Lesson plan. Lesson plan. Repetition of the material covered Repetition of the material covered (checking homework) (checking homework) 1. testing; 1. testing; 2. work with charts; 2. work with charts; 3. work with diagrams; 3. work with diagrams; 4. work in small groups. 4. work in small groups. Learning new material. Learning new material. Teacher's story with elements of conversation. Teacher's story with elements of conversation. Student reports. Student reports. Reinforcing the studied material Reinforcing the studied material textbook §10, questions 2,3,4,6. textbook §10, questions 2,3,4,6. Summing up Summing up

Learning new material. Learning new material. Habitat is a territory or water area occupied by a population with a complex of environmental factors inherent to it. Habitat is a territory or water area occupied by a population with a complex of environmental factors inherent to it. Stations are habitats for terrestrial animals. Stations are habitats for terrestrial animals. An ecological niche is the totality of all environmental factors within which the existence of a species is possible. An ecological niche is the totality of all environmental factors within which the existence of a species is possible. A fundamental ecological niche is a niche determined only by the physiological characteristics of an organism. A fundamental ecological niche is a niche determined only by the physiological characteristics of an organism. A realized niche is a niche within which a species actually occurs in nature. A realized niche is a niche within which a species actually occurs in nature. A realized niche is that part of the fundamental niche that a given species or population is able to “defend” in competition. A realized niche is that part of the fundamental niche that a given species or population is able to “defend” in competition.

Learning new material Interspecific competition is an interaction between populations that has a detrimental effect on their growth and survival. Interspecific competition is an interaction between populations that has a detrimental effect on their growth and survival. The process by which populations separate species of space and resources is called differentiation of ecological niches. Result The process of separating species of space and resources by populations is called differentiation of ecological niches. The result of niche differentiation reduces competition. niche differentiation reduces competition. Interspecific Competition for ecological niches Competition for resources.

Learning new material. Question: What is the consequence of interspecific competition? Question: What is the consequence of interspecific competition? Answer: In individuals of one species, fertility, survival and growth rate decrease in the presence of another. Answer: In individuals of one species, fertility, survival and growth rate decrease in the presence of another. Work according to the table. Work according to the table. Results of competition between flour beetle species in cups of flour. Conclusion: The result of competition between two species of beetles - flour beetles - depends on environmental conditions. Maintenance regime (t*C, humidity) Survival results First species Second species 34 *С, 70% 34 *С, 70% *С, 30% 34 *С, 30% *С, 70% 29 *С, 70% * С, 30% 29*С, 30% *С, 70% 24*С, 70% *С, 30% 24*С, 30%

Learning new material. Question. What are the ways out of interspecific competition? Question. What are the ways out of interspecific competition? (in birds) (in birds) Conclusion. The listed ways out of interspecific competition make it possible for ecologically similar populations to coexist in the same community. Exit routes Differences in methods of obtaining food Differences in the size of organisms Differences in activity time Spatial separation of food “spheres of influence” Separation of nesting sites

Studying new material Question: What is the danger of intraspecific competition? Question: What is the danger of intraspecific competition? Answer: The need for resources per individual decreases; as a result, the rate of individual growth and the development of the amount of stored substances decreases, which ultimately reduces survival and reduces fertility. Answer: The need for resources per individual decreases; as a result, the rate of individual growth and the development of the amount of stored substances decreases, which ultimately reduces survival and reduces fertility.

Studying new material Mechanisms of exit from intrapopulation Mechanisms of exit from intrapopulation competition in animals competition in animals Paths of exit Differences in ecological connections at different stages of development of organisms Differences in the ecological characteristics of the sexes in organisms of different sexes Territoriality and hierarchy as behavioral mechanisms of exit Settlement of new territories.

Consolidation of the studied material. Textbook, § 10, questions 2,3,4,6. Textbook, § 10, questions 2,3,4,6. Conclusions: Competition leads to natural selection in the direction of increasing environmental differences between competing species and the formation of different ecological niches by them. Conclusions: Competition leads to natural selection in the direction of increasing environmental differences between competing species and the formation of different ecological niches by them.

Presentation on the topic "Classification and morphology of bacteria" in the discipline Fundamentals of Microbiology and Immunology, specialty 02/34/01. Nursing is prepared to conduct theoretical classes. Covers one of the main sections of the discipline. Presentation sections: size of bacteria, shape of bacteria, structure of a bacterial cell, Bergey classification of bacteria, physiology of bacteria.



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Section 2: Bacteriology Topic 2.1: “Classification of bacteria. Morphology of bacteria".

Classification of microorganisms Non-cellular forms Cellular forms Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Viruses can exist in two forms: extracellular (virion) and intracellular (virus). Size: from 15–18 to 300–400 nm. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms of plant origin, lacking chlorophyll and lacking a nucleus. Size: from 0.3–0.5 to 5-10 microns. Protozoa are single-celled animal organisms. Size: from 2 to 50 microns Fungi are unicellular and multicellular microorganisms of plant origin, lacking chlorophyll, but having the features of an animal cell. Size: 0.2 to 100 microns

Basic concepts: Classification - distribution (association) of organisms in accordance with their common properties (similar genotypic and phenotypic characteristics) into various taxa. Taxonomy is the distribution of microorganisms according to their origin and biological similarity. Taxonomy is the science of methods and principles of distribution (classification) of organisms in accordance with their hierarchy. The most commonly used taxonomic units (taxa) are strain, species, genus. Subsequent larger taxa - family, order, class.

1. Morphological - shape, size, features of relative position, structure. 2. Tinctorial - relation to various dyes (nature of staining), primarily to Gram staining. On this basis, all microorganisms are divided into gram-positive and gram-negative. 3. Cultural - the nature of the growth of a microorganism on nutrient media.

4. Biochemical - the ability to form various biochemical products in the process of life due to the activity of various enzyme systems and metabolic characteristics. 5. Antigenic - depend mainly on the chemical composition and structure of the cell wall, the presence of flagella, capsules, are recognized by the ability of the macroorganism (host) to produce antibodies and other forms of immune response, are detected in immunological reactions. 6. Physiological - methods of carbohydrate (autotrophs, heterotrophs), nitrogen (aminoautotrophs, aminoheterotrophs) and other types of nutrition, type of respiration (aerobes, microaerophiles, facultative anaerobes, strict anaerobes).

7. Mobility and types of movement. 8. Ability to form spores, nature of spores. 9. Sensitivity to bacteriophages, phage typing. 10. Chemical composition of cell walls - basic sugars and amino acids, lipid and fatty acid composition. 11. Sensitivity to antibiotics and other drugs. 12. Genotypic.

Sizes of BACTERIA The sizes of bacterial cells range from 1 to 10-15 microns

Based on their shape, the following main groups of microorganisms are distinguished. Globular or cocci. Rod-shaped. Twisted. Thread-like.

Coccoid bacteria (cocci), based on the nature of their mutual arrangement after division, are divided into: 1. Micrococci. The cells are located alone. They are part of the normal microflora and are found in the external environment. They do not cause diseases in humans. 2. Diplococci. The division of these microorganisms occurs in one plane, pairs of cells are formed. Among diplococci there are many pathogenic microorganisms - gonococcus, meningococcus, pneumococcus. 3. Streptococci. Division is carried out in one plane, the multiplying cells maintain connection (do not diverge), forming chains. There are many pathogenic microorganisms that cause sore throats, scarlet fever, and purulent inflammatory processes.

4. Tetracocci. Division in two mutually perpendicular planes with the formation of tetrads (i.e. four cells). They have no medical significance. 5. Sarcins. Division in three mutually perpendicular planes, forming bales (packages) of 8, 16 or more cells. Often found in the air. 6. Staphylococci (from Latin - bunch of grapes). They divide randomly in different planes, forming clusters resembling bunches of grapes. Cause numerous diseases, primarily purulent-inflammatory (furunculosis)

Rod-shaped forms 1. Bacteria are rods that do not form spores. 2. Bacilli are aerobic spore-forming microbes. The diameter of the spore usually does not exceed the size (“width”) of the cell (endospore). 3. Clostridia are anaerobic spore-forming microbes. The diameter of the spore is larger than the diameter (diameter) of the vegetative cell, causing the cell to resemble a spindle or tennis racket.

Curved forms 1. Vibrios and campylobacters - have one bend, can be in the shape of a comma, a short curl. (Vibrio cholera) 2. Spirilla - have 2-3 curls. 3. Spirochetes - have a different number of whorls. Of the large number of spirochetes, representatives of three genera are of greatest medical importance - Borrelia, Treponema, Leptospira.

The structure of a bacterial cell.

Mandatory organelles: nuclear apparatus - nucleoid - cytoplasm, cytoplasmic membrane. 1. In the center of the bacterial cell there is a nucleoid - a nuclear formation, most often represented by one ring-shaped chromosome. Consists of a double-stranded DNA strand. The nucleoid is not separated from the cytoplasm by the nuclear membrane. 2. Cytoplasm is a complex colloidal system containing various inclusions of metabolic origin (grains of volutin, glycogen, granulosa, etc.), ribosomes and other elements of the protein synthesizing system, plasmids (extranucleoid DNA), mesosomes (formed as a result of invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane into the cytoplasm, participate in energy metabolism, sporulation, formation of intercellular partition during division).

3. The cytoplasmic membrane limits the cytoplasm on the outer side, has a three-layer structure and performs a number of important functions - barrier (creates and maintains osmotic pressure), energy (contains many enzyme systems - respiratory, redox, carries out electron transfer), transport (transfer of various substances into and out of the cell). 4. Cell wall - inherent in most bacteria (except for mycoplasmas and some other microorganisms that do not have a true cell wall).. It consists of two main layers, of which the outer one is more plastic, the inner one is rigid.

The structure of the cell wall of gram (+) microorganisms (left) gram (-) microorganisms (right)

Classification of microorganisms according to Bergey

The surface structures of bacteria (optional, like the cell wall) include a capsule, flagella, and microvilli. A capsule or mucous layer surrounds the shell of a number of bacteria. There are a microcapsule, detected by electron microscopy in the form of a layer of microfibrils, and a macrocapsule, detected by light microscopy. The capsule is a protective structure.

Flagella. Motile bacteria can be gliding (move along a solid surface as a result of wave-like contractions) or floating, moving due to thread-like spirally curved protein formations - flagella.

Based on the location and number of flagella, a number of forms of bacteria are distinguished. A. Monotrichous - have one polar flagellum. (Vibrio cholera, Pseudomonas aeruginosa). B. Lophotrichs - have a polarly located bundle of flagella. C. Amphitrichy - have flagella at diametrically opposite poles. D. Peritrichous - have flagella along the entire perimeter of the bacterial cell. (E. coli, salmonella typhoid, paratyphoid A and B).

Fimbriae or cilia are short filaments, in large numbers surrounding the bacterial cell, with the help of which bacteria are attached to substrates (for example, to the surface of mucous membranes).

Sporulation is a way of preserving certain types of bacteria in unfavorable environmental conditions. Endospores are formed in the cytoplasm; they are cells with low metabolic activity and high resistance (resistance) to drying, chemical factors, high temperature and other unfavorable environmental factors. Bacteria produce only one spore

Survival of bacteria during drying Vibrio cholera up to 2 days Plague bacillus up to 8 days Diphtheria bacillus up to 30 days Typhoid bacillus up to 70 days Tuberculosis bacillus up to 90 days Staphylococcus bacillus up to 90 days

Spores can be located: in the center of the cell - centrally (the causative agent of anthrax) 2. closer to the end - subterminal, (the causative agent of gas gangrene) 3. at the very end - terminally, (the causative agent of tetanus and botulism)

BACILLUS - spores do NOT exceed the diameter of the cell of Bacillus anthracis - the causative agent of anthrax

CLOSTRIIA - spores larger than the diameter of the cell Clistridium, Cl. b otulinum – botulinum clostridium Clostridium tetani – tetanus clostridium

RICKETSIOSES Genus Rickettsia, species are divided into two groups: 1) typhus group: a) R. provacheka - the causative agent of epidemic (louse) typhus; b) R. typhi – the causative agent of endemic (rat-flea) typhus; 2) a group of tick-borne rickettsioses: a) R. rickettsi – the causative agent of rocky mountain fever; b) R. conori – the causative agent of hemorrhagic fever

Typhus Typhus is a common acute infectious disease caused by Provacek's rickettsia, transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through lice; it is characterized by predominant damage to the vascular and nervous systems, a typical temperature curve and a skin rash. Typhus is one of the varieties of a large group of human rickettsial diseases, which, in particular, include: - endemic (rat) typhus, - tick-borne typhus.

Mycoplasmas Mycoplasmas are bacteria that belong to the class Mollicutes (soft-skinned). The smallest gram " - " bacteria (0.3-0.9 microns). The main feature is the absence of a cell wall. The cells are surrounded only by the CPM, so they have a variety of shapes: cocci, rods, flask-shaped, pear-shaped or filamentous. On the outside of the CPM there is a capsule-like layer, in the cytoplasm there is a nucleoid, ribosomes, and mesosomes. There is no dispute. They cause disease in humans as an acute respiratory infection (Mycoplasma pneumonia); affect the respiratory, genitourinary and central nervous system.

No. Forms and types of bacteria Features of the location and structure of the bacterial cell Diseases caused by this type of bacteria 1 spherical (cocci) 2 rod-shaped (rods) 3 convoluted forms Fill out the table: “Main forms of bacteria.”

Thank you for your attention! 

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Energy in a bacterial cell is stored in the form of ATP molecules. In chemoorganotrophic bacteria, reactions associated with obtaining energy in the form of ATP are oxidation-reduction reactions coupled with phosphorylation reactions.

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When glucose or other hexoses are used as a source of carbon and energy, the initial stages of glucose oxidation are common in both oxidative and fermentative metabolism. These include the pathways for converting glucose into pyruvate (when hexoses, or disaccharides other than glucose, are used as an energy source, they, as a result of chemical transformations, enter into a chain of reactions that convert glucose into pyruvate).

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Pathways for breaking down glucose.

The breakdown of glucose into pyruvic acid, one of the most important intermediate metabolic products, occurs in bacteria in 3 ways

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Pathways for breaking down glucose

1) through the formation of fructose-1,6-diphosphate (by the FDP pathway, or glycolytic breakdown, or, according to the name of the researchers who studied it, by the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway); 2) through the pentose phosphate pathway (PP pathway); 3) through the Entner-Doudoroff pathway, or KDFG pathway (2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconic acid pathway).

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Glucose in a bacterial cell is first phosphorylated by ATP and the enzyme hexokinase to the metabolically active form glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P), which serves as the starting compound for any of the three pathways above.

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FDF path.

G-6-P isomerizes to fructose-6-phosphate, which, under the action of phosphofructokinase, is converted to fructose-1,6-diphosphate, which is subsequently oxidized to pyruvic acid through the formation of 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde. The balance of glucose oxidation along the FDF pathway consists of the formation of 2 molecules of pyruvate, 2 molecules of ATP and 2 molecules of reduced NAD.

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PF way.

In this case, glucose-6-phosphate, through dehydrogenation and decarboxylation reactions, is converted into ribose-5-phosphate (Ru-5-P), which is in equilibrium with ribose-5-phosphate and xylulose-5-phosphate. Pu-5-P is cleaved to 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde, an intermediate product in the conversion of glucose to pyruvate.

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The resulting pentose phosphates are converted as a result of transketolase and transaldolase reactions into fructose-6-phosphate, closing the reactions into a cycle, and into 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde, an intermediate product of the conversion of glucose to pyruvate along the FDF pathway. With one revolution of the cycle, 1 molecule of 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde, 3 molecules of CO2 and 2 molecules of reduced NADP are formed.

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The process begins with the dehydrogenation of glucose-6-phosphate to 6-phosphogluconic acid. Water is cleaved from it under the action of dehydrogenase and 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconic acid (KDPG) is formed, which is cleaved by aldolase into pyruvate and 3-phosphoglyceraldehyde. The latter is oxidized to pyruvic acid in the same way as through the FDF pathway.

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For every molecule of glucose, 1 molecule of ATP, 1 molecule of reduced NAD and 1 molecule of reduced NADP are produced, which is equivalent to 1 molecule of ATP and 1 molecule of reduced NAD.

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Oxidative metabolism in bacteria (respiration)

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    Oxidative metabolism

    Bacteria with oxidative metabolism obtain energy through respiration. Respiration is the process of obtaining energy in oxidation-reduction reactions coupled with oxidative phosphorylation reactions, in which organic (in organotrophs) and inorganic (in lithotrophs) compounds can be electron donors, and only inorganic compounds can be acceptors.

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    Depending on the acceptors of protons and electrons, bacteria are divided into aerobes, facultative anaerobes and obligate anaerobes. For aerobes, oxygen is the acceptor. Facultative anaerobes use respiration in oxygenic conditions, and fermentation in oxygen-free conditions. For obligate anaerobes, only fermentation is characteristic; in oxygen conditions, the death of microorganisms occurs due to the formation of peroxides, and the cell is poisoned.

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    Obligate aerobes (brucella, legionella, pseudomonas, mycobacteria, anthrax) grow and multiply only in the presence of oxygen. They use oxygen to obtain energy through oxygen respiration. They are divided into: 1) strict aerobes (meningococci, bordetella), which grow at partial pressure of the air atmosphere; 2) microaerophiles (listeria) grow at low partial pressure of atmospheric air.

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    Obligate anaerobes (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, clostridia) do not use oxygen to produce energy. Their type of metabolism is fermentative. They are divided into: 1) strict anaerobes - microorganisms for which molecular oxygen is toxic; it either kills microorganisms or limits their growth. Strict anaerobes obtain energy from butyric acid fermentation; 2) aerotolerant microorganisms (lactic acid bacteria) use oxygen to produce energy, but can exist in its atmosphere. Energy is obtained by heterofermentative lactic acid fermentation

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    Facultative anaerobes (pneumococci, enterococci, enterobacteria, corynebacteria, Francisella) are able to grow and multiply both in the presence of oxygen and in the absence of it. They have a mixed type of metabolism. The process of obtaining energy in them can occur through oxygen respiration in the presence of oxygen, and in its absence switch to fermentation. The different physiological attitudes of microorganisms to oxygen are associated with the presence of enzyme systems that allow them to exist in an oxygen atmosphere.

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    In oxidative processes occurring in an oxygen atmosphere, toxic products are formed: hydrogen peroxide H2O2 and oxygen oxygen radical O2-. To neutralize toxic forms of oxygen, microorganisms that can exist in its atmosphere have protective mechanisms.

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    In bacteria with oxidative metabolism, the electron (or hydrogen (H+)) acceptor is molecular oxygen. In this case, pyruvate is completely oxidized in the tricarboxylic acid cycle to C2.

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    Tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs cycle)

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    The tricarboxylic acid cycle functions as both a supplier of precursors for biosynthetic processes and of hydrogen atoms, which in the form of reduced NAD is transferred to molecular oxygen through a series of transporters that have a complex structurally designed multienzyme system - the respiratory chain. The respiratory chain in bacteria is localized in the CPM and in intracellular membrane structures.

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    A typical chain looks like this: TCA cycle → NAD(H2) → flavoprotein → quinone → → cytochromes: b → c → a → O2

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    Among bacterial cytochromes, cytochromes b, c, a and a3 are distinguished. The final stage of electron (proton) transfer through the respiratory chain is the reduction of cytochromes a - a3 (cytochrome oxidase). Cytochrome oxidase is the final oxidase that transfers electrons to oxygen. The protons formed during the oxidation of FAD or quinones are bound by O2- ions to form water.

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    The formation of ATP in the inhalation chain is associated with the chemoosmotic process. The special orientation of the carriers in the CPM leads to the transfer of hydrogen from the inner to the outer surface of the membrane, resulting in the creation of a gradient of hydrogen atoms, manifested in the presence of a membrane potential. The energy of the membrane potential is used for the synthesis of ATP by the ATPase localized in the membrane.

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    Some bacteria lack cytochromes, and upon contact with oxygen, a direct transfer of hydrogen to oxygen occurs with the help of flavoproteins, the final product being hydrogen peroxide - H2O2.

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    In addition to carbohydrates, prokaryotes are able to use other organic compounds, in particular proteins, as an energy source, oxidizing them completely to CO2 and H2O.

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    Amino acids can be used in constructive metabolism, or in ammonifying bacteria they can serve as the main material in energy processes during oxidative deamination, as a result of which ammonia is released and the amino acid is converted into a keto acid, which enters constructive metabolism through the tricarboxylic acid cycle: 2R–CHNH2 –COOH + О2 →2R–СО –COOH + +2NH3

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