The article will discuss the procedure for renting an apartment. What types of rentals exist, what are the responsibilities of the tenant, and how to rent an apartment so as not to be deceived - further.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Many people are faced with renting a home. Some people want to rent an apartment for a long time, others - for a few days. What should you pay attention to when renting a home to avoid being scammed?

What you need to know

The minimum period for which you are allowed to rent a house is 1 day (or even a couple of hours), the maximum is 1 year.

Advantages of a rented apartment:

Before renting an apartment, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Only its owner has the right to rent out housing;
  • a low price should alert you - this could be a trap for scammers;
  • the requirement to pay a deposit for an apartment is an indicator that the tenant may be deceived.

The sequence of actions when renting housing is as follows:

Checking documents that confirm ownership of the apartment It is not the originals that need to be inspected, but the originals - a copy is easy to forge. This includes or, a certificate of ownership, extracts from the Unified State Register
Checking the owner's passport You can make a photocopy of your passport or take a photo with your phone. You should pay attention to personal data - they must be the same as in the title documentation
Inquire about the legal marriage of the owner If the marriage is registered, then housing could be acquired jointly. In this case you will need . It must be certified by a notary
Ask for a house register and a certificate of family composition Registered family members have the right to use the apartment. You can discuss this fact in advance and ask them not to enter the property while it is being rented.
Talk to neighbors Collecting information about the owners

  • carefully read the terms of the agreement and check the data in the contract and the hosts’ passport;
  • require a receipt for each payment;
  • Don’t trust low prices;
  • take care of the property of the apartment - in case of damage you will have to pay for it.

You can rent an apartment yourself or through intermediaries. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Information about apartments for rent can be found on the Internet, from newspapers, or from advertisements. When looking for housing, you may encounter the following risks:

In order not to be deceived, when renting a home you need to fill out a number of documents:

Risks cannot be completely avoided; there are chances to minimize them.

Basic Concepts

Types of rental

Housing rentals can be long-term or short-term. In the first case, the agreement is concluded for several months or years.

The advantages of such a rental are:

For short-term rentals, the apartment is rented from 1 day to 1 year. The cost for rent is higher than for long-term.

The legislative framework

The term "lease" was introduced in. The relations of the parties to the lease agreement are also regulated here.

The terms of a short-term rental agreement are described.

In accordance with, the lease agreement must be drawn up in writing in 2 copies. The conditions for renting housing are provided.

provides for mandatory registration of the agreement:

  • if the agreement is concluded for a period of 1 year and one of the parties is a legal entity;
  • if the agreement provides for the subsequent purchase of housing.

Features of renting housing

Features of renting housing through agencies:

  • payment must be made only for those services that have already been provided;
  • There is no need to make an advance payment;
  • the agent’s details and signature must be on each copy of the agreement;
  • carefully study the terms of the contract, sign it only after reading all the points;
  • use the services of trusted agencies.

To rent an apartment inexpensively, it is better not to resort to the help of intermediaries. You can look for housing either on your own or through special agencies.

Is an agreement required?

The existence of an agreement is a guarantee for both the homeowner and the tenant. The agreement must indicate:

  • personal data of the lessor according to the passport;
  • monthly amount;
  • housing inspection conditions and frequency;
  • apartment delivery date;
  • conditions for termination of the contract.

The contract details the location of the housing, the number of rooms, what floor, etc. There is no standard form, it is compiled in any form, in 2 copies.

By mutual agreement, the parties may introduce other conditions and clauses. You can draw up the document by hand or print it.

There is no need to register the agreement. According to the agreement, the tenant and the landlord have rights and obligations that must be fulfilled.

The owner of the property must provide the apartment on time, communications must be normal. The tenant is obliged to pay rent on time and keep the apartment clean.

The agreement may be terminated at any time. The grounds are the emergency condition of the apartment, use of housing for other purposes, damage, non-payment of rent.

Cooperation with the agency

There are both positive and negative aspects to working with realtors. Advantages:

  • fast work and considerable experience;
  • guarantee of transaction security;
  • the rental price is fixed;
  • less chance of falling for scammers;
  • agents will select the appropriate option;
  • saving time.

The disadvantages are the presence of additional payments and commissions. The agent’s responsibilities include finding an apartment for the client, accompanying him to all the apartments he likes, conducting negotiations, and checking the documents of the apartment owners.

When choosing an agency, do not rush; you need to pay attention to the following:

To rent housing with the help of an agency, you will need a passport and an agreement for the provision of services.

How to rent an apartment without being scammed for a day

If you plan to rent an apartment for a day, you need to take into account the following nuances:

To rent an apartment daily, you must do the following:

  • clarify with the owner all the subtleties and nuances of the reservation process;
  • book in advance;
  • study reviews about this apartment;
  • Before paying the fee, check the details of the landlord;
  • during a meeting with the owner, check his identity using documents;
  • rewrite its data.

These tips will help you avoid problems.

In Moscow

The Moscow rental market is full of deception. It is important to know how people cheat when renting an apartment in Moscow, so as not to fall into the hands of scammers.

The first type of deception is the provision of false data by agencies. For a fee, they provide information about apartments for rent, which in fact are either already rented or are not rented at all.

It will not be possible to present a claim to the agency - it was submitted, no one will return the money.

It is important to remember that money for the service is paid after the desired apartment is found. Another type of fraud is that the apartment being rented is the subject of a dispute.

Video: how to rent an apartment correctly

It happens that over time either the real owner of the apartment or his wife comes. The tenant is a participant in the proceedings.

To prevent this, you should check whether the landlord is the sole owner of the property.

Increasing rent is a way to “get rich” from tenants. The landlord may suddenly increase the rent. Residents would prefer to pay the extra money so as not to have to look for housing again.

Scheme of actions for independently searching for an apartment in Moscow:

  1. Search for options.
  2. Calling the owners of the apartments you like.
  3. Home inspection.
  4. Negotiation.
  5. Conclusion of an agreement.

If you use the services of agencies, you will not be able to save money.

In St. Petersburg

Most people move to a foreign city for study, work or leisure. To do this, they need to find housing.

How to rent an apartment in St. Petersburg without being deceived - this question interests many. There are 2 options - find it yourself or use the services of real estate agencies.

"to understand how to rent an apartment in Moscow cheaply and safely.

Where to look for an apartment and how much
She is standing

Currently, renting a one-room economy class apartment in Moscow costs 28–30 thousand rubles per month. For that kind of money, housing is offered with standard renovation and all the necessary furniture. The most affordable apartments in the south and southeast of Moscow. You can rent a one-room apartment there for an average of 28 thousand rubles, a two-room apartment for 38 thousand rubles. The cost in the eastern district is slightly higher: 29 thousand rubles for a one-room apartment, 40 thousand rubles for a two-room apartment. The low rental rate is mainly due to poor environmental conditions. Nevertheless, their infrastructure is developed and there is everything necessary for living.

In the northeast, a one-room apartment costs an average of 32 thousand rubles, a two-room apartment costs 40 thousand rubles. In the north-west: 33 thousand rubles and 43 thousand rubles, respectively. In the north the figures are the same.

The most expensive districts are Southwestern, Western and Central. In the first two, the average rental price for one-room apartments is 34 thousand rubles, two-room apartments - 45 thousand rubles. In the most expensive, Central, district, a one-room economy class apartment is rented for an average of 37 thousand rubles, a two-room apartment - for 48 thousand rubles.

When to look for an apartment

Traditionally, the hot season begins at the end of summer and autumn, at which time demand grows due to those who enter universities and come to Moscow to work. As a result, cheap offers are washed out, which leads to higher rates. But this year the situation is conducive to bargaining. There are now a considerable number of competitive offers on the market, and owners are ready to make concessions. Some tenants decide to look for a new apartment because similar offers have appeared, but at a better price. This situation is especially noticeable in the expensive segment, where high demands are placed on housing.

The most suitable time to look for housing is spring and summer until mid-July. During this period, there is a lull in the rental market, so owners often give up the price by up to 2-3 thousand rubles, and sometimes the cost can be reduced by up to 15%.

But in any season there are offers from owners who, due to the urgency of the transaction, are ready to concede the cost of the rental rate (for example, if you need to go abroad and rent out housing in a short time).

How to check the owner

To avoid scammers, tenants need to ask for title documents for the apartment. You need to make sure that the person renting out the property has the right to do so. It is also worth requesting receipts for payment for the apartment and checking how many registered persons are indicated there. If the owner claims that he lives alone, but the receipt indicates the opposite, you should be wary.

Before moving into an apartment, you need to check everything: furniture, appliances and plumbing. If the owner has thrown a blanket over the sofa, take the time to check the upholstery. It happens that some imperfections are covered with a blanket.

What to write in the contract

The lease agreement must specify the property being leased. It is better to indicate the apartment address in full. In addition, you need to record key issues: the rental period (accommodation), the amount and procedure for payment, the frequency of payment revisions, at whose expense the repairs will be carried out, as well as the possibility of keeping pets.

It is quite possible to download the contract on the Internet and do without the help of a realtor. But to choose a normal sample, you need to follow the rules.

It is advisable to watch primarily specialized legal resources.

Not bad to rate relevance of the document. If it mentions, for example, the Civil Code of the RSFSR, it’s worth thinking about.

Skim through the text. Just because it's too "legalistic" (long sentences with too much technical terminology) doesn't mean it's right for you. It's better to use a sample that you can understand.

With some legal skill, it is possible to prove the existence of an oral lease agreement. In support of this, we can refer to the behavior of the parties: if one gave the other the same amount every month on the 5th (and, of course, can prove this), then the court may well agree that this is not a mere coincidence. But resolving issues through the courts in such a situation is the path of persistent and passionate people. At the same time, we should not forget that in the situation under consideration in court it will not be possible to refer to witness testimony - only to written and other evidence.

Who does the repairs

Typically, the costs of routine repairs (replacing a light bulb, painting a wall after children's drawing exercises) are borne by the tenant. You can only demand compensation for such repairs if this is expressly stated in the contract.

By default, major repairs must be done by the owner of the apartment. If the tenant had to do it, he may demand compensation for expenses. But it is advisable that this be stated in the contract.

If some equipment breaks down, then you need to look at whether the tenant is at fault for what happened. If you can prove that the chair fell apart because of termites, and not because your sumo wrestler friend sat in it, you will not have to pay anything to the owner.

Modern society is characterized by high mobility. We don’t sit still: after school we go to study in another region, change jobs, start a family away from our parents, move from city to city in search of self-realization and personal prospects. The saying: “Where you were born, you come in handy” has long been considered an anachronism. By easily changing their place of residence, people are forced to look for housing for a long and very long period. We will talk about how to rent an apartment correctly...

1.Consult professionals

Of course, the best thing to do would be to contact an agency, where a specially trained person will help you with selecting an apartment and preparing primary documents. Only agency services can be equal to 50% or 100% of the monthly payment for the found apartment. And don’t forget that in the real estate market there are a lot of one-day agencies that work according to the “prepayment - information” scheme. That is, you pay for a piece of paper with the addresses of apartments for rent, the owners of which often do not even know that their apartment is “for rent.” Apartment scammers, especially in the metropolis, are a dime a dozen, and new rental fraud schemes are emerging all the time.

2.Check documents

If you are lucky enough to find a landlord on your own, without intermediaries, then immediately ask if he agrees to draw up a rental agreement and provide all the necessary documents? If the owner of the apartment hesitates and tries to assure you of his integrity, it is better to refuse such a deal. I'll explain why...

First of all, you need to find out whether the owner of the apartment is real. It often happens that several people are registered in an apartment, and when one decides to rent out this living space without the knowledge of the other, the second has every right to raise the issue of your eviction at any time. By the way, the owner of the rented apartment is by no means a king and a god rolled into one. All his and your rights and obligations are regulated in legislative acts.

Secondly, there is a fraudulent sublease scheme that falls for those who do not check the owner’s documents and take their word for it. Imagine that a certain citizen X rents an apartment for a week from citizen Y. And after a couple of days, he re-rents it for six months to citizen Z. He asks him for an advance payment for three to four months in advance (for example, to pay off utility debts) and disappears. And after a while Y comes and absolutely legally and with a scandal drives the unfortunate and short-sighted Z out onto the street. Therefore, first of all, ask to see documents on ownership or a deed of purchase and sale, utility bills in the name of the landlord and check his personal documents (not only a passport, but also, for example, a driver’s license). Because forging one document is not difficult, but several are too troublesome. A dishonest businessman will most likely refuse your request to check your documents.

3.Meet your neighbors

Be sure to ask the owner to introduce you to the neighbors. Here it will definitely become clear whether this is his apartment. Find out from them the history of this property: who lived before you, how often tenants change here - believe me, neighbors often have very interesting information. If the house is new, then it’s absolutely not scary if you go to the local housing office and check the owner’s name with strict, but responsive to chocolate and compliments, aunties.

4.Draw up an agreement

If all issues regarding ownership and the identity of the owner are settled, be sure to offer to draw up a rental agreement for the apartment. Even a document written in one’s own hand and signed by both parties (and, ideally, in front of a witness) has legal force. Advice: if the landlord is afraid of going to the notary, then in the contract indicate the rental period for no more than 364 days, that is, less than a year.

The rental agreement must contain passport details of both parties, information about the apartment (address, square footage, condition), rental period, cost and method of payment. Often owners ask to pay a month in advance. You should write about this too. The constancy of the fee amounts is legally implied for the entire period specified in the contract.

5.Describe the property

Do not forget to make an inventory of the property and its condition in addition to the contract. Otherwise, it will be difficult to prove later that there was no TV in the kitchen, and the sofa was torn not by your children, but by time and the previous tenants. If you decide to move in seriously and for a long time, ask the owner for written permission to make minor changes to the interior (for example, driving nails into the wall for a favorite painting), this will save you from many misunderstandings.

6. Rights and obligations of the parties

According to domestic legislation, all ongoing repairs of housing, for example, leaking taps, falling off wallpaper or a cracked toilet, fall on the shoulders of the landlord. Therefore, be sure to indicate that troubleshooting will be carried out at the expense of the apartment owner, for example, as a monthly payment. Otherwise, you will be forced to fix the leak in the bathroom at your own expense, or wait for this mercy from the landlord. The owner has the right to check the condition of his home, but this does not mean that he can come without your knowledge or whenever he pleases - specify when and how you will contact.

7.End of lease

And, of course, stipulate the conditions for early termination of the contract. As a rule, we are talking about a month's notice about eviction. By the way, there is no reason to evict you before the end of even such a homemade contract during the heating season. Well, unless you trashed the apartment, don’t pay rent, and are generally a big sociopath, dangerous to others. Then, through the court(!), you can be kicked out into the cold. Keeping your home in order, not delaying payment, taking into account the rules of human society and adhering to the laws is your responsibility.

Renting an apartment is not difficult, it is difficult to do it correctly. Be vigilant, patient and respect each other!

Nowadays there are many agencies offering to rent and rent housing. Intermediaries work with property owners, as well as those wishing to rent it. However, not everyone knows how to rent an apartment correctly. This is exactly what is discussed in the article.

Through an agency

When faced with obtaining real estate for rent for the first time, people usually turn to special companies. It is best to choose an organization based on the recommendation of family or friends. How to rent an apartment through an agency? Professionals must find suitable accommodation, so it is important to set out your requirements.

Then suitable options are selected and appointments are made to view the property. Agency specialists must accompany the client in these cases. And when drawing up an agreement, they conduct all the negotiations. Agency employees provide advice on issues of interest.

A specialist checks property documents. If everything is correct, then a lease agreement is concluded and a transfer and acceptance certificate is drawn up, which contains an inventory of the housing property. Specialist services usually cost 50-100% of the monthly housing price.

Types of fraud

How to rent an apartment correctly so that the transaction is completed according to the law? Here are some common scams to avoid:

  1. Photos are not real. Particular attention should be paid to cases of discrepancies between the rental price of housing and its repair. If the pictures show luxury interiors, but the price is average or below market value, then these are probably scammers. They may say that this apartment is rented out and recommend another one. To check whether photos are taken from other sites, matches can be determined using the Google Images service. False advertisements are created to create a customer base.
  2. The apartment is fictitious. Care must be taken when filling out contracts. It is important to check all information, even if the transaction is made with the help of a realtor. There are often cases when the addresses recorded in the contract do not exist, and people have to pay rent without housing. In this case, you have the right to terminate the lease agreement unilaterally by sending a letter to the landlord. There are also cases where clients are provided with landlord numbers for a fee, but they do not negotiate or accompany them.
  3. Paid inspection. No one can demand money for viewing a property. If this is offered by a realtor, then that is how he earns money, and he is not interested in transactions. Travelers from small towns and villages often fall for these tricks.
  4. Secondary housing rental. Tenants may not move or temporarily occupy other persons, nor may they take a deposit, fee, or commission. How to rent an apartment from the owner? You need to check your housing rights documents.
  5. Offer to purchase a customer base. Those wishing to rent a property are offered access to an online database of owners. A realtor can convince you that the database is updated every day, but after gaining access to it, it will be discovered that the information is out of date.

On one's own

How to rent an apartment without intermediaries? To do this, you need to look for advertisements from owners, and not from real estate companies. If you like the proposal, you need to make an appointment and inspect the property.

You can search for advertisements in newspapers and on the Internet. They are also posted at bus stops. Although in this case there are also many dangers, many people still do not want to contact realtors.

Pros and cons of hiring without intermediaries

Renting real estate without involving intermediaries has advantages and disadvantages. To determine how to proceed, you need to study all sides of the issue. Self-removal has the following advantages:

  1. Savings due to the absence of additional costs for mediation.
  2. Joint hiring with friends and splitting the amount of payment.
  3. Bargaining with the owner and reducing payment.

All of these points will help you save a large amount of money on getting a rented apartment. But the downside is the risk of fraud. Other disadvantages include:

  1. Difficulty finding a suitable apartment.
  2. Possibility of conflicts with the landlord.
  3. Risk of eviction.
  4. Lack of guarantees of rights.

Where to look?

How to rent an apartment correctly, choosing the most suitable one from a variety of options? There are several services that will make your search much easier:

  1. Avito and Domofond. This is a rich database of real estate of different types and categories. To get acquainted with the proposed apartments, you need to select the “private” section of the advertisements. You can specify the number of rooms and the desired metro stations. You can set up alerts about new listings.
  2. "Yandex.Real Estate". The service allows you to set the maximum number of search terms. There are few advertisements, but there are often interesting offers.
  3. The Locals, “I’ll rent” and other communities on social networks. This is an excellent option for those who want to rent a room. Often such sites charge a fee for access to the database. You can search for advertisements in thematic interest groups.
  4. CYANOGEN. This large housing database includes many apartment offers. Intermediaries do not charge a fee for this.

Owner verification

How to rent an apartment yourself and for the first time? To do this, you need to check the legal purity of the property. The owner should request the following documentation:

  1. Certificate of ownership.
  2. Property rights agreement.
  3. Passport.
  4. Notarized power of attorney if the transaction is carried out through the owner’s representative.

It is important to check that there are no debts on utility bills. Checking payment receipts and electricity and water meters is carried out before concluding a contract.

Owner's permission

If the property has several owners, then the consent of all is required (upon reaching 14 years of age). The rental agreement must contain the signatures of the owners or the signature of an authorized person who has a special power of attorney.

When renting a room in a communal apartment, you need permission from your neighbors. This is the landlord's concern. He must provide a document confirming the right to use this apartment. This will eliminate potential conflicts.


How to rent an apartment without getting scammed? You must check the documentation carefully. The lease agreement must include the following information:

  1. Full name and passport details of the owner, tenant.
  2. Rent payment.
  3. Conditions for changing fees.
  4. Number of visits to the owner for inspection.
  5. Persons who may live with the tenant.
  6. Deadline.
  7. Conditions for termination of the contract.
  8. Description of housing: address, area, number of rooms.

In each case, the contract is individual; there is no standard form. It is important that it contains the rights and obligations of the parties.

Inventory of property

It indicates the property transferred to the tenant for temporary use. The inventory is an appendix to the contract. It should include furniture, appliances, linen, kitchen utensils, dishes, carpets, etc. If items are lost or damaged that are not listed in the inventory, the owner will not be able to return them.

Meeting your neighbors

How to rent an apartment correctly so that no unforeseen situations arise in the future? You should get to know your neighbors. This way it will be possible to establish whether the housing actually belongs to a specific person. Neighbors can tell you who lived before and how often residents change. If the house is new, you can visit the local housing office and find out the name of the owner, as well as other information of interest.

Rights and obligations of the parties

According to Russian laws, ongoing repairs to the premises, for example, leaking taps, peeling wallpaper or cracked plumbing, are repaired at the expense of the landlord. Therefore, it must be indicated that the elimination of defects in the premises should be carried out at the expense of the owner of the property, for example, through a monthly payment.

If this is not fixed in the contract, then the employer will have to eliminate the shortcomings on his own. The owner can check the condition of the house, but this does not mean that he can come at any time - you need to agree when and how contact will take place.

Rental rules

How to rent an apartment if several suitable options are found? It is important to check the documents and the availability of contact information. The apartment must have an Internet connection: you should find out the rules for paying for this service.

During the inspection of the premises, you need to check the condition of the plumbing and electrical wiring. The main thing is that the plugs are not knocked out with the connection of a minimum set of devices. There should be no cockroaches, bedbugs or other insects in the room.

How to rent an apartment for a long term? When planning a long stay, you need to clarify all the details. There's no need to rush. If any deficiencies have been identified, you should find out at whose expense the repairs and elimination will be carried out. It is important to write down emergency numbers for various problems. The furniture issue needs to be resolved. Since rental prices on the market are unstable, it is undesirable to sign contracts for a long period at a fixed price.

When signing the document, the owner of the premises hands over a set of keys that need to be checked. Typically the contract period is 1 year minus 1 day. This is a short-term rental and reduces the likelihood of co-tenants moving in. To renew the contract, you must sign the agreement one month before the expiration date.

If you plan to use the apartment for a long time, then by following a few rules you can reduce the risk when renting housing.

1. We check the documents for the apartment. This is worth doing before you pay the fee, so as to immediately reject scammers who rent out someone else’s living space. It is definitely worth seeing the original documents confirming ownership. Keep in mind that they are different for different forms of ownership. The apartment can be: privatized, acquired through a paid purchase and sale transaction, exchange or rental agreement; inherited or received as a gift.

Important! All contracts must be state registered, otherwise they will not have legal force.

2. Pay attention to the composition of the owner’s family. It is worth checking not only the seller’s passport, but also an extract from the house register. Please note that family members have the right to use the apartment.

3. We obtain the consent of the owners. If there is more than one owner of the apartment, then everyone’s written consent is simply necessary. If the housing is not privatized, then the consent of all residents. When renting a room in a communal apartment, in case of protest from neighbors, you should refuse the deal.

4. We conclude a rental agreement. This will help protect your interests if, for example, the rent increases unexpectedly.

5. We take receipts. It will help to avoid misunderstandings when paying.

6. Rights and obligations. You have the right to move your family into the apartment with the consent of the owner, you must vacate the premises at the end of the contract period, and allow the owner to check the condition of the home and its belongings. The owner does not have the right to change the amount of rent without agreement and to evict you before the end of the contract (except for the cases established by Article 687 of the Civil Code).

7. If you don’t have time yourself or are simply afraid of missing out on something, contact realtors. However, there are also underwater ones here. You can end up with an information agency or a dishonest specialist. What should make you suspicious: low rent and service fees; payment before moving into the apartment (professional realtors will take payment after concluding a rental agreement); the manager will provide you with a list of apartments that you need to inspect yourself; The contract states that the company provides information services.