Compatibility in a relationship can be checked in different ways - using a horoscope, using fortune telling, or using the lines on your hands. One of the most reliable ways is Tarot card calculation. Using the date of birth of both partners and a deck of cards, you can calculate the nature of the relationship, the combination of two personalities and the future of their family.

Compatibility by date of birth

To calculate compatibility, you need to calculate the Tarot card that matches your union. To do this, you need to add the numbers of your own date of birth and the numbers of your partner’s date of birth. For example, you were born on September 12, 1987, and your chosen one was born on October 1. 1986.

  • 1+2+9+1+9+8+7 = 37;
  • 1+1+1+9+8+6 = 26;

Note! If the resulting numbers are greater than 22, then you need to subtract 22 from each. It turns out: 37-22 = 15; 26 – 22 = 4.

We get the number of the first lasso Tarot. Let's add these two numbers: 15+4 = 19. This is the number of the card, which gives a general description of the relationship. He also describes the atmosphere that reigns between partners in family life. In this example, this lasso is the Sun.

Second lasso shows what you will get from this relationship, how it will affect you. To get the number of the second arcana, take the summed number of your date of birth and add to it the first number received. In the example given, it would look like this: 15+19 = 34; 34-22 = 12. The twelfth lasso is the Hanged Man.

Third card shows what your partner will get from the relationship. You need to calculate the number of this lasso in the same way as shown above, only you need to take into account the number of your partner’s date of birth. Example: 4+19 = 23; 23-22 = 1 . Number 1 corresponds to the Magic card.

Fourth card will talk about the outcome of the relationship. To calculate this lasso, you need to add up all three numbers obtained: 19+12+1 = 32; 32-22 = 10 . The tenth arcana in the Tarot deck is the Wheel of Fortune.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Compatibility in a relationship and compatibility in marriage are completely different things. It happens that relationships between lovers develop well, but after official marriage everything changes dramatically.

If you want to know How will your family life turn out? with a specific person, then you need to again refer to the calculations made above. Take the first number of the lasso, which describes the general nature of the relationship, and add it with the fourth number, which describes the outcome of the relationship. Example: 19+10 = 29; 29-22 = 7 . Seven corresponds to the Arcana Chariot. By her description one should judge compatibility in marriage.

By name

A person’s name contains as many secrets and useful information as his date of birth. As in the calculation by date of birth, the result of the calculation is the definition of the lasso, which describes the nature of the relationship between two people. To calculate compatibility the letters of the name (yours and your chosen one) need to be converted into numbers.

If you want to get more accurate information, then you need to convert not only names, but also surnames and patronymics into numbers. Each number corresponds to several letters:

  • 1 – a, i, s, b;
  • 2 – b, j, t, s;
  • 3 – in, k, y, b;
  • 4 – g, l, f, e;
  • 5 – d, m, x, y;
  • 6 – e, n, c, i;
  • 7 – o, h, e;
  • 8 – f, p, w;
  • 9 – z, r, sch.

Here's an example: Anna and Yuri. We calculate the number for Anna: A – 1, N – 6, N – 6, A – 1; 1+6+6+1 = 14. We calculate the number for the name Yuri: Y – 5, R – 9, I – 1; J – 2; 5+9+1+2 = 17.

Next, we add up the resulting numbers and get the number of the lasso of compatibility: 14+17 = 31 = 31-22 = 9.

The meaning of the cards

Number 1 – Magician

Map of wisdom and experience. Good compatibility in relationships and marriage. This is a tandem of two independent and independent people who can stand up for themselves and their point of view. In such a couple, problems may arise due to the desire for leadership of both partners.

They need to learn to give in to each other in order to achieve harmony in the union. The first thing that lovers need to determine is who is boss in the house.

Number 2 – Priestess

Arcana of mystery and cunning. Poor compatibility, even at the initial stages of a relationship. There will be a constant gap between people. They are too different to understand each other. Closedness, loneliness and indifference await this couple.

Number 3 – Empress

Map of stability and family. Fate favors such a marriage. Both value family, comfort and tranquility. There will never be betrayal or lies in such a couple. This is a stable relationship in which partners will support each other.

Number 4 – Emperor

Card of the protector and father. A happy marriage will only work if the woman is ready for patriarchal relationships in the family. In this case, the man will be the breadwinner, and the woman will bear the responsibilities of housework and childcare. If one of the partners sees their relationship differently, then nothing good will come of it.

Number 5 – Hierophant

In this case, we are talking more about spiritual compatibility than physical compatibility. In such an alliance, partners will understand each other perfectly, support each other in difficult situations and speak frankly on any topic. These are two soul mates for whom nothing is impossible in terms of relationships. The only negative is the lack of passion.

Number 6 – Lovers

Compatibility in relationships is very good. Passion, romance, and a constant desire to be together are clearly evident here. As for marital compatibility, it is in question. Family relationships will be frivolous and painful. Too many disagreements await lovers due to the constant desire for personal freedom and rejection of each other’s opinions.

Number 7 – Chariot

This is instability and frequent disagreements. There is no compatibility under any circumstances. This is a union of two very different people with irreconcilable views on life. Your life partner will be like the fourth wheel on a cart.

Number 8 – Strength

Compatibility is good, this couple has the opportunity to build their future together. The only thing that can destroy a marriage is the struggle for dominance in the family. The main thing for these lovers is to decide who is boss in the house.

Number 9 – Hermit

This is a card of loneliness, melancholy and tears. The couple is incompatible. They are not interested in spending time together. There are a lot of things that separate them. This card can also indicate unrequited love.

Number 10 – Wheel of Fortune

Good compatibility. They say about such a marriage that it is successful, and that the woman (man) is lucky with her husband. In this case, we can talk about calculation and a mutually beneficial alliance; it is not for nothing that the lasso is called Fortune.

Number 11 – Justice

In this case, we are not talking about feelings at all. This is a marriage of convenience or obligation. Probably, the partners are held together by something other than love and passion. Such marriages arise, for example, when a child is born out of wedlock.

Number 12 – Hanged Man

Poor compatibility. This couple does not have a happy future. Sooner or later, the relationship will reach a dead end if the partners do not make attempts to revive feelings and start over from scratch.

Number 13 – Death

Lovers will be able to build a strong family if they are not afraid of obstacles in their life path.

Number 14 – Moderation

Good compatibility if partners look in the same direction and strive for harmony, tranquility and family comfort. Such a couple can have many children.

Number 15 – Devil

In relationships, compatibility is good. In such a couple there is passion, attraction, emotions. However, often the strength of an alliance is tested by constant disagreements, hysterics, betrayals and impulsiveness of partners. In family life, such a tandem is unlikely to have the opportunity to develop for a long time.

Number 16 – Tower

There is no compatibility at all in such a pair. These are two very different people. If, nevertheless, these people tie the knot, then in their family life only quarrels, scandals, reproaches and disagreements await them.

Number 17 – Star

Such relationships are good at a distance. This is more of a friendship than any serious feelings. With frequent meetings, lovers can quickly get tired of each other. It's not destined to be in love together.

Number 18 – Moon

The start of a relationship can be good. Passion, romance, affection and intimate conversations. But if partners hope for something more, they will be disappointed. There is no compatibility in family life. In marriage, partners will face tears, betrayals and lies.

Number 19 – Sun

Compatibility 100%. In this case, we are talking about mutual love, understanding, support and common goals. They say about such a union that it is pleasing to the Universe. In such a couple, everything happens very quickly - it is love at first sight, a quick wedding, the imminent birth of children.

Number 20 – Judgment

No compatibility. If partners get married, it’s not just like that. Tarot readers say about such a union that it is karmic. A man and a woman must learn a lesson from their relationship and correct past mistakes.

Number 21 – Peace

Excellent compatibility. A favorable union in which everything is harmonious. Lovers understand each other well, support each other in everything and give in at the right time. In addition, they are doing well in terms of physical intimacy.

Number 22 – Jester

This relationship is doomed to fail. At the beginning of a relationship, it may seem like the lovers will live a long and happy life together, but everything is not as it seems. This is a card of instability, betrayal, open relationships.

The Arcanum to which your compatibility number corresponds must be analyzed in accordance with your life situation. Sometimes, to make a more accurate prediction, you need to check compatibility in other ways.

This is a simple way to calculate compatibility between people or even a group of people. This technique can be used not only to analyze love relationships, but also to consider any partnerships - friendly, business, family, etc. This method helps to quickly draw the necessary conclusions about possible problems in the partnership and the prospects for the relationship. Of course, this is only a preliminary analysis. Here are the roughest, most general moments of relationships, but sometimes this is enough. As in any technique where Tarot cards are used, you need to approach the issue creatively, include intuition, there are no very strict rules, but to interpret the layout you need to have a good understanding of the basic archetypes of the 22 major arcana.

We take out 4 cards (A, B, C, D)

Position meaning
A is a general characteristic of the relationship that this union brings. This card describes the general compatibility between partners.

Of course, in this position it is desirable to have “good” cards, since the longevity of the alliance and its quality depend on this. Among the major arcana there are not very good cards; it is better not to have them in this position.

22 – Jester
9 – Hermit
12 – Hanged Man
13 – Death
15 – Devil
16 – Tower
18 – Moon
20 – Court

B – what the first partner will receive from this relationship, how he perceives the other.

B – what the second partner will receive from this relationship, how he perceives his other half.

G is the result of the relationship, where everything can lead. This is also a very important card.

Let's now analyze the relationship.

Princess Diana – 1.7.1961
Prince Charles – 11/14/1948

Diana's destiny number – 1+7+1+9+6+1 = 25 – 22 = 3 Empress
Charles' destiny number – 1+4+1+1+1+9+4+8 = 29 – 22 = 7 Chariot

A – 3 + 7 = 10 Fortune
B – 10 + 3 = 13 Death
B – 10 + 7 = 17 Star
G – 10 + 13 + 17 = 40 – 22 = 18 Moon.

Here's KARMA! Fortune will also indicate that money and material things play a strong role in relationships. This, by the way, is not always bad; you should always look at the other cards. And in this case they are very eloquent.

Diana gets 13 Deaths from this relationship! Firstly, this is one of the powerful indications of divorce. Secondly, this is certainly a complex relationship. Astrological correspondence of the card is Scorpio. A sign of strong, deep feelings, anxiety, danger, etc.

For Charles, this relationship is much more positive. Let's just say his star shone even brighter thanks to Diana.

The final map we see is the 18th Moon. A card with a negative connotation. From the practice of this technique, if the Moon falls out in a love relationship, then there may be interference from another woman or a strong influence from the mother. It is also a card of deception, betrayal, and betrayal. In relation to Russian reality, I’ll add – alcoholism.

You can look not only at the relationship between two people, but also at the relationship of a certain group. Here it is most interesting to consider family relationships. Many things immediately become clear. Let's look at it again with an example. This is an example from my practice.

Analysis of family relationships

Mom – 03/12/1949
Dad – 07/1/1950
Son – 08/22/1972

Mother's destiny number – 1+2+3+1+9+4+9 = 29 – 22 = 7 Chariot
Father's destiny number – 1+7+1+9+5 = 23 – 22 = 1 Magician
Son’s destiny number – 2+2+8+1+9+7+2 = 31 – 22 = 9 Hermit

The calculation method is very simple

A – add up the numbers of all members of the group – 7 + 1 + 9 = 17 Star

B – A + number of the first person – 17 + 7 = 24 – 22 = 2 Priestess (mother)
B – A + number of the second person – 17 + 1 = 18 Moon (dad)
G – A + number of the third person – 17 + 9 = 26 – 22 = 4 Emperor (son)

D – the total of all numbers – 17 + 2 + 18 + 4 = 41 – 22 = 19 Sun

The interpretation of the positions here is the same. A – general description of the union. Further, how each member of the union behaves in the group, what he receives from the group. D is the result of the relations of this group, the future.

Here the family is quite prosperous - 17 Star. The relationship is friendly and warm, although there is no particularly close emotional connection.

Mom fits into this relationship very harmoniously - 2nd Priestess. She plays the role of the mother of the family perfectly. But the father’s position is not so good - 18th Moon. The Moon is a female card, so its position here is somewhat out of place. You probably already guessed how this was expressed in reality. The father has a weak character and cannot cope with the male role in the family. There is a penchant for alcohol. There were also betrayals. And my son has 4 Emperor. The son took on the function of the man in the house, but while he was little, he behaved very impudently, did not obey, and had difficulties with his upbringing. Mom tried to take control, but this only worsened the relationship with her son. If you are interested, separately calculate the relationships in this family between son and mother, between mother and father. This will also explain a lot.

From this analysis we see that difficulties in the family are largely related to the position of the father, which is why the son behaves accordingly. This is a very interesting effect. While the son lived in the family, the parents did not divorce, although there were many attempts. But then the son himself got married and left his home. Less than a year later, my parents divorced. How to explain this, from the point of view of this technique* The final family chart is 19 Sun. She says that, despite the difficulties, the family will not fall apart. When my son left, the energy in the house changed. Mom and dad were left alone. Look at their compatibility and you will understand why the marriage fell apart. A very instructive example.

Several rules of interpretation.

1) Of course, in order to correctly interpret the forecast, you need to know the major arcana of the Tarot very well. I have already written that in each specific case there must be an individual approach. But there are some general rules.

2) The “result” and “union” cards are the most important indicators.

The “Union” map describes the main atmosphere that will reign between people in the year of interest.

The Outcome card can show the most important events of the year that will occur in partnerships.

“Union” often shows the events of the first half of the year, and “Result” - the second half of the year, how the year will end for a particular couple.

3) Maps of partners show how people will behave in partnerships throughout the year, what problems there may be. Also, how partners will treat each other, how they will feel.

4) Problem years will be those years when the following arcana appear in the paired portrait - 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 22. Especially if they are “Union” or “Result” cards. If these cards appear in the “Result”, then the relationship may end in a breakdown. But here you need to be careful, since the appearance of cards 22 Jester or 18 Moon in a marriage relationship can indicate the birth of a child!

5) Positive years will be those years when the following arcana appear in the paired portrait - 6, 7, 10, 11, 17, 19, 21. Especially if they are “Union” or “Result” cards.

6) For love relationships, the appearance of arcana - 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 17, 19, 20, 21 in the “Result” or “Union” positions can indicate marriage!

7) If a negative card appears in the “Union” position, and a positive one in the “Result” position, then the year will be tense, but the partners will not separate.

8) If a positive card appears in the “Union” position, and a negative card appears in the “Result” position, then you need to look at the partners’ cards, they will play an important role. If the partners' cards are not very good, the alliance may fall apart. If the partners' cards are positive, then there will be a critical year, but people will remain together.

9) The appearance of people’s cards may indicate interference in the relationships of other people.

1 – peers, friends, brothers, sisters
2 – mother, relatives
3 – mistress, girlfriends
4 – lover, friends (men)
5 – father, relatives (men)
9 – elderly relatives, grandparents
17 – friends
18 – women in general, mother
19 – men in general, father
20 – relatives in general
22 – child

To understand how exactly strangers will influence relationships, you need to analyze the entire situation and use your intuition.

Most often, if a man has female cards in a love union, this may indicate the appearance of a mistress. Women's cards - 2, 3, 18.

Most often, if a woman has male cards in a love union, this may indicate the appearance of a lover. Men's cards – 1, 4, 5, 19.

Common betrayal cards – 6, 15, 18!

BUT, here you need to be careful in drawing conclusions, since card 18, for example, can mean the birth of a child. And 19 for a woman can simply describe that she will be very happy in this union during a particular year or her personality will actively develop.

In a love union, if a man has masculine cards, this can also speak of marriage, that is, the man acquires the status of “husband”! The same situation is for a woman if she has female cards.

10) The birth of children often occurs when the following cards appear in the layout - 1, 2, 3, 5, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22! The strongest Significators are 18 and 22.

11) Pay attention to the appearance of karmic cards in the layout - 8, 10, 20! In any position, these cards will speak of special years. These are years of karmic processing for the union; most often they are marked by important events - marriage, birth of a child, divorce. To understand exactly how a card will play out, you need to look at the entire layout.

Cards can appear in any position, but they are most powerful in the positions of partner cards. Also, the more there are, the greater the chance of having a child this year.

The meeting of two people is predetermined at the highest level. This means whether you like it or not, this meeting will take place. What will happen next, what will your relationship be like, yes, and whether it will exist at all - it’s a matter of time. Wanting to know what a meeting with this or that person promises you, you turn to psychologists and do an analysis of your compatibility. You share with the specialist your thoughts about the person you are interested in, give him your characteristics, then do about the same thing, but about yourself. And you completely rely on the fact that a psychologist with rich life experience and medical practice will be able to tell you about the compatibility of your personalities and describe the prospects for the development of your relationship. Now let’s answer ourselves honestly, do you know your partner so well that you can give him a description. That for you there are no secrets of his behavior, what, finally, fills your partner’s thoughts. And do you know his past? Not a single person in the world can give a positive answer to these questions with a 100% guarantee. Next we’ll talk about whether you told the psychologist everything about yourself. Didn’t you have a desire to show your best side, and you simply remained silent on some questions, and were a little disingenuous on others? A psychologist is, first of all, a person like you; he will certainly draw his own conclusions. Draw your own conclusions too. What will be the analysis of the compatibility of partners when it does not contain complete sincerity of thoughts and the truth of life.

Even the dark corners of the human soul are open to maps

Perhaps, to get an answer to such an important question about compatibility, it is better for you to contact a specialist who knows how to do this and find out whether your relationship has a future. You will not need to tell the tarot reader anything, your desire to find out the truth is enough. Hold the cards in your hands, feel them, and the energy of the magical images will come into contact with your energy. Work on the description of partners has begun. It is impossible to hide the secret that lies in your subconscious, the cards will definitely point to it. And, if the cards indicate the continuation of your relationship, then you can delve a little deeper into the magical decoding of your joint actions. The cards will give you information about how you see your partner and what he really is. A compatibility chart will definitely make you look at yourself through the eyes of your partner. You just have to draw conclusions about what to change in your character or how to act in this or that case. When doing this fortune telling, be sure to clarify what kind of relationship you are interested in. Perhaps you are interested in a love relationship, but the cards will tell you about business compatibility and problems may arise. Existing layouts for partner compatibility examine both at the highest level. An analysis is made of relationships at the level of the astral body, whether your souls are compatible. A study of the mental and physical level is being carried out.

If you really want to know how your partner feels about you, be willing to hear the truth and accept it, no matter what it is. You may not recognize yourself in these cards, and then you will have doubts about their veracity. In fact, this will mean that there are contradictions between you and your subconscious that you are not taking into account. And you should pay attention to yourself and your role in compatibility with your partner.

The extent to which two people in a relationship are compatible with each other can be checked using different methods - by drawing up a horoscope, studying the lines on the palms or making calculations using Tarot cards. It should be noted that the last method is one of the most reliable. In this case, you can make two forecast options - by dates of birth of partners and by names. We will consider both of them in detail further.

Compatibility in Tarot by date of birth

This method can be used in cases where it is necessary to analyze any relationship - love, friendship, partnership, family and other types.

Using the technique, you will quickly draw the right conclusions regarding the likely difficulties that may arise in a couple, as well as about the future prospects of the relationship. At the same time, as a result, a person learns about the main “rough” moments of the relationship, although this is often enough to form an approximate picture of the future.

To calculate compatibility, you will need to stock up on a piece of paper and a pen. The classic Tarot deck will suit you best, from which you will need to remove the Major Arcana - that is, twenty-two Arcana.

To calculate compatibility, you should determine the Tarot card that matches your pair. To do this, first add up the numbers of the date of appearance of the first partner, and then the second.

For example, you were born on May 25, 1994, and your chosen one was born on April 18, 1994. Then the calculation will look like this:

  • 2+5+5+1+9+9+4= 35
  • 1+8+4+1+9+9+4= 36

Pay attention to the fact that if the resulting number is greater than twenty-two, then the number twenty-two must be subtracted from it.

It turns out: 35 - 22 =13

This gives the number of the first Tarot card. Then you will need to add both of the numbers, resulting in the number of the first card, which provides general information about the relationship. From it you can also learn about the atmosphere that reigns between lovers.

The second card will show what this relationship can give you personally, what impact it will have on you. To get the second number, take the summed number of your date of birth and add to it the first of the resulting numbers.

In our example, this calculation looks like this:

13+14 = 27; 27-22 = 5. The fifth lasso is the Hierophant.

Based on the meaning of the third card, you will learn what this union will give to your partner. The process of calculating this figure is similar to the previous method, but in this case the date of birth of a loved one is taken into account. The calculation in our case will be like this:

5+14 = 19. The number 19 corresponds to the Sun card.

And the fourth card provides information about the final outcome of the love union. To calculate it, you need to add all three resulting numbers.

Compatibility calculation by name

The name of each of us contains many mysteries, as well as useful information about the personality of its owner. Similar to the previous method of calculating compatibility by date of birth, as a result of the calculations, a map is determined that characterizes the relationship in a couple.

Compatibility by name is calculated a little differently - you will need to convert the letters of your and your lover's names into numbers. To obtain more detailed information, it is recommended to convert not only names, but also surname and patronymic into numeric format.

Each number has its own letter correspondence, namely:

  • one – the letters a, i, s, ъ correspond to it;
  • two - b, j, t, s;
  • three - in, k, y, b;
  • four – g, l, f, e;
  • five – d, m, x, y;
  • six - e, n, c, i;
  • seven - o, h, e;
  • eight - f, p, w;
  • nine - z, r, sch.

Let's look at a specific example using the names Irina and Dmitry.

Let's calculate the number for Irina:

I (1) + P (9) + I (1) + N (6) + A (1) = 18

Now let's calculate the number for Dmitry:

D (5) + M (5) + I (1) + T (2) + P (9) + I (1) + Y (2) = 25

Then we need to add the resulting numerical values ​​and we get the number of the compatibility card: 18+25 =43. In this case, do not forget to subtract another number 22 and we end up with: 43 – 22 = 21.

This means that the 21st lasso is responsible for the compatibility of this pair, after reading the meaning of which we will find out the further fate of this relationship.

The meaning of the arcana

Unit – Mage

Arcanum indicates wisdom and experience. The partners are well compatible with each other, they are both independent and self-sufficient, capable of defending their opinions. The only negative is that in such an alliance a struggle for leadership may begin. It is important for lovers to make mutual concessions and compromises in order to achieve a harmonious state.

Two - Priestess

A very mysterious and difficult card. People are poorly compatible with each other even in the initial phase of a relationship; in the future they will constantly be separated by a huge invisible chasm. These are two completely different personalities who find it difficult to understand each other.

Troika – Empress

The lasso indicates stability and family values. This marriage will be approved from above; both lovers put family, comfort and peace of mind first. They will never betray each other or lie; there is mutual support and stability in their relationship.

Four - Emperor

Associated with protector and father. This couple has a chance for a happy relationship, but only under the condition of patriarchy: the man will provide food for the family, and the woman will look after the household and children. Otherwise, nothing will work.

Five – Hierophant

People have fairly good compatibility, but it is more spiritual than physical. In this couple, the lovers understand each other remarkably well, provide mutual support in difficult situations and communicate openly on various topics. This is truly a union of kindred souls, the fly in the ointment of which is only absent passion.

Six - Lovers

The couple is characterized by a good degree of compatibility. Such relationships are based on passion, romance, and a constant desire to be together. But if we consider the prospect of family relationships, it is not very positive - marriage will be frivolous and difficult due to strong disagreements between partners due to a craving for freedom and rejection of mutual opinions.

Seven – Chariot

In such an alliance, lack of stability and constant disagreements will become eternal companions. There is no compatibility. People are too different from each other and do not accept each other’s life positions.

Eight – Strength

The union has good compatibility, the chances of creating a successful marriage are real. The only nuance that can cause difficulties is the battle for the role of leader in the relationship.

Nine – Hermit

The lasso is associated with loneliness, melancholy and tears. Unfortunately, there is no compatibility in such an alliance, since people do not have common interests. The Hermit card can also tell about an unrequited feeling.

Ten – Wheel of Fortune

Compatibility level is high. Such people have successful marriages, in which they say that one of the partners is lucky with his husband (wife). A mutually beneficial alliance is possible here.

Eleven – Justice

In such a union, we don’t talk about feelings at all. This is either a relationship for reasons of calculation, or when people are bound by obligations to each other. Partners are connected not by a feeling of love or passion, but by something else.

Twelve – Hanged Man

A man and a woman are poorly compatible; they have no prospects for a happy future. Over time, the relationship will reach a dead end if both partners decide to start all over again.

Thirteen – Death

It is quite possible to build a strong family, but on the condition that people are not confused by life’s obstacles encountered on the road of life.

Fourteen – Moderation

A good option for compatibility, provided that both lovers move in the same direction and dream of harmony, tranquility and family comfort. This couple can have many children.

Fifteen - Devil

Despite the frightening name of the arcana, in such relationships the level of compatibility is quite high. Both partners are overcome by passion, a strong attraction to each other. But at the same time, the strength of the union is constantly tested by quarrels, betrayals, disagreements, and hysterics. It is unlikely that such a union will have a long-term perspective in marriage.

Sixteen – Tower

There is no compatibility at all, the partners are so different that even if they manage to enter into a marriage, family life for them will be filled with constant quarrels, scandals, reproaches and contradictions.

Seventeen - Star

Such relationships are possible, but only if they take place at a distance. In this case, we can rather talk about a friendly connection than about any serious feelings. If lovers see each other often, they will quickly tire of each other; they are not destined to be together.

Eighteen – Moon

At the initial stage of a relationship, everything can be very good: people become attached to each other with passion, romance, affection and intimate conversations. However, in anything more, the partners will be greatly disappointed, since in matters of marriage they are not very compatible with each other, which is why they will face betrayal, lies and tears.

Nineteen – Sun

In this case, we can talk about 100% compatibility between people, strong mutual feelings. The couple has support, understanding and common goals. Such a union is approved by the Higher Powers. Relationships are characterized by a very quick start - love at first sight, quick marriage and the appearance of offspring.

Twenty - Judgment

There is no compatibility. And if a marriage does take place, then it is rather karmic: both partners must learn the necessary lesson from the relationship in order to correct their mistakes of the past.

Twenty One - Peace

In this pair, the lovers are perfectly compatible with each other, the relationship is very harmonious, based on mutual understanding, support and concessions, plus they are ideal for each other in an intimate sense.

Twenty-two – Jester

The relationship will most likely fall apart. They lack stability, there is a very high risk of betrayal, and “open relationships” are possible.

Please note that when analyzing the card that corresponds to your compatibility number, you also need to take into account your life situation. In some cases, you may need to check compatibility using other methods.

Finally, watch the topical video:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Compatibility by date of birth.

First you need to find the personal lasso of each partner. Let's look at the example of Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller (her last husband).

MM. 06/01/1926

A.M. 10/17/1915

We add up all the numbers of the birth date of each partner, if the final number is more than 22, then we subtract 22 from the resulting number and write down what we get:

01.06.1926= 1+6+1+9+2+6=25-22=3

17.10.1915= 1+7+1+1+9+1+5=25-22=3

We receive a personal Tarot lasso for each partner. One of the main cards in the fate of every person, it describes the essence of a person, what he is mostly focused on. You can see what it means. We will also use this to determine the compatibility of partners.

1) The next step is to calculate the general characteristics of the relationship, what this union brings, the general compatibility between the partners, how good and interesting they will be with each other. What energies will prevail in the union. We add up the personal arcana of the partners as follows:

1)3+3=6 (Arcanum Lovers)

2) The next step is to calculate the lasso, which will indicate what the first partner will receive in this relationship. We add the lasso that turned out to be in position No. 1 and the personal lasso of the first partner, as follows:

2)6+3=9 (Arcanum the Hermit)

3) The next step is to calculate the lasso, which will indicate what the second partner will receive in this relationship. We add the lasso that turned out to be in position No. 1 and the personal lasso of the second partner, as follows:

3) 6+3=9 (Arcanum the Hermit)

4) The next step is to calculate the outcome of the relationship, what the union can lead to. We add all the numbers obtained in position 1;2;3:

4) 6+9+9=24-22=2 (Arcanum Priestess).

After we have calculated all the positions, we begin the analysis.

Let's look at all 4 positions. What are the arcana and what do they talk about? If the arcana are favorable in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions, and unfavorable in the 4th, then the union can exist happily ever after. If the first three positions have unfavorable arcana, but in the end a favorable one comes out, then most likely this union will collapse. We look at the meaning of the arcana and connect our intuition.

Let's look at what we got and the characteristics of the union of Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller.

1) The Arcanum of Lovers says that at the beginning of the union, people were overcome by very strong feelings, desire, love, a storm of emotions. If the 6th lasso is not supported by any stable arcana, then we can immediately tick off that these are superficial feelings and after the initial euphoria in the relationship passes, the union may crack. In this alliance, there are no lassos in the 2nd and 3rd positions that would secure the initial interest of the partners.

2) Arcanum the Hermit in the second position and in the third, says that people in the union felt very lonely, they did not find understanding in each other, only coldness and a desire for warmth, love and intimacy, but in this union people could not give this to each other.

3) Arcanum the Hermit - See 2nd position

4) Arcanum Priestess is a cold, detached, passive card, people are closed from each other, immersed in themselves, they do not conflict, but everyone is on their own, there is no manifestation of any feelings.

The union of Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller was just that. Their romance developed quite quickly, and at the beginning of the relationship they were as happy as children, they quickly got married, as evidenced by the arcana of Lovers, but very quickly the emotions passed. Marilyn, falling into endless depression, did not receive support from Arthur, he realized that it was impossible to live next to Marilyn, in his diary he wrote: “Looking at Marilyn, I feel like the smell of rotten fish hits my nose.”. They become strangers to each other, as Arkan the Hermit says. Their marriage lasted 4 years and they divorced.

By making simple calculations based on dates of birth, you can find out how favorable your union is.

Favorable Relationships: 1, 3, 5, 19, 21

Unfavorable Relationships: 22(0), 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20

Neutral, depends on other positions: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14

Jester 0 (22) - Unfavorable alliance. Arkan speaks of change, independence and unpredictability. Not a stable relationship. One of the partners may behave carelessly, not care about the other, not take responsibility, and generally not consider that he owes anyone anything. Arcana the Fool speaks of unlimited freedom, which is not very acceptable for relationships, unless you are a supporter of open relationships. This lasso indicates a relationship without obligations, easy meetings, free communication, fun time, but a serious relationship is unlikely here, although on this lasso people can be together, but this cannot be called a serious and stable relationship.

Mage 1- Favorable union. In a relationship, there may be an informal struggle for leadership (or perhaps a formal one). Quarrels, scandals, showdowns against the background of who is in charge. Relationships may not continue, people may break up due to the fact that everyone in the relationship thinks only about themselves, selfishness, self-confidence, not caring about their partner, but thinking only about their own interests. But if one of the partners is wiser and learns to give in, the relationship can be quite long.

Priestess 2 – Not a favorable alliance. Map of coldness, closedness. In relationships, people will be closed from each other, immersed in themselves. They may not conflict, but everyone will be on their own, and it will be difficult to achieve mutual understanding and warmth in the relationship. It is rather detachment, the union is not favorable.

Empress 3 - A very favorable union. Relations are warm, good, people love each other, support, and care. People will feel comfortable together. These are caring, devotion, dedication, deep affection, passion, a selfless thirst for unity and the desire to have a child.

Emperor 4– Neutral alliance, depends on other surrounding cards. On the one hand, a good, reliable, stable relationship in which a man can play the dominant role. On the other hand, relationships can be too formal and standardized, which can turn into boredom and life according to a schedule, without any improvisation and pronounced emotional warmth.

Priest 5- Favorable lasso. It is more responsible for intellectual relationships, it says that people are interested in each other, have something to talk about, and from this they draw energy. They are attractive to each other, there is spiritual intimacy or friendship between people. There may be no passion in a relationship, but people are interested in being together. It can also indicate that there is an age difference in the couple, one person is more experienced than the other.

Lovers 6 – Neutral alliance. Despite the fact that the card speaks of a very emotional relationship, when people enjoy being together, the card often shows someone else in the relationship. There is a great temptation for a third person to appear on either side. That is, relationships can develop very rapidly and passionately, but have a certain superficiality, instability and ultimately separation. If the surrounding cards are stable and strong, then separation can be avoided.

Chariot 7– Neutral alliance, depends on the surrounding cards. If all three previous positions are strong and stable, then there can be a relationship, but if the other positions are not very positive, then the lasso indicates that the relationship is not stable and not serious. This could be a guest marriage, for example, when people do not live together, but only meet occasionally, or the relationship itself is fleeting, for some period of time.

Strength 8- Neutral alliance, again depends on the surrounding cards. Talks about the struggle between a man and a woman. There is passion and interest in the relationship, but both partners have a strong character and ambitions, both dominate, each wants to subjugate the other and direct the relationship according to their own scenario. If people do not learn to find a compromise and correctly distribute roles, then the union may fail.

Hermit 9- Not a favorable union. People in such relationships can even get married (as I described in the example above), but this marriage will not last long, since people do not find a common language, there is no understanding, warmth and intimacy between them, or this is not shared love. They will not be interested in being together, bored, find it difficult to find common topics for conversation, etc. There is no relationship or mutual understanding.

Wheel of fortune 10 – Neutral alliance. Can be both good and bad. The Wheel of Fortune may indicate a marriage of convenience, when financial status plays a large role in the relationship. But most often, if this lasso comes out in the 4th position, then it will be very difficult to bring this relationship to marriage. The union is not stable, not reliable.

Justice 11 – Neutral alliance. There may be a relationship, but what nature it is is another question. People can live together, fulfilling their duty, having some common responsibilities. Partners can contact, communicate, but the card is not connected with emotions, the relationship is more of a calculation (for example, the correctness of a partner, not necessarily a material calculation, which is also not excluded), of obligations, but not of love.

Hanged Man 12 – An unfavorable alliance, although there may be relationships on this lasso, but just what kind is another question. Surrounding cards have a great influence. As a rule, relationships are complex, have no development, relationships that have reached a dead end. Because people don’t quite understand what to do next with these relationships, what kind of future they have. At some point, an understanding comes that something else is needed, that this relationship is not what we would like and people break up, but there are cases when all this drags on for a very long time and the relationship reaches another level (not without the help of the people themselves), but more often than not, separation .

Death 13- Unfavorable alliance. Indicates instability in relationships. If all the other arcana are favorable, then this arcana indicates that the couple will experience a difficult stage, after which the relationship will reach another, new level and transform. If the other arcana are not favorable, then such a union will not exist.

Moderation 14 – Neutral alliance. Calm, even relationships, more often on this lasso there are relationships than not. There are feelings in such a union, they are calm, measured, people understand each other, there is no brightness in feelings, rather a balance of understanding and a comfortable state, respect, common goals. People are in balance between reason and feelings. Quiet, peaceful happiness without passion.

Devil 15- Unfavorable alliance. Relationships are not simple, if this lasso comes out in the 4th position, it says that relationships can be between people, but these are very difficult relationships, when people are together they torment each other, but even after parting they are drawn to each other. In general, the 15th lasso shows relationships where people are attached to each other, for common affairs, children, etc., i.e. people can have a connection (in the form of children, financial burdens, a meeting of a sexual nature), but not be in a relationship. Heavy attachment, desire to subjugate, possess, control. Relationships happen.

Tower 16- Unfavorable alliance. Partings, divorces, quarrels, misunderstandings, conflicts. There are no points of contact, no opportunity to find a common language, people are different in everything - education, position, morality, etc. Suffering for one’s arrogance, a map of dependence on the opinions of other people, which can also not have a beneficial effect on the union.

Star 17– Neutral alliance. The relationship can be friendly and warm, although there is no special close emotional connection. There may be a relationship, but in this union one of the partners or both may not be free, or they may be separated by distance.

Moon 18- Unfavorable alliance. In relationships there is a lot of incompleteness, lack of understanding, lies, and betrayals. There are many temptations that negatively affect the union. And in general, the relationship may not look clear, it is not clear whether it is a relationship, or whether they just “came to visit,” there is a lot of pain and understanding.

Sun 19- Favorable union. Good compatibility; partners in such an alliance can both be satisfied. The relationship is clear, honest, transparent, there is no agreement. This lasso can indicate the speed of development of relationships, very dynamic and rapid development of relationships, for example, people met and quickly began to live together, got married, had children and will end just as quickly. Or this lasso may indicate that people in this relationship will discover a lot of new things.

Court 20- Unfavorable alliance. If we talk about relationships, then there will be no relationships on this lasso. But these are karmic relationships, that is, people had to meet and learn some kind of lesson. They are doomed to parting, this is getting rid of ballast, rebirth. And rebirth can only happen after the old one dies. Tense, problematic relationships.

World 21- Favorable union. People fit each other perfectly, they suit each other in everything, they are comfortable together and don’t need anyone else. Harmonious, cozy, warm relationship. People are on 7th heaven.