The new year is getting closer and closer. Have you chosen how and where you will meet him? And you also need to come up with entertainment for guests and for your family and friends. Do you have such entertainment? Here, for example, is a cool horoscope for 2017 according to zodiac signs in verse and funny expressions. Such a horoscope will not leave anyone indifferent! All you need is to prepare well for this block at the holiday.

How to do it? You can dress up as an astrologer, and he will predict for all the zodiac signs on behalf of the stars.
You can also dress up as a gypsy. She will guess and predict. And if that doesn't work for you, then there is a third option.
In the third option, everything is quite simple and without changing clothes. You prepare cards with poems for each zodiac sign. Place the cards in a bag. At the party, you take out cards one by one. For example, they took out the ARIES card. Ask all people born under this sign to stand up and fill their glasses. When they stand up, you read out the poems. Afterwards they clink glasses and drink to each other for the fact that it came true or did not come true. Whichever is convenient for you.

And so, the first version of a cool horoscope in verse. Poems have been written for each zodiac sign.

And the second option is not in verse. And this horoscope is called - smile! It is more “complete”, it contains such signs as: favorite book of the New Year, favorite pastime, favorite job and much more. Such a horoscope will bring a smile even to those who are generally difficult to make laugh.

Horoscopes drawn up in a playful way will help diversify family holidays and corporate events. With such entertainment you can give a good mood to everyone present and make a “good forecast” for the coming year.

It so happens that modern man is very superstitious. In pursuit of a good life, prosperity, respected position and family happiness, he often relies on the “will of the stars” and magic. And that's not bad at all!

By psychologically setting yourself up for good changes, it is quite possible to achieve victories in everyday life! The main thing is to believe and make efforts. A comic horoscope, unlike a regular one, is drawn up in a humorous form.

Such an astrological forecast can be in prose or written in verse. Poems, by the way, are more easily and positively perceived by people at an event, at any feast and at any holiday.

Feature of the humorous - gently hint about the shortcomings of a certain zodiac sign and “generously predict” good changes in the coming or coming year. Such “instruction” will definitely make every guest present smile and leave him with pleasant memories.

IMPORTANT: A comic horoscope, as a rule, is compiled on the basis of a real one, created by astrologers. But, it is written in a more understandable language, in simple words and supplemented with wishes.

Comic horoscope in verse and prose for Aries men and women for 2019-2020

For men:

As they say, Aries is “still a ram.” And there is a share in this undeniable truth! Next year, Aries will be faced with a number of unpredictable situations that could confuse the “curly” ones. Be careful, don’t lean your horns into difficulties and try to overcome them! Being too stubborn is unlikely to help you achieve your desired goals. In the year of the Rat, Aries should relax a little and let the situation go, as they say, “with the flow.” This will allow you not only to relax, but to organize any business in such a way that it ends to your benefit!

For women:

If the Aries man is a “ram”, then the woman is a “baroness”. And this is not just a play on words! In the new year 2020, sheep women will be especially attractive and irresistible. Many of them will find “female happiness” thanks to the tenacity and frenzy with which they will strive to achieve what they want. In addition, if you are an Aries woman and have any acting skills, the horoscope wants you to pretend to be stupid from time to time for the same good purposes!

In verse:

Aries is a sign of “stubbornness” and arrogance,
Every little thing pisses them off!
To make life “sweet”
Drink without reserve on this holiday!

Aries need a lot of space
So that the house is not crowded,
On the robot, in the garage
And of course in the shower!

Aries celebrates the New Year
With an open soul:
Let the “barn” be full,
There are oats and grass in the bins!

Horoscope wishes for Aries
Be calmer and more gentle
So that the soul is calm,
Life would be more fun!

Happy New Year for Aries
He will definitely come to the house,
A new broom of bad weather
It will sweep it up and carry it away!

Comic New Year's horoscope 2020 for Aries women and men: poems

Comic horoscope in verse and prose for Taurus men and women for 2019-2020

For men:

In the new year, Taurus, like stubborn Aries, should“relax and slow down” a little. It is excessive tension and the desire to help everyone, everywhere and always, that destroys restless “bulls” and “chicks”, preventing them from getting the desired maximum from life. In the year of the Rat, Taurus will be especially vulnerable to difficulties and problems arising both on the love and professional fronts. In order for any outcome of the case to be positive and kind, do not hesitate to ask for help from loved ones. At the moment when life “shows a red rag” to Taurus, they should not accelerate and run towards a bright color, but close their eyes tightly and simply let “things take their course.” And without you, Taurus, others will figure it out just fine!

For women:

Taurus women need to be in the new year be especially careful with words spoken and emotions expressed. The fact is that the year of the Rat will allow the ladies of this Zodiac to be, so to speak, excited and not very mentally balanced. To avoid problems in relationships and at work, you need to “keep in check” your attacks of jealousy, rage and the desire to help everyone!

In verse:

Calm and peace to Taurus
I wish you a good horoscope,
So that life is easy and beautiful,
The problems “didn’t lead to death.”

More Taurus this year
The horoscope wishes you well,
So that there is a Porsche under the window,
So that there is a lump of dough under the mattress!

To Taurus this New Year
Love and inspiration will come,
Fate will bring good luck,
Calm, peace!

Taurus is strong and powerful,
And into the new year our horoscope
Wishes only a better life,
May you be incredibly lucky!

In the New Year's horoscope
And Taurus has a prediction:
Those who are single and free,
They will find recognition in love!

Comic horoscope in verse and prose for Gemini men and women for 2019-2020

For men:

Gemini is a special sign. Gathered in this sign bringing together several of the best human qualities: curiosity, prudence, wisdom, thirst for knowledge and development. Along with this, in the new year 2020 they should protect themselves from talkativeness, boasting and boringness. The horoscope advises Gemini to read, write, think more, but not speak out loud, otherwise the sign risks losing a number of important people in life. If you can’t talk about a new event, talk to the mirror or write!

For women:

There will be no Gemini for women in 2020 some special emotional outbursts, changes and fateful events. The Year of the Rat promises to be “fun” and full of pleasant little things: a new fur coat, a ring, a meeting with an old friend, who has also gained a lot over the past few years. Just live, as they say, “for yourself” and please your loved ones. Avoid gossip, and “bite your tongue” yourself if you want to retell the news you heard!

In verse:

Gemini, you are nonsense,
Refrain from sin!
Be quieter and wiser
To make life kinder!

The horoscope wishes you
Good-natured Geminis,
Eat a lot, listen more,
Don't talk about trifles!

New Year for Gemini:
Dear ladies and men,
Promises to be good.
Clap your hands loudly!

So that there is a lot of happiness,
Gemini is dear in the year
This one will be without barriers,
No problems, adversities, losses!

May Gemini this year
Having fun and frolicking.
May fate bring them
Lots of joy and happiness!

Comic horoscope in verse and prose for Cancer men and women for the new year 2019-2020

For men:

For Cancer men, the Year of the Rat promises small, but very pleasant changes in life. Firstly, this is wealth, it will “flow into your hands” slowly but very confidently. Secondly, you risk meeting “your soulmate” in this world, if you haven’t already. “Crawl out of your shell” more often, don’t be afraid to communicate with people, don’t close yourself off from your loved ones, and 2020 will be a very interesting year!

For women:

Cancer women will finally have a chance in 2020 feel needed, important, loved. The main thing is not to lose calm, self-confidence and harmony between soul and body. Speaking about the body, it is worth noting that in the year of the Rat, Cancers will experience incredible emotional uplift and any illness, as well as depression, will not “catch on” and ruin your mood.

In verse:

Cancers, you're in luck!
This year is a happy one for you!
The horoscope wishes you,
To be desired and beautiful!

In this year, Cancers need to know in general:
Wealth is not hidden in chests or money.
Wealth hides in the soul, in family, in friends,
They will help you at the right time and won’t let you get lost!

Cancers will have incredible luck in 2020!
They will find peace, wealth and love.
They will meet happiness along the way many times!
There will be plenty of joy, food and wine!

Cancers can have fun
Sing loudly, joke, dance.
Happiness rushes towards them in the New Year,
To hug everyone!

Happy holiday, Cancer!
The New Year promises you everything:
Lots of happiness and reasons to cry
Only from joy and trifles!

Comic horoscope in verse and prose for Leo men and women for the new year 2019-2020

For men:

Male lions inspire fear by their very appearance and respect for all other zodiac signs. They have the same attitude towards life: they let someone close, they “sharpen their claws” about others. The New Year 2020 for Leo will be very successful and lucky. The Year of the Rat will completely obey Leo and bring him many pleasant emotions!

For women:

Leo women, like men, will have luck in literally everything in 2020: they will climb the “career ladder”, meet a worthy man, gain health and be incredibly attractive. The Year of the Rat will bring “fatal pussies” a lot of profit, both in terms of “prey” and a new fur coat, boots, beads and earrings!

In verse:

2020 will be an easy year
It will be bright and happy!
He will bring health to the lions,
Inspiration and strength!

Leos will be pleasantly surprised
A successful year is coming for them!
In it they will “get drunk with happiness”
“Luck will come to their house.”

Fate promises all Leos and Lionesses
Good luck getting drunk this year
“Catch a star”, have luck,
And all victories without exception!

To lions, as rulers of the world,
The year wishes to be happy!
So that the house is full,
So that there is peace in your soul!

Horoscope wishes for Lionesses
To be real queens
And Leos have great wealth,
May life be simple and “smooth”!

Predictions for Leo

Comic horoscope in verse and prose for Virgo men and women for the new year 2019-2020

For men:

As you know, Virgo men are real “narcissists”. That is why in 2020, the horoscope predicts many difficulties for them, primarily with the fact that they are not able to “understand and love their neighbor.” The Year of the Rat promises to be not easy, and in order to achieve the desired results, Virgo will have to, as they say, “press on the gas” and make every effort.

For women:

Virgo women will feel like real queens in 2020! Of course, all the grace will not just fall from the sky on them and in order to please yourself with excellent results in the professional or personal sphere, you will need hard work and faith in yourself. Virgos should also begin to limit themselves in everything in 2019-2020: candy, gentlemen, spoken words. This will help you gain respect and recognition from others.

In verse:

Horoscope wishes for Virgos
Big and small victories!
Enter the New Year with confidence,
He will protect you from harm!

Seductive virgin beauties
The New Year will bring only joy!
Let life be the way you like it,
It will turn into sweetness for you!

To the wise and beautiful Virgos
New Year wishes boldly
Be successful in everything
And there was no reason for the troubles!

Virgos - zodiac sign,
New Year wishes you happiness!
So that goodness surrounds,
So that love does not disappear!

Smile wider, Virgos,
You are the happiest in the world!
There is no more beautiful person in this world
And throughout our entire planet!

Comic horoscope in verse and prose for Libra men and women for 2019-2020

For men:

In the new year 2020, Gemini men should devote time not only for self-development, but also for your appearance. Therefore, do not hesitate to get a membership to the gym, spa area or sauna. Being beautiful is not a sin! In addition, try to always be closer to your family, do not hesitate to be boring and intrusive, just show your interest in what is happening.

For women:

In the year of the Rat, women of the Libra sign will “fly in the clouds.” That is why they will often not be on time always and everywhere. In order for your affairs to go well and end with the desired outcome, you should stock up on perseverance and constantly “slap yourself on the cheeks” in order to return to reality. In the New Year, be sure to devote a lot of time to your beauty and health, and take care of your loved ones.

In verse:

Smile, all men,
If there is a Libra nearby.
These women are beautiful
Dream come true!

New Year will give Libra
There are many reasons to be happy.
He will leave it under the Christmas tree
Gifts, kisses and hugs!

Huge adventures for Libra
Will add a new year to life,
So that there are no disappointments,
He will bring you good luck!

The stars have now decided:
In the new fabulous year
Libra will receive strength as a gift,
Warmth, love, family comfort!

Libra has big changes
The likelihood of them is so high
All the best will happen without a doubt
Life will be bright and easy!

Comic horoscope in verse and prose for Scorpio men and women for 2019-2020

For men:

Scorpio men will have to really try keep your thoughts and emotions in harmony with your body. This “poisonous” zodiac sign will be especially vulnerable and excited in 2019-2020. That is why you should refrain from scandals, quarrels and divorces. On the other hand, the year is very successful for making money, and therefore it is best to direct your energy to improving your financial condition.

For women:

Like men, Scorpio women in 2019-2020 They will be real “hysterics”. Ladies should very skillfully hide their real emotions and feelings so as not to spoil their relationships with everyone around them. The year promises many romantic and love encounters, which in turn does not interfere with Scorpio’s existing marriage.

In verse:

Scorpios are good:
Lots of money and soul!
The horoscope tells the sign
Just cry with happiness!

In the year 2020 to all Scorpios,
A lot of changes are coming:
In work, relationships and at home.
Try to avoid problems!

Scorpios urgently need
Lots of exciting changes.
Horoscope wishes friendship
Solve your problems!

For life to be successful,
Scorpios, try your best.
Horoscope wishes: tenderly
Smile at problems!

2020 is knocking on your door,
His time has now come.
Now good things will happen
Happy New Year with Scorpio!

Comic horoscope in verse and prose for Sagittarius men and women for 2019-2020

For men:

Sagittarius men “risk” being lucky in the new year and happy, they have every chance for this. The main thing is not to lose your luck on the way to happiness. In the professional and personal spheres, everything will be very smooth and quite “even” - without losses and disappointments. Smile more at the world around you and everything will be fine!

For women:

Sagittarius women should definitely“catch luck by the tail”, and then hide it in yourself and not let it go. If ladies make an effort in the year of the Rat, they will definitely gain recognition, find true love and climb high, high up the career ladder.

In verse:

“Let Sagittarius live well” -
Astrological forecast advises.
Let them rest body and soul,
Let them not shed hot tears in vain!

Heaven wishes for a Sagittarius man
Be a true champion of the ladies.
Let life not hit you in the face with a glove,
Give way to dreams and deeds!

Let Sagittarius' dreams come true,
Let your wishes come true!
Astrologers wish Sagittarius beauty,
Good luck, joy, love charm!

Sagittarians are the favorites of luck,
Let it be this way and not otherwise!
And the New Year will give into winter
To them happiness and happy love!

The stars predicted joy
A gift for all Sagittarius.
Life will be like sweetness for them,
Every day is cheerful and bright!

Comic horoscope in verse and prose for Capricorn men and women for 2019-2020

For men:

In the new year, Capricorn men should finally understand what they want in their life: love, family or a big career leap. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to get everything at once, and therefore all your strength should be directed in only one direction. The year is good for searching for yourself, muse and space. However, if you fly too far, you risk losing touch with reality, that is, ruining your relationships with others.

For women:

Capricorn women will become real muses for their men, admirers and admirers. The year promises ladies to be filled with beauty, harmony and purity. Each representative of this zodiac sign “risks” falling in love completely by accident and very deeply. Financially, Capricorns will be very vulnerable and wasteful.

In verse:

In the year 2020 Capricorns
The stars wish to be themselves,
Along your life paths
Walk with a happy destiny!

Lucky all Capricorns
Good comes to their house
Happy New Year,
There will be no trouble!

Luck and prosperity is knocking,
To the homes of all Capricorns in the New Year.
Let a good fairy tale happen
Dreams will not be a sweet dream!

Astrologers wish you harmony,
Find strength and love within yourself.
The year for Capricorns promises to be calm,
And the feelings will excite the blood!

Capricorns are incredibly lucky
The year will be pleasant and happy.
Men's pockets will be full,
Well, the women will turn out to be beautiful!

Comic horoscope in verse and prose for Aquarius men and women for 2019-2020

For men:

The New Year will be very calm for Aquarius men and measured. Practically, not a single event can disturb the peace of mind of men and prevent them from achieving their desired goals. In the personal life of Aquarius, there is an abundance of romantic meetings, tender feelings and only pleasant changes.

For women:

Women of this zodiac sign are quite frivolous., but at the same time romantic and dreamy. The Year of the Rat promises them an abundance of love affairs and only positive changes. But, at the same time, you should not “drown in the abyss of your dreams,” so as not to lose touch with reality.

In verse:

Aquarians will feel
Have fun, wait and believe,
What in their life is like in a fairy tale
Happiness will knock on the door!

For Aquarius, New Year is a favorite holiday,
He gives them the warmth of loved ones.
Astrologers promise you only joy,
Luck - it will just walk through your door!

Astrological predictions
They wish Aquarius to be wiser,
Make decisions with a smile in your heart,
May your dreams come true as soon as possible!

Horoscope wishes for Aquarius
A lot of bright, love joys,
So that the love in the soul does not fade away,
And my soul was as light as snow!

Comic horoscope in verse and prose for Pisces men and women for 2019-2020

For men:

Pisces men will “swim calmly” all year round with the flow” and float past problems, failures and disappointments. This year, the strong half of humanity will definitely meet “their fish” and find family happiness. In the year of the Rat, don’t expect any strong “career ups”, but this is far from bad.

For women:

The main thing for Pisces women in the year of the Rat is not to look stupid and do not create too negative an impression of yourself. Be active and cheerful, laugh in the face of failures and problems. In your personal life, the year promises positive changes, for example, a new lover or a marriage proposal!

In verse:

Let Pisces sail to their luck
Happy new colorful year!
Let difficult problems be solved,
And life will not throw Pisces into the frying pan!

Pisces are very silent
Pisces love silence.
Wishes for the New Year to Pisces
Horoscope “to catch your dream”!

So that Pisces have fun and joy,
Astrologers foretell them:
Relax, eat sweets,
The stars foretell love for you!

Video: “Comic Horoscope for 2020 for friends”

This year is the best for Aries -
He is both kind and lucky!
Aries will be in chocolate
And put up for a reward.
For some, the reward is chance,
For others it is a powerful process,
To many Aries for order
Charging would be nice.
Health promotion -
An important condition in business.
Aries has a wonderful year ahead -
A year of desperate troubles!


This year it's time for Taurus
Take luck by the horns
Since this year is his
Suddenly I came to the courtyard.
Piggy will sing to Taurus
About a happy New Year.
Only Taurus should know:
Business is the crown of joy!
This year Taurus needs
Be everywhere: both here and there
Control the process
May progress move forward!


Ground yellow pig
In Gemini it will lift the spirit -
Everything will be within their reach -
There is no reason to go to the doctor.
Good health awaits them
In the vastness of the Black Sea region,
Joy and wealth await them,
Consistency in your personal life!
The year is in store for Gemini
Solid everyday life round dance,
Bright holidays cascade
And a waterfall of emotions!


In 2019 the Year of the Pig
Cancers will be completely lucky:
They will drink happiness in a mug,
Bring joy to your loved ones.
They won’t back away -
All the bad things will be forgotten.
Like a holiday, going to work
They will come running eagerly.
Career takeoff awaits Cancers
And a huge steamship
Which Cancer will rise
And it will float to luck!

a lion

Lviv is waiting for dinner parties,
Long-awaited victories
Traveling around the countries
Life without falsehood and deception.
Leos also recognize happiness
Something that tears your soul apart.
They will be lucky in their personal life -
Everything will be fine in business!
The house will be built on three floors,
They will live there shockingly,
Every evening by candlelight
See the sparkle in your own eyes!


Virgos cannot sleep in the Year of the Pig
They will sing and have fun,
They will glow with joy
Their mysterious faces!
There will be Virgos in personal terms
Living like on a big volcano
They will enjoy passion
And make peace and swear,
But the result of these quarrels
There will be a wedding for forty people.
There will be happiness and wine,
Life is like in a colorful movie!


For Libra, the whole year is coming
It will be a raking year:
All Libra with a big shovel
They will rake in salaries.
They will start families,
They will build and love,
They will swear, think, believe,
Open doors to luck.
Expects Libra in the Year of the Pig
Lots of pleasant things to do,
An inheritance awaits abroad
At the prince's residence!


Dear Scorpios
An abyss awaits happiness,
This year is a joy for them,
Everything will be as it should be!
There will be meetings in restaurants,
There will be dollars in your pockets,
There will be a new apartment
And a garage for two cars.
And love will knock on the house,
The eye will light up with passion.
This year is for Scorpios -
A year of miracles, new surprises!


All Sagittarius in the year of the Pig
They will not live without sin,
Since they are in love captivity
The time of change will twist.
For Sagittarius - the sweetest ladies -
It's time to pull out the quiver,
Get arrows out of it
And shoot at men, shoot!
And Sagittarius is masculine
They are waiting for recognition and awards,
Waiting for a salary increase
And pleasant moments!


This year is for Capricorns
It will mean a lot -
Our Piggy is mischievous
Loves the earth sign!
Very bright road
Capricorns are waiting -
Be it a cruise or a tour -
Capricorns are welcome everywhere.
Capricorns are careerists
The tail of luck will be grabbed quickly,
And to family Capricorns
The stork will sit near the windows!


Success awaits Aquarius
On weekdays - business, on holidays - laughter,
The pig cooks for them
Very valuable store -
There is joy and goodness,
One hundred kilograms of happiness,
It distributes health,
They dance and sing in it!
Aquarius will be honored
Good luck this year,
Their love awaits
What stirs sweet blood!


The Year of the Pig is coming -
He brings joy to the fish,
Climbing the career ladder
And good luck, of course.
Pisces will swim often
In the ocean of stormy happiness,
Bring loot to the house,
Go crazy with love!
Shining for unmarried Pisces
Wedding, and after the wedding children,
Singles will find
Home, registration and comfort!

Funny, comic and humorous predictions for all zodiac signs for the year Fire Rooster 2017 especially for you pointka .net!

Cheer yourself and your friends up by reading a funny horoscope for 2017 to guests at the festive New Year's table or sending a funny SMS with the forecast to your friends and colleagues. But don't forget that every joke has its share. jokes.

  • Cool horoscope for 2017 according to the signs of the Zodiac: Aries

Horoscope for 2017 © Depositphotos

On the outwardly flexible Ovechek In the year of the Rooster, ram stubbornness may attack. But this is for the best, because their strength, like that of a chicken, with the right pressure is capable of moving mountains. It is determination that the Rooster expects from you in 2017. But be careful not to overdo it so that fluff and feathers don’t fly off your head!

  • Cool horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs: Taurus

Horoscope for 2017 © Depositphotos

The rooster crowed, but at least don’t shine - with this approach to life Taurus risk sleeping quietly in their stall all year until the event. It is time to step from your favorite furrow into a new direction, feel all the beauty of the world around you and proudly say your final word for all to hear!

  • Cool horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs: Gemini

Horoscope for 2017 © Depositphotos

Gemini Stop dragging the blanket from one half of yourself to the other. Finally, remember about your real soulmate! Just as a barley grain is dearer to the Rooster than all pearls, so your family should become dearer to you for all earthly blessings. Otherwise, you risk missing out on your happiness and sitting cackling in splendid isolation.

  • Cool horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs: Cancer

Horoscope for 2017 © Depositphotos

Until the rooster pecks. Well, you yourself know the rest, but for some reason the desire to provoke fate will not leave the majority Rakov in 2017. But where you need to prove yourself, you continue to back away, instead of taking decisive action. Overcome your fears on your own, rather than wait for a kick in the ass or a beak on the back of your head.

  • Cool horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs: Leo

Horoscope for 2017 © Depositphotos

A good housewife has a rooster laying, so the ambitious Leos All they have to do is throw it properly, and the whole world will spin around them. But in the heat of narcissism, don’t go too far, otherwise you’ll have to sort things out with the symbol of the year for a long time, proving that your mane is cooler than a loose rooster’s tail!

  • Cool horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs: Virgo

Horoscope for 2017 © Depositphotos

Keep your nose up and don't be a wet Hen, especially in the year of the Rooster! Modest and economical Virgo It doesn’t hurt to clean your feathers more often and go out into the world from your chicken coop. The world exists not only at home, but also outside, and there it is much larger. They count chickens in the fall, so you practically have the whole year ahead of you!

  • Cool horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs: Libra

Horoscope for 2017 © Depositphotos

Other people's Roosters always sing better than their own, and therefore Libra You shouldn’t listen to and believe naive fairy tales. Moreover, you are not lacking in your own prudence in thoughts and balance in actions. And for any provocateurs, you always have weights stored in your pocket - even if they don’t fit!

  • Cool horoscope for 2017 according to the signs of the Zodiac: Scorpio

Horoscope for 2017 © Depositphotos

Catch your Rooster like a bird of happiness by the tail, and take full advantage of the coming year. But don't waste yourself right and left - kiss Scorpio sweet, but greedy and taciturn. Be friendly with your friends, and for your enemies at the right moment you will have both a sharp word and a dose of poison.

  • Cool horoscope for 2017 according to the signs of the Zodiac: Sagittarius

Horoscope for 2017 © Depositphotos

Sagittarius, having gotten used to the role of a loving cupid and shooting arrows right and left, be careful not to kill the Rooster that runs past you! Although the soup with it is good, it is somehow illogical to remain without the symbol of the year. Therefore, try not to offend the Rooster with your sparkling humor and rash actions, because after taking revenge, he can peck where it hurts most.

  • Cool horoscope for 2017 according to the signs of the Zodiac: Capricorn

Horoscope for 2017 © Depositphotos

Walking until the first Roosters, Capricorns in the new year, manage to get things done, and catch every offender on the horn - so that there is a desire. And now the question is who will convince whom - the ambitious and hot-tempered Rooster or the boring Capricorn. Try to switch to analysis, and then you will easily reach sky-high heights and solid ground under your feet.

  • Cool horoscope for 2017 according to the signs of the Zodiac: Aquarius

Horoscope for 2017 © Depositphotos

Aquarius They are no strangers to pouring water into their mill, which means they will have flour, bread, and dinner. What else is needed to seduce the Rooster? Feed you nourishingly, give you a drunken drink, and even pleasantly praise you. Then he will praise you and will not offend you throughout the year. The main thing is not to drown in his love.

  • Cool horoscope for 2017 according to the zodiac signs: Pisces

Horoscope for 2017 © Depositphotos

Don't expect golden eggs from the Rooster in 2017 if you remain silent like Fish about ice. Charm, clean feathers or scales, or what have you? In short, become a Goldfish, and then the symbol of the year will adequately reward your efforts. Although you yourself will be able to make others happy by fulfilling their desires.

Watch the video clip of the New Year's song:

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  • We offer you a cool horoscope for 2017 according to zodiac signs to entertain guests on New Year's Eve and subsequent holidays. Remember that a comic horoscope may contain some barbs and hints; it is important to try not to offend anyone. If you know that one of the guests has taboo topics, you need to re-read the congratulations. If necessary, congratulations can be slightly altered. By the way, we also have .

    Comic funny horoscope for 2017


    The Year of the Rooster is coming, which will be close and understandable to Aries by nature. After all, Aries are as stubborn as roosters. You need to prepare for a serious confrontation and try to move forward without noticing anything around you. This behavior is familiar to you and there is no need to change it; on the contrary, this year it is even welcomed. Visit your old friends, don't give in to anyone for work. It is possible that by pressing your horn in 2017, you will be able to attract good luck to yourself, and not scare away, as usually happens.


    The stars from the sky look at Taurus very languidly. They like both the free spirit of the representatives of this zodiac sign and their pretty face. On the eve of 2017, Taurus themselves are satisfied not only with their appearance, but also with life in general. The Year of the Rooster is at the gates and is it worth pretending that the Rooster is not an old acquaintance of yours? Taurus will buy a lot of souvenirs and will not spare money. True, many gifts will be so good that you will want to keep them for yourself. So, better celebrate 2017 at home, surrounded by your favorite things.


    It is always difficult for the dual nature of Gemini to decide to take any step. But just the next step can completely change your destiny! Don’t be afraid to stumble and don’t have to tell yourself for the hundredth time that life is already sad, especially in December. At the end of the year, drive away the sadness, although it will be extremely difficult for you to do this. Become an object of admiration for the people around you and stop being stupid. As soon as you dare to take a responsible step, the Rooster will definitely support and help. Read to draw conclusions about how to live further.

    Your feelings will not cool down in 2017, and the intensity of events will not stop making you happy or sad. Try to look at all events in a positive way, and not, as usual, with a drooping nose and tears in your eyes. If only the rooster notices the delight in your eyes, then she will be able and willing to help so that everything happens and your loved one is finally nearby. The forecast for the year is, in principle, normal for you. December will not be extreme, so get ready for the New Year's ball.

    Proud Leo has not been as happy about anything for a long time as he was at the end of 2016. This is understandable, because the relationship with the Monkey was very tense. It depends only on you how good the relationship with the sweet and kind rooster will be. It is possible that work will get to you, but Cockerel loves hard workers very much. If you cannot express your love in any other way, then express it in words - this is the surest and most proven way. You should be lucky with your high self-esteem in 2017, because the symbol of the year loves brave and decisive people.


    Everyone claps, but the applause dies down when Virgo enters. People simply adore representatives of this zodiac sign, although they like to say unkind things behind their backs. If Virgo usually tries not to show herself in the first roles, then in 2017 this must be done. Many people at work still don’t know your name, so it’s time to fix everything. You can start right from December, then your first breakthrough in your career will be obvious. You will find peace in love, and the year will be happy. A bright holiday will come soon and, like a prankish boy, it will definitely change everything.


    In the year of the Rooster, Libra can make serious mistakes in people, but do not despair. Try to open your heart only to your friends and avoid the flattery that surrounds you everywhere. There is a chance that 2017 will be great, but you have to stop weighing and just take the chance. You will be able to enjoy communication, but do not communicate with people to your detriment. You like to talk a lot and listen a lot, but now is the time to think: “Do I need this?” And these are not selfish thoughts at all, the more negativity you cut off, the more positive you will bring into your life. The rooster does not like to beat around the bush, he prefers a good vegetable garden.


    Scorpios always think only about their family and home. But as soon as they appear there, scandals and quarrels arise. You need to stop with this and, perhaps, having learned kindness and understanding from the Rooster in 2017, you will be able to become a good and pleasant person. Of course, you have to work hard, but it's worth it. By the way, in 2017 you will often be visited by nostalgia: how young you were, how carefree. Remember the mistakes you made in your youth and don’t make them again. All this will help improve relationships with others.


    With Sagittarius, everything will be just fine. December will pass on a cheerful note and this cheerfulness, even through the sleepless nights of constant parties, can be safely transferred to January, and then also to February. Watch where your thoughts take you and just be honest. If not with others, then at least with yourself personally. Spend more time with your lap and friends, but remember your family. The world won't collapse if you don't get to some party.


    In December, Capricorns constantly have thoughts spinning in their heads that they need to change their lives. But they don't know how to do it. We think it's simply a question of price. If you have already decided that you will change your life, you will be ready to pay for it with changes. Capricorns are almost related to Roosters. Therefore, you can decide to take such a difficult step in 2017. But if it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t matter. After all, there will be a new December and again you can start thinking your sad constant thoughts.


    Things are always wonderful for Aquarius, and this December there simply won’t be time for sadness. You are already unaccustomed to the fact that something in life does not go well or doubts arise. In 2017, you won't get used to it either. Live your life the way you personally like. Of course, this often irritates those around us. But it doesn’t matter, because you don’t care about public opinion. Relationships with the Rooster will most likely be good. After all, many people love Aquarius precisely for their audacity.


    For everyone in 2017, Pisces will seem like a practical ideal of beauty. But you understand that all this is very exaggerated. You should not rush to extremes and be fooled by compliments, because Pisces must understand themselves and understand what exactly they are like a fish in water. The prediction sounds quite confusing, so contact the smartest sign in the company to untangle the predictions. This, by the way, is definitely not Cancer.

    A simple and cool New Year's horoscope for 2017, which can make the holiday brighter and more interesting. We also offer you