Omega is a highly toxic substance that is part of hemlock. Just 100 milligrams of it (8 leaves) will be enough to kill a person. How it works: all body systems gradually fail, except the brain. As a result, you, being in your right mind, begin to die slowly and painfully until you suffocate.

The most popular hemlock was among the Greeks. Interesting fact: this plant caused the death of Socrates in 399 BC. The Greeks executed him in this way for disrespect for the gods.


No. 9 - Aconite

This poison is obtained from the fighter plant. It causes arrhythmia, which ends in suffocation. They say that even touching this plant without gloves can result in death. It is almost impossible to detect traces of poison in the body. The most famous case of use is that Emperor Claudius poisoned his wife Agrippina by adding aconite to her mushroom dish.


#8 - Belladonna

In the Middle Ages, belladonna was used as a women's cosmetic (rouge for cheeks). Special drops were even obtained from the plant to dilate the pupils (at that time this was considered fashionable). You could also swallow belladonna leaves - one is just enough for a person to die. Berries are also not a miss: you only need to eat 10 of them to die. In those days, a special poisonous solution was made from the latter, which was used to lubricate arrowheads.


#7 - Dimethylmercury

This is the slowest and most insidious killer. This is because even 0.1 milliliter that accidentally gets on your skin will be enough to be fatal. The most notorious case: in 1996, a chemistry teacher at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire dropped a drop of poison onto her hand. Dimethylmercury burned through a latex glove; symptoms of poisoning appeared after 4 months. And 10 months later the scientist died.


#6 - Tetrodotoxin

This poison is found in blue-ringed octopuses and pufferfish. With the former, things are very bad: octopuses deliberately attack their prey with tetrodotoxin, imperceptibly pricking it with special needles. Death occurs within a few minutes, but symptoms do not appear immediately - after paralysis sets in. The venom of one blue-ringed octopus is enough to kill 26 healthy men.

It’s easier with fugu: their poison is only dangerous when you’re about to eat the fish. It all depends on the correct preparation: if the cook is not mistaken, the tetrodoxin will all evaporate. And you will eat the dish without any consequences, except for incredible adrenaline rushes...


#5 - Polonium

Polonium is a radioactive poison for which there is no antidote. The substance is so dangerous that just 1 gram of it can kill 1.5 million people in a few months. The most sensational case of the use of polonium was the death of Alexander Litvinenko, an employee of the KGB-FSB. He died in 3 weeks, the reason was that 200 grams of poison were found in his body.


#4 - Mercury

  1. elemental mercury - found in thermometers. Instant death occurs if it is inhaled;
  2. inorganic mercury - used in the manufacture of batteries. Lethal if swallowed;
  3. organic mercury. Sources are tuna and swordfish. It is recommended to eat no more than 170 grams per month. Otherwise, organic mercury will begin to accumulate in the body.

The most famous case of use is the poisoning of Amadeus Mozart. He was given mercury tablets to treat syphilis.

Poison is a toxin that can cause severe poisoning or even death. The effect on a person depends on the amount of poison, as well as its type. It can enter the body through the mouth, respiratory organs and skin. Symptoms of poisoning may appear immediately after contact or several hours later. First aid must be provided immediately after signs of intoxication appear.


The following types of poisons are distinguished:

  • Local poisons, which include substances that act only upon direct contact. These are mercury, arsenic, alkalis and acids.
  • Systemic poisons. After entering the body, they are sent through the blood to all organs. These are potassium cyanide, strychnine, hypnotics.
  • Chemical poisons, which are classified as acids, alkalis, salts, gases. These are various organic and inorganic compounds.

Poisons can also be household poisons, that is, they are found in the immediate environment of a person. These are paints, herbicides, insecticides, rat poisons and other substances. Therefore, when using such products, you must take precautions - wear a mask on your face and rubber gloves on your hands.

The most dangerous poisons

There is a list of the most dangerous poisons in the world. Moreover, their danger lies in various reasons:

  • Methyl alcohol. Such a substance, after entering the human body, causes intoxication. And if you drink it in large quantities, irreversible blindness or even death is possible. Therefore, at the first symptoms of poisoning, the patient must be given assistance and taken to the hospital. The danger of such poison is that its appearance, taste and smell are completely identical to ethyl alcohol, so they can be easily confused.
  • Mercury. It is found in mercury thermometers. And if you break 2 thermometers in a room, then all the people in it will receive serious poisoning. The same substance is found in fluorescent lamps. Therefore, care must be taken when handling such items.

Mercury vapor is dangerous, and it begins to evaporate at room temperature. Therefore, if you break a thermometer or a lamp outdoors in winter, it’s not a big deal - the mercury balls can be collected and thrown away.

  • Snake poison. Approximately 250 species of snakes are venomous. However, the antidote for each type of reptile must be separate. This is the danger - after the poison enters the blood, the antidote must be administered as soon as possible, otherwise death will occur within 20 minutes - 4 hours (depending on the type of snake).
  • Potassium cyanide is the fastest-acting poison in the world. Moreover, you can be poisoned by it either by touching it or by inhaling it or if it gets in through the mouth. Under its influence, iron binds in blood cells, as a result of which the supply of oxygen to vital organs stops. Death occurs within a few minutes. The substance has the smell of bitter almonds. Neutralized by glucose, so ineffective in sweet environments.

Available poisons

One of the most accessible poisons is mushrooms. In the summer, when their season begins, many experience poisoning. Moreover, after eating some varieties of mushrooms, not only intoxication, but also death is possible. Therefore, without knowing the name of the mushroom, it is better not to take risks. You can only collect species that are definitely safe. Just one poisonous mushroom from a whole basket - and poisoning is guaranteed. These include false honey mushrooms, fly agaric mushrooms, toadstool and others. For example, there are several varieties of toadstool, and some of them are practically indistinguishable from edible mushrooms.

Fly agarics can also be edible if prepared correctly. They need to be boiled for 24 hours, draining the water as often as possible. But it’s better not to risk it and eat honey mushrooms, russula, boletus and other edible mushrooms.

Potatoes can also contain dangerous poisons for the human body. If potatoes are stored incorrectly (when the root crop is exposed to sunlight), solanine is formed in it. This substance causes severe intoxication in humans. It is not difficult to identify low-quality potatoes - as a rule, their skin takes on a greenish tint.

It is necessary to prepare bread only from flour purchased from trusted sources. It is not recommended to purchase it on the market. If the flour is contaminated with ergot, the baked bread will be poisonous, since the bacterium is not killed by heat treatment. Of course, such poison will not lead to death, but it will cause irreparable harm to health.

At home, you can also easily become poisoned by chemical fertilizers. For example, potassium chloride is very dangerous because once it enters the bloodstream, the substance blocks the activity of the heart. Death occurs in just a few minutes.

Deadly poisons in nature

Scientists have compiled a list of poisons that, once ingested, have a high probability of death:

  1. A neurotoxin found in the venom of some snakes. Immediately after the bite, the victim becomes inactive and drowsy. But after a while, muscle cramps appear, breathing becomes more frequent. Death occurs within 20-30 minutes due to paralysis of the respiratory tract. Moreover, no hematomas or tumors appear at the site of the bite. However, such a snake bites very rarely. It is necessary to immediately administer the Anticobra antidote to the patient. If serious breathing problems are observed, ventilation is performed.
  2. Alpha-latrotoxin, which is contained in spider venom of the karakurt genus. At the moment of the bite, a burning sensation is observed, and after 20-30 minutes the pain spreads throughout the victim’s entire body. The patient’s well-being begins to improve within a few days, and after 2-3 weeks, his or her complete recovery occurs.
  3. An alpha-conotoxin found in the venom of some species of shellfish (eg, conus shellfish). If you take a shell with a mollusk in your hand, it immediately pierces it with spines. In this case, the victim feels unbearable pain, as a result of which he loses consciousness. After a few minutes, the heartbeat quickens, the fingers go numb, shortness of breath and paralysis of the limbs appear. Deaths have been reported after being pricked by the geographic cone. Moreover, there is no antidote. The patient can only be saved with copious bloodletting from the injection site.
  4. Titutoxin, which is produced by the yellow fat-tailed scorpion. The poison is so toxic that it kills even an adult. It is with the bite of this scorpion that 95% of all deaths from this poison are associated. They are found in Africa and the Middle East. It is immediately necessary to administer Anti-Scorpion serum, which will help save the victim’s life.
  5. And finally, the deadliest poison in the world is diamphotoxin. This is the most powerful poison on our planet. Contained in the blood of the larvae of the leaf beetle, common in southern Africa. The insect belongs to the same family as the Colorado potato beetle. The poison is intended only for protection from predators - after eating the beetle, it dies from excruciating pain. After entering the victim’s body, the poison reduces the hemoglobin content by approximately 75%, since red blood cells are intensively destroyed. Poison can only enter the human body through the mouth. There is no antidote.

All poisons are very dangerous and deadly, so if you need to come into contact with them, you need to do this with the utmost caution. If you notice symptoms of poisoning with toxic substances, you must urgently call an ambulance. In some cases, even minutes decide the outcome of the situation. Therefore, if the poison is very dangerous, it is necessary to take an antidote as quickly as possible. Otherwise, there is a high probability of death.

Poisonous substances lie in wait for us everywhere. Some of them have an almost immediate effect, while others can act slowly. The degree of intoxication in each specific case is different. It depends on the characteristics of the body and the amount of poison that has entered the body. Therefore, determining the most powerful poison in the world is problematic. Nevertheless, we can highlight a list of toxic substances that pose the greatest danger.

The most powerful poisonous chemicals

Potent poisons have been synthesized by scientists for military purposes. But sometimes toxic substances can be found in everyday conditions. Among the most dangerous of them are:

  1. Mercury. It is contained in ordinary thermometers. If the integrity of the flask is not compromised, then mercury does not pose any health hazard. Mercury vapor from a broken thermometer can cause irreparable harm. The evaporation process begins even at room temperature. It is prohibited to collect spilled mercury yourself. You must immediately seek help from a specialized service.
  2. Methanol. This substance is often confused with food grade ethyl alcohol, which leads to serious poisoning. Methanol is colorless and odorless, so it is impossible to identify it without laboratory testing. Consumption of even a small amount of this substance can be fatal. a person loses his sight.
  3. Potassium cyanide. This is the most powerful poison for humans. It is widely used in plastic products, photography, gold mining and some other fields. Poisoning occurs even from inhaling cyanide vapor. In the shortest possible time, respiratory failure develops and convulsions appear. In case of severe intoxication, death occurs.
  4. Sarin. This is a substance that was synthesized by German scientists. They pursued the goal of creating the world's strongest pesticide. The resulting gas has gained fame as a poison that causes a long and painful death. Today, the deadly poison sarin is officially banned, but terrorists are trying to use it as a chemical weapon.
  5. Arsenic. This element of the periodic table has long been used as a poison. Many political figures were poisoned with it. Symptoms of poisoning are similar to cholera. First of all, cramps and severe pain appear in the abdominal area. After large amounts of arsenic enter the body, heart disease, diabetes or cancer develop.

These substances are extremely dangerous for humans. Therefore, their features must be remembered.

The most dangerous poisons for humans are also found in plants. Such poisonings often await inexperienced mushroom pickers and other flora lovers. The following substances deserve special attention:

  1. Amatoxin is the most powerful protein poison. It is found in some mushrooms, including toadstool. Once in the human body, the toxin immediately begins to destroy internal organs. The first signs of intoxication may appear only after a few days. In this case, valuable time to save a person is lost, and doctors cannot guarantee a favorable prognosis. Even if the patient’s life can be saved, his health will be severely compromised. Most likely, a person will suffer from kidney or liver failure and problems with the respiratory system all his life. People often wonder what is more toxic: toadstool or potassium cyanide. In fact, these poisons can be placed on the same level in terms of toxicity.
  2. Strychnine. This poison is found in the nuts of the chilibuha tree. In microscopic dosages it is used for medical purposes. If the permissible amount is exceeded, death occurs, but before this the person experiences severe suffering.
  3. Ricin. Contained in castor beans. Inhalation of small grains of this substance is dangerous. Its poisoning ability is several times higher than that of potassium cyanide. Human death occurs if ricin is injected directly into the blood.
  4. Curare. It is a poison that is produced from a mixture of plants in South America. Its main component is an alkaloid, which, when ingested, leads to paralysis and cardiac arrest. Death from curare is painful.

To avoid poisoning from such poisons, never eat unknown plants. Teach children about safety precautions when traveling outdoors.

If you notice the first symptoms of poisoning, consult a doctor immediately. Chances of salvation remain only if the problem is identified in a timely manner.

Animal poisons

Poison can kill a person instantly. Such toxic substances are often carried by animals. Among them are:

  1. Toads chirp. The skin of these amphibians secretes chiriquitotoxin. This neurotoxin has a toxic effect on the human nervous system. After intoxication, a person experiences severe convulsions, coordination of movements is impaired, and complete paralysis of the limbs may develop. The poison has a strong effect when administered intramuscularly.
  2. Puffer fish. The milk, caviar and liver of this fish contain tetrodotoxin. This substance causes severe poisoning, which is accompanied by severe itching, drooling, convulsions, and difficulty swallowing. The poison is fast, so paralysis of the respiratory system develops in the shortest possible time and a person’s death occurs.
  3. Australian Taipan. The venom of this snake contains thaipotoxin. Its entry into the human blood leads to paralysis of the respiratory muscles and impaired blood clotting. This kind of snake venom is the most poisonous. In terms of poisoning ability, it is several times greater than cobra venom.
  4. Karakurt. During the bite, the spider injects alpha-latrotoxin into the victim's blood. It leads to severe pain that spreads throughout the body in a matter of minutes. At the same time, severe shortness of breath, dizziness, increased heart rate, and bouts of vomiting occur.
  5. Central Asian cobra. This snake's saliva contains a powerful neurotoxin. Its entry into the human blood provokes convulsions, breathing problems, and paralysis. If left untreated, death occurs. Such poisonings are rare, since the cobra attacks a person only in exceptional cases.

Poison can be contained in the biological material of any animal. Therefore, it is best to minimize contact with it, especially for wild fauna.

If you are bitten by a poisonous snake or spider, try to immediately suck the poison out of the wound. Remember that this can only be done if there is no damage to the oral cavity. Seek medical help as soon as possible.

Bacteriological poisoning

Not only animals and plants, but also bacteria can pose a danger to humans. Their vital activity in the human body leads to the formation of strong toxins. Among them, the following can be particularly highlighted:

  1. Botulinum toxin. It is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Its vital activity leads to the development of botulism in humans. This is a disease that can only be treated in the earliest stages. In other cases, the probability of death is extremely high. The bacterium multiplies quickly in the absence of oxygen, so poor quality canned food often becomes a source of poisoning.
  2. Anthrax bacillus. Its entry into the body leads to the development of anthrax. This disease develops rapidly. There are cutaneous and intestinal forms. In the first case, death occurs in 20% of cases. With the intestinal form of the disease, no more than 5% of victims can be saved.
  3. Tetanus toxin. This substance is produced by rods of the genus Clostridium. Infection most often occurs through open wounds on the body. Infection manifests itself in the form of convulsions, impaired swallowing reflex, damage to the respiratory center and cardiovascular system. The likelihood of death is extremely high.

Determining the fastest-acting poison is quite difficult. Everything will depend on a combination of many factors. Try to avoid contact with hazardous substances as little as possible. If infection does occur, do not try to cure it yourself. Only timely seeking medical help will save your life.

There are many toxic substances. Some of them affect the human body for a long time, others kill instantly. There are many fast-acting poisons, they can be natural and chemical.

Such compounds deprive their victim of the opportunity to survive almost immediately. What is the fastest-acting poison for humans, the most famous and dangerous?

Top strong poisons in everyday life

In everyday life, people constantly encounter poisons. Many of them have a quick effect on the body, so it is recommended to know their effect and how to provide first aid to an injured person.



Serious disease is caused by specific bacteria. There are several forms of the disease, the simplest is skin lesions. The most dangerous form of the disease is considered to be pulmonary; even with timely assistance, only five percent of victims survive.


A poisonous substance in the form of a gas. It was created to kill insects, but found its application in the military sphere. The compound kills quickly, but death is painful. Production is prohibited throughout the world, and its reserves are often used for military purposes or by terrorists.


Such poisons have a protein structure and are found in dangerous mushrooms of the Amanitaceae family. The danger lies in the fact that the first signs appear ten hours after the toxin enters the body, during which time the possibility of saving a person approaches zero. Even with a successful rescue attempt, the victim remains disabled for life and suffers from problems with internal organs.


Obtained from the nuts of a tropical plant. It is used in minimal quantities as a medicine. Strychnine is one of the fastest-acting poisons, superior to potassium cyanide. But death does not occur immediately, but half an hour after poisoning.


Ricin is a poison of plant origin. Six times stronger than potassium cyanide. It is especially dangerous if it gets into the blood; in such a case, death occurs very quickly. Inhalation through the lungs is less dangerous, but also leads to serious poisoning.


The compound is a combat poison and has a nerve-paralytic effect. Changes in the body occur a minute after inhalation, and death occurs after fifteen minutes. Dangerous poison is prohibited for use in the world.

Botulinum toxin

Botulism is poisoning caused by botulinum toxins. This is the most powerful poison in nature and was previously used as a biological weapon. Bacteria are used in cosmetology, but in minimal dosages. As the amount of toxin increases, death occurs from respiratory failure.

Top strong poisons in the pharmacy

Medicines are dangerous to humans if used incorrectly. They are also poisons and in overdose lead to poisoning

A fatal outcome cannot be ruled out if the permissible amount of the drug is exceeded many times. Many medications are freely available in pharmacies.


  • Medicines aimed at treating the cardiovascular system.
  • Neuroleptics and tranquilizers.
  • Painkillers.
  • Antibiotics and antibacterial agents.

Weight loss drugs, drugs aimed at treating impotence, even eye drops can be dangerous to human health. You need to remember that in a minimal amount the medicine will help, but in a higher dosage it will lead to poisoning and death.

Dangerous poisons for animals

Animals suffer from poisoning no less often than people. What poisons are dangerous for dogs and cats?


  1. Human medicines. Even small amounts of some drugs can cause serious poisoning or death. Example - a medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis - used by dog ​​hunters.
  2. Products for getting rid of fleas and ticks. Animals die from an overdose of such drugs.
  3. Food. You should not give your pets food from the table, simple grapes lead to kidney failure, xylitol provokes a sharp drop in sugar levels and disruption of the liver.
  4. Rat poison. Rat poison often causes death in domestic animals. Rodent bait has a pleasant smell, so it attracts other animals. Without help, the pet dies very quickly.
  5. Medicines for animals. Medicines intended for treatment, if taken in the wrong dosage, can cause death.
  6. House plants. Cats and dogs love to bite some plants; many of them contain poisonous sap that is hazardous to health.
  7. Chemicals, household chemicals. Such products located in accessible places often attract the attention of animals. Poisoning develops quickly, as does death.
  8. Fertilizers and pesticides. Such compounds are suitable for plants, but dangerous for animals.

Thus, there are no less dangers and poisons for animals than for humans. It is recommended to carefully monitor the animal’s behavior in order to provide first aid in a timely manner.

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Precautionary measures

It is possible to avoid serious intoxication by following safety precautions. When working with poisons, you must wear special protective clothing and gloves. It is recommended to use safety glasses and respirators.

Under no circumstances should you eat or touch your face or exposed skin with your hands while working. After completing all manipulations, wash your hands thoroughly, take a shower if necessary, and put your clothes in the wash.

Before using unknown compounds, you must read the instructions and follow them carefully. Eating unknown foods is not recommended.

What to do if you are poisoned

If poisoning occurs, you must call a doctor immediately. Before his arrival, the victim is provided with possible first aid.


  • rinse the stomach, if allowed;
  • give to a person;
  • use laxatives or cleansing enemas;
  • administer antidotes whenever possible;
  • provide fresh air, peace;
  • quickly transported to a medical facility.

Fast-acting poisons are present near a person, but if safety precautions are followed, poisoning can be avoided. If signs of intoxication appear, first aid is quickly provided and doctors are called.

Video: quick poisons for humans