Fitness trainers around the world are daily developing new exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides so that women remain slim. Obesity is becoming a real problem for humanity; it needs to be combated comprehensively. Physical exercise combined with proper nutrition provides quick and sustainable weight loss results.

The most common causes of the appearance of the abdomen and sides

Often exercises for losing weight in the sides give good results in combination with a diet. A sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition are the basis of obesity. Also, the stomach and sides become covered with fat as a result of stress, lack of sleep or due to diseases of the internal organs.

Exercises designed specifically for weight loss will help you lose belly fat. The main thing is to do them correctly and regularly.

Important: you need to combine exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides in women with dietary nutrition. Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired slimness.

The best exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides

Among the many types of workouts, the best are effective exercises designed for losing weight on the stomach and sides. They are the ones who make the waist thin, form beautiful posture and make the figure feminine. A complex of this type is named after Guy Gasper, a fitness instructor and author of the method. The complex includes 10 special exercises for losing weight in the belly and sides. Exercises strengthen the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, as well as the back muscles.

Interesting: exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides from Gasper are so simple to perform that they even called it “abdominals for dummies.”

The most interesting thing is what exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides Gasper included in this complex:

  1. Warm up. It is mandatory and takes only 4-5 minutes, helps the muscles warm up, prevents sprains and injuries.
  2. This is followed by static exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides.
  3. Stretching.


Various types of crunches are among the top 5 best exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides. They allow you to work the rectus abdominis muscles and create sculpted abs. The most common workout option for losing belly fat is on the floor. They are great for burning fat and pumping up your upper abs with minimal stress on your lower back.

Lying on the floor, face up, bend your knees at a right angle. Hands are behind the head, elbows are spread to the sides. Tighten your abs, smoothly lift your shoulder girdle from the floor to your pelvis. Slowly lower yourself from the peak to the starting point.


The most effective exercises for losing weight on your sides at home are based on using your own body weight. The plank is a universal workout for a large muscle group. It will not only provide weight loss on the abdomen and sides and exercise, but will radically transform your figure for the better. It is performed as follows:

  1. Starting position - lying on the floor, legs parallel, rest your forearms on the floor, elbows located exactly under your shoulders. Inhale.
  2. Exhale: place your feet on your toes. Support - on your toes, on your forearms. The back is flat, there is no deflection, the muscles of the legs, abdomen, buttocks are tense, the feet are as close to each other as possible.
  3. When your muscles become too tense to the point of discomfort, smoothly lower yourself to the floor.

Reverse crunches

These simple exercises effectively help you lose weight in your belly and sides at home. Correctly they are performed as follows:

  1. Starting position – lying on the floor (arms straight down). Legs – slightly bent at the knees.
  2. Raise your legs up as you exhale, smoothly lifting your lower back off the floor.
  3. As you inhale, slowly lower your legs and lower back. Amplitude – shortened,

Side bends

These simple physical exercises are suitable for losing weight in the stomach and sides at home. Performing them is as easy as shelling pears – just keep your back straight and bend to the side with the desired amplitude. At the same time, one hand is on the belt, and the other is thrown up. For a good result, you need to perform the exercise 100 times or more for each side. To strengthen, you can take weights in the form of dumbbells.

Rock climber

Training for losing weight on the abdomen and sides will be especially effective with the “climber” exercise, which involves a large group of muscles and tones the entire body. It is done like this:

  1. IP: lying position. We straighten our arms, legs – shoulder width apart. Support on the palms and toes. Keep your body straight without arching your back.
  2. Inhale - tighten your abs, pull one knee to your chest without bending to the sides, your back is straight.
  3. Exhale – return the leg back without relaxing the abs. Repeat for the other leg.

Oblique crunches

This type of exercise is effective for losing belly fat. The photo shows how the oblique abdominal muscles are involved. Correct execution algorithm:

  1. Starting position: lying on the floor with your knees bent, your arms crossed at the back of your head, your feet pressed to the floor. The ankle of one leg is on the knee of the other.
  2. As you inhale, begin to lift your body up, turning it. With the elbow of your left hand, try to touch the opposite knee. Change the position of your legs and do it on the other side.
  3. Go down, but not all the way. Work in a short amplitude using tension in the oblique muscles.

Crunches with leg raises

This exercise works the upper and lower abdominal muscles. IP: lying on your back with your legs raised. In this case, the ankles are on a line parallel to the floor, the knees are in line with the pelvis, and the hands are behind the head.

With your abs tight, pull your knees and chest toward each other, lifting your hips and shoulders off the floor. Repeat – 10 times. Relax, and then repeat 10 more times.

Plank with turns

These complicated exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides with photos will help you get into shape not only your waist, but also your buttocks, thighs, and legs. The plank with a turn is performed according to the scheme:

  1. IP – classic plank, emphasis – on the toes and forearms.
  2. Inhale – turn around, take a side plank position, resting on your right forearm and toes.
  3. The left leg and arm are extended in the opposite direction upward.
  4. Bend your arm, leg, pull your knee towards your elbow.
  5. Move your limbs again in different directions.
  6. Return to IP and repeat on the other side.

Lunges with twists

IP - standing, legs apart at a distance of 15-20 cm, hands at the level of the lower ribs. The stomach is pulled in, the back is straightened. With your left foot, step to the right and turn your body to the right. In this case, the toe on the left foot points to the left. Lower into a lunge, straightening your right leg. Return to IP, repeat for the other side.


This is an interesting way of losing weight in the abdomen and sides. Typically, exercises for the abdomen and sides develop the abdominal muscles, while the vacuum works the internal muscles and diaphragm. The exercise is performed like this: you need to stand up straight, take a deep breath, and then exhale and draw in your stomach. Tighten your abs, try to pull your navel as close as possible to the vertebra and under the ribs. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds, inhale slowly through your nose and relax your muscles. Inhale deeply with the diaphragm 2-3 times, repeat, making 3-4 approaches.

Side lunges

These workouts help create a beautiful shape of the buttocks, legs and tighten your figure. To do this, you need to get up, spreading your feet shoulder width apart. The back is straight, hands - in front of the chest, bent at the elbows, the press - in tension. On the exhale - a wide step towards the left foot to the right corner in the knee. On the exhale - return to the IP and repeat for the other side.

Strong legs and buttocks will help to reduce the waist visually!

Fitness instructors recommend for beginners to combine exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides with other types of exercise that involve other muscle groups. Thus, it will be possible to harmoniously develop the muscles, making the figure beautiful.

Step and buttock exercises at home

Even beginners can do these simple workouts, but with regular exercise, the results will not take long to arrive.


Be sure to supplement exercises for losing weight on your stomach and sides at home with hip and leg workouts. The most famous are squats.

IP: Standing, legs - shoulder widths, socks are divorced to the sides. Knees point towards toes. The weight of the body should be transferred to the heels, pressing the feet to the floor. The back should be slightly arched, but not rounded. Posture is straight, without bending forward. The knees are prohibited from moving inward or spreading out when rising from the lowest point. At the beginning of the exercise, take a deep breath, and at the end, exhale.


The simplest workouts to perform are the best exercises for losing belly fat, as they are understandable, do not require special skills and bring quick results. Lunges help keep your entire figure toned.

Step forward with your right foot, toe slightly inward. Place your left leg back and onto your toes. Hands are on the belt, the body is straight. Bend your left leg and lower yourself down until you form a right angle at the knees of both legs. Exhale, push off, return to IP, do for the other side.


At first glance, burpee seems to be a simple exercise for losing weight, but it allows you to thoroughly work out all muscle groups of the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. It is done like this:

  1. From a standing position, do a squat, placing your palms on the floor.
  2. Kick both legs back into an extended-arm plank.
  3. Pull your legs towards your hands.
  4. Stand up, jump high, clap your hands above your head.
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 without interruption.


Running is a classic way to lose weight and improve your health. To begin with, you should walk at a brisk pace to warm up your muscles. At the same time, develop a breathing strategy. Inhale – one step, exhale – three steps, as convenient. Then you can pick up the pace to a run, a fast run. This workout should bring a comfortable feeling without shortness of breath or pain.

Swing your legs to the sides

Hip abduction is an effective exercise for losing weight in the abdomen and butt. IP can be standing on the floor, lying on your side or on all fours. Standing up straight and grasping the support, you need to tense your gluteal muscles and move your leg as far as possible to the side.

Gluteal bridge

This exercise for losing weight on the stomach and buttocks at home is liked by many women for its high results.

IP - lying on your back with your knees bent, your feet firmly planted on the floor, your arms along your body. While inhaling, squeeze your buttocks and raise your hips, hold for 2 seconds, squeeze your buttocks tightly, exhale and return to IP.

A set of exercises for losing weight in the abdomen, sides and legs

In order to get rid of hated fat deposits, you need a correctly composed set of exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides. He must take into account the initial data of the person losing weight: his weight, possible health problems. Gymnastics for losing weight in the abdomen and sides with a lot of weight should be gentle. This will help avoid injury to joints and ligaments.

Exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides should be performed at least 3 times a week. Set the duration of the workout according to your own well-being. Fitness at home to lose weight in the abdomen and sides should not provoke exacerbation of chronic diseases. Be sure to start your classes with a warm-up and end with stretching.

Below is an approximate exercise program for losing weight in the abdomen, sides, and legs. You will find photos of each type of exercise in this article.

Types of training / DayFirstSecondThird
Cardio trainingFast walking, slow runningSwimmingCircuit training
Power trainingBack lungesGluteal bridgeSwing your legs to the side
Push upsPlankBurpee
Reverse crunchesSquatsSide bends
Hip abductionLungesLeg Raise Crunch
Hip adductionRock climberLunges with twists
Classic crunchesOblique crunchesSwing your legs to the sides
VacuumLunges with twistsVacuum

Following this schedule, you devote 3 -4.5 hours to exercises for losing belly fat at home per week. This means that you will soon get into the desired physical shape. In just 30 days, exercises for losing weight on your belly and sides will become a habitual way of life; slimness and grace will replace your curvaceous figure.

Watch the video for a set of effective exercises for losing weight on your stomach and sides:

How can you speed up weight loss?

In order for the weight to go away as quickly as possible, exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides at home must be supplemented with proper nutrition, cardio training, and modern cosmetic procedures. Nutritionists recommend using pharmaceutical drugs for weight loss only in extreme cases. Using sports nutrition will help you lose weight faster without losing muscle mass and speed up your metabolism.

Establish nutrition

When losing weight, it is recommended to eat small portions with a break of 2 or 3 hours. It is important to eat your last dinner no later than 2 hours before resting for the night. Try to drink about 2 liters of clean still water per day. Pay attention to the list of healthy products, take them to create a diet. Reduce harmful foods to a minimum or eliminate them completely.

Add cardio workouts

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of cardio training for losing weight in the abdomen and sides at home. Experts advise combining cardio with strength exercises to achieve maximum fat-burning effect.

Type of cardio trainingExecution Features
Running or brisk walkingNo need to run hard, time – 60-90 minutes, frequency – 3-6 times a week
SwimmingThe best type of cardio, effective and beneficial while sparing the load on the joints. swim must be completed 200-500 m with a cross without stopping
TreadmillImitation of running must be strictly limited in time so as not to overload the body
Circuit trainingExercises with light weights in a circle without stopping, require preparation, place a large load on the heart and blood vessels

Add sports nutrition

A varied sports nutrition helps you quickly tone your body at home and maintain muscle mass. These products are classified depending on their effects on the body:

  • thermogenics;
  • diuretics;
  • funds reducing appetite;
  • blocking calories;
  • metabolism stimulants.


If you decide to correct your figure, then physical exercises to lose weight on your stomach and sides will become a fundamental factor in your strategy. It is necessary to connect other resources to them - proper and modern sports nutrition, cardio training, and most importantly - perseverance, self-confidence, good motivation. By combining all the factors together, you will definitely achieve your goal.

Many women strive for an ideal waist without sides and a flat stomach. But not everyone chooses the right path to the goal, so the result is not the best. It should be remembered that without physical activity it is impossible to solve the problem areas of the body. Read on to learn about effective exercises for correcting the abdomen and sides, as well as the conditions under which they will work fully.

Several muscles are responsible for the condition of the abdomen and lateral surfaces of the lower body, namely the rectus, transverse and oblique external and internal. Therefore, if you want to form a toned torso, you need to use all the listed muscles. To remove the belly and sides, exercises must be performed in conjunction with the following conditions:

  • regularity of classes (at least 4 times a week), with the duration of each of them being at least an hour;
  • if you have an impressive layer of fat, cardio training in the gym is required, or jogging or aerobics, which can speed up metabolism as aerobic exercise;
  • special exercises can be both dynamic and static. They are performed with different amplitudes, but the pace should be slow or medium, so that full contraction processes occur in the muscles and a state of “overtraining” does not arise;
  • the compiled set of exercises must consistently work all the muscles in problem areas, so you cannot perform two exercises in a row on the same muscles;
  • cyclicality is important, the essence of which is 6-10 repetitions of each exercise in 2-4 approaches;
  • following a diet is a prerequisite for the body to spend the energy generated during training not on digesting food, but on burning abdominal fat and building muscles.

It is worth immediately answering the question of where it is better to train - in the gym or at home. It doesn't really matter, especially at first. You can perform equally effective exercises at home, especially if you have at least a couple of items from the auxiliary equipment (gymnastic stick, waist disk, fitball, dumbbell, hoop or hula hoop, horizontal bar, abdominal roller).

What exercises to remove the sides

Answering the question of what exercises to remove the sides, it is worth saying that all actions performed for this purpose will be based on twisting and inclined movements to the right and left. Consider the following examples.

  • IP - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body with 1 kg dumbbells; perform smooth tilts to the right and left, then bend your elbows and smoothly turn to the right and left;

  • IP - lying on the right side, legs straight, right arm bent at the elbow and resting on the floor, left arm behind the head; simultaneously lift your legs and torso up, and then return to the IP position. Then lie on the other side;

  • IP - lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees; start pumping your abs by twisting, then turn your legs to the opposite side;

  • IP - lying on your back, straight arms spread to the sides, legs straight, perpendicular to the floor; lower your legs left and right alternately.

How to remove the sides at the waist

In order to remove the sides at the waist as quickly as possible, you should add exercises on a gymnastic disc and breathing techniques (bodyflex is possible) to the exercises and recommendations mentioned above.

Using a disc, you perform body twists, during which you can enhance muscle development if you hold a dumbbell in your hands or wear weights (0.5-1 kg each).

Enhancing the “melting” effect of the sides can be achieved with the help of a massage, which is preferably carried out immediately after training. It is worth giving preference to methods for combating cellulite - cupping and honey.

How to get rid of your belly and sides in a week

The above makes it clear that solving the problem discussed in the article takes time. But what if you have one week left before an important event?

With daily training, in seven days you can expect a loss of waist size up to 7-8 cm, if required, and the appearance of a clear-cut figure. Most likely, the result obtained will be a consequence of losing weight on the lateral surfaces of the body, but not the abdomen, since the external oblique muscle is the fastest to work.

When thinking about how to remove your belly and sides in a week, focus on dynamic exercises. Running, dancing, training on an elliptical trainer will help you quickly burn excess fat, due to which centimeters will be lost.

Perform each static exercise in which the abdominal muscles work while controlling your breathing. The movements should begin on inhalation and end on exhalation. There are options for the so-called cross-breathing, when everything is done the other way around. For example, when pumping up your abs, exhaling as you lift your torso will allow the muscles in your upper abs to do much more work.

Control of breathing will increase the oxidation of the fat layer, as a result of which lipids will be broken down and bound water will be released. But despite this, do not forget about the drinking regime (at least 2 liters of clean water per day), since otherwise the body will retain water formed from fat, causing intoxication and swelling.

Remove sides in a week at home

To remove sides in a week at home, follow all the tips outlined above and perform the exercises listed earlier. In addition to the waist disc, use a hula hoop.

Anti-cellulite massage, peelings, wraps using formulations with stimulating components such as sea salt, seaweed, ginseng, cayenne pepper and coffee extracts not only stimulate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage of the problem area, but also tone the skin.

1-2 fasting days, during which you can only drink water, will not be superfluous.

How to remove belly and sides video

In addition to the article, there is a video on how to remove belly and sides.

Losing weight for many is a difficult task that requires a tremendous amount of time and strong willpower. However, for almost all those who lose weight, the greatest difficulty is losing weight in the abdominal area. When a person successfully loses weight, fat seems to disappear from anywhere but from the sides. Consider exercises that will help you lose belly fat at home.

Is it possible to quickly remove excess weight from the stomach and sides at home?

Some people think that losing weight at home is an impossible task; it is necessary to involve many specialists: a nutritionist, a trainer, a massage therapist; buy expensive nutrition courses and workout plans.

In fact, if the problem is not some disease, you can cope with weight loss on your own, only by making some efforts and using the knowledge that we will give you today.

For effective weight loss at home, to form a narrow waist and flat stomach, the best option would be a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise, that is, you need to alternate strength and cardio training. In addition, it makes sense to purposefully pump your abdominal muscles 1-2 times a week.

Thus, training at home for the purpose of losing weight should look something like this:

  • Cardio training 2 times a week
  • Strength training 2 times a week
  • Abdominal pumping 1–2 times a week (separately or in combination with both strength training and cardio)

We will describe in detail below exactly what exercises are included in these types of training, and how to perform them.

An effective set of gymnastic exercises for losing weight in the abdomen and sides

Let's start with abs training. There are a lot of exercises for pumping up the abdominal muscles. Some believe that some exercises are more effective than others, but in fact, even familiar and long-familiar exercises give good results if you do them regularly and follow the correct technique.

Twisting (photo)

Abdominal crunches are an exercise familiar from childhood, but usually everyone did it at speed, without thinking about how correctly it was performed.

Crunches can be performed with straight legs or with legs raised, and they can either be placed on an elevated surface, such as a bench, or held in the air. The last option will be the most difficult. This exercise is suitable for both women and men.

Exercise technique:

  1. We lie down on our backs.
  2. You can hold your hands behind your head, on your chest, or leave them along your body. If you are a beginner, you can stretch your arms along your body and slightly hold your hips - this is the easiest option. Crossing your arms over your chest will make the exercise a little more difficult. And if we want to make this exercise as difficult as possible, then we should remove our hands behind our heads.
  3. We either place our legs on the floor with the knees bent, or move them to a height, or hold them in the air.
  4. Press your lower back to the floor.
  5. We take a deep breath and, as we exhale, begin to twist, lifting our shoulder blades off the floor.
  6. Inhaling, we lower ourselves back down and relax.

Repeat 20–25 times. 3-4 approaches will be enough.

Video: Body crunches

Lying on your back (for women and men)

The sit-up is an excellent exercise for developing and strengthening the rectus abdominis muscles.

Exercise technique:

  1. We lie down on our backs.
  2. We bend our legs at the knees and place them shoulder-width apart. During the exercise, your feet do not need to be lifted off the floor (this often happens, since the legs serve as a counterweight and “try to help you get up”), so you can immediately fix them: slip them under the sofa, ask someone to hold them, etc.
  3. We place our hands behind our heads or cross them over our chests. If you are a beginner, you can stretch your arms behind your head and move them forward when lifting.
  4. Please note: do not put pressure on your head or neck with your hands.
  5. The back is pressed tightly to the surface. Minimize the natural arch in your lower back.
  6. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, lift your body with a rounded back.
  7. At the top point, you should exhale as much as possible, tense your abdominal muscles and hold for 2-3 seconds.
  8. After this, while inhaling, we lower ourselves down and relax.

You need to repeat 15-20 times, 3-4 approaches will be enough.

Of course, the abdominal muscles quickly adapt to any load, and this exercise should be performed in combination with others or periodically replaced.

Lying leg raises (suitable for warming up)

For example, crunches or body raises can be alternated with lying leg raises. This exercise allows you to pump up the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle.

Exercise technique:

  1. We lie down on our backs. Legs extended. Hands along the body.
  2. When lifting your legs, your back often tries to take the load, so to minimize this phenomenon, place your hands under your buttocks and keep them there during the entire exercise.
  3. We take a deep breath and, as we exhale, lift our legs off the floor.
  4. We raise our legs until they are perpendicular to the floor, hold this position for several seconds and begin to slowly, feeling the abdominal muscles, lower our legs.
  5. At the lowest point, it is advisable not to touch the surface so that the load is constant.

For a beginner, this method may seem quite complicated, so it makes sense to lift your legs one by one. With an exhalation, we raise one leg to an angle of 45–60 degrees, hold and slowly lower it. When the first leg touches the floor, you can lift the second one.

Do not confuse this exercise with reverse crunches. When lifting the legs, as we described above, we end the exercise with the legs perpendicular to the floor. In reverse crunches, at the top point you need to lift your buttocks off the floor and twist your lower body a little more towards you. It looks like this:

Exercise "scissors"

This exercise has some similarities to the previous one, and it is probably familiar to many.

Exercise technique:

  1. We lie down on our backs.
  2. Legs are extended, arms lie along the body.
  3. In this case, you can also place your hands under your buttocks to remove excess stress from your lower back.
  4. We raise our legs to a level of 45–60 degrees and begin to make horizontal cross movements.
  5. We repeat a certain number of times and lower our feet to the floor. Let's relax. Then we repeat.

Such approaches need to be repeated 4–5, each 15–20 times.

This exercise can be performed in a large amplitude, not just crossing the legs, but spreading them wide to the sides, then bringing them together and then crossing them.

And another version of this exercise is not horizontal crossings, but vertical swings.

There are two versions of this exercise based on the area of ​​muscles being worked: the rectus abdominis and the oblique abdominal muscles. As well as several options with varying difficulty.

Exercise technique:

The number of repetitions is from 15 to 25, 3-4 approaches will be enough.

Video: Easy version of oblique twists “knee-elbow”

Video: Complex version of oblique twists “knee-elbow”

Plank - classic and side (the most effective exercise to pump up your abdominal muscles)

The plank exercise, according to research, is one of the ten best abdominal exercises. Moreover, it shows itself most effectively for the oblique abdominal muscles.

There are a lot of plank options. We will look at two classic types - the classic plank and the side plank. Both of these exercises can be performed dynamically. For example, pulling your legs to your chest, raising your arm, leg, jumping, and so on.

The plank can be performed in three ways, from the simplest to the most complex:

Exercise technique:

  1. We lie down on our stomachs. This is the starting position from which you need to get into plank pose. But if it’s very difficult for you, you can immediately stand in a plank position from a comfortable position.
  2. Legs lie straight.
  3. We put our feet on our toes. The closer your feet are to each other, the more difficult it is to perform the exercise.
  4. We lean either on our elbows or on our palms.
  5. We inhale and exhale, push up to the required plank version.
  6. You need to hold this position for 20 seconds to several minutes. It all depends on your preparation.
  7. It is important to take care of your body. Regardless of which plank you stand in, the whole body should be one straight line: the stomach is tucked, the pelvis is not tilted or lifted, the back is straight, the neck is relaxed.
  8. Don't forget to breathe. Breathing should be smooth and calm. At least this is what we should strive for.

This exercise can also be done:

Exercise technique:

  1. We lie down on our sides.
  2. A more difficult option is when one leg lies on the other, but a beginner may find this method very difficult, so you can put your feet next to each other.
  3. We rise on the elbow or on an outstretched arm, helping ourselves with the other hand.
  4. Inhale and exhale lift your body off the floor. You should hold on only with the help of a foot (or two) and a supporting arm: neither the body, nor the pelvis, nor the legs should be in contact with the floor.
  5. You also need to make sure that the body is one straight line.
  6. The supporting hand should be strictly under the shoulder.
  7. We stay in this position for the required time - also from 20 seconds to several minutes - and change sides.

Start performing the plank exercise with the minimum possible time and increase the time each time by adding 5-10 seconds. Thus, if you do this exercise regularly, you can easily reach a few minutes in a month.

The abdominal muscles quickly get used to the load, so you should strive to include different exercise options in your training, alternate and replace them, then you can achieve greater efficiency.

Cardio Exercises You Should Do to Lose Weight

Cardio training is a set of exercises or a single exercise, for which our body requires a large amount of oxygen, so the heart rate and breathing increase.

Cardio exercises train the cardiovascular system very well and also effectively help you lose weight.

  • jumping rope
  • riding a bicycle or exercise bike
  • running up the stairs
  • various jumps and jumping exercises (“star”, burpees, jumping squats, etc.)
  • skiing
  • various active sports games

At home, you can also take some of these activities and use them for weight loss.

Jump rope

Jumping rope is one of the most accessible types of cardio and at the same time one of the most effective.. In an hour of intense training you can burn from 600 to 1000 kcal. The number of calories burned depends on your fitness, weight, age and some other factors.

Jumping technique

This exercise is not particularly difficult, since probably everyone has been familiar with it since childhood. However, there are some nuances that we would like to note.

  1. The length of the rope should be comfortable for you, otherwise a successful workout will not work. If you stand in the middle of the rope, its handles should reach your chest.
  2. Take the rope, move your hands away from your hips to about 20 cm and begin to rotate.
  3. Your entire arms should be involved in the work, not just your hands, otherwise you will overstrain them very quickly.
  4. We jump on our toes, not on our heels.
  5. Choose comfortable, shock-absorbing shoes or cushioning, or better yet, both, as this will help keep your joints healthy.

If you jump regularly - every day, every other day, then 15-20 minutes will be enough to maintain good shape. In addition, you can experiment with different jumping options. This will not only diversify your workout, but also make it more intense. We invite you to watch a video with a selection of different exercises on a skipping rope.

Video: 10 jump rope exercises

Jogging in place at home

Jogging is an excellent option for cardio exercise, helping to engage all the muscles of the body, but for one reason or another, jogging outside may not be possible. In this case, you can try running in place, which can be easily done at home.

This type of training has many benefits:

  • season and weather conditions do not matter
  • there is no need to specially select and buy clothes
  • less chance of injury

In a word, you can study anywhere and anytime. But, of course, there is one very unpleasant drawback - running in place is in some aspects less effective when compared to running outside on rough terrain.

  • no horizontal movement
  • no resistance to weather conditions
  • there are no natural changes in the landscape (ascents, descents, rock surface, sand, etc.)

And for many this activity will be quite boring. It’s difficult to run in place for 20–25 minutes.

How to solve these two problems? How to make running in place more effective and interesting?

You can use music or TV as a distraction to add variety to your workout. You can not only watch your favorite series, but also burn 200-300 kcal per episode.

To make the workout intense, you should alternate between different running options: at a slow pace, at maximum speed, raising your knees high, pulling one knee to your chest, etc. Constant changes in load will not allow the body to adapt and work in economy mode.

Exercise bike training

An exercise bike is present in every gym, and is also often purchased for exercise at home. Firstly, it is small-sized, you can choose a simulator even for a small apartment; secondly, it has an affordable price.

Many people who want to lose weight have a question: what is more effective - running or an exercise bike. This depends on many different parameters: the initial weight of the student, age, level of physical fitness, load level of the simulator or running conditions, intensity.

But one way or another, there is an opinion that jogging is much superior to riding a bicycle or an exercise bike in terms of fat burning. If you maintain a speed of about 30 km/h on the machine, you can burn about 800 kcal, which can be equivalent to an hour of jogging.

Intensity plays the biggest role. If you want to achieve greater results, alternate between a slow pace and a fast pace in a time ratio of approximately 3 to 1. For example, we ride for 40 seconds in a comfortable mode, 30 seconds at the maximum possible speed.

On average, an exercise bike session should last from 20 to 40 minutes.

When should you replace running with an exercise bike?

There are situations when you have no choice, and it is better to immediately switch to an exercise bike.

  1. The exerciser's weight is too heavy. If you are overweight, your joints suffer even during normal walking. You should always lose weight on a diet first, and then include active training in your regimen. In this case, an exercise bike will be the most optimal solution.
  2. Joint problems. With some disorders in the functioning of the joints, the situation may worsen from the shock load during running, while the exercise bike provides a gentler load on the joints. But in any case, consultation with a specialist is necessary.


The burpee exercise is actively used in CrossFit. It can be classified as complex or multi-joint, since during its execution a large number of muscle groups work.

Burpees can be performed in several ways. It depends on your preparation. If you are a beginner, you can skip a few movements and greatly simplify the exercise.

Exercise technique

Let's start with the classic version of the burpee with all the elements.

  1. Let's stand up straight.
  2. The back is straight, the stomach is tucked.
  3. Feet stand approximately shoulder width apart.
  4. We do a squat and touch the floor with our palms.
  5. We transfer the weight to our hands. The distance between the palms is approximately equal to the width of the shoulders.
  6. We bounce our feet back and get into a classic plank position with outstretched arms.
  7. We do push-ups.
  8. We jump to pull our legs back to our chest and transfer the weight from our arms to them.
  9. We get up and complete the exercise by jumping in place.

Varieties of exercise

You can perform this exercise from 5 to 15 times or for a while, for example, the maximum amount in 30 seconds. 3-4 approaches will be enough.

Of course, for a beginner, this exercise, no matter how effective it may be, presents a number of difficulties, so you can replace it with several simple options.

Burpee without push-ups

All the main phases of the exercise are preserved, but we move to the plank, skip the push-ups and pull our legs towards ourselves with a jump.

In reality it looks like this:

Burpee without jumping

Besides the push-up, we also skip the final jump. That is, from a half-squat position we simply stand up straight and repeat the exercise again.

No rebound

And the third option, the easiest, when we skip the push-up, jump and bounce with our legs back, and simply move our legs back one by one and go to the plank.

Strength exercises

Strength training has a slightly different task than cardio. They are more suitable for increasing strength than endurance. Strength training helps you lose weight, but mostly builds muscle mass and strengthens your muscles.

As we said earlier, the greatest effectiveness is a mixture of strength and cardio training.

It is best to do strength training in the gym under the guidance of a trainer, as he will be able to correct technique, suggest how best to perform the exercise, and make sure that you do not get injured. Moreover, strength training requires additional equipment.

If you purposefully decide to exercise at home, then you should purchase a barbell.

A barbell with a curved bar is good for these purposes.

It is more compact and allows you to work on many muscle groups.

Or you can purchase a lightweight bar. It weighs about 7–9 kg. For comparison, an Olympic bar weighs 20 kg. However, to work with large weights, you need racks (not everyone can throw 50-80 kg onto their shoulders from the floor), and this takes up too much space.

Let's get straight to the strength exercises that best help fight belly fat.

Of course, attention should be paid to the classic basic exercises:

  • squats
  • lunges
  • deadlift

Squats with weight

This exercise is used to build muscle and reduce fat in the abs and legs. However, you should start heavy training only after you have fully mastered the technique of squats without weight.

Exercise technique:

  1. Let's stand up straight.
  2. Feet are approximately shoulder-width apart, toes can be turned slightly to the sides.
  3. Keep your back straight, shoulder blades pulled together.
  4. The gaze is directed straight ahead.
  5. As you inhale, we begin to squat, bending our knees and moving our pelvis back.
  6. Exhale and return to the starting position.

If you squat shallowly, the front side of the thigh will be more involved in the work; if you squat low, the load will go to the buttocks and the back of the thigh.

The abs and back work in any version. They help maintain balance and correct body position. This is especially noticeable during squats with additional weight.

  1. It's best to start with either an empty bar on a Smith machine (if you're working out outside the home) or a dumbbell.
  2. The load is increased gradually, adding a little weight each time or every other time.
  3. Place the barbell on the top of the trapezius muscles of the back and shoulders, do not place it on the neck, this is fraught with injuries.
  4. The Smith machine is a good way for a beginner to learn how to squat, but the abdominal muscles will get more load with “free weights”.
  5. Squat for a small number of times - 6–8, 4–5 approaches.
  6. Do not turn sideways towards the mirror, as this will take the load away from the desired muscles.


Perhaps lunges are a little more effective for the waist than squats, since this exercise is more difficult to maintain balance.

There are a large number of types of lunges. They can also be performed without weights, with dumbbells or kettlebells, with a barbell, and in a Smith machine. To experiment, it's worth trying all the options. But for the abs and waist, options with free weights will be most useful; spring lunges, cross lunges, and Bulgarian lunges are suitable. It is most difficult to maintain balance in them, which means the abdominal muscles will actively strive to stabilize the position.

Spring lunges

Unlike other types of lunges, where you step with one leg, in this variation you get into a lunge position and work from there.

Do not start lunges with this exercise, especially with weights - you can easily lose your balance

Exercise technique:

  1. Let's take the weight.
  2. Let's stand up straight. Feet together or slightly apart.
  3. Toes point forward.
  4. Look ahead.
  5. The back is straight.
  6. We take a breath and step back and diagonally. We take a step in the opposite direction, that is, we step back to the right with our left foot, and back to the left with our right foot.
  7. It is also important to take care of your knees. The knee of the front leg does not extend beyond the toe. The knee of the back leg does not touch the floor.
  8. The further to the side we place our foot, the more difficult the exercise.

This exercise is similar to spring lunges, but it is a little more difficult.

Exercise technique

It is necessary to choose a hill on which we will place our foot. It could be a step platform, bench, sofa or something else. The higher the support, the more difficult it is to perform the exercise. To begin with, you can take something of small height.

If we do lunges with dumbbells, we need to pick them up. If you perform it in Smith, then you first need to put your foot on the support, and then remove the apparatus. If you do it with a barbell, then ask someone to back you up.

  1. We place one leg on a support from behind, so that when bending, the leg standing in front has an angle of about 90 degrees at the knee or a little more. But it should not go beyond the toe.
  2. Keep your back straight. It is important here not to lean forward too much.
  3. Bend the front leg at the knee. The back leg should not touch the floor with the knee, no matter what height of support the leg stands on.
  4. Exhale and rise to the starting position and repeat.
  5. Then you need to change your leg.

It should be noted that the exercise is difficult, and at first it is better to train without weight and add it gradually.

You can try other types of lunges to see what works best for you.

Number of repetitions - from 8 to 12 on each leg, 3-4 working sets.

Barbell deadlift

Another high-impact strength exercise that will help you lose weight is the deadlift with a barbell.

The deadlift can be done in several different ways, which affects the recruitment of different leg muscles, but the abs and back are worked all the time.

Let's look at the classic version.

Exercise technique:

  1. We approach the bar so that our toes are under it.
  2. Choose the width of your feet to suit your height and comfort; place your feet approximately shoulder-width apart.
  3. Socks point straight.
  4. With a straight back, we bend over the barbell, bending our knees.
  5. You can use a different grip on the barbell; this is especially helpful on larger weights.
  6. We grab onto the middle width of the barbell and lift it off the floor with an exhalation. Slowly straighten your back and straighten your knees.
  7. Inhale and slowly lower yourself down, moving your pelvis back a little and bending your knees as necessary, and touch the barbell to the floor.
  8. Exhaling, we straighten up again.

Repeat 8–12 times, 4 approaches. To begin with, you should do 1-2 warm-up approaches with light weights. Hyperextension is also suitable for warming up - 15 repetitions, 2–3 sets. If you practice at home, try the boat exercise, borrowed from yoga. It will also effectively prepare the necessary muscles for the load.

Varieties of deadlift

There are several types of deadlift:

To pump up the abdominal muscles and lose weight in the abdominal area, we recommend paying attention to the deadlift on one leg. This is another balance exercise in which the abs are perfectly worked out.

Single leg deadlift technique:

  1. The exercise can be performed with both a barbell and dumbbells
  2. We stand straight, legs almost together.
  3. The back is straight, the shoulder blades are brought together.
  4. As you inhale, we begin to bend down, while lifting one leg up. The body and leg should be one straight line - as far as you tilt the body, you raise the leg.
  5. Bend the supporting leg slightly at the knee to keep your back straight.
  6. As you exhale, we rise up, but it’s better not to put your foot on the floor, keep it in the air, this will allow you to keep your abs tense all the time.

Perform the exercise 10–12 times on each leg, 4 working approaches.

To achieve good results in losing weight, especially when it comes to the problem area of ​​the abdomen, you need to be patient. It often happens that a person eats right and exercises regularly, loses weight, but the belly goes away slowly. This is sometimes due to the fact that visceral fat accumulates there (unlike subcutaneous fat, it is deeper and envelops the internal organs), and getting rid of it is not easy. However, it is not impossible, although it will require a little more time and effort.

Even the thinnest waist can be ruined by unsightly ridges that appear after childbirth or sudden weight gain. To get rid of them, you need to perform special exercises for the sides and abdomen, which will help tighten the ligaments and skin.

Fitness exercises without equipment

At home, it is not always possible to use special dumbbells or barbells to eliminate fat accumulations, but even without them there are quite effective exercises from the sides.

The simplest option is bending from side to side. You need to place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and extend your arms across your body. Take turns bending in different directions, while raising your free hand (which is not at an angle of inclination). The main thing is not to bend over too quickly; the muscles should tense during flexion and extension. Repeat as many times as possible, in two approaches.

In order to quickly remove fat sides, you need to combine several types of this exercise in one approach, as if creating an easy super-set. After finishing simple tilts, you need to start to slopes with turns. They will help warm up the oblique muscles.

Photo - tilts

Next, let's proceed to press. There are many options on how to pump up your stomach at home and thereby eliminate the roller. For example, you can lift the upper and lower abs in turn. Some celebrities even do both at the same time.

Photo - Side press

How to properly pump up abs for women:

  1. You need to lay an exercise mat on the floor - it will provide the necessary surface rigidity. Depending on the structure of your spine, you may need to place a pillow under your lower back;
  2. We put our hands behind our heads and begin to lift our abs;
  3. We repeat the maximum number of times, then immediately begin to raise the torso. In this case, heated ligaments give the greatest impact;
  4. Many athletes recommend doing crunches to tighten the oblique muscles of the torso and reduce the waist. It should be noted that they are not suitable for girls who want to reduce their sides. Theoretically, of course, the fat will go away, but instead you will become the owner of fairly wide muscles, which will still visually burden your waist.

Photo - Press on the lateral muscles

But at the same time, crunches are the best exercise for quickly burning excess fat on the sides. Only girls need to do them a little differently. When you lift your body, at the end point you need to tense your abs even more than they are tense at this moment. Then slowly release it and lower yourself.

For a flat stomach and round sides you simply must do leg crunches. This is a comprehensive exercise that also helps tighten the pelvis after childbirth and strengthen the front of the thigh. Starting position: on the floor with a ball or bottle sandwiched between your legs. The knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Tilt them to the sides along with the ball, trying to touch the surface of the mat.

Photo - Twisting

Since many exercises for the lateral muscles require bending and twisting, mill combines all options. This is the perfect way to round out your sides in a feminine way. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms in different directions, they should be straight, as should both knees. Bend over and start swinging your palms to the sides. Do as much as you can.

Photo – Mill

Bodyflex exercises for losing weight on the sides and lower abs can also be easily done at home. For example, the most effective of this technique is the following. You need to sit in the basic breathing position, knees bent and tucked under you, hands free. Inhale and move your left arm to the right side; as you exhale, you need to reach the maximum point of inclination and stay in this position for a while. Do the same with the other hand. In addition to a slim waist, this exercise guarantees increased flexibility in the back and legs.

This whole set of exercises for the sides will help you complete training on a gymnastic ball or fitball. She will remove all excess from the lower tummy and waist. You need to lift your body on it, jump, do push-ups. This is also a great way to quickly warm up the body before exercise.

Photo - On a gymnastic ball

Video: side exercises

Exercises in the fitness room

Of course, doing it at home is simple and pleasant, but the most effective exercises for the abdomen and sides are performed in the gym. This is explained by the huge number of different exercise machines and dumbbells. Used to quickly reduce the abdomen and sides roman chair. This simulator is designed to pump up the abs and gives much greater results than simple lifting of the body from the floor.

Photo - On a Roman chair

You need to sit on a chair and put your legs under the bolsters, while your hands hold your head so that your neck muscles do not sway instead of your abs. Begin to lift your body, making sure that the load does not transfer to the front of the thigh. Do as much as you can.

Most women have simply excellent exercises for the waist and abs with dumbbells. They help provide some weight during exercise. You can start with the smallest ones - from a kilogram to two, but you don’t need to dwell on them. Take the dumbbells in your hands and bring them to your head, they should be at ear level. To strengthen your abs and remove creases, you can swing on a Roman chair or just from a straight bench. Holding the dumbbells near your ears, lift your body up.

A good exercise that will help you get rid of fat on your sides, stomach and tighten your back muscles is vertical bends with dumbbells. The main difference between this option and the classic dumbbell row, which helps to increase the deltoids, is that it has a very small amplitude of execution. You need to take dumbbells and carry them on straight arms above your head, then bend from side to side as many times as possible.

Photo - Bent-overs with dumbbells

It is worth noting that the press is involved in almost all exercise machines and devices. Eg, squats will help comprehensively tighten the muscles of the body. They will get rid of ears, sides and sagging legs. How to squat with a barbell:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, it is recommended to place mats under the heels;
  2. The bar lies on the shoulder muscles, while inhaling we squat - while exhaling we stand up;
  3. It is very important to ensure that your knees point in different directions;
  4. Keep your back straight at all times, do not bend it, otherwise this exercise can cause harm.

Photos after squats convince that the girls did not become jocks, but acquired more sinewy and prominent muscles. It is also a good option for removing deposits in the gluteus maximus area.

Photo - Turns with a stick

Likewise bench press can be used not only to tighten the pectoral muscles, but also to develop the abdominal ligaments. Lie down on a bench, your feet should be on the floor, resting on it. As you inhale, remove the barbell from the holders and lower it to your chest, while exhaling, lift it up. Repeat up to 15 times.

And the latest exercise to restore back flexibility, thin waist and flat tummy is deadlift. This is a rather complicated but effective option to get rid of fat folds. Barbell on the floor or lower mounts, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart. We lower the barbell as we inhale until it hits the floor, and raise it as we exhale. This is also a great activity for the hamstrings and buttocks.

One of the most problematic areas of the body in people is the stomach. Active accumulation of subcutaneous fat in this area is typical for both boys and girls. By summer, you want to pump up your abs so that your waist is more clearly visible, and in this case you will need exercises to lose belly fat at home. In addition, a person should follow the correct diet so that the calories burned during training do not return.

Causes of excess belly fat

Each person normally has some fat deposits, which serve to protect internal organs, bones and is involved in some processes of hormone production. Excessive amounts are harmful to health, spoil your figure and self-esteem. The belly does not grow overnight, so this problem should be addressed in time. The following factors provoke its development:

  1. Poor metabolism (metabolism). With age, this process becomes slower (if it is not supported by exercise), which leads to poor food processing. Instead of energy, the body begins to accumulate excess weight. This problem occurs more often in women. Each person has their own metabolic rate, so some people can eat any food and not gain weight.
  2. Genetic predisposition. Scientific research proves that if you have a family of overweight people, there is a high risk that you also have a hereditary potential for weight gain.
  3. Sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. This is one of the factors that affects the slowdown of metabolism. The less physical activity you have in your life, the less calories your body spends and over time they begin to accumulate in different parts of the body.
  4. Binge eating. A person begins to gain weight when he eats more than his body spends.
  5. Incorrect posture when a person is sitting. If a person slouches, his spine is curved, the likelihood of obesity in the abdominal area increases significantly. Keep your back straight when sitting.
  6. Illness, stress. These factors become the main reasons that lead to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. The amount of cortisol in the body increases, which contributes to weight gain. Sleep apnea, breast cancer, cardiovascular pathologies, arterial hypertension, and diabetes also add inches to the waist.
  7. Weak abdominal muscles are not able to hold the internal organs in the desired position, so the stomach becomes protruded.
  8. Hormonal changes. This reason is more pronounced in women who are approaching middle age. Fat begins to grow in proportion to body weight. During menopause, the risk of accumulating extra centimeters around the waist increases. Hormones are an important part of regulating the amount of fat in the body.

Exercises for the abdomen and waist

A slim figure is the result of a balanced healthy diet and regular exercise at home or in the gym. You cannot force individual parts of the body to lose weight, so fat-burning exercises for the abdomen also affect other muscle groups. For anatomical reasons, in slow people, specific places lose weight or gain weight faster, but the principle of weight loss is the same - reducing the number of calories consumed, speeding up metabolism.

Among all the workout options for burning fat, you should choose cardio exercises. This is an option for exercising at home or outdoors, in which a high pace is maintained and the cardiovascular system works in an enhanced mode. This forces the body to consume more energy and break down nutrient reserves. Such training will speed up your metabolism, saturate the muscles and cells of the body with nutrients and oxygen. To reduce your waist and strengthen your stomach, you can do:

  • swimming;
  • riding an exercise bike at home or a bicycle;
  • Pilates;
  • fitness;
  • aerobics;
  • gymnastics;
  • football, basketball;
  • jogging in the fresh air or on a treadmill at home.

Effective exercises for the upper abs

Conventionally, the abdominal muscles are divided into upper and lower sections. The abs is one muscle and during exercises for losing weight in the abdomen at home, it is fully involved, so it is wrong to talk about training a separate part. However, there are some training options that make it easier to engage a specific area of ​​the abdominal muscles. Crunches are a popular option, here are some effective options for the upper abs:

  1. Classic option. Place a mat on the floor, lie on your back, bend your knees slightly (you should get an angle of about 30 degrees). Another person should sit on your feet. Or hook them onto a sofa or closet to secure your body position. Place your hands behind your head and clasp them together. Start to reach your chin towards your pelvis, keep in mind that you should lift using your abdominal muscles, not your lower back. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 times, over time increase this value to 30-40.
  2. With your feet up. You need to throw your legs up on a hill; a sofa, chair, or bench in the gym is suitable for this. Next, the twisting technique is completely repeated from the example described above, the number of approaches is the same.

Exercises for the lower abdomen

This part of the abdomen often worries girls, because even with low weight, the tummy begins to stick out a little. More often this happens not because of the fat layer, but because of the weakness of the abdominal muscles, which the internal organs are unable to support. By strengthening your abs at home, this protrusion will disappear. You can use the following exercise:

  1. Place a mat on the floor and lie on your back.
  2. You need to grab onto a closet, sofa or something heavy with your hands.
  3. Start lifting your straight legs up until they form 30 degrees with the floor.
  4. Lock them in this position and hold them as long as possible.
  5. Place your feet on the floor and take a short rest. Repeat this action 5-6 times.

Exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides

An important condition for reducing waist and abdominal volume is following a proper diet. It is necessary to give up fast food, fried and sweet foods, and alcohol consumption. This will help you get rid of extra pounds, and physical exercises to lose belly fat will speed up this process and give your figure an appetizing shape. In this case, you won’t be able to limit yourself to just one exercise, and in addition to the effective abdominal exercises described above, you will need to do cardio training at home.

The main task of such exercises is to maintain the heart rate at a high level for at least 20-30 minutes. Experienced athletes do cardio training for 40-60 minutes. For beginners at home, circular training is well suited, which can be performed without special equipment. Do the following exercises to lose weight in your sides and waist:

  • jumping rope for 3-4 minutes;
  • 20 side bends on each side;
  • classic crunches;
  • jumping rope again for 3-4 minutes;
  • plank exercise;
  • tilts 20 times in each direction;
  • lateral twists.

The most effective abdominal exercises

There are many different options for performing an abdominal workout. A person, as a rule, selects effective exercises for losing belly fat based on his own feelings. He performs some variations technically better, and they give good results, while others fail due to inexperience or lack of preparation. For most athletes, the following exercises have become the optimal exercises for training the abdomen and sides at home:

  • bending to the sides;
  • bar;
  • lunges with rotation;
  • vacuum.

This exercise helps strengthen the abdominal muscles without increasing their volume. This is especially useful for girls. Who want to make their stomach flat. Classic crunches are a dynamic load that increases the volume of the abs, and the bar is a static one, which only strengthens it and makes the muscle fibers more elastic. The exercise is performed at home according to the following rules:

  1. Lay out a mat and get into a push-up position.
  2. Lower yourself onto your elbows so that they are directly under your shoulders. Make sure that your back is not rounded and that your pelvis does not drop low; your body should be extended in one straight line.
  3. Beginners should remain in this position for at least 20-30 seconds and more than 1-2 minutes for advanced athletes.
  4. Repeat this exercise 3-4 times, try to constantly increase the time in a static position.

This exercise has several “modifications” - with a turn and a turn. The point is that you add inward rotation of the pelvis or turns to the sides on straightened arms to the above described option. You will not receive any additional benefit from such “improvements” and it is better to perform the exercise in its original form. In addition to the press, the plank helps to strengthen the lower back, shoulders, forearms, abs, buttocks and back of the thigh without special equipment at home.

Lunges with twists

This is a universal exercise that is aimed at working out the hips, buttocks and all parts of the abs. This is a good option if you need home workouts to lose weight on your legs and belly. You can perform it with empty hands or with additional weights (fitball, bag, pancake, dumbbell). The technique is as follows:

  1. Lunge with your foot forward, your knee should form a 90-degree angle.
  2. Place your arms at your sides and twist to the right, while keeping your pelvis in place.
  3. Lunge with your other leg and twist to the left.
  4. Repeat this movement 10-15 times.

Side bends

To lose weight, it is recommended to exercise every day in the morning, and 2-3 cardio workouts per week. One of the problem areas to work on is the lateral abdominal muscles. Keep in mind that when working with weights, there is a possibility that your muscles will increase in volume and your waist will disappear (this is important for girls). At home, you can perform side bends, which, with the correct technique, engage the oblique abdominal muscles. The technique is as follows:

  1. Feet shoulder width apart. Fold your arms and raise them above your head.
  2. Tilt your body as far as possible to the left side so that you feel a stretch in the opposite part of your body.
  3. Hold this position for 15 seconds.
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat the same for the right side.
  5. Over time, increase the fixation time from 15 seconds to 30 or more.

This method of losing weight and strengthening the abs is actively used in “bodyflex” classes. If you are looking for effective exercises for a flat stomach, then you need to try “Vacuum”. The technique is as follows:

  1. Get on all fours, with your hands on the floor.
  2. Take a deep breath, then exhale as much as possible until there is no air left at all.
  3. At this moment, pull in your stomach and tense it.
  4. Hold the position for 15-20 seconds. Make sure your vision doesn't start to go dark and your head doesn't start to spin. If such symptoms appear, stop performing and reduce the time you hold your breath.
  5. Do 4-5 such repetitions, the number can be increased over time.

Rules for performing exercises for losing belly fat at home

To obtain the desired result and effectiveness of training, you must follow some rules. Even the easiest exercises for losing belly fat require a preliminary warm-up; it is advisable to jump rope or go for a run to warm up all muscle groups in the body. This will not only prepare you for training, but will also speed up your metabolism, increase your heart rate, and the weight loss process will go faster. The following recommendations should be followed:

  • be sure to follow a diet;
  • crunches should be performed using the abdominal muscles, not the lower back;
  • you should not do more than 15-20 repetitions, otherwise you will not strengthen the muscles, but will begin to build them, which will not help you make your waist thinner;
  • After each workout, be sure to stretch;
  • conduct classes regularly, not occasionally.
