Encouraging exercise is a great way to instill healthy habits in children that will last a lifetime. Unfortunately, some parents take the art of encouragement too far, focusing on good results rather than on enjoying the process. Thus, activities that should have been an exciting game turn into a severe test.

Every responsible parent should remember that the line between encouragement and coercion is quite thin - if you get carried away, you can cross it unnoticed.

If you are interested in your child playing sports and staying happy and healthy at the same time, remind yourself of the following simple rules.

What is absolutely necessary?

1. Encourage your child to play a sport that he or she enjoys. The best motivation for a child is to have fun during training, make new friends and receive praise from the coach and parents.

2. Support your child if he does not want to play a sport that for some reason you like.

3. Allow your child to make mistakes. Making mistakes and overcoming difficulties is part of learning. If a child is constantly afraid of doing something wrong, he loses the desire to learn.

4. Allow your child to set a realistic sports goal and be responsible for achieving it. Unobtrusively help him choose achievable goals that will increase his motivation to train, but will not turn them into a pursuit of results.

5. Always be interested in your baby's successes and failures. Support him in everything, but don't take his hobby too seriously.

6. Remind your child that sports are good for health. Be a role model and a comrade. Help pack a bag of equipment, do exercises together, and participate in home workouts as a partner.

What should you never do?

1. Don't replace your child's athletic goals with your own. Many parents mistakenly consider their child’s success in sports to be their achievement. Remember, your child is a unique person with his own interests and hobbies - let him realize them on his own.

2. Don't look for excuses for your child's sporting failures. Parents believe that they are helping their child by blaming his losses on poor equipment, weather or incompetence of the judges. Unfortunately, by doing this, you prevent your child from learning from his mistakes. Children quickly get used to blaming others for their shortcomings.

3. Encourage your child to actively participate in competitions, but do not focus on winning. If you only expect your child to win, your disappointment in the event of failure may cause him to lose interest in physical education in general and competitions in particular. Explain to yourself, and then to your child, that defeat is not a reason for frustration, but just one of the stages of training.

4. Don't criticize your child or give him endless instructions during training. This will only confuse the baby and make him feel stressed. Talk to him in a positive way, give recommendations sequentially, and not in a long list. Keep in mind that children can only absorb a little information at a time and will have a better understanding of what to do rather than what not to do.

The most important

Typically, children want to play sports because they are fun. If classes are carried out under pressure, the child quickly loses all interest in physical education.

While instilling healthy habits, make sure your children enjoy playing sports.

Many parents want to see their child succeed not only in school, but also in sports. Some of them are keen on physical education themselves, others are not, but want to instill this useful habit in their children. This desire is motivated by concern for the health and future of the child.

Let's look at the most effective ways to get your child interested in playing sports.

The basis of education is personal example. You can’t tell your child about the benefits of exercise while sitting on the couch in the evenings with a slice of pizza. Children are not stupid and understand everything perfectly. What's the point of trying if parents allow themselves junk food and don't care about their health.

If you want to instill in your child a love of sports, take it up yourself. It is not necessary to sweat on exercise machines until exhaustion 5 times a week. Find your favorite hobby, then health and figure will be a pleasant bonus, not a goal. There are many options:

  • dancing is especially suitable for mothers or couples who like to do everything together;
  • team: football, basketball, rugby, hockey and others;
  • swimming;
  • fencing;
  • tennis;
  • skiing and skating;
  • boxing, wrestling or judo are suitable for active dads with a competitive spirit.

Whatever you are interested in, this is an excellent model of behavior for children. Many sports can be enjoyed by the whole family. There are swimming classes for infants in public and private pools. While the coach teaches the baby, the mother and the elders can swim in the adult pool. There are no obstacles for people who have a strong desire.

Tell us about the advantages

A child learns about the world with the help of adults. Only you can convey the right thoughts to children. The main thing is to speak the same language - children will not appreciate arguments about the benefits, because life seems endless to them, and health is a given. Highlight the following benefits of exercise:

  • thanks to them you can find new friends;
  • at competitions they give valuable prizes and awards;
  • those around you will respect and set an example;
  • the child will be proud of himself and his own achievements;
  • training involves traveling and training camps throughout the country and abroad.

Words alone, of course, are not enough. Take your son or daughter to trial lessons, professional competitions or matches.

Show cartoons and films about sports:

  • Soviet “Puck, Puck” 1968;
  • “Catch the Wave” 2007;
  • "The Duckling Who Couldn't Play Football" 1972;
  • "King of the Air" 1998;
  • "Ice Princess" 2005.

Children can get a good example from books:

  • “Eight Blue Paths” by Sofia Mogilevskaya;
  • "The White Queen's Move" by Lev Kassil;
  • “Try to hit the ring” by Natalia Khmelik;
  • "Silver Skates" by Mary Elizabeth Mapes Dodge.

Many works can be borrowed from a children's library or purchased from a bookstore. Empathizing with the hero and his achievements, the child himself may want to achieve success in his hobby.

Modern teenagers spend a lot of time on a computer or tablet. They play games where they “pump up” heroes and complete levels. In games, everything is clear and understandable: if you complete a task, you will receive a reward, development, and a transition to a new level. This approach can be used in life.

Hang whatman paper at home and draw a table on it indicating the achievement and the award due. For example, for the number of pull-ups or the time spent running 100 meters. It is not recommended to use money as a reward - offer your child a trip to the planetarium or other favorite place. This way, you will encourage him to spend interesting time with his family, and not to buy himself a chocolate bar.

Support is important not only for adults - children need it a thousand times more. Imagine how difficult it is for a small person - there is almost no experience, freedom and opportunities are limited. Sport is a difficult process, and it’s not even a matter of physical costs, but emotional ones. To achieve success, you need to be disciplined and be able to refuse more pleasant things.

Take an interest every day in how the workout and the day went in general. You should not listen with half an ear, but with interest and clarifying questions. Praise achievements and support your child when they fail.

Don't put pressure on your baby and don't force him to go to classes. Gently guide his thoughts and desires towards sporting achievements. Do not compare your child with peers - use famous athletes as an example. If you directly contrast your child with children of his age, he will feel insecure and useless to his family.

Indirect clues include family trips to competitions, meeting athletes, or watching movies and cartoons. When you notice your child’s interest, take him to a trial lesson. Don't be upset if he doesn't go there anymore: it means you need to look further. Let's have the opportunity to go where the baby wants.


Instilling a love for sports in a child is not easy; it requires a lot of strength and patience from parents. Practice different techniques and methods. Your child is an individual, and what will suit him specifically is unknown. Through trial and error, you will find an approach to your child, and he is a favorite activity, success in which will make him confident in himself and his abilities.

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“How to get your child interested in playing sports at home”

Prepared by: Polezhaka I.V.

December 2016

All parents want their child to grow up healthy, strong and strong, but they often forget that good physical data is primarily due to the child’s physical activity, that in addition to achieving a certain height and weight, he must be dexterous, agile and resilient.
Whether we like it or not, the increasing demands on the depth and quality of knowledge of each person, the decrease in movements and the associated disruption of the natural way of life will naturally affect our children. The more good health and good physical characteristics we equip our children in infancy, the better they will later adapt to new social conditions. Concern for the formation of the child’s motor skills, for achieving the required level of dexterity, speed, strength and other qualities is the primary task of the mother and father even before the child enters school.
Physical education is an integral part of the intellectual, moral and aesthetic education of a child. Condemning the child's absent-mindedness, disorder and disobedience, we demand that during classes the exercise be repeated until the child manages to complete it correctly. Parents should communicate with the child in the form of a game, and the age of the child and his capabilities should always be taken into account. During classes, the most valued exercises are those that the child performs with joy, without pressure from adults, without suspecting that he is obeying their wishes. A gentle, consistent manner of dealing with a child requires great patience and self-control from parents. There should be no quarrels and disputes that could turn the child away from classes and thereby deprive him of the beneficial effects of physical education.

When to start exercising.

Start working with your child from the very first days of his life. Treat the baby’s delicate tissues with care, armed with thorough knowledge, detailed in the specialized literature. The main period for parents to study with children is from 2 to 6 years of age. But even after 6 years old, you should not stop practicing in the family, although at this age other opportunities for the child’s physical development appear - at school, in a sports section, where the child practices under the guidance of a specialist, monitor his condition and mood.

How much to study?

The opportunity to include joint activities between one parent and a child in the daily routine almost always exists. It is necessary to devote at least a few minutes to your child every day. Try to figure out the best time of day for your family's activities and then stick to it. First of all, the principle of systematicity should be observed so that the child gradually gets used to the activities so that they become a daily need for him.
The duration of parent-child activities varies. It depends on the age of the child, on the availability of free time from the parents, on the time of day, as well as on what the child does before or after classes (if the child is tired after a long walk or there is still a walk ahead, the duration of classes will be less than after rest ).
Morning exercises have the advantage that immediately after sleep, the muscles of the body “warm up” and blood circulation in the tissues improves. When charging, it is better to use easy and already familiar exercises, since there is usually not enough time and patience to learn new, more complex exercises. The duration of morning classes is no more than 10 minutes.
Before lunch, be sure to give your child the opportunity to take a walk, ride a children's scooter or bicycle, play in the sandbox, with toys, especially in the fresh air. If you have time, you can conduct a 15-20 minute more intensive lesson during these hours, including exercises for large muscle groups.
After lunch, rest is necessary; A preschool child should sleep or at least lie quietly for at least 2 hours. After sleep, short invigorating exercises and longer ones, if possible in the open air, are useful.
Classes in the afternoon should provide the child with more time to master a variety of movements with objects (toys, bicycles, scooters) and to exercise on various equipment (gymnastic walls, swings, slides), preferably in the company of peers. During these same hours, it is convenient to conduct a longer physical education lesson with one of the parents (about 20 minutes).
Exercises before dinner are the most common form of joint activities, since parents are usually at home and at least one of them can take care of the child. During this period there is time to learn acrobatic exercises, play games and improve the results achieved. The duration of classes for children under 6 years old is 20 - 30 minutes, for children six years old - up to 45 minutes.
It is not recommended to engage in physical activity with children after dinner: intense physical activity after eating is harmful (this applies to any time of day), and in addition, after physical exercise, children have difficulty falling asleep.
You should definitely take advantage of every opportunity to move around with your child in the fresh air. Most often it appears on weekends.

How to get your child interested in physical education.

A healthy child does not need to be forced to do physical education - he himself needs movement and willingly performs more and more new tasks. Under no circumstances should you force a child to perform a particular movement or turn the activity into a boring lesson. Preschoolers do not yet feel the need to study in the literal sense of the word. In this regard, classes should be held in the form of a game. Gradually involve your child in all new games and fun, systematically repeating them so that the child consolidates the learned movements. It’s great if you encourage your child with praise, you will be surprised at how strong, dexterous, strong he is, how much he can already do. Demonstrating his skills in front of other family members or his peers will also help to awaken a child’s interest in classes. Thus, the child gradually develops self-confidence and the desire to learn further, mastering new, more complex movements and games.
If a child has no desire to study, analyze the reasons for such a negative attitude towards classes in order to create more favorable conditions in the future. Some overweight children do not like to exercise because it is difficult for them to move and they are prone to laziness. Such children should be treated with diet and every effort should be made to involve them in activities so that they do not lag behind in motor development. In addition to praise, encouragement can also serve as a convincing explanation for why physical education classes are so necessary (so that he does not look like a bear cub, so that other children do not overtake him, so that he learns to swim sooner). By the way, overweight children have excellent abilities to master swimming.

This article will tell you how to instill in your child the habit of doing physical exercise and what sports equipment is best to purchase for this.

Of course, all parents want their children to grow up strong and healthy; for this it is necessary to teach them proper nutrition and exercise.

1. Preschool children, as a rule, are always very active thanks to active games, but this does not give a reason to exclude morning exercises for them. In order to interest your child in physical exercises, it is worth turning this process into a game.

For example, ask your child to show how a bunny jumps, how a cat arches its back, offer to collect virtual mushrooms without bending its knees, etc. Such exercises It is recommended to do no more than 10-15 minutes daily.

Parents need to take into account that Children need exercise not only in the morning, but also throughout the day. , for example, after drawing or modeling.

Joint physical education and sports activities are very beneficial; with children you can go for short runs, skiing, skating, biking, hiking, swimming in pools and ponds, playing badminton, etc. It would also be an ideal option to visit sports centers with your children, where you can have a great time, relax and have fun for the benefit of the whole family.

3. The ideal way to promote a child’s interest in physical education is a sports corner equipped at home.

Arranging such a corner will not be difficult for parents; some of the sports equipment can be bought in the store, and some can be made with your own hands. In the corner it is desirable to have a horizontal bar, wall bars, ball rings, you also need to get a jump rope, a hoop, dumbbells for children and special rugs. As the child grows up and his physical activity increases, the collection of sports equipment needs to be replenished.

Get your child interested in cycling It is possible from an early age, starting with a regular bicycle stroller; as he grows up, this type of children's transport should be updated, first with a tricycle, then with a two-wheeler, the same can be said about a scooter.

Very useful and interesting for the child roller skating, but you should not buy them for children under five years old, and learning to ride them should begin with simplified versions.

4. When registering a child for a sports section Parents first of all need to take into account the desire of the child himself, his interest in a particular sport.

Don’t worry if the child doesn’t decide on the section he’s interested in the first time, but goes through them repeatedly, this is quite acceptable to find the ideal option, you also shouldn’t convince the child if he gives preference to ballroom dancing classes, he should make his choice just do it yourself.

20.03.14, 17:55

Every parent wants the best for their child - from health to fate in general. And health is almost inextricably linked with sports. We decided to ask the question of how to instill in a child a love of sports without causing harm, either physical or moral, to knowledgeable people - those who train the youngest athletes.

Alexander Natfullin, knockdown karate

First of all, you need to listen to the wishes of the child himself. In no case should you be forced to do what you don’t want, you shouldn’t be overloaded. It’s generally better to start with short sessions, literally half an hour. You should come to the first training sessions with your child to make him feel calmer. Be sure to pay attention to how the coach behaves with his students and in what conditions the classes are held.
In karate, the main task of initial training is to develop coordination, flexibility, and increase the level of general physical education. If a child wants to stop studying for a while, it is better to meet him halfway. Otherwise, you can completely discourage the desire to engage in any sports.

Marina Khomenko, athletics

The physical education teacher at school plays a big role in introducing a child to sports. It is he who can discern abilities for a particular sport and advise going to a certain section. It happens that children learn about the section from friends and come and sign up because they want to do it, because this is the sport that attracts them.
In general, of course, you need to try different options, see what the child likes, what he has abilities for, and develop them.

Nuriman Araslanov, boxing

There must be a sincere relationship between an adult and a child. A parent needs to be really interested in what his child wants and likes, and not just do something for show. And be sure to remember that the child is in the search stage, looking for a place where he will really feel good, where he will like it.
Of course, in no case should you scold if something doesn’t work out or if the child decides to stop classes and learn something else.

Yuri Lozhkin, hockey

What you definitely can’t do is force it. You need to treat the child with interest and help him with his choice. Here the role of the parent is much more important than the role of the coach. A personal example also works very well: if parents are interested in sports, then the child will most likely be interested. Well, playing sports together is doubly good: it benefits both the child and the parents.

Oksana Safronenkova, swimming

Parents need to support all their child’s endeavors. In your free time, it’s good to work out together: swimming pool, ice skating, skiing - depending on what sport the child is interested in. At the same time, you can see what your child has achieved in his studies, what progress he is making, and then you can take part in joint sports competitions. And praise! It is necessary to praise.
Even if a child practices some kind of sport and then decides to change direction, it’s okay. At the youngest age, there is still more general physical training; specialization begins a little later.

What all coaches are unanimous about is that you must definitely listen to the child’s wishes and under no circumstances force him to do something he doesn’t want to do. Otherwise, it won’t take long to discourage any desire to study.

And don’t forget about personal example!
It’s not for nothing that they say that you need to educate yourself not your children, but yourself - after all, your child will be like you.