The most interesting holiday is the anniversary dedicated to the sixtieth person. It doesn’t matter who the hero of the occasion is - a man or a woman, this holiday is of great importance for everyone. This is the first anniversary after living half a century, so it should be celebrated with dignity. A person who reaches this age becomes wonderful, he has a lot of experience in life and is able to give wise advice.

If we are talking about a man, then, most likely, by this age he has achieved everything he wanted in life: he has achieved success in his career, raised his children with dignity and acquired the status of “grandfather.” On this day, he needs nothing but the care and attention of his loved ones, so it’s worth thinking about congratulations and how to come up with scenes for a man’s 60th birthday. will delight not only the birthday boy, but also all the guests.

Gifts that should not be given to the hero of the day

60 years is a worthy date. It’s better to come to it without any trifle similar to shaving foam. It is worth noting that this is, first of all, a celebration of the soul. Therefore, there is no need to buy gifts for pensioners, such as warm socks, slippers, or a comfortable pillow. After all, a man may think that he is considered an old grandfather.

Negative emotions can also be caused by objects that indicate that it is time for a person to retire. Unlike the female sex, men do not value romantic trinkets. Therefore, they are unlikely to be happy with cute angels, amulets or figurines. An exception may be items intended to decorate the garden, dacha and vegetable garden.

You should not give a man sets of dishes, cutlery and other kitchen accessories.

The best gifts for the hero of the day

If the hero of the occasion is a friend or colleague of the guest, you can give him a gift such as an expensive high-quality wine. This gift will especially appeal to those who collect such items. You should not have a categorically negative attitude towards cosmetics as a gift for the hero of the day. You can present expensive perfume and other products from a well-known manufacturer. Particular attention should be paid to the interests of the birthday person. For example, if he is interested in fishing, a good fishing rod, boat or waterproof suit would be a great gift.

Some people buy cars by the age of 60, so they will definitely need a good navigator, branded player or phone stand. If the hero of the day has a good sense of humor, then you can give him a comic gift, for example, a cartoon from his photograph. If a person works in his office, then to decorate it, you can present a luxurious painting made of expensive material, which will emphasize the status of the owner. A small coffee table, chair or shelf may also come in handy.

As a rule, by this age a person has achieved a lot in life, so the gift should be presented with honor. In addition, it is necessary to prepare congratulatory poems in advance. It’s worth thinking about staging a skit for a man’s 60th birthday; funny moments can make the hero of the day and all the guests laugh.

Sketch about Hottabych

Scenes for a man's 60th birthday, funny pranks and competitions can be different. All of them will make the holiday brighter and more fun. If the hero of the day has a good sense of humor, you can arrange a simulated production, in which Old Man Hottabych will perform the main role. To make scenes for the anniversary of a 60-year-old man look more effective with humor, it is necessary to decorate the hall in advance. To be convincing, you should blow smoke before the performance begins.

The presenter, who suddenly appears on stage, must pretend that he does not understand where he is. After much thought, the answer comes to his mind: “Oh, it’s an anniversary! Well, where is the hero of the occasion himself?”

The fairy-tale character needs to go around all the guests, and as soon as he meets the hero of the day, he needs to say the following phrase: “So, how old are we? Probably over 20 already? Well, you don’t look more than a hundred!”

After these questions, the hero of the day must reveal his age; if this does not happen, the presenter will independently find out the number from the inscriptions on the posters or from the guests.

Hottabych says that he knew about the upcoming holiday, so he did not come empty-handed. After this, he begins to dance and clap his hands, quietly hanging balloons over the head of the hero of the day. They should contain banknotes.

Hottabych: “My dear hero of the day, I can fulfill any of your wishes. If you want, I can make you the richest man on earth."

After these words, the old man must stamp his foot and burst all the balloons so that the banknotes fall on the hero of the day.

Hottabych: “And maybe happiness is not in money at all? Do you want excellent health? He rips a hair from his beard and stamps his foot. After this, the guest comes on stage holding a large sign with the inscription “health” in his hands.

Hottabych: “Health is, of course, good, but you also need love for it!”

The presenter stamps his foot, and three women come out to the hero of the day, among whom is his wife.

Hottabych: “Choose, my dear friend, they are all beauties, ready to give you love. Although, this one (chooses a spouse) suits you best. Show all your guests your sincere feelings.”

All the children and grandchildren come out holding the inscription “happiness” in their hands.

Hottabych: “Look around. What do you see? This is real happiness. You have a great family. Accept, my friend, my most sincere congratulations, may you all be healthy, beautiful and joyful. But, it’s time for me...”

The presenter bows and leaves.

Scene with a medal

With artistic presenters, wonderful skits are made for a man’s 60th birthday. Cool pranks are, of course, good, but on this day it is worth paying attention to the merits of the hero of the occasion. It is necessary to purchase a toy medal and reward the hero of the day for services to the Fatherland, Maturity and Wisdom. When presenting them, you can remember suitable stories from the life of the birthday person.

It is worth presenting gratitude for their contribution to the economic situation of the country, namely to Sberbank, Teschabank and Detobank. It is also worth presenting a certificate, transferring him to the status of an honored hero of the day.

Presenter: “Wear the medals given to you on every holiday, but only on a clean neck! Once you take it off, wipe it with alcohol and drink all the leftovers. If you are going to the cinema, wear a medal over your coat. If your wife starts asking, then don’t let her wear it. And according to the old tradition, the medal needs to be washed well.”

After this phrase, the guests pour wine into glasses and drink to the hero of the day.

Unusual hat

Scenes for a man's 60th birthday, funny jokes and competitions can be supplemented with various accessories. Such an item can be a hat. We choose any headdress that the host or guest will find at home.

Presenter: “You are smart and handsome, but what is on your mind? Let's find out! "

The presenter puts a hat on the hero of the day, while an excerpt from the composition “Okay, everything will be fine” is played. Next, the attribute can be placed above the head of any relative or guest and another song can be played.

Birthday candle

The skits for a man's 60th birthday are humorous - this is, of course, good. But it’s worth diversifying them with a touching moment. It is necessary to ask all guests present at the table to stand. The wife should stand in the first row with a candle in her hand, followed by children according to seniority, grandchildren, relatives and friends. The burning accessory must be passed from hand to hand to each guest, and everyone must say nice words for the hero of the day.

Host: “A candle warms all your loved ones, give it all your goods and say good wishes. No wind can extinguish this candle. Life is like this fire, at 60 years old it does not go out, but continues to burn, shine and warm.”

Sketch about a time machine

Every holiday is, first of all, fun, so it is necessary to prepare humorous sketches for the anniversary of a 60-year-old man. An unusual device appears on the scene - a time machine.

Presenter: “Before you is an amazing device that can turn back time. And today you have a unique chance to take advantage of its wonderful properties.”

The hero of the day approaches the car, puts his hand on it, after which photographs of him from childhood, youth and youth appear on the screen. For a man’s 60th birthday, you can play out a scenario with episodes from his life. His close people can play the main roles.

A scene for car enthusiasts

Many people turn 60. Various kinds of competitions and skits for the anniversary of a man turning 60 would be appropriate here. Cool pranks will also come in handy.

Host: “I came to entertain you, but not alone, I have several riddles in my hands that I want to tell you. Our hero of the occasion is the driver, so the theme of our holiday is cars.”

  1. He's French, it's fresh to go, and his name is? (Peugeot's answer)
  2. Russian delight? (Lada's answer)
  3. Does everything around you seem to shake when you drive? (reply by Jeep)

Presenter: “I see that you are real experts in cars, for this you need to drink heartily. I wish you good health, true friends and endless happiness!”

Scene: six decades have flown by, but the soul has become younger!

Before the celebration, loved ones need to decide what scenes will be played out for the 60th anniversary of a man. Where to begin? First of all, you need to prove that the birthday boy, despite his years, is young, handsome and strong.

Host: “Good evening to everyone who came to this celebration. We all gathered to congratulate our hero of the day. I propose to meet him with your loud applause!”

The hero of the day enters the hall.

Presenter: “We have been waiting for you for a long time, everything has already been poured into the glasses, hurry up and take your throne!”

The birthday boy sits down at the table.

Host: “Now let’s raise our glasses and everyone will drink to our wonderful hero of the day!”

The guests are drinking.

Host: “Let’s have a little fun and play fishing.”

Everyone who has shown a desire to play is divided into two teams. Participants stand behind chairs on which all the necessary clothing for fishing hangs. Purpose of the game: each person must run to a chair and put on one accessory. The team that managed to do it faster won.

Scenes from family and friends

When the celebration comes, it’s time to come up with scenes for a man’s 60th birthday. The relatives must decide how to organize them. First of all, it must be from the heart. Close people can remember the hero of the day and bring this picture to life on stage. The birthday boy will definitely appreciate such a creative approach.

Fortune Teller Invitation

Any guest who will act as a presenter for this production will do. She must sit next to the hero of the day, tell everything about his past and see a long and happy life in his palm. After this, the guests must drink together so that this turns out to be true.

Surprise for the hero of the day

Have you thought about what scenes to choose for a man’s 60th birthday? Cool surprises will be a great decoration for the evening. A video could be such a gift. You can photograph the places where the birthday person was born and once lived. If there are shots from the life of the hero of the day, you can insert them into the feed. You can also diversify the film with congratulations from relatives, which were filmed in advance.

You can come up with your own scenes for a man’s 60th birthday. The script is what will make the holiday unforgettable.

Hello, readers of the World of Childhood website! Recently I was invited to an anniversary, but not only was I invited, I was asked to draw up a script for the holiday. There are many ready-made scripts on the Internet, but unfortunately none were suitable for our hero of the day. Then, I made up my own from different scenarios. Perhaps this scenario will suit you too. Our holiday turned out great.

Scenario for the 60th anniversary of a man

Ved: At the appointed time,

The arrow is getting closer
And anniversary celebration
Starts today!

Ved: Before the celebration begins, we will conduct a comic test game “Clapper”, with the help of which we will get to know each other better. I ask you to get ready to clap your hands loudly. I name the category, the one who considers himself to be in this category claps his hands:

  • only the fair half of humanity
  • our protection and support
  • those who like to have fun
  • those who are happy to go to work
  • those who love money
  • those who love sex
  • those who love to eat delicious food
  • those are against smoking
  • those who are single today
  • those who are in a great mood right now
  • those who are very happy to meet the birthday boy today

Ved: Thank you! I see that the company has gathered is suitable, so let’s continue

You are sixty today
I want to raise a toast to this
You've done a lot along the way
So much happiness in the middle
Your glorious anniversary!
I wish you everything:
Health, happiness and love
Let your cherished dreams come true
Grow above others
And always live at “five”
May fate give you joy
And all the trouble passes by
And let the laughter of friends and family today
It lasted all evening and didn’t stop by nightfall!

And we present our wonderful hero of the occasion with a medal "Happy anniversary. 60 years".

Ved: Anniversary is a special date!
This holiday cannot be compared with another,
Someone wise once came up with...
(thinking) Exactly! We need to pour it into glasses!

Let's drink standing to the birthday boy. ( happy birthday song)

Ved: You are 60! Let this date
Will not give you a reason to be bored,
After all, everyone has to at some point
Celebrate this date.
With that being said, we need a toast!
Please fill your glasses

And it’s not the guest who will congratulate the hero of the day,
and the hostess of this holiday. ( Congratulations from your wife)

Ved: On behalf of the Russian Department of Education, I was entrusted with presenting a diploma to Vyacheslav Sergeevich stating that he is indeed a pensioner.

Ved: A man's life - three stages,
And there is no other way:
Young boy, Adult dad,
The time has come - and it’s already grandfather.
A solemn toast to dad -
Many bright, long years!
I take my hat off to him:
There is no better dad in the world!

Children are given the floor for congratulations. ( congratulations from children and grandchildren)

Ved: And here are some more guests from overseas countries, we are welcoming (the birthday boy is seated on a chair, women dance and sing around him)

(Motif “If I were a Sultan”)

  1. It’s not in vain that we came to you today

Friends came together on your birthday

Sing and dance on your anniversary day

Happy birthday to you, we will congratulate you


Come on master, pour it stronger

Today we want to wish you

Tail with a gun

Hold it tight

  1. You are so beautiful, oh, Slava jan,

There are a lot of women around, as if you are a sultan.

Everyone is looking at you, you sweet peach

Everyone smiles and carries flowers.


Today is a holiday, a big anniversary

Come on master, pour it stronger

Today we want to wish you

Tail with a gun

Hold it tight

Ved: ( Word to guests and relatives)

We wish the hero of the day

We are health and happiness,

What more could you wish for?

If we drink today,

Health will not weaken

Tomorrow we can continue again.

To the tune of the song "Wonderful Neighbor".

1) How can you not have fun now?
And be sad at least sometimes?
appeared in our house
Birthday boy anywhere!
We don't know for sure yet
What should we do with it, what should we do?
But it looks like it's urgent
Hurry for gifts!

Chorus: Pa-para-pa-pa-pa...

2) We chose gifts
As best we could, as best we could,
Withdrawn from savings books
Vaxes, euros and rubles!
All goods in stores
They went over and over,
By some miracle we even
We've reached the sex shop!

3) If the gifts are unsuccessful,
Then forgive and excuse me:
We really, really wanted
So that they get better.

Ved: We brought you bagels, bought for rubles.
First bagel - let's get to work!
The second one is that my mother gave birth!
Third - that they got married and had children!
And the fourth is for success, which not everyone has.
The fifth donut is behind the lyceum

And the sixth is for the anniversary!
Don’t lose our gift, wear it on every occasion

Ved: Two pigeons hiccupped at each other for a long time

Finding each other is no joke

Two doves coo gently

Grandfather and his grandmother Lyubka.

GRANDFATHER AND GRANDMOTHER LYUBKA(Grandfather and grandmother come in dressed up and sing a song to the tune of My Dear Grandfather.)

Grandma: What kind of people are these, tell me, grandfathers,

Why did the little blue doves get together?

Grandfather: Yes, for the holiday grandma, yes for the holiday Lyubka

For drinking, you are my blue dove

Grandma: What is a holiday, explain to me grandpa,

Who are they, tea is not counterintelligence

Grandfather: Calm down grandma, calm down Lyubka,

It's the name day of the blue dove

Grandma: Why are they sitting here, tell me grandpa,

They make speeches and drink heavily

Grandfather: They have a grandma holiday, an anniversary, however,

Because every dog ​​knows this

Grandfather: Look, grandma, what beauties there are here

Grandma: Oh, what dresses

Grandfather: And underneath them are butts

Grandma: Leave me alone, grandpa, you old fool,

Look at mine, oh rotten stump

Grandfather: Don't worry, just relax, Lyubka,

Let's congratulate them, little blue dove.

TOGETHER: Celebrating the anniversary

(name) congratulations,

We wish you happiness and health from the bottom of our hearts.

Contest "Siamese twins" 4 people are required to participate. Two participants stand sideways to each other, grabbing each other’s belt; Thus, the two participants seem to “merge” and play the role of “Siamese twins”. The only condition is that you cannot talk. The “Siamese twins” are asked to perform some action:

  • Sit down.
  • Eat candy.
  • Bend over
  • Sit on a chair.
  • Jump.
  • Sing a song.

Leading: We play the game “Spin the Bottle” (Guests are invited to take their seats at the tables)

Dear guests, pay attention to this beautiful bottle.

We pass it back and forth

For whom the music stops

He pours a glass

Says his toast to the guests

Glory to the hero of the day.

Competition "Spoon"

The game involves couples (man, woman), the man (preferably) must wear loose trousers. Women are given teaspoons, which they thread into the man's trouser leg from below. The goal of the game is to be the fastest to get the spoon from the top edge of your trousers. Shirts, T-shirts and other clothing worn above the waist must be tucked into pants.

Erotic dance

For this competition, chairs are needed according to the number of participants. Participants sit on chairs and dance to the music as best they can. Then the leader says that the legs should not be involved in the dance. Then legs and arms. Then the legs, arms and head - only the face dances.


Pour, drink, snack

VED: And now a response to the hero of the day.

Singing songs. Dancing.

A wonderful age - 60!
It's not that easy to live through.
We wish you to live like this
At least until 90 years old.

With family, with friends
Let there always be only joy,
And a string of new days
Will give you long-awaited rewards!

Let happiness rush into your home
And it will fill it to the brim,
Let laughter and songs be in it,
And the angel will fulfill all your wishes.

In men aged 60
Blooming begins!
Life has been stable
The soul remained young.

It’s not for nothing that I admire
Our cheerful hero of the day.
He's as full as he was when he was twenty
Strength for many victories.

May your health be strong
Let life please and love,
Look forward merrily
And take care of yourself.

On this anniversary, I sincerely wish you many happy days, financial well-being and good health! Let harmony reign in your soul, and let peace and comfort reign in your home! I wish you to fulfill your dreams and remain such an active, cheerful and purposeful man!

Sixty is a big date!
For you - strength blossoms,
And man - no matter where you are,
So what, so many years?

I wish you strength
Don't lose it on your anniversary,
Be healthy and happy
In general, keep it up!

Let 60 be a respectable age,
On this anniversary I will say one thing.
It's not too late to start everything,
After all, it’s full of adventures.

And let your cherished dream come true,
Any whim will be fulfilled.
And a moment of happiness will last a lifetime,
And let fate bring a surprise.

I still wish you good health,
Let the energy flow in full swing.
I congratulate you on your anniversary,
Always remain a man!

Happy sixty anniversary
They are in a hurry to congratulate you.
Well, I'm not far behind
I send my heartfelt congratulations.

You are a man anywhere,
Stay always
Positive, combative,
Kind, sensitive and simple.

Let your family be proud of you
He strives to support you.
May your health not fail you
And fate takes you away from troubles.

Smart, kind, humorous,
Let them pass by
And sadness and boredom.

Let him live to the fullest -
Fun and challenging.
Trouble for everyone, empty melancholy
It will be disgraceful.

At 60 you are not an old man!
Love and passion to you!
May it fill every moment
Unearthly happiness.

Sixtieth anniversary,
Like everything, so sudden.
Here comes the second youth,
It will make you spin, crazy one.

Don't look at the years
Much happiness lies ahead
You can make many plans
Double everything good.

Be healthy and don't get sick,
The look is brighter, the step is more vigorous,
You are a man one hundred percent
Well, let's celebrate the anniversary!

You are 60! And that's the reason
Gather all sincere friends.
See everyone who is so dear to you,
Those very loyal people.

Your youth is behind you,
You have a lot to tell.
And let wisdom be your support
Conquer all new heights.

May God give you strength and health
Celebrate the hundredth anniversary.
Have a noisy party
Gather all your loyal friends.

We cordially congratulate you,
We are at this such a wonderful hour, -
Today is your anniversary,
Let your life become more fun!

And the current sixty,
Let them pleasantly surprise you
May they bring a series of successes,
Good luck and crying with happiness!

Let your heart be warm,
And my soul is always light,
Let every day and every hour
Pleasantly surprises you!

Doesn't threaten you at all
Suddenly become an ancient old man,
60 - just, only!
Stay cheerful
Don't think about retirement
(She's still far away)
And in general, it’s time to spit
For problems. Bottoms Up!

What does the number “60” mean to a man?
She's like a big bunch of grapes
Where the years are berries, and you are rich in them,
And in each there is a reward hidden for you.
In one there is luck, and in the other there is success,
In others - health, wisdom, experience, strength.
We wish all these berries
Life brought more every year.
But keep one berry in your heart -
The one in which your happiness lies.
Don’t count the years, why do you need them?
They are only components in fate.

You're 60 and in great shape,
After all, 60 is a wonderful age for men.
My health is good and my mood is normal.
You are on horseback. There is no reason to worry.
Let me congratulate you on your birthday!
Today is the third time you are 20 years old.
Let this day be no exception,
And it will be the start of future victories!
Therefore, we sincerely wish you:
Let the planned things work out.
We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary!
Health, joy, love and warmth to you!

Sixty is a round date,
It’s impossible not to mention this!
This is the time when I'm with you
Only reliable people, friends.
You are a respectable and important man,
You don't like lyrical words
But let me respect you on your anniversary,
I wish you happiness in everything.
Let the problems run away without looking back,
Life will be filled with success and goodness,
And let your health be fine.
And, of course, to have more luck.
Don't lose your enthusiasm or ardor,
Don't be upset or timid.
So that fate protects and preserves.
And celebrate your anniversary well!

Sixty is a very important date!
And I would like to wish you
Those dreams that once did not come true
Implement everything immediately.
So that family and friends
I would always be next to you,
So that in your soul, as if in a vessel,
Love and kindness remained.
So that they don’t know illness and grief,
May you live to be a hundred years old,
So that my grandchildren can say with pride,
That you are the coolest grandfather in the world!

Sixty is not an age for a man -
This is wisdom and the flowering of life.
And there is no place for sadness, sadness,
There are still many years ahead.
You have already achieved a lot in life:
And family, and career, dreams -
Everything turned out well and honestly
For a hard worker like you.
Accept congratulations now
Happy anniversary, beautiful date.
By tradition, we are inspired
We wish you a long, rich life!
Let your health grow stronger, and that’s all!
Let success improve your life.
There is reason to be proud because
Both your grandchildren and children love you!

We wish you sparkling happiness
And the schedule is tight with luck,
An open soul, a sighted heart,
Big, kind, hot.
A clear and pure mind.
And feelings of light, radiant.
So that the environment shows
Warmth, care, respect.
Let the troubles go by
All vicissitudes of fate pass.
And on the day of the 60th anniversary -
Health, happiness, longevity!

We wish you on your anniversary
More loyal friends
An armful of good health.
And live in harmony with love.
Let every day and every hour
Luck surrounds you.
Everything is going as it should at work,
And at home everything is fine, friendly.
Good luck, happiness and luck
On your sixtieth birthday!
Let your dreams come true
Let your eyes be filled with joy!

Sixty? Can't be!
Well done, after all, agility,
A look with cunning and enthusiasm...
You are not a man - a motor!
Happy anniversary!
We're just crazy about you,
You are the best among men -
There is no reason to retire.
You must still dream
And make all your dreams come true,
Be healthy, lively,
Live for the joy of all your loved ones.

Sixty sounds big
You are a man anywhere,
And you shine like a new ruble,
They won't hire you for years.
Take care of your health,
You're not old yet
Serve the feast quickly,
Our dear hero of the day.
Accept gifts from us,
We say toasts lovingly,
May it be hot today
Happy Birthday to You!

You are a husband and a father, a grandfather already,
And the twinkle in his eyes makes him laugh even harder.
You are still a “young boy” at heart,
Not everyone succeeds in this.
Be, as always, strong and beautiful,
Just as smart, charming, loved.
Let the dawn greet you with a smile,
Well, fate always protects.

Who said men are subservient
Years rushing quickly through life?
Their hearts are forever young and passionate
Their success is an inspiration to the ladies.
60 is the date of wisdom,
This is the crown of life's values.
For the man of the year - not a nuisance,
After all, a man is a Creator in life!
Our hero of the day, we wish you
Strength of spirit, health, love!
May your accomplishments inspire you
After all, the best is yet to come!

Like a solid 007,
Our hero of the day, a handsome man.
And it’s not a simple anniversary at all.
He celebrates brightly and beautifully.
You're 60 today
You celebrate with your best friends.
We wish you not to lose
Its freshness. We wish you happiness.
Let your health be less naughty,
And let your relatives respect you.
So that you don’t know problems and grievances.
Congratulations on your anniversary.

60 is a big date,
A man has a peak in everything.
Many peaks have been taken
Life is seething and in full swing.
I wish you in the same spirit,
The path planned to be taken.
Don't give up, be healthy,
May you always be lucky on your journey.
Let wisdom be your support,
What has already been accumulated.
Keep youth in your heart,
Walk with her through destiny.

Happy anniversary,
At 60 I wish you:
Be the same optimist
And a perky comedian.
Don't be offended by fate
Just don't worry so much.
Both in work and in business
Keep everything in your hands.
You don't know defeat
And worthy of admiration.
Keep it up! Do not be sad!
And reach a hundred years!

You are sixty today -
A wonderful age for a man.
And let your years fly by
And there is no reason to worry.
You are so loved by your family,
You are so respected by your friends.
We all value you
And happy anniversary!
We wish you to enjoy life,
Surprise all your loved ones with drive,
Know neither grief nor sadness.
Call us for a new anniversary!

You are 60! And that's the reason
Gather all sincere friends.
See everyone who is so dear to you,
Those very loyal people.
Your youth is behind you,
You have a lot to tell.
And let wisdom be your support
Conquer all new heights.
May God give you strength and health
Celebrate the hundredth anniversary.
Have a noisy party
Gather all your loyal friends.

In the wonderful sixties,
Life is just beginning
And may on your bright anniversary,
Only all dreams come true.
We wish you many years of happiness,
Let life shine, without fuss,
Health, joy, prosperity,
Let the days sparkle only brightly!

You are turning into your “second thirty” years,
May they fill your life with only happiness
And they will bring you many victories,
After all, without victories, life seems more miserable.
We wish you to feel the strength in your hands,
Forge your destiny with your own hands,
So that luck and success are not in words,
But in reality they were in tune with fate.
We wish you health from the bottom of our hearts,
Patience, faith, joy, luck.
And let your cherished dreams come true.
Just dream more often, without a doubt!

Let your anniversary remind you
How many victories have been won?
We wish you good health
For many, many more years.
After all, you are destined for so much
To go through, to achieve and to accomplish...
Therefore, you have no doubt
There will be no time to be sad.
And don’t look at the years -
They are just days on the calendar
And you become wiser
Stronger than anyone else on Earth.
If trouble dares to come,
True friends will help.
And for your relatives you are like a support,
The whole family is proud of you!

On the day of the glorious anniversary
Celebrations to the main culprit
We wish you health and strength,
And everything he himself asked for.
Sixty is a major milestone.
From a respectable person
There's still a long way to go
Well, time to relax.
Let life give you rewards
Let your loved ones be near
Let the children be happy with success,
May the wind always blow fair!

No wonder people say:
A wonderful age - 60!
After all, this is creative blossoming,
It's time for high rises.
There's no room for troubles
And the work is going well.
Having solved thousands of problems,
Having thought through all the plans,
Can you do it without failure?
Do everything as it should.
And let the lips repeat all day,
Let everyone say with love:
“Live and work until you’re a hundred years old!
Success and health!”

Smart, kind, humorous,
Let them pass by
And sadness and boredom.
Let him live to the fullest -
Fun and challenging.
Trouble for everyone, empty melancholy
It will be disgraceful.
At 60 - You are not an old man.
Love and passion to you.
May it fill every moment
Unearthly happiness!

Feel free to answer any question
Do you have any answer?
But behind natural modesty
Hiding your authority.
Elegant, neat -
Both in clothes and in business.
Your work is hard, immense
You know, not in words.
Smile when you meet
You tell a joke - and lo and behold,
Life becomes similar
For a funny joke.
May good luck accompany you
To you in desires, deeds.
Let adversity, misfortune
They will be smashed to smithereens.

Time flies by,
But the view is still clear,
I congratulate you warmly,
You are sixty today.
I wish you strength and vigor,
Bright thoughts and long years,
Your grandchildren dote on you -
The best grandfather in the world!
Don't get sick, don't become limp,
And don’t let your body become decrepit,
Fill with deep meaning
There's still a third of your life left.
Stay a good guy
And a man anywhere,
To age calendar
They never gave it!

You are sixty today
Today is the anniversary.
Don't be bored this holiday,
Go forward boldly.
May your life be bright
Dreams come true,
The soul is as young as before,
And you are the happiest of all.
May you live for many more years,
Never lose heart
Not knowing sorrow and troubles,
And be happy always.

Traveling through life
Through the summer we move forward
And today we celebrate
Your sixtieth year.
Impressive and successful
With noble gray hair,
May fate give her gifts
Generously shares with you.
Let your health shine with color,
The energy is in full swing,
Everyone's hopes come true
Hour after hour, day after day.

Congratulations on your anniversary
From family, friends, grandchildren,
Take it quickly
You are only sixty.
Live cheerfully and easily,
Let your health not leave you,
Let your soul be light,
Let the love of your family surround you.
Create with your heart and soul
Fates are beautiful pictures
And here we are again, in such a crowd,
We'll come to your name day!

What is sixty?
This is a free day:
You can sleep to your heart's content,
Go anywhere.
By this moment you -
A man with authority.
You are valued, protected,
Do not forget about it.
We wish you
Good health
So that if something happens
I was in the deep end with my head.
And such a pension
So that, after withdrawing interest,
Could you girls in the south
Treat with absinthe.

Sixty - so solid,
Prestigious, even pretty,
Let there be a lot of strength over the years,
Excellent goals and standards,
Beautiful people to be around
So that there is a friendly circle,
So that there is something to try for,
To find something to fall in love with,
To make your smile wider
May everything work out in this world!

Let the gray hair turn silver,
But the heart is young, forever.
You are sixty! And this is your strength,
There are more opportunities now than ever.
After all, you can travel around the world
And learn other languages.
Health just doesn’t let you down,
And for years you may not even notice.

60 is already a lot,
But there is so much ahead.
60 is still the beginning,
It's just that my youth is behind me.
Already retired? Great!
This is a chance to start again.
This is a sea of ​​​​hobbies
This is mature love...
Congratulations on your anniversary
And we wish you
Rotate it the way you want
Everything that is in your destiny!

A wonderful age - 60!
It's not that easy to live through.
We wish you to live like this
At least until 90 years old.
With family, with friends
Let there always be only joy,
And a string of new days
Will give you long-awaited rewards!
Let happiness rush into your home
And it will fill it to the brim,
Let laughter and songs be in it,
And the angel will fulfill all your wishes.

You are sixty, but you are still just as young.
Celebrating an anniversary is a wonderful occasion.
Ingenuity, wisdom, experience have united in you.
And it’s okay that the hair turned slightly silver!
Plans and ideas have been brought to fruition.
But our birthday boy is no mistake. There are more ideas!
It is necessary to raise glorious grandchildren,
So that they can inherit a treasure trove of knowledge.
Happy wonderful birthday,
And we wish you all the best with all our hearts.
May joy fill your every day,
And the key to health does not dry up until you reach a hundred years!

An experienced and wise man -
And the ladies are all at your feet.
It's not difficult to love such people -
There is intelligence and sparkle in the eyes.
We wish you to be sick and sad less often,
And don’t give in to the young people!
Be as handsome as before, fresh,
Succeed in all matters.
Find joy in the family,
Look with delight, boldly into the distance.
For happiness you need a little -
Only love life and drive away sadness!

What can you do at sixty?
Wish it for a man?
Health and good luck,
Cozy house in the country.
And so that close friends
Always surrounded you
So that with your warmth
Warmed you up in winter.
Prosperity in the family,
Carrying your grandchildren on your back,
So that they are always on the table
And bread and red caviar.

At 60 we take stock
The most interesting life of yours.
Your roads have been traversed,
Hundreds of people were met.
And believe me, all those who met you
They will look at you with respect,
Who noticed at least some of your qualities,
You deserve high awards!
Hero of the day, our heartfelt congratulations,
And we wish to live longer.
We'll take another walk together,
And let's get started on this!

Sixtieth anniversary,
Like everything, so sudden.
Here comes the second youth,
It will make you spin, crazy one.
Don't look at the years
Much happiness lies ahead
You can make many plans
Double everything good.
Be healthy and don't get sick,
The look is brighter, the step is more vigorous,
You are a man one hundred percent
Well, let's celebrate the anniversary!

Our dear, beloved man,
What can I wish you on this day?!
Let them still paint pictures of you,
At night the bed creaks.
To start the day with a smile
A sweet girl next to you.
So that your body is flexible,
I was always busy at night.
So that you gasp not from back pain,
Not from colic to moan,
We wish you such a share,
So you can tell your grandchildren.

Happy anniversary!
Sixty is not ninety.
We wish you to be young at heart,
Be healthy without question.
Let the neighbors be jealous
After all, years are wealth,
Sixty is already a victory,
We must try to live easily.
Raise a hearty toast,
Rejoice, friends all around!
Let's celebrate a glorious anniversary,
You can't be discouraged now!

The years fly by so quickly
Sixth decade - no problem!
Congratulations on your anniversary
And always be happy!
And your children have grown up
And the grandchildren took to the wing.
Long life to you in this world!
And may you always be lucky everywhere!

Today you deserve all the praise
And best congratulations,
After all, you are sixty today
Wonderful years gone by.
We wish the same stately, prominent
To be a completely respectable man,
Healthy, strong, businesslike,
Satisfied, joyful, family.
May this wonderful anniversary
They will give you happiness forever!

They say you are 60 today!
Your eyes are still burning with fire,
Spring is still intoxicating
And with my wife, so often, there is no time to sleep at night.
We respect and love the team,
As an employee you are always invaluable.
You are a professional in all your affairs.
In general, at 60 you are ideal!
May your health never fail you
Sadness and melancholy will bypass you,
You will always be happy to live in your home,
Believe me, the years have no power over you.

What do the numbers six and zero mean?
That despite the winds and thunderstorms
Today the account with trouble is any
Jumped decently in your favor.
And after many, many years
Again in spite of any cyclones
You will say “Hello!” to a hundred
Becoming an absolute champion.
May you not know the problems
And just get stronger.
Today we are for the joy of everyone
Congratulations on your anniversary!

The years fly by like birds,
It's already sixty.
The age of informed decisions
And, of course, awards.
You can slow down the fast pace
Look at your success
So that it is measured and important
Life can continue without interference.
Happy anniversary! Be healthy,
Don't regret anything
Start a new day with a smile
And believe in good things!

You are 60, or else you will be!
After all, so much has been done along the way,
And on this holiday people congratulate
Which you are lucky to find in life.
May you have many more goals,
To always strive and dream,
And let life be a crazy carousel
They could still ride you for a long time.
Health to you and just inspiration
For feats, for many years,
Let life be like an adventure
In which you are never bored!

Such a noble man
I would like to congratulate you very well.
Already slightly gray stubble,
And this is a little unusual,
The belly stands out a little
Your love for bream and beer,
But charisma sets everything off,
And you look quite handsome.
No one has canceled yet
That the demon will hit you in the rib.
When - he himself only knows.
They'll give you sixty more
A wonderful holiday that is well deserved -
Accept age with pleasure
And know that we really need you.
Happy birthday!

60 - isn't that a reason,
To celebrate your anniversary! ?
After all, at heart, as before, you are young,
Gather all your friends.
Don't be sad that your temples have turned grey,
What sometimes presses in the chest,
Lots of happiness, love and good luck -
Much better lies ahead.
Let them go through life with you
Joy, laughter and a healthy spirit,
Let the years that have passed follow you
All your troubles will be taken away!

You are sixty today
And that's very cool.
Your eyes are burning with fire,
The blood is shaking my head.
And let the gray hair be at the temples,
In your soul you remain
Perky, cheerful, young -
You never give up in life!
We wish you now
Health and patience,
Good luck, joy, victories,
Good luck and good luck.

The man is sixty. Is it really years?
The man is sixty. Well, is this a deadline?
After all, this is maturity for the male breed,
And you are both strong and tall!
So let today be the beginning for you
Stages of maturity and wisdom of the path.
May there be many more glorious days.
And friends to go with!

From the heart,
From all our souls
On the day of the sixtieth anniversary
We hasten to congratulate you.
We wish to hold on
And further like this,
Sedin is not afraid,
And be naughty.
Don't let your strength fade
And the heart is beating,
All dreams come true
And life is in full swing in you.