Horoscope from the site

In the spring, having barely gotten out of their fur coats and scarves, lonely zodiac signs tune in to a romantic mood and begin to look around in search of a suitable companion or companion. But everyone does it differently.


Aries doesn't make acquaintances - he makes others run to get acquainted with him. To do this, Aries climbs to where he can be best seen, and from the most favorable side. Since Aries is constantly itching to butt heads with someone, he does not wait for a successful combination of circumstances, but arranges everything himself so that those around him clap and throw roses. This is Aries who stands out in the very center of the dance floor, throws a strike and is the first to grab the microphone at karaoke. To meet people, Aries go to noisy and crowded places - what's the point in performing if the audience is only a dozen people? Stadium for me! Wembley!


Taurus meet only in specially designated places. So that the objects of acquaintance definitely do not have any doubts - they are getting to know them or just coming up for a social chat, out of sheer politeness. In the pre-digital era, when the trees were big and the Internet was only at the Pentagon, they made full use of the services of matchmakers and marriage agencies. Now they are methodically rummaging through Tinder and Mamba, selecting applicants based on so many parameters that a rare bird will fly to Taurus. But it will be a bird that meets all the requirements.


For Geminis, the “flirting” mode is turned off only in their sleep. Therefore, they get to know each other easily, often and regardless of the circumstances. They will start making eyes at the doctor who puts a cast on their leg and the traffic police officer who issues a fine for turning around on a double solid line. As a rule, they don’t have anything serious in mind, and they don’t specifically target anyone - they just spread their nets wide, at least someone will get caught, and then we’ll figure it out.


If someone has been staring at you from the corner for a couple of years, then don’t be scared and don’t fall into paranoia. This is some Cancer getting to know you. Do not rush things. In another year he will decide to say “Hello.” Just a couple of years - and he will even pluck up the courage to find out what the object of his acquaintance is doing in the evening. Yes, dating for Cancers is not a quick matter, but it is serious. They will not give up theirs. And if they have already decided to meet Tom Hiddleston or Jennifer Lawrence, then rest assured that in 10 years they will appear with them on some red carpet.

a lion

If Leo is eager to meet someone, he will simply sit in a beautiful pose in a visible place in favorable lighting and wait. Leos only show initiative if they get drunk until they completely lose their inhibitions. But no. Because the lion’s thin self-esteem won’t stand it if he rolls up so handsomely and gets rejected. The more Leo likes someone, the less attention he pays to him. If Leo looks through you at all, have no doubt, he is head over heels in love.


The virgins of the outside world are generally afraid. I remember their mother told them that they shouldn’t talk to strangers - so they don’t talk. When Virgo itches to meet someone, they will find mutual friends and make them introduce Virgo to the object in full form. The object must also be in shape - a stale shirt or a hole in a sock can knock all the romantic spirit out of a Virgo and drive them into long-term disappointment in humanity in general. Virgos only get to know each other if they have solid recommendations, so they spend their entire lives meeting people from the same


At first glance, Libras are such lightweight dandies who don’t take anything seriously. You shouldn’t perceive it that way, very much. They don’t have enough external gloss, shine, strong quadriceps or size four. No, Libra is getting to know long-range sighting. Take away their common interests. So, in order to make new acquaintances, Libras go to places where their potential soul mates are found - to master classes on growing dahlias, for example, or to extreme driving courses. Any thematic event, from a Romanian art house festival to a rural “Catch a Pig” competition, is full of Libra, carefully scanning the audience for acquaintances.


Scorpios go to meet people where there are people who can appreciate their class and fatal outfit from the latest collection of someone famous. For example, to a restaurant – it would be nice if it was approved by the Michelin guide. Or to a club, but one where Miroslava Duma is a regular. Scorpios like to provoke, make double-bottom jokes, and generally play with fire - not everyone can withstand such fire without cowering.


Social networks were invented for people like Sagittarius. Online, this sign shines like a spotlight on a construction site - witty tweets, selfies of unearthly beauty on Instagram, the number of friends is comparable to the population of Brazil. Having identified an object of interest, Sagittarius combs his account, showers him with playful comments and, taking him by the button, resolutely takes him into a private message.


Capricorns meet at work or somewhere near it. Because this is how you meet someone in the theater, and then it turns out that he is a beggar and came on the counter from a friend, a stagehand. And what do you want to do with this? No, Capricorn, just in case, thinks strategically and meets people where there is a chance to find serious employed people with a decent salary and a sober view of the world. Here's some professional exhibition or conference - that's it. Capricorn listens attentively to the tricks of polymer production and with his whole appearance makes it clear that together we will conquer this business, stick with me.


Aquarians were born to care, patronize and look after. They get to know each other the same way. And then, sitting in a blanket by the fireplace, they tell their grandchildren: “But I met your grandmother when she had a flat tire on the Moscow-Bryansk highway, and I helped her change it.” Any help is the ideal start to a wonderful friendship for Aquarius, or even something hotter. No reason to help? Aquarius organizes. He will throw a glass of red on the object’s white shirt and call him home to wash off the result of his terrible, terrible awkwardness.


Pisces can stare with a hungry gaze at the object of their interest for years, but they won’t even move a fin to somehow demonstrate their feelings. But sooner or later there comes a moment when the aquarium of fish’s patience is full - and then they immediately go to great lengths, slap their stunned counterpart on the ass and say, “Come to me.” From such a sudden pressure from the cold and distant Pisces, the object is lost and obediently goes wherever they say.

The date on which the acquaintance took place is considered one of the most significant in the life of lovers. It is not for nothing that on the anniversary of acquaintance it is customary to go to a restaurant, give each other pleasant surprises and remember how fate brought two loving hearts together. However, like all other periods of our lives, this day passes under the influence of a certain astrological constellation. It has a significant impact on the nature of the relationship, its strength and development features, determining the couple’s prospects in the future. If you know which zodiac sign was dominant when you met, you can easily find out the forecast for your union!

The dating horoscope will tell you the prospects and features of your relationship

This horoscope will allow you to take advantage of the strengths of the sign to strengthen the couple and minimize the influence of factors that have a destructive effect on your union. For a correct and comprehensive interpretation of the forecast, you must also take into account the proximity of the date of your acquaintance to the boundaries of influence of the zodiac signs - the junction of two constellations affects in the form of a dual effect, which must be taken into account. Let's take a closer look at the dating horoscope for 2017.

Aries sign (March 21 - April 20)

Your couple met during the period of influence of the active and optimistic Aries. Usually during the reign of this sign, love flares up strongly, sincerely and literally at first sight. This is a passionate and vibrant relationship, which is characterized by a storm of emotions. Such couples cannot be called shy - they have fun and can make love in the most unexpected places. Couples who met during the period of Aries' dominance are prone to excessive spending of money - they can well be called spenders who love shopping and all kinds of entertainment. However, they can afford such an easy attitude towards money, since financial success contributes to the constant replenishment of their wallet. The main enemy of this couple is boredom, which leads to mutual cooling.

Such a union may turn out to be long-lasting and lead to the creation of a family, if in 2017 lovers can show tolerance for each other’s shortcomings. Impulsiveness and harshness are only emphasized by the emotionality of the Fire Rooster, so you will have to learn to control impulses of jealousy, trust each other more and not listen to gossipers who are suddenly active behind your back.

Sign of Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

An acquaintance that took place in this zodiac phase is patronized by the friendly and balanced Taurus. This sign promotes stable, but nevertheless vibrant and passionate relationships. Peace-loving Taurus is absolutely not prone to conflicts, so he prevents quarrels from arising over trifles. A couple formed under the supervision can count on complete mutual understanding and trust. Partners are focused on creating a family from the very beginning. The financial relationships of such lovers are characterized by wise calculation and rationality - they will not spend money on trifles, but will gladly save up for a joint trip or a major purchase for the house.

In 2017, astrologers recommend that you become more relaxed in bed - excessive tightness and shyness prevent you from achieving not only sexual harmony, but also spiritual intimacy. The development of long-term relationships can be hampered by expectations of material expressions of love. Remember that romantic walks under the moonlight and pleasant surprises can say more about feelings than expensive perfumes, smartphones and cars.

Gemini sign (May 21 - June 21)

The relationships of the couple formed at this time are ruled by flighty and impulsive ones. This unpredictable and changeable sign leaves its mark on the feelings of lovers - they like to spend time actively, do not sit still, often travel and very quickly move from one phase of the relationship to another. Such a couple will never be bored, because Gemini is a sign of acting and passions, violent emotions and exaggerated theatricality. Your romance will be like a bright holiday, bringing a huge amount of positive emotions. The main thing is to remember that every holiday can end sooner or later. To prevent this from happening, partners need to reanimate feelings in time, without waiting for them to fade away on their own.

In 2017, astrologers warn you about the increased likelihood of betrayal. The reason for this unpleasant event may be quite banal - routine and boredom. Come up with a common hobby and don’t forget to surprise each other with pleasant surprises and gifts. Moreover, the stars predict financial stability and material well-being for your couple.

Cancer sign (June 22 - July 22)

Relationships born during this period of time are influenced by the vulnerable and sensitive Cancer. This is an alliance created under the highest auspices of the stars. Such couples are distinguished by deep kinship of souls and emotionality. Very often, such unions end - domestic and economic affairs help lovers spend all their free time together and appreciate each other’s company. Sex life is usually characterized by harmony, because Cancer does everything to ensure that romance never leaves this relationship. The main thing is that one of the partners takes on the role of an attentive and caring guardian, resolves financial issues and helps the other in overcoming life's difficulties. If each lover tries to shift responsibility to the other, the couple will face inevitable collapse.

In 2017, astrologers recommend that you eliminate any manifestation of aggressive and destructive emotions. There should be no place for empty grievances and groundless jealousy in this couple, as this can lead not just to a quarrel, but to a breakup. Be patient and gentle with each other to preserve this blessed union.

Leo sign (July 23 - August 23)

An acquaintance that took place under the patronage is characterized by the slow development of relationships. Lovers in such a couple will look closely at each other for a long time and carefully, gradually taking steps towards each other. As soon as the partners are convinced of the reciprocity of feelings, they throw aside all embarrassment and plunge into a storm of passions that is completely impossible to calm down. That is why, during the period of Leo’s dominance, truly bright couples are born. They are no strangers to extravagance of actions, they are generous towards each other, they love comfort and luxury. It is important for them to catch the admiring glances of others and shine at any event. However, each partner will try to pull the blanket over themselves, showing excessive selfishness and impatience in pursuit of leader status.

In 2017, astrologers recommend that you refrain from any manipulation of your lover’s feelings. You try to provoke each other's jealousy too often. This does not lead to support for sensuality and passion, but to constant suspicions and conflicts, which can lead to a protracted quarrel and even rupture.

Virgo sign (August 24 - September 23)

A couple born during this period of time is under the protection of the intellectual Virgo. This zodiac totem helps create strong, durable and long-lasting relationships between partners. Moreover, Virgo tries to bring harmony to any joint activity of lovers. So if they want to start running a common business project, they can safely count on the highest stellar patronage. Partners who create a couple during the period of dominance often enjoy the same hobbies, love the same films, music and performances. The financial side of the relationship is also characterized by stability - it is not without reason that Virgo attracts wealth and material well-being to the union.

In 2017, astrologers advise you to approach relationships with less rationality and practicality. Of course, Virgo is an undeniable pragmatist, but not everything in the world can be measured by money. You need to give each other gifts more often, don’t skimp on trips together, and be tolerant of your partner’s weaknesses and shortcomings. Constant nagging can lead to a break in relationships in the first half of the year.

Sign of Libra (September 24 - October 23)

Indecisive and flighty leave their mark on couples born during their reign. An acquaintance that usually begins as a light flirtation can develop into a long-term relationship or come down to an affair without obligations. The partners in this pair value personal freedom, love noisy companies and are absolutely unwilling to give up their interests. Emotional manifestations in such a union are also characterized by instability - during some periods, lovers simply cannot live without each other, completely immersing themselves in a passionate and stormy relationship, but after a few weeks the passion weakens, and the relationship becomes measured and even somewhat boring.

In order for the union to be long and strong, you need to spend more time alone. Astrologers say that in 2017, frequent vacations in different companies will provoke the risk of affairs. In a year you will not be able to hide the fact of betrayal - any lie will definitely be revealed, so a break in the relationship in this case cannot be avoided.

Scorpio sign (October 24 - November 22)

A couple created during this period is influenced by the charismatic and passionate. This totem promotes the emergence of love at first sight; it provokes lovers to violent passion and truly magical attraction. If you met during the reign of sexual Scorpio, it is possible that you first ended up in bed, and only learned each other’s names in the morning. For all the sensuality and eroticism of this union, it cannot be called a short-term affair. Scorpio contributes to the creation of long-term and strong relationships, which may well end in a wedding. In such a couple there are often violent conflicts, harsh words and threats are heard, but everything ends in passionate reconciliation.

This couple loves publicity and rarely spends quiet evenings alone with each other. These are regulars at bars, clubs, social events and exhibitions. In 2017, Scorpio promises you a stable financial situation, which will undoubtedly further strengthen the union. However, astrologers recommend that you moderate your desire for mutual control. Leave each other more personal space so as not to bore your partner ahead of time.

Sagittarius sign (November 23 - December 21)

This union was created under the auspices of the inspiring, but quickly cooling in his interest, Sagittarius. During this period, very ambiguous relationships arise, the development of which is completely impossible to predict. A romance patronized by , can be compared to a resort affair - it is passionate and emotional, but can end as quickly as it began. Everyone in this couple values ​​personal freedom, defends their interests and absolutely does not tolerate control and suspicion. Long-term relationships are possible only if the partners constantly fuel mutual interest, leaving a slight touch of mystery. Once partners fully get to know each other, they are likely to go in search of new romantic interests.

In 2017, astrologers recommend that you start a joint business. Such an alliance can only be strengthened by monetary relationships, since the rationality of Sagittarius will not allow you to break off relationships built on a financial foundation. Business questions will set you up for dialogue and remove the risk of a showdown over trifles.

Capricorn sign (December 22 - January 20)

This couple was created during the period of a sign that is distinguished by common sense, hard work and wisdom, so that during its reign long-term love unions arise, almost guaranteed to end in a successful marriage. From the outside, such relationships may seem too stable and calm - there are practically no unexpected outbursts of passion, violent emotions and conflicts. However, this state of affairs is only the visible part of the iceberg. Lovers will never wash dirty linen in public, but serious battles can flare up within the walls of the bedroom, because each of this couple wants to be a leader and demonstrates his superiority in every possible way. The financial sphere usually does not bother these lovers - they are thrifty, do not tolerate wasteful spending, they are not attracted by ostentatious luxury and chic, so the joint budget is always ready for necessary and planned acquisitions.

In 2017, astrologers recommend that you pay more attention to each other's needs. In order for the relationship not to fall apart, lovers need to learn to conduct a constructive dialogue and turn a quarrel into a joke. You are too often intolerant of small and unworthy shortcomings. Attempts to make a lover a completely unattainable ideal can lead to discord in the couple as early as the end of 2017.

Aquarius sign (January 21 - February 20)

The couple was created during the reign of the ambitious Aquarius. This self-sufficient sign leads to the formation of unstable and short-term relationships, which will most likely end in a strong friendship. Partners in this union are distinguished by their developed intellect, strong grip on life and the desire to achieve the highest career heights. Often this couple can be considered quite strange, because it is during the period of patronage that ambiguous unions are born, consisting of partners with different social status or with a large age difference. Such lovers approach everything rationally - in sex they strive for good technique, and in relationships they value a stable material base. Personal freedom is put at the forefront, so in such a couple there is very little room for mutual compromises.

In 2017, astrologers recommend that you idealize your partner less in order to avoid subsequent disappointments. A long-term union will become possible only if each of you provides your partner with the opportunity to maintain personal space and privacy.

Pisces sign (February 21 - March 20)

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and those born under this zodiac sign have a very powerful will and are self-confident. Dating an Aries means you're getting to know someone who is amorous, intense, and a little self-centered. These personality traits make Aries a very exciting and passionate partner, but he is someone who can also break hearts and demand a lot in return. Aries people want to be in charge and their needs always come first, which can make them very selfish and difficult to live with at times. They can be incredibly self-absorbed and inattentive to the people around them.

Still, with all their negative qualities, Aries is rightfully considered a very passionate and faithful partner. They may be selfish at times, but they are fiercely loyal. If Aries is in a relationship, then he trusts his partner 110%. Due to their passionate nature, living with them is not easy. There are often big conflicts that Aries accepts as just fun. Aries' passionate nature tends to make them fantastic lovers in bed. Sex with an Aries will never be calm, so you won't be bored.

Best Love Compatibility for Aries

Aries love compatibility is best with those who can match their passionate nature, which is why Aries does well with other Fire signs. Leo and Sagittarius are a good match for Aries as they share the same mutable nature and natural intensity.

Aries sometimes likes heated arguments and debates, and this need can be satisfied by the signs of Fire. Another sign that makes a good love match for Aries is Libra. The air sign balances the passionate intensity of the Fire element, and Libra, the symbol of balance, can help bring stability to Aries' life.

Bad love compatibility for Aries

While Aries does well with Fire and Air signs, they tend to be at odds with Water signs, who may need help too often, and Earth signs, who are too practical. Aries tends to have serious conflicts with sentimental Pisces. Aries and Pisces are not a good match because their way of looking at the world is too different.

The union of Aries and Virgo can also be tough since Virgos tend to be perfectionists and look at life completely differently than Aries. Another weak compatibility is Taurus-Aries, as both zodiac signs are incredibly stubborn, but also view the world in completely different ways.

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Have you ever wondered what the day you met means and what it signifies for your couple? Interesting, isn't it?! So let's find out.

Astrologers are convinced that not only the compatibility of partners’ zodiac signs is of great importance for relationships and marriage, but the day they met is also equally important. Based on the date of the first meeting, a Astrological forecast, according to which you can determine what awaits your relationship. It will be love, mutual understanding, strong bonds; or nothing good will come from meeting you.
Astrologers divided the year into the zodiac signs familiar to everyone. But in this case, each zodiac sign means the period of the day of your first meeting.

Let's look at this with an example:

If the day you meet falls on 12th of April , then the zodiac sign of your acquaintance is Aries (it covers the period from 21.03 – 20.04)

Now find out your dating zodiac sign, and what to expect from your relationship!

Aquarius (21.01 – 19.02)

You are a very unusual couple. Your quirks and oddities surprise many. You give each other freedom. The relationship is highly intellectual.

Fish (20.02 – 20.03)

Your contact is almost telepathic. There is real mutual understanding in your couple. But try to use all your love and patience to correct your inadequate assessment of reality.

Aries (21.03 – 20.04)

Your acquaintance is love at first sight. But the relationship cannot be called stable. Frequent arguments and resentments can always create a risk of relationship breakdown.

Taurus (21.04 – 21.05)

You are in a stable relationship. Whether they are based on nice gifts or on a general idea - you know better. In addition, material relationships in your couple are not the least important. But sex is still more important for your union.

Twins (22.05 – 21.06)

The intensity of your relationship, constant quarrels and reconciliations do not let you get bored. You love visiting, traveling and other active pastimes. But your couple's burning issue may be one of ethics and morality. Unfortunately, mild betrayals can occur from time to time.

Cancer (22.06 – 23.07)

Your union is imbued with deep feelings, real kinship of souls. Intuitive complementation of each other's needs, close emotional contact greatly strengthens your relationship. You strive to create a common home. Sometimes these relationships can have a paternalistic overtone on the part of one of the partners. The only fly in the ointment that can cause aggression is the closedness of one of the partners.

a lion (24.07 – 23.08)

You are often told that you are a beautiful couple. Usually this is a very vivid connection with strong feelings. Common creativity, hobbies and interests create even greater harmony. Your relationship will be greatly strengthened with the advent of children. Just do not allow mistrust and suspicion into your union - this can provoke real deception.

Virgo (24.08 – 23.09)

Your relationship is intellectual. You can even work freely together and implement joint projects. The harmony of relationships can be destroyed due to too much attention to trifles and details.

Scales (24.09 – 23.10)

There is a fairly strong connection in your union. Your type of interaction is partnership. You know how to make a relationship truly beautiful: how to show each other attention, how to please each other with a gift. You both want to get your passport stamped, but astrologers warn about the dangers of living a double life.

Scorpion (24.10 – 22.11)

This zodiac sign fills your relationships with passion and jealousy. Dramatic changes are always possible in your couple. Your social contacts are especially intense. The imbalance of the union, lack of peace and violation of personal boundaries can destroy your harmony in relationships.

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