shelter center, you can grow to a large hotel. Its payback will depend on many factors, and, as a rule, it takes several years. Due to the fact that such a business is considered long-term and requires quite large investments, you should not expect quick returns from it, but it will provide long-term employment, and by properly promoting it, you can achieve a lifetime income. So, what are the main steps you will need to take to open such a hotel?