How to distinguish the accusative case from the genitive case.


According to definitions, the genitive case means:

Belonging to someone or something, for example “an arctic fox skin”, “teacher’s journal”;

If there is a relationship between the whole and its part, for example, “magazine page (RP)”;

Displaying an attribute of an object in relation to another object, for example, “survey results (RP)”;

The object of influence in the presence of a verb with a negative particle “not”, for example, “does not eat meat (R.p.)”;

The object of influence in the presence of a verb denoting desire, intention or removal, for example,

“to wish happiness (R.p.)”, “to avoid responsibility (R.p.)”;

If there is a comparison of objects, for example, “stronger than oak (R.p.)”;

If the noun is the object of measurement, counting, or date genitive, such as "spoon

sour cream" or "Paris Commune Day".


The accusative case means:

Transition of action to the subject completely, for example, “leafing through a magazine,” “driving a car”;

Transfer of spatial and temporal relations “walk a mile”, “rest for a month”;

In rare cases, it is formed as a dependence on an adverb, for example, “it’s a shame for a friend.”

In order to never confuse the cases of a noun, it is important to remember that each case in Russian

corresponds to a universal question, asking which to a given noun, we ultimately get

corresponding case.

The genitive case corresponds to the question “there is no one?” for the animate and “no what?” For



The accusative case corresponds to the question “I see who?” for the animate and “I see what?” For

inanimate nouns.

Determining the cases of nouns by their definitions or endings is extremely difficult.

Let's say

remembering all the definitions of the genitive and accusative cases is quite difficult. And the endings

nouns coincide quite often.

Here's an example using an animate plural noun:

I noticed people nearby. (I see who? - V.p.)

There were no people around. (there was no one? - R.p.)

As you can see, in both cases the word is declined the same way.

But, in order to finally make sure that the case is determined correctly, mentally substitute

instead of an animate noun, an inanimate one.

For example:

I noticed a pillar nearby. (I see who? - V.p.)

There were no pillars around. (there was no one? - R.p.)

The example shows: an inanimate noun in the accusative case does not change, unlike

the same noun having the genitive case.

From this we can draw conclusions:

1. To distinguish the genitive from the accusative, ask the noun a defining question.

2. If it is difficult for you to determine the case of an animate noun, because the question “who?” refers to

both cases, then substitute an inanimate noun instead and ask it

defining question. For the genitive it will be “no what?”, and for the accusative “I see what?”. If

the word will look like in the nominative case, then the case of your noun is accusative.

Helpful advice.

In the Russian language there are indeclinable nouns, for example, “coat”, “coffee”, when in any

case the word looks the same. In this case, case can only be determined by the key question.

The genitive case can also be determined using the test word "cat". Putting it in place

any noun specified word, pay attention to the ending. Example: instead of a word

“teacher” in the phrase “pride in the teacher”, substituting the test word, we get

the phrase “pride in the cat.” The ending “i” indicates the genitive case, the ending “u” indicates


Remember that the genitive case always indicates the relationship between the whole and the part (a glass of water),

comparison with something or someone (prettier than Vasilisa) and belonging (brother’s motorcycle).

The accusative case describes and denotes time-spatial relations (wait a minute), and

also indicates a transition from an action to an object (petting a cat).


E. I. Litnevskaya. Russian language: short theoretical course for schoolchildren.

Interesting article!!!

13 cases of the Russian language.

Students are often faced with the need to determine case nouns. This needs to be done, say, when you need to check the spelling of an unstressed vowel at the end. Difficulty arises when distinguishing between nominative and accusative case to her, because auxiliary questions for words used in the data case ah, actually identical.


1. In order to determine case nouns, it is necessary, before each one, to pose a question to the word. Words related to nominative case y, answer the questions WHO? WHAT? If you asked questions WHO? or WHAT?, then you have a noun used in the accusative form case A.

2. Determine which part of the sentence the noun is. If the word is the subject, i.e. main member of the sentence, then it is used in the nominative form case a.Accusative case om denotes a word that is a minor member in a sentence, a direct object. Let’s say, ask the guys to define case nouns in this sentence. The girl writes a letter. Ask them to pose questions to the words, determine which part of the sentence they are. They are obliged to come to a further conclusion. The word “girl” answers the question WHO?, is the subject, which means it is used in the nominative case e. And the word “letter” is a minor member of the sentence, a direct object. It answers the question WHAT? and, therefore, is used in the accusative case e.

3. Draw the attention of schoolchildren to the fact that a noun is used with or without a preposition. Words in the nominative case They are not used without prepositions. In the accusative - they have prepositions ON, FOR, THROUGH, IN, etc.

4. It is also worthwhile when determining case and compare endings in words. So, nouns of the first declension will have endings A, Z, if they are in the nominative form case A. Accordingly, in the accusative case e - U, Yu. Let's say, in the first declension noun “wall” the ending is A. It is used in the nominative case e. The word “wall” has the ending U. This means it has an accusative case .

5. Case indicates the role of a word in a sentence. It is allowed to use the assistant phrase WHO DOES WHAT to distinguish between nominative and accusative case to her.

“Ivan Gave Birth to a Girl and Ordered to Drag the Diaper” - the first letters of this literary nonsense orderly read out the list of cases. There are six types of cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional. All of them speak about the temporary state of one or another noun, which can change in case form. It is not difficult to determine the type of case of a noun; you just need to figure out which question is answered by all of the cases.


1. Case nominative– initial, determining the real sound of the word. Answers the questions “who?” or “what?” If the noun is inanimate, say: window, house, book, bus, then it answers the question “what?”, and if it is animate, for example, girl, elephant, mother, Rita, then, accordingly, it answers the question “who?” . This division according to the liveliness of the subject will concern all cases, and consequently each case has two questions. Example 1. Man (who?) is an animate noun in the nominative case, machine (what?) is an inanimate noun in the nominative case.

2. Genitive case, from the word “to give birth to whom?” or “what?” No matter how comical it may sound, this is exactly how the question should be asked. A number of questions in cases coincide, and therefore some words will sound identical, the main thing is to put the case question correctly. Example 2. A person (whom?) is an animate noun in the genitive case, a car (what?) is an inanimate noun in the genitive case.

3. The dative case is determined by the phrase “give to whom?” or “what?” Example 3. To a person (to whom?) is an animate noun in the dative case, to a car (to what?) is an inanimate noun in the dative case.

4. The accusative case answers the question: “whom to blame?” or “what?” In the above example, an inanimate noun coincides, and therefore the case is determined logically, according to meaning. Example 4. A person (who?) is an animate noun in the accusative case, a car (what?) is an inanimate noun in the accusative case. But if it makes sense: I bought a car (genitive case), but crashed the car (accusative case).

5. The instrumental case sounds like: “to create by whom?” or “what?” Example 5. By a person (by whom?) is an animate noun in the instrumental case, by a machine (by what?) is an inanimate noun in the instrumental case.

6. The prepositional case is exceptional, posing a question that is not consonant with its name: “to talk about whom?” or “about what?” It is easy to identify a word in this case, because a noun in this case invariably has a preposition. Example 6. About a person (about whom?) is an animate noun in the prepositional case, about a car (about what?) is an inanimate noun in the prepositional case.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice
Even if a case question does not match the meaning in a given sentence, it should still be asked to determine the case of a noun.

Tip 3: How to distinguish the genitive case of a noun from the accusative case

Cases of the Russian language is a category of a word that shows its syntactic role in a sentence. Schoolchildren memorize the names of cases and their signs, that is, questions, but sometimes difficulties arise. For example, when it is necessary to distinguish the genitive case from the accusative case.

You will need

  • Knowledge of the Russian language according to the school curriculum, nouns in the accusative and genitive cases,


1. In the Russian language there are six cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional. To determine the case of a noun, auxiliary words and questions are used. The spelling of the ending of the word depends on this. The genitive (no: whom? what?) and accusative (blame: whom? what?) cases are often confused, because identical questions are asked to animate objects: “who?”

2. Ask a question. If in doubt, ask the noun a qualifying question: “no what?” (for genitive) and “I see what?” (for accusative). If a word takes the form of the nominative case, it means that in this case it is accusative. Let's say: a small fish (accusative case: I see what? a fish, it is impossible to say: there is nothing? a fish).

3. If you need to determine the case in order to arrange the endings, replace the noun with the word “cat” or any other word, but certainly of the first declension. Depending on the ending, determine the case. Let's say: pride for the teacher is the accusative case, since, substituting the word “cat” in place of the noun, we get: glory for the cat. The ending "u" indicates the accusative case. The ending “and” is in the genitive.

4. Analyze the connection of words in a phrase. The genitive case, as usual, denotes the relationship between a part and the whole (a glass of milk), belonging to something (a sister’s jacket), it is used when comparing (more beautiful than a queen). The accusative is used to convey spatial-temporal relations (work for a week), the transition from an action to an object (drive a car).

5. Use the same methods for indeclinable nouns. Let's say: put on a coat (put on a cat - accusative case), do without coffee (do without a cat - genitive).

The accusative case denotes the complete coverage of the object by the action, a certain number (drink milk), and the genitive case denotes the extension of the action to part of the object (drink milk).

Helpful advice
An inanimate noun in the accusative case does not change to differ from the same noun in the genitive case: I saw a house (accusative), there were no houses in the area (genitive)

Unlike the Finnish and Hungarian languages, in which there are one and a half to two dozen cases, in Russian grammar there are six of them. The endings of words in different cases may coincide; therefore, to determine the case, you need to ask the correct question for the word being checked.


1. To determine the case of a noun, carefully read the phrase in which it is included. Find the word that the noun you are checking refers to - that's why words you will ask a question. Let's say you're given the phrase “I love dogs,” and you need to determine the case of the noun “dogs.” The word “dogs” in this sentence is subordinate to the word “love”. Consequently, you will ask the case question in the following way: “I love whom?”

2. Each of the six cases has its own special question. So, nouns in the nominative case answer the question “who?” or “what?” The auxiliary word “is” can be added to this case. Let's say there is (who?) a dog. The question of the genitive case is “who?” or “what?” The auxiliary word “no” can be added to the noun in this case. The dative case answers the question “to whom?/what?” and harmonizes with the auxiliary word “give”. The question of the accusative case is “who?” or “what?”, and its auxiliary word is “blame.” Nouns in the instrumental case answer the question “by whom?/what?” and are in harmony with the words “created” and “pleased.” Finally, the prepositional case is characterized by the following questions: “about whom?/about what?”, “in whom?/in what?”. One of the auxiliary words of this case is the word “I think”.

3. In order to determine the case of an adjective, you first need to find the noun or pronoun to which it refers. Having determined the case of this basic word, you will also know the case of the adjective, because adjectives invariably agree in gender, number and case with the nouns (pronouns) on which they depend. For example, in the sentence “Kolya ate a large pear,” the noun “pear” is used in the accusative case, and therefore the case of the adjective “large” related to it is also accusative.

A noun is a part of speech that denotes a person or object and answers the questions “who?” So what?". Nouns change according to cases, of which there are six in the Russian language. To prevent cases from being confused with each other, there is a strict system of rules and differences between them. In order to be able to correctly and quickly determine the accusative case, you need to know its questions and what it is used for.


1. In order to never make a mistake with the case of a noun, remember that each of them has unique questions specific to it, by asking which you will receive the corresponding case of the noun. Accusative case questions are the question “I see who?” for the animate and “I see what?” for inanimate nouns.

2. In addition, learn the definitions of the accusative case of the Russian language, or rather, the cases when it is used. It turns out that the accusative case denotes the transfer of temporal and spatial relations (rest for a week, walk a kilometer); transition of the action entirely to the object (driving a car, leafing through a book). It is very rare that the accusative case is formed as a dependence on an adverb (annoyed for a friend).

3. However, even according to the rules or endings, it is sometimes very difficult to determine the case, so always use special questions. In its questions, the accusative case partly coincides with the genitive and nominative. In order not to confuse them, do the following: if you have an animate noun in front of you, and it answers the question “who?”, the one that coincides with the genitive case, substitute an inanimate noun in its place and ask a question to it. If the word answers the question “I see what?”, then you have the accusative case.

4. Remember also that in the Russian language there are some nouns that look identical in all cases: metro, cinema, coat, cafe, etc. To determine their case, ask a question about the keyword. For example, in the sentence “Yesterday they bought me an expensive coat,” the word “coat” is in the accusative case, because in response to the question “I see what?” You are allowed to answer “beautiful coat.” In addition, replace the word “coat” here with a variable, say, “decoration”. Then belonging to the accusative case immediately becomes more clear.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice
When determining the case of any noun, always apply all the rules and methods that you know, then it will be much easier for you to verify that a word belongs to one or another case.

The nominative case is the original dictionary form of nouns, contrasted with every other form of indirect case: genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional. A word in the nominative case is never used with a preposition and in a sentence traditionally performs the syntactic function of the subject or the nominal part of a compound predicate.


1. Define nominative case noun on grammatical questions “who?” or “what?” For example, in the sentence “His mother was kindness itself,” the word “mother” answers the question “who?”, and the word “kindness”? to the question “what?”

2. For nominative case and the main ones are the subjective and attributive meanings. In the first case, this form denotes the figure performing the action, or the object towards which it is directed. Compare: “A mother loves her son.” The word “mother” denotes a doer. “The son is loved by the mother.” The word “son” denotes an animate object, the one on which the action is directed.

3. Determine the subjective meaning of the nominative form case and by the syntactic role of the subject in a two-part sentence (“The son is a student, but at the same time he works”) or the subject in a one-part noun (“Whisper, cowardly breathing, trills of a nightingale...”).

4. Determinative meaning of the nominative form case and is expressed in a compound nominal predicate or in the syntactic structure of the application. “The new building is a factory.” The word “factory” is a nominal part of the predicate, which answers the question “what is the new building?” “The female doctor invited me into the office.” The word "doctor" answering the question "who?" is ? is an application that performs the syntactic function of defining. Note that the nominative case, used in a definitive meaning, gives a different name to an object by property, quality, sign, and adverbial meanings are not characteristic of it.

5. Additional meanings of the nominative case and the noun are: - an evaluative value expressed in the nominal part of the predicate (“He was a good-natured person”); - an expression of a temporary sign related to the past (“At that time there was still a groom, her husband”); - the meaning of an informatively filling form used both with a proper name (“They called her Olya”) and a common noun (“He is listed as a watchman”). More often than not, nominative case used in this meaning with geographical names (“Then the city began to be called Petrograd”).

In addition to nouns, the case category has inflected parts of speech: adjective, numeral, participle and pronoun. Determine the nominative case of adjectives and participles using the questions “which one?” which? which? what?”, given from the noun being defined, “how many?” ? for cardinal numbers, “which one?” ? for ordinal ones. Pronouns, depending on their rank, can answer the questions “who?” in the nominative case. What?" (I, that), “which one? whose?" (certain, own), “how much?” (so many).

The accusative case is used in combinations of words and sentences with only verbs or with its forms, such as participle or gerund. And also the accusative case answers the questions: “What?” and “Who?” Most often it is used as an expression of the direct object of action: I write a text, play football, build a house and similar phrases. More details about the accusative case and its differences from the genitive case will be written in this article.

This case can mean completely different meanings. Accusative:

  1. (Time) - the time of an action that has already been completed: walk every morning.
  2. (Quantities) - the quantitative side of the verbal action: cost thirty rubles.
  3. (Measures) - a measure of time or space: walk one hundred steps.
  4. (Object) - the object to which the action is directed: open the door.
  5. (Result) - an object - the result of some action: cook soup.

If you remember the accusative case questions “Whom?” or “What?”, you won’t have any difficulty identifying it.

What endings can the accusative case have?

Based on case questions, you can determine the ending of a word.

The accusative case has the following endings:

  1. A noun that is singular: dog, door, table, computer, road, car.
  2. Accusative case in the plural: dogs, doors, tables, computers, roads, cars.
  3. In the singular, the adjective and participle end: round and round, round, round; hard and hard, hard, hard, doggy and doggy, doggy, doggy.

What prepositions are used

This form of the word can be combined with many prepositions, complex and simple. If a word is combined with such prepositions as: with, on, for, in or under (simple), then it determines some meaning. The definition can be by purpose, reason, time, property, state, etc. In combination with a simple preposition, such words can have completely different meanings: picking berries, sailing along the river, playing hide and seek, and so on, that is, have an objective meaning. Also, a word can carry information replenishment.

In the case of complete sentences that contain simple prepositions, phrases have a completely different meaning. For example, a phrase indicates a predicative meaning (reward for participation). And he can also spread a proposal (there is a school not far from home; the long-awaited holidays are coming in the summer.) Together with the prepositions “under” and “for”, inaccurate facts are expressed (she is about twenty, he is about thirty).

Such nouns are also combined with compound prepositions (without paying attention to, after a day).

The difference between the accusative case and the genitive case

In order not to get confused when determining the case, you need to understand that for each option there is an individual question that is important to ask correctly.

If you ask a key question and find a matching option, you can easily determine whether the word is in the genitive or accusative case. A word in the genitive case often names the relationship of an object to something, the relationship between wholes and parts, a description of an object in comparison with another object, an object that is influenced, and the like. These nouns must answer the questions “what” and “whom.” Finding out the case of a noun, focusing only on the ending or meaning, is quite difficult, as there are many nuances and you can make a mistake.

In such variants, sometimes even the endings of words coincide. Most often you can make a mistake if you need to determine the form of an animate noun. In the event that it is quite difficult to understand the form with the question “whom”, then it is necessary to mentally replace the animate word with an inanimate one. Put the question in the accusative form, “I see what?”, and in the genitive form, “There is nothing?”. If the noun, the form of which needs to be determined, turns out to be the same as in the nominative case, then this will mean that it is in the accusative case.

The next way to distinguish the accusative and genitive forms. If you need to determine the case form of an inanimate noun, then pose the necessary question that needs to be answered. For example: I’m carrying (what?) a package, looking (at what?) at the package. In the second version, the word is in the genitive case.

If the noun is animate, has the second declension and is masculine, then it is enough to replace it with any word of the first declension and pay attention to the ending. For example: I see a cat - I see a dog: the ending -у indicates the genitive case; no cat - no dog: ending -i - accusative).

If the noun is animate and is in the plural, then it must be mentally changed to any inanimate that answers the question “what?” (I love horses - I love (what?) clothes - accusative; I love the beauty of horses - I love the beauty of clothes - genitive).

It is important to pay attention to the fact that in the Russian language there are many words that do not decline (coat, metro and others). In all variants they remain unchanged.

There is a possibility that the methods described above will not help. You should always check the case by asking a key question to avoid mistakes.


From this video you will receive additional information on the topic “Accusative case of nouns”.

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Russian language lesson

Subject: The difference between the nominative case and the accusative case


  • develop the ability to recognize the nominative and accusative cases; practice the ability to determine the case of a noun;
  • formation of communicative competencies (dialogue, discussion)
  • bring up
  • Equipment: computer, multimedia installation.


1.Class organization(Slide Mood)

2.Repetition of the studied material

Slide: words by mark

At the mark



About the mark

About the mark

Read the entry. Tell me what is written here? (the word mark used in different cases)

Name these nouns in declension order. (Mark, at the mark, by mark, mark, mark, about mark)

What is noun declension? (this is changing nouns by case)

How many cases are there in Russian? Name all the cases and questions for them.

3. A minute of penmanship

Today, in a minute of penmanship, we will write three letters. The first is a suffix in the word mark. What letter is this? (TO)

The second letter is the ending in the noun mark used in I.p. What letter is this? (A)

The third letter is the ending in the noun mark used in V.p. What letter is this? (U)

Children determine the order of the letters and write them down in a notebook. (KUA. UAK, AKU, ...)

4. Vocabulary and spelling work

Take a close look at this post: Slide

Season cog umbrella

Did he indicate a nod?

Name a word from the dictionary that we will learn about in class. What word is this? How did you define it?

(This is the word station. To define it, we found out how the word umbrella is formed. To compose it, the last syllables of the first two words of the top line were used. This means that the searched word must be composed of the last syllables of the bottom line.)

Children write the word in a notebook, highlight spelling patterns, work on the meaning of the word)

Make up your own sentences using the word station.

5. physical minute (to music)

6. New theme

And the heroes from our book, Masha and Misha, also made sentences. Here they are. SLIDE.

The station is located on the outskirts of the city.

The station received a message about the arrival of the train.

Passengers approaching the city see the station.

Read the first sentence, underline the main parts of the sentence.

Determine the case of the noun that is the subject of the sentence. (The word station is in I.p.)

Noun in I.p. Is it used with or without a preposition? (without preposition)

Read the second and third sentences, underline the main members in them. Determine which member of the sentence is the noun station in these sentences? (minor member)

Determine the case of the noun station in the second and third sentences. (stands in V.p.)

Noun railway station in the accusative case is it used with or without a preposition? (used both with and without a preposition)

Conclude how to distinguish a noun in I.p. from a noun in V.p.

Work in groups: Use plan: slide

Which part of the sentence is the noun in I.p.?

Is a noun used with a preposition in I.p.?

Which part of the sentence is the noun in V.p.?

How is a noun used in V.p. with or without preposition?

Reading the rules from the textbook

7. Physical exercise (vision)

8. Consolidation.

a) Work according to textbook No. 101. (1 person works at the blackboard)

B) Children write the text in a notebook (commented letter). Determine the declension, case and number of highlighted nouns.

Squirrel lived in an owl's hollow. Hunter tracked down squirrel . I approached the platform

locomotive . I saw Vanya for the first time locomotive . The car went to steppe. in spring

steppe covered with a green carpet of grass.

Self-test. Micrototal.

9. Independent work

Read it. Write sentences, insert the necessary letters. Specify

cases of nouns. Slide.

Alder, linden, s(a.o)sna have a lot of other (e, i) weight. L(e,i) sleep viper

Chooses thick tr(a,o)vu for relaxation. Frogs and toads spawn in

water, on the ground and even on your own lower back.

What signs helped you distinguish nouns in I.p. from

nouns in V.p.?

10. HomeworkNo. 102, learn the rule.


What topic did we learn about in class today?

Which of the guys did you like in class?

How do you evaluate your work?

How do you evaluate a teacher's work?

There are six cases in the Russian language, each of which has its own meaning. Each case has its own questions, which makes determining the case much easier. Questions often arise about how to distinguish the two cases from each other. The following tips will help you cope with this task.

They become familiar with cases in elementary school; at this age, emphasis should be placed on questions, auxiliary words and prepositions. And the difficulty in determining the accusative and genitive cases sometimes coincide, so in determining them you should not use only this principle.

Signs of cases

Endings matter. Thus, nouns in the genitive case (R.p.) have the following endings:

  • -и, -ы - in the 1st declension;
  • -a, -i - in the 2nd declension;
  • -i - in the 3rd declension.

The ending of nouns in the accusative case (V. p.):

  • y, -yu - in the 1st declension;
  • a, -i - in the 2nd declension;
  • in the 3rd declension.

Questions will help determine the case. In the genitive case - whom? and what? In the accusative - whom? So what? To make it easier to define, auxiliary words are added:

  • in the genitive case - there is no (who? what?) computer;
  • in the accusative case - I see (who? what?) a computer.

Comparative table of genitive and accusative cases

whom? what?

whom? What?

auxiliary word


  • and, -s (1st cl.)
  • a, -i (2nd cl.);
  • and (3rd cl.)
  • y, -yu (1st cl.)
  • a, -i (2nd cl.)
  • (3rd class)


from, to, from, without, at, for, about, with

in, on, for, through, about.

teacher's notebook

table leg (what?)

visit a friend

check (what?) work

How to determine case

You should use a step-by-step guide to determine case:

  • Determine animate/inanimate.
  • Ask appropriate questions (when asking questions, it is easier to use questions in pairs - who? what? and whom? what? since they are the same for animate nouns).
  • Determine compatibility with auxiliary words (no, I see).
  • If it is necessary to replace words and determine the case by analogy.

So, replacement is necessary in several cases. Animate masculine nouns of the 2nd declension have the same forms in R. p. and V. p. (student’s portfolio and know student).

The trick: in order not to make a mistake, you should replace it with any word of the 1st declension (student’s briefcase and I know the student). In this case, “student” is R. p., and “student” is V. p. The same will happen with the word “student”.

In the plural, the forms of animate nouns also coincide (books of students and know students). To do this, they should be replaced with an inanimate plural noun (library books and know libraries). “Libraries” - R. p., and “libraries” - V. p.). The same is true with the word “disciples”.

Meaning of cases

The rule states that the genitive case means:

  • belonging to someone or something (for example, a man’s car);
  • the relationship between the whole and the individual part (school class);
  • display of a feature of an object in relation to another feature (questioning result);
  • the object of influence, if there is a verb with negation (does not drink milk);
  • object of influence, if there is a verb of desire, removal or intention (to avoid punishment);
  • comparison (faster than a river);
  • object of measurement, date or account (glass of juice).

The accusative case means:

  • transition of action to an object (for example, reading a book);
  • transfer of temporal and spatial relationships (study all day, run a kilometer);
  • dependence on the adverb (sorry for the bird).

There are a number of tasks to consolidate the material: exercises on comparison, transformation, distribution and others.