Summary of an art lesson in the middle group. Topic: Bullfinch

Osina Olga Anatolyevna, teacher. Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Abakan "Child Development Center - kindergarten "Chaika".
Description of material: I offer you a summary of a lesson on the artistic and aesthetic development of children of the middle group (4 - 5 years old) on the topic: "Bullfinch". This material will be useful to educators, methodologists, and students of pedagogical faculties.

"Summary of direct educational activities. Topic: "Bullfinch."

Target: Creation of a social situation of development in the process of productive activity "Bullfinch".
1. Create conditions for the development of creativity and imagination;
2. Ensure the emotional well-being of children;
3. To promote the development in children of the ability to draw a bullfinch on a snow-covered branch: build a simple composition, convey the features of the bird’s appearance - body structure, coloring.
4. Cultivate interest in nature, the desire to reflect received ideas in the drawing.
Types of children's activities: visual, playful, motor, perception of fiction.
Equipment: sheets of blue paper, gouache (red, white, black), brushes, napkins, jars of water.
Progress of the lesson.
Introductory part.
Educator. Children today the Magic Brush came to visit us. (The teacher shows the doll). Let's get to know her. (Children get acquainted with the Magic Brush). Then the teacher conducts a conversation with the children on behalf of the character.
Magic brush: I decided to draw a bullfinch. And I want to take you as my assistant. Do you agree? (Children's answers).
Main part.
Magic brush. Let's look at a picture of a bullfinch. What parts does a bird consist of? (Children's answers). Magic brush. The bullfinch is a small bird with a bright red breast and a black cap. It is called so because it appears with the first snow.
Didactic game "Collect a bird."
Magic brush. Guys, assemble a bird from geometric shapes. (Children collect the bird.)
Magic brush. Guys, look how we will draw a bullfinch. (The teacher shows and names the stages of drawing a bird.)
We paint a snow-covered branch with white paint.

We draw a circle and divide it into two parts - this is the body of a bullfinch.
We paint the breast with red paint.
We paint the back with black paint.

Draw the head, tail, nose and eye.

(Children listen to the teacher’s explanations).
Magic brush. Let's play a little before drawing.
Dynamic pause.
The birds flapped their wings - they all flew and flew,
the birds were circling in the air,
dropped onto the road,
We galloped along the path,
Crumbs and grains were pecked. (Children imitate movements according to the text).
Magic brush. And now our birds have turned back into children and are sitting down to their jobs. Independent visual activity. Upon completion of drawing, children exhibit their works at the exhibition.

Summary of the lesson.
Magic brush. Well done guys, you worked hard.

Where the finches sang in summer,
Today - look! -
Like pink apples
There are bullfinches on the branches.
Z. Alexandrova.
Children look at bullfinches. Which birds did you like best and why? (Children's answers). Afterwards the Magic Brush says goodbye to the children.

Morozova Tatyana Vladimirovna
Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group “Red-breasted Bullfinches”

GCD according to drawing in the senior group on the topic: « Red-breasted Snows

Program content:

Deepen knowledge about the world around us; continue to improve children’s ability to convey the image of birds in drawings – bullfinches; learn to convey characteristic details, the relationship of objects and their parts in size, height, location relative to each other.

Improve visual skills and abilities, develop artistic and creative abilities.

Encourage creative initiative.

Cultivate observation, caring attitude towards birds, goodwill, mercy.

Equipment and materials: illustrations with images bullfinch, sparrow, crow, etc., simple pencil, watercolor paints, a jar of water, brushes, napkins, blue tinted paper, a drawing made by the teacher.

Preliminary work: watching birds on a walk, looking at illustrations, finding out the structure of birds, reading stories by V. Sukhomlinsky « Red-breasted Bullfinches» , « Bullfinch – carver» ; collective modeling "Birds at the Feeder"; didactic a game: "Find out by description"

Vocabulary work: To obtain complete, detailed answers from students, an introduction to children’s active vocabulary red-breasted, flock.

Progress of the lesson

Organizational moment "Give a smile"

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

Let's turn left - right

And let's smile at each other.

Educator. - Oh, guys, be quiet, be quiet, I hear something strange

Someone is rushing here to us

A titmouse flies in with an envelope (child with titmouse headband)

Titmouse. I'm a funny tit

And I'm not afraid of frost.

Even at minus twenty-five

I love singing songs!

Hello guys. Winter sent a letter for you.

Educator. Here is a letter, it is unusual. Let's see what Winter has sent us today (I take out an illustration depicting winter nature from the envelope).

Guys, what time of year do you think is depicted here? (winter)

Why do you think so? (everything around is white from snow, there are no leaves on the trees)

I take out the following illustration, which shows children pouring food into feeders.

Who flies to our feeder in winter? (birds)

What are these birds called in one word? (wintering)

Why are they called that? (because they don’t fly away to warmer climes, but stay close to us)

What wintering birds do you know? (showing the third illustration) Look at the pictures and name the birds that are depicted here (crow, sparrow, magpie, dove)

Well done guys, we remembered the wintering birds.

Now, imagine that you and I have turned into a big bird, an eagle (children walk in a circle, flapping their arms like wings).

And now we will turn into a small bird, a titmouse (children walk in a circle, spreading their arms to the sides and wiggling their fingers)

And so, our birds, flapping their wings, flew to their places.

Educator: There are birds that come to us only to winter. To recognize this bird, guess riddle:

Black, red-breasted,

He will find shelter with us.

He is not afraid of colds.

With the first snow right here. (Bullfinch.)

And now we will look at this amazing bird (slide show).

1. Bullfinches- these are wintering birds that do not fly to warmer climes in the fall. They spend spring and summer in the dense thickets of northern forests, and in the fall they gather in flocks and fly to our parks and gardens.

2. They love to peck various seeds, rose hips and rowan berries.

3. Look what they are like beautiful, bright, similar to apples from a branch.

4. In a female bullfinch, the plumage is lighter, grayish, and the male is bright, with red breast.

5. Let's admire it again bullfinch, he's very much beautiful with red breast.

6-7. And here we see how it is possible draw a bullfinch. One has spread its wings and wants to fly, while the others are sitting on a branch, huddled together.

8. And here it is shown what parts the body consists of bullfinch and how to draw it.

Educator. Today we will be with you draw a bullfinch.

The teacher shows an illustration depicting this bird and conducts a conversation to clarify and enrich the children’s understanding of appearance bullfinches. Discuss the structural features of the body bullfinch:

oval body Red, black, small, slightly flattened black head with a sharp triangular beak, pointed multi-colored wing (blue above, black below with small white patches), rectangular black tail with a small notch at the end.

Explains the way to do the work, talking through the characteristics with the children bullfinch.


I take a simple pencil and make a sketch. Next I start paint a bird, wide lines. First I draw red paint oval body. On the one hand, where the breast is, it is wider, and where the tail will be, it is narrower. (looks like an egg).

Over the black chest paint I draw an oval head so that it slightly overlaps the body, since the neck is short bullfinch.

Now I will draw a medium-sized tail with two wide lines and wings. They are raised up if the bird is flying, and pressed to the back if it is sitting.

What kind of beak does it have? bullfinch? That's right, it's short and thick. For what bullfinches do you need such a strong and thick beak? (to get seeds from cones). The eyes are above the beak, the legs are short, located closer to the tail. I will draw the beak with short strokes, if it is open - with two strokes. The bullfinch has already been drawn.

The teacher, with the help of questions, reinforces the sequence of the image method bullfinch.

Before independent work is carried out


« Bullfinches»

Look at the branches, (Hands clap their sides)

IN Red T-shirts Bullfinches(Breasts are shown)

Feathers spread out (Arms slightly to the sides)

Basking in the sun (Wiggle fingers)

They turn their heads, they turn them, (Turn your head right, left)

They want to fly away. (Run in a circle, waving their arms)

Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly!

And then they sat on a branch!

And now you can get to work.

Children draw on their own.

The teacher observes the sequence of work and, with the help of questions, clarifies the name of the form and the proportional relationship.

Praises those who have added additional elements to their work, e.g. drew a bullfinch in a different pose, changed the position of the head.

At the end of productive activities, students lay out their drawings to dry. The teacher reads an excerpt from a poem

Z. Alexandrova:

Where the finches sang in summer,

Today - look! -

Like pink apples

On the branches bullfinches.


What kind of bird are we painted today? (Bullfinch) .

What is he doing bullfinch in the picture? (Bullfinch sitting on a branch, flies, pecks seeds).

Well done! Now in our group a whole flock appeared bullfinches. What are they like beautiful and completely different!

Pupils consider who, how drew birds: wings spread - wants to fly; sits on a branch, pecking at something.

Children choose the most interesting works.

Larisa Kuznetsova
Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group “Like pink apples, bullfinches on the branches”

Municipal preschool educational institution, a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities for the development of children in the artistic and aesthetic direction No. 20

Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group

"How pink apples on bullfinch branches»

Performed: art teacher

Kuznetsova Larisa Artemyevna

Mozhga, 2014

Target: Teach children draw bullfinches

Visual tasks:

1. Build a simple composition, conveying the features of the bird’s appearance - body structure and coloring.

2. Develop a sense of color and shape.

Technical tasks:

1. Continue teaching children draw birds using unconventional techniques in drawing– a poke with a hard brush.

2. Improve technique painting with gouache paints: move the brush freely along the pile, repeating the outline of the silhouette.

Educational tasks:

1. Cultivate an interest in nature, a desire to reflect aesthetic emotions and received ideas in the drawing.

2. Expand children’s knowledge about wintering birds.

Materials, tools, equipment.

Demo: sheet A-1, which depicts a rowan without leaves; illustrations – "Wintering Birds", musical accompaniment; technological map for drawing« Bullfinch» , magnetic board.

Dispensing: sheets of light blue paper; black, red and white gouache; squirrel brushes, bristles; napkins, water, brush holders; cotton buds.

Methods and techniques:

Visual methods - showing visual aids;

Verbal methods - telling a fairy tale, guessing riddles, conversation, instructions from the teacher during the lesson;

Practical method

Integration of educational regions: artistic creativity, reading fiction, communication, health.

Preliminary work:

Sparrow drawing. Bird watching on a walk in the park. A conversation about wintering birds. Looking at pictures of birds (sparrow, tit, bullfinch, crow, magpie, etc.). Guessing riddles about birds.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

The teacher offers to listen to a fairy tale.

“Once upon a time there was a rowan tree. In the spring, she dressed herself with green leaves and white flowers, then berries appeared.

All summer the mountain ash drank water, basked in the sun, and the berries ripened.

The rowan called the birds: “Birds, birds, fly to me, my berries are already ripe”. But the birds to her answer: "It's not time yet, it's early".

Autumn has come. The leaves of the rowan tree turned yellow and red. Again she began to call the birds, but they again They say: “It's not time yet. Early".

The rowan tree is sad; no one eats its berries.

The last leaves have fallen. Only bunches of berries, like bright lights, burn on the snowy branches. Covered the whole earth snow. Winter came".

Here the birds came to peck the rowan berries. It's here time: all the insects hid, fell asleep snow all the seeds, we have nothing else to eat. Thank you, rowan, for saving your berries for us.”

Questions about content fairy tales:

When did the birds come to peck the berries? Why?

What birds could fly to the mountain ash?

2. Reading poems about wintering birds with a visual demonstration.

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about wintering birds (sparrow, tit, magpie, crow, bullfinch)

1. Chip-tweet-tweet-tweet!

The sparrow itself is not big

And not very long

Sparrow's tail.

2. Look at the crow

Gray raven dress

Little black feathers

On the tail and neck

3. The tit bird flies nimbly

In a yellow blouse,

In a black hat.

A titmouse wears a green raincoat

A black tie on the bird's chest.

4. A magpie flew to us

She has two white sides

Black tail and back

The head is also black.

5. Black-winged, red-breasted,

And in winter it will find shelter.

He is not afraid of colds -

With the first snow right here!

Game motivation

The teacher shows a white silhouette bullfinch and tells children: "Bye bullfinches flew towards us, the evil cold blew its cold breath on them and turned them into ice lumps. How to help bullfinches

3. Psycho-gymnastics

“Imagine that you have a small helpless bird in your hands. Let's put our palms together. Now warm her up slowly; clasp your palms one finger at a time, hide the bird in them, breathe on it, warming it with your even, calm breath, put your palms to your chest, give the chick the kindness of your heart and breath.”

4. Setting the educational task. Management of the task.

The teacher shows the drawing bullfinch, children look at; on their sheets they trace the outline of the body, head with their finger, specify the shape and color.

The teacher conducts a conversation to clarify and enrich children’s ideas about appearance bullfinches: « Bullfinch - small, a plump bird with a bright red breast and a black cap. They are called so because they appear in our area with the first snow. Bullfinches on the mountain ash like lights, like lanterns, like apples».

The teacher puts out a technological map « Bullfinches» and offers children draw beautiful bullfinches with scarlet breasts.

Show sequence drawing:

1. Take a bristle brush, dip it in red gouache and paint the breast with light pokes.

2. Using a soft brush, paint with black gouache bullfinch's back, "let's pet" her, draw a small circle - a head, wings and a tail.

3. Use the end of the brush to draw bullfinches beaks.

4. With a cotton swab – an eye and a snowball around bullfinch.

5. Finger gymnastics

"The birds have flown

They flapped their wings,

Sat on the trees

We rested quietly."

6. Independent activities of children. Individual work.

Children trace the outline with their finger bullfinch, perform a warm-up exercise with a brush. Having picked up red gouache with a hard brush, they begin paint first along the contour line, then inside it. To check the sequence of actions, look at the technological map or turn to the teacher for specific advice. The teacher helps with advice, in case of difficulty, shows the diagram again, and encourages children to search and find.

7. Exhibition - viewing

Children lay out their drawings on the rowan tree and examine it.

The teacher reads an excerpt from Z.’s poem. Alexandrova:

Where the finches sang in summer,

Today - look! –

How pink apples,

On bullfinches on the branches.

8. Reflection

The teacher thanks the children for help: “Well done guys, you worked hard! Warmed up bullfinches from the cold, warmed with their warmth. A whole flock bullfinches flew to our rowan tree. Not scary now bullfinches cold winter».

Summary of a lesson on visual arts in the middle group using non-traditional drawing methods “Look - the bullfinches have arrived!”

Purpose: Drawing using the poking technique with a bristle brush.


  • Learn to color birds within the outline.
  • Develop fine motor skills and aesthetic perception of beauty.
  • Reinforce the characteristic features of the bullfinch’s appearance.
  • To develop the ability to empathize with the images depicted.


A4 paper with the image of a silhouette of a bullfinch sitting on a rowan branch, red and black gouache, bristle brushes, cotton swabs, palette, napkins, jars of water.

Preliminary work:

Watching birds flying to the site, looking at illustrations, postcards with pictures of birds, reading and learning poems about birds.

Progress of the lesson:

Music by Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" is playing. Guys, today we are going into the winter forest. Enter the forest carefully, do not awaken the secrets of the forest.

Why do you think it is so quiet in the forest? (birds don't sing)

Why don't the birds sing? (flew to warmer climes)

Guys, I see birds here, which means not all of them have flown away. (on the easel are subject pictures depicting wintering birds)

Guys, what wintering birds do you know? (crows, pigeons, jackdaws, tits, magpies....)

Well done guys, you know a lot about birds. What kind of bird is drawn on your pieces of paper? Do you want to know? Then listen carefully to the riddle:

Black-winged, red-breasted
And in winter it will find shelter.
He is not afraid of colds -
With the first snow it's right here.

That's right, children, this is a bullfinch. How to distinguish a bullfinch from other birds? (the bullfinch has a red breast)

Bullfinches are very beautiful birds that live in a flock. Let's look at bullfinches together. This bird is slightly larger than a sparrow and has a very dense build. She has a black cap, a bluish-gray back, black wings, a black tail, males have a bright red breast, and females have a gray one.

What color is the beak? Why does the bullfinch have such a thick and strong beak? (to get seeds out of cones)

Now let each of you color your bullfinch. Remember how we paint with a bristle brush? (pick up a little paint and stick it inside the outline) Be careful, we don't go beyond the contour. When finished, rinse the brush and place it on the stand.

Independent work of children.

Helping children who are not doing well.

Well done boys! You all completed the task! Now let's take a little rest.


Bullfinches are circling in the forest,
Everyone sits down in the clearing,
They have a long way to go
The birds need to rest.

And again it’s time to hit the road, we have a lot of flying to do.

Here is the forest. Hooray! Hooray! It's time for us to go to the branches.

Let's slow down, kids. And stand still! Like this.

And now we will sit together,

We still need to work!

Children, what tree branch is the bullfinch sitting on?

Why do you think the bullfinch sat on a rowan branch?

There are few berries left on the branch. Let's draw a lot of berries so that the bullfinch has enough for the whole winter. Take a cotton swab. Where do we start drawing? Why from the top branches? (so as not to blur the drawing)

Bottom line. (reflection)

Well done boys! Amazing work you did!

Run out quickly and look at the bullfinches!

We've arrived, we've arrived!
The flock was met by blizzards,
And Frost the Red Nose
I brought them rowan trees....

Svetlana Petrenko
Summary of GCD in the senior drawing group “Bullfinches”

Summary of GCD in the senior group

Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"



To contribute to the expansion of ideas about wintering birds - bullfinch.



Continue to improve children’s ability to convey the image of birds in drawings - bullfinches;

Learn to convey characteristic details, the relationship of objects and their parts in size, height, location relative to each other.


Cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste

Cultivate observation, caring attitude towards birds, goodwill, mercy.


Improve visual skills and abilities, develop artistic and creative abilities.

Develop creativity and imagination.

correctional and developmental: develop involuntary attention, logical thinking, visual memory, coordination of movements

correctional and educational: to cultivate mutual assistance, cooperation, and the ability to work in a team.

Planned results: has an idea about bullfinch, its features and appearance; knows how to use auxiliary lines to construct a drawing, and shows initiative in the process of his own activities.

Materials and equipment: A4 paper with painted tree, gouache, wax crayons, squirrel brushes, cotton swabs, colored pencils

Preliminary work: watching birds flying to the site, looking at images of birds in illustrations, games to recognize objects by description, A4 sheet with painted tree.

Use of modern educational technologies:

TRIZ elements (fable bird, attention game “Ears, eyes, nose.”).

Elements of health-saving technology (physical training, finger gymnastics, coordination exercise. Self-massage. Exercise "Children love all animals")

Elements of fairy tale therapy (health point massage).

ICT technology (presentation for class.).

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational part.

Welcome Ritual: "Good palms".

We put our palms together,

And they offered to be friends with each other.

We will have fun, play,

To become smart and friendly.

II. Main part.

Educator: Children, our friend Dasha came to us. She told me that yesterday she looked out the window and saw red apples on the tree. Could this happen in winter? What other birds do you know? Show Dasha, tell me.

Coordination exercise

In winter there are apples on the branches, (Children pretend to be picking apples)

Collect them quickly.

But suddenly the apples flew up, (Squat, wave their arms)

After all, this is. bullfinches) Stand up and wave their arms)

Dasha had trouble seeing the birds from afar, but she found a drawing from Zhenya. TRIZ (on the piece of paper there is a fable bird made up of body parts of different birds) Such bullfinches? I transferred the drawing to the presentation so that we could look at it better.

Slide 1. Fable bird.

Whose tail does she have? Whose beak? Etc.

Slide 2. Photography bullfinch.

Slide 3. Photo of a female and a male bullfinch

Slide 4. Photo of a female and a male bullfinch, eggs and a series of pictures to compare the sizes of birds.

We already have drawings of trees ready. Let's draw Dasha bullfinches on tree branches.

Physical education lesson "Ears, eyes, nose" attention game.

The teacher, in random order, names the parts of the body that are “responsible” for organs feelings: ears, eyes, nose. Children should touch or show this part of the body.

Educator: Explains the way to do the work, talking through the characteristics with the children bullfinch.

I take a simple pencil and make a sketch. First I draw an oval body. On the one hand, where the breast is, it is wider, and where the tail will be, it is narrower. (looks like an egg).

Above the chest I draw an oval head so that it slightly overlaps the body, since the neck is short bullfinch.

Now I will draw a medium-sized tail with two wide lines and wings. They are raised up if the bird is flying, and pressed to the back if it is sitting.

What kind of beak does it have? bullfinch? That's right, it's short and thick. For what bullfinches do you need such a strong and thick beak? (to get seeds from cones). The eyes are above the beak, the legs are short, located closer to the tail. I’ll draw a small triangle for the beak; if it’s open, I’ll draw two triangles. The bullfinch has already been drawn. Next, I begin to decorate the bird with paint, crayons, and pencils of your choice.

The teacher, with the help of questions, reinforces the sequence of the image method bullfinch. Children, what else can we do? draw?- Rowan, so that bullfinch there was something to eat in the cold winter. How can draw a rowan? (with a cotton swab)

Before independent work is carried out

Self-massage. Exercise "Children love all animals"

Children love all animals: Children stretch their thumb.

Birds, and lizards, and snakes, Index finger.

Pelicans, cranes, middle finger.

Hippos, sable Ring finger.

Pigeons and wood grouse, Littlefinger.

And crossbills, and bullfinches. Thumb.

Love the mountain goat, Index finger.

Monkey and donkey. Middle finger.

Porcupine and hedgehog, ring finger.

Turtle and snake. Little finger.

And now you can get to work.

Children draw on their own.

The teacher observes the sequence of work and, with the help of questions, clarifies the name of the form and the proportional relationship.

Praises those who have added additional elements to their work, e.g. drew a bullfinch in a different pose, changed the position of the head.

III. Final part.

At the end of productive activities, students lay out their drawings to dry. The teacher reads an excerpt from a poem

Z. Alexandrova:

Where the finches sang in summer,

Today - look! -

Like pink apples

On the branches bullfinches.


What kind of bird are we painted today? (Bullfinch) .

Well done! Now in our group a whole flock appeared bullfinches. How beautiful and completely different they are!

Pupils consider who, how drew birds: wings spread - wants to fly; sits on a branch, pecking at something.

Children choose the most interesting works.

Reinforcement outside of class: pictures in the training area, templates bullfinches, coloring pages, step-by-step cards drawing birds at the center of creativity.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of direct educational activities in drawing in the middle group “Bullfinches”. Goal: To develop the ability to reflect in a drawing.

Notes on drawing in a speech therapy group "Look, look! The bullfinches have arrived!" Tasks: 1. Clarify the idea of ​​the external.

Goals: To form an environmental culture in children; Instill a love for nature and cultivate a caring attitude towards it. Objectives: educational:.

TASKS. Introduce children to a new non-traditional drawing technique - soap bubbles. Create conditions for experimentation when creating.

Children's age: 2 and 3 years. Goal: To clarify and systematize the idea of ​​the bullfinch’s appearance. Objectives: Educational: -teach children.