The life of every person begins long before he is born. At an early stage in the mother's womb, the unborn child is just one cell - a zygote. The formation of the latter occurs when the germ cells of the parents - the egg and the sperm - merge. The vast majority of male cells will never become the founder of new life. The egg has a much greater chance of becoming the starting point for the body of a future child. However, the whole process begins even earlier - with ovulation.

Preparing for conception: the menstrual cycle

The entire life of a woman’s body who has entered reproductive age is devoted to conception, gestation and birth of offspring. This requires the highly coordinated activity of a large orchestra called the menstrual cycle. Man is perhaps one of the few representatives of animals that can conceive offspring all year round. The rest of the majority are capable of producing their own kind once or twice a year at strictly defined times.

The reproductive system of an adult woman is a complex structure that functions according to its own laws. Even before birth, a representative of the fair sex has the main wealth - a set of several hundred thousand eggs, each of which is capable of giving rise to a new life at puberty. Female reproductive cells are located in their own individual container - the ovary. Even when the girl is in the womb, the egg has gone through most of its development. However, the culmination of the entire process - the menstrual cycle - does not occur until the beginning of puberty.

The menstrual cycle is the basic law of the functioning of the female reproductive system

In the life of any egg there is a main event - a meeting with a sperm. However, to realize this possibility, the sequential onset of several phases of the menstrual cycle is necessary.

Preparing for the release of an egg from the ovary

The menstrual cycle is the monthly preparation of a woman’s body for conception and then bearing an unborn child. Its duration varies from 21 to 35 days, but on average the entire process takes 4 weeks. The menstrual cycle is very individual. Cyclic changes occur in the two main components of a woman’s reproductive system - the ovaries and the uterus under the control of the endocrine glands and their products - special chemical compounds called hormones.

Hormones are the main regulator of the menstrual cycle

The first stage of the menstrual cycle, which takes on average 10 to 14 days, occurs under the control of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), secreted by a special gland in the brain - the pituitary gland. Under the influence of this substance, one of the eggs stored in the ovary enters the final phase of its development - the formation of a mature germ cell. The latter is enclosed in a special capsule - a follicle. At the peak of its development, it can reach sizes exceeding those of the ovary itself.

Follicles are the main component of the ovaries

At this time, the inner layer of the uterus - the endometrium - also undergoes important changes. It is he who, in the event of conception, should become the cradle of the unborn child for nine months. The endometrium consists of many branched glands that resemble the structure of a fern under a microscope. Under the influence of FSH, these structures enlarge, become denser, and tortuous vessels grow in them, ready to deliver blood to the embryo in the first stages of its intrauterine development.

Vessels and glands are the main components of the endometrium

Ovulation - what is it and when does it occur?

If the first stage takes a long time, then the second - ovulation itself - usually occurs within 24 hours. This term refers to the release of an egg from its container - the follicle. The process occurs under the influence of a powerful release of another chemical signal from the pituitary gland - luteinizing hormone (LH). Typically, ovulation occurs in the very middle of the menstrual cycle - days 14–15, but there are variations here. Under the influence of unfavorable events (climate change, general diseases of the body, hormonal disorders), the dates can shift both to the beginning and to the end of the menstrual cycle.

As a rule, one egg reaches its peak of development by the middle of the menstrual cycle, but in some cases there may be more - two or three. All of them can become the founders of a future child. This is how twins are formed - twins and triplets.

A mature follicle in the middle of the menstrual cycle undergoes rupture with the release of an egg

To meet the sperm, the egg that leaves the follicle must enter the ampullary part of the fallopian tube. The latter performs the function of a reliable conductor of the female cell, and then the zygote, acting on the principle of a vacuum cleaner. The tube covers the overgrown follicle with its fimbriae, which gently guide the mature egg to the meeting place.

Ovulation and fertilization - video

Second phase of the menstrual cycle

From the moment of ovulation, the egg is viable for 24 hours. During this time, a choice occurs in favor of one of two scenarios. In the first case, a female cell meets a sperm, the process of their fusion (fertilization) occurs, and the zygote - the first cell of the unborn child - enters the uterus through the tube. An overgrown endometrium awaits it in the uterus, where it is introduced and implantation occurs. From this time on, the embryo is securely attached to the wall of the uterus and can safely develop further. In place of the burst follicle, a corpus luteum is formed - an endocrine gland, which secretes an important chemical signal - the hormone progesterone. It is designed to help maintain pregnancy and further develop the embryo until the placenta appears.

If fertilization does not occur, then by the end of the menstrual cycle - days 26–28 - all hormones reach their minimum values. Against this background, the upper, overgrown layer of the endometrium is rejected, and blood flows in large quantities from the exposed vessels, filling the uterine cavity. The discharge period lasts from three to seven days, after which the process starts again.

At the end of the menstrual cycle, the overgrown endometrium is rejected

A woman's reproductive life consists of alternating menstrual cycles. Of the total supply of eggs in two ovaries, approximately five hundred reach maturity. The rest die during the decline of reproductive function and are replaced by connective tissue.


Fertility is a term that refers to the ability to conceive. The concept applies to both women and men. Ovulation is only part of the mechanism of formation of the unborn child. For successful conception, a favorable confluence of many circumstances is necessary:

  • the presence of a mature egg;
  • the presence of patent fallopian tubes;
  • presence of mature endometrium;
  • the presence of adequate levels of various hormones.

If at least one of the above factors is not met, even after successful ovulation, conception may not occur. Fertile days are the period of time from three days before the release of the egg to three after. This fact is directly related to the viability of sperm entering the woman’s body. Male reproductive cells remain active for two to seven days. The egg can be successfully reached by one of the sperm that enters the woman’s body during this period.

A mature egg is the key to successful conception

For each woman, even with the same duration of the established menstrual cycle, ovulation may occur on a different day. Early ovulation occurs several days earlier than usual for a particular woman. The later one is postponed for several days. The process of release of an egg from a follicle can be influenced by various, even minor factors:

  • hard physical work;
  • lifting weights;
  • intense sports activities;
  • regularity of sexual intercourse;
  • climate change.

All about the egg - video

Methods for determining the timing of ovulation

Knowing the day of ovulation is extremely important for all couples planning to conceive and give birth to a child. There are several methods for determining the timing of the release of an egg from a follicle.

Calendar method

The calendar method is perhaps the oldest and most tested method of determining the moment when an egg leaves the follicle. The main advantage is ease of use. However, the accuracy of the method is quite low even if a woman has a stable menstrual cycle. If you have an irregular cycle, it is better not to use this method.

The starting point of the new menstrual cycle is the first day of the onset of discharge. The final point falls on the last day preceding the natural appearance of bloody signs of endometrial rejection. The middle of this period will be the most likely day for the release of the egg from the follicle.

Fertile days are the most favorable period for conception

Subjective signs

There are some indirect signs of ovulation that the woman herself can note. These include:

  • pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left side;
  • change in the nature of daily discharge;
  • increased libido (sexual desire).

However, the accuracy of this technique is extremely low.


Currently, in pharmacies you can find not only tests to detect pregnancy, but also the day of ovulation. The principle of operation of both is the same and is based on the qualitative determination of the level of the hormone in the urine. However, if in the first case the goal of the method is to find traces of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin secreted by the fetus, then in the second - luteinizing hormone, which is the direct initiator of ovulation.

The principle of using these funds is quite simple. The package contains several test strips, on which a reagent is applied to connect with the corresponding hormone. The result is recorded using a qualitative method: the appearance of one control strip indicates the absence of a surge in luteinizing hormone, two - a high probability of ovulation in the coming hours. Test strips can be replaced with a tablet with control windows. Accounting is carried out using a qualitative method.

Ovulation test - an accurate method to determine the favorable time for conception

A type of ovulation test is the examination of a woman's saliva. At the peak of luteinizing hormone content, when it dries, a picture resembling a fern is observed. You can buy a lipstick-like device at the pharmacy that contains a glass for applying the material and a miniature microscope. The test is accompanied by detailed instructions describing the picture of all possible results.

Saliva testing will help determine the day of ovulation

The days on which such tests should be performed depend on the length of the menstrual cycle:

  • with a 28-day cycle, it makes sense to conduct the study from the 11th day, which is counted from the moment the bleeding begins;
  • if the duration of the cycle exceeds 28 days, diagnosis can begin 17 days before the start of the next bleeding;
  • with a shortened cycle (24 or 26 days), the study should begin on the 7th or 9th day from the moment of bleeding, respectively.

The accuracy of such methods is quite high and exceeds 95, and in some cases even 99%. The main convenience is the ability to conduct it at home. However, it must be remembered that tests for determining ovulation and pregnancy are not interchangeable, since they are based on studying the levels of different hormones. In addition, the test does not show the actual release of the egg from the follicle. The target of the method is only the level of hormones.


Ultrasound of the female genital organs is an effective method for determining the timing of ovulation. Ultrasound allows you to obtain a picture of both ovaries on the device’s screen and identify the follicle containing a mature egg. By measuring the formation, the doctor can predict the timing of ovulation. The main disadvantage of the study is its impracticability at home. However, the accuracy of the technique is very high, since, unlike tests, the doctor does not see the level of hormones, against the background of which ovulation may not occur, but the anatomical substrate - the follicle.

A mature follicle is clearly visible during ultrasound examination

Ovulation is the preparatory stage of the birth of a new life. Knowledge of the basic mechanisms of formation and release of an egg from a follicle will help virtually every woman’s dream come true - to become the mother of a healthy baby.

Ovulation day– time of highest probability of conception. Therefore, understanding the physiology of this process is especially necessary for those who want to get pregnant. The ability to identify the most suitable period for fertilization, to feel the changes occurring in the body, helps not only those who want to have a child, but also those who prefer the calendar method of contraception.

Physiological basis of ovulation

To understand what ovulation is in young women, it is necessary to turn to the basic physiology of the reproductive system. Its functioning is a series of menstrual cycles - time periods, during each of which the body prepares for the possible onset of pregnancy.

Ovulation– changes in the body during which one of the follicles ruptures and passes from the ovary into the cavity of the fallopian tube. In this place, fertilization and further development of pregnancy are possible. Ovulation usually begins exactly 2 weeks before menstruation. For example, if the cycle length is 30 days, then the egg will be released into the fallopian tube on the 16th day.

The ovulation process lasts about an hour, but the egg remains in the tube for about 24 hours and during this period can be fertilized. In addition, sperm remain active for approximately the same time, so the day before and after ovulation are considered favorable for conception.

The female ovulation cycle is controlled by the hypothalamus. This part of the brain regulates the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, in which the synthesis of gonadotropic hormones occurs: luteinizing and follicle-stimulating. Both of these types of biologically active substances directly affect the reproductive system. Luteinizing hormone causes the formation of estrogen in the ovaries and starts the ovulatory process. When exposed to a follicle-stimulating agent, follicles develop and mature faster.

When the postovulatory phase occurs, the egg moves to the uterus. At this time, fertilization is still possible. If this happens, the embryo descends and attaches to the uterine wall. In the absence of sperm, the egg always dies in about 2 days.

Key idea! To answer the question of what ovulation is, in the simplest words, it is the period when a woman’s egg becomes ready for fertilization. The probability of conception remains high throughout the day before and after this.

Symptoms of ovulation

For many women and girls, the question is relevant: “How to understand and feel that ovulation is occurring?” If you are attentive to changes in well-being, then closer to the middle of the menstrual period, symptoms caused by the process of maturation and release of the egg become noticeable:

  • within 24–48 hours, the nature of the discharge changes: it becomes more viscous, similar to egg white, most often white, but sometimes with a yellowish or pinkish tint;
  • within 24–48 hours, bloating and pain may appear, which disappear after the end of ovulation;
  • on the days of maturation and release of the egg, or ovulation, the temperature in the lower intestines rises in girls and women;
  • pain appears in the side and abdomen, the localization depends on in which ovary, left or right, ovulation occurs;
  • slight dizziness and short-term nausea are possible.

The maturation of the egg can be judged by a combination of symptoms, the manifestation of several at once in a short period of time. For a more accurate determination, it is worth using special methods: calendar, temperature, ultrasound, ovulation test.

Methods for detecting ovulation

In order to find out how often and on what days ovulation occurs, there are several methods. During a year, a woman experiences this process about 9–10 times, that is, not every month. And under certain conditions, it is possible for two eggs to mature in one period.

Calendar method

It is possible to determine exactly when a woman ovulates by counting the days in the cycle. Most often, the egg leaves the follicle 2 weeks before menstruation. Knowing the duration of the entire cycle, it will not be difficult to determine the days suitable for fertilization.

But this method has several disadvantages. Firstly, it can only be used with a stable menstrual cycle. If ovulation is early (premature) or late, then the calculation will not correspond to reality. Secondly, sometimes there is an early or, on the contrary, late release of the egg into the fallopian tube, that is, it matures not 14 days before menstruation, but 10, 12 or 16. Such failures occur with irregular periods, hormonal disorders, gynecological diseases, periodic stress , after childbirth or abortion, as well as in women over 40 years of age (before menopause).

Ultrasound diagnostics

You can see how ovulation occurs using an ultrasound machine. It is possible to determine the exact time of passage of the egg into the cavity of the fallopian tube if at least 3 examinations are carried out. In the first days of the cycle, you can see on the monitor that the ovary contains several follicles of the same size. Each of them looks like a sac containing an egg.

After that, one follicle grows. When its size reaches 20 mm in diameter, the doctor reports the imminent onset of ovulation and sends the patient home. In the next 1–2 days, the likelihood of conception is greatest.

After 2–3 days, a control ultrasound is performed. If the follicle is not visible, it means that the egg has entered the fallopian tube.

Temperature method

You can find out when girls and women ovulate using a calendar. To compile it, you need to measure the temperature in the rectum every day immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed.

If the measurement is correct and there are no extraneous factors, the graph is clearly divided into 2 phases. In the first half of the cycle, readings range from 36.3° C to 36.8° C. After this, the temperature rises sharply to 37° C - this is ovulation. In the future, the indicators remain at the same level until the onset of menstruation. If there is no ovulation in the cycle, the graph is unclear, there is no noticeable rise in temperature.

The disadvantage of this method is that extraneous factors can affect the basal temperature: sleep less than 5 hours, taking medications, illness, sexual contact before measurement. Stress, climate change, and long trips also affect the results.

Pharmacy rapid tests

It is quite easy to determine how often and when ovulation occurs using test strips sold in pharmacies. They are sensitive to increases in the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the urine, which changes 24–48 hours before the release of the egg.

With a stable, stable monthly cycle, the test should be used 17 days before bleeding. In this case, the result will be reliable, even if the woman ovulates prematurely. If the cycle is unstable, then the shortest one observed during the last year should be taken as a basis. High levels of luteinizing hormone last less than a day, so testing should be done twice during this period (morning, evening).

Ovulation is the time of the menstrual cycle when a mature egg moves into the cavity of the fallopian tube. During this period, conception is most likely. Knowing when exactly the ovulatory process occurs can help when planning a pregnancy and when using a natural method of contraception.

Ovulation - what is it? Many women know that there is a day in their menstrual cycle when there is a high probability of becoming pregnant, but they don’t know enough about their physiology and do not understand what changes occur during menstruation. cycle in the body of a woman of reproductive age. Let's take a closer look at what ovulation is, as well as what events occur every month in the body of a healthy woman. Believe me, this information is really important and any educated woman who cares about her health should have it.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle consists of 2 phases. In the first, menstruation occurs, and the dominant follicle in the ovary matures, from which a mature egg will subsequently appear, ready for fertilization by a sperm. The second phase of the cycle is the luteal phase. This phase lasts approximately 2 weeks. If fertilization of the egg has occurred, it begins to move along the fallopian tube towards the uterus for implantation into its wall. At the same time, regardless of whether fertilization has occurred or not, the uterus is preparing to receive the embryo - its endometrium becomes thicker and looser. If there is no pregnancy, then the level of progesterone and estrogen drops, which leads to exhaustion and detachment of the endometrium, that is, the next menstruation begins. So ovulation is your period? - you ask. No. This is a very short phase of the cycle (many do not consider it a phase), lasting no more than 48 hours, when the egg is alive and ready for conception. This phase is located exactly between the first - follicular and the second - luteal.

However, ovulation and pregnancy are not possible in all cycles, respectively. Every woman has “infertile” months every year, when the egg does not mature and when it is impossible to conceive. As a rule, this is more often observed in women who have recently given birth and are breastfeeding, as well as in women over 35-40 years old.

Why do you need to be able to determine your ovulation?

1. In order to get pregnant faster. Statistics show that some even healthy young couples cannot conceive a child within a year of sexual activity without using contraception. Why is this happening? To answer this question, let’s remember the concept of ovulation - what it is, when it happens and why. Since the egg does not mature every month, women cannot conceive every month; in addition, the likelihood of having sexual intercourse on a day favorable for conception is low, unless you use various means to determine ovulation. Thus, knowing the day of ovulation, you can have the desired child as soon as possible. It is very important to be able to determine this day for those couples who have already been diagnosed with infertility by doctors. By the way, is the result of unprotected intercourse during a period called ovulation a pregnancy, or may conception not occur? Unfortunately, the second statement is true. Even if we hit the right time exactly, the origin of life may not take place for a number of reasons. But we will leave their investigation to doctors.

2. For the purpose of contraception. As a rule, this method is used by “advanced” teenagers and women who believe that other means of contraception are not suitable for them (such thoughts arise most likely due to ignorance of modern methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy). However, ovulation can only be accurately determined by ultrasound. Monitoring your cycle is too expensive and takes a lot of time, then women prefer to use home diagnostic methods (we’ll talk about them in more detail below), which often fail.

3. There are many couples who not only know what ovulation is, but also how to use their ability to determine it for quite interesting practical purposes, namely, to predict the gender of the unborn child. There is an opinion, of course, not confirmed by facts, that on the day of ovulation, sexual intercourse will lead to the birth of a boy, and a little earlier than ovulation - 1-2 days - a girl. It is believed that this is due to the characteristics of motor activity and “endurance” of sperm. Allegedly, carriers of male chromosomes are faster, but die faster, while female chromosomes, on the contrary, are slower, but remain viable in the woman’s genitals longer.

Methods for determining ovulation

How can you diagnose ovulation at home?

1. Measuring temperature in the rectum. To do this, you will need a regular separate thermometer. To treat infertility, as well as to find out its causes, it may be necessary to measure BT for several months, scrupulously, without violating the rules, and constantly record the obtained data in a special chart. Next, the doctor will evaluate the curve and, based on it, will be able to draw a conclusion as to why it is not possible to get pregnant, and whether ovulation occurs at all. During ovulation, the temperature in the rectum increases by at least 0.4 degrees and is at least 37. However, in some cases, even with correct measurements, errors occur. So, with existing ovulation, the thermometer shows a flat curve, such as an anovulatory cycle. This situation is especially unpleasant and can have consequences for women who use this method as a kind of contraception.

2. Ovulation tests. In appearance, they are practically no different from those with whose help pregnancy is diagnosed. And the result is also shown in two stripes. There is only one difference - ovulation and pregnancy develop under the influence of various hormones. Thus, just before ovulation, there is a sharp release of luteinizing hormone, which also quickly declines after ovulation, while a positive reaction on a pregnancy test is caused by the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin.

3. Many people know that ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle - that this can cause some discomfort, not many people know. For some, the release of the egg from the ovary is even accompanied by noticeable pain from the corresponding appendage. During this period, absolutely all women experience clear, mucous discharge from the vagina. Another subjective sign is an increase in sexual desire. If you carefully observe your body in the middle of the menstrual cycles, you can independently notice and take note of the symptoms that appear simultaneously with ovulation. This will definitely be needed in the future.

4. When special precision is needed - It is recommended to go for an ultrasound several times(on which exact days - the doctor will tell you). In this way, the doctor will be able to say, even without waiting for the probable start of ovulation, whether it will occur in this cycle at all. During an anovulatory cycle, a dominant follicle does not form, which means you don’t have to wait for ovulation. If such a follicle is in one of the ovaries, the doctor monitors its development, as soon as it disappears from view, it means that ovulation has occurred.

That's all the main points associated with this process. We hope it has now become clearer how ovulation occurs, what it is and how to recognize it.

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The hormonal system is a very delicate mechanism. Thanks to the hormones that are inherent in the female body by nature, representatives of the fair sex can bear and give birth to children.

Every girl knows that such a phenomenon as menstruation will accompany her until old age. Very young girls, when faced with bleeding from the genital tract for the first time, do not understand at all why and why this happens. But everything is simple: it is menstruation that tells the girl that pregnancy has not occurred and that she can part with a small layer of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus), which was growing in order to begin to grow a human embryo within herself, but now turned out to be unnecessary. However, the most interesting thing happens in the middle of the cycle, during the period from one menstrual bleeding to another. At this time, ovulation occurs, which in simple words implies such a phenomenon as the release of a mature egg, ready for fertilization.

How does ovulation occur?

Everyone knows that a woman has two ovaries, in which, as a rule, the egg matures alternately, every month. With the beginning of each menstrual cycle, this mechanism starts again and again, and this will happen as long as the fair sex continues to menstruate. The follicle, or “capsule” in which the egg grows, bursts at the moment of its “birth” and releases the egg into the fallopian tubes. This phenomenon is called the ovulation period or day, which will be more accurate, because the release of the egg from the “capsule” occurs within 2-3 minutes, and the egg itself lives no more than 24 hours.

How to determine the date of ovulation?

A woman's menstrual cycle consists of two phases: follicular and luteal. The first is responsible for the maturation of the egg, and the second for the possible conception and development of pregnancy. At the end of the follicular phase, a phenomenon called ovulation occurs, the fact that the egg is “born” when it leaves the follicle and enters the fallopian tube, where conception may occur.

It is not difficult to calculate this significant event, or the date of ovulation; the most important thing is that the fair sex’s periods are regular. For example, let's take a 30-day menstrual cycle. The second phase, as a rule, is always 14 days, regardless of its duration. Therefore, calculating the date of ovulation will not be difficult: 30 – 14 = 16. So, ovulation will occur 16 days from the start of menstruation.

However, this method is not applicable for women with irregular cycles. In addition, ovulation can be either early or late, which does not at all correspond to our calculations.

Therefore, if you are not entirely sure of the mathematical calculation method, then you can resort to two more. In the first case, an ovulation test will come to the rescue, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The second is based on the construction of To do this, first menstruation, you need to immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed, rectally basal temperature. It is worth considering that continuous sleep before measurement should be at least 6 hours. On the day when ovulation occurs, on the graph you will note a sharp rise in temperature (at least 0.3 degrees).

So, in simple words, ovulation, both in women and girls, is a phenomenon that can guarantee pregnancy in 70% of cases if unprotected sexual intercourse was performed during this period. It is worth remembering that 5 days before the date of ovulation and the day after it, you should exclude any unprotected sexual intercourse, unless, of course, you are planning a pregnancy. And these are completely reasonable figures, because doctors have proven that despite the fact that the egg lives only for a day, sperm are able to maintain mobility in the woman’s genital tract for five days.

Ovulation is the release of an egg from the follicle, and the mechanism of this event is the same for both young girls and mature women. This phenomenon has no age limits and occurs as long as a representative of the fair sex has her period.

We asked our website consultant, a specialist in the field of obstetrics, gynecology and pediatrics, to answer questions about the ovulation process.

What is ovulation and how does it happen?

At the very beginning of birth, about 500,000 oocytes (future eggs) are present in the female body, which atrophy and disappear as they grow older. By the time of puberty, only 450 eggs remain in the ovaries - during each menstrual cycle, during the process of ovulation, they will leave the follicle and, in the hope of fertilization with sperm, penetrate the fallopian tubes.

At the beginning of the cycle, in the right and left ovaries of the female body there are several follicles measuring 10 mm. In medical terminology it is called dominant. Under the influence of a sharp increase in the number of gonadotropic hormones FSH and LH, the follicle bursts on the fourteenth day of a normally occurring menstrual cycle, releasing the egg, which, together with the follicular fluid, first enters the abdominal cavity and then into the fallopian tube.

With successful fertilization, the embryo begins to move through the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity, where after a week it is embedded in the mucous membrane of its wall. Implantation leads to the formation of a corpus luteum at the site of the burst follicle, the main function of which is the production of the pregnancy hormone progesterone. It is he who blocks the formation of new eggs and prepares the body for the beginning of fetal development.

If fertilization is unsuccessful, the egg dies and disappears after a few hours, and the corpus luteum does not form.

Duration of ovulation

Ovulation lasts from 24 to 48 hours, with the fertile period beginning two days before the egg is released and lasting for 24 hours. On average, the lifespan of sperm in the fallopian tubes is 5-7 days, so regular sexual intercourse several times a week before ovulation increases the chances of conception by up to 80%.

Symptoms of ovulation

One of the most reliable ways to determine ovulation is an increase. Its measurement should occur daily in the rectum immediately after waking up and at least 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep from the first day of the end of menstruation. As a rule, ovulation occurs on the eve of an increase in basal temperature to 37 degrees Celsius or more.

The second reliable way to determine ovulation is changes. It becomes more liquid and viscous, with a consistency reminiscent of egg white. The female body specifically creates such conditions for the comfortable movement of sperm from the vagina to the uterus and fallopian tubes. Monitoring cervical mucus is one of the most common ways to determine fertile periods of the menstrual cycle.

Gynecologists call the most reliable way to determine ovulation using a test.

More than 50% of women experience it during ovulation. The exact cause is unknown, but experts suggest that they are closely related to the rupture of the follicle and subsequent release of the egg.

Other symptoms of ovulation:

  • change in the position of the cervix;
  • increased libido;
  • irritability;
  • bloating.

Ovulation start date

The average duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days - in fact, the period is individual for each woman and can range from 20 to 45 days - and includes three phases: follicular, ovulatory and luteal. The follicular phase begins on the first day of menstruation and continues until ovulation begins. The luteal phase begins after the end of ovulation and, regardless of the length of a woman’s cycle, lasts for 14 days before the start of menstruation.

It is the duration of the luteal phase that helps calculate the start date of the ovulatory period or ovulation. It is enough to subtract the last fourteen from the total number of days of the menstrual cycle.

Important: determining the start date of ovulation helps increase the chances of successfully conceiving a child.

For example, with an average menstrual cycle of 28 days, ovulation should occur on the 14th day of the cycle or after 14 days of the first day of menstruation. In this case, sexual intercourse must be performed two days before ovulation and within 48 hours after its occurrence. It will help to quickly calculate the onset of ovulation!

If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, this method does not work, so many women use an ovulation test to accurately determine ovulation. It monitors changes in the level of luteinizing hormone in the urine, which in large quantities indicates the onset of ovulation. If the result is positive, ovulation occurs within 48 hours.

To obtain reliable results, an ovulation test must be performed daily several days before the expected date of ovulation at the same time every morning.

Reasons for lack of ovulation

Stopping ovulation can be caused by taking hormonal pills, using a vaginal ring and a contraceptive patch. These methods, by reducing the production of the hormones FSH and LH, prevent sperm from accessing the fallopian tubes and implantation of the egg into the uterine wall.

It is also associated with a variety of medical complications: polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperprolactinemia, chromosomal abnormalities, ovarian failure and early menopause. If you have problems with ovulation, you should visit your doctor or gynecologist.

Ovulation after childbirth

The timing of the resumption of ovulation after pregnancy is individual and largely depends on the child’s feeding regimen.

When breastfeeding. If the baby is exclusively breastfed and milk is consumed every three hours, the woman will completely miss ovulation. In the case of mixed feeding (breast and bottle), ovulation can occur 3-4 weeks after birth. Be careful: breastfeeding is not a method of contraception!

Lack of breastfeeding. Ovulation can occur within the first six weeks after birth. It all depends on the woman.