Embodied creative thought

First letter "i"

The second letter "z"

Third letter "o"

The last beech is the letter "e"

Answer for the clue "Embodied creative thought", 11 letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word invention

What is invented is created by the inventor

Solution tech. novelty tasks

What is covered by a patent?

Word definitions for invention in dictionaries

Great Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
in the broad sense of the word, a new technical solution to a problem that raises the existing level of technology. In the narrow sense, I. is a technical solution recognized as I. by the state and protected by it in accordance with the legislation in force in each country ....

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
cf. The process of action by value. verb: to invent. Something that is invented or invented. unfold Discovery, discovery.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998 The meaning of the word in the dictionary Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998
an object of industrial property that is granted legal protection on the basis of a patent. The invention must be a technical solution with novelty, non-obviousness and industrial applicability.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.
-i, cf. see invent. What is invented is created by the inventor. Useful and. Patent for i.

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Invention: An invention is a new solution to a problem, a technical embodiment of an idea, which is the result of technical creativity. Inventions are aimed at meeting the urgent needs of society and, providing an increase in the existing level of technology, determine ...

Big Law Dictionary The meaning of the word in the dictionary Big Law Dictionary
in civil law, a new and significantly different technical solution to a problem in any sector of the economy, social development, culture, science, technology, defense, which has a positive effect. Industrial property subject to...

Examples of the use of the word invention in the literature.

Behind the repair and construction hangar were several buildings made of duracrite blocks - invention her engineers: local cement was mixed with marsh grass soaked in antitoxin and dried at high temperature.

And so invented for confining truth and enlightenment to the narrowest limits, invented by a distrusting authority in its own power, invented for the continuation of ignorance and darkness, now in the days of science and wisdom, when the mind has shaken off the paths of superstition that are not native to it, when the truth shines metropolitan more and more, when the source of the teaching flows to further branches of society, when the efforts of governments strive to exterminate errors and to open unstumbling paths of reason to the truth, the shameful monastic invention trembling power is now accepted everywhere, rooted and well accepted as a barrier to wandering.

In both cases, the research search penetrates into the sphere of the invisible, but leads to quite visible results: for example, to the emergence of new means of combating microbes - pathogens or to invention wireless telegraph capable of covering the entire globe with an information network.

In addition to the main patent, Bessemer took several complementary, other metallurgists, improving the method, also patented their own. inventions.

After all, a good greyhound costs five hundred, six hundred forints - donate, then, at least once in your life, every Hungarian landowner the price of even a puppy for native literature, and she would be guaranteed eternal prosperity, from which it is clearly seen what an important, vital business dog hunting is in our fatherland and how we should be proud before all other nations, having achieved such perfection in this sphere of culture that it will take centuries to catch up with us narrow-minded peoples, who meanwhile in industry, trade, art and various outlandish inventions refined.

obsessive constructive thought

Alternative descriptions

lofty thought

Main, main idea of ​​the work

Thought that does not dawn on everyone

thought, intention, plan

Defining concept underlying the theoretical system

The main idea of ​​a literary, artistic or scientific work

Concept, representation, reflecting the generalization of experience and expressing attitude to reality

Among the main works of the Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev there is also "Russian ..."

Something that cannot be explained to an idiot, and something that nothing can knock out of his head

What lies at the heart of any undertaking

Thinking, which, as history has shown, God forbid, if it takes hold of the masses

Good offer


Ripe among the convolutions

Thought that claims to be exclusive

Comes to mind, and before that - is in the air

Good idea and on time

A fruit ripened among the cerebral convolutions

Almighty Thought

She's fresh at the innovator


product of human thought

overshadowing thought

Thought ready for implementation

Woman's name

Main plot line



Innovative thought

fruit of thinking


bright thought

product of thinking


super thought

What is a dominant?


. "Eureka!"


head visitor

Visit of inspiration

She comes on a whim

Sudden understanding of what to do

idea, vision, intention


Genius "thought"

ingenious proposal

Sometimes obsessive

Main idea, plan, insight

mental image

A sudden thought

Came to mind

Good idea

constructive thought

beautiful thought

Sudden constructive thought

the main idea

It comes with the prefix "fix"

great idea

bright idea

Mining "Brainstorm"

The concept of the work

Outstanding Thought

wonderful thought

Great idea

Great idea

brilliant idea

Initial Thought



Thought, intention, plan

Main, main idea of ​​the work

thought, idea, intention

a mental image of something, a notion of something

. "Eureka!"

Genius "thought"

Mining "Brainstorm"

J. lat. concept of a thing; intellect, representation, imagination of an object; mental image. Thought, fiction, invention, fiction; intention, intention. Ideology thought, a part of metaphysics or psychology that talks about thinking and thought. An ideal is a mental model of the perfection of something, in some way; archetype, prototype, initial image; representative; dream sample. Ideal, referring to the ideal; ideal, imaginary, thoughtful, mental; primitive, archetypal, or primeval. Ideality is opposed to reality, the conceivable prototype of the essential. Idealist m. a thinker who is fond of unrealizable inventions in practice; dreamer, dreamer. Idealism is a philosophy based not on the phenomena of the material world, but on the spiritual or mental. Man's tendency to daydreaming of this kind

Thought is illumination

It comes with the prefix "fix"

Among the main works of the Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev there is also "Russian ..."

What is a dominant

Illumination of gray matter

Master class "Creating a crossword puzzle with illustrations"

Ryabichenko Nadezhda Vladimirovna, primary school teacher, Mikhailovskaya School, Kikvidzensky District, Volgograd Region
Description: I bring to your attention a master class on creating a crossword puzzle. This material will be useful for elementary school teachers, secondary education teachers, teachers of additional education, students of pedagogical educational institutions, schoolchildren.

Target: creating a crossword puzzle in Microsoft Word and designing it in the Paint editor
- introduce the technology of creating a crossword puzzle with illustrations
- develop skills and abilities in Microsoft Word and the Paint editor, attention, thinking, creativity

Dear colleagues, in my new MK I want to tell you about how you can create a crossword puzzle in a Microsoft Word document, then take a screenshot of the screen area, and then, continuing to work in the Paint graphics editor, insert the appropriate images.


1. To create a crossword puzzle, you will need illustrations on the topic, they can be found on the Internet and saved in a folder created on your computer. You can also pre-compose a crossword puzzle on a regular sheet of paper.
Important: images should not be large
2. Open the program Microsoft Word on the computer.
3. Tab Insert in the window Table select Insert table.

4. In the window that appears Inserting a table select the desired number of rows and columns.

5. Increase the size of the cell (or decrease it) if necessary, so that your table has squares, not rectangles.

6. Working with tables, go to the tab Constructor and in the window draw borders select Eraser.

7. With the help of an eraser, alternately clicking on the lines of each cell of the table, delete unnecessary ones so that you only have a crossword puzzle grid.

8. Type the answer numbers in the cells of the crossword puzzle.

9. Take a screenshot of the crossword grid. To do this, you can use the program Scissors on your computer by going to start menu, select all programs and then scissors. Select the area you need in the text file, in the window that appears, select Save Fragment.

10. In the new window that appears, select the folder where you will save the image.

11. When you take a screenshot of the crossword grid, open the resulting image, select Open and in the window that appears, find Paint.

12. Now we need to insert an image into this crossword puzzle. Click Insert, then Paste from

13. In the window that appears, select the desired folder and then one of the images that you want to insert into the crossword puzzle. Click on the image, then click Open.

14. Our image covers part of the crossword puzzle.

15. Right click on it and select Resize. In the window that appears Resizing and tilting resize as a percentage. You initially have 100% horizontal and vertical. After changing the % horizontally, removing the number 100, print, for example, 70. The percentage will automatically change vertically as well. Click OK.

16. Your image will be resized.

17. Click anywhere outside the picture to deselect it.
18. Following steps 12-17, paste the following image, resize it.
If you have resized so that your image is too small, follow steps 15 again and increase the percentage instead of decreasing it.
19. Our image is again in the upper left corner, click on it with the left mouse button and drag and hold to the desired location.

20. Follow steps 12-19 to paste the rest of the images.

21. It remains for us to number the pictures. To do this, in the window Tools choose Inserting text into an image. Then we make a left-click next to any image, a selection area appears.

22. Select in the window Colors any color, and in the selection area we print a number using the desired font and size.

23. Again we make a left-click next to another image, and in the selection area we print another number. Let's number all the pictures. Close the program and save.
Our crossword is ready!

Thank you for attention! I wish you success in compiling crossword puzzles and mastering new programs!