I found interesting information on the Web on the topic “Could all the animals fit in Noah’s ark?” I think it will be useful for other readers as well...

“Skeptics very often ask the question: how could representatives of the entire animal world fit in the ark? It turns out that this is not surprising.

The size of the ark varies according to how long a cubit is. Its minimum size is 44.5 cm, and the maximum (long cubit ") is 52 cm. But usually its length is taken as 45.5 cm.

With the smallest size of a cubit, the ark was 133.5 m long; 22.25 m - width, 13.5 m - height. This corresponded to a volume of 39655 m3 and a displacement of 13960 tons. Usual dimensions: length - 136.5 m., height - 13.65 m., width - 22.75 m., Volume - 42388.369 m3. And the maximum dimensions: length - 156 m., Height - 15.6 m., Width - 26 m., Volume - 63273.6 m3.

One wagon has a useful volume of about 76 m3. This means that even the minimum size of the ark corresponded to 522 wagons (the usual - 557, and the maximum - 832). Given that an ordinary boxcar contains 240 sheep, it is clear that the ark could hold from 125,280 (minimum cubit) to 199,680 (maximum) sheep. Such a volume is sufficient to accommodate all land animals (birds, insects (winged), mammals, reptiles and amphibians), both living and extinct.

To be convinced of this, firstly, let us recall that the "kind" of the book of Genesis does not always coincide with the "species" in the modern classification, but often is closer to the "family", and secondly, the animals that entered the ark were most likely teenagers, not adults, for they were to repopulate the world. Therefore, they took up less space than adult animals.

For greater persuasiveness, we will use the calculations given in the scientific film "The Lost World". So, there are now 1,075,100 species of animals in the world, but most of them did not need to be saved, because they either live in water or are able to spend an unlimited time in it in the form of caviar. Noah did not have to worry about 21,000 species of fish, 1,700 species of tunicates, 600 echinoderms, including starfish and urchins, 107,000 species of molluscs, 10,000 species of coelenterates (corals, hydras), 5,000 species of sponges, 30,000 species of protozoa. Some mammals are aquatic animals, such as whales and dolphins, as well as some reptiles (sea turtles) and amphibians. Most arthropods (there are 838,000 species) are marine animals (crayfish, lobsters, shrimps). And the insects are very small and take up almost no space (especially if they pupate), most of the 35,000 species of worms could have escaped without the ark.

It is stated that no more than 35,000 animal specimens should have been placed in the ark, if some more extinct animals were added, then 50,000 creatures should have fit in the ark. There are few very large animals - this is an elephant, a rhinoceros, but they were most likely represented by young individuals. Returning to comparing the volume of the ark with the wagons, these 50,000 animals would occupy 208.3 wagons, which was only 37.3% of the average volume of the ark (minimum - 39.9%, maximum - 25%).

Thus, 60% of the ark was left for Noah's family to live and for food. - "You take for yourself all the food that they eat, and collect for yourself; and it will be food for you and for them." (Gen. 6:21). - That is, God returned people and animals at the time of the flood to a heavenly state. They ate the same food - plants (meat was allowed only after the flood) and did not quarrel with each other. Noah regained the power over animals that Adam had lost.

Noah was ordered to take water with him, for the rains that fell from behind the firmament were fresh and could be drink for all the inhabitants of the ark. Noah took them through a special hole (window - Gen. 8.6).

Another objection to the biblical story is the fact that 8 people could not feed and clean so many animals. But it is known that even with ordinary bad weather, many creatures experience drowsiness. According to some reports, before the Flood, atmospheric pressure was 2 times higher than the current one, and the atmosphere contained 30% oxygen, and during the year of the cataclysm, the pressure dropped to the current level, and most of the oxygen was bound in the form of limestone and other sedimentary rocks (now in the atmosphere 21 % of this gas). All this inevitably plunged most of the animals into suspended animation and their care was minimal.

So there is nothing in the story of the Flood that cannot be explained in terms of natural laws."

An erudite reader will immediately mentally object: "The Ark was built not by Moses, but by Noah," and he will certainly be right. These two biblical characters are often confused. So, first you need to figure out who is who. But first things first.

Reasons for confusion

First of all, it is worth noting that it arises from insufficient familiarity with the Bible, because this book is the source of reliable information about these people. But the majority prefers to read biblical feature films, but they are often full of inaccuracies or fiction. Many directors distort history by creating plots that combine such characters whose life paths never crossed in time. For example, in one of them, Noah, sailing on the ark, met Lot (who lived about 500 years after the flood), who was moving through the water on a catamaran! Therefore, it is not surprising that questions like "How many animals did Moses take on his ark?" and the like.

Naturally, there are many skeptics who question both the fact and the miracles of the time of Moses, for example, that the waters of the Red Sea parted and allowed a whole people to pass on the dry bottom. It is their opinion to which they are entitled. Of course, there are many arguments and facts proving the opposite, but this is not about that now. The purpose of this article is to summarize the information that is in the original source, and leave the right to believe or not to the reader.

What is known about Moses?

The first mention of him is in the book of Exodus, which tells about his birth and life until the age of 80. His father was Amram and his mother was Jochebed, both descendants of Levi, Abraham's great-grandson. According to biblical chronology, Moses was born in 1593 BC. in Egypt at a time when its people, the Jews, were in slavery. Moreover, a threat immediately loomed over the life of the newborn Moses: shortly before his birth, an order was given to kill all male babies. But his mother put him in a papyrus basket and placed it on the banks of the Nile, where the child was found by the pharaoh's daughter, who adopted the boy. Therefore, he was given the name Moses, which means "taken out of the water."

He was brought up at the court of the pharaoh, received a high education, and a wonderful career opened before him, but he knew about his origin and was very eager to help his enslaved people. When he was 40 years old, he left Egypt and went to live in the area of ​​Midian. After another 40 years, he received a task from God to return to Egypt and lead the Jewish people out of captivity and bring them to the land where their ancestors used to live. This was preceded by 10 plagues on the Egyptians, and the apogee was the crossing of the Red Sea, which became the grave for the pharaoh and his army.

Then followed a grueling 40 years of walking on But Moses failed to cross the threshold, he died at the age of 120 years. If you briefly answer the question of what Moses did, who this person was and what role he played in it, then it should be mentioned that he was an outstanding leader, commander, judge, prophet and writer of six books of the Bible. But he was not directly related to the flood, so the question of how many animals Moses took on his ark does not make sense.

Briefly about Noah

He was born about 1000 years before Moses. His father was a contemporary of Adam, the first man. Due to a strong moral decline, God decided to destroy the evil people with water and gave the task to his faithful servant Noah and his family to build a ship, later known as Noah's Ark. Animals, as well as people, could be saved if they went there. But, unfortunately, only Noah's family did it.

"Pair of each creature"

Those who ask how many animals Moses took on his ark are interested in how many of them could fit on one ship. According to the narrative from (Chapter 7), it was necessary to take seven from each genus (now called species by zoologists) of the so-called clean animals and two from the unclean (hence the expression "each creature in pairs").

What do the numbers say?

Does this mean that the ark had to fit all the existing types of animals? This sounds implausible. It is believed that hundreds of thousands of species of modern animals can be reduced to a relatively small number of "genera", such as the "genus" of sheep or the "genus" of dogs. Therefore, some scientists have calculated that if only 10 "kinds" of reptiles, 43 "kinds" of mammals and 74 "kinds" of birds were in the ark, they could produce the entire population of the living world that exists today. There was no need to save the inhabitants of the seas and oceans from the water.

Now the calculations: 10 + 43 + 74 = 127 types of animals could approximately get on the ark. The animals were both clean and unclean, but it is not known how many of these were, and how many of the others. Therefore, the number of individuals could range from 254 (127*2) to 889 (127*7). Even if their number really was within 9 hundred, then they would fit well on a ship that was 133 meters long, 22 meters wide, and 13 meters high.

Based on all this, if you answer the question of how many animals Moses took on his ark, then there is only one answer: not at all, because Noah was engaged in this, it was he who had to place several hundred individuals on his ship.

For skeptics, all of the above sounds like a fairy tale. Nevertheless, even many respected archaeologists and historians admit that at some period the whole earth was suddenly covered with water, and the search for the ark does not stop.

How did Noah put all the animals on the ark?

How did Noah place all the animals on the ark? Was the ark large enough to hold "all the beasts after their kind, and every beast after its kind, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, after its kind, and everything that flies after its kind, every bird, every winged" in pairs, and seven pairs of representatives of some individual species? What about food? It also required a lot of space to store enough food to provide for Noah and his family (8 people) as well as all the animals. And this is all for at least a year (see Genesis 7:11; 8:13-18) and possibly more, depending on how long it took for the vegetation to grow back. That's a huge amount of food! What about drinking water? Is it realistic to think that Noah's ship was big enough to hold all these animals and a year's supply of food and water?

The dimensions of the ark in Genesis are 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high (Genesis 6:15). What is an "elbow"? The cubit is an ancient unit of measurement, equal to the length of the forearm from the elbow to the longest finger. In Hebrew, this word is "ammam". Since everyone's arms are different lengths, this unit may seem a little inaccurate to some, but scientists generally agree that it is somewhere between 43 and 56 centimeters. It is known that the ancient Egyptian cubit was almost 56 centimeters. Thus, the following calculations can be made:

Thus, the ark could reach up to 168 meters in length, 28 meters in width and 16.8 meters in height. These are pretty realistic sizes. But how big are these numbers? 168 x 28 x 16.8 = 79,027.20 m3. (If we take the smallest cubit, 43 centimeters, we end up with 35,778.15 m3.) Of course, not all of this was available storage space. The ark had three levels (Genesis 6:16) and many rooms (Genesis 6:14) whose walls also occupied space. However, it has been estimated that just over half (54.75%) of the 79,027.20 m3 can accommodate 125,000 sheep-sized animals, leaving nearly 36,000 m3 still free (see http:// www.icr.org/bible/bhta42.html).

John Woodmorappe, author of the authoritative The Ark: A Feasibility Study, estimated that only about 15% of the animals on the Ark were larger than a sheep. This figure does not take into account the possibility that God could bring to Noah "young" animals, which could be much smaller than adults.

How many animals were in the ark? Woodmorappe has about 16,000 genera. What is a "genus"? The definition of genus is much broader than the definition of species. Even though there are over 400 breeds of dogs, they all belong to the same species (Canis Familiaris), just as many species can belong to the same genus.

However, even assuming that the genus is synonymous with the species, “there are not many species of mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles. Leading systematic biologist Ernst Mayr puts the number at 17,600. Considering that there were a pair of each species in the ark, as well as seven pairs of a few so-called “pure” animal species, plus a reasonable increase for extinct species known to us, it can be assumed that on there were no more than, say, 50,000 animals on the ark” (John Morris, 1987).

Some researchers have calculated that about 25 thousand species of animals were represented in the ark. This is the maximum rating. With two representatives of each species and seven of some of them, the number of animals will exceed 50 thousand, although not by much. Whether there were 16,000 or 25,000 kinds of animals—even two of each and seven pairs of some of them—scholars agree that there was enough room in the ark for all the animals, as well as food and water supplies.

What about the excrement produced by all these animals? How did a family of 8 manage to feed all those animals day after day and deal with tons of excrement? What about animals with special diets? How did the vegetation survive? What about insects? There are thousands of other similar questions, and they all have a place to be. Many people think that it is impossible to answer such questions. But they are, in fact, nothing new. They have been asked over and over again for centuries. And all the while, researchers have been looking for answers. There are now numerous, extremely deep scientific studies concerning Noah and his ark.

With over 1,200 references to scientific research, Woodmorappe's book is "a state-of-the-art systematic assessment of the perceived difficulties surrounding Noah's Ark" (John Woodmorappe, A Resource for Answering Critics of Noah's Ark, Impact #273, March 1996. Institute for Creation Research, January 30, 2005 g.: http://www.icr.org/pubs/imp/imp-273.htm). Woodmorapp argues that after several years of systematic examination of all the issues raised, “all arguments against the ark will be found … untenable. In fact, the vast majority of the evidence against the Ark, which at first glance seems to be relevant, can be easily shown to be irrelevant.”


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Asks Oleg
Answered by Elena Titova, 03/27/2013

Oleg asks: “Just think about how all the animals of the planet could fit on Noah’s Ark, it’s truly impossible!!! All this is a lie and complete nonsense! Noah could not build such a huge ship! He physically could not drive everyone there ... I definitely couldn’t do all the birds, except maybe chickens, because they don’t resist. In short, this is nonsense and lies! It’s physically impossible! "

Greetings, Oleg!

To dispel your confusion, let's try to understand two questions. The dimensions of the ark and the number of animals Noah needed to place there. The ark was built by Noah according to God's instructions for 120 years and was comparable in size to a modern ocean liner: approximately 150 m long, 25 m wide and 15 m high. Its carrying capacity was about 43 thousand cubic meters (approximately 520 railway freight cars). Experts in the field of hydraulic technology and shipbuilding claim that the ark was unsinkable: a 6:1 length-to-width ratio ensured stability in any stormy conditions.

All the animals (and plants) of the planet did not need to be placed in the ark. Aquatic life, including vertebrates, microorganisms, probably some insects and other terrestrial invertebrates, did not need to be saved (they could survive the Flood in the form of eggs, pupae, adults on floating vegetation). Plants could also be preserved outside the ark in the form of seeds, spores, and then grow vegetatively - through parts of roots, branches, leaves.

There is reason to believe that the diversity of the then animal and plant world was smaller and was reduced mainly to the biblical "genera", from which the current species diversity occurred in the conditions of the Earth that changed greatly after the Flood. For example, the “wolf” family gave a wolf, a dog, a jackal, a coyote; "horse" - horse, zebra, donkey, kulan. Initially, the biblical "kind" had a great potential for genetic variability, which was realized when organisms adapted to new conditions of existence (due to the loss of part of the genetic material, its rearrangement and mutations). The fact that such a process can go quite quickly and efficiently, you yourself can judge by the work of breeders and the amazing variety of animal breeds and plant varieties.

It is difficult to say how many "kinds" of terrestrial vertebrates there were at the time of the beginning of the Flood. If we roughly assume that the biblical "genus" basically corresponds to the same taxon of modern systematics, then their number will be limited to a few thousand. So, if we take a pair of animals, Noah had to place in the ark, presumably, from two to four tens of thousands of individuals - “everything that had the breath of the spirit of life in its nostrils on dry land” (). Given the carrying capacity and size of the ark, we can conclude that its space was more than enough for more animals, as well as supplies of food, feed and water. It is logical to assume that the animals could be in a state close to hibernation or even anabiosis, which, as is known, is observed with a sharp change in the conditions of existence (temperature, humidity, pressure, etc.): there is a significant decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes. This made it easier to solve the problems of feeding and cleaning.

How did you manage to catch and place the animals in the ark? Of course, Noah and his sons did not run through the forests and fields with fishing gear. Here we must recognize Divine intervention, as in many other aspects of the Flood, which occurred by God's providence. If God planned the salvation of His creation in the Flood, told Noah what, how and what size to build the ark, spent 120 years building and preaching salvation, there is no reason to doubt that, if necessary or in a critical situation, He promptly provided His supernatural help. .

God's blessings!

Read more on Noah, the Ark and the Flood:

Jan 26

Atheists insist that representatives of all kinds of animals could not fit in the Ark in any way and, therefore, the Bible lies. Because of this, many Christians stopped believing in the story of the Flood; they now believe that the flood was "local" and very few animals entered the Ark.

It usually turns out that the skeptics simply did not fully understand the situation. On the other hand, the classic work on creationism "The Flood from the Book of Genesis" ("TheGenesisFlood”)- a comprehensive analysis of the Flood - was published back in 1961. 1 New book by John Woodmorapp "Noah's Ark: Rationale" ("Noah'sArc:aFeasibilityStudy”) is an extended and updated study that sheds light on the history of the Flood and other related issues. 2 This chapter is based on material from these books and some independent calculations. We are faced with two main questions:

How many kinds of animals did Noah have to take into the Ark? - Could the Ark contain representatives of all kinds of animals?

How many kinds of animals did Noah have to take into the Ark?

The Bible says:

Also bring into the ark of all animals and of all flesh a pair, so that they remain alive with you: male and female let them be. From birds according to their kind, and from cattle according to their kind, and from every creeping thing on the ground according to their kind...(Gen. 6:19-20) And take seven of every clean livestock, male and female, and two of the unclean livestock, male and female. Also from the birds of the air, seven each, male and female, to keep a tribe for all the earth(Gen. 7:2-3)

In the original Hebrew text, the word translated in the Bible as "beast" or "cattle" is the same in these verses: "behemah", and it applies to terrestrial vertebrates in general. The word used for reptiles "craft", which has several meanings in Scripture, but here probably refers to reptiles. 3 Noah did not need to take the inhabitants of the sea into the Ark, 4 because the Flood did not threaten them with destruction. However, the turbulent streams of water, carrying with them a colloidal mixture of sediments, killed a great many living creatures, which was reflected in the fossil record. Many species that lived in the oceans did not really survive the Flood. But if God in His wisdom decided not to leave alive these or those inhabitants of the sea, then it was His will, and Noah had absolutely nothing to do with this.

Noah had no reason to take plants into the Ark. Some of them survived in the form of seeds, others - in the form of floating plant masses; we observe this even today after strong storms. On these natural "rafts" many insects and other invertebrates could escape. According to Genesis 7:22, the Flood destroyed all land animals that had "the breath of the spirit of life in their nostrils",- except for those who entered the Ark. Insects do not breathe through their nostrils, but through tiny openings (tracheae) in their exoskeleton.

Clean Animals: On the question of what is meant in the original text of the Bible - "seven" or "seven pairs" of each kind of clean animals - the opinions of the commentators were evenly divided. Woodmorappe insists on the second option, thereby making a concession to the atheists. However, there are many more unclean animals than clean ones, and each of their species was represented by only one pair. In general, the term "clean animals" is defined only in the law of Moses; however, since Genesis was also written/compiled by Moses, then according to the principle "Scripture is the best commentator on Scripture", the definitions of the Law work in the situation with Noah. In fact, there are very few "clean" land animals listed in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14.

What is a "genus"?
God created a certain number of animal species and endowed them with the ability to change within certain limits. 5 The descendants of these genera, with the exception of the human race, today are predominantly represented by more than one so-called view (species). From one created kind came a number of species, and modern taxonomy (the biological science of classifying living beings) in many cases combines them into a category biological type (genus).

One of the definitions of a species says: "A species is a group of organisms that freely interbreed with each other and give fertile offspring, and also do not interbreed with representatives of other species." However, for most of the species of the same genus or even family, no interbreeding has been tested; it is even more impossible to carry out such a check for fossil species. In reality, the situation is as follows: not only are the so-called species capable of interbreeding, there are also many examples of crossing between biological genera. Thus, in a number of cases, the created kind could generally correspond to the systematic category of the family! But the identification of the created race with the biological race is also quite consistent with the Holy Scriptures, because when the Scriptures spoke about the "kind", the people of Israel perfectly understood what was being said, without any need to check for crossbreeding.

Thus, the horse, zebra and donkey most likely descended from the same equine family, since they can interbreed with each other - although their offspring are mostly sterile. The dog, the wolf, the coyote, and the jackal are also probably from the same genus, the canine genus. All varieties of cattle (clean animals!) are descended from the aurochs, 6 so that only 7 (or 14) such animals entered the Ark. The bison, in turn, is a descendant of that “large-horned” clan, from which the bison and buffaloes also came. We know that tigers and lions are capable of interbreeding, resulting in the so-called "tiger lions"; so, probably, these animals also came from the same created kind.

Woodmorappe counted about 8,000 genera, including extinct ones. Thus, about 16,000 animals were to enter the Ark. With regard to extinct genera, the tendency of some paleontologists to assign a new generic name to each find should be noted. Since this practice is highly controversial, the number of extinct animal genera may be greatly exaggerated.

Consider the largest of the dinosaurs - giant herbivorous lizards, such as brachiosaurus, diplodocus, apatosaurus, etc. Usually they talk about 87 genera of lizards, but only 12 of them are “precisely defined”, and another 12 are “determined quite accurately”. 7

One of the most frequently asked questions is “How did Noah fit the huge dinosaurs into the Ark?” First, of the 668 putative genera of dinosaurs, only 106 reached adult weights of more than 10 tons. Secondly, nowhere in the Bible does it say that adult animals were to be taken into the Ark. The largest animals were probably represented by "adolescents" or even younger individuals. Surprisingly, according to Woodmorapp's latest tables, most of the animals on the Ark were no larger than a rat, and only about 11% were larger than a sheep.

Another issue often raised by atheists and theistic evolutionists is "How did pathogenic microbes survive the Flood?" This question is fundamental - it assumes that the then microorganisms were the same specialized carriers of infections as they are today - therefore all passengers of the Ark must have suffered from all diseases that exist on Earth today. However, most likely, the microbes at that time were much healthier than they are now; they may have only recently lost the ability to survive in different hosts or independently of hosts. In fact, even now, many microbes survive in dry and frosty conditions, either in insect vectors or in the carcasses of dead individuals, without causing disease. Moreover, even today, many microbes become the cause of disease only in a weakened organism, and in those days they could live, say, in the intestines of the host, without causing him any inconvenience. This loss of resistance to germs is probably related to the general decline of life after the fall. eight

How could all the animals fit in the Ark?

The Ark had dimensions of 300x50x30 cubits (Gen. 6:15), which is approximately 137x23x13.7 meters, that is, its volume in the end was 43,200 m 3 - the same as 522 ordinary cattle cars, each of which fits 240 sheep .

If the animals were kept in cages with an average size (some smaller, some larger) of 50x50x30 cm, that is, 75,000 cm 3, then 16,000 animals occupied only 1200 m 3 of space, or 14.4 cattle cars. Even if there were a million more insects in the Ark, this would not create a problem, since insects take up very little space. If each pair of insects were kept in cages with a side of 10 cm, that is, a volume of 1000 cm 3, then all types of insects would occupy only 1000 m 3 - that is, another 12 wagons. Thus, there would be space in the Ark equivalent to 5 trains of 99 cars each. Noah and his family, food and feed supplies could well fit there, and there would still be free space. But insects don't fit into the category "behemah", not under the category "craft" and therefore Noah, in all probability, should not have taken them on board.

The calculation of the volume of the Ark is most likely correct, as it shows that there was more than enough space left for food, space for movement, etc. - which is to be expected. Cells could be placed one on top of the other, and food containers could be placed on top of or next to them; thus, it was easier for people to feed the animals, and space was freed up for normal air circulation. Note: we are not talking about a pleasure walk, but about the need to survive in difficult conditions. The animals had enough room to move around in space (especially since skeptics exaggerate their need for movement).

Even if one cell was not placed on top of another, there were still no problems. Woodmorapp showed that, based on modern standards of living space, all the inhabitants of the Ark could fit in less than half the space of its three decks. Such placement would allow placing a maximum of food and water supplies on top of the cages - closer to the animals.

Needs for food
Most likely, the Ark contained compressed and dry food and concentrates. Probably, Noah fed the animals mainly grain with hay additives. Woodmorappe calculated that the volume of food supplies was only about 15% of the total volume of the Ark, and drinking water occupied less than 10% of the volume; in addition, the passengers of the Ark could collect rainwater.

Waste collection
How did Noah and his family clean up after thousands of animals every day? This work could be optimized in different ways. Perhaps the Ark had sloping floors and/or cages with holes in the floor: manure fell there, and there was plenty of water around! Or maybe the worms composted the manure and thus became a source of food themselves; after all, a good bedding can not be changed during the year. Absorbent materials (eg sawdust, shavings, and especially peat) reduced the moisture content and thus the unpleasant odours.

Even with normal sleep-wake cycles, the Ark adequately met the animals' needs for food and movement. But these needs could be significantly reduced during hibernation. The Bible does not mention hibernation anywhere, but it does not exclude it either. Some creationists suggest that God created, or enhanced, the hibernation instinct specifically for the passengers of the Ark, but of course we cannot categorically state this.

Skeptics believe that the fact that there is food on the Ark excludes the possibility of hibernation; but it is not. After all, hibernation in animals does not last all winter, and from time to time they still need food.


We have shown that the Bible is a reliable source of information about Noah's Ark. Many Christians think that the Bible can only be trusted in matters of faith and morality, not science. But remember how Jesus Himself told Nicodemus (Gospel of John 3:12):

If I told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things?

If the Bible were wrong about things that human experience can do—geography, history, the natural sciences—why should we trust it about things like the nature of God or life after death? This is why Christians must be prepared “to everyone who asks you to give an account of your hope, to give an answer with meekness and reverence”(1 Pet. 3:15) when atheists tell them that the Bible is contrary to "scientific facts."

Unbelievers, on the other hand, seeing that the Bible can be trusted in verifiable matters, should understand that they are taking a big risk by refusing to believe in its warnings about the coming judgment.

Sergei Golovin. The Flood: Myth, Legend or Reality?