Almost every person, regardless of whether he has a cat or not, is aware of the unusual reaction of these pets to products whose main ingredient is valerian root. Some experts even compare the effect of this drug on representatives of the cat family with the effect of narcotic drugs on humans.

Due to the violent reaction of cats, valerian is also called “cat grass”. Why do cats like valerian?

Medicinal valerian

Before you understand how valerian acts on cats, you need to become more familiar with its composition. The main ingredient of the drug is the perennial plant valerian, which grows in lowlands, marshy soils and near some reservoirs. Its stem can reach two meters in height, and the inflorescences form umbrellas with a pinkish tint.

But for pharmacological purposes, valerian root is used, which is very branched and has a loose structure. It contains many active substances:

  • several types of acids;
  • valepotriates;
  • triterpene glycosides;
  • free amines.

Among the many acids contained, isovaleric acid is especially worth highlighting. This substance is not so harmless, since it can cause chemical burns if it gets on the intestinal or oral mucosa.

Effect on the cat

It is interesting that despite the widespread belief that valerian causes a violent reaction, some animals may not pay attention to the smell of the product at all or, on the contrary, be afraid of it. There are several possible reactions:

  1. Euphoria. A deranged state in which cats fall into a kind of trance state, begin to roll on the floor or intensively chew on a bottle of medicine.
  2. Drowsiness. This effect is achieved thanks to the second component of the tincture - alcohol. In this case, the duration of exposure can reach several hours.
  3. Hyperactivity. Some cats have a reaction that is the opposite of drowsiness. The animal can start running around the entire room, destroying everything in its path.

Another type of reaction is also noted when cats under valerian begin to meow loudly, rub against the owner or look into his eyes. Many people view this behavior as a pet’s desire to play. But the reaction may not always be unambiguous, and there are often cases in which several of its types are detected at once.

Not only owners of domestic cats, but also ordinary connoisseurs of these amazing creatures have heard about the specific effects of valerian on the cat family. Many have observed the strange behavior of their pets when in contact with this medicinal plant, which is harmless to humans. What is the reason for this reaction, why do cats love valerian? No wonder this plant has a second name - cat grass. However, valerian has different effects on furry pets; there are even individuals who are indifferent to the plant.

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Effect on the animal

Valerian officinalis is a plant material with healing properties. Based on it, the pharmacological industry produces many dosage forms: tablets, alcohol tinctures, potions, etc. The medicinal plant contains a variety of essential oils that have a sedative effect on the human body.

That is why medicinal raw materials are widely used for insomnia, hysteria, and increased nervous excitability. However, the mechanism of action of valerian on the cat family differs from its effect on the human nervous system. While it has a calming and sedative effect on humans, valerian has almost the opposite effect on cats - it excites them.

Owners of furry pets have probably observed at least once how valerian affects cats. A tincture of the drug accidentally spilled on the carpet immediately becomes the center of the cat's attention. Most often, the animal becomes very excited, begins to roll on the floor, run around the rooms, scream heart-rendingly, meow and even scream in a voice that is not its own.

Overexcitation of the nervous system manifests itself in the animal’s inadequate perception of the surrounding world. Often the pet is afraid of rustles and any sounds, shys away from the owner’s hand, and does not perceive familiar objects. Cats, under the influence of the plant's stimulant, can mark their territory, climb curtains and climb walls.

What happens to a cat from valerian often resembles the state of alcohol intoxication in a person. When pets consume cat grass, they experience euphoria, which manifests itself in inappropriate behavior. Cats become obsessive, as if in heat, rolling around on the floor and meowing. If there is a bottle of alcohol tincture in the animal’s field of view, then the pet will show increased attention to it, gnawing, rolling, and playing with it.

Most animals lose coordination, cannot stand on their feet, cannot walk through a doorway, or approach a bowl of food.

In exceptional cases, animals even develop hallucinations. It seems to them that someone is running after them, someone is stroking them or threatening them. They hiss and fight with previously familiar objects, reminiscent of people in a state of delirium tremens. This happens especially often when using the alcoholic form of valerian.

Alcohol itself has an intoxicating effect on pets, exacerbating the stimulating property of the plant. This is another reason why cats like valerian. Having no genetic resistance to alcohol, cats quickly get used to it and develop a persistent alcohol addiction. An insignificant amount of alcohol in the tincture for humans is detrimental to a small pet. Therefore, in order to avoid addiction, even one-time contact of a pet with an alcohol tincture of valerian is not advisable.

However, this is still an incomplete list of what valerian does to cats. Many animals, after overstimulation of the nervous system, fall into a long, uninterrupted sleep. The effect on neurotransmitters leads to an imbalance in the animal’s nervous system. This condition is associated with the development of inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex and indicates the adverse effect of valerian on the cat’s body. Not all animals can withstand such a blow to the nervous system.

About how valerian acts on a cat, why cats love it so much, watch this video:

What's so special about valerian?

It turns out that in addition to essential oils that are beneficial to humans, the plant contains actinidin. This substance is a pheromone similar to the substance found in the urine of domestic and wild cats. This one Scientists and veterinary experts consider this chemical component to be the main reason why cats love valerian.

Upon contact with the plant or tincture of the drug, the emotional and hormonal status of the cat’s body changes. The animal falls into a state of euphoria, reminiscent of alcohol or drug intoxication in humans.

The pet can remain in this state for several hours. This is why cats like valerian, they are simply intoxicated by it.

A pheromone-like substance causes stimulation of the central nervous system in pets, similar to the state during sexual heat. Animals become agitated, sometimes even aggressive and completely uncontrollable. They can attack household members and bite.

It should be noted that this chemical is not only found in valerian. A plant such as catnip also contains a similar pheromone and has an equally strong effect on the body of cats.

Is it harmful to treat an animal?

Knowing how valerian acts on cats, a responsible owner will not deliberately give this drug to his pet. First of all, alcohol solutions are dangerous for animals, the action of which is based
not only on the influence of specific substances included in the composition, but also alcohol.

Domestic cats very quickly become dependent on alcohol, which negatively affects their emotional behavior and health.

The intoxicating effect of cat grass is associated not only with the presence of alcohol, but also with the effect of pheromone-like substances contained in the plant on the nervous system. Therefore, it is not only the alcohol form of valerian that is dangerous, but also the tablets. In addition to the medicinal raw materials themselves, the pills contain many excipients that often lead to allergies in cats.

Understanding why cats should not have valerian, competent owners will protect their pet from contact with drugs containing it. An overdose of valerian-based medications is extremely dangerous for pets. The toxic effect leads to increased salivation, foam from the mouth, convulsions, and clouding of consciousness. Due to overexcitation of the nervous system, animals may develop a stroke and respiratory arrest.

Veterinary specialists, knowing what valerian does to cats, strongly recommend not giving your pets the plant’s preparations for fun. This could end badly. There are often cases when, after being excited, a pet falls asleep and never wakes up due to the predominance of inhibition processes in the nervous system. In addition to the development of alcohol dependence, the animal may have an increased sensitivity to plant components, and, as a result, death.

Do all cats love valerian?

To be fair, it should be noted that not all felines are crazy about valerian. Some individuals are completely indifferent to this cat drug. Scientists have long noticed that cat grass has a more pronounced effect on males. This is obviously due to the fact that cats react more intensely to the pheromones contained in the plant than females.

Cats, small kittens, and neutered males are less susceptible to the effects of valerian officinalis. This fact supports the pheromone theory of why cats react to valerian. Males perceive the plant's essential oils as the scent of a female, and the body reacts by releasing hormones followed by euphoria.

It is noteworthy that fresh valerian roots do not have such a powerful effect on the body of domestic cats. Scientists believe that in the wild, this plant is used by felines as a pain reliever and to treat digestive problems.

The effect of valerian on felines depends on the genetic predisposition to the essential oils of the plant. That is why cat grass has an ambiguous effect on individual individuals. For a domestic cat, valerian preparations do nothing but affect the nervous and hormonal system. Therefore, responsible owners should protect their pets from contact with preparations of this plant.

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It is useful for cat owners to know how valerian acts on cats. Surely, you've heard that cats go crazy after smelling or tasting valerian tincture. Or perhaps you yourself tried to give the cat a little and see his reaction. However, such “entertainment” is a very harmless activity and can lead to consequences. Besides, why deliberately force your pet to get excited and throw out its energy in unusual ways.

Valerian root contains various acids, one of them is isovaleric. It is very dangerous: if it gets on the mucous membrane of the mouth and intestines, it causes burns in pets. If valerian has a calming effect on humans, it has the exact opposite effect on cats. The animal begins to roll on the floor, howl, tear wallpaper, stand on end, hang on the curtains and urinate in the corners.

Zoologists have found that the smell of valerian is similar to the smell of ferromones contained in the urine of adults. Valerian also has an effect on the central nervous system of cats. This is why scientists believe that the smell of valerian puts a cat into a state of euphoria. In addition, valerian contains actinidin, a substance that can cause addiction to it and dependence in representatives of the cat breed. This also applies to large predators.

Valerian for cats is akin to a drug: it causes hallucinations, as a result of which the cat either runs away from an imaginary pursuer or hunts an invisible enemy. In addition, valerian tincture contains alcohol, and cats cannot resist the effects of alcohol. And from the very first try, your pet becomes an alcoholic, he needs a new dose.

The effect of valerian in tablets is much more dangerous. It can cause severe allergies due to the synthetic substances it contains. Cats go crazy after taking these pills, and then fall asleep soundly.

However, there are cases when taking valerian is simply necessary: ​​for spasms in the gastrointestinal tract and heart failure, but this can only be done on the recommendation of a veterinarian and in the doses that he prescribes.

There are cats that do not like valerian or are indifferent to it. Some people are afraid of its smell. It is not known why, but there are more valerian lovers among cats than among cats. Kittens are generally indifferent to her. And of all the breeds, Siamese cats are the least susceptible to its effects.

What to do in case of overdose?
Due to its narcotic effect, valerian is addictive and addictive. Having tried it for the first time, your pet wants more. To get a new portion, cats resort to all sorts of tricks: they look for valerian tablets and chew them, they can open a bottle of tincture or break it. If a cat has consumed a lot of valerian, he falls on his side, convulsions run through his body, foam comes out of his mouth, and his eyes roll back. The animal needs to be taken to the vet immediately. Otherwise, he may die from a heart attack, stroke, or respiratory arrest due to severe nervous excitement.

Taking valerian may cause your pet to panic, and this state will last for several days. In addition, he becomes completely uncontrollable and can even attack the owner. Therefore, it is quite obvious that you cannot give your cat valerian just for fun. If you still want to artificially induce a state of euphoria in your tailed friend, then use catnip for this. It is absolutely harmless to cats and is not addictive.

We have all heard about the love of cats for valerian. For some, it was enough to watch a couple of funny videos on the Internet with cats gone crazy, while others began to experience the funny effects of valerian on their own pets. But before conducting experiments on animals, it is worth understanding the question: is valerian harmful for cats?

What is valerian?

This drug can be freely purchased at the pharmacy, and most often there are 3 types of it: valerian herb, tincture and tablets.

Valerian itself is a perennial herbaceous plant. The Latin name comes from Lat. valere - to be healthy. However, this only applies to members of the human species. Valerian has a calming effect on humans; its extract is used to produce many sedatives that effectively help overcome insomnia.

This is not the first generation to enjoy the beneficial properties of a natural sedative. It is believed that valerian was used for these purposes long before the development of modern pharmacology.

The highest content of the active substance is observed in the roots of the plant, from which the extract is obtained. Although this drug is of plant origin and is not artificially synthesized in a factory, the tablets still contain ¾ synthetic excipients, which will be important in the conversation about whether valerian is harmful for cats.

Why are cats and cats so attracted to valerian?

There are several versions of why felines like the aroma of this drug so much. One of them is popular and most reliable: the smell of valerian reminds mature animals of the similar aroma of pheromones released by cats during estrus. This excites the areas of the brain responsible for reproduction, which manifests itself in violent, sometimes inappropriate behavior of animals.

It is known that wild cats independently seek out and consume it, but not for the purpose of obtaining a narcotic effect, but to relieve pain associated with digestive problems.

Cat and cat: who likes it better?

Which feline species is most attracted to the smell of valerian? In fact, according to the theory that the smell of the extract is similar to pheromones, the greatest effect is observed in animals whose reproductive and hormonal systems are more active.

To study this issue, an experiment was conducted, during which an unmistakable pattern was revealed: kittens of both sexes are not attracted to valerian in any form. This is explained by the fact that animals that have not reached puberty do not know about the existence of pheromones; their brain is not yet able to recognize such a signal. Therefore, they have nothing to associate the smell of valerian with. In this case, the question of whether valerian is dangerous for kittens disappears by itself.

As for adult animals, neutered cats are also indifferent to the extract. But young, sexually mature cats and cats that have not undergone castration and sterilization react very actively. It's time to figure out whether giving valerian to a cat is harmful.

Effect of valerian on cats

Despite the fact that in human pharmacology valerian is used as a sedative, the effect on cats and cats is completely opposite. Often, due to lack of awareness, people give this drug to their pets during transportation, hoping that they will be able to calm the animal and help it sleep. However, from a small dose, cats, on the contrary, become more excited. An overdose can cause prolonged deep sleep or even death.

Is valerian harmful to cats in small doses, how does their behavior change?

Animals become more agitated than usual. They can cause chaos in the house, run and jump, attack a non-existent enemy, which is explained by ordinary hallucinations. Your pet's character changes beyond recognition. An early calm and sweet cat can prove to be an incredible rowdy. Not only furniture and interior elements will suffer, but also family members. The effect will last from several minutes to an hour, after which the tired animal will fall asleep, restoring its strength. In this description, one can easily draw an analogy with the behavior of drug addicts.

In addition to all this, ethyl alcohol occupies most of the volume in valerian tincture. Cats' bodies are unable to process alcohol. For this reason, animals become addicted literally “from the first drink.” In addition, if you overdo the dose or pamper your cat with alcohol too often, his liver may not be able to cope at all. You will have to resort to the help of veterinarians and expensive treatment.

Is valerian dangerous for cats in heat?

When your cat becomes sexually aroused and ready to mate, her sensitivity increases greatly. The natural impulse for many owners would be to give the cat a little relaxing tincture, which is fundamentally the wrong decision. The already strong tension is worsened by the invigorating extract; the pet can tolerate such manipulations extremely poorly.

Even if it is not possible to provide her with a cat for mating, it is better to wait out this moment without any medications. Valerian will make your cat even more active, and nightly “meows” will keep you awake. If you do not plan to breed kittens, it is better to carry out the sterilization procedure altogether.

It is also worth figuring out whether valerian is harmful for neutered cats. As mentioned earlier, this drug is of greatest interest in animals with maximum sexual activity. Since castrated cats are not interested in mating, for them the smell of valerian can even be unpleasant and not at all attractive, although there are exceptions everywhere. In any case, you should not give the extract to cats yourself.

As for kittens, their body is most sensitive to toxic substances, so giving valerian is dangerous for their life.

Speaking about how valerian is harmful for cats, it is worth remembering that not only the extract itself is dangerous in valerian tincture, but also ethyl alcohol. With pills the situation is even worse. In addition to the active substance, pills contain auxiliary synthetic chemical compounds that can affect the animal’s body in a completely unpredictable way.

The danger for your pet is that this drug is highly addictive. If the cat can get to the bottle of valerian or pills, he is unlikely to leave them alone. Your pet will turn into a tireless beggar who will not calm down until you give him the coveted “dose”.

Cripples or heals?

Veterinarians still cannot agree on whether valerian is harmful for cats. In large quantities it has an irreparable effect on the nervous system, but in small dosages it can be a real medicine.

Doctors often prescribe valerian to animals to treat heart failure, gastrointestinal spasms, or other problems with the digestive system.

It is important to remember that only an experienced doctor can calculate the required dosage. On the question of whether valerian is harmful for cats, the opinion of all veterinarians is unanimous - it is unacceptable to give valerian to a cat on your own. If necessary, consult a specialist.

Safe ways to use valerian

Following the advice of veterinarians, you can still check your pet’s reaction to this interesting substance. It is important to be careful not to overdo the quantity. The maximum you can do to please your cat is to smear 1-2 drops on a plate or floor and observe. If you are the owner of a young, unneutered cat, he will most likely lick this area and rub his entire body against it.

Valerian may even help you train your cat to use a scratching post.

To do this, you also need to lubricate the surface with a couple of drops of tincture. After this procedure, the scratching post will become your pet’s favorite toy. This way you will protect your furniture from regular attacks from sharp animal claws.

Cats are amazing and beloved creatures by many. Their behavior is sometimes incomprehensible, funny and unpredictable. And it does not always lend itself to clear analysis and generally accepted rules.

For example, today there are a number of assumptions about why cats like valerian. What kind of plant is this and how valerian affects cats will be discussed further.

Valerian is a perennial medicinal plant that grows in moist and marshy soils. In medicine, the root is mainly used as an effective sedative and antispasmodic. Why do cats react to valerian? The thing is that this herb contains special essential oils that have a stimulating effect on cats. Indeed, many owners have noticed that after it the cats experience euphoria, increased activity, and unusual behavior. Some cats may show aggression, others may show increased affection, demanding tactile contact and swinging at your feet.

Why do cats like the smell of valerian?

Scientists were able to establish that the smell of valerian is similar to the smell of cat pheromones that are present in the urine of adult animals of this species. It is for this reason that it is believed that the effect of valerian on cats disrupts not only their emotional balance, but also their hormonal balance. Moreover, the roots of this plant contain actinidin. It is capable of causing addiction in all representatives of the cat family the first time, being a kind of drug. After consuming valerian, cats will feel the need for it again and again. The search will make them scour the entire apartment and ask you for doping with a loud meow. Having not satisfied the desires that have arisen, cats can begin to shit in the corners, damage wallpaper and furniture, thus protesting. Such actions irritate the owners and they make another mistake - they give them valerian again, making them even more addicted to this cat drug.

Summarizing all of the above, we recommend that you refrain from introducing animals to valerian for the purpose of experiment, and even more so to achieve the calming effect that it has on people. As you can see, cats after valerian behave absolutely opposite to people and quite inappropriately.

It is worth noting that valerian in tablets and infused with alcohol is much more dangerous for cats than its rhizomes. It's easy to explain. The tablets, in addition to the valerian extract itself, contain a large number of additional synthetic substances that can cause poisoning in cats. Tinctures contain alcohol, which the animal’s body is not able to cope with. The liver and kidneys are significantly affected and intoxication of the entire body occurs. Complementing this unpleasant picture with the effect of valerian itself on the nervous system of cats, it becomes clear that the health of your pet will suffer quite seriously even from a small dose of such a tincture.

Are there any exceptions?

It has been proven that valerian does not affect some felines in the manner described above. Such animals are a minority, but they still exist. These cases are called exceptions to the rules, which, as is known, serve only as confirmation of the latter.

Therefore, take care of the valuable health of your pet - remember the effects of valerian on most cats. Believe me, a few minutes of tenderness from observing the atypical behavior of an animal will result in its suffering and irreversible changes. Better find a free minute and play with the cat with a rustling candy wrapper or another.