on the procedure for assigning educational publications

stamp of the Educational and Methodological Association of Higher Educational Institutions

Russian Federation for agronomic education

1. General Provisions

1.1. This regulation determines the procedure for assigning the stamp of the educational and methodological association for agronomic education to educational publications for higher educational institutions.

1.1.1. Educational publications that can be assigned the UMO stamp include: textbooks, teaching aids, teaching aids, workshops, problem books, dictionaries, reference books, and manuals for students’ independent work.

1.2. The assignment of the educational qualification stamp is carried out through the examination procedure of an educational publication, based on the results of which educational and methodological commissions (councils) in the areas supervised by the educational training center make a decision on assigning or refusing to assign this stamp.

1.3. The UMO stamp indicates that this educational publication meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education , approximate program of the discipline, other requirements established by the Educational Institution during the examination of educational publications and can be used in higher educational institutions in the preparation of bachelors and masters in the areas of “Agrochemistry and agro-soil science”, “Agronomy”, “Gardiculture” and “Technology of production and processing of agricultural products” "

1.4. The UMO stamp can be assigned to educational publications in the disciplines of the basic and variable parts of the mathematical, natural science, and professional cycles of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education, which fall within the competence of this UMO.

1.5. The following wordings (editions) of the UMO stamp assigned to educational publications are possible.

When first published, educational literature receives the stamp:

“Approved by the Educational and Methodological Association of Universities of the Russian Federation for Agronomic Education for the preparation of bachelors (masters) in the field of ________________________________________ » .

Educational literature marked " UMO approved...” and has been tested in universities, upon subsequent publication it receives the stamp:

“Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Association of Universities of the Russian Federation for Agronomic Education for the preparation of bachelors (masters) in the field of _________________________________ (hereinafter the code and name of the direction are indicated )».

1.6. The text of the UMO stamp is placed on the front side of the title page in the subtitle data. The edition of the stamp cannot be subject to changes by the publisher or the author(s).

1.7. The maximum period of work for assigning a UMO stamp to one manuscript is up to 2 months.

1.8. After receiving the UMO stamp, literature must be published within 1 year. If during this time the educational literature has not been published, then it is necessary to obtain a new permit for the UMO stamp.

2. The procedure for submitting materials to the UMO

To resolve the issue of assigning the UMO stamp, the author (authors), through the applicant (publishing house, university), send the following materials to the base university of the UMO addressed to the chairman of the UMO Council:

2.1. Author's version of the manuscript (on paper and electronic media), no less than 6 pp. (1 sheet of paper is equal to 16 pages of typewritten text). The educational publication must have a dictionary of concepts and terms used, test tasks or control questions at the end of each chapter or section.

2.2. The applicant’s covering letter (Appendix 1), which provides brief information about the publication, its imprint (title of the manuscript, surname, patronymic name of the author (authors), their academic degrees and titles, the planned location of the publishing house, circulation and year of publication, volume in printed sheets, and also indicates the direction of preparation and the discipline for which the manuscript was prepared. The covering letter, signed by the publisher or rector (vice-rector) of the university, ends with a request to assign the educational publication the UMO stamp.

2.3.Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department (Appendix 2) and an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty (Appendix 3) with recommendations for assigning the UMO stamp, 2 reviews with certified signatures:

for the textbook 2 external reviews - one from a leading specialist, doctor of sciences, professor; the other - from the graduating department implementing the corresponding educational program, indicating the date and number of the minutes of the department meeting at which this review was approved, signed by the head of the department and the secretary;

for a textbook published through central publications, 2 external reviews: from a leading specialist, doctor of sciences, professor, candidate of sciences, associate professor; another from the graduating department implementing the corresponding educational program, indicating the date and number of the minutes of the department meeting at which this review was approved, signed by the head of the department and the secretary.

If the textbook is intended for intra-university publication, then it is necessary to submit 1 external and 1 internal review.

2.4. Work program of the discipline indicating competencies (for disciplines of the basic cycle of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, work programs developed in accordance with sample programs; for the variable part of the disciplines - on an initiative basis).

2.5. Letter of guarantee from the applicant for payment for work to assign the educational publication the UMO stamp (except for universities, members of the UMO Council, who have paid fees under the Agreement on the provision of consulting and organizational services to the UMO).

3. The procedure for conducting an examination of an educational publication

3.1. Manuscripts received by the UMO are registered and sent with brief information on them for examination to independent reviewers (experts) who are leading specialists in this field.

3.2. The review of the manuscript is compiled taking into account the questions given in the appendix to these regulations. The review should end with a reasoned conclusion about the feasibility or inexpediency of assigning the UMO stamp (Appendices 4.5).

4. The procedure for obtaining a stamp and issuing documents

4.1. The assignment of a stamp is formalized by the decision of the educational and methodological commission of the council (UMC) in the direction of training bachelors (masters) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education on assigning an educational publication the stamp of UMO with the appropriate wording. The decision is brought to the attention of the applicant and the author (authors) in the form of an expert opinion signed by the chairman (deputy chairman) of the UMO Council. In case of refusal to assign a stamp, the UMO commission draws up a conclusion justifying this refusal.

4.2. A rejected manuscript may be resubmitted for consideration to the UMO after revision based on the comments of the reviewers, but not earlier than three months after the rejection.

4.3. The publishing organization (university) that has published an educational publication with the stamp of UMO is obliged to submit one copy of this publication to the base university of UMO (Russian State Agrarian University - MSHA) within a month from the date of its publication.

5. Financing of work to assign the UMO stamp.

5.1. Financing of work to assign educational publications the UMO stamp is carried out at the expense of the applicant (publishing organizations), as well as other interested legal entities and individuals.

5.2. Upon receipt of materials, the UMO enters into a bilateral contract for the provision of services in the form of an UMO examination of the manuscript of the educational publication, and in conclusion issues an invoice to the publishing organization or university for the payment of the examination.

The procedure and amount of payment of monetary rewards for expert work on assigning UMO stamps are determined in accordance with letters of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 01/01/2001 No. in/15, dated 01/01/2001 No. in/15, dated 04/24/98 No. 18 -55oin/16-16.

Annex 1


To the Chairman of the UMO Council

in agronomic education


We are sending you a study guide (textbook) “_____________ Name", author(s) ______________________, which is prepared in accordance with approximate (work) program for the discipline ____________________ areas of training ___________________.

(code and name of direction)

The manuscript of the teaching aid (textbook) was reviewed and recommended for publication at a meeting of the department “ Name "__.__.20___ minutes No._____ and at the meeting of the Academic Council of the faculty " Name »__.__.20___ protocol No._____.

Volume of the textbook (textbook) _________ printed sheets (pages), estimated circulation __________ copies, year of publication _____, publishing house __________________ (central, intra-university).

The textbook (textbook) is published for the first time (republished)

The study guide (textbook) has two positive reviews (attached).

Based on the above, I ask you to assign the stamp to the teaching aid (textbook) “__________________________________________”

“Approved by the Educational and Methodological Association of Universities of the Russian Federation for Agronomic Education as a teaching aid (textbook) for the preparation of bachelors (masters) studying in the field ».

Rector signature

Appendix 2

Extract from protocol No. ____

meetings of the department "_______________________________________________"

from "___" ___________20 ___

Present : ____________________________________________


cipher _ « direction name _ » for publication with the assignment of a stamp

« Accepted (recommended) (the code and name of the direction are indicated below) ».

cipher _ « direction name _ » for publication.

Apply to the UMO to assign a stamp to the publication

« Accepted (recommended) The educational and methodological association of universities of the Russian Federation on agronomic education as a teaching aid (textbook) for the preparation of bachelors (masters) studying in the field of _________________ (the code and name of the direction are indicated below) ».

Head department ______________________

Secretary of the department ______________________

Appendix 3

Extract from protocol No. ____

Faculty Council "_______________________________________________"

from "___" ___________20___

Listened: About the publication of educational literature

Resolved: Recommend the manuscript of a teaching aid (textbook) " ___Name ___________________________________________________ » author(s) ______________________ in the discipline ____________________ in the direction

cipher _ « direction name _ » for publication.

Apply to the UMO to assign the stamp “ Accepted (recommended) The educational and methodological association of universities of the Russian Federation on agronomic education as a teaching aid (textbook) for the preparation of bachelors (masters) studying in the field of _________________ (the code and name of the direction are indicated below) ».

Chairman of the Academic Council ______________________

Secretary of the Academic Council ______________________________

1. Title of the manuscript, proposed circulation and year of publication.

3. The name of the main educational program (direction of training) of the cycle of disciplines and disciplines related either to the basic part of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, or to its variable part (profile) of the program for which the manuscript was prepared.

5. Evaluation of the structure and content of the manuscript.

6. The degree of compliance of the content of the manuscript with the approximate (working) curriculum of the discipline.

7. The difference between the manuscript and the existing literature, the degree of its continuity.

8. Scientific level of the content of the manuscript.

9. The degree of mastery of practical issues, their relevance.

10. Methodological level of the material, its adaptability to educational technologies.

11. The degree of compliance with psychological and pedagogical requirements for the interpretation of the material presented and for its application.

12. The expediency (inexpediency) of assigning a stamp to the manuscript.

Position, academic degree

academic title of expert,

business address and telephone number ()

An external review by a leading industry specialist is certified by the HR department.

In an external review from the graduating department, in addition to the initial data listed above, it is necessary to indicate the number and date of the minutes of the department meeting. The review is signed by the head of the department, secretary and certified by HR department specialists.

"____" ______201__ No. ___

Appendix 5

Expert opinion

on assigning a textbook (educational aid) the stamp of educational educational qualifications of universities of the Russian Federation on agronomic education

“Name of educational publication”

1. “Name of educational publication”, city, publisher, circulation ___ copies, year of publication ___.

3. Reviewers: Full name, position, title, place of work.

4. Manuscript of the textbook, volume ___ p. consists of (a brief description of the contents of the manuscript).

Taking into account the above and the positive conclusions of the reviewers, the Educational Institution of Higher Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation in agronomic education considers it appropriate to assign a stamp to this textbook in the following edition: “ Accepted (recommended) The educational and methodological association of universities of the Russian Federation on agronomic education as a teaching aid (textbook) for the preparation of bachelors (masters) studying in the field _________________ (hereinafter the code and name of the direction are indicated) ».

Considered at a meeting of the UMS commission in the areas supervised by the UMS.

Protocol No.___ dated “___”________20

After the textbook is published, please send 1 copy to the UMO.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs,

deputy Chairman of the UMO Council,

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Textbook: This is the main textbook for a specific discipline.

It sets out a system of basic knowledge that is mandatory for students to master. The content of the textbook must meet the requirements of the federal state educational standard and fully disclose the program for a specific discipline.

Tutorial: An educational publication that supplements the textbook or replaces it partially or completely, officially approved as this type of publication.

Educational and methodological manual– an educational publication containing materials on the methodology of teaching the discipline.

In addition to universities, members of the UMO Council, who have paid fees under the Agreement on the provision of consulting and organizational services to the UMO.

Soviet vultures

G reef in educational book publishing is a mark assigned to a book based on the results of a special kind of academic examination (grading). The idea of ​​a grade as an indicator of quality is rooted in the history of domestic education.

The Soviet Union developed its own tradition of stamping, associated with document circulation and censorship of publications. The most well-known stamps are “Top Secret”, “For Official Use”, etc., but we will focus on educational publications.

Since there was a state monopoly on the press and almost all educational institutions were state-owned, stamping served the purpose of certifying that a particular publication had passed methodological checks and ideological censorship. Without a stamp, the book de facto could not be included in the educational process of any third-party university, remaining an intra-university development.

The Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR, sectoral ministries (health, agriculture, etc.), as well as ministries of the Union republics had the right to assign a stamp.

A system of four successive levels of educational publications was developed: “Approved as a teaching aid”, “Recommended as a teaching aid”, “Approved as a textbook”, “Recommended as a textbook”. As a rule, when first published, a book received the “approved” stamp, but after practical testing in the educational process, it was assigned a higher grade – “recommended”. Sometimes the publication “grew” from a manual into a full-fledged textbook.

Russian vultures

IN The implementation of the principle of glasnost and the collapse of the Soviet Union led to the disorganization of the vulture system. With the abolition of censorship, the vultures of the educational department were left with only methodological functions. Gradually, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science came to a complete abandonment of its own marking (it remained only in general education), and various organizations of the academic community began to perform similar tasks: educational and methodological associations (UMA), scientific and methodological councils, and the Federal Institute for Educational Development (FIRO).

The idea was wonderful: to give scientists and teachers the right to determine the quality of educational publications of higher and secondary vocational education. Alas, in reality, not all, but many UMOs have turned into mothballed bureaucratic bodies incapable of adequately assessing publications. The marking procedure often took a long time; many teams of authors received marks “through acquaintances” or by paying for the services of UMO reviewers. There were also situations when representatives of one scientific school in the UMO did not pass on the work of their opponents, which led to a comical “bifurcation” of the UMO in economics, management and a number of other popular areas. Of course, some UMOs retained the scientific and methodological principles of vultures, but the authority of vultures in the academic community was irreparably undermined.

Cancellation of stamps for higher and secondary vocational education

TO The crisis of educational training became so obvious that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation began to organize federal educational training according to enlarged groups of specialties and areas of training. However, the new FUMO will primarily be engaged in bringing educational programs of universities and colleges into compliance with Federal State Educational Standards and professional standards.

In the Model Regulations on Educational Educational Institutions, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 18, 2015 No. 505, reviewing and grading of educational publications are not mentioned among the areas of activity of the Educational Educational Institution. As you can see, the issue of providing the educational process with quality publications is still not resolved.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 2, 2015 No. 942 canceled the previously effective order of January 15, 2007 No. 10 “On the review of educational publications...”. In a letter from Deputy Minister A.A. Klimov “On orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia” dated September 16, 2015 No. AK-2692/05 draws attention to the fact that in accordance with Art. 18 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, when implementing professional educational programs, educational publications are used, including electronic ones, determined by the organization carrying out educational activities.

We often hear complaints from professors about the bureaucracy of regulatory procedures. It is gratifying to note that it is universities and colleges, their teachers, librarians and methodologists who now determine (and are responsible for their choice) which textbooks their students will study from.

Quality system

M As a leading publishing house producing educational literature for universities and colleges, we know firsthand how important and difficult it is to determine the quality of a particular manuscript. Illiterate, outdated books not only cause reputational harm to the publisher, but are also simply commercially unprofitable. Unfortunately, we have repeatedly encountered cases where publications have already received the UMO stamp, but under no circumstances could they be recognized as high quality.

To ensure the necessary verification, Jurait has developed a multi-stage quality management system that allows us to monitor the publication’s compliance with the modern level of the educational process.

In the structure of our publishing house, two educational and methodological departments were created: higher and secondary vocational education (UMO VO and UMO SPO), which are entrusted with the task of conducting internal and external review of all publications.

Each manuscript is assessed according to the following indicators:

· compliance with the topic and scope of the course;

· registration in accordance with the requirements of Federal State Educational Standards 3+, Federal State Educational Standards 4;

· relevance and reliability of the information and definitions presented;

· originality;

· clarity of structure and logic of presentation of the material;

· design of bibliographic apparatus and list of references;

· clarity of presentation of material;

· reflection of Russian and foreign experience;

· composition of the methodological complex.

Based on the assessment of the reviewer (candidate or doctor of science in the profile of the textbook), a decision is made on the possibility of awarding a grade.

UMO HE and SVE pay special attention to thorough checking for plagiarism and incorrect borrowings in accordance with the norms of Russian legislation and academic ethics. Thus, works cannot be published that violate the intellectual property rights of third parties, be they other authors, our colleagues - publishers or employers - universities. We believe that only with mutual respect among education agents is the effective development of the industry possible.

Of course, the authors of “Urayt” - current teachers of the country’s leading scientific schools - actively participate in the activities of educational educational institutions of higher education and secondary vocational education. The reviewers also include experts from traditional UML. Their experience, recommendations and constructive criticism allow us to make books even better.

Therefore, many books from our publishing house receive a special stamp: “Recommended by UMO VO” or “Recommended by UMO SPO”, reflecting the quality standards of “Urayt”. Please note that obtaining such a stamp for our authors is completely free and depends solely on the quality of the manuscript. Only worthy works receive a stamp. Due to the current heavy workload of reviewers of UMO VO and SPO, projects from other publishing houses are not graded.

Form and meaning

Today, the stamp is still of interest to libraries and many ordinary buyers seeking to quickly select high-quality educational literature. Moreover, although stamping has not been mandatory or state-owned for many years, archaic norms and instructions for acquiring library collections with stamped literature remain.

As the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation officially confirms, there are no existing legislative norms in this area and, thus, all vultures are de jure equal. But de facto, the UMO VO and UMO SPO vultures are not only not inferior to the traditional ones, but in many cases they surpass them.

It is always worth keeping in mind the following circumstance: it is not the form that is important, but the meaning behind it - an assessment of their work independent of the authors. We are a commercial publisher, and our profit directly depends on the quality of our product - the textbook.

Accordingly, Urayt makes every effort to impartially and thoroughly evaluate each book it publishes.

Feedback from teachers and students of Russian universities confirms that the marks of UMO VO and SPO can be trusted.

4.6 Review, examination and obtaining a stamp

Practical models for assessing the quality of educational university publications in the general case represent a certain projection of theoretical models, i.e. a set of judgments and definitions accepted (agreed and approved) in the organizational system of higher professional education. Practical quality modeling consists of grading technology, peer review and examination. The quality of an educational publication is determined by the level of the mark, the scientific and pedagogical status of the reviewers and the result of the examination.

The basis of the practical quality model is the hierarchy of documented expert assessments - grades. The following main vultures are used in domestic higher education:

  • marks of the department, faculty, university - arbitrary wording.
  • "Accepted (or Recommended) by the Educational Institution for ... education as a textbook (educational aid) in the discipline ... (specialty or area of ​​training) of higher professional education (hereinafter, the names of the specialty and (or) areas of training with codes are indicated according to the new List of areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education in in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 12, 2005 No. 4).
  • "Approved (or Recommended) by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as a textbook (educational aid)...".

The actual grading system in domestic higher education is five-level. The “lowest” level is the stamp of the university department, followed by the stamps of the faculty, university, UMO and ministry.

Classes of the department, faculty and university(university) are assigned to educational publications by decision of educational and methodological commissions organized under the relevant organizational structures. The commissions are approved by decrees and orders from the heads of these structural divisions and universities. The mechanisms for assigning these stamps are the same in almost all universities and consist of the following procedures:

  • discussion of the content of the educational publication at the department (at a meeting of the department's educational and methodological commission and/or a meeting of the department);
  • internal and/or external review (usually two reviews are prepared);
  • discussion of the manuscript and reviews of the educational publication at a meeting of the educational and methodological commission of the faculty, and then, if necessary, of the university.

Vultures of UMO and ministries are assigned according to the rules established in the orders of the relevant UMO and the ministry. The procedure for assigning a stamp is similar, but includes mandatory examination and satisfaction of a number of formal requirements.

The main order regulating the assignment of UMO and ministry stamps is Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 21, 2004 No. 95. As a rule, in pursuance of this order, various UMOs issue their orders, instructions and regulations corresponding to it, thereby organizing the grading process. Changes are currently being made to the marking procedure.

4.6.1 Grating technology

The objects of stamping are educational university publications of two types: textbooks and teaching aids. In accordance with letters of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated September 23, 2002 No. 27-55-570/12 and dated November 20, 2000 No. 14-55-690in/15:

Textbook is the main textbook for a specific discipline. It sets out a system of basic knowledge that is mandatory for students to master. The content of the textbook must meet the requirements of the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education and fully disclose the approximate program for a specific discipline. The title of the textbook must correspond to the name of the discipline of the federal component of the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education.

It is allowed to create a textbook for a separate course (part of an academic discipline), provided that this course is included as an independent didactic unit in the sample curriculum and a curriculum is being developed for it.

Tutorial is considered as an addition to the textbook. The textbook may not cover the entire discipline, but only part (several sections) of the sample program. Unlike a textbook, a manual can include not only proven, generally accepted knowledge and provisions, but also different opinions on a particular issue. Classification of the educational and methodological association

The UMO stamp for university polytechnic education is assigned to the manuscript of an educational publication through an examination procedure, which is organized by the educational and methodological council (EMC) for the corresponding group of specialties in the field of training. Based on the results of this examination and consideration at a meeting of the council or the presidium of the council, a decision is made to assign or refuse to assign the sought stamp. This decision is approved by the chairman of the UMO Council.

The UMO stamp can be assigned to educational publications in the disciplines of the federal component of the OPD and SD cycles and may have the following wording: “Recommended (Approved) by the UMO on university polytechnic education as a textbook (educational aid) for students of higher educational institutions studying in a specialty (direction of training) Higher professional education (hereinafter, the names of the specialty and (or) areas of training are indicated with codes according to the List of areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 12, 2005 No. 4).

The UMO stamp can be assigned to educational publications in the disciplines of the federal component of the GSE and EN cycles (if these disciplines were included in the State Educational Standards on the recommendation of the UMO). In this case, the UMO stamp is assigned only to educational publications of the “textbook” type and may have the following wording: “Recommended (Accepted) by the UMO on university polytechnic education as a teaching aid for students of higher educational institutions studying in ...”

The UMO stamp can also be assigned to educational publications in disciplines of the national-regional (university) component, and disciplines of specializations, subject to the registration of these specializations in the UMO. In this case, the assigned UMO stamp may have the following wording: “The UMO on university polytechnic education is approved as a textbook (educational aid) in the discipline of the national-regional (university) component (discipline of specialization) for students of higher educational institutions studying in...”.

The UMO stamp indicates that this educational publication meets the requirements of the relevant state educational standard of higher professional education, the approximate discipline program and other requirements established by the UMO during the examination of educational publications.

The text of the UMO stamp is placed on the front side of the title page. The edition of the stamp cannot be subject to changes by the publisher or the author(s).

The validity period of the right to publish educational literature after receiving the UMO stamp is 1 year.

The volume of the manuscript submitted for assignment of the UMO stamp must not be less than 4 printed pages. Statement of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Until 2007, the manuscript of an educational publication could be assigned the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 21, 2004 No. 95. The Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Education ensured the examination of textbooks (educational aids) for assignment of the stamp “Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia...” (“Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia...”) in the manner established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia indicates that this educational publication meets the requirements of the relevant state educational standard of higher professional education, the approximate program of the discipline and other requirements established by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia during the examination of educational publications.

The text of the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia is placed on the front side of the title page. The edition of the stamp cannot be subject to changes by the publisher or the author (authors). The validity period of the right to publish educational literature after receiving the stamp from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia is 1 year. The volume of the manuscript submitted for assignment of the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia should not be less than 6 printed pages.

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated July 14, 1999 No. 81 “On approval of the regulations on the procedure for assigning the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to educational publications,” the stamp “Recommended” is given to textbooks (educational aids) that already have the stamp “Approved as a textbook (educational aid)” " when reissued.

At the time of writing the manuscript of the monograph, Order No. 10 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 15, 2007 “On the review of educational publications used in the educational process of educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational and additional vocational education” was issued, which changes the procedure for obtaining the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science.

As part of the new provision, the preparation of reviews of educational publications is carried out by state institutions authorized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation by the relevant order, and the organizational and technical support for the preparation of reviews is assigned by order to the basic institutions: the Federal Institute for Educational Development and the Moscow State University of Printing Arts.

  • correspondence of the title of the educational publication to its content;
  • compliance of the total volume of the educational publication or its structural components (sections, chapters) with the number of academic hours provided for the study of this discipline, as a rule, at the rate of: 1 author’s sheet for 10-12 academic hours for educational institutions of non-profit and secondary vocational education; 5-7 academic hours for higher education institutions (for textbooks and teaching aids);
  • compliance of the content of educational material with the state educational standard, sample program;
  • logic and consistency of presentation of the material;
  • the difference between the educational publication and the available educational literature on this issue;
  • scientific and methodological level of the material;
  • compliance of the content of the educational publication with the current level of development of science, technology, technology, and labor organization in this field of activity.
  • the presence and quality of the didactic apparatus of the publication (generalizations, conclusions, test questions, assignments, etc.);
  • the quality of illustrative material (texts, pictures, diagrams, drawings, illustrations) and their correspondence to the material being studied. The procedure for submitting materials to the UMO

Covering letter to the UMO. A publishing house or university that undertakes the publication of a textbook (educational aid) sends a letter to the chairman of the UMO Council (for university polytechnic education) with a request to give an expert opinion on the advisability of assigning the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia or the UMO for university polytechnic education to the corresponding educational publication.

The letter provides brief information about the educational publication:

  • FULL NAME. the author (authors), the name of the educational publication, the first edition or reprint is indicated, the estimated circulation and year of publication, volume (in printed sheets).
  • For which discipline of the federal component (indicating the discipline index in accordance with the state educational standard of higher professional education), for which current State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (indicating the code according to the List of areas of training and specialties of Higher Professional Education in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 12, 2005 No. 4 ) manuscript prepared.
  • What type of educational publications does the manuscript belong to (textbook, study guide).
  • The full edition of the requested stamp for the future publication: “Approved (or Recommended) by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (UMO for university polytechnic education) as a textbook (or teaching aid) for students of higher educational institutions studying in the field of study or specialty (indicate the name with the code according to the List of directions preparation and specialties of higher professional education).
  • Information about the author (authors): academic degree, title, place of work and position, what disciplines he teaches, what educational literature he has written.

Materials of the educational publication. Attached to the cover letter:

  • fully prepared manuscript of the educational publication (edited);
  • an extract from the minutes of a meeting of the academic council of a university (faculty) or a meeting of the department on the submission of an educational publication for assignment of a stamp;
  • reviews of the manuscript;
  • guarantee obligation to pay for the work on stamping the educational publication.

Manuscript An educational publication can be presented in several versions - author's and publisher's.

It is possible to submit the manuscript in an editorial version (if specified). This case is provided for in the examination procedures. One of the points of the expert opinion requires an indication of how the author took into account the page-by-page comments of reviewers and editors, whether or not appropriate corrections were made to the text of the manuscript.

The publishing version of the manuscript is also the original layout of the publication received after editing and proofreading at the publishing house, almost completely (except for the title page) prepared for replication (transfer to production).

The manuscript may also represent a previously published book, for a repeat or additional edition of which the publisher requests a stamp or a new edition thereof.

Extract from the minutes of a meeting of the academic council of a university (faculty) or department on the submission of an educational publication for assignment of a stamp is a document confirming the approbation of the educational publication in the real educational process at any department (faculty) of the university. The extract must contain all the information provided by the applicant in the covering letter, i.e. should not contradict it, with the exception of the wording of the stamp provided.

For example, obtaining an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the academic council of the Faculty of Informatics and Control Systems of the N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University is a procedure, the main stages of which are:

  • Approbation at any department. The applicant for approval is the author or co-author of the educational publication. In writing or orally, he appeals to the head of the department with a request to review the manuscript for marking. The head of the department appoints a specialist from among the teachers of the department who gets acquainted with the materials of the manuscript and presents it to the educational and methodological commission. The manuscript and reviews are considered by the educational and methodological commission of the department, and then, if the decision is positive, at a meeting of the department. Based on the results of the meeting of the department, an extract from the minutes is drawn up containing the decision made.
  • Approbation at the faculty methodological commission. The manuscript, reviews and an extract from the meeting of the department are discussed at a meeting of the methodological commission and in case of a positive decision, a corresponding extract from the minutes of the meeting is drawn up, and the manuscript materials are submitted for discussion at a meeting of the academic council of the faculty.
  • Approbation at a meeting of the faculty academic council. After discussion at the faculty academic council, in case of a positive decision, a corresponding extract from the minutes of its meeting is drawn up.

Review for an educational publication is a document containing its analysis, comments and assessment of its quality. The review must contain information about the manuscript that does not contradict those presented in the cover letter, with the exception of the wording of the stamp provided. The review must be signed by the reviewer, and his signature must be certified by the seal of the organization of his main place of work.

The following reviews are being prepared for the manuscript:

  • review by the department of one of the universities in which the educational book will be used;
  • review by a specialist from the university where the author(s) works;
  • review by a specialist in a given field of knowledge working in the relevant university, scientific, design organization or production.

3. The name of the discipline (indicating the state educational standard cycle to which this discipline belongs) and the name of the state educational standard indicating the code according to the List of areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education for which the manuscript was prepared.

4.Evaluation of the structure and content of the manuscript, compliance of the content of the manuscript with the state educational standard and the approximate program of the academic discipline.

5. Novelty of content.

6. Compliance with the modern scientific level (in this area).

7. The degree of coverage of practical issues, their relevance.

8. Methodological level of the material, its adaptability to educational technologies.

9. The degree of compliance with psychological and pedagogical requirements for the content and design of the educational publication.

10. The expediency (inexpediency) of assigning a stamp.

11. Position, academic degree, academic title, signature, first name, patronymic and last name of the reviewer.

Additionally, a business address, telephone number, and email address are indicated.

The listed aspects represent questions that must be answered during the subsequent examination.

Guarantee obligation from the applicant (publisher, university) for payment for marking work can be issued by a separate letter of guarantee or an entry corresponding to the essence of the issue in the covering letter. In this case, payment details for issuing an invoice for payment must be indicated.

Financing of work to assign educational publications the UMO stamp is carried out at the expense of the applicant (publishing organizations, universities), as well as other interested legal entities and individuals.

The amount of payment for work on assigning the UMO stamp is determined based on the volume of the manuscript, taking into account overhead and technical costs (based on the letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated August 26, 2003 No. 14-52-994 in/13).

Payment for expert work is carried out on the basis of an invoice sent to the applicant and an Agreement concluded with him (in accordance with the payment standards determined by the letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated August 26, 2003 No. 14-52-994 in/13) after the official registration of documents with the UMO. Expert work is carried out within three months from the date of registration of received documents.

4.6.2 Expertise

Materials of the educational publication received by the UMO are registered and sent with brief information for examination to one or two experts who are appointed by the leadership of the UMO or UMS and are leading experts in this professional field.

Conclusions on the educational publication are drawn up by experts taking into account the following questions:

1. Title of the manuscript, volume in pp, estimated circulation and year of publication.

3. Information about the requested stamp.

4. The name of the discipline (indicating the State Educational Standards cycle to which this discipline belongs) and the name of the State Educational Standards indicating the code according to the List of areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education for which the manuscript was prepared.

5.Evaluation of the structure and content of the manuscript, compliance of the content of the manuscript with the state educational standard and the approximate program of the academic discipline.

6. Novelty, originality and continuity of content.

7. Compliance with the modern scientific level (in this area).

8. The degree of coverage of practical issues, their relevance.

9. Methodological level of the material, its adaptability to educational technologies.

10. The degree of compliance with psychological and pedagogical requirements for the content and design of the educational publication.

11. The expediency (inexpediency) of assigning a stamp.

12. Information about the comments of the publishing house editor.

13. Information about reviewers and their comments.

14. Proposed edition of the stamp with strict adherence to the accepted wording.

The form of the expert opinion can be free or contain answers to the listed points.

The expert opinion may contain comments and recommendations for eliminating them, as well as the conditions under which the stamp can be assigned. It is signed by the expert (experts) indicating their position, academic degree, academic title, first name, patronymic and last name, and then considered at a meeting of the council or presidium of the UMS and signed by its head or the leadership of the UMS.

The procedure for obtaining an expert opinion from the UMO.

In case of a positive decision on assigning the UMO stamp, a letter is issued to the applicant (publishing house or university). The letter informs about the recommendation to assign the UMO stamp to the publication. If comments are made during the examination process that the authors need to take into account, this is also reported in the letter. At the same time, the conditions under which a positive decision on assigning the UMO stamp is valid are specified. The applicant is also sent an expert opinion.

In case of refusal to assign a stamp, the applicant is sent only an expert opinion, which contains comments and arguments for this refusal. A rejected educational publication may be resubmitted for consideration to the UMO after revision based on the comments reflected in the expert opinion, but not earlier than three months after the rejection. Repeated examination is carried out on a general basis.

The publishing organization (publishing house, university) that has published an educational publication with the stamp of UMO is obliged to submit to the relevant UMS one copy of this publication within a month from the date of its publication.

4.6.3 Selection of candidates for review

Selecting candidates for reviewing an educational publication is an important stage in preparing a manuscript for publication and receiving a stamp. Reviewers of educational publications are not appointed, but are chosen by the author himself. The main requirements for reviewers are their competence and ability to constructively criticize the manuscript. A priori, reviewers for the author of an educational publication are authorities on the subject and publishing activity.

Competence a reviewer is usually associated with the following main characteristics: academic status (academic degrees and titles), position held, corporate affiliation, experience in educational and pedagogical activities, the effectiveness of authorship, fame and authority for the educational and scientific community, professionalism, etc.

Information about the first five characteristics of reviewers is mandatory for documenting reviews. Information about other characteristics of reviewers is not documented and is the knowledge of the people responsible for making decisions in the process of marking the manuscript.

Responsible for making decisions on assigning the UMO stamp are the experts and managers of the educational and educational institutions, educational institutions and educational institutions. They are specialists in various subject areas, teachers with significant work experience, authors of educational publications, as well as organizers of research work and the educational process. They actually know and/or have access to information about the scientific and pedagogical activities of their fellow reviewers. The sources of this information are printed and electronic media, licensing and certification documents of universities, etc.

Most often, doctors of science, professors, heads of departments and departments of scientific and educational institutions are selected as reviewers. It is not uncommon for members of public scientific organizations to be selected as reviewers. As a rule, reviewers are the authors of well-known textbooks, monographs and scientific and technical developments.

The most important characteristic of a reviewer is his professionalism, which in this case should be understood as the ability (opportunity) to prepare a review that meets the grading requirements.

Reviewer's ability to provide constructive criticism the manuscript is associated with the expected form of comments on its content and presentation. Most often, specific comments are considered constructive, i.e. those that can be subsequently accepted, taken into account and implemented. Specific comments are not only imperative statements, but also contain their logical justification, are related to the pagination of the manuscript (presented “page by page”) and include recommendations for their possible elimination. Subsequently, during the examination, the completeness of the consideration of the reviewers’ comments by the authors of the manuscript is established.

4.6.4 Preparation of reviews

Preparation of reviews includes the following stages: writing, approval and documentation. When reviewing educational publications, two traditions have developed.

First tradition consists of writing a draft review by the author of the manuscript and agreeing it with the reviewer. This tradition is theoretically justified, does not contradict the creative process of writing an educational work, and is most common. In this case, the reviewer is provided, in addition to the manuscript and other data and documents necessary for reviewing, a draft review (“fish”). And approval consists of testing the review text and making changes to it.

In the case where no changes are made, the reviewer's actions are limited to signing it and approving his signature. In this tradition, all responsibility for the quality of reviews falls on the authors of the manuscript, and the compliance of reviews with the requirements placed on them is determined by the author’s ability to “self-review.” Review texts prepared according to this traditional scheme contain the following characteristic features: absence of comments, use of the author's style, repetition of formal errors of the author of the manuscript. Reviews prepared in this tradition are taken into account formally at the examination stage, or their low significance is noted.

Making changes to the draft review in most cases has a positive impact on its text, and if they are comments on the manuscript, they also contribute to its improvement.

Second tradition consists of providing the reviewer with the manuscript and accompanying materials, including recommendations on the content of the review - the so-called “memo to the reviewer”. In this case, writing a review is the result of the creative process of its comprehension by a “discriminating reader.” Coordination of a review is a joint effort between the author of the manuscript and the reviewer, which is carried out in person, in absentia or virtually. The purpose of the approval is to formulate the text of the review, which will ensure further advancement of the manuscript towards obtaining the stamp and its improvement. The most important thing is to solve the problem of comments, which is in the form of agreed formulations, and to bring the text of the review closer to the recommended structure.

The problem of comments arises as a result of a comparison of the concepts of presentation of the subject of an educational publication by the author and the reviewer, and the subsequent rejection by the reviewer of the form of its presentation in the author's manuscript. A special feature of the problem of reviewer comments is the context in which these comments are expressed - a positive judgment about the possibility of publishing a manuscript and a recommendation for assignment of a grade (manuscripts with reviews containing negative judgments are not accepted for grade).

Resolving the problem of comments consists of finding acceptable wording aimed at adding, deleting or changing the text of the educational publication.

Approximation of the review text to the recommended structure (see above aspects that are recommended to be noted in the review) consists in finding a form of review that satisfies the author of the manuscript, the reviewer and can be effectively used at subsequent stages of marking.

Mainly two forms of reviews are used: free and “formalized”. A free form review is a text that contains answers to questions that arise during the grading process, in particular at the examination stage, in any order. In a “formalized” review, the characteristics of the manuscript are presented “point by point” in accordance with the recommended list, and determine its structure.

Let us consider in more detail the content of these points.

1. Title of the manuscript, volume in pp, estimated circulation and year of publication.

The reviewer takes the title of the manuscript from the title page, and the following discrepancies are possible, which arise due to insufficient care of the author:

  • the names on the title page and in the accompanying documents are different;
  • the manuscript is named by the author in the abstract, introduction, or contents differently than it is named on the title page.

Information about the volume of the manuscript is taken from the accompanying documents. It is also possible to independently assess the volume of a manuscript; in this case, it is necessary to calculate the volume of text and graphic parts and convert the obtained data into printed sheets, knowing the printing format of the published book. The easiest way if there is no information about the volume of the manuscript is to indicate it in the pages of the provided paper format.

Information about the circulation and year of publication can only be taken from accompanying documents.

3. The name of the discipline (indicating the state educational standard cycle to which this discipline belongs) and the name of the state educational standard indicating the code according to the List of areas of training (specialties) of higher professional education for which the manuscript was prepared.

This information is taken by the reviewer from the accompanying documents, but they must also be presented in the manuscript itself: the text of the annotation on the back of the title page usually indicates the contingent of readers to whom the book is addressed - the reader's address (purpose) depending on the type of educational institution, level of training, stage training and reader categories; in the “Preface” and/or “Introduction” sections of the manuscript. This information is given great importance in subsequent stages of marking.

4. Assessment of the structure and content of the manuscript, compliance of the content of the manuscript with the state educational standard and the approximate program of the academic discipline.

This point of the review is the most comprehensive and requires the reviewer to carefully study the manuscript and make comments on the substance of the work being reviewed. Reviewers formulate comments based on their personal precedent experience, but also take into account the general (traditional) rules for preparing educational books.

Below are typical comments on manuscripts of educational publications that arose at the subsequent stage of marking - examination, and specific examples are given in section 8.3.

Methodological notes:

  • Help machine:
    • The reference apparatus of the textbook is insufficient - there is no list of abbreviations, glossary (subject and name indexes).
    • The manuscript material contains a large number of abbreviations and abbreviations that are not included in the corresponding list.
    • There are no indexes of names of companies, organizations, application packages, etc.
    • The text contains virtually no references to literary sources, as well as to modern electronic sources of information.
    • The list of basic literature includes publications that are currently difficult to access (for example, editions of 1959, 1960, 1967, 1975, 80s).
    • The bibliography lists contain sources that are difficult to access for university students.
    • The text contains no references to the sources listed in the bibliography.
    • The bibliography lists do not contain methodological comments on its additional mastery by students.
  • Academic style of presentation:
    • It is recommended to remove Kozma Prutkov’s aphorism from the text of the manual, because The text of the textbook itself does not convincingly and fully reveal its idea.
    • The use of such rhetorical figures as jokes, riddles, puzzles, as well as various tropes to set a formula for the meaning of a concept is not traditional for educational literature.
    • It is recommended to use didactically proven methods - descriptions and definitions, which do not contain jargon or emotionally charged words and expressions.
  • Fixing the material:
    • The text of the textbook does not contain test questions or tasks for self-testing.
    • A significant part of the tests is not directly related to the material in the manual, i.e. contains questions the answers to which cannot be found in the text of the manual.
    • Some of the test answer alternatives are formulated incorrectly.
    • The information completeness of didactic units (test questions) varies significantly in the chapters of the manuscript.

Technical Notes:

  • There are syntax errors and typos.
  • The text of the manuscript requires literary (grammar, stylistics, repetitions, etc.) and technical (abbreviations, abbreviations, numbering of formulas, references to literature, technical repetitions, etc.) editing by the publishing house.
  • You should pay attention to lexical combinations: “problems of information security activities”, “danger in information security”, “ensuring information security functioning”, etc.
  • The bibliographic list must be designed in accordance with the requirements of GOST.
  • This chapter differs significantly from previous chapters in the style of presentation and form of presentation of content.

Notes on content:

  • It is unclear what the essence of independent work is, what its goals and objectives are, and in what form its results should be presented.
  • The reviewed textbook does not present...
  • There may be confusion in the designation and translation of concepts...
  • Method not considered...
  • The factual material of the manuscript and the logic of its presentation do not support the proposition that...
  • The material is not sufficiently substantiated and does not contain references to specific research materials from which the judgments are given.
  • The judgments are unfounded, insufficiently and comprehensively presented...
  • The methods and models presented in the book deserve a more in-depth consideration, appropriate to their role in the practice of information systems design.
  • The author's reasoning about the sign is based on his use of fragments of one source, does not take into account other judgments and modern semiotic concepts, careless oppositions ... the author of the manual is presented unsatisfactorily and discredits the position of the scientist.

Organizational and methodological notes:

  • The volume of ... chapters of the manual differs significantly from the volume of other chapters
  • The content of the “Introduction” (“Preface”) section should be brought into compliance with the traditional requirements for this element educational publications, for example, include methodological recommendations for students to master the material of the manual, reflect the connection with the content of educational programs, etc.;
  • The manuscript lacks sections... (“Introduction”, “Conclusion”, “Literature”).
  • It should be noted the need to clarify the annotation regarding recommendations for the use of the textbook in training in various specialties;
  • It should be noted the need to clarify the subject, purpose and main idea of ​​the manual in relation to other specialties in the areas...

5. Novelty of content.

The very concept of “novelty” or “new” is abstract and its use for evaluating an educational publication, i.e. the specific action of a reviewer or expert in relation to a specific manuscript raises certain difficulties. In the practice of reviewing educational publications, two options have emerged for overcoming these difficulties: the first option of evaluation is based on formal (standard) definitions of educational publications; the second is based on an analogy with the concept of “scientific novelty”, which is actively used in assessing qualifying scientific works (dissertations). In all cases, the assessment of the novelty of the content is carried out by comparing the peer-reviewed manuscript with existing educational publications.

The features of the first option are:

  • use of standard (GOST SIBID and other documents) definitions of an educational publication and its types to formulate an assessment;
  • the dependence of the assessment of the novelty of content on the type of educational publication;
  • taking into account the duality of the educational publication (the presence of subject and psychological-didactic components in it);
  • interpretation of novelty as originality;
  • connecting the concept of novelty with the concept of continuity.

The features of the second option are to focus on assessing the novelty of specific items presented in the educational publication:

  • objects, processes, situations, their properties;
  • methods of observation, analysis and synthesis;
  • design concepts, methods and technologies of use, etc.

Just like in the first option, the duality of the educational publication is taken into account, but attention is drawn to the scientific novelty of psychological and didactic methods of presenting the subject.

6. Compliance with the modern scientific level (in this area).

Reviewing or examination involves a detailed analysis of the manuscript for compliance with modern scientific advances and a critical assessment of inconsistencies. In the case of a positive assessment of the manuscript, this analysis is not provided, only the final judgment is documented, for example: “The manuscript of an educational publication (textbook or manual) corresponds to the modern scientific level in ... (the subject area, direction is indicated below).” In the case of a negative assessment, an indication of specific non-conformities is required.

7. The degree of coverage of practical issues, their relevance.

The extent to which practical issues are covered in an educational publication depends on the type of publication. However, regardless of the type, any educational publication contains both theoretical and practical components. The practical component is assessed by three indicators: practical significance, value and relevance of the material in the educational publication.

Practical significance is understood as the usefulness of the information provided in the publication for solving specific problems at the subjective or any social level.

When assessing practical value, socio-economic and financial indicators are usually used.

The relevance of practical issues presented in an educational publication is most often understood as the purpose of its practical component for the activities of specific people, professional or social groups at the present time.

8. Methodological level of the material, its adaptability to educational technologies.

The methodological level of the manuscript material is assessed as “high”, “satisfactory” (in the case of a positive assessment of the entire manuscript), or as “low”, “insufficient” (in the case of a negative assessment).
This implies the ability to use the material in the real educational process, i.e. in the forms provided for in the regulations of higher education and specific universities.

Educational publications that have not been approved by any educational institution are not submitted for stamping. However, the specific conditions for organizing the educational process in universities vary. Grading provides for the possibility of using an educational publication for teaching students at various universities; it is in connection with this circumstance that reviewers and experts are required to assess the possibility of adapting (implementing) the reviewed educational publication into standard educational technologies. The main component of educational technologies is the discipline's curriculum, which determines the content and form of presentation of knowledge transferred to students, as well as the necessary educational resources (time, equipment, literature).

The reviewer evaluates the possibility of including the educational publication in the list of basic and additional literature in the discipline and the possibility of using it when giving lectures, conducting practical and laboratory classes, and in independent work of students.

In this regard, expensive educational publications that focus on the use of unique or expensive educational equipment and present knowledge using original methods have low adaptability.

9. The degree of compliance with psychological and pedagogical requirements for the content and design of the educational publication.

Most authors and reviewers of educational publications do not have professional knowledge in the fields of psychology and pedagogy. In this regard, this aspect of reviewing and examination encounters the greatest difficulties. Most often, these difficulties are overcome by reducing psychological and pedagogical requirements to didactic and ergonomic ones. Ergonomic parameters are taken into account if the original layout of the publication or the book itself is submitted for review or examination.

The main didactic requirements for educational publications are:

  • completeness of presentation of the subject,
  • systematization of content,
  • scientific impartiality,
  • certainty of terminology,
  • consistency and logic of presentation,
  • explicit indication of connections between parts of the publication,
  • structure,
  • availability of examples,
  • presence of control questions,
  • illustration,
  • availability of a bibliography on the subject,
  • scientific style of presentation,
  • clear language, etc.

The basic ergonomic requirements for an educational publication are specified in the relevant GOST SIBID and are reduced to the characteristics of information richness, font design parameters, page sizes, text fields, pagination and other parameters of an educational book as a printed product.

10. The expediency (inexpediency) of assigning a stamp.

The reviewer's judgment on the appropriateness of assigning a stamp is final and is based on previous assessments. It cannot be positive if there are comments and negative ratings on other points of the review.

When determining feasibility, the expected circulation of the publication is also taken into account. It relates to the potential readership. It is considered inappropriate to assign a stamp in cases where the readership is limited and is significantly less than the circulation of the publication.

The materials in this section were prepared by Yu.N. Filippovich, summarizing many years of experience in marking and reviewing textbooks and teaching aids.

The word vulture comes from the French. Griffe. One of the meanings of the word is an inscription on a document or publication that determines the order of its use.

At the time of publication of the book, the new procedure had not yet become widespread, and publishers specializing in educational literature used mainly UMO stamps.

The stamp of the UMO (educational and methodological association for education in any field) indicates that this educational publication meets the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education of the 2nd generation and the Federal State Educational Standard of the 3rd generation, an approximate program of the discipline (for the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education of the 2nd generation) and other requirements established by the UMO during the examination of educational publications.

The list of methodological councils authorized to carry out marking examinations was approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 15, 2007 N 10 “On the review of educational publications used in the educational process of educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational and additional vocational education”(with changes and additions). You can find the full version of the document in information and legal systems "Guarantee": http://base.garant.ru/190478/ and "Consultant": http://base.consultant.ru/cons/cgi/online.cgi?req=doc;base=EXP;n=554473

The assignment of the UMO stamp is carried out through the examination procedure of the educational publication, based on the results of which the UMO makes a decision on assigning or refusing to assign this stamp.

The procedure for the examination of educational publications submitted for issuance of a stamp is determined by the Regulations on the procedure for assigning a stamp to educational publications of the Educational and Methodological Association for Education in the Field of ... University.

To carry out the examination of textbooks and teaching aids submitted for obtaining the stamp “Recommended by the Educational and Methodological Association for Education in the Region...” is carried out by the Expert Council of the UMO on the basis of the manuscript of the textbook (textbook) or its published copy, two reviews (external and internal), accompanying letters guaranteeing payment for expert services to the Chairman of the UMO Council.

What teaching aids are subject to stamping?

Educational publications that can be assigned the UMO stamp include:

  1. Textbook;
  2. Tutorial;
  3. Lecture course.

Textbook: an educational publication containing a systematic presentation of an academic discipline, corresponding to the curriculum, and officially approved as this type of publication. A textbook is the main educational book for a specific discipline. It sets out a system of basic knowledge that is mandatory for students to master. The content of the textbook must meet the requirements of the federal state educational standard and fully disclose the program in a specific discipline;

Tutorial: an educational publication that supplements the textbook or replaces it partially or completely, officially approved as this type of publication;

Course of lectures: educational publication covering the content of the academic discipline. A course of lectures is the text of lectures by one or more authors on individual topics or on the course as a whole. It can also be considered as a supplement to the textbook. As a rule, this edition develops the content of the textbook through new original materials. Lecture texts are compiled on the basis of material already read.

The UMO stamp can be assigned to the following educational publications:

  • in special disciplines of the federal component of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education of the 2nd generation, related to the competence of this educational institution, and disciplines of specializations, subject to registration of the specialization in the educational institution;
  • in specialized disciplines of the professional cycle of the basic and variable part of the Federal State Educational Standard of the 3rd generation, falling within the competence of this educational educational institution.

Formulations (editions) of the UMO stamp assigned to educational publications

When first published, educational literature receives the stamp:

“Approved by the educational institution for education in the field of printing and bookmaking for students of higher educational institutions studying in the field of training (specialties, directions and specialties) _____________ (the codes and names of the directions and specialties are indicated below).”

Educational literature that has the stamp “Approved by UMO ...” and has been tested in universities, upon subsequent publication receives the stamp:

“Recommended by the educational educational institution for education in the field of printing and bookmaking for students of higher educational institutions studying in the field of preparation (specialties, directions and specialties) ___________ (then codes and names of directions and specialties are indicated).”

The text of the UMO stamp will be placed on the front side of the title page in the subtitle data. The edition of the stamp cannot be subject to changes by the publisher or the author(s). After receiving the UMO stamp, literature must be published within 1 year. If during this time the educational literature has not been published, then it is necessary to obtain a new permit for the UMO stamp.

Along with this read: