» are among the five largest air carriers in Russia. The flight geography includes about 250 destinations in Russia and other countries. The company's air fleet consists of 45 Airbuses (A-319, A-320 and A-321) and transports more than 8 million passengers annually. The base airports are Domodedovo (Moscow) and Koltsovo (Ekaterinburg). Among the services offered to clients are purchasing air tickets on the website, booking seats on a Ural Airlines plane, and online check-in for a flight via the Internet. Let's figure out in detail how to perform all these actions.

Choosing a seat on the plane

There are several ways to choose a seat on a Ural Airlines plane:

When purchasing an electronic ticket;

When completing online registration;

When checking in at the airport.

They differ from each other in the time of action and, as a result, in the ability to choose the best seat before other passengers take it. Of course, customers who are among the last to register have fewer options.

You can choose the best seats in the aircraft cabin only for an additional fee. This can be done free of charge by passengers with Premium fare tickets, as well as holders of silver and gold cards of the Wings bonus program.

Seats at the beginning and middle of the cabin are paid. The price tag at the time of purchasing an air ticket is 300 rubles. If you don't want to pay, then choose seats at the back of the plane. Please note that the service of choosing a seat at the same time as purchasing a ticket is available only on the official website of the airline. If you want to change your seat in the future, you can do this only at the check-in counter at the airport.

Fares are much higher when choosing a seat in the aircraft cabin during check-in for a flight online, at the airport or at the Ural Airlines ticket office. The cost of the service on domestic flights or international flights, subject to departure from a Russian airport, reaches 1.5 thousand rubles. If you are flying from the CIS countries or Georgia, you will have to pay up to 15 US dollars, from the United Arab Emirates - up to 40 dollars, from non-CIS countries - up to 25 euros.

If you don't like strangers sitting next to you, you can also block the seat next to you. This service is provided provided that there are unsold seats in the salon. Leaving the nearest seat empty costs 2 thousand rubles (3 thousand when blocking two seats) or 25 (40) euros. This can be done at the check-in counter at the airport.

How to book a ticket with Ural Airlines

Now let's look at the question of how to book an air ticket. It’s easier and more convenient to use online booking on the website by first comparing the cost of the ticket on Airinme. This method is convenient and simple. In addition, if you wish, you can immediately choose a seat in the aircraft cabin.

Online booking and payment for air tickets is possible no later than 18 hours before flight departure. It is worth considering that the system provides the so-called "time limit"- time available for the client to issue an air ticket. You have 1.5 hours - if you don't meet the time limit, you'll have to start over.

To book a ticket, you need to go to the main page of the site. IN section "Purchase air tickets" Fill in the “City of Departure” and “City of Arrival” columns, indicate the dates of your trip and the number of passengers. Please note that tickets for children under 12 years of age can only be purchased in one order with adults. You cannot buy a child ticket separately. After filling out the form, click "Buy ticket" button.

After this, a page will open with possible flight options for the completed request. Choose the one that suits you in terms of time and cost and click "Next" button. If you haven't found a suitable option, you can change your search terms here. In a new window you will see all possible ticket prices for this flight. The parameters for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage, the possibility of returning and exchanging tickets and other fare conditions can be studied by hovering over each subclass. Please note that at this stage you have 20 minutes, after which you will have to fill out the flight search page again. Check the box that suits you and go to “Next”.

Now you go to "Details" page. Here you have 10 minutes. Check detailed information about your flight: dates, departure time, departure and arrival airport. Here you will see details of the cost of the air ticket and, if desired, you can upgrade the class of service. If everything is correct, click "Next" button.

On "Passengers" tab you enter the personal data of all passengers. Please note that your last name, first name and patronymic must strictly correspond to the passport details you are flying on (otherwise you will not be allowed on the flight). Here you indicate your contact information: email address and phone number. You have 20 minutes to fill out the data.

After specifying your personal data, you go to section "Additional services". Here you can order an additional piece of luggage, order the service of transporting animals, get insurance for the duration of the flight, and also choose a seat on a Ural Airlines plane. Please note that the seat selection service is not available for all cities and only for the airline's own flights.

To proceed to the payment page, you need to confirm that you have read the terms and conditions of transportation. You have 10 minutes to check all the data.

On the next page you will be taken to the “Payment” section. Choose a payment method: by bank card, bonuses (if you are a member of the airline's bonus program), PayPal or China Union Pay. If you pay by card, you need to enter your bank card details and payer details. You have half an hour to provide this information.

Last section - "Confirmation". The itinerary receipt for your e-ticket will appear here. Here you can also use the ticket return service (you are given 10 minutes to think about it).

How to check in for a flight

If an online registration service is available in your destination, it is convenient to take advantage of this opportunity. Online check-in for direct regular flights starts one day before departure, for charter flights - no earlier than 12 hours before departure (provided that the tour operator has already transferred the passenger lists to the carrier).

To register on the site you need to find a special section “Online registration”. In a special field, you indicate the city of departure and confirm that you are familiar with the airline's rules. In the new window, enter the departure date and order number or e-ticket number and other required data. Once you have checked in, you will need to print your boarding pass and take it with you to the airport. It doesn't matter if you suddenly forget your boarding pass at home - you can print it again at the check-in counter or at the self-check-in counter.

Online check-in is not available to all categories of passengers. If transportation requires special conditions (for medical reasons, when transporting unaccompanied children, large groups or animals, when transporting abnormal baggage or weapons), then you can check in and choose a seat on the plane only at the airport check-in counters.

When checking in at the airport, it is worth considering that you must arrive here with some time to spare in order to complete all the necessary formalities. Passengers who are late for check-in will not be allowed on board. If you plan to check in at the airport, you should not arrive at the last minute - by this time you may get uncomfortable seats, and you may be seated with your fellow travelers at different ends of the cabin. The airline recommends arriving at the airport 1.5 hours before departure for domestic flights and 3 hours for international flights. Check-in at most airports ends in 40 minutes.

If you are flying from Moscow Domodedovo Airport, you can check in for your flight and choose a seat on the plane at the self-check-in kiosks located in the airport terminal building. Self-check-in starts 23:00 and ends one hour before flight departure. But here, too, restrictions apply to self-registration, similar to those that apply to online registration.

How can I check my reservation?

What should you do if you are not sure that your reservation has been successfully registered? You can check your reservation in several ways: by calling the airline's passenger support service (it is listed at the bottom of the airline's website) or by using the service "Checking the order." Here you need to enter the order number and last name of the passenger and agree to the terms of use of personal data. After this, you will be taken to your reservation page, where all the information on your ticket will be indicated.


Booking a plane ticket and seat on the plane is easy. All you have to do is follow the instructions and tips above. The most convenient way to do this is online on the Ural Airlines website. Here you can check all the information regarding your reservation.

Electronic ticket is a new generation of air tickets. It was first used

since 1996 in the United States of America. In 2008, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) obliged all its members to switch to an electronic ticket form. Of the Russian air carriers, the IATA association includes five airlines - Aeroflot, Siberia, Russia (Pulkovo Airlines), Transaero and Vladivostok Airlines.

An electronic air ticket has a number of advantages over a paper form. It makes it possible to reduce the cost of air transportation for a passenger due to the fact that there is no need to order a printed air ticket from a printing house, the cost of which is quite high due to the need for specialized protection against counterfeit air tickets. It is also impossible to falsify an electronic ticket, since it is issued in special programs with a high degree of data protection and encryption.

The benefits that a passenger receives include the following: it cannot be forgotten anywhere, it cannot be lost, and it cannot be stolen. You don’t need to go to the ticket office to get it if you have electronic cash forms.

How to use an e-ticket?

After purchasing an electronic air ticket, you are given an Itinerary Flight Receipt containing information about the flight route (Airline name, flight number, departure and arrival times, passport details, air ticket price, etc.). If you buy an air ticket without coming to the office, by electronic payment, you will receive the same route receipt by email. You do not need to take an ELECTRONIC TICKET to the airport. You go to the check-in counter at the airport as usual, but instead of a ticket you give your PASSPORT! You are given a boarding pass and you go to board. Everything is very simple. Experience shows that to speed up the check-in procedure at technically backward airports in small cities and third countries, it would be better to have a printout of the electronic ticket on hand. For example, when departing from the capital of Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek, they may say that the passenger lists have not yet arrived, and you will have to wait an extra 15-20 minutes before checking in for the flight.

Sample of an electronic ticket.


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Anyone who deals with modern technologies will agree that they make life much easier and simplify many processes. Shopping, communication, and travel become much faster and no longer require you to waste time and energy in queues. But even those people who boldly introduce the latest technological progress into their lives, from time to time have doubts about the reliability of electronic systems. After all, although they exclude the errors of the so-called human factor, they do allow errors due to computer failures, operating system shutdowns, or simple device failures. And the only way to guarantee your own peace of mind is to once again clarify all the data.

A computer failure that occurs when paying for a purchase in an online store or topping up a mobile phone account can only lead to a little hassle and possibly the loss of some money. But if technical problems affect more serious processes, such as, for example, ordering an electronic plane ticket, then they are fraught with much greater trouble. And then convenience and saving time can result in loss of money, nerves and delays, especially if the system of flights and transfers between them was calculated by you to the smallest detail. To avoid such problems, let's find out in advance how to check your airline ticket reservation before arriving at the airport for check-in.

Features of electronic ticket booking

An electronic air ticket, like an electronic railway ticket or a ticket for any other type of transport, is a modern alternative to traditional paper forms, allowing you to save material and time resources, which fully meets the requirements of today's everyday life. All over the world, electronic tickets, or e-tickets, are successfully used by both carrier companies and purchasing passengers. The former provide the opportunity to select, order and pay for a trip remotely via the Internet using a special electronic system, while the latter willingly take advantage of this opportunity, receiving certain bonuses in return.

Thus, holders of electronic air tickets often have an advantage over other passengers in the queue for check-in for a flight, enjoy discounts on prices and other pleasant services at the request of the carrier. But the main thing is that they are freed from the need to store paper tickets and are not afraid of losing them or forgetting them at home. Upon arrival at the airport, you just need to present your ID (usually a passport) to an airline employee, who will immediately check your data against the information database and give you a printed itinerary receipt for your electronic ticket.

Some carriers require passengers to print and/or present an electronic ticket on their computer screen or mobile phone. In this case, confirmation of your ticket reservation will be sent to your email after payment. You will only need to send the received document to the printer and take it with you to the airport. Sometimes it is enough to open the confirmation email on the screen of your smartphone or laptop and show it at the reception desk. Simply put, an electronic ticket is your protection against loss and damage to your boarding document. And most travelers have already appreciated its benefits. But even the most valuable medal has a downside.

Checking your flight reservation

In the case of electronic tickets, this downside sometimes becomes technical problems in the reservation system, as a result of which it is not possible to pay for the ticket, the confirmation does not arrive to the buyer or is displayed incorrectly. In addition, many passengers doubt the integrity of sellers, especially if they make a purchase through intermediaries and not directly from the airline. For all these cases, there are two main reliable ways to check if everything is in order with your air ticket:

  1. Through the airline. Call the help desk or customer service department. Please provide your reservation number and/or ticket number indicated in the booking confirmation text. Even if you bought a ticket through an agency and not directly from the airline, information about it should be stored in the carrier’s information database. If such information is not found there, immediately consult with a company employee about what actions you should take in order to still receive your travel document or, in extreme cases, return the money for it. Sometimes information is not transferred from the intermediary to the carrier immediately, so do not rush to get upset and remain constructively calm.

Some airlines provide the opportunity to check the existence of a current reservation on their website. To do this, you will also need to indicate the ticket number from the electronic itinerary receipt. In most cases, this is enough to verify the availability and validity of the air ticket reservation. Moreover, technical failures in large systems occur extremely rarely and the vast majority of passengers do not encounter difficulties when purchasing and using electronic tickets.

  • Through the Internet. that is, using third-party resources not directly associated with specific carriers, you can check your reservation at any time. And all because there are only 4 air ticket reservation systems (abbreviated as GDS) in the world: Amadeus, Galileo, Saber and Sirena-Travel. You need to go to the exact website through which the reservation was made. Enter your last name (as in your international passport and/or itinerary receipt) and reservation number in the fields provided for this purpose. If everything is in order, the ticket has been paid for and issued in your name, the site will show you an electronic receipt. It contains information about the route, date and time of departure and arrival, the name of the carrier and passenger data.

    Be careful when entering personal data: if the system asks for a GDS booking number, then you must enter it, and not the indicator of the airline or intermediary agency. Otherwise, your reservation will not be found in the general database and you will have to double-check its existence again. But such virtual services allow you not only to verify that your reservation is up-to-date, but also to clarify all the details of the trip, such as the type of plane, food menu, and even the weather at the point of arrival.

  • Checking your airline ticket reservation using a global resource is the most reliable way. Because each airline can store information about its flights and booked tickets for them only in one of the four specified systems. Whereas in others it will not be displayed. This is a common situation that should not scare you. But for your own peace of mind, it is better to immediately contact international databases and check your reservation through GDS websites. The most popular of them are www.checkmytrip.com and www.viewtrip.com. Feel free to check your air ticket reservation to anywhere in the world through these sites and be sure that your trip will go according to plan, the flight will be successful, and your landing will be smooth and on time. *****

    Ural Airlines check e-ticket

    How to check an e-ticket

    If you nevertheless received a copy of the electronic ticket, then in it you can find the reservation code in the system and receive detailed information about the upcoming flight.

    To check your air ticket we will need:

    1. Booking code in the system (PNR)(6-digit code of English letters and numbers, for example OPMERS). If you have a 5-digit code, then here
    2. Passenger's last name(English spelling, as in the passport PETROV)
    3. sometimes required email address for which the purchase was made

    At the moment, in Russia and throughout the world there are four main systems for the sale and accounting of air tickets: Amadeus. Saber. Galileo And Siren.

    Checking your ticket online

    To check your ticket online, go to the websites of these systems and check your ticket.

    Global reservation system website addresses:

    www.virtuallythere.com - flights booked through Saber

    www.myairlines.ru Siren

    www.viewtrip.com– air tickets booked through Galileo

    www.checkmytrip.com– air tickets booked through Amadeus

    PNR code (N4DFB2):

    It can be difficult to understand in which system the ticket was purchased, and sometimes this is indicated on the electronic ticket itself.

    The picture shows an example of booking in the system Saber. check through the website www.virtuallythere.com booking code ONNAVG

    Enter booking code(they may differ between the airline and the global booking system), passenger's last name in English layout (as in a passport), and virtuallythere requires additional indication email address for which the ticket was issued.

    After logging in, we receive complete information about our flight, passengers and flight status. Here you can print an electronic ticket, for example.

    If the reservation system is not indicated on the electronic ticket, try to go through all the sites of the reservation systems, fortunately there are only 4 of them.

    Check your air ticket using your e-ticket number and last name

    How to check if a flight will take place

    It is worth noting separately that in these systems you can additionally before your trip check whether your flight will take place or not. The fact is that a situation may arise when the intermediary from whom you bought the ticket did not inform you about the cancellation or postponement of the flight, which is very unprofessional on his part, although more and more often airline ticket sales services provide such a service for a fee. So be careful , if when purchasing a ticket you refused to receive notifications, then you yourself need to check the flight status! If the flight status Confirmed. then everything is fine if Not confirmed Then contact the airline or intermediary company from which you purchased the ticket and find out detailed information about the flight. We had such a case when the company China Eastern Airlines canceled the flight and transferred passengers to a similar flight Aeroflot.

    Checking the ticket with the seller, the email address was entered incorrectly

    The seller of your ticket must provide you with full details of your flight upon request. If you You entered your email address incorrectly or you cannot find a letter with an electronic ticket, then contact the seller by phone on their official website. Air ticket seller It may be not only the airline itself, but also an intermediary agency for the sale of air tickets. If you don’t remember the site through which you purchased your ticket - then contact the airline.

    If you made a mistake in the passenger details when booking a ticket online

    If you made a mistake in the passenger's details (last name, email, passport details, etc.), then there are some nuances. If you misspelled the passenger's last name- this is very bad, urgently contact the agency where you bought the ticket or the airline itself, because in some circumstances you cannot change your last name and you may not be allowed on board the plane. If you made a mistake in your passport details or email address— not so critical, you can change this data, again through the agency where you purchased your ticket. Just call them and provide the new information, and in this case, do not forget to request a new electronic ticket from them and print it out. If you made a mistake in the dates and route of the flight— in this case, if you bought a business flight, then there is no problem, the airline will probably change your ticket without any problems. And if you bought a promotional ticket or economy class, changing the flight is at the discretion of the airline. Usually cheap tickets are not subject to return or exchange or are subject to a penalty according to the terms of the fare.

    Modern booking systems allow a person to check an electronic plane ticket by number and pay for it in any convenient way.

    With their help, you can purchase an air ticket long before your scheduled flight without leaving your home.

    In contact with

    What is an electronic ticket

    An electronic air ticket purchased via the Internet is:

    1. An electronic form of a flight ticket, a complete replacement for the traditional paper one. The document looks like an itinerary receipt and is sent by email in PDF format.
    2. Ensuring the safety of all data about the upcoming air flight: this is the route followed by the passenger, departure date, personal data, payment information. And this is very important! All this is stored securely in an electronic database.

    At the same time, a person is guaranteed the same rights and opportunities that he would have with a familiar document on company letterhead.

    In the same way, it can be booked in advance, and paid in any way that the passenger chooses: in cash or by card of any bank. As soon as payment is made, the passenger receives an itinerary receipt with detailed information about the flight by email.

    Moreover, such a document has undeniable advantages over its paper counterpart:

    1. You won't be able to lose it, because the carrier company's database securely stores all information. You can always print another copy.
    2. No one can fake it and fly away instead of you. For any passenger, this is a guarantee of safety.
    3. You can buy it anywhere: on the official website of the airline, any others offering a similar service, at a regular sales office, or at ticket offices.
    4. You will spend a minimum of time, but you will purchase a ticket at a price cheaper than a regular one. If your ticket is purchased online, you don’t even need to go anywhere—the document required for boarding will be sent by e-mail.

    Note: at the airport you just need to present your passport to the airline employee at the check-in counter, receive a boarding pass from him, check in your luggage, and go to special control before boarding. You only need to print your ticket for your own peace of mind.

    Ways to check an air ticket online

    Today, pre-booking has become the norm. And many travelers literally “catch” cheap e-tickets and often do this long before their planned trip.

    This was made possible thanks to existing global reservation systems (GDS). The modern tourism business knows four of them.

    Since the advent of the very first one in the last century in the 60s, the airline industry has been using their services. The advantages of GDS systems were quickly appreciated. Since then, travel agencies have installed internal flight booking systems, thereby saving time and increasing productivity.

    Interestingly, the Internet Booking Systems (IDS or ADS) of the 90s became an alternative to the existing GDS.

    In addition, they have a very important advantage over the previous ones: individuals were able to use ADS and make their own choice without the participation of outsiders: book a request and immediately receive confirmation to their email address.

    How can I check

    There are different ways a passenger can check their plane ticket reservation:

      1. One phone call to the airline where he was booking. The company operator will ask you to give your reservation number and last name. He, in turn, will search and report the status of the reservation and all the information about the flight you are about to take.
      2. The airline on its official website. Any of them today has a special form for these purposes. Using it is quite simple: enter your reservation number and last name (in Latin), and then click on the “Check” button. Next, you can view all the flight data.

    Below are popular airlines and official websites where you can check your ticket:

      • Aeroflot airline, you can check your reservation here - http://www.aeroflot.ru/ru-ru;
      • "Ural Airlines" - http://www.uralairlines.ru;
      • "Transaero" - https://www.transaero.ru;
      • "Vim-avia" - http://www.vim-avia.com;
      • “Victory” - http://www.pobeda24.su.
    1. Using any of the booking systems:
    • Galileo – Galileo – com;
    • Amadeus- Amadeus – com;
    • Saber – Sabre –;
    • Sirena-travel – Sirena-travel – .

    You will find out which system your e-ticket was booked in from the itinerary receipt. You just need to enter the data on the site in the form provided.

    Note: If you couldn’t find it in one system, check it in all of them.

    By reservation number

    Are you new to this business and have no idea where the reservation number comes from and, in general, what it is?

    This is easy to deal with. Taking the itinerary receipt, find a six-character code, such as 789СВЭ. True, their arrangement can be in any order.

    As a rule, when purchasing online, you will receive emails with reservation information, and in a prominent place in it - the reservation code, also known as the reservation number, and next to it there is a hyperlink - “Check reservation on the website”, after which you will check and complete.

    Or do it on the website of the booking systems presented above.

    By last name

    If you bought a ticket using the OneTwoTrip service, you can check the authenticity of the ticket by last name and ticket number.

    Here you will see all the information: departure date, number of passengers, time and place of departure.

    Please note: Knowing only the last name of the air passenger, it is impossible to verify the authenticity of the ticket. On any website or by phone, the operator will have to additionally provide the order number or reservation number.

    What to do if there is an error in the ticket or passport number

    It is officially established that the information indicated on the ticket must exactly match that in your passport.

    But no person can be immune from regrettable mistakes, and practice shows that many are made. That is why the question often arises, how many of them can be allowed. There are different rumors. They say that some airlines make up to three mistakes behind the scenes.

    There is no such uniform rule, and each airline has its own. You can find out by calling your airline.

    Variants of errors in air tickets

    There are several possible typos:

    1. The last name with the first letter is different from the one in the passport. This is one of the most unpleasant and frequently made mistakes. It is by this very letter that they will look for you on the passenger list. Call the airline immediately. Maybe:
      • You will receive permission to make amendments free of charge;
      • changes to the air ticket on the website will be made, and you will pay for the service;
      • the cost of the ticket, with some deductions, will be returned to you, and you will have the opportunity to buy a new one.
    2. The first name (or any letter in the last name except the first) is written incorrectly. You may not have to change anything, but it's still worth calling. Often the airline is strict about such things, but the case itself is simpler than the previous one. It may turn out that the passenger's last name and first name have been swapped. You may be advised to either do nothing at all or buy a new ticket. It all depends on the airline's policy.
    3. Error in passport number. Often this is not particularly important. To make you feel calmer, contact the airline; you can even change your number directly at the ticket office, but this is not necessary.
    4. The flight time or date was entered incorrectly. You'll have to change your ticket.
    5. Wrong date of birth or address. The information is not important. You can report this to the airline operator. Most likely, your clarifications will remain in the company’s databases, but will not be corrected in the ticket.

    Consequences of detected errors

    If you find an incorrectly written name, surname or any other error on the receipt, there is no need to panic, just go to where the ticket was purchased and ask about your next steps, and also find out about the cost of the service.

    There may be three solutions:

    1. You will receive permission to make amendments free of charge.
    2. The air ticket will be rewritten, and you will pay a fine. The cost of the ticket minus the fine will be returned to you, and you will have the opportunity to buy a new one.
    3. No one will pay attention to typos.

    It is important to know: In case of flights within Russia, no special problems are expected. You will still be put on the plane. But on international flights, it is best to ensure that changes are made in advance.

    No reservation

    When you have not found any confirmation that your ticket has actually been booked, you must definitely call the travel agency through which you purchased the ticket, or directly the airline, to make sure and receive recommendations for next steps.

    You should know the main points when purchasing tickets:

    1. An air ticket is an international document. Therefore, the flight description, passenger personal data, codes and other information are provided in English.
    2. Fill out all the information very carefully. The information must match what is written in the passport.
    3. When purchasing a ticket with a transfer, pay attention to the minimum connecting time between flights and check your luggage to your final destination.
    4. Please remember that until payment is made, the ticket is not considered sold.

    Are you convinced that there are no particular difficulties in checking an electronic document? The main thing is to find the most convenient way for yourself, and when booking, carefully enter all the required information and check it with your documents (passport). With each new trip, fewer and fewer questions will appear.

    Watch the video in which a regular user explains how to buy a plane ticket online:

    You may also be interested

    Ural Airlines is a well-known and reliable air carrier. The passenger flow in 2015 amounted to more than 5 million people. The main office and main airport are located in Yekaterinburg (Koltsovo), hub airports in Moscow (Domodedovo) and Novosibirsk. The company tries to keep up with innovations and provide services at the most modern level.

    One of the most popular air services is online check-in, which allows the traveler to skip the line and choose an available seat on his own.

    What is the procedure for checking in for a flight online at Ural Airlines?

    To start registration, you should go to the official website of Ural Airlines in the online registration section http://www.uralairlines.ru. There you need to select the departure city from the list and then follow the instructions. It is worth noting that not all regional cities are on the list, so it is better to make sure in advance that the desired locality is available.

    The next stage is identification. The order number (aka) or electronic ticket number is entered in the field. It is indicated in your itinerary receipt, which is sent to the specified email when purchasing a ticket online. You also need to enter your last name and first name only in Latin letters, date of birth, passport number, and for children under 14 years old - birth certificate data.

    Next, you have the opportunity to choose seats on the plane. You then confirm your check-in and receive a boarding pass, which you need to print. If you forgot to do this, you can do it again at the registration desks.

    In addition to registering on the site, you can go through the procedure by calling 8-800-7700-262. You must provide your personal information to a company employee, after which you will receive your boarding pass by email.

    Ural Airlines - online check-in rules

    Check-in for regular direct flights becomes available 24 hours before departure. For tourists who have purchased a ticket for a charter plane, the service becomes possible as soon as the travel operator prepares a complete list of passengers, but not earlier than one day before departure. In this case, online registration ends one hour before the aircraft departs.

    There are restrictions on the pre-registration service. It is not available for:

    • Children under 18 years of age traveling unaccompanied by adults
    • Persons unable to move independently
    • Visually and hearing impaired flying unaccompanied
    • Seriously ill
    • Passengers transporting pets
    • Tourists with luggage in the cabin, as well as for those who have purchased an additional seat on the plane
    • People transporting weapons
    • Persons who have unpaid services ordered additionally

    If you are traveling on a route with a visa regime, then after completing the procedure, not a boarding pass, but a confirmation document is sent to the post office. You should arrive at the airport with it in advance and go to the check-in counters to have it exchanged for a boarding pass. Confirmation is also sent to tourists with an infant under one year old, they also need to exchange it for a boarding pass.

    Ural Airlines - advantages of online check-in

    1. You can choose your favorite seat in the cabin yourself. During the registration procedure, the tourist is shown a diagram of the aircraft with empty seats.
    2. You can check in for a Ural Airlines flight online anywhere, if you have a computer at hand, or by calling.
    3. There is no need to stand in line or arrive at the airport in advance. Before departure, it is enough to go through customs inspection and go to boarding.

    Online registration is also useful if you are late. This will save time and your nerves.

    Check online flight bookings online

    Currently, there are 4 main reservation systems used in the Russian air transportation market, providing online reservation verification services:

    Amadeus—Global distribution system for booking air travel, hotels, cars, rail transportation, ferries, cruises.

    Galileo—The global distribution reservation system allows travel agencies to access information on schedules and fares, availability, as well as book air travel, hotel rooms, cars, cruises and issue tickets.

    Saber– A global distribution system that provides its users with the industry's most trusted travel information, including schedules, availability, pricing and airline policies.

    Sirena-Travel- the only accredited domestic air travel booking distribution system (ARS). Sirena-Travel ADS in its functional characteristics complies with IATA recommendations for distribution (distribution) systems, the principles of building leading foreign global distribution systems (GDS), taking into account the needs and characteristics of the transportation market in Russia and the CIS countries. Its operating technology is based on international standards for integration with the global tourism and travel infrastructure.

    You can check your reservation details online on the website of these services by entering your last name and reservation number obtained from the agent or airline. Do not forget to specify which reservation system was used to create your reservation.

    Using online services, you can view, print or send detailed information about the flight you have chosen, without once again seeking advice from the agency, and the service is available 24 hours a day.

    You will be able to view all the details of the trip, including departure/arrival times, transfer information, aircraft type, fare type, meal options, etc. Additionally, on the service websites you can find the weather forecast, a description of the destination country, its population, cities, metro map, airports and local attractions and other information. Access to data, for example Amadeus, is possible in Russian, if the page is automatically loaded in English, force the Russian language to be selected.

    Websites of online services for checking airline ticket reservations:

    www.checkmytrip.com Amadeus

    www.viewtrip.com—tickets booked through Galileo

    www.virtuallythere.com—tickets booked through Saber

    www.myairlines.ru—tickets booked through Siren


    Purchasing electronic tickets for various types of transportation, including aviation, is no longer an innovation. It's very simple and convenient.

    However, with such a purchase, the client receives only an electronic version of the ticket and may be concerned about some issues. Did the payment go through? Is the reservation marked? Did he fall into the hands of a fraudster? How to check a plane ticket by last name? You can find out all the information you are interested in in several ways.

    To clarify your air ticket reservation, you can call the airline's help desk or its customer service department. By telephone you will need to give your name and reservation number or the ticket itself. The company's employees will be happy to serve the client as soon as possible and provide all the necessary information. Usually it is already stored in their database. If there is no information about the reservation, you should consult with the manager regarding further actions to correct this situation.

    The second way to clarify the necessary information about a ticket by last name is the corresponding section of the airline’s website. Most companies provide their clients with this opportunity. In the proposed electronic form, you must fill in the fields about your last name and ticket number. After this, the client will have access to information about the reservation.

    The third option for checking a plane ticket by last name is third-party specialized Internet resources. The world's main airline ticket booking systems are Amadeus, Saber, Galileo, and Sirena-Travel.

    When ordering an electronic ticket for air travel through one of them, you should go to the appropriate portal and enter the required data. The surname is entered on the line in the same form as in the passport, in Latin letters. Next, enter the air ticket reservation number. After checking the data, the client will have access to a receipt, which contains information about the date of departure, date of arrival, name of the carrier, route, passenger data.

    Checking a plane ticket by last name is done easily and quickly using each of the three methods listed above. You just need to choose the best option for yourself.

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    How to find out the Ural Airlines e-ticket number

    Several ways you can do this.

    Today, for most people it is much more convenient to purchase a plane ticket online; it does not require spending a lot of time and, on top of everything, it is often cheaper than purchasing a ticket at the airline office, because in this case the sales fees will be far less. How to produce airline ticket reservation check. Both Russian and foreign airlines currently offer a large number of aggregators, the essence of which is to help in finding the cheapest tickets between many airlines and agencies.

    In connection with the spread of this method of searching and purchasing tickets, many people are concerned about the question: is it possible to make sure that everything is in order with the ticket booked and purchased on the website and how can this be done? In order to do this, there are several services, which we will talk about next.

    In order to check booking details through the Internet on various services you need to enter information about yourself, last name, about the company, the reservation number that was provided to you, as well as the reservation system that was also provided to you, if possible. Such a service is often available to users 24 hours a day. Using it, you can check your reservation information, send the necessary information, or print and transmit the necessary data. Different airlines offer different ways to manage your booking. First of all, you can get all the necessary information on the airline’s website, where, by entering the necessary data, you can get complete information about your ticket reservation. Also, the websites of major airlines offer various services that can help track the status of your ticket reservation.

    This type of service is typical for more reputable airlines, whose services, accordingly, will be somewhat more expensive. Companies of a more budget nature will most likely not be found in such systems. In Russian and European countries today there are basic air ticket booking systems. Below are the three most global systems that offer a real-time service that allows you to check whether airline tickets are booked.

    1) Amadeus - is a global distribution system for booking flights, cars, hotels, rail, cruises, and ferries. This system is one of the most popular, basic for the largest airlines in the world, such as Royal Dutch Airlines, Air France, KLM. In Russia, such a reservation verification system is supported by the airline of the same name. checkmytrip(.)com Using this site you can check whether e-tickets have been booked using the Amadeus system.

    2) Galileo– a distribution booking system that gives travel agencies the opportunity to access information about schedules, tariffs, information about the availability of seats on a particular flight, in addition, it is possible to issue tickets, book air travel, cars, hotel rooms, voyages, and finally, viewtrip(.)com website which checks tickets that were booked using the Galileo system.

    3) Sabre– this system provides users with the most reliable and complete information in the field of tourism, and all data on schedules, number of available seats, prices, as well as airline rules. In Russia, this is the basic system of Aeroflot airline. virtualthere(.) com site for checking tickets booked using the Saber system.


    How to find out the Ural Airlines e-ticket number

    What is an e-ticket

    Electronic plane tickets have been used by all major airlines in the world since 2008.

    An electronic ticket (e-ticket) is not a paper document, but an entry in the airline’s database.

    Such a ticket is convenient because you can buy and receive it without leaving your home or office, and it cannot be damaged, lost or forgotten.

    The buyer receives not the air ticket itself, but its prototype - an itinerary receipt. It contains all the necessary information about the flight and is confirmation that the e-ticket has actually been issued.

    Tutu.ru sends an itinerary receipt by email within 4 hours after purchasing air tickets on the website. The itinerary receipt can be printed an unlimited number of times. You can do this yourself - at home, in the office or at the airport.

    What to do with an electronic ticket after purchase? On the day of departure, go to the airport at least 2 hours before departure with an itinerary receipt for flights within the Russian Federation and 3 hours before departure for international flights. You must have with you the original document that was specified when purchasing the air ticket. When flying internationally, you must have an itinerary receipt to confirm your return flight.

    What does an e-ticket look like?

    Electronic plane tickets are records in airline databases. At the same time, electronic air tickets are documents confirming the conclusion of an air transportation agreement.

    You can see, print and take with you to the airport a prototype of an electronic ticket or an itinerary receipt. which contains all the necessary information about the flight.

    What is an itinerary receipt

    An itinerary receipt is issued to confirm the purchase of an electronic air ticket.

    It contains:

    Full name of the passenger;

    Passenger's passport details;

    Information about the route;

    Payment information;

    Other official information.

    Tutu.ru sends an itinerary receipt by email within 4 hours after issuing electronic tickets on the website.

    As a rule, in most cases it is not necessary to carry an itinerary receipt with you during your trip.

    An itinerary receipt may be needed, for example, to enter the airport building. It is mandatory to have an itinerary receipt with you when flying abroad to pass passport control at airports. In this case, the receipt confirms that you have a return ticket or are continuing further along the route.

    Learn how to decipher information. contained in the itinerary receipt.

    How to buy air tickets online on the Tutu.ru website

    To buy an electronic ticket on the Tutu.ru website, 4 minutes are enough.

    Enter the Air section. Here you can buy air tickets online. In order to find air tickets at competitive prices, enter the route, travel dates and number of seats in the required fields.

    The system will select suitable options from offers from several hundred airlines.

    All you have to do is choose your favorite plane tickets from the list. You can choose only direct flights or flights with transfers. By clicking the “About flight” button you will find out the connection time (if the flight is connecting), departure and arrival terminal, payment option, flight numbers.

    Friendly tips at all stages will help you fill out the fields correctly and easily buy an electronic plane ticket, even for those who are doing it for the first time.

    Booking and payment occur simultaneously.

    Sometimes when making a payment, the bank asks for additional confirmation of the transaction. This is done to further protect your account from scammers. This technology is called 3D-secure. The bank provides you with a special code, by entering which you confirm the payment.

    No later than 4 hours later, an itinerary receipt will be sent to your email address.

    How to use an e-ticket

    An electronic plane ticket is an official document confirming the conclusion of an air transportation agreement. To use your ticket, you only need to arrive at the airport on time and check in.

    To register you will need:

    identification document specified in the order;

    birth certificate (when flying with children).

    The itinerary receipt is not a mandatory document when registering. However, Tutu.ru recommends printing out the receipt and taking it with you. You may need it at passport control abroad, as confirmation that you have a return ticket or that you are continuing on your route.

    If you are flying on a business trip, be sure to keep your boarding passes.