A star in the tarot has different meanings. Mostly they are positive. The card may be telling you that someone in your life views you as the ideal person. Or perhaps you think someone is perfect. She talks about possibilities and fulfillment of desires.

In future scenarios, the lasso indicates beneficial changes. The situation will be restored, the main thing is to listen to your intuition. The star also recommends releasing emotions and allowing creativity to emerge.


The Star card shows a naked woman kneeling at the edge of a small pond. In each hand the woman holds a clay jug of water. From one jug she pours water onto the earth to nourish it and maintain the cycle of fertility represented by the lush greenery around her. From another jug ​​she pours water into a stream that represents her feelings. The woman's one foot lies on the ground, representing her practical abilities and common sense, while the other foot steps into the water, representing her intuition and inner resources.

Behind her shines one large star and seven small ones, symbolizing the human chakras. There is a need here to open these chakras and cleanse the aura. The star is associated with the number 17, which is equal to 8 (1 + 7 = 8). Eight is strength, the quality needed to accept your flaws and love yourself. In the background, the sacred ibis bird, a symbol of wisdom and justice, sits on a tree. The astrological sign of the Star is Aquarius.

General value of the card in the upright position


  • Possibilities.
  • Faith.
  • Hope.
  • Intuition.
  • Creativity.
  • Light.
  • Fate.
  • Clairvoyance.
  • Mission on Earth.
  • Spiritual peace.
  • Music.
  • Dance.
  • Artistic energies.
  • Cosmic energy associated with stars.
  • Metaphysics.
  • Spiritual development.
  • Update.
  • Rejuvenation.
  • Clarity.
  • Lighting.
  • Spiritual guide.
  • Ultimate karma.
  • Good health.
  • Calm after the storm.
  • Light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Update.
  • Inspiration.
  • Calm.

The Star card in its direct form gives hope, faith and the feeling that you are truly blessed by the Universe. There is courage, satisfaction and inspiration in your life. You are entering a love phase filled with calm energy, mental stability, and a deeper understanding of both yourself and those around you. This card tells you that in the long term you must trust the Universe. A bright future awaits you, but to experience it yourself, you must believe in it.

The meaning of this card suggests that you have experienced life's challenges and gone through a difficult time, but are now open to healing and transformation. Your true self has helped you let go of destructive memories. Hatred, envy, bitterness and revenge have disappeared from your life and no longer interfere with future happiness. Now you can forgive and forget to embrace new opportunities.

When the Star appears in a tarot card reading, be open to new ideas, growth, and self-development. Listen to your intuition. You have strong desires, inspiration and goals to discover the meaning of life. Your life is filled with significant changes, transforming yourself from old to new. This card is a calling from destiny that motivates you to take action. Your wish is not in vain as you will eventually find what you are looking for.

The star indicates renewed self-esteem and self-confidence. You will realize how successful and respected you are. Desire, diligence, hard work are your helpers in achieving goals that will become the key to lasting happiness. Your strengths will be revealed to others, which in turn will increase your reputation.

Inverted position


  • Sexual Guilt.
  • Lack of faith.
  • Disappointment.
  • Hope is lost.
  • Negative.
  • Despair.
  • Anorexia.
  • Bulimia.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • The unrealizability of hopes.

A card in reverse indicates that you are feeling hopeless. Perhaps difficult situations you have experienced in the past have drained you of your lust for life. Your faith in the universal plan for your destiny begins to weaken. A card in reverse does not mean that your affairs are hopeless, it only indicates your feelings, spiritual and psychological state.

You should take a more responsible approach to your own life. The star may mean that you have lost confidence, faith in yourself and trust in your own abilities. Leave this game as a victim if the situation where you really were a victim has long passed. The star advises you to heal from the past, draw a line under it and move forward. If you need help, seek support, contact specialists who will help you get rid of old wounds. Believe in yourself and be positive.

A star in an inverted position means unrealistic hopes, disappointment, and excessive self-confidence. All your attempts to create, start, overcome, achieve, learn something will be fruitless.

The card reflects the human essence in a distorted form, indicating greed, envy, revenge, and malice. You will be haunted by failure, negativity, problems, difficulties, any intentions and calculations will be utopian due to their own unreasonableness, and as a result the situation will get out of control and defeat will occur.

The card also indicates that you have ceased to feel inspired by life or its components (for example, work, hobbies, relationships, personal projects, etc.). Perhaps at the very beginning you were driven by enthusiasm, determination, and self-confidence, but now life seems boring and ordinary. You need significant changes to develop and move on.

The Star card extremely rarely indicates a negative result; it is more associated with a test of faith. Sometimes a person needs to go through a difficult period in order to achieve awakening and renewal. You must continue to have faith in the Universe and know that it will do what is best for you. This is a test of your faith, and you will undoubtedly come out of it a stronger person. Any failures and difficulties should be accepted as an opportunity for change and self-development. Know that even if you feel uncertain or fatalistic about whether you will achieve your goal, this is only a temporary setback. You will soon see that the most important things in life are yet to come.


  • Let go of the opportunity
  • A person connects with an individual who has a spiritual trajectory.
  • Talk to people about spirituality.
  • The awareness of your divine purpose on Earth comes from the stars.

With the Queen of Wands

  • A person wants to look better, so he goes to a spa.
  • He puts you on a pedestal.
  • Impossibility of healing from addictions or temptations.

Love and personal relationships

Direct position

Every person dreams of a happy life. The star in this case gives hope for a bright future. If there is a disagreement in a relationship, the card reflects forgiveness and rapprochement. This Arcanum can mean a new meeting, love, life partner, declaration of love.

The card indicates an unusual relationship, more like a platonic one, but in the future ready to develop into strong feelings. Communication at a distance is allowed, and it is this fact that does not give partners the opportunity to experience disappointment in each other. They manage to maintain the relationship by keeping in mind the image of each other, which gives inspiration and helps the relationship not to weaken.

The love that heaven itself has blessed awaits you. Unity of souls, joy, trust, respect, common interests, mutual understanding, all this fills a long and strong union of two people.

If there is currently a crisis in your relationship, calm down and be patient. The relationship will be restored, although it will take some effort. Activate your inner energy, continue to believe in a favorable outcome, and do not let despair overwhelm you.

The star is especially associated with sexuality and sensuality. Ideal compatibility of partners will fill your sexual life with passion, longing, tenderness, and there will be a desire to seduce and give physical pleasure.

The Star has one distinctive feature - infinity. Whatever she foretells, everything has a continuation, and in the context of love, relationships often end in marriage. If there is unhappy love, then here too, a person will love his partner for a long time in spite of everything.

Inverted position

Inverted, the Star promises disappointment in love, unjustified hopes, separation from your loved one, and your helplessness in these situations. The reason for all failures lies precisely in you, since you set in advance that nothing will work out. Expect a new meeting or date that will not live up to expectations.

A star in a reverse position indicates that you may have lost faith in your true feelings or are focused on the negative and have not noticed the positive aspects of your relationship. Or your current union has lost its passion, spark, zest. It seems to you that the relationship has become stagnant and monotonous. The star is telling you that these issues can be fixed, but you must be willing to heal old wounds and eliminate any negative energy from the relationship.

If you are single, the Star indicates long-term loneliness associated with a lack of faith in relationships. It seems to you that you will never meet the right person again, and you are showing real cynicism. Let go of the fears and negative energy that seem to be holding you down. Love will show up when you least expect it.


Direct position

The star is full of promise - it suggests the ability to set your own course and move towards it. The map clearly indicates prospects in any field of activity, success in the implementation of projects, fresh ideas and creative ideas. Arkan describes the type of employment where inspiration is especially needed, this includes designers, fashion designers, photographers, artists, people related to theatrical art, poetry.

The star indicates professions to which a calling has been observed since childhood, and with age a person only becomes stronger in his choice and makes every effort to achieve success in the professional field.

The star predicts career growth, promotion, awards and bonuses, and for good reason, because you really are a first-class specialist, a valuable employee, whose competence and professionalism do not raise even a shadow of doubt.

Inverted position

The Reversed Star indicates that you are bored, your work is not enjoyable, does not inspire interest or inspiration, you seem to be stuck in a monotonous state, having lost the creative spark and enthusiasm that you once had. You need to change your attitude towards work and start bringing more positivity out of what you do. Things aren't as bad as they seem, and anything you're unhappy with is within your power to change.

A star in a reverse position indicates that you are not using your creativity and letting your talents go to waste. Fate is generous to you and gives you wonderful opportunities to realize yourself, but you don’t seem to notice them, or deliberately ignore them. Lack of confidence, determination, faith in any endeavor weakens your spirit. You may also show incomprehensible stubbornness and reject any prospects, ideas, proposals, thereby acting against yourself.


Direct position

Star card – transformation or birth. The card promises beautiful youth, good health and inner harmony. A healthy lifestyle helps you maintain vitality and be in good shape. Do not neglect cleansing and rejuvenating procedures, because beauty and youth require care. If you have health problems, the card promises a speedy recovery, since pouring water from jugs represents life and the flow of energy. Also, the card will soon allow conception and easy pregnancy.

Inverted position

The Star card is associated with ideal cleanliness, and therefore special attention is paid to the topic of ecology and climate, since there is a predisposition to allergic diseases caused by chemical contaminants in the air, water and even in food products. An unsuitable climate can cause diseases of the respiratory system (bronchial asthma, emphysema).

A star in a reversed position indicates that your health is not too bad, but any problems that you have will be exacerbated by your anxiety and pessimism. You will worry about your health and thereby make your symptoms worse, instead of seeing a doctor. Try to focus on the positive. Visit a specialist and calm down. Let go of negative energy, think about a successful outcome and a speedy recovery, as the healing energy will be especially useful for you now.

The card advises you to maintain a positive attitude towards everything you deal with. Stay focused on what you want - and trust that it will work. The Universe will reward you generously. Trust your intuition, it will always tell you where and how to act. Perhaps your plans and ideas are a little inconsistent with logic, they seem unreasonable and impracticable, but if you do not get hung up on this, but simply believe and act, luck will certainly visit you.

Tarot Star - the meaning of this card is positive, as it is a symbol of renewal, rebirth, and the emergence of hope for salvation. Often the lasso prophesies the appearance of new friends and a surge of creative strength.

In the article:

Tarot Star - meaning

The Tarot card Star has a very positive meaning in the upright position. She says that at the moment a person can completely trust the higher powers that will lead him forward. You will be able to achieve any goals and fulfill any desire if you believe in your magical patrons and follow them, since such luck falls to very few.

The Guiding Star will illuminate the right path for you. The individual should remain calm and confident. Often the 17th Arcana speaks of hope and happiness; it is believed that this is one of the most positive major Arcana, as it foreshadows the beginning of a white streak that will last a very long time.

The card can truly be called a symbol of optimism and faith, as it will be a wonderful omen in any scenario. If you are calm and believe in yourself, you will be able to achieve any goal you set, but it is very important to understand what it should be. Now is truly your finest hour, when it is time to show all your abilities and present yourself from the best side.

Often the appearance of the Star lasso can indicate that the business in which you are currently involved can play a greater role in your life than you can even imagine. The stars say that at this stage you can start new projects, communicate with new people, and make plans for the future.

If we turn to the ancient interpretations of this body, we can find a not entirely favorable interpretation. In some situations, the Star can talk about losses (in most cases we are talking about physical ones).

An individual who is identified with this lasso loves to engage in various arts, which allow him to develop not only physical endurance, but also fortitude. This includes meditation, yoga, aikido.

If the lasso appears in the reading, the Tarot Star prophesies successful business management, receiving joy from communicating with other people and working. The meaning of the lasso may vary slightly. For example, in the Star is a symbol of arrogance, coldness, platonic relationships, alienation. It can often symbolize same-sex relationships.

Inverted position

An inverted Tarot star does not have a very favorable meaning. At the moment, the individual has the opportunity to realize himself in creativity, he wants it. But, unfortunately, this is not feasible in the near future. Perhaps the reason lies in the person’s stubbornness and inability to change his life.

The individual misses too many chances, practically does not believe in his own strength, and has a passive attitude towards life. In an inverted position, the card sometimes indicates disappointment not only in life or in oneself, but also in the dream that a person has been pursuing for a certain time. In most cases, this condition is accompanied by apathy and loneliness.

Sometimes a card speaks of a person who has reached some heights in the past, but has stopped developing. She has nothing to boast about except her old achievements. At the moment, the individual is making fruitless attempts to regain his former glory or is simply enjoying his imaginary status previously won.

In any case, this state of affairs is not good for a person. The Tarot Arcana Star in an inverted position can also be interpreted as a harbinger of various natural disasters that will provoke the death of many people.

Tarot Star - meaning in relationships

The Tarot Star card in a love relationship reading can be both positive and negative. If a person just wants everything to work out well, but does nothing for it, then the union will be doomed.

Otherwise, the card indicates a long-term, strong, lasting connection. Pay attention to which partner the Star falls on. She will say that this partner will always dream of something more. The appearance of the Hanged Man in a reading indicates that a man or woman will constantly want their partner to begin to live up to their ideals.

A placement next to the Star of the Priestess will indicate that the partner may be a creative person with imagination, but, unfortunately, he is not suitable for life. It can be quite difficult with such a person, since he is impractical and is constantly in his own world, he is an idealist and a dreamer.

Work and finance

Appearing in a work layout, the 17th lasso indicates that fortune is on your side and you can implement many ideas. Use previously unused strategies, be innovative, reorganize. Today you can count on success; obstacles and difficulties will be easy to eliminate.

If we are talking about choosing a profession, then you should focus your attention on poetry, design, and theatrical skills. It is important for a person to understand that he should follow his calling. If you are doing something that does not bring you pleasure, and you cannot open up in it, then you should quit everything and start again.

Only if you belong to the sphere that is destined for you by fate, will you be able to achieve what you want. The card suggests that a person will be able to become a professional in his field and get a promotion. Everything you plan now will be feasible. Probably not in the near future, but nevertheless the implementation of such projects is guaranteed.

If we talk about material profit, then at the moment the individual really hopes that his financial situation will improve. If the layout does not contain arcana, which can symbolize poverty or large financial losses, then it is indeed possible to make a profit.

Health status

The meaning of the Star Tarot card in health readings is renewal and rebirth. The lasso symbolizes inner peace, absence of mental illness, and harmony. Recovery from some kind of injury or long-term illness is possible. The card can symbolize rejuvenation and cosmetic procedures.

In many situations, the appearance of a Star may indicate the birth of a child. Almost all modern tarot readers today adhere to this interpretation.

It is worth noting that in ancient interpretations it was often said that the card could indicate the salvation of a person. The possibility of pulmonary disease or the prospect of drowning was also mentioned.

Because the lasso has such a dual meaning, pay attention to the surrounding cards before interpreting it. If they are positive, the value will of course be optimistic. If the layout is made to designate an indicator of the disease, then the Star indicates allergic reactions.

Tarot Star in combination with other cards

To correctly interpret the layout, it is necessary to focus attention not only on each individual card, but also on their paired meaning. This will allow you to see the full picture of what is happening. Star in combination with the major arcana:

  • Jester - follow the stars;
  • Mage is a great time for new projects;
  • The High Priestess - confidence in your future;
  • Empress - getting results;
  • Emperor - don't stop there;
  • Hierophant - gaining experience;
  • Lovers are a strong union;
  • Chariot - change of residence, fulfillment of a dream;
  • The hermit is an expert in astrology;
  • Wheel of Fortune is a joyful event;
  • Justice - achieving the goal;
  • Hanged Man - plans that are difficult to implement;
  • Death is to start life from scratch;
  • Moderation - the situation will improve;
  • The devil is the ruin of plans;
  • Tower - illusions;
  • Moon - uncertainty, dissatisfaction with life;
  • The sun is a dream come true;
  • Court - faith in the best;
  • The world is hidden talents.

Arcana paired with wands:

  • Ace - receiving a reward;
  • Two - finding yourself;
  • Three - you can do anything to achieve what you want;
  • Four - recovery;
  • Five - you can find a way out;
  • Six - believe in yourself;
  • Seven - you will be able to destroy barriers;
  • Eight - the situation will soon change for the better;
  • Nine - doubts;
  • Ten - development prospects;
  • Page - fortune is on your side;
  • Knight - strength of spirit;
  • Queen - self-confidence;
  • The king is hope.

Star combination with Tarot cups:

  • Ace - purchase of movable and immovable property;
  • Two - an unpleasant journey;
  • Troika - a protracted romance;
  • Four - dependence on love;
  • Five - disappointment;
  • Six is ​​a strong union based on love;
  • Seven - disappointment, loss;
  • Eight - sexual experience;
  • Nine - quarrels, conflicts with society;
  • Ten - receiving a large sum of money;
  • Page - a man who is interested in music;
  • Knight - professionalism;
  • The queen is a corrupt woman;
  • The king is a lucky man.

The meaning of the arcana if there is a card of the suit of swords nearby:

  • Ace - bad habits;
  • Two - sudden appearance of relatives;
  • Three is a failure;
  • Four - rest after the battle;
  • Five is a lover;
  • Six - being with your loved one at a great distance;
  • Seven - public censure;
  • Eight - betrayal;
  • Nine - meeting with relatives;
  • Ten - suicidal tendencies;
  • Page - fatal meeting;
  • Knight - leadership;
  • Queen - an affair with her husband's acquaintance;
  • The king is a failure.

Combination with pentacles:

  • Ace - lack of talent;
  • Two - search for truth;
  • Three - refusal to help;
  • Four - unfulfilled dreams;
  • Five - uncertainty;
  • Six - a hopeless situation;
  • Seven - empty hopes;
  • Eight - loss of innocence;
  • Nine - theatrical performance;
  • Ten - confidence in your financial independence;
  • Page - advanced training;
  • Knight - progress;
  • Queen - wealth;
  • King - thirst for more.

The Star card promises you a period of serenity and complete calm. The Tarot meaning for this symbol is often positive. The oracle convinces you that difficulties are behind you and new promising prospects are opening up before you. The card speaks of the upcoming renewal of soul and body, so if a person has suffered a serious illness or stress, it is especially desirable for him in the scenario.


The card represents the 17th Arcana. “Star” (Tarot) changes its meaning depending on its position in the layout. As for the image, it remains unchanged: a woman kneeling near a pond. One leg of the young lady is on the shore, the second is lowered into the stream. The girl is holding a jug from which she is pouring water. Some of it spills on the ground, the other returns to the stream. The allegorical meaning of the card is patience. A person needs not only to be able to wait, but also to demonstrate the correct behavior in such a situation so that his inaction is not in vain.

The woman has seven stars above her head. In some decks they are scattered chaotically across the sky, in others they form a halo around the girl’s hair. There are other options: one large star is drawn at the head of the young lady, sometimes small cosmic bodies are located near it in two columns, forming a kind of portal. The background of the card is a rural landscape. Sometimes in the background you can see a tree, in whose branches there is a

Straight position

This is a map of prospects and new hopes. If you get a “Star”, the Tarot meaning in the upright position is promising. It speaks of the speedy implementation of plans, the fulfillment of desires, and the successful completion of plans. Now you need to rely on the blessing of higher powers, to believe that you will be shown the right direction. symbolizes balance and harmony. You interact well not only with the outside world, but also with yourself. The main thing is not to forget: new roads will not open immediately; on the contrary, they are still quite far away and are not yet accessible.

“Star” in an upright position speaks of a surge of creativity and creativity. Now you are ready to generate new ideas. Your thoughts are seething and suggest new solutions to problems, unexpected and ingenious. Your well-being improves: your body is in excellent physical shape, your soul is calm and peaceful. The card can be interpreted as unexpected help, the appearance of new love in life, or the acquisition of a faithful comrade. This is a happy sign, foreshadowing the discovery of unknown and distant horizons.

"Star" inverted (Tarot): meaning

In this position, the card is interpreted differently. The interpretation takes on a negative connotation, indicating a sudden collapse of plans, unfulfilled hopes, and vain expectations. For girls, it can predict temporary infertility, the inability to conceive and bear a baby. The card tells guys that a new relationship may not work out. An inverted “Star” is always a symbol of disappointment and powerlessness. A person, being self-confident, did not gain, but lost. He took a lot on himself, forgetting about folk wisdom: “Alone in the field is not a warrior.”

Now you need to forget about desires and dreams - they are not yet destined to come true. The problem may lie not only in self-confidence, but in excessive doubts. The fortuneteller thinks that he cannot cope and refuses the given chance. In addition, the card speaks of spiritual blindness, wandering in darkness. A person is captive of his own illusions, he is entangled in threads of self-deception. All this prevents him from acting, winning and creating.

Fortune telling for a person

The meaning of the Tarot card “Star” when read for a specific person also depends on the position of the picture. If it is in a direct position, it indicates a talented person. Perhaps he is in love and is happy that he experiences such feelings. When the card is reversed, it characterizes the individual as a lazy person who has potential, but lacks the strength and desire to realize it. Most likely, he is a talker who wastes his energy on trifles, forgetting about the main mission.

With such fortune-telling, the “star” warns of the need for self-knowledge. Only in this case can you use your talents for good. By going deeper into oneself, a person will discover such a strong energy that he did not even suspect about. Ideas will simply overwhelm you, pushing the individual to conquer new heights. Now he is ready to work hard, help other people, and create a useful product for society. Don't be afraid that your strength will run out. The oracle says: the flow of energy will not only not end, but will also return a hundredfold.

"Star" (Tarot): meaning in relationships

In a love reading, the card indicates high feelings, a promising union and joint plans. The value increases if the “Lovers” card appears nearby. In addition, a symbol in an upright position is interpreted as a new acquaintance that promises to be long-term and lasting. When the card is interpreted as a date, which can develop into a long-term relationship. The “Ace of Cups” located next to the card speaks of great happiness, and the “Four of Cups” - of a successful outcome of the planned love adventure. The last combination also indicates that the search for a soul mate will be successful.

An inverted “Star” is a sign of disappointment, powerlessness, and disappointed hopes. You cannot do anything: fate takes your loved one away from you. In most cases, the fortuneteller needs to think about his behavior, since the card warns of his wrong actions, which obviously destroy relationships. A person is likely to tune in to the negative, thinking as follows: “Everything is too good to be true.”


Zvezda promises new prospects. The meaning of the Tarot in this case is enhanced with the help of other cards. So, if “Emperor” appears next to it, it means professional development in your current activities. Perhaps you will be appreciated and promoted. But in the case of the nearby “Death” we are talking about a completely new work. Your current career will be forgotten or destroyed, but this event will change your life in a positive way.

A card in an inverted position predicts to a person that he will miss all the opportunities that fate presents to him. He will not take advantage of the chance and there may be several reasons for this: lack of faith in the reliability of the new business, doubts in his own abilities, or simple stubbornness. “Justice” located nearby confirms the meaning of the card: it indicates unnecessary and excessive prudence and unnecessary caution. In combination with the “Devil”, the card suggests that the fortuneteller himself is ruining his plans, acting contrary to himself.

“Believe in your strengths, appreciate opportunities,” is what the “Star” card (Tarot) tells us during fortune telling. Its meaning can be interpreted in different ways, but the advice of the symbol remains unchanged: have hopes for the future - the stars will favor you. Intuition will tell you what to do and what exactly to do. Don't think about how fantastic your goals are, your intentions are realistic, your plans are reasonable. Don't stop halfway - and in the near future you will be pleasantly surprised.

“Star” is a sign that life is always in our hands. It shows that only we ourselves determine our destiny. Nothing can interfere with the plans that we have taken to constructing thoroughly and seriously. Broad prospects open up before a person that go beyond specific agreements. It’s as if he has ascended into the heavens and from a height of flight notices all the existing obstacles and at the same time the means to overcome them. The end goal is clearly visible. She's real.

Combination with other cards

Depending on which card is located nearby, the “Star” changes its interpretation: the meaning of the Tarot is transformed - it increases or, conversely, decreases. We have already considered many combinations. There are still a few cards left that can interact with it. For example, “Jester”, which fell next to the “Star”, is a symbol of unshakable faith in fate, “High Priestess” - hopes for a happy future and tranquility. The “Magician” located nearby indicates that the time has come for active action. “Hierophant” indicates the enlightenment of consciousness, “Emperor” - consolidation of a positive result, “Empress” - getting what you want. Remember that the “Star” speaks of strength and energy, hidden potential and creative possibilities. The map claims that it is not difficult to achieve heights, but it is much more difficult to maintain the result at the level.

The Tarot Star card most often has a favorable meaning. It is a symbol of positive, new, rebirth, hope. The star may foretell the appearance of true friends, the birth of love. Let's consider the meaning of this card in detail.

The meaning of the card in a relationship reading

The Star card in the tarot can have both favorable and negative meanings in relationships. For example:

  • If you rely on Fate and do not work on the relationship, leaving everything to chance, your union is doomed to parting. There is no need to hope that everything will work out on its own
  • In the reversed position, the Tarot Star has the following meaning in relationships: your connection with your partner is very strong and durable. There is a chance to build long-term relationships that will be happy and harmonious
  • If the card fell on the part of one of the partners, this means that he is not satisfied with the current relationship. He wants more, now he doesn’t get enough attention or anything else from his other half
  • If the five-pointed symbol appears along with the Hanged Man card, it means that your partner does not live up to the ideal that you drew in your fantasies. You dream that he will become better, but this is impossible.
  • In combination with the Priestess card, the Star indicates that the union has united two creative and very talented people. But the catch is that the partners are completely unsuited for real life. They are impractical: they are idealists and dreamers

Watch the video about the meaning of the Star card:

Tarot Star: combining cards with others

The meaning of fortune telling may change depending on how the Tarot card fell in the layout. The Star card in combination with others has the following meanings:

  1. Jester - pay attention to the signs of the Universe: they will show you the right path
  2. Magician is an ideal period for setting new goals and finding ways to realize them
  3. High Priestess - in the future everything will turn out extremely well, just believe in yourself and your own strengths
  4. Empress - the efforts made in the past will finally bring long-awaited results. Get ready to rest on your laurels
  5. Emperor - despite the difficulties, do not stop there. You are one step away from success, you just need to make the final push
  6. Hierophant - life will teach you an important lesson, and you will gain invaluable experience
  7. Lovers - your union with your partner will be strong and long, full of love, harmony and mutual understanding
  8. Chariot - moving ahead, fulfillment of a long-standing desire is also likely
  9. Hermit - contact an astrologer, you can get important information
  10. Wheel of Fortune - some event will happen that will incredibly please and encourage you
  11. Justice - the goal to which you have been working long and hard will finally be realized
  12. Hanged Man - you are making too complex plans. Some of them will not be possible to implement
  13. Death - the time has come to “renew” and start life from scratch, leaving everything unnecessary in the past
  14. Moderation - the situation that worries you will take a new favorable turn
  15. Devil - the plans you make will fail
  16. Tower - take off your rose-colored glasses, you have too many illusions
  17. Moon - indicates self-doubt and dissatisfaction with life
  18. The sun - a cherished dream will come true
  19. Court - leave pessimistic thoughts, you need to start hoping for the best
  20. Peace - you have incredible talent hidden within you that needs to be developed

If the 17th lasso is paired with wands:

  • King - your path will be illuminated by hope
  • Queen - you are overconfident, try to assess the situation realistically
  • Knight - a person with incredible fortitude
  • Page - luck will accompany you in any endeavor
  • 10 - fate will provide opportunities for success
  • 9 - many doubts
  • 8 - favorable outcome of the current case
  • 7 - restrictions and barriers will collapse
  • 6 - self-confidence
  • 5 - you will be able to find the right solution
  • 4 - victory over the disease
  • 3 - you need to concentrate and put all your effort into achieving what you want
  • 2 - search for purpose
  • Ace - reward or win

Value in money

In a reading on the financial side of life, the Star card will tell you about the following:

  • You are full of strength, you have many resources to achieve your financial goals. But don’t invent anything new - use proven methods and success will come
  • If you are looking for a purpose, pay attention to creative professions that will help you realize your talents, benefit people and achieve success.
  • It is likely that you will receive the expected profit in the near future. But provided that there are no negative cards in the layout that promise financial losses or collapse of plans

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "Yes-No" layout

– the answer is “yes”.

The card symbolizes hope, a happy future, healing, renewal, victory.

A good card that speaks of a period of calm in your life, that the trials are behind you and the situation will steadily improve. The prediction can relate both to health, physical or mental, and to the stage of creative growth, movement towards a goal. You know your desires, you are following the intended path, you are full of optimism, confidence, and creative inspiration. You will achieve the desired result, unexpected help is possible, the emergence of new friendship and love.

✚ "One card" layout

General value

Symbolizes new perspectives and hopes. She talks about finding peace. A person can count on a favorable outcome in any life situation, even if at first glance it seems catastrophic.


Such a card indicates that the relationship has just begun or the couple is trying to build it again. Most likely, the union will be strong, and lovers will be able to build a strong family. If the fortuneteller wants to find out how his beloved treats him, then the lasso says that the person wants to build a relationship, but expects active actions from the fortuneteller.


For fortunetellers suffering from illnesses, the card promises improved well-being or a speedy recovery. The lasso may also foreshadow the normalization of the situation after the crisis. For women, the Star mulls the possibility of conception.


For fortunetellers who have long planned to open their own business, it’s time to seriously think about creating an enterprise. A favorable period is coming for this. Now everything you need for development will appear, you just need to put a little effort into it. Things will be especially successful in the tourism area. The lasso also means a good period for looking for a new job or career growth.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the future

The Tarot card symbolizes new experiences, the emergence of hope for a better outcome in any matter. If you thought it was impossible to solve your problems, then you will soon be faced with unforeseen events that will have an extremely positive impact on your life. Pleasant surprises await you, meetings with people who can have a beneficial impact on your life. Be careful. Hope inspires people to new deeds, helps to regain lost confidence in their own abilities, so its importance is very great for any person.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

The Star card has the main meaning - the absence of an end. This can be interpreted in a positive sense: if a person is looking for his destiny, then one should expect to meet a person with whom the relationship will become very long and strong.

It is possible that acquaintance and further development will take place at a distance, which will lead to the inability to drown in everyday life and quickly get bored of each other. Moreover, the relationship will become harmonious both on the physical and psychological levels.

If the relationship already exists, then the card marks a positive development; if there is a misunderstanding, it will be resolved in the near future.

A full description of the map is available at

✚ For today

Realization of your goals, time to show your talents and devote yourself to the development of spirituality. In matters of love: a union full of trust, possibly of creative people. You are a confident person with excellent health and well-being. A completely new career and reward awaits you, only favorable prospects lie ahead.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

Map of the new. New opportunities looming somewhere in the distance, the implementation of long-term plans, the emergence of a reasonable hope for the best. The card does not talk about immediate results, it expresses the positive potential of the situation.

In the layouts, the card says that the questioner’s goal is achievable, but it will not be realized quickly, so there is time to clearly think about what you want.

In professional scenarios, it comes with bonuses, new prospects, and well-deserved awards. If they offer to do something outside the scope of normal activities, agree, perhaps this is the very chance.

In love, the Star speaks of partners having common long-term plans and personifies life together.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

A new stage will soon come in the relationship that you have. You will forgive all the quarrels and insults that existed between you, and start a new life together. It will be interesting and bright, like the first cloud. You must understand that your significant other is very calm and unobtrusive. Sometimes it is difficult for a partner to say some important words that can change the relationship between you. After these changes, you will feel at ease Aries. Let go of the negative lump that has been accumulating inside your soul for a long period of time and causing you to suffer and cry.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

Don't build baseless illusions. Now only you yourself are able to influence the situation, which means you shouldn’t rely on higher powers. It may be worth paying attention to your internal state - lack of strength or unwillingness to explore internal possibilities can negatively affect any actions. If you move to the next stage of fulfilling your desire, take a break. Active preparation and self-reflection will help you stay on the right path.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Fate itself led to this situation. This is a gift from heaven and the protection of higher powers. Good luck awaits you in any endeavor. It's time to demonstrate your abilities. You feel hope and happiness. A white streak has come in life.

You are promised the achievement of any goals, successful resolution of cases. Opportunities are within reach. Everything will turn out as expected. Be calm and believe in yourself!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The card predicts joint plans and long-term relationships. Such a union will not be fleeting, and, most likely, will lead to the formation of a family. If you already have a partner, then we are talking about him, but if not, then you will soon meet with him. Family relationships will be warm and romantic, so such an alliance will be strong and unbreakable.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

A new world opens up before a person, full of wonders and beauty. A presentiment of happiness, awareness of the implementation of plans. The Guardian Angel favors the person.

When the Heavenly Forces are favorable to a person, all his plans, dreams, desires and aspirations come true in the most miraculous way.

You can handle everything. You are in a strong position, go for it!

The Star is the 17th Arcana in the Tarot deck. This is one of the most positive cards. She says that the questioner can trust his intuition and listen to his inner voice. Now is the time to realize your talents and achieve your ideals. The star is a sign of hope, faith in the best, divine love, freedom and fantasy. It symbolizes the finest hour, creativity, bright events that the querent will remember for the rest of his life.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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    Symbolism of the lasso

    In classic Tarot decks (for example, in the Rider-Waite deck), the card depicts a girl with two vessels, surrounded by a picturesque natural landscape. A spring or river flows in front of it. From one vessel she waters the grass growing nearby. Thanks to water, flowers and plants around it begin to smell fragrant.

    From the second vessel the girl returns the water to its source. That is why this lasso in the old days was called “Cycle”.

    Sometimes the Star warns the questioner that he risks falling into the whirlpool of his dreams, breaking away from the reality of the physical world.

    It will be extremely difficult to get out of it. In this case, the person will revel in unrealizable illusions, and real life will pass by, without his direct participation.

    The stars are shining above the girl's head. The seven minor luminaries represent the seven chakras. The eighth star is the brightest. It symbolizes the integrity of the spiritual principle and the physical world in a person.

    There are other interpretations of the eight stars of the seventeenth Arcana. Some tarot readers identify a group of small stars with the seven archetype planets, the energy of which determines human existence:

    • The moon symbolizes the physical body.
    • Mercury - interaction in society.
    • Mars - aggressiveness, assertiveness.
    • Venus - love.
    • The sun is clear consciousness, glory.
    • Jupiter - gaining power.
    • Saturn - dying and subsequent transformation.

    The eighth luminary is the source of the other seven. It is called God, the Higher Power, the Spirit, the self.

    The Tarot of Thoth also depicts a girl with two cups. The creator of the deck, Aleister Crowley, pointed out that the card depicts Nuit, the goddess of the night. Her long hair symbolizes receptivity and penetration. They serve as a kind of “antenna” with the help of which Nuit receives information.

    In the upper left corner the star of Babalon shines, symbolizing a crystal clear vision of the situation. It means wisdom, which allows the questioner to overcome his difficulties and become a guiding star for the people around him.

    Some decks do not have the traditional image of a girl with two jugs, but there are astrological motifs. For example, in the Lenormand deck, an astrologer is depicted on this lasso.

    The Star card suggests that hope for the best is an integral part of human existence. But if you do not take active action in the physical world, your dreams will remain unfulfilled.

    General interpretation

    The star symbolizes optimism, a favorable outcome of the situation, a stage of calm, confidence. Other meanings of the lasso in the upright position are:

    • Hope, broad prospects, renewal.
    • Achieving a goal through mental work; developed intuition.
    • A clear understanding of your goals.
    • The questioner will find what he wants.

    The star says that in the near future new prospects will open up for a person. They will be extremely important for his distant future. This could be working in a new position, meeting people, gaining a certain status.

    If there are other positive arcana in the layout, this indicates that dreams will come true in the near future. The star encourages the questioner, telling him that he should not lose hope. Everything will work out well, even if it doesn’t happen right today.

    If there are difficulties in the life of the questioner, the Star recommends that he internally remain above current circumstances. The problem that interests the querent will be resolved on a completely different plane, which he does not even think about.

    Reverse position

    In the reversed position, the card indicates that the questioner has lost all hope. He is caught in a cycle of bleak circumstances and cannot change them because of his unbelief. If in the upright position the card speaks of slow progress, then in the reverse position the Star indicates a stop, stagnation.

    Often the card symbolizes a pessimistic person who does not see a way out of the current situation. He does not believe in a positive outcome of events, even if there are good reasons for this. In such a state, it will not be easy to get out of difficulties. PThe reversed Star often speaks of the need to attract outside help.

    Fortune telling for love and relationships

    The seventeenth lasso points to dreams of happiness, which in the future may well become real. It is a positive sign for those who are worried about a conflict or disagreement with a lover. The card reports that reconciliation is coming soon.

    If fortune telling is done on one of the partners in a love affair, the Star indicates a psychological fixation. The person is in an unfavorable state and consoles himself with the hope that the second partner will change.

    Since the seventeenth lasso describes creative and vulnerable people, close attention should be paid to the difference in the temperaments of men and women.

    If the question concerned relations between business partners, the Star means a fruitful creative tandem. At the moment, these people may not have favorable conditions and prospects for realizing their ideas, but they will certainly arise in the future.

    Reverse position

    In an inverted position, the Star speaks of the gradual destruction of a love affair. There is deception in the couple; the partners cannot trust each other. Sometimes both have a desire to separate, but external reasons prevent this.

    If the lasso falls in relation to one of the partners, we are talking about complete disappointment. A person is tired of relationships; they do not bring him positive emotions. There is no love, no respect.

    An inverted Star indicates that a partner is capable of betrayal or deception with ease.

    This card is especially dangerous in scenarios involving relationships between business partners. Arkan speaks of a high risk of theft, financial fraud, and dishonest calculations. The lasso is also unfavorable for bachelors: it promises loneliness for a long period of time.

    Schedules for work

    In the upright position, the card indicates a surge of strength, the emergence of new ideas, and great opportunities in the profession. The star symbolizes those areas of activity where inspiration is indispensable: poetry, design, art, dance, theater. On the other hand, the card can represent any vocational work, be it ballet or military service.

    This lasso speaks of great passion for the activity, which the questioner could feel already in early childhood.

    The seventeenth lasso favors any career issues. It symbolizes those situations when the questioner is a “star” in his place. He received a calling, and there is no doubt about his professional competence. Sometimes the card is interpreted as a reward in the literal sense (for example, a new “star” on shoulder straps).

    The star says that the work that the questioner is currently engaged in will not bear fruit immediately. The results will only become noticeable in the distant future, and therefore now the person may not be completely aware of what he is doing. Only in hindsight will it become clear to the questioner how fateful his decisions were in the past.

    Reverse position

    The Reversed Star is not so favorable for work. Arkan says that work activity is gradually falling into a state of decline. When it comes to business, it becomes a burden to the questioner. Debts gradually accumulate, which can lead to serious troubles - even bankruptcy.

    If the question concerned a new project, the Star in an inverted position indicates the need to abandon this idea. Such a card tends to go backwards to the XVI Arcana of the Tower, which indicates the sudden destruction of all plans to the ground.

    Business connections indicated by an inverted Star are recommended to be terminated. Arkan indicates that the questioner is not relying on those people who can be trusted.

    In finance, cash flows cannot be expected. Losses and losses are coming. Debts will grow. The Arcana next to the inverted Star will indicate exactly what the expenses will affect. There is a risk of facing theft, fraudulent schemes, and unreasonable spending.

    When it comes to finding a new job, the inverted Star does not foretell employment. The work team, denoted by this lasso, is disunited: everyone in it thinks only about himself.

    Health plans

    In an upright position, the Star indicates that the questioner is relatively healthy. All processes in his body occur naturally, and the cycles are ordered.

    In an inverted position, the Star speaks of diseases associated with hormonal levels and inflammatory processes. Arcanum indicates disruption of cycles and problems with metabolism. You should pay attention to the lymphatic and genitourinary areas.

    Sometimes the Star talks about health difficulties caused by long-term depression. The situation is similar to a cycle: as soon as the questioner comes out of a depressed state, new circumstances again worsen the psycho-emotional background, which negatively affects health.

    Self-development issues

    The Star is an ambiguous card for questioners interested in aspects of personal growth. On the one hand, it says that a person has power over his future, and now broad prospects are opening up before him. On the other hand, it indicates the danger of getting bogged down in dreams and illusions.

    The questioner must not break away from reality: now it is important to turn creative ideas into practical endeavors, otherwise the person will find himself absorbed in fruitless fantasies.

    The star clearly indicates that to achieve any high material goal you cannot do without inspiration. But spiritual searches must be accompanied by practical implementation. Only then will the questioner be able to interrupt the endless whirlpool of dreams and fully enjoy the results of his efforts.

    Seven stars on the lasso indicate that a person can achieve success only if he pays attention to every area of ​​his life. This will allow you to become whole and find your true calling.

    In an inverted position, the Star indicates that the questioner should revive faith in the world around him. An inverted card is often a symbol of personal degradation. If you do not put enough effort into bringing the lasso into a straight position, the consequences can be very destructive. Usually, a pessimistic attitude and loss of faith in a better future prevent this from happening. Therefore, the Star is considered one of the most difficult lassos in the reverse position.

    Card of the day

    If the Star falls in an upright position, it is a call to boldly take on business. Today, any difficulty can be easily overcome or you can take the right path to solve the problem. It is useful to introduce an element of creativity into everyday activities.

    In an inverted position, the Star indicates the risk of being stuck in an unpleasant situation for a long time, and this day is not favorable for solving the problem that has arisen. All attempts to get out of the cycle of events will only lead to nervous exhaustion or waste of money.

    In the reverse position, the Star indicates the questioner’s dependence on weather conditions. This may manifest itself in physical illness or the inability to carry out any activity.

    Combinations with other cards

    The star is a positive message to the questioner from the Higher Powers. The cards lying next to it will tell you exactly which sphere of life this message concerns.

    The star has an important feature in layouts: it speaks of inexhaustibility. No matter where this lasso lies, it indicates the continuation of the process for quite a long time. The question that was asked by the questioner will not lose its relevance for a long time. What exactly this property of the Star will manifest itself in will also be indicated by the neighboring lasso.

    Major Arcana

    In combination with the major arcana, the Star has the following interpretations:

    Arcana Meaning
    • Faith in a guiding star.
    • It is difficult for a school graduate to decide on further education.
    • Lack of desire to move forward
    • Unusual creative idea.
    • A favorable time to start a new project.
    • Positive news.
    • Mutual love
    High Priestess
    • Circumstances will be resolved as the intuition tells the questioner.
    • Confidence in your strength. What is lost will be returned
    • The questioner's goal will soon be achieved. Efforts are being made in the right direction.
    • Joyful Events
    • Reward for work done.
    • New acquaintances will soon be made.
    • Help will be provided by an influential person.
    • Getting a high position. Exploring new horizons
    • Enlightenment. Spiritual growth.
    • Wise mentor.
    • Discovering new talents in yourself. Inspiration. Self-realization.
    • Teaching astronomy or astrology
    • A promising love affair. Happiness in relationships.
    • Travel abroad.
    • You need to choose your favorite thing
    • Follow the guiding star. Get on the right path.
    • Favorable period for cooperation with other people
    • The situation will be resolved in a positive way.
    • Positive outcome of the trial. Everything happens according to the law
    • Gaining life experience, fulfilling a mission.
    • A worthy reward after a long period of waiting
    Wheel of Fortune
    • Dreams of pleasant changes. They will happen when the questioner finds his calling.
    • To be born under a lucky star.
    • Travel to distant lands
    • An undeniable victory. The querent will have enough strength to achieve his goal.
    • There is hope to overcome addiction.
    • High level of professional skill
    • To sacrifice something valuable for a higher purpose.
    • Stupid idea. But all is not lost - the star will show the way.
    • There is hope for the end of difficult circumstances.
    • Chance of pregnancy
    • Giving up something is the best way to transform oppressive circumstances.
    • A new page in life. Changes in work
    • Gradual improvement of the situation.
    • Recovery after a long period of illness
    • The goal is real, but movement towards it is difficult.
    • Temptations, temptations
    • Everything is lost, there is no hope. Start life from scratch.
    • Plane crash.
    • Health problems
    • Low self-esteem.
    • Unstable situation.
    • Occult studies.
    • Receiving an inheritance
    • Plans will come true.
    • Receiving a cash bonus, winning bets.
    • Dating a man
    • The questioner will not be judged.
    • There is hope for change, but to transform the situation, the querent's actions are necessary
    • Discover new talents.
    • All projects will be successful.
    • Fate is favorable to the querent

    Minor Arcana

    In combination with the suit of Wands:

    • Ace - intentionally seek inspiration.
    • Two - find your true calling.
    • Three - follow your dreams.
    • Four - a relative will get better.
    • Five - find the optimal way out of the situation.
    • Six - believe in yourself and move forward.
    • Seven - hope that all obstacles will be overcome.
    • Eight - everything will work out soon; positive news; insight.
    • Nine - doubt yourself.
    • Ten - see new opportunities.
    • Page - circumstances are going well.
    • Knight - believe in yourself.
    • Queen - self-realization.
    • The king is to inspire others.

    With suitCups:

    • Ace - sublime feelings.
    • Two - the conflict is over; declaration of love.
    • Three - feel relief.
    • Four - no confidence in your capabilities.
    • Five - vain expectations.
    • Six is ​​an old dream.
    • Seven - head in the clouds.
    • Eight - renounce your endeavors.
    • Nine - your wish will come true.
    • Ten are good-natured relatives.
    • Page - pregnancy.
    • Knight - kind and sincere relationships.
    • Queen - spiritual renewal.
    • King - healing from illness.

    With the suit of Swords:

    • Ace - a new idea will save the situation.
    • Two - fear of the future.
    • Three - lost illusions.
    • Four - healing.
    • Five - everyday problems.
    • Six - dream of a better future; take a step towards destiny.
    • Seven - fruitless fantasies.
    • Eight - fall into despair.
    • Nine - hopeless circumstances.
    • Ten - dreams shattered.
    • Page - bad news.
    • Knight - someone trampled all hopes for improvement.
    • Queen - inability to get pregnant.
    • King - a negative outcome of events.

    Interpretation in combination with the suit of Pentacles:

    • Ace - monetary interest; take other people's words at face value.
    • Two - fate plays with the questioner.
    • Three - success at work.
    • Four - gain financial stability.
    • Five - bleak prospects.
    • Six - receive a gift from fate.
    • Seven - go through the test.
    • Eight - move towards a better future.
    • Nine is a prize or award.
    • Ten - receiving an inheritance; entry into official marriage.
    • Page - make an unusual discovery.
    • Knight - the game is worth the candle.
    • Queen - birth of a child.
    • The king has great talents.

    The star is a positive lasso that gives hope to the questioner. It helps to overcome obstacles and difficulties, and gain faith in a better future.

    The star advises not to lose optimism in difficult situations. She reminds: even if now it seems that nothing is changing, this time is given to a person to rethink actions and make plans for the future.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who can help in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by? It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...