Resentment makes people sick and in a negative state of mind. Repentance is not easy. Forgiving is even more difficult. If a person does not want to forgive or repent, then no arguments will penetrate him.

Perhaps a person should think about forgiveness, because resentment makes people sick. To cleanse the soul and make the mind bright. However, this is necessary to improve health and well-being.

People get sick from resentment

People will remember how good everything was, but the time spent on grievances cannot be returned.

You shouldn't strive to change the world. You can forgive, repent, love, and the world will change for the better. In this way, the karma of the planet can be changed. Therefore, you should spread love everywhere, because everything in the universe is interconnected. Then a person will feel the favor of the universe.

There is a lot of grief, illness, and suffering in the world. Basically, only the person himself is to blame. Therefore, you need to strive to be happy, look for joy everywhere, you should not suffer and you need to enjoy life in the present time.

A person will be able to attract health and money if he lives in harmony with himself and with others, is confident in himself and is satisfied with life. After all, time will pass, as a result of which the situation will worsen.

People often get sick from resentment without realizing it. When a person was happy in peace and friendship, everything was wonderful, but now everything is gone. Therefore, it is recommended to enjoy life and forgive offenses while these wonderful days still exist.

Energy should be directed into space, which indicates that a person wants to be healthy, rich and happy, and not poor, sick and unhappy. People’s requests are always fulfilled, you just have to give them the right attitude.

Of course, this does not mean that a person will be constantly healthy and happy, since only idiots have constant happiness. This is interpreted as if a person pays attention to misfortunes, then he will not be able to truly enjoy life and get the desired health.

If a person thinks about injustice, it will not bring him health, because people get sick from resentment. By accumulating grievances and bile, people become sick and angry. All diseases come from the head!

Forgiveness. If a person knows how to forgive, then he will be able to come to repentance. Repentance is a great power through which barriers can be destroyed.

Everyone must decide for themselves what will be best for them. Delve into your own grievances or fill your life with health, happiness and wealth!? Why do people often cannot forgive offenses?

Man’s pride, which is one of the deadly sins, is to blame for everything. A person can say that he is humble. In fact, this is how pride manifests itself.

First of all, you should admit your own mistakes. These are general recommendations for combating pride. A person himself is free to act as he sees fit. It should be understood that prosperity, happiness, and even more so health, cannot be built on tears.

Solution to the problem.

To untie karmic knots, you should let go of grievances, since they are bad advisors.

Through forgiveness, you can move on to repentance. Thanks to repentance and forgiveness, you can become a mentally and physically healthy person.

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Envious says not what is, but what can cause evil. - Publilius Syrus

Why envious people Are you always upset about something? Because they are consumed not only by their own failures, but also by the successes of others.
- Abu-l-Faraj

If they talk about you, it means you are either of interest or envy.
- Sergey Bodrov

For what envy? You have to live your life. - Olga Shelest

Out of envy people grow old and get sick from resentment. They become dumb with anger. And love makes you younger... Love and be loved!

Envious people They often condemn what they cannot do and criticize those whose level they can never reach.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Do not envy to the one who is strong and rich,
Sunset always follows dawn
With this short life, equal to air,
Treat it as if it was rented to you.
- O. Khayyam

A trap on the path to wealth. Poverty and need in the lives of many people have - as many must have learned "from bitter experience" - their cause jealous. Do you feel jealous when you see your competitor transferring more than you can afford into their bank account? Overcome this attack of negative feelings by saying: “This is wonderful! I rejoice at this man's success with all my heart. Let his prosperity grow day by day."

Envious thoughts have destructive consequences. Thus, you make yourself a victim of injustice and, with your negative attitude, reject any wealth, instead of attracting it.

No one don't envy: envy eats health.

Why are envious people always upset about something? Because they are consumed not only by their own failures, but also by the successes of others.
- Abu-l-Faraj

The envious man says not what is, but what can cause evil.
- Publilius Syrus

Envy is poison for the heart.
- f. Voltaire

The darkest torment we suffer is the one who envies others in everything.
- A. Jami

The envious person is his own enemy because he suffers from evil created by himself.
- C. Montesquieu

As soon as you start looking for “good” and “bad” in your loved ones, a hole opens in your heart through which evil thoughts enter. If you test others, compete with them, criticize them, this leads to your weakening and defeat.
- Morihei Ueshiba

Envy accuses and judges without evidence, it multiplies shortcomings, gives the slightest mistakes loud names; her tongue is full of bile, exaggeration and injustice.
- Vauvenargues

Of all passions, envy is the most disgusting. Hatred, betrayal and intrigue march under the banner of envy.
- Helvetius K.

There is not a single vice that is so harmful to the well-being of people as envy, for those who are infected with it not only upset themselves, but also darken the joy of others.
- Descartes

An envious person causes grief to himself, as if to his enemy.
- Democritus

Envy is a restlessness (displeasure) of the soul arising from the fact that another person has a good we desire, whom we no longer consider worthy of owning it.
- Leibniz G.

Envy is regret for someone else's good.
- Plutarch

A person will never become richer from envy.
- D. Ray

The destructive poison that poisons our souls is envy.
- G. Fielding

Envy is poison for the heart.
- Voltaire

Of all passions, envy is the most disgusting. Hatred, betrayal and intrigue march under the banner of envy.
- C. Helvetius

The greedy soul is the beginning of all evil deeds.
- John of Damascus

If there are rumors about you, it means you are a person. Remember: never discuss or envy bad things. They envy the best, discuss the best. It is better to be the center of attention, having a scandalous reputation, than to be in a primitive herd of judges.

We shape the events of life with our thoughts and attitude towards everything - towards ourselves and the world around us. This often causes many diseases, because incorrect thoughts are the same fears, feelings and emotions: anger, hatred, pride, jealousy, guilt, despair and discontent, but only concentrated and negative, and therefore very dangerous. Just the thought “they don’t love me” can become the culprit of a variety of diseases, because this fear blocks the main source of vital energy.

If a person does not feel and show love, his immunity is greatly weakened - various problems and conflicts with people arise. The fear of “not being loved” arises in childhood. So, for example, when a woman is pregnant, but doubts whether she wants to give birth to a child, this later affects the born child. According to statistics, if a woman even mentally rejected the baby in the first month of pregnancy, without even knowing about the interesting situation, the newborn child is a potential smoker. The desire to have an abortion in the second month brings into the world an alcoholic, in the third - a mentally ill person with developmental disabilities, in the fourth - a drug addict, in the sixth - a potential suicide. Criminals and maniacs are often born to mothers who wanted an abortion in the fifth month of pregnancy.

Only the child himself can correct a mother’s mental or verbal sin, and the mother can help him by asking the child’s forgiveness for her fear, for the fact that she was unable to lovingly let a little creature into the world.

Have you ever wondered why during an epidemic some people instantly fall ill, while others are not affected by the virus? Or why, despite swallowing pills, diseases, especially chronic ones, return again and again, and sometimes new ones appear? Popular wisdom says that all diseases are caused by nerves. But the ancient and wise believed that people get sick because of their own fears, because a frightened person concentrates his fears all his life, turning a small insult into a large destructive anger, primarily for himself and his family.

Malignant and other types of tumors arise from concentrated anger, self-dislike, and a rigid position. Moreover, genital cancer occurs only in people who experience hatred, anger or contempt for the opposite sex. Uterine diseases in women occur due to the fear of being a bad mother or, alternatively, the fear of “they don’t love me” and incorrect attitude towards men.

Stomach diseases arise from a rigid position, excessive thirst for power and dissatisfaction with its absence.

Appendicitis occurs when a person is sad for a long time, feels humiliated and unnecessary.

And we get fat and gain weight because we strive for unrealistic goals, we feel defenseless, driven by various fears and excuses. The reason for female obesity is most often self-pity, the feeling and fear that no one loves you and no one needs you, and for yourself. Sometimes the cause of obesity is suppressed anger at parents and incorrect relationships. These fears and attitudes change the harmonious metabolism.

Stones in the kidneys, gall bladder and liver arise from enmity and resentment.

Heart disease most often occurs due to feelings of guilt, suppressed and unrequited love, hopelessness in life, fear that you are unworthy of love or that your love is not accepted.

Heart attacks and strokes are diseases of those who fight against life, so the majority of those who die from this disease are men who spend their entire lives moving forward by any means necessary. Most often, they did not allow themselves to cry or otherwise express their emotions in moments of weakness or grief.

Throat diseases, in particular bronchitis or asthma, arise from great resentment towards people or circumstances. Children often have sore throats when parents in the family shout and quarrel, and the child cannot fix it in any way.

The conflict between the mind and feelings gives rise to brain diseases, including mental illness. It is because of the lack of purpose that people look for something unearthly, get confused in their own hallucinations and go crazy.

The legs hurt in financially dissatisfied people, as well as in those who cannot find their path in life, for example, are dissatisfied with their current place of work.

Swelling of the legs is a disease of the poor and stingy. These people usually do not believe in their own life force and turn out to be failures.

Spinal diseases arise due to the lack of a vital platform or when it is faulty. Curvature of the spine occurs in children whose family has a weak, weak-willed father.

Everything that hurts on the right is associated with the future and masculine energy. If your right nostril is blocked, take off your resentment against men, stop blaming them and talking things out about them. If something aches on the left, it is connected with the past and with the attitude towards women. Release the negativity and the pain will disappear.

The state of mind affects the course of the disease, our body and life. Think about the good, tune in to a more optimistic mood - and you will see how life changes for the better!


Any resentment and negative emotion deforms the human energy field, which manifests itself through illnesses in the body. To be free and happy, or to carry fears and resentments within ourselves is up to us to decide.

The presence of a strong resentment in a person is a long-term trend that steadily generates a state of criticism. They sometimes say about such states: “He is being choked or eaten away by severe resentment.” Or: “Resentment weighs on your chest.” Or: “Everything in my chest sank with bitter resentment.” A person carries such a resentment within himself, criticizes the person he is offended by, and repeatedly “replays” his critical statements in his mind, as a result of which he “falls” into his resentment even more strongly. By “winding up” himself in this way, he finds himself in a vicious circle of stable fixation of emotional reactions. At some point, the source and cause of resentment already lose their original meaning, since a person “gets a buzz” from self-pity and self-consumption from his own emotional states. And the deforming tendency, which was “outlined” by the primary grievance itself, develops into a stable and steadily developing deformation of the field.

An example from life: my daughter went to school completely healthy, and returned home with a high fever and cough. The mother identified this type of deformity at chest level. Investigating the cause of the deformity, the mother found out that the girl had quarreled with her best friend and was very worried about this event, taking offense at her friend and internally criticizing her attitude towards herself. The mother managed to explain to her daughter the groundlessness of her offense and criticism, and showed the mutual inability of her friends to come to an agreement. After this, the daughter simply mentally asked for forgiveness and quickly got rid of the deformity. A few hours later there was no trace of fever or cough left. The next morning the girl came to school completely healthy. But her friend didn’t come to school. It turns out that her condition was exactly the same, but her mother did not understand the problem and therefore decided that the girls simply contracted some kind of viral infection from each other. A week of standard treatment, generally accepted in such cases, ended with the girl seeming to have recovered, but the field deformation caused by the insult was not eliminated - it simply settled deeper.

The potential for the disease to become chronic in this case is a more than likely outcome of such a banal situation. How many situations like this do we experience in life every day? When working with field deformations, the most important thing is to “get to” the true psycho-emotional causes of their occurrence. Otherwise, full recovery is impossible. And if it becomes a habit, it becomes a big problem for life. But as a rule, we strive to look beautiful in our own eyes, and therefore do not want to admit to ourselves any “unseemly” emotional reactions, especially when it comes to our loved ones.

Self-honesty is critical when working to identify and address the causes of dysfunction and inappropriate attitudes. Just ask yourself the question: “Do I carry a grudge against anyone?” Don't rush to answer right away. Remember your friends, relatives, acquaintances, colleagues, try to go through in your mind everyone with whom you communicate, communicated, met, collaborated, fought in any way. Follow not the logic of the answers, but your internal emotional reaction. It often happens that while sorting through people, a person unexpectedly realizes some purely emotional “ties”, which until that moment he was not aware of, identifying them with himself.

How can you free yourself from resentment? When working to identify resentment or a negative attitude, as a rule, three variants of psychological situations are discovered.

  • Repeated typical situations of criticism and states of resentment when mentioning a particular person or when remembering him.
  • Typical situations repeated when mentioning various people. The emotional coloring of these situations may be less vivid than in the first case, however, the typicality of these situations indicates that you have a “weak spot” that forces you to react emotionally in some standard way to certain manifestations on the part of other people. The result is accumulated grievances, the internal mechanism of which develops along the same chain. Naturally, they all lead to the same type of energy field anomalies. A classic example is the resentment of one of the older generation against each of the children or grandchildren for the same reason: “I love you all so much (demonstration of affection) ... I gave (gave) so much strength to you (fixation of a feeling of unrequited debt) ... I’m waiting for you so much (here the resentment that the debt is not being repaid is already beginning to sound) ... Ava ... you rarely come, you don’t like ... ungrateful, etc. (criticism began).”
  • Less often, the reason for such deformation is an “abstract confusion” about someone’s lifestyle, actions, actions, etc., that is, about something that we don’t seem to care much about, but “I don’t understand,” I don’t want to understand and I can’t accept.” Usually this state develops into resentment, which, in fact, hides something similar to envy - “how can he afford what I can’t?!” - which, of course, no one ever admits to themselves, and then this is an insult in the first version. Sometimes, instead of severe resentment, an active thirst for criticism “cuts through” - in this case, the situation is more reminiscent of the second option: “How can he live like this, act like this, I don’t understand this; This is unacceptable for a well-mannered person.” Naturally, by “upbringing,” that is, the degree of compliance with the attitudes of society in each social stratum, we mean something different - compliance with social attitudes, say, among the creative intelligentsia, among business people and among thieves, presupposes fundamentally different forms of “upbringing.” Therefore, depending on what social stratum a person belongs to, the reasons and reasons for the same emotional reactions may vary, even to the complete opposite. However, the emotional reactions themselves and the disturbances in the components of the energy structure generated by them will be the same.

With some practice, identifying the very fact of resentment does not cause any special problems. But the process of getting rid of identified deeply hidden emotions and achieving a correct attitude towards the persons and events that provoked these states in identified situations is no longer an easy task. Its solution may require quite a significant investment of time and effort.

In such cases, specialists use the method of comprehensive analysis of the situation from the positions of all participants involved in it. However, this method does not always give the desired result. In addition, it is impossible to rise above the level of the mental body when using this method of psychocorrection. This means that the fullness of awareness of the situation is unattainable with a purely psychoanalytic approach. However, personal experience and the personal strength of a specialist can sometimes change the very essence of the approach...

For some, the path of realizing the deformation through the contemplative-meditative technique “Contemplation of the past without self-identification with it” will be more acceptable. The object of meditation can be not only any one specific situation that led to the occurrence of a specific deformation, but also many life events that are vividly imprinted in your memory. “Repainting memory in the colors of detachment” can be an unexpected way out of seemingly hopeless dead ends. Any event with intense emotional overtones “eats” some part of our vital energy, “fettering” it with so-called “stress blocks” in our energy structure and thereby making it unavailable for use. Any stress block is formed by the emotions we experience about the events we experience. Correct emotions - no stress - no stress block - no life force “blocked” by it. The release of the “stress block” associated with a particular situation experienced relieves the energy structure of emotional dependence on the past at different “subtle” levels. Naturally, eliminating the causes that cause deformation of its denser components relieves many tensions in the body and mind. As a result, many diseases disappear without a trace.

What to do? Remember the situation. Look at it without getting involved in the events associated with it. It’s as if you are remembering not your own life, but the life of a complete stranger, about whom you have absolutely nothing to do. And when the events that happened are scrolling again on the screen of your consciousness, be attentive, be a witness from the outside.

For example. You remember your first love, you see yourself in some situation with your first beloved. It's you in the past. Separate yourself from the situation with your loved one. Look as if someone else loved someone else, as if all this did not belong to you. All this is alien, and you are only a witness, an observer. Ask yourself, “What was this person and situation trying to teach you?”

The technique of contemplating the past without self-identification with it belongs to the category of basic basic meditative practices. It has many varieties. You remember, for example, how someone offended you, and you believe that this situation was the reason. Consider this situation in “reverse order” - from the end, that is, from the moment when the formation of the offense has already completed. Now try to see yourself in this past situation as an “empty bodily shell” that someone once offended. But you yourself are here, in the present, and, without getting involved in the past, you observe it. However, if, while remembering, you catch yourself experiencing the same emotions again, then you are identifying yourself with the memory. That is, you have missed the main idea of ​​meditation. In this case, you need to understand that you yourself unwittingly created this situation again. If a person suffers from any disease and no medical treatment helps, perhaps this wonderful method can help him.

Moving in our contemplation back into the past, we seem to “unwind” the states of our consciousness to the moment when the deformation arose, returning back to the moment when we were first attacked by the disease associated with the deformation. Having reached this point, we come to understanding and awareness of this situation, and the cause of the disease disappears.

Having passed “through” the moment when the deformation arose, we suddenly become aware of the psychological factors that form its basis. No special actions are needed, it is enough just to recognize the elements that form this basis (resentment, anger, criticism, ambition) and continue to move in the opposite direction. Many problems will disappear, since awareness itself helps eliminate a certain mental pattern. When you begin to be aware of your mental attitude, aware of the moments when it is triggered, you will be able to cleanse yourself of it, since it will no longer be necessary and it will be a deep cleansing.

The main thing when realizing and freeing yourself from any field deformation is to understand the lesson that lies behind the situations that led to the violation. If a similar situation causes the same stable reaction, then some experience has not been acquired. In this case, it is necessary to consider all the fundamental laws and your motivations that led to possible violations of these laws in a situation that, despite being “worked through,” still excites and directs the energy of attention to the past or to the future. It must be remembered that the main thing is not a mental analysis of how to behave in a given situation without energy losses, but an emotional re-building of the situation.

For example, if you have identified a situation that has caused you an emotional state of resentment, you need to mentally relive this situation again, ensuring that it loses all emotional coloring. And even if such situations are repeated, you will not “fall for them”, because you will become a different person in some way. Of course, if the experience is real. As a rule, truly acquired experience is determined not by the fact that we acquire the ability to formulate it, but by our correct attitude and the fact that our state changes.


At the end of any work, try to take responsibility, which will always consist only in the fact that now and in the future you will try not to repeat what you are working on, you will monitor and stop your incorrect thoughts, emotions, relationships and actions in time without looking for the guilty and blaming yourself...


Never swear to yourself and others that this will never happen again, it’s not worth it... Space, people and situations will always provoke you, test and double-check for lice, and you just try to live in a new, different way and don’t be afraid of anything , be open to yourself and, depending on the situation, to others!