Any (index, middle, ring, little finger, thumb) finger is considered by palmistry as a source of information. There are also lines on the fingers that help to learn as much as possible about the character and fate of a person. Please note that any sign (be it an intricate line, a cross, etc.) is extremely important for compiling a complete picture.

In the article:

Thumb - palmistry

First of all, evaluate the size of your thumb. The larger it is, the more likely that a person has achieved or will achieve great success in his career. He does not know what fear is, he is very proud, loves power, stubborn. It is far from always easy to communicate with such people, since they rarely pay attention to the feelings of others.

short and thick- in front of you is a strong, practical person who is not used to flying in the clouds, is guided by common sense, defends his point of view and always confidently stands his ground. Unfortunately, quite often these individuals are unable to control their negative emotions.

Long and thin the thumb of the hand indicates that its owner is a sensual, refined nature. Often such people are endowed with a unique gift, talent.

small and weak- his master is always balanced, patient, does not like quarrels, always happy to make concessions.

Lines and other signs on the thumb - Indian palmistry

1 phalanx

  • Vertical lines - the individual is full of energy, strong-willed, strong.
  • Lattices - not able to self-actualize, weak-willed.
  • Crosses are stubborn, hard to make contact.
  • Horizontal lines - not self-confident, dissatisfied with life.

2 phalanges
  • Vertical lines - has common sense, thinks logically.
  • Lattice - unable to adequately assess the situation, a liar.
  • Crosses - perceives his actions and words distortedly.
  • Horizontal stripes - inability to reason sensibly.

3 phalanges

  • Vertical lines - love life, family, enjoys existence.
  • Lattice - passionate, easily addicted.
  • Crosses - subject to emotional obsession.
  • Horizontal stripes - stress, subject to moral violence.

What can the index finger say?

Palmists call the index finger the "finger of Jupiter." It is associated with cruelty, will, power, pride.

If the length of the finger is equal to the length of the ring finger, then the client in front of you is proud, self-confident, but fair. He has a developed sense of proportion and he never cuts off the shoulder.

If the index finger is longer than the ring finger, then the person is very strong-willed. He will always achieve his goal, even if he has to “walk over corpses” in order to achieve his goal.

The short index finger indicates that in his youth this man was very modest. With age, he becomes more confident in himself, but still avoids any conflict. Such people are often loved for their complaisant nature.

If the second phalanx is slightly curved towards the middle finger, then the person is selfish, often feels sorry for himself.

Deciphering signs in palmistry of fingers

1 phalanx

  • Vertical lines - a born leader, the desire for spiritual development.
  • Bars - solitude (in various senses, can be regarded as imprisonment, the life of a hermit, creative isolation).
  • Crosses - a person is far from worldly problems (isolation from reality).
  • Horizontal lines - a stressful state, moral dissatisfaction.

2 phalanges

  • Vertical stripes - in their actions guided by morality.
  • Grids - does not understand himself, engages in self-deception.
  • Crosses is a liar, manipulates society, an envious person.
  • Horizontal lines - constant stress, violation of the canons.

3 phalanges

  • Vertical stripes - inspires confidence, can control people.
  • Lattices - a tendency to tyranny.
  • Crosses - does not consider the feelings of others.
  • Horizontal lines - unable to realize themselves.

Middle Finger Riddles

The middle finger was called the "finger of Saturn". He is positioned as a closed, rude, gloomy and emotionless deity.

Too long finger- loves loneliness very much, easily manages without communication with other people.

Not very long finger- rather irresponsible and frivolous. It is dangerous to do business with an individual or to trust secrets.

The middle finger is bent towards the index finger - low self-esteem. A person is constantly under the yoke of his own insecurity, is nervous because of the little things, feels constantly indebted to someone.

The finger is curved towards the ring finger - it is sometimes difficult for a person to communicate with other people because he is timid, although he can hide this behind his behavior. At the same time, often, in order to speak with a stranger, he has to make a huge effort on himself. However, it is these people who achieve great creative success.

Important notes

1 phalanx

  • Vertical lines - a responsible person, financially secure, self-confident.
  • Grids - not able to control their energy.
  • Crosses - has a developed intuition.
  • Horizontal lines - responsible, but it depresses him, constant dissatisfaction.

2 phalanges

  • Vertical lines - loves truth, justice, prone to the study of science.
  • Lattices are a pessimist, unable to develop harmoniously.
  • Crosses - abstraction from the real world, indifference.
  • Horizontal lines - either is under constant pressure, or is in the world of its illusions.

3 phalanges

  • Vertical lines - constantly evolving, striving for wealth, comfort.
  • Lattice - not able to soberly assess their strength.
  • Crosses - a person goes on the wrong path.
  • Horizontal lines - loneliness, failure, lack of experience.

Palmistry - ring finger

This finger is associated with the creative and emotional Apollo. If it is longer than the index, then you have a subtle creative nature.

If the length of the index and ring fingers is equal, then the person is extremely reckless. He rarely listens to common sense and does as he pleases.

The finger is curved towards the middle - it's time for a person to change jobs, since he has a different vocation. He has developed intuition and can become clairvoyant.

Bending towards the little finger - a person is too self-critical, this prevents him from succeeding in any endeavors.

What will the phalanges of the fingers tell

Phalanges of fingers

1 phalanx

  • Vertical lines - a sensitive, energetic, impulsive person with pronounced creative abilities.
  • Grids - depression.
  • Crosses - lack of attention, antisocial behavior.
  • Horizontal lines - creative stagnation.

2 phalanges

  • Vertical lines - a creative, business, developing person.
  • Grids - is engaged in creativity, but is not able to develop talent, angry at others.
  • Crosses - wastes the gift.
  • Horizontal lines - constantly under stress.

3 phalanges

  • Vertical lines - a person knows how to work with his hands, physical labor brings him pleasure.
  • Lattice is a perfectionist.
  • Crosses - constantly trying to be the best, but, being far from perfect, engages in self-flagellation.
  • Horizontal lines - stress, creative difficulties.

Secrets of the little finger

The little finger is the finger of Mercury. If it is higher than the line separating the phalanx of the ring finger, then you have an honest and open person.

If it is lower, then the person is extremely timid, shy and has difficulty expressing his emotions.

A curved finger towards the ring finger - a person is cunning and inclined to deceive.

A strongly twisted finger - it is dangerous to do business with such a person, as he can betray at any moment.

4 fold lines on the little finger speak of a person's sociability.

For most palmists, being able to read the thumb correctly is just as important as reading others. After all, it is he who is responsible for many of the advantages of man over other mammals. By the way, some palmists from India are known for preferring to limit their reading to only one thumb, and simply do not notice the rest of the hand. The longer the length of this finger, the more viable and strong the person is, especially if she is still strong. Many palmists do not advise putting it on, so this may entail some consequences.

What can the shape and length of the first finger mean?

When is the thumb considered long? The usual length is when the tip of the first finger reaches the base of the Jupiter-finger (first). It is worth remembering that it is necessary to take into account the location of the thumb when determining its length. So:

  • a long finger means an excellent leader, with good judgment and calm; it is easy for such people to find a common language with their inner world;
  • a very long thumb means a frank and definite person; owners of very long fingers can be tyrants, they achieve their goal by any means;
  • a short finger means an indecisive and impressionable person; his head is controlled by his heart, he lacks control over his strong emotions; a weak and indecisive personality; in relation to others, they often show a lack of tact; a thick short finger means a stubborn person.

What does the shape of a finger mean?

  • direct - loyal, closed, reliable, stubborn and prudent person;
  • knotty joints - energetic;
  • smooth joints - a high level of vitality;
  • the tip of the square shape is a realistic nature;
  • a pointed fingertip is an impractical and impulsive person.

What can the base of his thumb say about a person?

To correctly establish where the base of the thumb is located, it is necessary to divide the palm print into quadrants. To do this, draw a line from the middle of the base of the third finger to the middle of the palm. The horizontal line should cross the vertical exactly in the middle. So:

  • normal attachment (on a horizontal line) - this position to some extent enhances the quality of the finger;
  • high position - a person with such a finger is receptive, can be dishonest and mediocre, he is capable of outbursts of creative or;
  • low location - such people are flexible, courageous and courageous, noble, they are physically viable, able to adapt to any situation.

What does the flexible thumb say?

A flexible finger speaks of a good-natured, noble, tolerant and flexible nature. It happens to those who strive for extravagance. Such people prefer not to quarrel and sometimes play the role of a lawyer in various situations. An inflexible finger speaks of certainty and firmness. It is found in people with the makings of a leader. A similar finger also speaks of the hardness of a person's nature. But if it is too firm and direct, it means that the mind is closed.

Phalange analysis

  • the second and first of the same length - a balanced calm person with a strong will; prudent; acumen and ability to carry out their plans;
  • the second and the first are of the same width - straight and a little obtuse people with good logical abilities;
  • a small bulge on the first phalanx indicates tactile abilities; happens to connoisseurs of art;
  • the firm and wide first phalanx is the leader's finger; means an abundance of strength and energy;
  • the first is longer than the second - the strength and energy of such a person is not controlled by his mind.

It turns out that human organs are inextricably linked with the fingers - this is a simple secret to the harmony of body and soul!


You will not find a complete answer to this question. There are many sources of information and it is different. But your knowledge and observation of your feelings and signs will help you find your truth. After all, it is the hands, palms and our fingers that are the source of information about health.

The palm of a healthy person has smooth, warm, healthy skin, moderate moisture, with distinct lines, with flexible, non-protruding joints. Diseases and ailments of the physical body are immediately reflected on the palms, fingers, and thus, it is possible to determine and recognize certain diseases and malfunctions in the body in advance.

It is an ancient form of diagnostic and healing art that helps to balance the emotions just by stimulating the points on the hands. This teaching is based on the following principle: each finger of the hand is connected to a certain organ and a certain energy corresponds to it.

On the fingers of the hand, one can easily diagnose an emerging disease by the condition of the fingers, by their numbness, and also easily and quickly act on an energetically vulnerable organ. To do this, you need to grab it with your other hand and hold for 3-5 minutes. At this time, you should breathe deeply into your abdomen, preferably through your mouth.

Before studying information about the fingers, I think that you need to know a little about the shape of the hand and the condition of the palm.


People with broad palms and short fingers are prone to circulatory diseases.

And people with thin palms and long fingers are very sensitive and subtly react to environmental changes.

Owners of small hands are prone to diseases from the autonomic nervous system.

Palms The skin on the palms becomes yellowish, changes from the gallbladder or liver are likely.

The marble pattern on the palms speaks of the problems of the vegetovascular system.

Redness of the skin of the palms, most likely will mean toxic damage to the liver. Constantly cold palms - circulatory disorders.

The feeling of "goosebumps" on the palms and a feeling of moisture means a malfunction in the endocrine system.


Numbness of the little fingers indicates problems of the cardiovascular system.

Numbness of the thumbs is a problem with the respiratory system.

If the fingertips turn purple, the digestive system has failed.

If they turn dark red, you should pay attention to the liver.


Too flexible or vice versa inflexible joints of the fingers indicate malfunctions in the liver and gallbladder.

A crunch in the joints of the fingers means a lack of calcium in the body.


Long fingernails characterize thoughtful, calm, restrained, polite and compliant people.

If the nails are very long, then slowness, distrust, secrecy, embarrassment and lack of criticism are observed.

People with short nails are more logical, more active, prone to criticism and control, quick to word and deed.

If the nails are very short, then such people are characterized by irascibility, aggressiveness, pickiness and intransigence.

Very short nails on thick fingers are a sign of poor memory and inability to learn.

People with short nails are not successful in activities in which they have to come into contact with the public, as they easily become impolite and obnoxious due to their own criticism and objections.

But in any activity connected with the control, cash, management or management of property, the originality of their character is best used and they succeed.

The opposite applies to people with long nails.

Hard nails - strong bones - health, a necessary condition for success in life.

Very hard nails, resembling claws in structure - anger, painful pride, intolerance, greed for money.

Soft and thin nails - soft bone - soreness, weakness.

The habit of biting or biting nails - nervousness, hypochondria often abnormal sensuality. Such people easily cause quarrels and squabbles with their words.

Short soft nails with impending, as if hanging on them meat - a very developed sensuality.

Nails that are flat, wide and slightly curved upwards are found in people who easily evade the truth, who want to pretend not to be what they really are.

Cone-shaped nails - the desire for truth, beauty, for everything good.

Nails are round in appearance and shape, and resembling hemispheres - a predisposition to pulmonary diseases. This observation was made by Hippocrates, and therefore the nail of this form is called the hippocratic nail.

A healthy nail has a white hole at its base. The absence of an alveolus or an alveolus that is too large indicates nervousness.

White dots and spots on the nails also indicate nervousness, anemia, insufficient blood circulation, but according to ancient legends, it is a sign of happiness and good luck.

The nail of a healthy person has a good shine and pink color, close to skin color in shade.

Dullness, pits, dots and spots, abnormal growth, longitudinal or transverse lines and a color different from the color of the skin on the fingernails - always indicate imperfect health.

Nail care also makes it possible to judge the character of a person.

So, people who constantly have dirty nails are dirty in their thoughts.

Too careful manicure of nails - indicates that too much importance is attached to the external side of life to the detriment of its internal content.

You can also conduct a general harmonization of your body by going through all the fingers in turn.


Bodies: stomach and spleen.

Emotions: anxiety, depression, worries and restlessness.

Physical symptoms: abdominal pain, skin problems, headache, nervousness.


Bodies: kidneys and bladder.

Emotions: frustration, fear and confusion.

Physical symptoms: muscle and back pain, toothache, digestive problems.


Bodies: liver and gallbladder.

Emotions: indecision, anger, irritability.

Physical symptoms: circulatory problems, menstrual pain, vision problems, fatigue, migraine, frontal headaches.


Bodies: lungs and large intestine.

Emotions: negativity, sadness, fear of rejection, grief.

Physical symptoms: ringing in the ears, respiratory problems, asthma, deep skin diseases, digestive problems.


Bodies: heart and small intestine.

Emotions: anxiety, nervousness, low self-esteem.

Physical symptoms: heart disease, sore throat, bloating, bone problems.

Now you are familiar with the basic principles and secrets that you can influence both the organs of your body and your emotions, balancing them at the right time.


By massaging your fingers or wearing a ring on your finger, you can increase the impact on a person's chakra.

Thumb- correlates with the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara), so any stone worn on the thumb will have an impact on the human consciousness.

Forefinger correlates with the Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) and a stone worn on the index finger will have an impact on the extrasensory abilities of a person.

Middle finger Corresponds to the Throat Chakra (Vishudha). The stone on this finger will have an impact on the sphere of communication, building friendships. It will affect the mental sphere of a person.

ring finger- correlates with two chakras at once - the Heart (Anahata) and the Solar Plexus (Manipura). The stone on this finger has an impact on building love and business relationships. On the emotional sphere of a person.

Little finger- Corresponds to the Sexual (Svadhisthana) and Sacral (Muladhara) chakras. The stone on the little finger will affect the sexuality and health of the physical body.

What do the rings on the fingers say?

Are you thinking about which finger to decorate with a ring today? Or do you wear jewelry intuitively? I think that you have heard about the influence of rings on their owner. Moreover, the result depends not only on the quality of stones, crystals in rings, metal, but also on the fingers on which a person wears them. Rings can weaken or strengthen various character traits, help achieve a goal, or ruin something. That is why you need to be careful about what and how you wear on your fingers.


Ruler: Mars.

Governs the will.

Element: ether.

What it says about character: this "lord of the rings" is jealous, stubborn, energetic, full of new ideas - which, however, are often unable to implement, because he is hindered by his lack of teamwork skills. And this is not surprising - after all, such a person wants to stand out from the crowd, subconsciously striving to express a sense of superiority, and to find "unbeaten paths" for self-realization. Wearing a ring on the thumb, a person, as it were, "closes" the militant finger from the outside world, pacifying his aggression and trying to establish more harmonious relations with others. Rings on the thumbs of both hands indicate a person who is trying to increase his chances of finding a common language with others.

Who to wear: emotional and "explosive" people with an impressive supply of energy - a ring on the thumb will keep their fiery temperament, and instead of an iron will, it will help develop logical thinking.

What to wear: rings with any stones of blue and green color (increase the vitality of the body, contribute to the restoration of the nervous system and tissue regeneration, increase the ability to concentrate, increase the protective properties of the body), as well as yellow stones (strengthen the nervous system).

What not to wear: rings with stones in colors such as blue (causes attacks of fear, cravings for drugs and alcohol), purple (provokes attacks of nausea and migraines), gray (causes apathy), red (reduces self-confidence, suppresses logic, reduces attraction to the opposite sex - but attracts mentally unbalanced people).


Ruler: Jupiter.

Manages power.

Element: fire.

What does it say about character? because the finger is called so, because its function is to indicate, to reveal its will, to direct actions and thoughts. A person with a ring on this finger is independent, freedom-loving, highly appreciates himself - but sometimes even too much. The constant wearing of the ring makes people of this type selfish and proud, and if it is also on a non-working hand (for someone it is the left, for someone vice versa) - this is a sign of megalomania and a tendency to hysteria. The ring on the index finger of the working hand, on the contrary, indicates a strong-willed character, prudence and a desire for power.

Who to wear: timid, shy and indecisive by nature people who have difficulty communicating. The ring on the index finger will help to gain self-confidence, add leadership traits and determination, increase self-esteem, make its owner more insightful and suggest ways to influence other people.

What to wear: gold ring with blue and blue stones, as well as corals or opals.

What not to wear: silver rings are completely prohibited - this will lead to a sudden collapse of all undertakings and plans.


Ruler: Saturn.

Governs self-realization.

Element: earth.

What does it say about character? modest and elegant rings betray the owner of a healthy sense of self-worth, and massive rings that attract attention with brilliance or pretentiousness (sometimes bad taste) are a sign of vanity and narcissistic narcissism. In the first case, we can say that the owner of the ring knows firsthand about moral values ​​and values ​​them, understands the meaning of the word "devotion". He knows how to be a “teacher” for others and is often engaged in promoting what he believes in. At the same time, a long-time lover of wearing rings on this finger may turn out to be a closed and secluded person.

Who to wear: to all who experience a period of life's difficulties and failures, who lack common sense, wisdom and constancy, as well as to all who decide to engage in meditation or introspection. The middle finger, decorated with a ring, is the safest of all the options for wearing rings: it does not introduce or enhance negative character traits, and, on the contrary, smooths out the existing “sharp corners”.

What to wear: rings made of iron and silver with moonstone, purple and black stones.

What not to wear: gold rings - they limit the possibilities and "horizons" of a person, make him uninteresting to others and the opposite sex, destroy his personal life.


Patron: Sun.

Controls feelings.

Element: air.

What does it say about character? if the ring on the ring finger is not an engagement ring, then you have an incorrigible romantic and esthete in front of you. Here, the ring emphasizes the passion for fine things, luxury, good times and sensual pleasures. If there are rings on the ring fingers of both hands, the owner is at the peak of positive. However, if a person puts two or more rings on one finger, this indicates a lack of love and inspiration, possibly a creative crisis - and a subconscious desire to get out of the impasse.

Who to wear: everyone who wants to enhance the feeling of inner warmth, grab a piece of luck, climb the creative Everest, achieve success and recognition of their talents and achievements. What to wear: gold rings with pearls, red and yellow stones.

What not to wear: silver rings - they “cool down” the owner too romantically.


Patron: Mercury.

Manages creativity.

Element: water.

What does it say about character? an interesting person who is able to go beyond the generally accepted boundaries - quite possibly an actor, artist, writer or designer. With the same probability, the owner of the ring on the little finger can turn out to be a gambler, adventurer, pathological liar and don Juan. There is also a possibility that in front of you is the owner of extrasensory abilities. But, in any case, this person is sociable, does not give in to other people's influences and strives for self-expression.

Who to wear: anyone who lacks the flexibility of mind to reach an understanding with people, or the eloquence to secure business contacts. For lovers of aimless flirting or gambling, a ring on the little finger will help to restrain unwanted traits of their character.

What to wear: rings with yellow and green stones. Rings on several fingers People who wear rings on four or even five fingers lack confidence, and therefore they hide their insecurities under a defiant appearance. These people are always in search of love and adore luxurious things, although this does not compensate them for friends and love.

The interpretation of the thumb in palmistry plays an important role. I met with Indian palmists who made most of their predictions based on the analysis of the thumb, and this is not accidental. The thumb can tell a lot about a person's character. For example, how he makes decisions and how he implements them.

Man is the only creature in nature endowed with an opposing finger.

Chimpanzees follow right behind humans, but their fingers are very primitive compared to ours. A unique feature of our fingers is the radial nerve, which is made up of the same nerve fibers as the central part of our brain. The same nerve fibers run through the human spine. The radial nerve gives us a unique ability for analytical thinking, which distinguishes a person from all other living beings on the planet.


The larger the finger, the more significant success a person can achieve.

It is known that Napoleon's thumbs were extremely large, and this is not surprising. There is one useful and fascinating exercise: watching the hands of people speaking on television. You will probably notice that many actors play roles that are completely uncharacteristic of them in real life. An example of this is an actor with a small thumb, playing the role of a financial bigwig. In India, it is believed that the size of the thumb is directly related to the level of success that a person can achieve. This interpretation seems too fatalistic to me, and yet there is no doubt that it is people with large thumbs who more often than others manage to take a leading position in the modern world. The fact is that they are more purposeful, ambitious and persistent than others. Charlotte Wolfe has done research on the thumbs of highly accomplished people and found that almost everyone has a thumb length that is within the average range. It's just that people with long thumbs are much more persistent and persistent in achieving their goals.

If you happen to meet a person with a very long thumb (Fig. 84), know that he is able to take on the role of leader in any situation. This person is smart, determined and has great willpower.

People with short thumbs (Fig. 85) tend to lack willpower. They can be extremely stubborn, often unreasonably and for no particular reason.

People whose thumbs reach medium length (reach at least the middle of the lower phalanx of the index finger, (Fig. 86), are fair, independent and can stand up for themselves. They think sensibly and have considerable willpower.

When the thumb, when viewed from the side of the nail, looks wide (Fig. 87), this indicates that a person is capable of anything to achieve his goal.

A person whose thumb looks fleshy (Fig. 88) is sharp and direct and at times may appear tactless and even rude. He is stubborn and strives with all his might to always do everything in his own way. He will not stand a price when it comes to his own independence.


Each finger on the human hand is divided into three parts, which are called phalanges (Fig. 89), although it seems that the thumb has only two phalanges. The hill of Venus is the fleshy part of the hand at the base of the thumb, girded with the line of life, and is its third phalanx.

Ideally, the length of the first and second phalanges of the thumb should be the same (Fig. 90). The first phalanx, on which the nail grows, symbolizes the will of a person, and the second - his logic. When both phalanges reach the same length, this indicates a person who equally possesses both logic and willpower. He is able to give birth to a good idea and has the necessary will and energy to implement it.

If the first phalanx is longer than the second (Fig. 91), this indicates the predominance of willpower over logic. Such a person will make a lot of mistakes, but none of them, no matter how serious it may be, will not be able to make him abandon the intended goal.

Even after the most crushing blow, he will find the strength to rise and continue moving forward. Such a combination of phalanges indicates an exceptionally purposeful and stubborn person. He is willing to work hard and long for his goal. Tends to overwhelm others and dominate them.

In most people, the second phalanx is longer than the first (Fig. 92). This indicates the predominance of logic over willpower. A person with such a combination is full of ideas, but is not able to find the strength to realize at least one of them. He thinks and thinks and thinks, and then he thinks some more. He has everything but dedication and motivation. This explains why most of us achieve only a fraction of what we are capable of. Too much logic, too little will.


Most often, the thumb is located at an angle of 45 ° with respect to the hand (Fig. 93). This indicates the ability and desire of a person to maintain traditional social principles and his moderate conservatism. In general terms, the larger this angle, the more generous the person.

Accordingly, this angle is sometimes called the “generosity angle” (Fig. 94).

If the value of this angle is less than 45 ° (Fig. 95), this indicates a person's selfishness. Most likely, he is cruel, narrow-minded and proud. His view of the world around him is very narrow.

If this angle exceeds 45 °, this indicates a person who is energetic, open, with the ability to charm and influence others.

He loves adventure and always strives to learn something new and unusual. If, in a relaxed state, the thumb is kept at a distance from others, this indicates a calm, open, sociable and carefree person, the angle of practicality

The angle of practicality is the angle that forms on the outside of the thumb, where it joins the palm (Fig. 96). You will soon find that on most hands this angle is absent, while in some people a bulge is noticeable in this place. The greater this bulge, the more practical the person. We call such people jacks of all trades, they are distinguished by skill and dexterity and love activities that allow them to actively use their hands. This angle is also known as the angle of time because it gives a person a particularly keen sense of time. Such people are always punctual, they know how to catch the right moment and brilliantly pause.


The angle of pitch, or the angle of sound, is at the very base of the palm, under the thumb, where it joins the wrist (Fig. 97). The height angle indicates a person who feels the rhythm and has an ear for music.

Gifted musicians, dancers and singers in most cases have pronounced angles of height and practicality. The practicality angle gives them a sense of timing and tempo, while the pitch angle gives them an ear for music and a sense of rhythm.

Look closely at photographs of the world's leading musicians and performers of all genres, from classical to popular music, and you will notice how obvious these angles are on their hands. The next time you have a picture of Elvis Presley in front of you, pay attention to his hands - they have a very pronounced angle of practicality and an angle of height.


The thumbs can be located at different heights in relation to the palms, so they are divided into high-set and low-set.

A high-set (Fig. 98) thumb is considered if it starts high above the wrist. People with such fingers are distinguished by originality, openness and optimism. They are typical extroverts.

People with low-set thumbs (Fig. 99), on the contrary, are reserved and cautious. In most cases, the landing of the thumb fluctuates somewhere between high and low.


Few modern palmists use D'Arpentigny's hand classification system, but the terms he developed are still actively used in the analysis of the fingertips, including the thumb.

If the tip of the thumb is square (Fig. 100), this indicates a person who is practical, simple, down to earth and fair. Such people always try to play fair.

If the tip has a scapular shape (Fig. 101), this indicates a businesslike and active person.

If the tip has a conical shape (Fig. 102), this indicates a sensitive and refined person.

Often the conical tip is combined with a second phalanx tapering and concave on both sides (Fig. 103). This testifies to the diplomacy and tact of a person. When he says "no", he does it in such a polite, benevolent and intelligent way that it is impossible to be offended by him.

The pointed tip of the thumb (Fig. 104) indicates a subtle and insightful person who will be able to present even the worst news gently and calmly.

The wide tip (Fig. 105) indicates a person who is cautious, thorough, who has his own convictions.

If the tip is wide and flat, and the upper phalanx resembles a bump, such a finger is called a killer finger (Fig. 106). This finger shape is usually hereditary. People with such fingers can be very patient, but sometimes they explode over trifles. Undoubtedly, it is thanks to this feature that the “killer finger” got its name.


The thumbs are divided into inflexible and mobile. If the finger freely bends back in the joint area, it is considered mobile (Fig. 107). A person with movable thumbs is open, positive, optimistic. He does not tolerate pressure and in conflict situations prefers to retreat without entering into an argument and without making a scandal.

If the thumb is inactive and does not bend back at the joint, it is called inflexible. A person with this type of thumbs is reliable, constant, stubborn, persistent and purposeful. He never backs down, even when under very strong pressure.

There was a period in my life when I worked as a salesman, and the knowledge of palmistry then helped me a lot. If there was a customer in front of me with movable thumbs, I could apply a little pressure on him, and, yielding to the pressure, he would make a purchase.

If I had to deal with a person who had inflexible thumbs, I did not even try to put pressure on him. If I tried to click on such a client, all my attempts would end in failure. Moreover, with my own hands I would erect obstacles to future success.

Fundamentals of corrective palmistry. How to change fate along the lines of the hand Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

Thumb mobility

Thumb mobility

Thumbs in their activity are mobile and motionless. If the finger freely bends back in the area of ​​the joint, it is considered mobile (Figure 57).

Rice. 57. Mobility of the thumb

A person with movable thumbs is open, positive, optimistic. He does not tolerate pressure and in conflict situations prefers to retreat without entering into an argument and without making a scandal. If the thumb is inactive and does not bend back at the joint, it is called inflexible. A person with this type of thumbs is reliable, constant, stubborn, persistent and purposeful. He never backs down, even when under very strong pressure.

From the book Gates to the Future (compilation) author Roerich Nicholas Konstantinovich

Mobility Lama Mingiyur leaves for monasteries. Probably, he will again collect a lot of significant information both on old legends and on all kinds of medicinal issues. It's good that he's on his way. This mobility is precisely the quality that I have always advised our

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Return body mobility In the morning, wash your face, saying: The sun at sunrise, drowsiness at sunset. How strong is faith in Jesus Christ, so that I may be strong and cheerful. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From the book Encyclopedia of Palmistry: Your fate in full view author Makeev A. V.

The zone of the thumb and the hill of Venus The hill of Venus is the personification of the third world, that is, the material world. Venus is the goddess of love and beauty, the patroness of the hearth, family and maternal happiness and peace. She carries information about grace

From the book Yoga for fingers. Mudras of health, longevity and beauty author Vinogradova Ekaterina A.

From the book Palmistry and Numerology. Secret knowledge author Nadezhdina Vera

From the book Fundamentals of Corrective Palmistry. How to change fate along the lines of the hand author Kibardin Gennady Mikhailovich

From the book Yoga for Pregnancy author Guerra Dorothy

From the book Inner Light. Osho Meditation Calendar for 365 days author Rajneesh Bhagwan Shri

Fingertip Shape The shape of the fingertip is just as important as the length of the finger. These two factors must be considered together. The fingertips include the top phalanges of each finger; there are five types of them: square, spatulate, truncated, conical and rounded.

From the book The most necessary book for determining the future. Numerology and palmistry author Pyatnitsyna E. V.

The length of the thumb The longer the thumb, the more significant success such a person can achieve (Figure 40). It is known that Napoleon's thumbs were extremely large. Watch the fingers of people on television. you for sure

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The shape of the tip of the thumb She can tell you a lot of interesting things about her master (Figure 43). In the general case, when the thumb, when viewed from the side of the nail, looks wide, this indicates that a person is capable of a lot to achieve his goal.

From the author's book

Phalanges of the thumb Each finger on the human hand is naturally divided into three parts, which are called phalanges (Figure 49). Although, looking at the thumb of his hand, we believe that he has only two phalanges. In fact, the hill of Venus (the fleshy area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arm at

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Angle of inclination of the thumb The angle of inclination of the thumb relative to the index finger (Figure 53) is most often 45 °. This indicates the ability and desire of a person to maintain traditional social principles and his moderate conservatism. Generally speaking, the more

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Thumb landing The thumbs can be located at different heights in relation to the palms (Figure 56). Rice. 56. Placement of the thumbTherefore, they are divided into two types: high-set and low-set. The thumb is considered to be set high when

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From the author's book

182 Mobility It is good to do many things. If a person always does the same thing, nothing else, he becomes rigid, and it becomes difficult for him to change. It is very good that people change one job for another; this allows them to remain mobile. A better world will be over

From the author's book

Fingertip Shape The shape of the fingertip is just as important as the length of the finger. These factors must be considered together. The fingertips include the top phalanges of each finger; there are five types of them: square, spatulate, truncated, conical and rounded.