Of course, everyone knows this line! Even if I tried, I still could not count the number of people who came to me with complaints: “My child has a very short life span. Does this mean he will die young? In the vast majority of cases, life lines on children's hands appear short, but they lengthen as children get older.

It is impossible to determine the date of death of a person from the life line on his hand. To do this, it is necessary to analyze a number of other factors. Moreover, it is not permissible for a palm reader to tell a person the time of his death, since this prediction can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy. When my aunt was fifteen years old, a palmist predicted that she would die at the age of sixty-five. For many years, until she was sixty-five, my aunt was worried about this prediction and could not get rid of the constant fear that haunted her. Fortunately, she did not die at the age that the palmist spoke of, but became a victim of many years of completely senseless stress and groundless worries. And this despite the fact that other palmists and clairvoyants repeatedly tried to convince her aunt that the prediction that frightened her was incorrect. But why was the palmist so sure that my aunt would die at sixty-five? Perhaps when she was fifteen, the lines and marks on her hand indicated that she would only live to that age. But the palmist ignored the fact that our hands are constantly changing. And as my aunt's hands underwent changes over time, the sign which the palmist had considered a clear indicator of death at the age of sixty-five was modified. I never discuss the date of their death with clients, even if it seems quite obvious to me, and I recommend that you adhere to the same principle.

Eventually, the hand may change and invalidate your prediction.

A short life line is not a sign that a person will live a short life, just as a long life line does not guarantee a long life. You will probably encounter people who have all three main lines (life, mind and heart) short.

The life line is the first line that appears on the palm of a person. It forms on the arm of a human embryo by the time it is eight weeks old!

This line is followed by the line of the heart, and then the line of the mind. It is interesting to note that these lines appear on the child's hand long before he has the opportunity to move and move, so they cannot be called folds formed as a result of the work of the hand, as some skeptics claim.

The life line is an indicator of a person’s vitality and love of life. It reflects the level and quality of life and how much vitality he has. The life line also shows how strong, resilient and energetic a person is.

The life line surrounds the thumb (Fig. 52). It begins at the inner edge of the palm on the index finger side and outlines in a semicircle the hill at the base of the thumb.

Like other hand lines, the life line should be clear and deep. Ideally, the semicircle it forms should be as full and wide as possible, since the section of the hand that the life line encircles (the Mount of Venus) is directly related to the amount of energy and vitality of a person. A person whose life line “embraces” the thumb, that is, is located close to it (Fig. 53), is most likely characterized by weakness, passivity, slowness and increased fatigue.

Conversely, a person whose life line forms a large semicircle (Fig. 54) will be distinguished by great enthusiasm, an active life position and energy.

The following can be said about a person whose life line on his hand “embraces” his thumb:

At times he suffers from lack of energy. He doesn't have as much strength in reserve as he would like to have. He needs regular rest and relaxation.

Such a person should pay more attention to the condition of his body, engage in physical exercise, and he will become more resilient and energetic.

This statement is the exact opposite of what could be said about a person with a life line forming a large, regular, well-defined semicircle on the palm:

He is very hardy, cheerful and energetic. If he does something that gives him pleasure, he does not feel tired and does not need to rest. He enjoys all types of physical activity, and a good night's sleep quickly restores his strength, and in the morning he is ready to start work again.


On the hands of many people, near the line of life on the side of the thumb, you can find a thin parallel line (Fig. 55).

As a rule, it is located at the beginning of the life line, but can appear on any other segment of it. For some especially lucky people, this line accompanies the life line along its entire length, which gives the impression that they have two life lines. This line is called the sister line. It protects and preserves a person in difficult and dangerous periods marked on the life line.

In other words, an event that could cause very great harm to any other person will not have the same negative impact on an individual who has a sister line on his hand.

Perhaps this is why the sister line is sometimes called the guardian angel line. I know one woman who was in a terrible car accident and survived while all the other passengers died. On her palm I discovered a very strong sister line. This line is always an extremely favorable sign. If it is located closer to the end of the life line, this indicates that the person will lead an active lifestyle even in old age.


On the hands of most people you can find many thin lines running from the base of the thumb to the line of life and sometimes even crossing it (Fig. 56).

These small, thin lines are called worry lines. You can be sure that in your lifetime you will see many hands literally dotted with such lines!

A person whose palms are covered with them worries constantly about everything in the world.

If there are few lines of concern on the hand, each of them indicates a period of time when a person faced a serious problem. Sometimes you will meet people who do not have worry lines on their hands. This means that they never worry or worry about anything, and at the same time - you can bet - their partners' hands are covered with dozens of worry lines! If the lines of concern cross the life line, this indicates serious troubles that have had or could have an adverse effect on the person's health. If this applies to a person’s future, I definitely warn him about the troubles that threaten him and advise him to take up meditation or self-hypnosis in order to control himself and cope with difficulties.


Contrary to popular belief, breaks in the life line are not serious unfavorable signs. The gap indicates significant changes in a person’s life during the specified period of time (Fig. 57). As a rule, these are changes in views, as a result of which a person begins to look at life differently, treat himself differently, the people around him, and his work.

In most cases, in places of ruptures, the life line overlaps itself, forming something like a short sister line, due to which the changes take place smoothly and without any special shocks for the individual. However, in some cases, these changes can still be dramatic, unexpected, and associated with great psychological and emotional stress. Such changes include, for example, the breakup of a love relationship or a serious illness. It is often possible to determine quite accurately what type of problem there will be by analyzing other areas of the palm. You will learn how to interpret the information received a little later.


Determining the boundaries of a time period or identifying a specific date along a life line is quite difficult, and there are several ways to do this. The simplest is to draw an imaginary vertical line on the palm, starting from the middle of the Saturn finger (middle finger). The point of its intersection with the life line corresponds to thirty-five years (Fig. 58).

Another way is to measure the length of the life line. The place where it reaches the base of the palm and turns around the thumb corresponds to the age of seventy. Measure the length of the line from its beginning to this mark, and in this way you will be able to determine the boundaries of time periods quite accurately.

For example, the middle of the line will correspond to thirty-five years. In India, palmists use a very similar system, measuring the duration of the life line using a thread. On the hands of some people, the life line goes around the thumb and ends only because it is followed by a patch of skin devoid of a pattern. This is considered the centenary age mark. However, we should not forget that a very long life line does not necessarily mean that a person will live a long life.

Based on the length of the life line, we can only determine the time boundaries of certain life periods.

Another dating method is to divide the life line into three equal segments from its beginning to the seventy-year mark. Each segment is equal to a time period of 20-25 years (Fig. 59).

Over time, I learned to use the life line as a mirror, reflecting important events from a person's past. It is very comfortable. Typically, these events are illnesses, accidents and moments when a person was threatened with death. By knowing exactly when these events occurred in the past, I can date future events with greater accuracy.

Hiro developed his own dating system, based on dividing the life line and fate line into seven-year segments-cycles (Fig. 60).

In Germany, many palmists date events starting from the base of the palm in ascending order. This happened under the influence of Julius Speer, the famous author of the book “Children's Hands” (it was to him that Carl Jung owed his interest in palmistry).

As you can see, it is quite difficult to accurately date any events based on life line analysis. Each dating system has its drawbacks, and none of them guarantees a 100% accurate result.


Like other main lines of the hand, the life line should be clear and deep, without damage. But in practice, such a life line is extremely rare.

A square on the life line can sometimes be a favorable sign, sometimes an unfavorable one. It is a favorable sign when it isolates a gap in the life line (Fig. 61). This sign is known as the protective square. He says that a person has enough strength to cope with a difficult situation.

Squares on the life line that do not limit breaks (Fig. 62) mean isolation and imprisonment. They may indicate a certain period of time that a person will have to spend in a closed limited space, for example in a monastery. But most often they mean imprisonment. Twenty years ago I read the hand of a young man who had several of these squares on his palm. I explained to him the meaning of these signs. Fortunately, he listened to my words, and when I met him a few months later, I discovered that the squares on his palm had disappeared. It turned out that he found the strength and desire to change his lifestyle and his hand also changed, reflecting the new person he had become.

Palmistry is an ancient and fascinating science that teaches how to interpret all the lines on the palm. There is an opinion that thanks to it you can find out both the past and the future of a person. In the article we will figure out which hand the life line is on, what it means and what it is needed for. After all, many people are interested in finding out their destiny without visiting fortune tellers and psychics.

What is it and where is it located

Some people believe in fortune telling, but do not understand how it is done. However, as it turned out, everything is not so complicated. First you need to decide on which hand you look at the life line. There is an opinion that prediction depends on this.

Experienced fortune tellers claim that there is an active hand and a passive one. That is, if a person is better at using his right hand, then it is considered active. And it is used to predict a person’s fate.

But the left one is passive. However, if a person is left-handed, then the active hand is the left. Now you know which hand the life line is on. Now we can move on to the definition itself.

Many people think that the life line determines the death of a person. However, it is not. It can be used to determine happiness or minor failures.

Some people don't know where It starts between the thumb and index finger and goes towards the wrist. For one person it reaches the base of the palm, while for another it only reaches halfway.

Short or long life line

To make palmistry for beginners clear to everyone, we describe the lines point by point. Then it will be simpler and easier for a person to understand.

There is an opinion that with a short life line a person will not live long. However, it has been scientifically proven that this is not true. After all, it can mean illness, disappointment or minor grief.

A long life line indicates a happy future. Most likely, you will be happy in family life and love. If thin, slightly noticeable branches begin to diverge at the base of the line, then you will not only be happy, but also rich.

Sometimes it happens that the life line is long, but not straight, but moves a little to the side. In this case, minor but solvable problems await you. You will overcome them without any problems.

If you see a clear long line without any defects, then you have a happy destiny without problems and financial difficulties. You can be calm, since your fate is almost ideal.


Now that you know where the life line is on your hand, you can predict the fate not only of yourself, but also of your loved ones. After all, everyone is interested in knowing some details of the future. The life line is not only long and short. It can also be thick and narrow. You also need to pay attention to this.

If the line is too thin, like a thread, this indicates poor health. Perhaps you have a nervous condition. However, if you take care of your health, then you can safely declare your longevity.

A thick, long line, which is clearly visible, indicates your high activity, strong energy, and good health. However, if the line has faded and is almost invisible, then you need to save your energy. After all, this indicates a loss of your health.

Sometimes it happens that the line is thick at first, and thin only in the middle or end. Then it is this gap that you need to pay attention to. After all, over the years, the line periodically changes, although it is completely imperceptible to the human eye.

Decoding the life line on the hand is not at all difficult and even interesting. However, it is necessary to examine the palm very carefully so as not to miss a single detail. After all, any bump, cross or other little thing can tell a lot.

Break in the life line

This is a complex sign that is interpreted in different ways. A break in the life line is considered both a positive and a negative phenomenon. First of all, notice where the line breaks. If the gap is in the middle of the palm, then you should expect difficulties that can be resolved, but with time.

Sometimes the line breaks closer to the wrist. This means you are having health or financial problems. Therefore, it is necessary to be extremely attentive and careful.

Very often, a break in the line means a tendency to illnesses that can be avoided. Pay attention to your diet, as you may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Island or square on a line

Sometimes there are strange shapes on the palm. There is a slightly noticeable bump on the life line, it is called an “island”.

If you meet such a figure on your life line, then expect that there will be stagnation or slowdown in your career or important matters. In such people, vital energy decreases, and negativity increases. In this case, you need to exercise as often as possible to remove your weakness.

A square on the life line protects a person from evil and negative people. Pay attention to your surroundings. Perhaps there is a person near you who feeds on your energy. Try to get rid of such a friend.

Dots, triangles, crosses or asterisks on the life line

Previously, we determined on which hand the life line is viewed. However, in this case it is necessary to pay attention to both hands. Dots, crosses and asterisks carry different meanings. It all depends on which hand you are predicting.

If you see a cross or an asterisk on your left hand, then you have very weak energy. Reconsider your attitude towards life. Crosses and stars on the right hand mean a strong position in life. If these defects are present on both hands, then this is a strong person who has many weaknesses. These are the ones you need to get rid of.

Very often, crosses and stars are interpreted as big changes in life. They can be both positive and negative. Most often this is due to a change of job, place of residence, etc.

Points on the life line are negative. It could be a serious illness or an accident. If the dot is dark, the disease may be incompatible with life.

Triangles on the life line are a very rare occurrence. However, they are only positive. Triangles are associated with the intellect and mind of a person. Such people are easy to communicate, smart, and it is easy for them to achieve promotion at work.

The life line connects to the head line

Sometimes this happens. If you notice that the life line is in contact with the head line, then you can be happy for yourself. You are prudent, smart and happy both financially and intellectually.

When the life line comes into contact with the head line, then a person can only expect a positive attitude towards himself from others. He is loved and appreciated not only by his friends, but also by his colleagues.

If the life line does not reach the head line a little, then this indicates instability and temporary difficulties that you can easily overcome. However, do not forget: no matter what the lines on the palm say, much depends on the person himself. People are able to change their destiny and life for the better. It is important to work on yourself and not give up in difficult situations.

Small lines next to the life line

Palmistry is not a complicated science at all for beginners. Especially if you are extremely careful. Pay attention not only to the bumps, stars, squares on the palm, but also to the small lines. After all, they can say a lot about a person’s character and destiny.

Small lines near the life line indicate the external factors of a person and his environment. For example, along such lines they determine who is next to you, how they influence your life and what to expect.

Thanks to small lines, you can determine business partners, what kind of marriage will be, etc. As a rule, if the lines are even and straight, then there will be success in this person’s life, and if they are crooked or rounded, this means some difficulties in communicating with others. Perhaps there will be betrayal, discontent or discord. Therefore, always pay attention to the small lines that come into contact with the life line.


Now you know what the life line means and how to use it to determine a person’s destiny. When making a prediction, try to carefully examine every detail in the palm of your hand. Remember that a person’s destiny can only be changed if he himself wants it.

The life line on the right hand is clearer than on the left. However, many fortune tellers claim that fortune telling can be done on any palm. They believe that the lines on the right and left hands are not very different.

Be that as it may, remember that no line will tell you how many years you will live. It all depends on many factors. Therefore, if your line reaches half of your palm, do not worry, but just be determined to overcome some minor difficulties.

Looking at your palms, you will see a huge number of lines on them that are arranged in an interesting way. Even at school, all the kids loved to look at palms and come up with all sorts of predictions. Of course, such fortune telling at a young age is just games, while at a more mature age, this science is called palmistry.

Each line is responsible for a certain aspect of a person’s life. So, the most important and important is the life line on the hand. We will tell you where the life path line is and how to decipher it correctly in our publication.

Life line meaning

Palmistry, the science of reading lines on the hand, came to us from our ancestors. Just a few centuries ago, people could predict what path in life was destined for this or that person. The peculiarity of this type of prediction is that what the life lines on the hand show at a given time, as well as other fateful signs, is not fundamental to the life path. Therefore, to the questions: “How long or how long will I live?”, “What is my life expectancy in years?” and “How will I live?”, this hand reading technique will not give an exact answer.

Today, people who look at the life line on their hand and predict the length of their life’s journey in years charge a decent amount of money for such a session. And if in ancient times palmistry was accessible only to elders, magicians and sorcerers, now each of us has the opportunity to delve into the secrets of the Universe. But do not delude yourself and believe that you can easily comprehend this science. You also need to be able to look at your hand and read it. Palmistry is not given to many people. The desire to learn this type of fortune telling, deep study and regular practice - all this together will help you master the basics of reading signs and lines on the palm.

The life line in palmistry predetermines the events of the life path and speaks of what is destined for the Universe. But at the same time, each of us can, to one degree or another, influence the events of our lives, changing it and directing it in a different direction.

For example, a break in the life line on both palms is a fateful symbol. But this science is designed to help humanity. Innovative developments in medicine and psychology, scientific research and successful experiments, highly professional doctors, deep knowledge of the capabilities of the human body will help to avoid a fatal set of circumstances and prevent misfortune. It is important to remember and be confident that each of us has the opportunity to influence our lives. And those who repeat “everything in my life will be as it should be” will receive exactly what they believe in.

The life line in the palm, as the main fateful sign strip on the hand, characterizes longevity, level and quality of life path, and also helps to see whether changes are destined in a person’s life. Finding the life line on hand 5882 is not difficult. Open your palm and look closely at it. At the base of the thumb there is a noticeable bump called the Mount of Venus. Around this planetary sign you can find the line of life. In most cases, it comes from the wrist itself. But often it begins on the palm itself.

The ideal option is that the life line is even on the right hand (for right-handers) and on the left hand (for left-handers), has no breaks or obstacles, is clearly defined, without any branches.

A detailed study and interpretation of the life line allows you to learn much more about your destiny than it seems at first glance. So, by reading these fateful signs, we will be able to control our destiny, make attempts to prevent misfortunes, overcome illness and even increase our life expectancy.

How to choose the right hand for fortune telling

Which hand do you use to look at the life line? Many of us are sure that both hands are suitable for such fortune-telling. However, this opinion is erroneous. Thus, those people who are right-handed can determine their life path by their right hand, and, accordingly, left-handers will learn what is destined for them by fate by their left hand.

So, on which hand they look at the life line, and where on the hand the life line is located, we have already found out. Now let's start deciphering it and figure out what it looks like.

What does the life line say?

External features and signs on the fateful life line are one of the dream indicators of an individual’s vital energy. Their types are varied. Any branches, dashes, dots, and other changes can, to one degree or another, affect a person’s life path. The study of life lines is carried out, as a rule, on the leading hand, but at the same time, for comparison and predetermining the accuracy of fortune telling, you can read the iconic lines of life in the palm of both the right and left hands.

And remember, it is important to take into account absolutely all the subtleties, signs and lines on the palm, otherwise the meaning of the life line may be read incorrectly. So, even an unnoticed mole can change the course of events in a person’s life.

Short life line

Despite the fact that many people claim that a short life line indicates a short existence on Earth, this is not entirely so clear. At the very least, you shouldn’t think that your end is near. To get a comprehensive answer to the question: “What is my life expectancy,” it is better to seek the help of a person who has been studying this difficult science for many years. A short streak should not be interpreted as a short life.

I would immediately like to note several nuances that may affect the final forecast of fortune telling:

  • with age, the fateful stripe on the palm that interests us may increase in size;
  • different hands may have different lengths of this fateful mark;
  • We should not forget that nature has endowed each of us with different hand sizes, and that one has a short line, while another will have a completely normal size;
  • There are other significant lines on the palm (the line of influence of fate, mind, emotions, etc.), which are capable of fulfilling all the functions of the life line, characterized by fundamental changes in human existence.

Look carefully at both palms. If you see that on the right the life line ends, and on the left there is a long life line, then such signs indicate that at a certain stage of life you will face difficult trials. Serious illness, car accident and other life-threatening situations. When the life line at the place of the break is resumed and further extended along the Mount of Venus, then, in most cases, the illness (or other situation) will recede, and your life will continue further, as the life line on the opposite hand “told” you.



What do the lines on the hand mean?



How to find out the meaning of your name.

Corrective Palmistry. Lines of Fate on the hand.

Past lives by date of birth. Who were you in a past life?


Life Lines - signs

If the break in the life line continues in noticeable islands, then such signs predict painful memories of the reason for the break in the fateful streak. Again, don’t be immediately disappointed when you notice a short life line on your hand. See what other iconic palm markings predict. Perhaps the short strip is blocked by the line of fate, which takes over the functions of the life path. And, in the end, we can in a certain way influence the quality and duration of our life path. And in order for this trait to lengthen, you need to lead a full, correct lifestyle and follow the “mission” for which you were born into this world.

Double life line

In palmistry, a double life line speaks of the undisclosed abilities of its owner. The sign of two stripes on the palm has another name - the sister line, the life line of Mars. This is how you can spot a liar. This trait means that this is a person with specific capabilities and skills who leads a dual lifestyle. Fateful double signs can also be interpreted as the presence of enormous energy potential, hidden abilities of self-healing and self-healing.

Many sorcerers, magicians and people involved in healing are endowed with just such a fateful mark. They are able to cure diseases using internal energy. Such individuals are said to be the favorites of fate, thereby reinforcing their life opportunities, abilities and confidence in self-realization.

You can meet a person who has a triple life mark on his hand. Such people, as a rule, have psychic abilities and are well acquainted with reincarnation. However, this phenomenon occurs extremely rarely and if you have witnessed a triple life line, then consider yourself very lucky.

Straight line

A straight heart line means powerful emotional energy. If the straight line is long and ends near the outer hill of Mars, then this promises a calm, measured path in life.

When the direct life mark ends at the tubercle of the index finger, or even crosses it completely, then this characterizes the person as a sociable, sociable person. Seeing a straight, short stripe on your hand means expecting a monotonous life.

Bifurcation of life's fateful streak

If the life line bifurcates into two branches, one of which goes up, wrapping around the Mount of the Moon, and the other continues to follow the usual line, bypassing the Mount of Venus, then such branches mean moving, changing place of residence, traveling.

Moreover, the more expressive the second branch, the more significant changes await a person at a certain stage of life. The life line bifurcates into two equally separated lines - expect drastic changes that relate to changing citizenship, moving abroad for permanent residence.

The life line also bifurcates because a person may face a difficult, fateful choice, on which the quality and duration of one’s life path will depend.

Life bar offset

The shift in the fateful trait can be interpreted in different ways. If the life lines on hand 5882 are first interrupted, overlap each other and continue to follow their original path, hugging the Mount of Venus, then such a sign promises significant fateful changes. This feature shows a person that with a 99% probability he will face a serious rethinking of life principles and priorities. People whose fateful line is broken, at a certain time, by a fateful coincidence of circumstances, suddenly decide to move away from their previous life, and start all over with a “clean slate”. This can be triggered by a sudden recovery from a serious illness, or by happy circumstances, thanks to which tragic events were avoided.

If the displacement of the lines is not significant and not clearly expressed, then such a sign portends minor changes in the path of life:

  • change of type of activity;
  • promotion;
  • transition to a new job with a different type of activity;
  • moving to a new apartment/house/city;
  • suddenly receiving a marriage proposal;
  • rapid climb up the career ladder.

When the line of life breaks and moves towards the base of the thumb, affecting the Mount of Venus, then this can be interpreted somewhat differently:

  • great disappointments in religion;
  • collapse in professional activity;
  • big problems related to finances;
  • sudden onset of poverty due to job loss;
  • discord in the family, the emergence of disagreements;
  • lack of mutual understanding between family and friends, big problems with them;
  • misunderstanding on the part of employees at work, which in turn can lead to total changes and destruction of career and professional growth;
  • loss of family amid constant quarrels, strife and misunderstandings.

But, again, do not forget that this sign is just a predestination of your destiny. You shouldn’t give up and live by the rule “I will spend my time as the Universe destined for me.” This approach will not help you change your life path and direct it in a more favorable direction. Each of us can reconsider our actions, values ​​and understand what needs to be done so that the Universe is favorable to us. Remember, the one who believes in the best gets the best!

Broken line of life

A dotted, uneven, intermittent line of interest to us on the palm helps to learn about the quality of life of its owner. Such people who have an interrupted life line on their hand are susceptible to frequent illnesses and situations that, to one degree or another, affect the full existence of the individual on Earth. Yes, it will not be entirely easy for a person with such a special mark, but if you gather your willpower into a fist and try to avoid misfortunes, protect yourself as much as possible from everything, then you can prevent illnesses and accidents.

Sign strip break

If the life line is interrupted, then this can predict several developments in fate. A sharp break with a point on the life line, after which the line follows its original direction, indicates a possible serious illness that will leave a mark on a person’s fate for a long time. We can talk about a heart attack, stroke, diabetes and other ailments that require complete control throughout a person’s life.

An interrupted life line may also mean that a person’s fate will include strong experiences, stress and shock, which can provoke a serious illness.

It all depends on how far these segments are from each other. And if there is a broken line on your palm, then try to keep your emotions under control.

A rupture with a pronounced displacement towards the thumb, after which the line ends, portends death. The end of your life line is not a death sentence. Try looking at the other hand. It often happens that such a sign only foreshadows possible danger. And if in the second palm the life line is completely long and describes the Mount of Venus, then your fate is solely in your hands. Be attentive to your health and do not forget about the most banal precautions. And then the break in your fateful streak will not be fatal for you, and, most likely, you will be able to not only prolong your life, but also make it full of bright colors and positive emotions.

If you don’t quite understand the line of life, or rather its branches, breaks and displacements, then you can look at photos with transcripts, video lessons on palmistry and visual examples. Such materials will certainly help you understand what this or that dash, line or branch means. You can easily find the examples themselves on the Internet by entering the phrase of the same name into the search engine of your browser.

Thin line of life

It happens that the line of your life is thin. Such features determine the rapid human life. This means that the individual will experience a turbulent, constantly changing destiny. A change in the type of activity, passions, preferences, a sharp revaluation of values. All this will change so quickly, now in one direction, now in the other, that the individual will not be able to fully appreciate all the delights of worldly existence. For some, such a rapid development of events will seem normal and complete, but for others it will be extremely difficult.

Therefore, if you are the owner of such a significant mark on your palm, then, first of all, think about what you want to get from life: a hectic change of events or calm, uniformity and regularity. A person who is inclined to the second option needs to think about taking the course of fate into his own hands and independently trying to lead life as he sees fit.

There is no life line

There have also been cases in nature when the life line simply disappeared. Such a sign of fate can be seen as a warning. Most likely, you chose the wrong path. Review your goals, principles and values. Remember, if such a fateful line disappears, it’s for a reason!

Less often there are cases when the life line is absent altogether. This feature speaks of a nervous, anxious life. Sometimes it happens that when a child appears in a family, this fateful streak suddenly appears. This suggests that the Gift from Above, which is the baby, gives you a chance to start life anew.

Iconic symbols on the life line

It is imperative to pay attention to the signs, with the help of which the description of the path of life is even more accurate. On the fateful line that interests us, we can find different types of signs: a square, a trident, a triangle, a circle, a loop, outgoing stripes, with or without overlapping each other. And all of them are capable of influencing the existence of their owner to one degree or another.


A trident on your life line, just like a fork, a parallel line with a fork, the right tripod portends good luck in professional activities. Such people can make a fast career with minimal effort.


A circle on the life line indicates the formation of peace and comfort in the human soul. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you saw a large circle on your palm or a small one. If the line goes on and breaks, and a circle emerges between them, then this indicates that you are in for a difficult life situation from which it will be extremely difficult to get out. There are other options for developing a life path. When the circle is visible at the beginning of the line, then fate is destined for a monotonous and calm adolescence, and only in adulthood will you be able to make adjustments to it.


A line with a chain along it speaks of variable energy and apathy. In the case when such a sign occurs at a young age, that is, at the beginning of the life line, then we are talking about an explosive nature, misunderstanding on the part of adults. If this sign is at the end of the line, goes to the middle or is directed downwards from the fateful strip that interests us, then this indicates that the person has lived an emotionally difficult life.


If the life line has a triangle on one side, then the interpretation of such a sign can be different. For the most part, they directly depend on the location of the triangle. It’s good if this figure falls at the beginning of the strip we are interested in or is located closer to the center. This is a sign of immediate financial success.

Triangle near the life line - beware of the flame. You and your loved ones should be as careful as possible. A figure with three corners is located on the vital stripe - the owner of such a sign will suffer in a fire. Just don’t take everything in the literal sense of the word; a fire can also have a symbolic meaning. For example, the unexpected loss of a valuable document may give rise to the following thoughts: “I will be fired and will be without a job. Just like after a fire!”


If there is a square or rectangle on the life line, then this is a good sign. The quadrangular figure, which is located on the symbolic strip that interests us, establishes a certain kind of framework that prevents the reduction of vital energy. A square located on a negative symbol softens its adverse effects. And a bad omen hidden in a quadrangular figure will not cause the expected harm.

A small square that looks up and is closer to the index finger promises well-being.

This means that all the tricks of fate will not affect the quality and duration of life’s journey. A large square, rhombus or rectangle on the Mount of Venus predicts restriction of freedom. No, we are not talking about a prison cell and correctional labor. No one is going to put iron bracelets on you. Women with this sign may face an unsuccessful marriage, and men – involuntary “slavery” in professional activities.

Loop sign

“Like a fish on ice” - this is the expression that best suits such a fateful symbol. A loop in the lane we are interested in indicates a difficult situation. And to resolve it, you will need to spend a lot of effort and time, making a kind of loop to return life to its previous course. In turn, the sign overlapped by a square has a slightly different meaning: undergoing training, recertification, etc.

Other features of the life line

Lines crossing each other are a peculiar sign, but not a bad one. If the fateful line of life connects with the line of the mind, then this may indicate that your purpose on Earth depends on common sense and mental abilities. Such individuals find their calling in teaching and research. But at the same time, if there is such a sign on your hand, then you should not rush to work and pay it off when it does not fit these criteria. Deciding “I will work in the field that is destined for me” is simple, but for this it is worth making every effort to achieve the desired goal. This iconic feature of the strip that we are talking about only means what is destined for you by the Universe. Many people live their lives wonderfully, doing activities that do not at all fit the criteria of their “life mission.” But, despite this, they try to express themselves in every possible way, directing vital energy to another area associated with good deeds. In general, everything depends only on yourself and your aspirations.

When the life line comes into contact with the fate line, this is a sign that it is fate that can influence a person’s life path. Simply put, the quality of your life path and its duration will depend on what is destined for you by the forces from Above. The location of the life line in close proximity to the fate line predicts their close intertwining, which was mentioned earlier.

Often, around the feature that interests us, we can observe other, implicitly expressed lines, like small processes. Small lines emanating from the fateful stripe that interests us define a person as an emotionally unstable person.

It is generally accepted that if the life line in the palm diverges and is divided into small segments, one of which looks at the outer hill of Mars, and the second is directed in the other direction, then this can be interpreted in different ways. The inner line predicts health problems. A person with this sign will often get sick. And the designation of the feature that goes to the middle finger is an opportunity to change the path of life. So we can assume that, taken together, these signs speak of diseases whose course can be influenced.

If the life line itself goes to the center, towards the index finger, and at the same time passes through the fate line, then such a sign can be read as a loss of financial well-being. But the small upward shoots speak of the joy associated with the birth of a newborn child. Such iconic marks can appear on the hand completely unexpectedly. Example: a woman cannot have children, but having later done something good in life, or having fully fulfilled her “life mission,” which can be recognized by her date of birth, the Universe changed its plans. So, the lines that appear are a long-awaited child, begged from the Almighty.

Two lines running parallel over the line we are interested in are interpreted as support from significant people (friends, family and loved ones).

We have explained the features of the life line. And in conclusion, we’ll talk about life expectancy, or more precisely, we’ll tell you what dating is.

Dating time

As mentioned earlier, palmistry will not be able to show you the exact date of death and indicate when, for example, you should get married or give birth to your first child. But this does not prevent you from making an approximate count of fateful events.

Using the life line, you can find out not only the approximate date of death, but also other changes that await you on the path of life. Calculating a specific date is not that difficult.

The life line begins its real path at the intersection with a horizontal line descending from the index finger. Thus, according to generally accepted data, one to one and a half centimeters of the length of the line on the palm predetermines one year of life.

To get a more accurate date for a particular event, you should measure the length of the life line and divide it into segments. With the help of simple mathematical calculations you will be able to find out the detailed life line in years. But again, the life of each of us is unpredictable. Perhaps, having reached its middle, you will suddenly make a mistake, or, on the contrary, you will begin to do good deeds, thereby changing the “schedule” of your life. A kind of correction of life's path is a common phenomenon. Therefore, you should not completely trust fortune telling.

If you want to live longer, then try to do mostly good deeds, avoiding lies, foul language and other evil tricks that defile the human soul. As one famous philosopher said:

“Remain, first of all, human. And then there will be no misfortunes, troubles and grief in your destiny!”

Take care of yourself, and let there be only joy, happiness and love in your life!

Hello! Are you interested in how to find out your fate by the lines on your hand? This is what we will do now. Everyone knows that palmists (and gypsies), even with a glance at your palm, can tell a lot about you, your problems and your character.

What do the lines on your hands tell you?

Palmistry is an ancient esoteric science of predicting the future, telling the story of the present along the lines on the palm.

Lines by planets:

  1. Life
  2. Hearts
  3. Fates
  4. success
  5. Health
  6. Intuition
  7. Marriage
  8. Voluptuousness
  9. Ring of Venus

Hills of the planets:

  1. Venus
  2. Jupiter
  3. Saturn
  4. Apollo
  5. Mercury
  6. Mars

The lines on the hands are called the map of life, by which you can find out your future. The science is complex, but there are general principles of decoding that are not difficult for a person who has little knowledge of palmistry.

First, let's look at the heart line. It must be studied from the outer part of the palm.

  1. The line ends under the index finger - it means you have a happy personal life.
  2. If it ends under the middle finger, then you are an egoist in love; in a love relationship, everything revolves around you.
  3. If its ending is between the middle and ring fingers, then you are an amorous person.
  4. When the heart line is short and straight, then you are devoid of romance.
  5. If the stripe runs under your fingers, then you are a jealous, but extremely passionate person.
  6. Be careful in love, if the heart line crosses the life line, you can easily get your heart broken.
  7. A heart line rising towards the index finger indicates an affectionate personality.
  8. Parallel to the line of the mind - you check feelings with the help of the mind.
  9. A winding line shows many frivolous hobbies.
  10. A broken line indicates that the person has gone through severe heartache.
  11. There are many small strokes on the heart line that cross it, which means that a person often looks to the side, having difficulty remaining faithful to his half.

If you see a cross near your middle or index finger, you can count on a successful marriage. Red dots on the line foreshadow an unsuccessful marriage, as well as unsuccessful hobbies.

If the heart groove is deep, clear, brightly colored, then harmony in love awaits you.

Grooves extend from the heart line in all directions - this also predicts happiness in love, as well as a successful fate. But if they are subtle, then this person is an egoist with a cold heart.

Mind line

It leaves the inner part of the palm, goes to the outer part, lies under the line of the heart.

  • With a short line of mind, you focus not on mental work, but on physical work.
  • If the stripe goes across the entire palm, you think logically, think about and analyze events.
  • A wavy or zigzag stripe indicates that you are easily distracted and lose attention.
  • A line ending downward indicates excessive gullibility.
  • The line of the mind does not intersect with the line of life - you are a seeker of new adventures and impressions.
  • Curls or breaks in the line of the mind indicate an emotional crisis.
  • Take a good look to see if there are any strokes or crosses on the line of the mind. They indicate that decisions will occur in your life that will become fateful.

Read from the place between the thumb and index finger to the wrist.

  • A long and deep life line along its entire length indicates that you do not miss a single chance in life.
  • A short and weak stripe means you are not an ambitious person.
  • A life line with a good bend means that you are a strong, strong-willed person. You cannot be broken.
  • A straight line confirms your caution in communicating with new people.
  • An interrupted strip indicates unexpected turns in life. And circles and curls indicate previous injuries.
  • If there is more than one groove in the palm, or it bifurcates, this person is full of strength and energy.

A sign of wealth, branches running from the furrow of life upward to the line of the heart and mind. They portend success in all matters. A double life line is a sign of wealth and happiness.

Read the line of fate from the wrist up.

  • The fate line runs straight up - you will achieve success in your career.
  • A weak line shows that you are not happy with the job or profession you have chosen.
  • Strokes and branches on the line indicate frequent job changes.
  • If the line of fate branches off at the base from the line of life, then you are the person who created herself.
  • When the line of life and fate intersect approximately in the middle, then you will have to sacrifice your interests for the benefit of others.
  • If the groove of fate runs from the base of the thumb and crosses the line of life, then you may have a family business.

If the design on one hand is very different from the design on the other, then you are an adventurer.

If the fate line originates from the life line, then in the early years the person will experience many difficulties. The line of happiness is the one that meets the line of life and seems to come out of it. This situation prepares a person for health and a happy life.

Decoding the lines of wealth

The line of wealth is a dash that connects two lines - Fate and Head or mind and forms a triangle. It's good to have a closed triangle. It means that money will come and accumulate.

If it has gaps, or is not completely connected with the features of the mind and destiny, then you need to look for the “hole” where the money disappears

And if the triangle is located on the hill of Apollo, then money will come only thanks to your abilities.

The money triangle is visible in the photo.

Your protector - Guardian Angel

The Guardian Angel line runs next to the life line. Not every person has such vital protection. It can be short, or it can start at the beginning of the life line and end at the bottom of the palm.

The owner of this sign has a huge reserve of internal strength, he will overcome all difficulties, he is lucky in everything:

  • in personal life
  • in money
  • career
  • almost always all wishes come true
  • good luck always accompanies him.

He will get out of disasters alive, he will avoid troubles, he will not know despondency. Everything works out for a person as if by itself. He doesn’t need to look for a job, the job will find him. He may not reach great heights or be very rich, but he will never be unhappy.

If the sign of the Guardian Angel is on the passive hand, then it is given at birth or passed down from the family. If the line is located on the other hand, then protection is given for some period of life. To have protection is a great gift from Heaven.

The most mysterious sign

The ideal line of the Sun or Apollo, as in the photo, is not often seen.

Most often it is smaller in size.

In talented children it appears in childhood, in adults - throughout life. Children who have this trait will be successful from early childhood.

If the line of wealth and success comes from the line of the heart, then recognition will come in adulthood. If the line is smooth, without islands or interruptions, then its owner is a real darling of fate.

A short line of success warns a person that the rise in one’s career can be very rapid, but the fall can also be no less rapid. Do not despair, palmistry is simply warning you, be vigilant, careful, do not test your fate.

How to tell by hand how many children there will be

Through the line of children located on the hill of Mercury, you can find out how many children fate can give you, and how many you actually have is decided by the parents.

Interestingly, the closer to the edge of the palm the line of children is, the sooner you will have them. If the lines are located at the very edge of the marriage line, then children will appear at a later age. If two similar lines extend from the marriage line, then you can expect twins.

Happiness in marriage

Marital relations are of interest to everyone, without exception.

  • A distinct stripe indicates a good relationship. By their number you can find out about the number of marriages or hobbies.
  • Indistinct stripes indicate insignificant romantic attachment.
  • Long, straight lines are a sign of a long married life.
  • Broken lines are a sign of a possible divorce or simply separation.
  • Double dashes - connection with two partners.
  • If there is a fork at the beginning of the line, separation is possible at the beginning of married life; at the end of the line, then separation is at the end of life.

The divorce line goes down from the base of the thumb. But it may not indicate a divorce, but the end of an intimate relationship, or it may be absent altogether if divorce is not threatened.

Tell your fortune

Fortune telling by hand is a dangerous thing. If you want to tell your fortune, then entrust this matter to an experienced palmist, since an incorrect interpretation of the drawing can harm your mood.

You can independently examine the hand of your future chosen one, decipher the lines of the hand and draw the corresponding conclusions:

  1. Girls need to choose a husband with a strong personality. With its owner you will not know the need.
  2. Consider the heart line, it should not be interrupted, it should go up. If the line of the heart is straight, and even goes under the finger of Saturn, then you have an egoist with all the ensuing consequences.
  3. Please note that if the Mount of Venus is heavily indented, then this person will cheat.
  4. If the heart line is too long, do not expect constancy from its owner.
  5. On the tubercle of Mercury there are also as few indented lines as possible.
  6. A jealous person can be recognized by a highly swollen phalanx of the thumb.
  7. You can recognize a cunning woman who is capable of deceiving by looking at the line of her mind. If it branches out greatly, then this is a cunning beast.

Dear friends, fortune telling by hand is a fascinating activity, try it, maybe it will help improve your life or warn you for something!

Hello! Every person would like to know what the Life line on the hand means? Let's try to figure it out by studying the main one, which goes around the Mount of Venus, which is near the thumb. This is the line of Life.

What is your potential?

- a science that studies human life based on the stripes on the palms of the hands. Most attention is paid to the Life line, which reveals the potential of the individual, indicates his life expectancy and much more.

Where is the Life line on your hand? An important feature can be seen on both the right and left hands. You need to look at both palms. And if you want to learn more about your life, then right-handed people should look at life guidelines on their right hand.

A quality line should completely surround the Mount of Venus. There should be no tears or dents on it. If there are marks, they can tell a lot.

You shouldn’t be afraid of the signs; on the contrary, they can suggest that you can correct something in your destiny. A good line is not wide, not very deep, uniform, of the same color. It should smoothly flow around the Mount of Venus.

A long line does not guarantee a long life, and a short line does not guarantee a quick death. It only shows the presence of energy and vitality.

Is the right or the left more important?

When starting to look at their destiny, people ask the question:

Which hand are they looking at? The future and past of a person, as well as the physical state at the moment, are read from the right palm. The left hand is marked with internal qualities and potential inherent at birth. In children, you can even see the child’s inherent capabilities from the left hand.

If there is a break or split in the stripe on the right and left hands, and in the same place, then this is a fatal sign. Don’t worry either, today the possibilities of medicine are so extensive that they will save you in any difficult situation.

Many people begin to worry if they see that there is a gap or that this line is short. You need to look at the other palm. If the strip there is flat and long, then perhaps a serious illness awaits you, which you will overcome and your “river” will flow on. If you see the “islands” on it, then this disease will periodically make itself felt.

If the tear is on both hands, then this is a sign of death. However, real palmists can look at the encouraging signs that are nearby. The main thing is not to panic! Tears to the side indicate injury. The wider the deviation to the side, the more severe the injuries will be. We must be careful!

If the gap is closed by another line, then this means a change in life or moving to another city. If this “road” is in the form of a chain, then there will be many diseases in life. Lefties look the other way around.

The double line or line of Mars indicates that the person has hidden reserves. He has excellent health and is lucky in life. These are real darlings of fate.

When analyzing a drawing, both hands should be considered, and for women and men, the drawings have the same meaning. They are not divided by gender.

The figure shows dashes crossing the main line. They indicate frequent illness or continuous stress.

What the signs are not silent about

The triangle on the Life line is a very important sign.

Palmists consider the best sign when it is located at the beginning or middle of the life line.

The photo shows the hand of a lucky person with such a triangle.

The figure marks a rise in financial position and rapid advancement up the career ladder. If a triangle is “drawn”, directed upward to the Mount of Venus, then good luck in money awaits the person.

Whatever this lucky man plans, he will live with profit. This figure also indicates such character traits as:

  • determination,
  • talent in diplomacy,
  • ability to persuade.

The position of the triangle as in the figure indicates the ability to sacrifice everything that he has.

A fork on the Life line at its very beginning, and even looking up, is a sign of good ambitions and bursting energy. A successful career awaits its owner.

A line diverging in the middle or closer to the wrist, says that in front of you is an avid traveler or a change of place of residence awaits him. Dramatic changes, perhaps a change of citizenship, are indicated by a furrow that diverges into two identical stripes.

Many thin stripes going down warn of health problems. It's worth visiting a doctor.

Island sign on the life line warns of a slowdown in the flow of energy, lingering illnesses, and stagnation in one’s career.

Square or quadrilateral the real lucky ones have

Cross and star- these are good marks. If they are visible at the beginning of the groove, then before you is an open, sincere person, he has a strong character, especially if he wants to achieve some goal.

  • A cross at the end of the fate line means a long, interesting life.
  • In the middle - enemies, accidents or natural anomalies can interfere with the normal flow of life.
  • If after a string of crosses there is a straight line again, then the person will overcome all the difficulties that have befallen him.

A dot that looks like a dent, means a hole through which life energy flows away. Also, such a dent or point appears before an accident, disaster or fall from a height. Be careful when driving!

A mole is a harbinger of illness. If the sister, that is, the second trait, runs nearby, then the person can cope with any illness. If the line after the mole becomes thin or breaks off, then you will have to fight for your life.

If fateful the furrow is interrupted, then the individual will face temporary difficulties. They may be fired from their job or there will be a break in business relationships.

What does bifurcation mean?

If the main furrow bifurcates, then you have less. This may be a warning about a serious illness or weakening of vitality.

  1. If the branch is barely noticeable, then the protective forces are weakened, that is, you need to pay attention to your health.
  2. If one of the branches tends to the hill of the Moon, fate sends a warning about the development of senile dementia. Take medications to improve your memory.
  3. A clear, deep fork towards the tubercle of the Moon means moving, perhaps even to another country.
  4. If the split looks like a fork, then its owner needs urgent rest.

What do the lines crossing the Life line mean?

  • It is bad if the main furrow intersects with the line of Fate. An individual creates obstacles for himself through unrighteous actions or thoughts. He is not confident in himself, often doubts, and is loaded with phobias.
  • Crossing the line of the Mind has a positive meaning.
  • Intersection with the lines of Head, Heart and is an unkind sign.
  • Many small dashes mean unnecessary anxiety, the ability to exaggerate difficulties.
  • If these intersections are located at the end of the main line, strong experiences await a person in old age.

Is it possible to change fate

Scientists have proven that it is possible. If some features on your palm scare you, then make adjustments to their design. In Japan, for example, this manipulation is entrusted to a surgeon. This method allows a person to ward off trouble.

Palmists advise correcting patterns on the palms using a regular pen. An adjustment is made to a line that curves too close to the Mount of Venus.

Take a pen with red ink. Red color has powerful energy:

Don’t wish for several gifts from Fate at once, choose the main thing for yourself. Focus on quality, forget about quantity, so as not to bring chaos into your life.

Signs of Wealth

How to determine whether a person will be rich?

Wealth is indicated by success traits towards the little finger and index finger. If they are deep and distinct, then life will be prosperous.

Dash to the index finger

Damn to the little finger

Business success

Wait and see!

How to determine how many years to live?

  1. Take a felt-tip pen and a ruler.
  2. Attach a ruler to the middle of your index finger vertically, mentally draw a line to the Life line.
  3. Place a dot where the lines touch. Let's celebrate 10 years here.
  4. The second point must be placed at the intersection of the Life line with a line drawn to it from the space between the index and middle fingers. This is the age of 20 years.
  5. We measure the length of the segment between 10 and 20 years.
  6. All that remains is to calculate how many such segments will fit on your main line. Each segment will be equal to 10 years.

Fortune telling

Fortune telling can harm your mood if you believe in it unconditionally. If someone undertakes to tell fortunes using one hand, then this is a charlatan!

First, look at your main hand. A right-hander has the right one, a left-hander has the left one.

If the heart line ends under the index finger, your personal life is successful. There are many intersections on the heart line, this is a fickle person. Breakups show the pain of separation.

Look line of Mind, if small strokes or crosses are visible on it, these are marks of fateful decisions.

If line of fate rushes upward - you will achieve success in your career. If the line is weak, you are not happy with your choice of profession. Lots of branches and touches - you changed jobs often.

If your line of Fate seems to branch off at the base from the line of Life, you are a person who has raised himself, who influences the minds and actions of others.

The line of fate starts at the base of the thumb, then crosses the line of Life - you have strong family support or a family business.

Fork on Heart lines, going to the index finger speaks of success, respect and recognition.
Branches on the fateful line going up speak of success and achievement.

Double or triple main line I speaks about the luck of the individual, fortitude, energy. This is also the protection of the Guardian Angel.