The armies of some countries can boast of ranks that are not available in other armies. The highest military rank in the world is marshal. You have to work up to it almost your whole life. The lowest rank in the army is considered private.

A person who decides to become a military man automatically becomes a private, since this is the very first step in the hierarchy of military ranks. The rank and file is the largest part of any country's armed forces. Scouts, infantrymen, riflemen, drivers, mechanics - drivers, sappers and radio operators - all this is a large list of ordinary soldiers. Slightly above private is the rank of refrigerator. To receive such a rank, you must excel in your studies and prove yourself in combat or special training. Often the rank of corporal is given due to the position held. The senior driver, gunner of an armored personnel carrier, clerk at headquarters and other military personnel can be corporals. Sometimes military personnel in such a position command squads in a military unit. Hitler is the most famous corporal in history.

The next rank is junior sergeant. They receive it when they graduate from a special educational institution. A junior sergeant is capable of commanding a squad, sometimes becoming a deputy platoon commander. The sergeants were located on the next step. They are assigned to lead the formation, conduct classes, and manage certain jobs of other military personnel of lower rank. Deputy platoon commanders are usually senior sergeants. Among soldiers, this position is the most responsible. The final step in the hierarchical ladder of junior military personnel is the rank of sergeant major. The main thing here is to understand the difference between title and position. A warrant officer can also have the position of sergeant major.

The platoon commander is, as a rule, a warrant officer or senior warrant officer. Military personnel of this rank are appointed as company foremen, warehouse chiefs, or radio station chiefs. Warrant officers occupy positions that do not require high qualifications and higher education, but they have to lead soldiers. Special training opens the way to obtaining the rank of warrant officer. As soon as a person graduates from the military department of a civilian university, he is automatically awarded the rank of junior lieutenant. You will have to lead a platoon of approximately thirty soldiers. A warrant officer who receives a higher education can also become a junior lieutenant. Officers remain in this rank for only a year, after which they become lieutenants.

Many armies around the world have the rank of lieutenant. It can only be assigned to those military personnel who have a military university behind them. In most cases, lieutenants command a platoon, but sometimes they can be assigned by company commanders. Senior lieutenants are those officers who perform the duties of deputy company commanders, deputy commanders for work with personnel and deputy commanders for equipment and combat. Senior lieutenants are often entrusted with command of companies. Senior lieutenants have many powers.

Next comes the rank of captain. It is present in many of the world's armies, but is often confused with the rank in the navy. Captains can be company commanders, deputy battalion commanders, and also hold other positions. Above the captain is major - the first rank of senior officers. With this rank they are guaranteed to become the head of a service, battalion headquarters, commandant of a military commandant’s office, etc.

The rank of lieutenant colonel is not present everywhere. We are talking about deputies of regiment commanders, regiment chiefs of staff and battalion commanders. The lieutenant colonel is immediately followed by the rank of colonel. This rank is common in almost all world armies. The colonel commands the unit, is the chief of staff of the regiment, they can be found at the division headquarters and at the district headquarters.

The lowest general rank is considered to be major general. Following him in seniority is the lieutenant general, and after him the colonel general. They are entrusted with command of divisions, districts, and sometimes entire branches of troops. The highest general rank is Army General. Not all military personnel are able to rise to this level.

The last step in the military hierarchy of ranks is marshal. All armies in the world have this rank, but in peacetime it is almost impossible to become a marshal. The famous musketeer D'Artagnan once became a marshal, but he had to devote his whole life to this. Such legendary figures as Suvorov, Stalin, Kim Il Sung, and Alfredo Stroessner were awarded the title of Generalissimo. Nowadays, many armies of the world have abolished this title.

The highest military rank in the country is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. This is the president. It should be noted that the president in most cases is not a military man, and often he has never served in the army at all. And now the fate of the country will be in his hands.

Abstract on the topic:

"Military ranks of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"



List of military ranks of military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces

Correspondence of positions and ranks in the RF Armed Forces

Uniforms and insignia in the RF Armed Forces



The presence of personal military ranks among military personnel is one of the features of military service. Military ranks provide clarity and clarity in the relationships and subordination of military personnel, i.e. provide relationships of power and subordination. Military ranks have a significant impact on the conditions and procedure for serving by the corresponding categories of military personnel, on the scope of their official and personal rights (for example, on the additional total living area for a colonel).


Composition of military personnel Military ranks:
military ship
Soldiers and sailors Private (cadet) Corporal Sailor (cadet) Senior sailor
Sergeants and petty officers Junior Sergeant Sergeant Senior Sergeant Petty Officer Petty Officer 2 articles Petty Officer 1 article Chief Petty Officer Chief ship's Foreman
Ensigns and midshipmen Warrant Officer Senior Warrant Officer Midshipman Senior midshipman
Junior officers Junior Lieutenant Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Captain Junior Lieutenant Lieutenant Senior Lieutenant Captain-Lieutenant
Senior officers Major Lieutenant Colonel Colonel Captain 3rd rank Captain 2nd rank Captain 1st rank
Senior officers Major General Lieutenant General Colonel General Army General Marshal of the Russian Federation Rear Admiral Vice Admiral Admiral Fleet Admiral

1. Before the military rank of a serviceman serving in a guards military unit or guards formation, on a guards ship, the word “guards” is added.

2. To the military ranks of military personnel; having legal, medical or veterinary military specialties, the words “justice”, “medical service” or “veterinary service” are added accordingly.

For example: lieutenant of the medical service, captain of the veterinary service, major general of the medical service, colonel general of justice.

To the military rank of a person in reserve (reserve) or retired, the word “reserve” or “retired” is added, respectively.

3. The name of the branch of service or service is not added to the military ranks of sergeants (foremen) and warrant officers (midshipmen).

4. Military personnel studying at a military educational institution of vocational education are called: those who do not have the military rank of officers - cadets, and those who have a military rank - students.

Citizens who did not have a military rank before entering a military educational institution of vocational education or who had the military rank of soldier or sailor are assigned the military rank of cadet upon enrollment. Other military ranks awarded before entering a military educational institution of vocational education are retained.


Private: Soldier (gunner, driver, driver, sapper, reconnaissance officer, radio operator, etc.)

Corporal: There are no regular corporal positions. The rank is awarded to highly qualified soldiers.

Junior sergeant, sergeant: Commander of a squad, tank, gun.

Senior Sergeant: Deputy platoon commander.

Sergeant Major: Company Sergeant Major.

Warrant officer, senior warrant officer: Material support platoon commander, company foreman, warehouse chief, radio station chief and other non-commissioned positions that require high qualifications. They can occupy lower officer positions when there is a shortage of officers.

Junior Lieutenant: Platoon commander. Usually this rank is awarded in conditions of acute shortage of officers after completing accelerated officer courses.

Lieutenant, senior lieutenant: Platoon commander, deputy company commander.

Captain: Company commander, training platoon commander.

Major: Deputy battalion commander. Commander of a training company.

Lieutenant Colonel: Battalion commander, deputy regiment commander.

Colonel: Regimental commander, deputy brigade commander, brigade commander, deputy division commander.

Major General: Division commander, deputy corps commander.

Lieutenant General: Corps commander, deputy army commander.

Colonel General: Army commander, deputy district (front) commander.

Army General: District (front) commander, Deputy Minister of Defense, Minister of Defense, Chief of the General Staff, other senior positions.

Marshal of the Russian Federation: An honorary title given for special merits.

It should be borne in mind that a soldier holding this position cannot receive a rank higher than the corresponding one. The opposite is possible and often practiced. Under certain conditions (for example, the size and significance of the tasks of a military formation), for a particular position the corresponding rank may be set higher or lower than usual.


military rank distinction

Legally, the Armed Forces of Russia have existed since May 7, 1992 (Decree of the President of Russia No. 466). Also legally, the Soviet Army ceased to exist on December 25, 1991, when the Belovezh Agreement on the liquidation of the USSR came into force. In fact, the Soviet Army began to disintegrate in the fall of 1989, when the former union republics of the USSR, one after another, began to declare their state sovereignty and that all military property and weapons of the Soviet Army located on their territory were the property of the newly created sovereign states. During this period, the actual creation of national armies began. The leadership of Russia and the Soviet Army made feeble attempts to maintain a unified army called the United Armed Forces of the Union of Independent States (CIS Joint Forces). However, it was not possible to stop the process of dismantling the once mighty army into national homes. Legally, the CIS Allied Forces existed from December 25, 1991 to May 7, 1992.

Military personnel of the Soviet Army units (CIS Allied Forces) stationed in Russia from December 1991 to May 1992 continued to wear the uniform and insignia of the Soviet Army. Since the legal registration of the Russian Army on May 7, 1992, wearing the uniform and insignia of the Soviet Army is, in fact, considered illegal. However, only on May 23, 1994, Russian Presidential Decree No. 1010 was issued on the introduction of uniforms and insignia of the Russian Armed Forces (including the Russian Army). On the new dress uniform of soldiers and sergeants, on its first samples, shoulder straps, as in the US Army, were a detail of the uniform itself (epaulettes). However, with the small size of the shoulder straps and thick fabric, these shoulder straps on the uniform did not lie on the shoulders, but rose in strange arcs. A new version of the shoulder strap immediately appears - on a solid base, green in color with a checkerboard pattern.

Literally two to three months later, a third version of the shoulder strap appears - with two narrow stripes of scarlet color (for all ground forces) or blue (for aviation and airborne forces). After 6-8 months, the fourth version of the ceremonial shoulder strap appears - with yellow letters at the bottom shoulder strap "VS".

The basic uniform that soldiers and sergeants wear on a daily basis is either the 1970 cotton uniform with large Soviet-style khaki shoulder straps, or the Afghan type field uniform with shoulder straps.

The main insignia of military personnel in the Russian Army remain shoulder straps, lapel emblems and chevrons. And also breastplate insignia appeared, they are on the right half of the jacket, on the left there is a patch with the blood type and Rh factor.

Also, all military personnel of the Russian Army must have a chevron on their left shoulder: “Russia - Armed Forces” or for the Navy “Russia - Navy”. This sign is the legal force of a serviceman; without this sign, a serviceman is not considered such.

Some insignia:

Shoulder straps: Typical shoulder straps are more or less rectangular plates worn on the shoulders with the rank of the owner of the shoulder straps indicated on them in one way or another. As a rule, rigid galloon-embroidered shoulder straps with bright stars and badges are worn with the dress uniform, while more modest fabric shoulder straps without sewing are usually used with the field uniform.

Lapel emblems: Paired emblems located at the top of the buttonholes. Military personnel wear lapel insignia (emblems) according to the branch of service to which the serviceman’s specialty belongs, in contrast to the buttonhole worn according to the branch of service of his unit.

Marshall Star: The name of two honorary insignia of the highest military ranks. Both are in the form of a five-pointed star made of gold and platinum with diamonds, worn in full dress around the neck (under the collar of the uniform, and since 1955 - on the knot of the tie). The two types of Marshall Star differ in size and the presence of diamonds between the arms. Their official names changed depending on which military ranks received the right to wear them: they can be conventionally designated as the Marshall Star of the “large” and “small” type.

The Marshal Star of the “large” type was the insignia of the ranks of Marshal of the Soviet Union (from establishment, September 2, 1940) and Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union (from March 3, 1955). In the Russian Armed Forces it is an insignia of the rank of Marshal of the Russian Federation.

Today I will tell you how to get a military rank in the army.

Initially, you will be a private, then comes a corporal, and after the corporal comes a junior sergeant, a sergeant and a senior sergeant. You may not hope for more, but this is not certain, since it is already very difficult to get a sergeant and senior sergeant in the army. Let's take it in order and start, of course, with the military rank of private.

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What military ranks can a conscript soldier achieve?

I would also like to remind you that in addition to the army, we also have the Navy, where military ranks differ from land ones, namely:

Assignment of the military rank of private

The initial military rank in the army is private. A private is an ordinary soldier who serves in the army and does not stand out in any way. This rank is stamped on your military ID at the assembly point where you are from, and the date of assignment to the rank of private is the date of your dismissal from military service. Ordinary soldiers have clean shoulder straps, and, as they say, “clean shoulder straps mean a clear conscience.” There is nothing more to say about the military rank of private.

Assignment of the military rank of corporal

Let's talk about the next military rank - corporal, the so-called most trained soldier. As they say, “it is better to have the daughter of a prostitute than the son of a corporal,” I don’t know why this title is so disliked, but according to one of the many versions, this is connected with Tsarist Russia, where corporals at the front were placed in the first rank, and, accordingly, they died first.

How to get the rank of corporal? There is a so-called ShDS (staff list) - “shtatka”. This is in every company. In order to receive this rank, you need to hold the appropriate military position. That is, your position in this “staff” must correspond to your rank.

A corporal can be assigned to any soldier, for example, by title you will be , and the senior driver should have the rank of corporal.

Assignment of the military rank junior sergeant, sergeant

Military ranks of sergeants and senior officers

Next comes the rank of junior sergeant. Let's think about it, do you need it? A junior sergeant is usually a soldier who knows the regulations, who is able and willing to lead personnel, who is respected in the military team, not only by the soldiers, but also by the command. He may already be a squad leader. The squad commander is the soldier who will have him under his command. The squad leader must know everything about each soldier from his squad. And also skillfully manage them.

The direct superior of the squad commander will be the deputy platoon commander (zamkom platoon) - this is the same junior sergeant or sergeant who will lead the entire platoon.

That is, there is a chain of military personnel, namely: private, corporal, junior sergeant and sergeant. Usually the platoon commander is a junior sergeant or sergeant, the squad commander is a corporal, and ordinary soldiers are simply in different platoons.

There is another method for obtaining a military rank. Let's say you approach your company commander and say that after the army you want to serve in the police or another law enforcement agency and the rank of junior sergeant will be useful to you to make it easier for you to move forward. Perhaps this will be enough to award you the military rank of junior sergeant (provided that you are really worthy of it).

The third option for assigning a military rank

Let's say - February 23 or May 9, usually regular and extraordinary military ranks are awarded on these holidays, and accordingly you can fall under this topic.

How else can you get a rank in the army?

This is when the old conscription retired and vacancies became available for military positions, for which the state provides for the military ranks of corporal or junior sergeant. And, since there will be no platoon commanders and squad commanders, any worthy soldier can be appointed to this position with the assignment of the next military rank.

Also, the rank of junior sergeant can be given for some merit, but this is very rare. So let's look at it: a private is a soldier who simply serves in the army. A corporal is the same soldier, but no longer a soldier and not yet a junior sergeant. Next comes the junior sergeant, who leads the squad, and the sergeant, who can already lead an entire platoon. But not all soldiers are given a sergeant. There will be only two or three of them in the company.

Conclusion: if you want to run around at night on platoon or squad business, fill out various documentation, monitor the whole platoon, get paid for them, etc., then you can become a junior sergeant. And if you just want to quietly serve in the army, then be a private.

As they say, everything is in your hands and in fact, make it so that you awarded military rank not that hard

In the army of the Russian Federation, military ranks are assigned to all military personnel regardless of their position. The rank determines the scope of the rights and responsibilities of soldiers and sailors, warrant officers and midshipmen, officers, and also ensures subordination between members of the personnel.

In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it is customary to distinguish between naval and combined arms ranks. If a person liable for military service serves on a guard ship or in a military unit, the prefix “guard” is added to his rank (guard captain, guard colonel). It is also assigned to a specific person for life. For example, if a serviceman retired as a lieutenant colonel, he is referred to as a “retired lieutenant colonel.”

The terms and procedure for assigning, as well as deprivation of military ranks are regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on service in the Armed Forces. It is generally accepted that the corresponding naval and combined arms ranks are equivalent in relation to each other. They are assigned personally to each serviceman.

Deadlines for conferring the next military ranks

There are several groups of military personnel who make up the current composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. These should include soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen, and officers. The last group is divided into junior, senior and senior command staff.

To receive the next military rank, soldiers, warrant officers and officers must serve for a certain period of time. For diligent service, sailors and soldiers can be promoted to the next rank (senior soldier or sailor) 5 months after its start.

To receive the rank of junior sergeant, soldiers and senior soldiers are required to serve for at least 1 year, sergeant - for at least 2 years, senior sergeant and warrant officer - for at least 3 years. In order for an officer to be awarded the next rank, he must serve:

  • 2 years junior lieutenant;
  • 3 years for lieutenant and senior lieutenant;
  • 4 years for captain (lieutenant captain) and major (3rd rank captain);
  • 5 years for a lieutenant colonel (2nd rank captain).

To receive the next rank, graduates of military higher educational institutions must hold the rank of lieutenant for 2 years. Senior officers can be promoted if they have served in the previous rank for at least 2 years and have held a position for at least 1 year that is subject to replacement by senior military officers.

For generals and admirals of the Russian Armed Forces, including an army general or a fleet admiral, the terms of service in their position and in a specific rank are not established.

The calculation of the period of stay in a military rank begins from the day of its assignment. The period of military service in a certain rank includes the time:

  • interruption of service due to unfounded prosecution;
  • termination of service due to illegal dismissal;
  • stay in reserve.

Important: Some changes were made to the legislation of the Russian Federation in 2016, which affected the timing of assigning regular military ranks to military personnel. So, for example, to receive the rank of captain, a senior lieutenant had to serve for 3 years. Currently, the Armed Forces operate personnel certification. This means that military personnel must prove their professional suitability to receive the next rank. An important role is played by discipline, knowledge of the specialty, behavior and absence of official misconduct.

The procedure for assigning military ranks

There are a number of grounds for conferring a military rank. First of all, this should include entering service in the Armed Forces on a voluntary basis, by conscription, as well as entering and graduating from specialized military educational institutions.

The expiration of a certain period of service in the previous rank is also grounds for promotion. Military personnel may be awarded a military rank by decision of officials within the framework of their powers.

Also, military personnel can be transferred to a position when a certain military rank is provided for it in the staffing table. It can be either equal or higher in comparison with the existing rank.

Please note that a new military rank is assigned simultaneously with appointment to a new position. As for persons liable for military service for whom sergeant (senior) positions are provided, the basis for their promotion to rank may be the successful passing of tests according to the service program.

The President of the Russian Federation can assign military ranks to senior officers. To do this, they must be introduced by the head of the federal executive body in whose department they are performing military service. This official also has the right to confer the rank of captain 1st rank or colonel.

When entering military service in the Armed Forces in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the military commissar has the right to assign the rank of private to conscripts. If military personnel are directly subordinate to officials, the latter have the right to assign them regular military ranks.

It is important to understand that military personnel can be awarded their first and subsequent military ranks. Thus, officers receive the first military rank of “junior lieutenant” and “lieutenant”, warrant officers (midshipmen) - “warrant officer” (midshipman), and soldiers - “private” or “sailor”, respectively.

For personal merits of a military man, he may be awarded the next military rank ahead of schedule, but not higher than the rank that is provided for in the staffing table for the position held.

The procedure for assigning military ranks also provides for rewarding military personnel for special personal merit if their term in the assigned rank has expired. Thus, an officer can be promoted by one step in rank in accordance with his position, but not higher than “captain 3rd rank” or “major”.

If a serviceman has an academic degree or holds a teaching position in military educational or research organizations, he may be awarded another rank, but not higher than “captain 1st rank” or “colonel”.

Warrant officers (midshipmen) and sergeants (ship foremen) can also be nominated for the next military rank. For warrant officers (midshipmen), this is “senior warrant officer” (“senior warrant officer”), and sergeants (ship foremen) receive a rank no higher than “sergeant major” (“chief ship’s foreman”).

Can they be deprived of their military rank?

The Russian Armed Forces practice a system of reward and punishment for military personnel, so they can not only be promoted in position and rank, but also be deprived of such privileges. This can happen if a person liable for military service has committed a serious or especially serious offense.

Only a court can accuse a person of an offense. After a verdict is passed, a military man may be demoted in rank, as well as deprived of social benefits and privileges.

Important: By law, judicial authorities have the right to deprive a military personnel of his position and rank. It does not take into account who awarded the title. It can be restored only after the criminal record has been expunged. Its removal alone is not enough to restore one's rank. This will require a positive review from the military commissar, as well as the consent of the relevant authorities.

To be reinstated in position and rank, after a criminal record has been cleared, a serviceman must contact the military registration and enlistment office and submit the appropriate application. By law, its consideration may take 30 calendar days. If the military commissar has every reason to restore a person to his rank, a representation and the necessary order are issued to him.

Please note that if a serviceman was convicted unfairly, he will be rehabilitated, that is, automatically restored to rank. More detailed information can be provided, whose services it is recommended to use.

When is an extraordinary military rank given?

Military personnel can receive a new rank ahead of schedule for special personal merit. Often, individuals who have proven their professionalism are rewarded by the unit's leadership in the form of promotion in rank and position, which allows the person to quickly climb the career ladder. If it is not possible to make a personnel change, they can only assign the next rank.

To receive an extraordinary rank, an officer can, for example, take an active part in special operations or prove himself in emergency situations. If a serviceman's subordinates have demonstrated excellent results in exercises and combat training, there is a high probability that he can be quickly promoted ahead of schedule.

In practice, obtaining an extraordinary military rank can be quite difficult, since the leadership of the unit can carry out this procedure at their discretion. It is no secret that officers who have family ties with the command are promoted faster than others. However, if the serviceman’s merits are noticed by higher-ranking officers, then the new appointment will not take long to arrive.


Recruits come to serve in the army as ordinary privates. But over time, subject to impeccable performance of service, the military receives new ranks. In order to receive shoulder straps as soon as possible during your service, try to serve with dignity and follow the regulations. When assigning military ranks, attention is paid not only to personal qualities, but also to impeccable knowledge of the regulations of the Russian Armed Forces. The potential must know how to use military weapons, have strong leadership qualities, and be able to lead other soldiers. In addition, the physical as well as tactical training of the soldier. The sergeant must be able to quickly navigate difficult conditions and find a way out of unusual situations.

To obtain the rank of sergeant, a number of conditions must be met: experience in military service, complete secondary education, no criminal record, good health. In addition, the potential sergeant must have leadership qualities and be aware of the degree of responsibility that is assigned to him.

To obtain rank Sergeant, first undergo training in the training unit. Cadets who complete their studies in a special sergeant training program with excellent marks receive rank Sgt. It is also assigned to those who are recognized as worthy of receiving the next title and for those positions where it is provided rank Staff Sgt.

Sergeant's rank assigned to those military personnel who have already served a certain period in the ranks army. In some cases, you can become a sergeant early as a reward for certain merits. To do this, you need to have an impressive track record and be noted for special actions.

If you have been teaching at a university or in the departments of the Russian Academy of Sciences for a long time, have written a textbook, or have served as a rector or vice-rector for some time, then you can apply for an academic title rank associate professor by department or associate professor by specialty.

You will need

  • - personal sheet for personnel records;
  • - an extract from the work record book about scientific and pedagogical experience;
  • - extracts from orders on the conduct of teaching activities;
  • - an extract with the voting results of the Academic Council;
  • - list of published scientific works.


Check if you meet the requirements for applicants for rank associate professor by department: whether you are a doctor of science or science, teaching at a high professional level at a university, whether you have scientific and educational works, whether you are the author or co-author of a textbook. Candidate for rank associate professor must have worked in the department for at least a year as a substitute professor, vice-rector, rector, etc. If he has teaching experience, a laureate of international and regional festivals, exhibitions, competitions, a holder of an honorary title of the Russian Federation or other republics (People's Artist, People's Artist, Honored Artist, etc.).
To rank associate professor According to, in addition to scientific work experience, it is necessary to perform, under an employment contract, the functions of a senior, leading or chief researcher, deputy director of a scientific organization or university department. The applicant for this scientific rank At least 10 scientific papers or inventions must be published.

The decision to nominate an academic title is made by secret ballot at the Academic Council. If the board makes a decision, prepare the necessary documents. In addition, bring notarized copies of documents about and a document of a candidate or doctor of science, a copy of the certificate of a state educational institution.
Check the complete list of all required documents with the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Submit the documents to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry and wait for a decision. Your documents will be reviewed within 6 months. You will be informed about the result of the examination of certification documents. If the decision is positive, you will be issued a certificate associate professor.


  • Institute of applicant for academic degree and academic title

The armies of many countries are similar in structure and the procedure for recruiting young men. This is especially true for the countries of the former USSR, however, some states have abandoned the generally accepted service period of 2 years, and a number have even drafted girls into the ranks of the armed forces.

Most states of the once Soviet space abandoned the two-year period. Not only Russia, but also Belarus have reduced the length of service in the armed forces to 1 year or one and a half years. Today in the Republic of Belarus, young conscripts must serve from six months to one and a half years, depending on the availability of higher education.

For young men who have successfully completed their studies at one of the higher educational institutions, a service period of 12 months is provided, and citizens who have not received a diploma of higher education are required to serve for a period of 18 months.

For conscripts with higher education who have graduated from universities with a military department, the period of service in the army of Belarus will be only 6 months.

Graduates in the ranks of the troops

However, some people of military age are trying with all their might to “” from. At the moment, in the entire Republic of Belarus there are only 65 thousand personnel, which is a rather small number. The government of the country is trying in every possible way to attract people into its ranks.

At the beginning of 2014, the head of state Alexander Lukashenko introduced an amendment to the law on military service in Belarus. It states that citizens with three or more will be excluded from military duties in peacetime, but are also subject to military duty in wartime. The amendment came into force on January 21, 2014.

Alternative military service

In addition, in 2013, the Law “On Alternative Service” was agreed upon and adopted. It gives the right to those people who shirk military duties to work in unpopular positions, thereby also trying to serve their homeland in a similar way.

Citizens of military age are offered work in the form of helping the elderly, children in shelters, organizing humanitarian aid for victims of disasters and other work in a variety of fields.

The term of alternative service is slightly longer than fixed-term service: with a higher education you will have to “work out” 20 months instead of one year; citizens without a higher education diploma will need to work in a similar position for all 30 months.

The period of alternative service does not take into account:
- leave of citizens in connection with the acquisition of higher education,
- time of arrest of a conscript serving in alternative service,
- the period during which a person liable for military service in alternative service did not fulfill the tasks assigned to him in connection with administrative penalties against him,
- calendar days during which young men were absent from their work for more than three without specifying valid reasons.

In the armies of some countries there are ranks that do not exist in other armies. The lowest rank in the army is private. The highest is the marshal. But it will take a lifetime to reach it.


The lowest level in the hierarchy is. As soon as a person becomes a military man, he is immediately assigned this rank. There are the most of them in the armed forces of any country. A private is a soldier, infantryman, rifleman, driver, driver-mechanic. Also the number of the gun crew, scout, sapper, radio operator and much more.

Next comes the corporal. This title is given either for excellence in studies, combat, special training, or in connection with the position held. Corporals are senior drivers, gunners of armored personnel carriers, clerks at headquarters and other military personnel. In some they can command entire ones. The most famous corporal was Hitler.

Next comes the rank of junior sergeant. This title can only be obtained after graduating from a special training school. Juniors command squads, but can even become deputy platoon commanders. The next level is the rank of sergeant. This is already a full-fledged commander of a squad, crew, tank, gun or crew. It is the sergeants who lead the formation, conduct training, and supervise the work.

Staff Sergeant. This rank is usually assigned to the deputy platoon commander. This is the most responsible position among soldiers. And the junior rank of sergeant completes the hierarchical ladder. However, rank and position should not be confused. A senior officer may also be.

Warrant officer and senior warrant officer. This is the platoon commander. He can be a company sergeant major, a warehouse manager, or a radio station manager. That is, to occupy a position where high qualifications and higher education are not required, but leadership over soldiers is required. You can become a warrant officer only after special training.

A person automatically becomes a junior lieutenant after graduating from the military department of a civilian university. He has a platoon under his command - that is, about thirty people. By the way, a warrant officer can also receive the rank of junior if he also acquires a higher education. Typically, officers serve in this rank for only one year, after which they become lieutenants.

The rank of lieutenant is found in many armies of the world. It is assigned to those military personnel who graduated from a higher military educational institution. The lieutenant also commands a platoon, but sometimes they may be given command of a company. This was the case, for example, during the Great Patriotic War.

The rank of senior lieutenant is awarded to those officers who are deputy company commanders, deputy commanders for work with personnel, deputy commanders for equipment, and for combat. Senior lieutenants can also become company commanders. Their responsibilities include many powers.

The next rank is captain. They command companies, may be deputy battalion commanders, and hold other positions. This rank also exists in many armies of the world, but it should not be confused with a naval rank. Next comes the major. This is already the first rank of senior officers. A major is the head of a service, battalion headquarters, commandant of a military commandant's office, and much more.

Lieutenant colonel. This title is not available everywhere. Usually, these are deputy regiment commanders, regiment chief of staff or commanders. The next step is colonel. This rank exists in almost all armies of the world. Usually, these are unit commanders, regiment chiefs of staff, and you can also meet them at division headquarters or district headquarters.

Major General. Oddly enough, this is the lowest general rank. Next comes the lieutenant general, and then the colonel general. They command divisions, districts and even entire branches of the military. The next rank is army general. This is the highest general rank. Not everyone can reach it.

The penultimate level is the rank of marshal. This title is found in almost all armies of the world, but it is very difficult to earn it in peacetime. By the way, the legendary musketeer D’Artagnan once received the marshal’s baton, but he worked towards this all his life. Even earlier there was the title of Generalissimo. It was received by Suvorov, Stalin, Kim Il Sung, Alfredo Stroessner and many others. Now in many armies of the world it has been abolished, and the hierarchy of military ranks is completed by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, named after the country. It is noteworthy that a person who has not served in the army at all can become president, but it is he who will decide the fate of his country.