Man has lived on Earth for a long time. He learned to build houses, mine ore, build roads and tunnels, use the energy of rivers, develop new varieties of wheat, and finally took a step into space. But the more a person knows and can do, the more he understands that he himself, being a part of nature, needs it: bright air, clean water, the green noise of the forest, the bright spring steppe expanse, the mysterious depths of the ocean. A careful attitude towards its endless generosity, combined with deep knowledge, can help a person not only preserve nature, but also save himself, his children and those descendants who will live on earth after us.

The Zhigulevsky Reserve is a state nature reserve located on Samarskaya Luka, in the Samara region. The total area of ​​the reserve is hectares (of which 542 hectares are located on the Volga islands). A protective zone of 1132 hectares has been established around the reserve. In 2007, the Zhigulevsky Nature Reserve received a UNESCO certificate for the organization of a complex Middle Volga Biosphere Reserve in Russia, which includes the Zhigulevsky Nature Reserve and the Samarskaya Luka National Park. The reserve is located in the continental climate zone of temperate latitudes. The frost-free period in the reserve area lasts on average 159 days.

Good advice Guys! Remember that you cannot pick flowers and leaves; break tree branches; throw garbage; offend birds and animals. To preserve the beauty and richness of nature, it is better to plant flowers, tree seedlings; leave garbage only in special places; care for animals and plants. Guys, love and take care of nature. We have one for everyone!

Elena Mertsalova

Children's drawing competition« Be nature's friend

In our kindergarten, passed children's drawing competition on environmental education.

Target: caring attitude towards nature.

An important task is being solved in a preschool institution - not only to reveal the beauty to children nature, but also teach them to notice and appreciate it on their own.


Continue to create a holistic artistic image nature;

Develop children's imagination in images nature;

Cultivate respect and love for nature.

Throughout the year, the children watched the sky, the sun, clouds, and flower changes. Learned to express your impressions of beauty nature. We formed a caring attitude towards our planet as a common home. They explained the importance of clean air for human life.

The children, together with their parents and teachers, drew beautiful drawings, which reflected a careful attitude towards nature.

Publications on the topic:

Artistic creativity “Be a friend of nature” Artistic creativity “Be a friend of nature!” (drawing with children “prohibitory signs” of human behavior in nature) -Guys, today.

Class hour for 1st grade “Be a friend of nature” Topic: “Be a friend of nature.” Teacher: Ulyanova E.V. Class: 1 “A” Goal: to promote the formation of a holistic perception of the world in children;

Drawing is a wonderful way to keep children busy, arouse their genuine interest, and give them a chance to reveal their talents. Children's Library staff.

Target. Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the relationship between the natural world and human activity, fostering a caring attitude towards all living things.

Summary of GCD in the senior group “Be a friend of nature” Abstract of educational activities in the senior group on the topic “Be a friend of nature” Goal: to form elements of environmental culture in children, to promote awareness.

Presentation “Long-term environmental project “Be a friend of nature” Presentation of the long-term project “Be a friend of nature.” Dates: September 1st to May 31st. Place of implementation of the project MBDOU-55, Ivanovo. average.

Presentation “Project “Be a friend of nature!” Relevance The theme of the project “Be a friend of nature!” was not chosen by chance. In modern conditions, the problem of environmental education of preschool children.

Environmental project “Be a friend of nature!” Project theme: “Be a friend of nature!” Type of project: informational and creative. Participants: children 5-6 years old Project duration: one year. Relevance:.

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Combined kindergarten "Rainbow" Project "Become Nature's Friend" Project participants: Children of middle group No. 3 Project manager: Zubareva E. A. Yugorsk

Goal: formation of a system of consciously correct ecological ideas about nature in preschool children, the foundations of ecological culture Problem: children do not have sufficient knowledge and ideas about the need to protect nature, development of children’s need for knowledge of nature, the plant world, increasing children’s environmental literacy

Educational: introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature, clarify environmental prohibitions; formation of initial skills and habits of environmentally literate behavior that is safe for nature and the child himself, the ability to observe natural objects and phenomena; Developmental: develop an understanding of the relationships in nature and man’s place in them; Develop moral qualities of the individual; Educational: to cultivate a desire to protect nature, love for one’s native land.

Type of project: Collective Information retrieval Children's Short-term Expected result: Showing interest in animals and plants, their characteristics, the simplest relationships in nature; Demonstration of emotional responsiveness to the beauty of natural objects; Showing respect for nature; Formation of basic ecological knowledge and culture of behavior in nature.

Project plan: Stage I: Searching for information and creating a piggy bank Stage II: Creating a card index Stage III: Organizing project activities Work with children Conversations “Gifts of the Forest” “Everyone needs water” “Dangers in the forest” NCD “Take care of the primroses” “Take care of the forest” “Our feathered friends” Didactic games “Seasons”, “Rules of behavior in nature”, “All year round”, “Who lives where”, “Good - bad”, “Which tree does the leaf come from”

Didactic games:

NOD “Take care of the forest” D/i “Seasons”

Didactic game “Wild Animals” Easel with pictures depicting environmental pollution.

Cards - diagrams “Rules of behavior in the forest” Examination of signs “Do not throw garbage”

Making a poster “Take care of the forest”

Stage IV Project product Book “Relaxing in nature”

Stage V Perspective Leisure in nature “Journey to the forest”

Thank you for your attention

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of a circle lesson on the spiritual and moral education of children through communication with nature. “Enter nature as a friend.”

Objectives: To promote the development in children of an emotionally positive, environmentally correct attitude towards the animal and plant world. To foster an environmental culture, awareness of...

Presentation "Is man nature's friend or foe?"

Presentation on the topic “Is man nature’s friend or foe?” was created in order to broaden the horizons of children based on material accessible to their understanding; cultivate love and respect for nature...

Olga Radostina

2017 in Russia has been declared the year of ecology. Environmental education of the ecological culture of the younger generation is becoming one of the main tasks facing society. To avoid adverse effects on the environment, modern people must have basic environmental knowledge. Currently, issues of human interaction with nature have grown into a global environmental problem. If people do not learn to take care of their nature, they will destroy themselves. And for this it is necessary to cultivate environmental culture and responsibility starting from preschool age. In March, a drawing competition was held in our garden on the topic “We friends of nature", and you can now see what came of it.

These wonderful flowers were painted by Misha Volkov

This is how he calls to take care of nature Shikina Irina

This wonderful drawing was drawn by Lisa Lapshina

And this is how they care about nature our other guys

Publications on the topic:

On a walk we not only gain knowledge, but we also have fun. On a walk we talk, observe, experiment, play, but also make things.

Quiz “We are friends of nature” Topic: “We are friends of nature” Goal: raising a humane personality capable of understanding and loving nature and the world around us. Objectives: Summarize.

KVN "WE ARE FRIENDS OF NATURE". From August 12 to 16, a week called “The World of Nature” took place in our kindergarten. Both teachers and children.

The quiz was held as part of the environmental competition "Eco-children - preschool children". Section 1. Warm-up. Teams take turns answering quiz questions.

Educator: Antonenko N.V. highest qualification category of MADOOU No. Murmansk Program objectives: 1. To form children’s knowledge about people.

KVN "Friends of Nature"

KVN "Friends of Nature" KVN. Goal: Formation of the principles of ecological culture: the child’s correct attitude towards himself and people as part of nature. Good afternoon, dears.

Ecology lesson in the preparatory group “Friends of Nature” Summary of GCD Lesson on ecology in the preparatory group