Library lesson-presentation “History of world libraries. History of the Central State Public Library named after. M. Gorky"

Audience: 5th grade of secondary school No. 1.

Goal: to give students systematic knowledge of the basics of the history of libraries in the world and the Central City Public Library named after. M. Gorky, Konstantinovka, Donetsk region.

Equipment: computer or laptop.

(At the beginning of the lesson, an audio recording of the “fanfare” from O. Gurtova’s song to the words of T. Prigozhin “Song about Readers” performed by BDH is turned on.)

Dear Guys! Today we will take you on a fascinating virtual journey into the history of libraries around the world. But first, we will all try to remember the basic rules for handling books. And a fun, humorous blitz tournament “So that the book lives longer...” will help us with this.

(A blitz tournament is being held - see appendix)

Well done boys! Now I am sure that you know how to use books carefully and wisely. And now - the promised journey “deep into the centuries.”

(The presentation “History of World Libraries: From Antiquity to the Present Day” is shown; a short story is heard in the background of the slides).

Libraries first appeared in the ancient East. Usually the first library is called a collection of clay tablets, approximately 2500 BC. e., found in the temple of the Babylonian city of Nippur. In one of the tombs near Egyptian Thebes, a box with papyri from the II transition period (XVIII-XVII centuries BC) was discovered. During the New Kingdom era, Ramesses II collected about 20,000 papyri. The most famous ancient Eastern library is a collection of cuneiform tablets from the palace of the Assyrian king of the 7th century BC. e. Ashurbanipal in Nineveh. The main part of the signs contains legal information. In ancient Greece, the first public library was founded in Heraclea by the tyrant Clearchus (IV century BC). The Library of Alexandria became the largest center of ancient books. It was created in the 3rd century BC. e. Ptolemy I and was the center of education of the entire Hellenistic world. The Library of Alexandria was part of the mouseĩon (museum) complex. The complex included living rooms, dining rooms, reading rooms, botanical and zoological gardens, an observatory and a library. Later, medical and astronomical instruments, stuffed animals, statues and busts were added and used for teaching. Mouseĩon included 200,000 papyri in the Temple (almost all libraries of antiquity were attached to temples) and 700,000 documents in the School. The museum and most of the Library of Alexandria were destroyed around 270 AD.

In the Middle Ages, centers of book learning were monastery libraries, which operated scriptoria. Not only the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the Church Fathers, but also the works of ancient authors were copied there. During the Renaissance, Renaissance figures literally hunted for Greek and Latin texts preserved in monasteries. Due to the enormous cost of manuscripts and the laboriousness of their production, books were chained to library shelves. To this day, there is an ancient library of the monastery of St. Floriana, Austria. There are about 30,000 books in its premises. The advent of printing brought enormous changes to the appearance and activities of libraries, which were now increasingly different from archives. Library collections are beginning to grow rapidly. With the spread of literacy in modern times, the number of library visitors also increases. In total, today there are approximately 130 million book titles in libraries.

No less interesting is the history of our Konstantinovskaya Central City Public Library named after M. Gorky.

(The presentation “Our city library is our history is shown! The Central City Public Library named after M. Gorky is 70 years old!”)

And at the end of our lesson with you, we will watch a video together in which you will see and hear a lot of interesting things about the most unusual and beautiful libraries of the modern world and Ukraine.

(The video “Libraries of the World” is shown

So, in our lesson you learned a lot of interesting things about the past and future of libraries - the guardians of human wisdom. But remember – the world of new knowledge and useful skills is far from exhausted, and our subsequent classes will help you master them! See you again, young friends!

Libraries of antiquity Completed by students of class 2 “B” “Books are compressed time” Marietta Shaginyan

Introduction In ancient history, there are many large libraries known that were collected by the rulers of the great ancient states in order to preserve the most valuable information from the knowledge accumulated by previous civilizations for the benefit of future generations. However, the vast majority of books from these archives are now considered irretrievably lost.

What is a library? A library is a cultural, educational and scientific auxiliary institution that organizes the public use of printed works. Libraries systematically collect, store, promote and issue printed works to readers, as well as information and bibliographic work.

The library of Pharaoh Ramses 11 is considered one of the most ancient. It was above its entrance, trimmed in gold, that the inscription “Pharmacy for the Soul” was carved. Founded around 1300 BC. near the city of Thebes, she kept papyrus books in boxes, clay jars, and later in wall niches. They were used by pharaohs, priests, scribes, and officials. They were inaccessible to the common population.

The first libraries appeared in the first millennium BC in the ancient East. According to history, the very first library is considered to be a collection of clay tablets dating back to approximately 2500 BC. BC, discovered in the temple of the Babylonian city of Nippur (present-day Iraq). This collection of books was located in 70 huge rooms and consisted of up to 60 thousand clay tablets, on which texts containing information about religious events (for example, the tale of the Great Flood), lyrics to deities, legends and myths about the emergence of civilization, were recognized. various fables, sayings and proverbs. Each of the books had labels with inscriptions about the content: “Healing”, “History”, “Statistics”, “Cultivation of plants”, “Description of the area” and others.

Library found during excavations in the city of Nippur

Nineveh Fireproof Library The city of Nineveh was still known from the Bible, and was discovered only in 1846 by G. Layard, an English lawyer who accidentally found several tablets from the Nineveh Library. Visitors were greeted by the inscription: “The palace of Ashurbanipal, king of the world, king of Assyria, to whom the great gods gave ears to hear, and open eyes to see, which represents the essence of government. This wedge-shaped letter I wrote on the tiles, I numbered them, I put them in order, I placed them in my palace for the instruction of my subjects."

The library of Nineveh contained on the clay pages of its books everything that was rich in the cultures of Sumer and Akkad. The Books of Clay told the world that the wise mathematicians of Babylon did not limit themselves to four arithmetic operations. They calculated percentages, knew how to measure the area of ​​various geometric shapes, they had their own multiplication table, they knew squaring and extracting square roots. The modern seven-day week was also born in Mesopotamia, where the foundation of modern astronomy concepts about the structure and development of celestial bodies was laid. The books were kept in strict order. At the bottom of each plate was the full title of the book, and next to it was the page number. The library also had a catalog in which the title, number of lines, and the branch of knowledge to which the book belonged were recorded. Finding the right book was not difficult: a small clay tag with the name of the department was attached to each shelf - just like in modern libraries.

Library of Nineveh

In ancient Greece, the first public library was founded in Heraclea by the tyrant Clearchus (IV century BC).

The largest and most famous library of antiquity, the Alexandrian library, was founded in the 111th century BC.

Libraries of Ancient Rus' The first library in Rus' was founded in the city of Kyiv in 1037 by the Kyiv prince Yaroslav the Wise. Books for the library were also bought from other countries. The prince placed some of these books in the Church of St. Sophia, founding the first library. The first library in Rus', created in this way in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, grew and was enriched with book treasures in subsequent years.

Library of the Church of St. Pieters (Netherlands)

Library of the monastery in Waldsassen (Germany)

British Museum Library (London)

Conclusion Libraries began to be created by the kings of the ancient kingdoms. Legends tell of stunning libraries of the Ancient World, such as the library of the Assyrian Kingdom, the Babylonian Kingdom, the Library of Thebes in Ancient Egypt, the Ancient Greek and Roman Libraries, and the famous Library of Alexandria. Every city has its own library and every country has its own State National Library. And no matter in what form books exist - on papyri or CD-roms - their repositories - libraries - have always been, are and will be needed by humanity!

The history of libraries. Libraries first appeared in the ancient East. Usually the first library is called a collection of clay tablets, approximately 2500 BC. e., found in the temple of the Babylonian city of Nippur. In one of the tombs near Egyptian Thebes, a box with papyri from the II transition period (XVIII - XVII centuries BC) was discovered. During the New Kingdom era, Ramesses II collected about 20,000 papyri. The most famous ancient Eastern library is a collection of cuneiform tablets from the palace of the Assyrian king of the 7th century BC. e. Ashurbanipal in Nineveh. The main part of the signs contains legal information. In ancient Greece, the first public library was founded in Heraclea by the tyrant Clearchus (IV century BC). The Library of Alexandria became the largest center of ancient books. It was created in the 3rd century BC. e. Ptolemy I and was the center of education of the entire Hellenistic world. The Library of Alexandria was part of the mouse?on (museum) complex. The complex included living rooms, dining rooms, reading rooms, botanical and zoological gardens, an observatory and a library. Later, medical and astronomical instruments, stuffed animals, statues and busts were added and used for teaching. Mouse?on included 200,000 papyri in the Temple (almost all libraries of antiquity were attached to temples) and 700,000 documents in the School. The museum and most of the Library of Alexandria were destroyed around 270 AD. In the Middle Ages, centers of book learning were monastery libraries, which operated scriptoria. Not only the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the Church Fathers, but also the works of ancient authors were copied there. During the Renaissance, Renaissance figures literally hunted for Greek and Latin texts preserved in monasteries. Due to the enormous cost of manuscripts and the laboriousness of their production, books were chained to library shelves. The advent of printing brought about enormous changes in the appearance and activities of libraries, which were now increasingly different from archives. Library collections are beginning to grow rapidly. With the spread of literacy in modern times, the number of library visitors also increases. In total, today there are approximately 130 million book titles in libraries (according to Google). 11/10/2015. 3.

Slide 3 from the presentation “How the library appeared”

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Systematic catalogue. Card catalog. Systematic catalog card. Digital catalogue. The word "catalog". Systematic card index of articles. A new book. Alphabetical catalogue. The book entered the library collection. Subject index. Card indexes. Search navigator. What is a directory? Index card. Catalog. Systematic catalogues. Book code. Main branch divisions of LBC. Catalog of books.

“Design of a school library” - We will see lush forests. A tour of library design. Readers. Ecological design. Library. School library design. Reading room. Lobby. Design. Museum. Libraries. Revival. In the 21st century, more and more information is stored electronically. Storage. Assembly Hall. Modern computer. Modern library buildings.

"Famous Librarians" - Langlade. Library in the lives of famous people. Libraries. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Ivan Andreevich Krylov. Mikhail Nikolaevich Zagoskin. The profession of a librarian. Stereotypical opinion. Jorge Luis Borges. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin. Oscar Wilde. Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky. Jacob Grimm. Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky. Anton Antonovich Delvig. Denis Diderot.

“Bibliographic KVN” - V.I. Mezhov. Organic chemistry. Make a list. Story. Lists of references. Bibliographic records. Writers' names. Name the bibliography logo. Catalog. N.A. Rubakin. Fate. Book code. Bookman. What is SBA. What are bibliographic indexes? Bibliographic KVN. Bibliographic indexes. Book indexes. What can you find out using a systematic catalogue? Which of these publications can be read selectively?

“Russian State Youth Library” - Hall of natural science and technical literature. Information service on youth issues. Alphabetical catalog of the library. Hall of Literature on Social Sciences. A modern library for modern youth. Library internal website. Leisure reading room. Wireless access. Technologies. Specialized information and educational services. All citizens over 14 years of age can be Library readers.

“Library service for readers” - Electronic collections and libraries. Today and tomorrow. Library. Search and receive a publication. Testing grants. Social media. Electronic delivery and scanning. Magazines. Librarians. Book return station. Areas of library and information services for readers. The task of carrying out book distribution. The problem of today. The main activities of the library. RFID technology.

  • Presentation is prepared by

  • 6th grade students of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 11:

  • Petrova Sveta,

  • Smirnov Igor,

  • Kuzmin Danila,

  • Smirnova Polina

  • History has not preserved detailed information about ancient libraries, but from the small fragments that modern scientists have, one can get an idea of ​​the most ancient book collections.

    It is known that for the first time written works began to be collected in Ancient Egypt, where over 3500 years ago there was a repository of papyri. There were libraries at temples, and the walls of the temple often served as a kind of library catalogue: a list of books (papyrus scrolls) that the temple library had was recorded on them. Usually, at the temple, along with the library, there were schools of scribes and workshops for copying books.

        • The most famous ancient Egyptian library belonged to Pharaoh Ramesses II, it was called “Pharmacy for the Soul”.

  • A large library was found during excavations in the city of NIPPURA (the territory of modern Iraq) - the ancient religious center of the Sumerians. The temple library was located in 62 rooms, where more than one hundred thousand clay tablets were found.

  • Some of the tablets found in Sumerian libraries were kept in closed boxes or baskets. Each of them had labels with inscriptions about the nature of the materials they contain: “Medicine”, “History”, “Statistics”, “Documents relating to the garden”, “Sending workers” and others.

The most famous library of Assyria is a collection of numerous cuneiform tablets found during excavations of the capital of the state of Nineveh in the palace of King Ashurbanipal (669 - 633 BC).

  • As a child, the future ruler of Assyria learned to read and write, which he himself told about, not without pride, in one of the clay books. He loved to read and enjoyed collecting books from all over the country. And when he became king, he decided to create a large library

    However, it is customary to begin the history of libraries from a later period - from the time of their appearance in Ancient Greece, where the word “LIBRARY” itself arose (“bibliotheke” - “biblion” - book, “teke” - storage, receptacle). The first mention of libraries in Greece dates back to the 6th century BC. In Ancient Greece, remarkable educational institutions developed - the Academy, founded by the philosopher Plato, and a school in the Athenian quarter of Lyceum, which became known as Lyceum. (These names gave names to academies and lyceums of later centuries). Schools had large libraries for classes, school teachers also collected their own, for example, Aristotle, who lectured at the Academy and Lyceum, collected 40,000 scrolls.

Libraries of Ancient Rus'

  • The appearance of libraries in Rus' is associated with the emergence on the territory of our country of the ancient Russian state - Kievan Rus.

    The first library of Ancient Rus' known to historians was founded in 1037 by Yaroslav the Wise at the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. In the 11th-12th centuries. libraries appeared at monasteries and cathedrals in Novgorod, Chernigov, Vladimir. In the 15th-17th centuries. In Moscow, the Patriarchal Library, the library of the Ambassadorial and Apothecary Prikaz, palace libraries, private book collections of major boyars appeared, and the libraries of the Trinity-Sergius, Solovetsky, and Belozersky monasteries expanded.

Check yourself:

  • Where was the most famous library of antiquity located?

  • Dr. Egypt

  • Dr. Greece

  • Who did it belong to?

  • Ramses II

  • Cheops

  • What books were kept in Ashurbanipal's library?

  • Wooden

  • Clay

  • What are the roots of the word “library”?

  • Sumerian

  • Greek

  • Who and when was the first library of Ancient Rus' founded?

  • Yaroslav the Wise - in Kyiv

  • Ivan the Terrible - in Moscow


  • Back


  • Back

Main conclusion:

  • The entire history of the development of the human mind is connected with books,

  • with the library.

  • The importance of libraries, which were educational institutions, book workshops, and “book depositories,” is enormous: they saved and preserved for us the most valuable monuments of human culture.

  • The history of libraries known to people goes back more than 3.5 thousand years.

  • Today, libraries, as in all times, serve people. There are 14 city and more than 20 school libraries in our city. Many libraries are equipped with computers and the Internet.

  • Research conducted by the children's library has shown that the number of certificates issued to readers from books and magazines significantly exceeds the number of certificates on digital media.


          • Glukhov A.G. The fate of ancient libraries. - M., 1992
          • Kashurnikova T.M. Miracle. The name of which is a book. – M., 2006
          • Encyclopedia for children. T.5. Part 2. Russian history. – M., 1997.