Hello. My name is Kutsenko Lyudmila, and I am from the Tomsk region. For five years now I have owned the popular beauty salon “Magic” in our city. The salon provides all types of services - haircuts, manicures, tattoos, piercings, massages, light and aromatherapy, various baths, and so on.

Many people are interested in whether it is profitable to open a beauty salon.

I believe my business numbers will give you the most accurate and honest answer:

  • 250 square meters of area (small two-story building);
  • 14 staff (masseurs, hairdressers, tattoo and piercing specialists, administrators, etc.);
  • volume of visitors – 20-25 people per day (both women and men);
  • monthly income (net) – from 600,000 rubles;
  • monthly expenses – from 500,000 rubles;
  • initial costs – from 5 million rubles.

What kind of business is this?

At the present stage, the business idea of ​​a beauty salon is very promising. More and more people are using the services of such establishments (at least, a hairdresser is always in demand).

If a person wants to be healthy and look beautiful, then he will always allocate some money for a massage or beauty baths. At the same time, the main category of visitors is, of course, women over the age of 30.

A modern business class beauty salon can provide the following services:

1. Image - manicure, tattoo, pedicure, haircut and hair care, piercing.
2. Medical – procedures aimed at rejuvenation, correction of facial and body imperfections, providing various programs to combat cellulite.
3. Relaxation – aroma, thalasso and light therapy, SPA procedures and others.

In general, the range of activities can be very wide. It is unlikely that you will be able to cover everything at once - choose one direction. For example, you can deal exclusively with clients’ hair – “from” to “to”.

If you do this well, then over time there will be regular visitors and stable profits. Then you can add manicure, tattoo, and so on. It all depends on the initial capital.

For example, to open a small hairdressing salon you can get by with 500 thousand rubles, but to open a luxurious salon with a full list of services you will need hundreds of thousands, but only dollars.

Do you need a business project for a beauty salon?

You should have this handy - this is your guide. The document must take into account all risks and costs, which we will partially discuss below.

Without a plan, you'll end up with a lot of unexpected things and quickly run out of budget. As a result, the business will end before it even begins.

Should I buy a ready-made business plan for a beauty salon?

It is best to find a real professional practitioner who has extensive experience in drafting high-quality and, most importantly, working business projects. Of course, you will have to pay for this work, but you will have the perfect action plan at hand. All that remains is to strictly follow it.
Costs for a business plan – from 60 thousand rubles.

How to open a beauty salon from scratch?

Everything is possible in our life - remember this.

Creating your own business is no exception. Just follow these steps:

1. Decide on the location and premises. Don't do anything until you're done with this job. How to proceed here?

First, go around the districts of your city, evaluate the infrastructure, the presence of salons, and the attention of residents to them. Pay special attention to the presence of ATMs, parking lots, supermarkets, service centers, cafes, and so on.

If the infrastructure is established, then people decide matters within the district. This means that your beauty salon will be in demand.

When an area is underdeveloped, people are accustomed to traveling beyond its boundaries to other parts of the city. This means that the new salon may be out of business.

The best place to locate a salon is near transport interchanges, metro stops, buses or minibuses.

If there is paid (but inexpensive) parking next to the selected building, then this is only a plus.

Once you have decided on the area, select the appropriate premises.

2. There are two options here:

Option #1. Become an owner (that is, make a purchase). Of course, this option is much more expensive, because for a good premises you will have to pay over $100,000.

But there are advantages here:

  • firstly, buying real estate is a good investment;
  • secondly, you are protected from the various whims of the landlord (especially during a crisis).

Option #2. Rent a room. Here the costs will be lower - from 40,000 rubles per month. But keep in mind that you will have to do the repairs at your own expense, and you won’t be able to take it with you if your business moves.

What should the room be like? Based on experience and reviews, a beauty salon business can be opened in the basement of buildings or on the first floor. An excellent option is the premises of a cinema, clinic, school, kindergarten and so on. Naturally, we are talking about unused buildings.

  • does the premises comply with SES and fire inspection standards;
  • Is the area of ​​the room large (will it be enough for you in case of further growth);
  • is there convenient access to the building and parking;
  • is there a separate entrance;
  • Are the necessary communications provided (water, electricity, sewerage, air conditioning). If not, then these costs will fall on your shoulders;
  • Is there a demarcation of zones in the room into a workroom, reception area, warehouse, recycling rooms, showers, and so on.

3. Do some repairs. Once a suitable premises has been found, you must begin renovating it. A beauty salon is a serious establishment, so you can’t act by eye.

It is necessary to order a high-quality project that will take into account:

  • ventilation and air conditioning system;
  • communications projects;
  • space planning;
  • electrical wiring;
  • water supply and water drainage.

If the premises are located in a residential building or an existing building, then this will significantly reduce your costs. The only thing you have to do is order a design project and carry out high-quality repairs inside. Next, choose a good contractor and find qualified builders.

Remember that the better and more original the design, the more visitors you can attract. People appreciate chic and neatness in everything, and especially when they come to the “house of beauty”.

But keep in mind that when opening a beauty salon as a franchise, the registration will have to be done according to the principle of the “patron” company. Therefore, the project and design must be coordinated.

On average, repair costs range from 600 thousand rubles. But here it all depends on the scope of the designer and your budget.

4. Register your business. Once the premises are ready, the appropriate permits can be obtained.

Be ready:

  • to engineering examination of the premises;
  • to check documents for the fact of ownership (lease);
  • to coordinate the project with the SES, firefighters and the architecture department (by the way, this must be done before the start of construction or redevelopment).

Table No. 1. Potential of consumers of beauty salon services in Russia

What equipment will you need for a beauty salon?

Once the repairs have been made and the documents have been completed, you can proceed to the selection of equipment.

A new salon may need:

1. Equipment for hardware cosmetology - scrubber (from 6,000 rubles), a device for phototherapy (from 12,000 rubles), for lifting (from 12,000 rubles).
2. Equipment for creating an ideal figure. The most expensive is a vacuum-roller device (from 400,000 rubles).
3. Equipment for hair removal – photoepilator (from 300,000 rubles), set for waxing (from 3,000 rubles).
In addition, you need to buy lamps (from 3,000 rubles), couches (from 18,000 rubles), sterilizers (from 3,000 rubles), manicure machines (from 4,000 rubles), baths (from 6,000 rubles) and other equipment.

The total cost of furnishing a beauty salon is from a million rubles. Again, you don’t have to go all out.

To begin with, you can only buy hairdressing equipment - chairs for clients, dryers, mirrors, sinks and other equipment. A separate expense item is disposable linen, towels, cosmetics, and so on.

Is it worth buying a ready-made business of a beauty salon or hairdresser?

If you have the required amount on hand, you can easily buy a ready-made beauty salon (hair salon). The main thing is to make sure that the premises comply with all standards, and that the documents contain signatures of all officials.

If the business is located in rented premises, then do not forget to talk with the owner and find out about his future plans.

Table No. 2. Growth of participants in the beauty salon market in Russia

How much will a ready-made business cost when selling a beauty salon?

The cost depends on many factors - the size of the room, the volume of services provided, the quantity, type and newness of equipment in the salon, the number of staff, and so on. On average, a beauty salon can cost 2 million rubles and more. Moreover, the upper limit is not limited by anything.

Summary and main conclusion:

Purchasing a business plan – from 60 thousand rubles.
Rent of premises – from 40,000 rubles per month.
Purchase of equipment – ​​from a million rubles.
Repair costs – from 600 thousand rubles.
Payment for staff (with a staff of 6-8 people) – from 200 thousand rubles.
Advertising – from 100,000 rubles.
Potential income – from 400 thousand rubles per month.
Payback period – 1-1.5 years.

Is a beauty salon business profitable?– In theory, yes. But how much income it will generate in real life depends only on you.

Opening your own hairdresser or beauty salon from scratch is a great idea for a business in modern conditions. In some cases, this activity itself may require little to no initial investment and provide an excellent source of income. Let's consider how easy it will be to make a business in hairdressing and related services and how much it will cost to open your own hairdressing salon.

Table of contents:

Hairdressing and beauty salon as a business

In general, hairdressing as a business is now one of the most promising areas of activity in terms of ease of entry and profitability. Almost anyone can start such a business with minimal investment - at least in the format of providing private hairdresser services. If you have sufficient start-up capital, you can think about opening your own hairdresser or beauty salon. In this case, there is no need to even know how to work with hair and do hairstyles - this work can be done by hired employees and employees.

What are the advantages of the hairdressing business and why is it so good in Russia? The answer to this question lies in several simple theses:

  • Demand. Hair grows in almost all people and throughout almost their entire life, which definitely eventually requires cutting and caring for it.
  • High profitability. The profitability of hairdressing salons can reach 70-80% with the right approach to organizing a business.
  • Low start-up capital requirements. You can start your own business in this area without any initial capital or significant investments.
  • Fast payback. A hairdressing salon can pay for itself within one year if the circumstances are successful.

Of course, like any other type of business, a beauty salon has its own certain disadvantages. These include the requirement for certain knowledge from the entrepreneur himself, as well as the very serious influence of competition and the increased dependence of the volume of services on seasonal indicators. However, such shortcomings can be leveled out or at least their impact can be reduced with a minimum of effort. The following simple step-by-step instructions can help you figure out how to open a hairdresser:

Important fact

Some steps do not need to be completed in the order shown. So, when opening your own hairdressing salon, to find start-up capital, it will be more convenient to first register and draw up a business plan, and only then, with ready-made documentation and the enterprise, attract additional funds.

How to choose a hair salon format and open your own business

The very first step in preparing to open your own hairdressing salon from scratch will be choosing its format. All subsequent actions will depend on the chosen method of conducting business, as well as the cost of start-up capital, target audience and geography of location. In general, we can distinguish several main areas of activity of hairdressing salons, the format of which is radically different:

In general, it is not necessary to settle on one format of activity and follow exclusively its rules and operating principles in the case of hairdressing salons. However, this choice will help you initially decide on the future appearance of the enterprise, simplify determining the target audience of the business, finding employees and selecting the necessary equipment for further activities.

Target audience and location of the hairdressing salon

After choosing the appropriate format for the activity, the target audience should be determined, and with it the intended location of the activity. Determining the target audience and creating an image of the average consumer will determine both the pricing policy of the business, equipment, and requirements for employees. In general, the target audience can be divided according to the following criteria:

After determining the target audience, special attention should be paid to the location of the future beauty salon. So, for budget options, the ideal location would be small, inexpensive premises near transport interchanges and metro stations. In such places there is a sufficient flow of potential clients, and the cost of renting premises for a hairdressing salon is not too high.

For premium segment clients, it is best to choose the appropriate prestigious premises, located either in new buildings or in the historical or business center of the city. Hairdressing salons for children demonstrate themselves well near places where the target audience gathers - near schools and kindergartens.

Business plan for a beauty salon and hairdresser

A responsible approach to business planning is the key to the success of absolutely any business. You should not neglect drawing up a business plan for a hairdresser even if you are operating as a private hairdresser, and even more so you should not forget about the business plan when opening a beauty salon. Carrying out all the necessary calculations in advance, at the preparation stage, will allow you to assess the overall profitability and payback period of the business, make it possible to think through solutions to possible problems in advance and, in general, understand what your own business will be like. A business plan should be drawn up as an official document - after all, it can later be used to attract partners or investors.

In general, a ready-made business plan for a hairdressing salon can be found on many Internet sites, but such documents are often outdated and do not contain all the necessary information. Or they simply don’t fit the specifics of running a particular business. Therefore, they can only be used as an example. Another thing is the decision to order a business plan for a hairdressing salon. It is worth resorting to it when opening a beauty salon or a permanent hairdressing salon - professional calculations and market analysis will cost from 10 to 50 thousand rubles for this industry and will allow you to clearly understand all the prospects for the future business.

You can also draw up a business plan for a hairdressing or beauty salon yourself. It will be necessary to indicate the following points:

  • The general concept of the business and a brief summary of all the information in the business plan on the first two pages.
  • Describe in detail the USP - a unique selling proposition that explains the advantages of a particular hairdressing salon.
  • Conduct an evidence-based analysis of the existing market.
  • Calculate the costs of opening an enterprise and the planned profit based on the analysis data.
  • Conduct a comprehensive SWOT analysis of the future business.
  • Describe the solution to organizational issues of the enterprise.

With a ready-made business plan, it will be much easier to start searching for direct investors if start-up capital is not available.

However, for private practice the required start-up capital will be minimal - for less than 50 thousand rubles you can easily register an enterprise and purchase all the necessary equipment and consumables to conduct business. To open a permanent hairdressing salon, the initial costs may look something like this:

  • Registration and organizational events – up to 20 thousand rubles.
  • Repair and arrangement of the premises - about 80 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment and tools for work - about 150 thousand rubles.
  • Payment for rent of premises for 2 months – about 100 thousand rubles.
  • Payment for employees for the first month of work is about 50 thousand rubles.

Thus, it is quite possible to open an ordinary small, mid-level hairdressing salon with about 400-500 thousand rubles on hand. For larger-scale projects, accordingly, larger investments may be required, as well as for doing business in metropolitan regions, where all costs will be an order of magnitude higher. However, in such situations, the expected income will also increase.

Important fact

Buying premises for a hairdressing salon instead of renting it will be a good investment taking into account the long term, since it will significantly increase the profitability of the enterprise, and the premises itself can act as an additional safety net in case of a failed business - real estate is always a valuable commodity.

At the same time, sources of start-up capital for your own hairdressing or beauty salon can be either personal funds or other options. For example, obtaining a consumer loan or a business loan secured by property. In addition, in some cases, such establishments can count on receiving grants or government support for small entrepreneurs. It is also possible for such a business to be co-founded by several partners, or to attract a third-party investor under an investment agreement. In most cases, to raise funds to open your own hairdressing salon, you will need a business plan with a serious justification for the profitability of the enterprise and its potential success.


A business plan should be given to third parties only on the basis of a receipt stating that the information specified in the document will not be used for personal purposes. This will protect the copyright of a specific idea and protect it from possible theft.

How to register a hairdresser

State registration of any business in Russia is a mandatory procedure, since conducting business activities requires appropriate accounting and payment of taxes and other required fees. Hairdressing activities are not subject to licensing. To register, you must first choose the organizational and legal form of the future business.

The format that works best in most situations is The only advantage of an LLC for a hairdressing salon may be the possibility of easy co-founding in the enterprise itself without unnecessary hassle. Registration is carried out with the Federal Tax Service at the place of the future proposed activity.

After registration, it is recommended even for individual entrepreneurs to obtain a stamp, open a bank account and a cash register - this will greatly simplify the conduct of business, especially if you open a full-fledged beauty salon with a variety of services. You should also notify about the start of business and obtain a report on the fire safety of the premises. Current regulations oblige owners of hairdressing salons to carry out wet cleaning daily using special detergents.

At the time of registration, you should also select the taxation mechanism applicable to the business. The most profitable option for such activities is UTII, but it may not be available in every region. Therefore, if you cannot choose UTII, you should focus on the possibility of taxation under a patent or apply the simplified tax system with a tax rate of 6% on enterprise income with profitability above 80%, or 15% against enterprise profit with profitability rates less than 80%.

Important fact

If an individual entrepreneur does not have a TIN, this identification number is issued immediately after state registration. You can simply submit documents for state registration of a hairdressing salon through the State Services portal or the local branch of the Federal Tax Service.

Equipment for a hairdressing or beauty salon

The premises of the hairdressing salon, if provided for by the format of the activity, must be equipped in accordance with the current SanPiN standards. With regard to hairdressing salons, they are not extremely strict and primarily provide for wet cleaning, as mentioned above. In general, for the normal functioning of the enterprise, a simple calculation of the area based on 7 square meters per client will be sufficient. There should also be a bathroom in the room.

The minimum set of equipment for a hairdresser per visitor should include a set of combs and scissors, a hairdryer, various hairpins, several sets of curlers, a head wash, a hairdresser's chair, a dressing table with a mirror, and hair cosmetics. On average, arrangement of one place for a client with an average configuration will cost 40-80 thousand rubles. Savings can come from purchasing used equipment. If it is necessary to expand the range of services offered, the cost of one seat for a client can increase up to 500 thousand rubles.


If the hairdresser is designed for both female and male visitors, separate rooms should be provided for such clients. If there is not enough space, you can at least use screens to separate the work areas of hairdressers - according to statistics, most women feel discomfort when getting a haircut in the same room as a man.

Hiring staff for a hair salon

Hiring staff for a hairdressing salon should be approached with the proper level of responsibility, because a poor-quality haircut can sometimes be impossible to correct. However, not every locality has specialists with sufficient qualifications for a professional hairdresser. In this case, it is best to order master classes and express courses in hairdressing for employees.

If you have the necessary skills, the entrepreneur himself can carry out the training, and if they are absent, there is an opportunity to save on staff wages and undergo the necessary training yourself.


In the hairdressing business, the appearance of the hairdressers themselves is of great importance. You should take care of the presentable appearance of your employees and, first of all, that they have truly professional and high-quality haircuts, even if the hairdresser itself only does simple haircuts for every day.

Advertising a hair salon and additional nuances of earning money

The first and simplest step in advertising an already opened hairdressing salon is to design a sign.
Current legislation allows the installation of a sign with the name of the type of activity directly near the entrance to the establishment without additional permits and fees. But in this case, the sign should only contain the name of the type of activity, and not the enterprise itself, that is, just the word “Hairdressing salon”. Outdoor advertising is most effective for mid- and budget-level hairdressing salons.

For elite hairdressing salons, advertising will be more effective using more modern means of promotion, for example, on the Internet, as well as through promotion. Carrying out various promotions and participating in city events can also be an excellent way to attract customer attention to the enterprise. Promotion also performs well in this matter.

The general range of services provided is of great importance in the activities of hairdressing and beauty salons. Manicure and pedicure are among the most popular and widespread in this spectrum - they practically do not require the purchase of additional equipment and equipment. On a larger scale, a beauty salon can also provide the opportunity to undergo spa treatments, hair removal and depilation of all areas of the body, massage and other comprehensive activities.

  • Beauty salon - first steps
  • Types of beauty salons

A beauty salon is one of the most promising areas of non-manufacturing business. External attractiveness has long ceased to be the prerogative of the fairer sex. Being beautiful - for both women and men - now means demonstrating well-being, confidence and, most importantly, success.

In addition, maintaining a beautiful appearance requires constant effort. Haircuts, manicures, coloring - almost all beauty salon procedures must be repeated regularly. This means that satisfied customers will return to you again and again.

We will tell you in this article how to open a salon and what needs to be done to keep your clients happy and your business prosperous.

Beauty salon - first steps

First, decide on the type of business activity. It is possible to register both individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. What to choose is up to you, but it is more logical to start with a simpler individual entrepreneur, and then, if necessary, switch to an LLC.

If you have not yet decided on the exact list of services that you plan to provide in the salon, then the time to do so is now. Because, firstly, the taxation system will depend on this. “Ordinary” hairdressing services are covered by UTII. If you want to add cosmetology and especially medical services to them, in this case a simplified taxation system will suit you.

And secondly, the exact choice of services automatically answers the important question about the license. A standard set, without medical procedures, exempts you from the need for licensing.

Types of beauty salons

From the very beginning, you need to decide not only on the types of planned services, but also on the class of customer service.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  1. Option "economy" or "standard". Here we accept a minimum level in everything - the repair of the premises and the equipment used, the professional level of the craftsmen and the class of means used. The motto of this option is “cheap, simple, accessible.”
  2. Business option. The level goes up one or two steps. The premises are no longer just renovated, but with a focus on the interior. Furniture, equipment, cosmetics are of a higher class and more expensive. The masters have confirmed qualifications (which are constantly improved). The motto of this option is: “inexpensive, high quality, comfortable.”
  3. Option "VIP", luxury. The level jumps as high as possible. Absolutely everything must correspond to luxury - from the design of the salon to the coffee that is offered to visitors. And, of course, at the maximum height there are two main parameters - the class of masters and the level of service. The list of services offered is also significantly higher. The motto of this option: “expensive, exclusive, luxurious.”

If you are just starting a business in this area, then it hardly makes sense to immediately qualify for “luxury”. It requires a kind of foundation - from funds for expensive repairs to the invitation of famous craftsmen. Typically, such a foundation is built on the basis of simpler options for salons and hairdressing salons.

Choosing a location for a beauty salon

The class of your beauty salon will not least depend on the location in which it is located. Agree, a luxurious VIP salon on the working outskirts will look not only strange, but also unprofitable. Just like a cheap hairdresser in the area of ​​expensive business centers.

An important parameter is the permeability of the place you choose. Are there many people there during the day? Is there another beauty salon nearby that will attract potential clients?

The best choice is the first floor and convenient entrance. Of course, straight from the street. Looking for an entrance from the yard will turn off many potential customers.

A few more important nuances. The first concerns the opening of a salon in residential buildings. If you decide to open a salon on the 1st floor of a residential building, you need to collect written consent from all residents.

The basement is not suitable in principle.

A former residential apartment can become a salon (and there are many such examples), but in this case, the cost of converting the premises from non-residential to residential must be included in the estimate.

And if you want to open a salon in a shopping center, tempted by high traffic, remember that not all of these people are interested in your services. You will not automatically receive a queue of clients. In addition, you will need to carefully calculate the ratio of the class of a particular shopping center and your salon - it is desirable that they are similar.

Even the most modest salon should not be less than 14 square meters of the main hall, plus 7 square meters of utility and other premises. Other requirements: water supply and sewerage, separate entrance and separate ventilation systems, non-use of wallpaper for interior decoration, good illumination of workplaces (at least 40 lux), division of the room into functional areas (locker room, hall, utility room, toilet).

The full list of requirements can be read in San PiN (2.1.2631-10).

What documents are needed to open a salon?

When the premises have been selected, the issue of rent or ownership has been resolved, and repairs have been made, you can proceed to collecting documents.

First, you should obtain a technical passport for the premises from the BTI, then register with the city/district administration; obtain permission from the SES; energy control, water supply; fire service.

Documents to be submitted to the SES:

  • medical books for each master and an agreement with a medical institution on examinations.
  • documents for the ventilation system (transfer acceptance certificate and passport);
  • agreement on garbage removal (if necessary, medical waste);
  • logs: sterilization of instruments, accounting of disinfectants, etc.;
  • laundry agreement.

Documents to be submitted to the district fire inspection authority:

  • fire alarm documents;
  • staff briefing log;
  • evacuation plan in case of fire and employee action plan in case of facility fire;
  • order appointing an employee responsible for fire safety.

In addition, everything that is in the salon - equipment, tools, consumables - must have passports/certificates, as well as warranty agreements. All devices require permission from the Russian Ministry of Health.

Towels, negligees, and linen should be either disposable (which eliminates many problems) or in triplicate, which will ensure their uninterrupted and hygienic “circulation.”

It is also necessary to create a Consumer Corner, where a book of complaints, a brochure with laws on consumer protection, trade rules, copies of permits from firefighters and SES and some other documents should be collected.

The list of equipment that is necessary for the actual operation of the salon is also quite large. These include comfortable chairs and large mirrors, tables, a sink combined with a chair, shelves and racks, a water heater, and an autoclave for sterilizing instruments.

Some masters have their own tools, but if not, then the salon needs to buy various combs and brushes, clippers and scissors, brushes and curling irons, hair dryers, towels, napkins.

How to choose a good name for a beauty salon

Both your newborn baby and your business need a suitable name. Therefore, while solving important issues with premises and start-up capital, you can simultaneously think about this important issue. Here are detailed instructions,how to choose a good name

First, about what is definitely not possible.

Use the words “Russia” and “Russian Federation”. More precisely, this is possible if you obtain special permission. But how much do you need it for a beauty salon? That's it, it's completely unnecessary. In the same way, we avoid using the names of Russian government structures, as well as the names of other states. In general, politics is separate, and beauty is also separate.

You cannot use words that harm morality, morality, or public interests. And it’s not in your interests to give the salon a name that repels normal clients.

There is also no need to steal other people’s – even very good – titles. Especially if they are already trademarked.

There are very few restrictions on the name, and they are not difficult to fulfill. It is much more difficult to take into account all the wishes that will make your salon recognizable, attractive, and therefore popular and profitable.

So, desirable points.

  • The title should be informative. At a minimum, it is necessary for anyone to understand what area we are talking about. It’s very good if the name also shows your uniqueness and difference from other beauty salons.
  • To add uniqueness to the name, you can use your own name (or a derivative of it). The main thing is that it sounds harmonious, attractive and unusual.
  • Sometimes you can add a geographical name to the name of the salon - a city or some area. But here you need to have a very precise sense of proportion and taste. However, this applies to every wish regarding the name. This is such a responsible business - the name!
  • The abbreviation will add mystery, and at the same time brightness and expressiveness to the name. It may echo some well-known set of letters, or it may have a completely new sound.
  • We must be even more careful when using foreign words. Sometimes they can give the name expression and unusualness, but they can also repel with pretentiousness and incomprehensibility.
  • Be sure to consider the characteristics of your potential clients. Who are you targeting when planning a beauty salon? For women, men? What age, financial situation?

Make up several options for names that you think are suitable. And start testing on friends and acquaintances, especially those who fit the profile of your client. Conduct a survey on social networks. Ask which name people like best and why. Or maybe your interlocutors will offer their own version?

Keep in mind: if you register an individual entrepreneur, your beautiful name will not be reflected in official documents - only your real name. That is, if you are Klavdiya Petrovna Ivanova, then officially you will be called that way - individual entrepreneur Klavdiya Petrovna Ivanova. But nothing will stop you from hanging a “Fatal Margot” sign on your salon.

Once you have decided on a name and location, the salon needs good, visible advertising. First of all, it must exist. At the salon itself - a must, on remote billboards - preferably. It’s also worth thinking about how to inform potential clients not only about the very fact of your salon’s existence, but also about the main advantages of visiting it. On a remote billboard or in an ad at the entrance, you can place information about what will certainly attract the client - discounts, promotions, unique offers.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing up a business plan

Beginning businessmen are often frightened by an unknown “beast” called a “business plan.” How to compose it? Why is it needed at all? Isn't it easier to do without such complex structures? Is it necessary to calculate all costs down to the smallest detail both before opening a salon and after its launch? Experienced businessmen believe that a business plan is needed, and it will help to make onestep-by-step instructions for drawing up a business plan

Meanwhile, a business plan is an excellent assistant to the businessman himself, a kind of navigator in the boundless sea of ​​entrepreneurship. It will help not only to formulate a clear understanding of the structure of your business, its internal and external relations, but also to describe its financial component - what investments will be needed at what stage, their sequence and possible options. In addition, such a financial justification (indicating the reality of your plans) will certainly be of interest to the bank - in the event that you decide to resort to borrowed funds to develop your business. And it won’t just interest you - without a high-quality business plan, the bank will not do business with you.

Of course, writing a good business plan is not an easy task, and may seem like an overwhelming task for a novice businessman. In this case, there are two solutions. The first is, if funds allow, hire a specialist. The second is to figure it out yourself. Yes, this will require some effort. But how many benefits! Learn a new business, put things in order in your own plans, get a clear plan of action - and even save money.

Let's start with the simplest option (as you progress, you can refine and expand it).

  1. Write a resume – the most general description of your project. It is desirable that it be brief and understandable even to a person completely ignorant of this business.
  2. Write down a goal - your final desired result.
  3. Write down tasks - specific points, the implementation of which will lead you to your goal.
  4. Describe the structure of your future salon. This also includes the staffing table - what positions you provide, the responsibilities of employees in these positions, their interaction.
  5. Make a financial plan. It includes a complete description of all monetary calculations, starting from the costs of starting a business, continuing with the estimate of current expenses and price list, and ending with the calculation of the payback period of the project. The bank will look closely at this point of the plan if you decide to resort to borrowed funds. Accordingly, your calculations should look convincing to creditors.
  6. Create a marketing plan. If it is possible to hire a professional marketer, hire one. No, you will have to determine your marketing policy yourself. Who are the people who will use your services? How will they find out about your salon? How will you promote yourself and your brand? Who are your competitors, how will you interact with them, how to use their experience? Are you planning any promotions, and if so, what? In general, marketing is an entire art, and mastering it depends on how far and high you build your business plans.
  7. Draw up an organizational plan. This is your vision of the business structure, which employees work in parallel and who reports to whom, plus the responsibilities of each employee.
  8. Write down the personnel policy. Here you determine for yourself the principles of working with personnel, ways to attract eminent professionals, and training young specialists.

If you work responsibly and conscientiously on all the points listed above, consider that you have drawn up the simplest version of a business plan.

Ready-made business plan for a beauty salon

Let's make an approximate financial calculation within the framework of a business plan for a certain beauty salon in an average Russian city. Also you can lookready-made business plan for a beauty salon.

Let's say you open a middle-class beauty salon in a medium-sized city (not Moscow, not St. Petersburg). In your salon, the client is offered: haircuts of all types, hair coloring, manicure, pedicure, eyebrow and eyelash care, hair removal.

The total area of ​​such a room will vary from 60 to 100 square meters. Repairs can cost 150 thousand rubles, monthly rent will cost 20-40 thousand rubles.

Furniture for the reception will cost from 60 to 70 thousand rubles. For a hairdressing salon – 70-80 thousand. For manicure/pedicure – 40-50 thousand. For a staff room – 20-30 thousand.

So, at the initial stage, at a minimum, about half a million rubles will be required. If you are opening a large salon or we are talking about a metropolis with expensive rent, the start-up costs will be higher.

Let's say you fit into the salary fund of 80-100 thousand rubles. Next come utilities - 8-10 thousand rubles, purchase of consumables - 15-20 thousand, advertising - from 10 thousand rubles. The total monthly minimum cost will be 130-150 thousand. Plus rent (in the starting costs we counted it only for 1 month) – another 20-40 thousand. Only 150-200 thousand rubles.

How long will it take to recoup the investment and turn into profit? If your salon is visited by 20 people a day with an average price tag of 500 rubles, then the salon will earn 300 thousand rubles per month. This means that the initial investment will pay off in just 2 months. Then the salon will generate a profit of 100-150 thousand per month.

Of course, these calculations are very conditional. They need to be adjusted based on specific conditions. But carefully calculating expenses before starting a business is extremely important. And also - analyze your competitors. Information about the work of other beauty salons in your city can help you build your business correctly.

How to select staff for a beauty salon

There are no strict requirements for salon staff - everything here mainly depends not on diplomas and “credentials” (although any education, courses or training is a plus), but on the professionalism of the master. If he has a name and a satisfied clientele, then the salon will not be empty. Finding such masters is the main task of the salon owner. After all, whatever one may say, clients come for quality service, the “magic hands” of a master who will make them beautiful, and not for a chic interior or impeccably served coffee.

Another thing is licensed services. The “crust” is also important here - for example, a cosmetologist can be either a doctor of certain specialties, or a specialist with a secondary medical education. But they have the right to perform different types of services.

Of course, the salon, in addition to the masters, will also need other employees: an administrator, an accountant, a cleaner. As the business expands, this list will increase.

Secrets of effective staff motivation

Competent leaders knowsecrets of effective staff motivation. There are two areas that are equally important for motivating good staff performance - material and intangible. From a material point of view, everything is clear - it is necessary to implement a system in which the employee who brings in more income receives more money.

It is advisable to include in the financial part of the project an article for the training of masters. The art of beauty is developing rapidly, new trends, new opportunities, devices and materials are appearing. In order not to find yourself in the rearguard and to be, if not ahead, then at least on the same level with your competitors, you will have to constantly keep your finger on the pulse of all new products.

An effective way of material motivation is a system of fines. Fines must be justified and understandable to all employees: being late, leaving work early, conflicts with clients.

The second area of ​​employee motivation is intangible; it is less clear, especially to those who are just starting a business and have no experience. Therefore, let us dwell on it in more detail.

Money is an important, but not the only incentive in the work of any person. There are many other needs that need to be satisfied by the individual. For example, a sense of self-worth. Some people have such a shortage of it that they are ready to go to great lengths to satisfy it. What can be done? Organize a competition with non-material rewards. For example, place the winner’s photo on a speciala stand with the inscription “Best Employee”, or introduce a nominal position - in cases where this is appropriate.

It is important to recognize and praise an employee. People are built quite strangely - they are always ready to scold, even shout. But when another person has done something good, we tend to remain silent, as if that’s how it’s supposed to be. We behave exactly the same way with our loved ones. My husband didn’t take out the trash – he screamed for half an hour. I cooked dinner - just think, that’s how it’s supposed to be. But no. A person is always offended if others do not notice the good that he has done. So if you are a business owner, make it a rule to praise your employees. Family members too, by the way. And in return you will receive many bonuses, which, note, you receive completely free of charge.

Be careful - find out at least the most general information about the employees. And if you inquire in time about how the child is doing in the sports section, and whether the employee’s mother has been discharged from the hospital, they will answer you with gratitude. And good work.

Opening a salon seems difficult and expensive, but in fact, any novice businessman can cope with this task. You need:

  1. Make a business plan
  2. Find a room and make repairs there,
  3. Complete all necessary documents,
  4. Buy equipment,
  5. Come up with a name
  6. Hire staff
  7. Run advertising
  8. Start accepting clients

The idea of ​​opening your own beauty salon can be successful and promising if you have carefully calculated all the costs, potential income and risks. If you are confident in your abilities, go for it!

Beginning entrepreneurs who are thinking about how to open a beauty salon from scratch need to consider all the intricacies of organizing this type of business, study the existing risks, and calculate what investments will be required.

As observations of entrepreneurs who are already engaged in the salon business show, it will take at least a year to develop. If you purchase an existing salon and rebuild it, this may take approximately six months. The payback period for a beauty salon can range from 1 to 4 years, depending on the amount of investment and services provided.

Which type of salon to choose?

So, you have decided to open a beauty salon business. First of all, a novice entrepreneur should decide what kind of business he will be. All beauty studios are divided into three main classes:

  1. Small salons that provide a standard range of services - haircuts, manicures, cosmetologist assistance and others. This type of business allows you to provide a constant income. The main category of clients, as a rule, is the population of the adjacent microdistrict.
  2. Middle class studios - designed for “average” clients. The organization of such an establishment provides for better quality service, which requires investing a larger amount. The flow of clients in middle-class establishments is, as a rule, constant, with peak attendance occurring on pre-holiday days. The cost of the services provided is higher than the basic one, and the craftsmen must be highly qualified and well versed in modern style.
  3. Elite salons are “promoted” brands, the owners of which are often famous “star” stylists. In establishments of this level, clients pay money not so much for services, but for prestige.

A task such as opening a beauty salon from scratch requires a balanced approach. What your establishment will be like depends on the size of the locality or city, as well as the amount of funds available.

When opening a beauty studio, you should take into account that in most large cities there is an excess of elite salons. Many of them provide customers with the opportunity to enjoy good discounts, savings cards and additional bonuses. Such methods of attraction indicate that there are actually not many regular visitors to such establishments.

Today, most people strive to save money, so elite salons are visited by a small number of clients. The bulk of the population uses the services of middle-class establishments. Therefore, the most promising type of activity for a novice entrepreneur is a business in the “middle class” format. Entrepreneurs who choose this direction will find it much easier to find the best premises and provide themselves with regular customers.

Selecting a location

The most common question asked by all aspiring entrepreneurs who decide to open a beauty salon is where to start? The location of your studio is important in the successful advancement of your business. It is desirable that it be located in a busy area with developed infrastructure. The presence of shops, cafes, a food market, a bank, a parking lot, an ATM, etc. will ensure a good influx of customers. If all this is not nearby, then its visitors will only be people living in nearby houses. It should be taken into account that it is convenient for people to solve their everyday issues, including beauty issues, in one area.

Ideally, your studio will be located near a transport interchange - this will allow clients without a car to easily get to the salon.

Premises for a beauty salon


When thinking through the details of the question of how to open a beauty studio, you need to take into account the fact that such a business is promoted most successfully by those entrepreneurs who are the owners of their premises. If it is not possible to purchase or build a premises, it is rented. With this option, you will have to pay considerable amounts to the landlord every month, which can be very difficult at the initial stage of business development.

Premises requirements

There are no separate regulatory documents for salon premises. However, such establishments are subject to the requirements for hairdressing salons and consumer service establishments. These requirements clearly state what is needed to open a beauty salon:

  • The area of ​​the mini-salon, which includes two hairdressers, a cosmetologist, and a manicure and pedicure specialist, must be at least 60 m².
  • The placement of service sector facilities, including hairdressing salons, is prohibited on the territory of schools, kindergartens, sanatoriums, hospitals, clubs, cinemas, and holiday homes.
  • Opening a studio in residential buildings is allowed only if the first floors and basements are used for them.
  • The premises designed for salons must have a height of 3.3 m.

Drawing up a business plan

Any beginning businessman needs to see when the invested money will be returned, from what moment and how much he will start earning, and how this will happen. All this is calculated using a business plan.

A business plan for a beauty salon from scratch is drawn up taking into account:

  • Revenue and cost parts.
  • Payback of the enterprise.
  • Definitions of target audience.
  • Business model definitions.
  • Average check (estimated average amount that one client will leave).
  • Drawing up a list of services, etc.

The development of a business plan is necessary for the competent distribution of financial and labor resources. Without cash flow, an entrepreneur does not actually manage his business, but goes with the flow.


If you are thinking about the question of how to open your own beauty salon from scratch, then you need to take into account another important point - the selection of professional personnel. Your income directly depends on the qualifications and communication skills of the master, so this issue should be approached with the utmost seriousness. For most clients, what is important is not so much a beautifully and comfortably decorated room, but rather a master who is one hundred percent satisfied with them.

Opening a beauty salon from scratch almost always causes some dissatisfaction among competitors. However, if you want to succeed in this field, you must do everything possible to achieve your goal. Thus, luring experienced craftsmen from other salons is considered a good option for a novice businessman. The advantage of this method is that you can be guaranteed to get a great specialist, whose qualifications you have been convinced of more than once from your own experience. In addition, such masters will attract their own clients to your salon, which is very important for a newly opened salon.

You can also search for craftsmen, accountants, managers, administrators and cleaners by advertising in a local newspaper or on a regional television channel.

Official registration

Before opening a beauty salon as a business, you must go through the painstaking procedure of registering it. To do this, you will need to choose its organizational and legal form - individual entrepreneur or LLC. The latter option is issued in cases where the beauty studio provides such types of services as subcutaneous injections, deep and medium peeling, hair removal with electrical devices. Only dermatologists are allowed to perform the listed procedures.

If you encounter difficulties with the preparation of documentation, it makes sense to seek help from professional lawyers.

How much will the business cost?

  • Preparation of documentation - 10 thousand rubles.
  • The rent is about 50 thousand rubles, depending on the area of ​​the premises and the region.
  • Costs for major repairs - 250 thousand rubles, for cosmetic repairs - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising (ordering a name sign, advertisements in the media) - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment (professional electrical equipment, furniture, reception desk, sinks, computers, TV, etc.) - about 700 thousand rubles, depending on the number of jobs.

*All amounts are approximate and may vary depending on your location and local service rates.

A rough calculation showed that to open your own business you will need about 100 thousand rubles. In addition to the above amounts, it is also necessary to take into account:

  • Costs for the purchase of shampoos, hair dyes, disinfectants.
  • Laundry and utility costs.
  • Staff salary expenses.
  • Payment of taxes.

Having performed the necessary calculations and determined how much money is needed to open a salon, you can come to the conclusion that this type of business will pay off no earlier than in a year at best. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that during the first few months, expenses will exceed income. All this time, the salon will work to build its reputation. During this period, the salon owner should not skimp on self-promotion, and should definitely demand quality from the staff.

Having studied all the intricacies of opening a beauty salon and developed a detailed business plan, you can safely begin to implement it. After the investment has paid off, you should consider buying the premises from the tenant. This will allow you to save additional money and invest it in the further development of your favorite business.

The payback period for a beauty salon can range from 1 to 4 years, depending on the amount of investment and services provided.

Opening a personal business is the dream of many women. The leading position is, of course, occupied by its own beauty salon. After all, beauty is a timeless product; it will always be in demand. But how to open a fashionable beauty salon without the slightest organizational experience in a small town? How much money do you need to implement this business idea?

  • Where to start opening a beauty salon?
  • Where to place the salon: choose a location
  • What equipment to choose for working in a beauty salon?
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which tax system to choose
  • Do you need a permit to open a business?
  • Beauty salon technology

Beauty salons are conventionally divided into two types:

  1. establishments offering a standard range of services;
  2. establishments with an expanded range of services.

Before you make your choice, you should decide how much cash you plan to invest. The standard version of such a business assumes the presence of a classic hairdressing salon, where no more than 5 hairdressers will work. A separate office designed for the work of a pedicurist and manicurist, as well as an office for a makeup artist.

If you decide to open a beauty salon with a wider range of services offered, you should add a cosmetologist’s office and, of course, a solarium to the standard set.

Where to start opening a beauty salon?

Quite often, future business women ask the question: “How to open your own beauty salon in a small provincial town without experience?”

There are several options:

  • Self-start.

This is one of the most labor-intensive ways to start a business, especially in a small city. Here you will need to learn a lot directly in the process itself. This option does not require the intervention of specialists, and the future housewife can fully unleash her full creative potential.

  • Purchase of a ready-made business.

When choosing this option, you should be quite careful, since the true reason for the sale of an income-generating establishment will forever remain a secret. And no one knows how many additional cash injections may be required. It is quite possible that you will have to completely re-equip the salon, start promoting it, and update the staff. An undeniable advantage will be regular customers who have visited it before. If you are not ready to start a business on your own, then this is the ideal choice.

  • Services of consulting companies

The advantage of this approach to starting a business is that all organizational aspects are handled by professionals. Specialists are involved in all areas: technologists, designers, advertisers and even personnel selection.

  • Franchising.

The most expensive option for starting a business, but also the most win-win for a beginner.

Opening a business

What does it take to open your own beauty salon? First of all, in order for the salon to start accepting clients, it is necessary to undergo state registration. You need to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur or choose to register as a legal entity. Typically this procedure takes about a month.

Next, you will need to conclude a lease agreement for the premises of the future salon. Obtain permission from the SES and fire organization. If you plan to open a beauty salon, you will additionally need to obtain a license to provide medical services. This procedure takes several months. Do not forget that acceptance certificates for premises are signed only in completely renovated premises.

Where to place the salon: choose a location

The main factor that influences the choice of location for a future establishment is the absence of competing firms. But it is not necessary that a salon located on the main street of the city will become more popular than an establishment in a quiet residential area.

A 3-4 room apartment located on the first floor of a beautiful building would be a great option. Then the clients of the salon will also receive aesthetic pleasure from visiting it.

Convenient conditions for transport and parking spaces also play an important role when choosing a location.

What equipment to choose for working in a beauty salon?

Having decided on the location of the beauty salon, you should think about purchasing equipment. Also, do not forget about the necessary tools and consumables. How much is needed will become clear during the work process.

The list of necessary equipment is classic. But you should also take into account the services that are planned to be provided to the establishment’s clients.

At the initial stage, hairdressing chairs will be required. Each workplace must be equipped with a cabinet and a mirror. Additionally, you will need carts, as well as baskets that will serve for used towels. It is absolutely necessary to purchase an ultraviolet sterilizer necessary for processing instruments and dryers. You will also need to buy a hair washer equipped with a special chair.

For each master, you will need to purchase a standard set that includes a certain list of tools. This:

  • four different types of combs;
  • three straight scissors of various types;
  • pairs of thinning scissors;
  • hair clipper;
  • straight razor;
  • electric hair curling iron;
  • brushes for hair coloring;

Consumables include shampoos of various types, preparations used for curling, styling or coloring hair, as well as medicinal balms used in medical procedures.

When starting a salon business, you should be prepared for quite large investments. How much cash will you need to open your own beauty salon? The lower limit is 500 thousand rubles. But this amount is suitable for opening a small beauty salon. To implement a larger-scale project, greater capital investment will be required. This amount is approximately 10-15 million rubles.

How much can you earn

The income generated by one hairdressing chair is approximately 30,000 rubles. per month. If the salon provides cosmetology services, which are quite expensive, then with a good load the profit will be 600,000 rubles. per month. These figures are for medium-sized cities. In the capital and cities with million people, the statistics are even higher, since the cost of services there is much higher.

How long will it take to pay off the costs invested in starting your business? It depends on many factors. But on average, payback occurs in 3-4 years, sometimes earlier. And then the business begins to generate income.

How much money do you need to start a business?

To start a small beauty salon you will need 500,000 rubles. This is the minimum amount of funds. To implement a larger-scale project, more financial investments will be required. Very often this figure increases to several million.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering?

OKVED 96.02 – provision of services by hairdressing and beauty salons

What documents are needed to open

You need to register your business as an individual entrepreneur (IP) or choose to register as a legal entity. Documents are submitted to the Federal Tax Service at the place of residence. After receiving the registration certificate, you must register with the Pension Fund and the Social and Health Insurance Fund.

Which tax system to choose

For service sector enterprises, you can apply a simplified taxation system (STS) with a rate of 6% of revenue.

Do you need a permit to open a business?

To open a beauty salon, obtaining licenses is not required, but a conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological service and permission from the fire inspection are required. In addition, it is necessary to inform Rospotrebnadzor about the start of business activity. Salon technicians must have health certificates. If the salon plans to open a beauty salon, then it is necessary to obtain a license to provide medical services, this will take several months.

Beauty salon technology

Opening a beauty salon is a profitable type of business. It is not necessary to open a salon on the main street of the city; you can also earn a good income in a residential area. The best option would be a 3-4 room apartment located on the ground floor of the building. It is very important that there are convenient conditions for transport and good parking.

After choosing a room, you need to start designing it. The room should be bright, warm colors should prevail. The room must be clean so that the client feels comfortable staying there. The furniture in the cabin should be comfortable, especially the chairs.

Professional craftsmen are a very important component of successful work. It is necessary to select employees with extensive experience and high professional qualities for the salon. This type of business is in great demand, is constantly developing, offering clients new services and, very importantly, is not seasonal.