Ilya, 31 years old: “I would ban all foundations! My girlfriend uses them every day, and every time she rests her head on my shoulder or presses my cheek, I know that nasty marks will be left on both my T-shirt and my skin. You should have seen her smartphone! It is “done” with greasy stains! I don’t understand why you should do this if you’re not going to filming or performing on stage.”

Fedor, 40 years old: “I have nothing against it if it is visually invisible that a girl has applied something to her skin. But this rarely happens: usually if a girl wears makeup, her face, neck and décolleté are always a different color. It’s even “beautiful” if the cream gives off a yellowish tint.”

Igor, 35 years old: “I understand that girls want to hide all skin imperfections and look like in advertising. For health, looking at smooth skin without acne and blemishes is pleasant. Just please wash it all off when you come home, I want to kiss a living person, not a doll.”



Alexey, 38 years old: “If someone explains to me why girls look like Brezhnev, I will be grateful.”

Alexander, 24 years old: “My girlfriend started going to a special salon where she gets something pinched, straightened and painted. Honestly, I don’t see any point in this, but if she likes it, so be it. I was quite happy with her normal eyebrows.”

Fedor, 40 years old: “I’m not particularly knowledgeable about eyebrow makeup, but I can say this: if I notice that the eyebrows are painted, then they are painted poorly and too heavily. And such girls, alas, are the majority.”

Mascara and shadows

Ilya: “Tinted eyes are beautiful, I like them. The only thing that kills is that girls constantly need more and more. New shadows, new mascara, eyeliner, something else. Sometimes it seems to me that this is a kind of collecting: I’ll buy it just to have it.”

Igor: “I have nothing against eye makeup, as long as it’s not false eyelashes. It's really terrible."

Alexey: “I don’t like bright shadows and bold arrows, it’s pretentious and doesn’t suit almost anyone. But correctly tinted eyes, I don’t know where they learn this, look much more beautiful than “natural”.


Alexander: “Lipstick is a man’s curse. It seems like girls paint their lips for us, but they also refuse us a kiss because “you’ll ruin your makeup.” And we ourselves don’t really like the idea of ​​smearing ourselves in this lipstick.”

Fedor: “On the way out - I like it when a girl has bright lips. I can kiss her on the cheek. But lipsticks in strange shades (beige, lilac, orange) are strange and ridiculous.”

Ilya: “I think you need lipstick if your lips are too pale. But most girls simply don’t need it: unnaturally red lips are even scary.”


Igor: “To be honest, I didn’t think about blush. Maybe they’re not in fashion now?”

Alexey: “Somehow I didn’t think about it. Probably, if you smear your cheeks too brightly or with an orange color, it will be terrible, but I haven’t seen anything like that.”

Alexander: “I didn’t pay attention. That is, I know that blush exists, but I don’t remember that I would somehow note, like, a girl’s blush is successful or unsuccessful.”

The other day we conducted a survey of our male friends to find out who they are more attracted to: girls with or without makeup. The results surprised us very much! We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most compelling arguments from men why they don’t like women with makeup.

So, men believe that:

1. A woman who goes out without makeup is brave and confident. After all, she doesn’t need makeup to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

2. A woman without makeup looks more tender and touching.

3. A woman without makeup in bed is mind-blowing! After all, she doesn’t worry about looking like a clown with smudged lipstick. And can completely focus on something else!

4. A woman who doesn't spend hours applying makeup can spend that time on her loved one. And this is very flattering to a man’s pride!

5. A woman without makeup looks amazing after waking up.

6. Wearing makeup is not a prerequisite for being happily married.

7. Some women wear makeup disgustingly. Although they think they look sexy, it is actually quite pathetic.

8. The lack of makeup does not limit a woman in what she wants to wear.

9. Mascara that runs down your cheeks along with tears irritates men like crazy.

10. Makeup is a mask that hides a woman’s inner world.

Of course, in the modern world, few women can afford to go without makeup all the time. And our beloved men also understand this very well. Therefore, a golden mean is good in everything.

In order to look good women They make serious sacrifices and spend a lot of money. However, as a survey shows, these efforts are not always justified. In fact, many men like women without makeup. As strange as it may sound, your efforts in applying blush, eyeliner and eye shadow can be a waste of time.

Most men prefer women, whose makeup is almost invisible or completely absent. But women believe that everything is completely different. A man next to him wants to see a sweet, gentle woman whose cheeks and lips he wants to touch. Women, in turn, are interested in how to apply blush, powder and foundation to hide their imperfections and are buying new bright shades of lipsticks. Today it is difficult to meet a woman who would boldly walk down the street without makeup, much less go on a date. And all this happens due to internal conflicts and complexes. But men prefer natural beauty, and let's figure out why.

Why do men love natural beauty?

On actually everything is quite simple: they believe that decorative cosmetics spoil a woman’s natural beauty and make her worse. If a woman is not very attractive by nature, then cosmetics will not solve this problem, but will only slightly disguise it. What kind of man wants to wake up in the morning and realize that next to him is a girl with a different appearance? Therefore, it is better to give up lipsticks and blush if you are already pretty.

Men They know very well that a completely different person can be hidden under layers of makeup, so they don’t understand why women try to seem like someone they are not. Another important point is tactile sensations. In a moment of intimacy, a woman and a man enjoy tender kisses, hugs and touches, but what if there is a thick layer of foundation on her face and bright red lipstick on her lips? Of course, a man will not want to get dirty, so he will simply give preference to communication. This is why you shouldn’t wear thick layers of makeup on a first date, unless you want to scare off your date, of course.

Men love beautiful people, not painted ones

It's worth pointing this out attention, because this is a truth that is relevant both before and today. A man pays a lot of attention to his appearance, so what his beloved looks like is really important to him. Believe me, it doesn’t matter to him what brand this gloss is and how professionally you know how to apply shadows.

Sooner or later you will have to appear without makeup, and if he is disappointed, it is unlikely that he will want to continue. Therefore, you should not spend a lot of time and money on decorative cosmetics if under it you look completely different. Many women are so insecure about their appearance that they constantly apply various products to their skin, forgetting how they look without them. It is unlikely that a man will want to build a relationship with a person who is trying to deceive him.

But don’t forget that the invisible daytime makeup no one canceled it. This means that men will not like your age spots, dark circles under your eyes and faded eyelashes. For this, there are special cosmetic products that can be applied in a thin layer so that the man does not notice. It is with the help of decorative products that you can make your beautiful eyes even more beautiful and your mouth-watering lips even more juicy. But if you naturally have a large nose or an ugly eye shape, you should not “reshape” your appearance in search of your ideal. Better concentrate on care. Make an appointment with a hairdresser and get a stylish haircut, because it will significantly change your look. Buy good skin care creams and start getting rid of cosmetic imperfections, rather than masking them.

Sometimes the reason for a woman’s preference without makeup is complexes

It also happens that man He is so unsure of himself that he forbids his beloved to be bright and beautiful. Such cases are not isolated, and many women cannot understand why he doesn’t like such delicate, beautiful makeup.

Men's complexes give rise to Problems not only his personal plan, but also between partners. Here it will be difficult to prove something to him, because any attempt by a woman to look better automatically causes aggression in him. Here you have two options: break off the relationship and breathe a sigh of relief, or prove to him that you don’t even pay attention to other men.

You don't need to apply mass sequin and bright shades in order to stand out from the crowd, but don’t forget about a thin layer of BB cream, which will slightly cover cosmetic imperfections and go unnoticed. Try to remain feminine and attractive, but do not behave provocatively, because not only your boyfriend, but also other normal representatives of the stronger sex do not like this.

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No. The fact is that guys think that: “wow, the girl is bare-faced, natural,” when she is wearing anything: mascara, foundation, cream, powder, maybe even lipstick. They simply don’t know what it is, how it works, and often don’t notice makeup at all. Almost all guys think that wearing makeup is when there is specific visibility, catchiness and colors in the makeup (you can see the presence of shadows on the face, blush, bright lipstick, brightly drawn eyebrows), only then. They don’t understand that the vast majority of girls have smooth skin - it’s powder and foundation, supposedly real eyebrows - 50-75% of shadows or pencil on them, eyelashes that seem to be without layers of mascara - just eyelashes that are painted in several strokes, but this unnoticed. Well, yes, it would seem that it’s good that many people manage to use cosmetics correctly and so cleverly fool everyone around them, but no. Every second girl without this, at least maybe some light makeup, excuse me, frankly, looks ugly and scary.

I don’t wear makeup (rarely lipstick), and you know, no one gives a shit. Whether you have natural beauty or not, no one cares; no one, unfortunately, will appreciate it. Still, in the end, everyone gives preference to those who are supposedly without makeup). Although many guys declare that: “no, of course, unmade-up, natural girls are better and more beautiful (completely not understanding and not distinguishing between a cleverly made-up girl and a really no-makeup girl (whom most will not pay attention to and will consider her to be one of the “not very "). While you cleanse your skin, they level it with powder, while you grow your eyebrows, they fill them in with cosmetics. And so it always is. I realized a long time ago that no one is interested in how you look so different without makeup. Guys don’t care . They give preference to those who are simply more beautiful, and no matter in what ways. It’s a little offensive, of course. And I, of course, could start putting on makeup and look even better, but I don’t want to deceive others and myself. My natural beauty is purely for It's nice to know that there is nothing stopping you from scratching your eye, eyebrow, touching something on your face, that you are not afraid to just wash your face and go outside without other procedures, that you can wet your face or something at any time do nothing more with it and nothing will happen. All the same, you understand for yourself that you are more beautiful than those whose beauty is superficial. It makes you feel better.)

And most guys certainly don’t give a damn: whether the girl wears makeup, how much, how noticeable, unnoticeable, etc. The main thing is that in front of them at the moment there is a nice, neat face, albeit with makeup.

Yes, it's sad. Well, continue to believe that the beautiful friends you know can be and are beautiful without makeup. Naturally, let whoever wants to wear makeup, how and to what extent. It’s just a shame for some guys who, even being confident in the natural beauty of a girl, again find themselves cruelly and cleverly deceived. I, of course, generalized about both boys and girls, but, as with any topic or question, there are exceptions. Here's a piece of annoying truth from me)